Home Mushrooms A comic tale about a turnip, both on. Funny fairy tale scene about a turnip

A comic tale about a turnip, both on. Funny fairy tale scene about a turnip

Good to do in groups. They choose characters and give them words. Each character says only one phrase.
Where the mountains are high
in a house near the river
Once upon a time there was little grandfather Tolik
he is an alcoholic at heart.

Even though he was in his old age
stood firmly on his feet.
Since I haven’t poured it since morning
He lived well and had no worries.
Drink and let's scream...

Grandfather: We will live vigorously, mother!
Grandma Anna lived with him
oh and it was harmful
Giantess height
chieftain's disposition
She gets her grandfather's drink
there was no life either
That's why she was bored
and greeted the neighbor
Grandfather - on a binge, she - to the neighbor
for an intimate conversation
Even though she kept saying...

Their granddaughter was visiting them there,
This granddaughter is simply powerful!
It's a miniskirt and a slit!
Looks like he's wearing a skirt, maybe without it.
Breast-melon liquid,
lips filled with juice
And of course the miracle of legs
like from a playboy cover
It's like a rose has bloomed...

Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

A on the farm y grandfather
it was nothing but a trifle
Two goats and a vegetable garden
yes the dog is at the gate
Nimble, nice little dog
yes, nicknamed Tail
Not at all from boasting
he just had no tail.
Either God didn't give it to him,
either he ripped it off somewhere
But the absence of a wave
didn't annoy anyone
The dog barked rather sluggishly...

The cat Murka lived there,
she was clean
I ate whiskey, drank juice,
yes, she slept on the armchair.
And in my maiden dreams
I was waiting for the young prince.
She has bad weather in her soul...

Cat: Where do you roam, my happiness?

The Mouse lived there at ease
He was stronger and taller than everyone else
The whole Mouse village knew
he was the first bouncer
In a village tavern
called "Sake"
And in the village all the people
The mouse called the muzzle
It's just great to talk to him...

Mouse: Fir-paly sha atas!

Well, now you all know
the inhabitants of their house.
So here's part two:
one day in early May
Grandfather to an alcoholic
the thought came to trouble
He decided to plant turnips
he went out into the field at dawn
I buried the grains in the ground,
buried it, watered it...
And I went to hand over the glass...

Grandfather: We will live, mother is vigorous!

And then he went on a drinking binge
and forgot about my root.
Well, it's summer at this time
it was generous in the heat
The turnips were ripe and filling
Yes, I washed myself with the rains
So by autumn she
became large and strong.
Everyone around admired...

Grandfather came out into the field and looked...

Grandfather: We will live, mother is vigorous!
Grandfather strained himself
but only one belt
The frail one burst from movement
there's such tension
At least there's a turnip there.
Grandfather tried again
But there is no progress to be seen...

Grandfather: We will live, mother is vigorous!

And he left the field
finish your moonshine.
And at that time from a neighbor
grandma walked after the conversation
Grandma sees a turnip in the field
and twice the field size.
It pulls this way and that,
Yes, the reserve of strength has dried up.
I shouldn't have gone to my neighbor...

Grandma: The other needs strength!

Stretching out on the porch
she crawled to the stove and sends her granddaughter to Sveta
pull turnips for lunch
The granddaughter raised an eyebrow...

Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

I went out into the field to pick turnips
and doesn’t know how to approach her.
And he’ll push her sideways
and presses the other way around.
The girl tore her stockings -
the turnip is where it was.
The girl spat out of frustration
and went to change outfits
At the fence Tail
and breaks his strap.
I would like to refresh myself from the beginning...

Dog: Give me something to eat, I don’t have enough bones!

Little Tail Untied
ordered to pull turnips
ran up to grab it with his teeth
and let's bite her
And claw and mouth together
only the turnips are all in place
Smiling sitting
and moves the tops.
Kobelek with this annoyance
made a "psy" on this turnip
Growled for another minute
and wandered tiredly into the booth.
And about all these things
Murka already knew
Resting on the porch
and I saw the whole picture.
Passions suddenly boiled over in Murka...

She wanted it so bad
apply maturity somewhere
K turnip crept up from behind
Yes, she dug in with her claws!
I pulled as hard as I could
I just dulled my claws.
Just woke up from a drinking binge
Tolik-grandfather on an old bed
And I decided to attract people
go out to the garden together.
Make a circle around the turnip...

Turnip: Now I’m your first friend!

Grandmother's trousers
clutches in two hands
The granddaughter came running too
and got into a cutesy pose
Scoundrel Tail
he grabbed her stocking.
Well, Murka is our light
looks for a tail, but there is none.
Murka was very surprised
She grabbed Tailtail's paw.
Here they are pulling that turnip
only the strength fades and fades
Who swears like a thief...

Grandfather: We will live, mother is vigorous!
Who's making cute noises...
Grandma: The other needs strength!
The granddaughter has already brought everyone...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it!
Host: The dog whines again at first...
Dog: Give me something to eat, I don’t have enough bones!
Host: Murka is boiling with passion...
Murka: Where are you wandering, my happiness?

That heavy barge-haul howl
our heard Mouse hero
To showdown in the garden
the muzzle hastened
And I decided to help for once...

Mouse: Fir-paly sha atas!

Slowly approaches the turnip,
looks around everyone with an impudent glance
Turnip tenderly hugs
and takes it out of the garden.
Everyone gathered around...

Turnip: Now I’m your first friend!

Here our people reached out,
started up, looked around
And he went to drink moonshine,
It’s good that he’s always there.
Moonshine flows like a river
there is a feast in the village.
And our story is over...

Mouse: Fir-paly sha atas!

The play "Turnip" is one of the most popular productions in schools and kindergartens. But our sketch “Turnip” has been remade in such a way that it becomes more instructive for children. For example, the sketch “Turnip,” based on the fairy tale of the same name, teaches children friendship and mutual assistance. After all, together we can handle any task. But the remade sketch “Turnip,” among other things, shows children how important it is to be able to forgive people close to you.

The characters in the remade scene "Turnip" remain the same. Only Grandmother and Granddaughter started to fashion something in Lately, and Zhuchka and Murka became completely lazy. But the Mouse, as before, is ready to come to the aid of Grandfather.

Script for the scene "Turnip" (remade)

You can’t read many fairy tales in the world right away,
But you won’t find a scene like ours in a book.
The entire scene has been remade new way,
And everyone will be glad to see her.

Grandmother and grandfather lived and did not grieve.
They did not save money and were not in poverty.
Grandpa planted a turnip in the spring
She has grown big, enough for everyone.
And grandpa calls his grandma...

Grandma wifey, help me!

Where is grandma, did you see the old one?
You see, I'm doing a manicure, I got it!

Help me pull the turnip from the ground,
And then cook porridge for us from the turnips.

Why are you grandpa? Should I dig in the ground?
I didn’t plant a turnip, and it’s not up to me to pull it.
I’ll get my delicate hands dirty!
Better things await me today:
Massage and cosmetologist, okay, I'm off!

Grandfather sadly calls his granddaughter...

Granddaughter, dear help
Pull the turnip off the ground as quickly as possible.
Grandma refused: manicure, massage...

And in response from the Granddaughter there is a refusal. Granddaughter:
Oh grandpa, grandpa, I'm going to the solarium,
It is necessary that the skin often tans.
I will be the first model in the country,
You better call your animals.

Well, I’ll go and call Zhuchka or something.
Good mongrel, please help me.
I'll cook you turnip porridge,
You will live in a warm house all winter.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Made me laugh, look!
I don't need your porridge, I only eat Pedigree.
I'm on a diet, I want to be slim,
And your porridge makes me growl no more.
I don’t need your house, because winter is over,
I don’t have time, grandpa, it’s time to go for a walk with my friend.

Well, will you have to ask Murka...
Murka, dear, have mercy, help,
We'll go fishing together,
Eat fish raw and cook fish soup...

Murka stretched and meowed in the corner,
She turned on her side and said...

M-u-r! What happened again, Grandfather, with us?
It would be better if you went and bought Whiskas.
Grandma eats handfuls of sweets.
And no one will even buy me a Kitekat.
I'm allergic to turnips, I don't like them
And gardening is not my hobby.
And now, grandpa, I need to sleep,
To give a concert on the roof until the morning.

Grandfather went sadly to the turnip garden,
Knowing that the Mouse won’t go either.
After all, he is a small rodent, I didn’t call him
But he sees that the Mouse immediately came running.

It’s okay, grandpa, we can handle it together. They pulled a turnip! Once, again...

(The mouse and grandfather pull out the turnip and find a bag under it.)

God! What is this? Gold! Coins! There's a whole bag here!
What a miracle turnip! What a miracle the garden is!
Let's live richly, you and I, little mouse.
Well, I won’t let those slackers home.
We must live in harmony, friendship and love,
After all, relatives should help.
There is a lot of money, enough for you and me,
We will donate half of the amount to the orphanage.

(Grandfather and Mouse lift the bag onto their shoulders.)

Everyone (running after grandfather):
Well, forgive us, Grandpa!
We will help you
Listen to you in everything
Always live in harmony!

Okay, I’ll forgive you for the last time.
Each of you is dear to me.
After all, people need to live in peace
And cherish your friendship!

The remade scene “Turnip” ends on such a cheerful note. As always, friendship won, although this time not through joint efforts. This production will do well as, kindergarten, and can be shown to children of younger or middle age at school at an extracurricular event.

Corporate culture - important factor environment in any company. If the organization has correctly formed principles corporate culture, people work with full dedication, and the company achieves its goals faster. - another way to strengthen the friendly atmosphere and establish warm relationships in the team.

There are many reasons for such events: calendar celebrations, company anniversaries, completion of important projects, employee birthdays. Professional hosts, pop artists, singers, and dance groups are invited to host the celebrations.

A more soulful version of the holiday is guaranteed if you come up with a program yourself and, moreover, directly participate in it. And you don’t have to find much time to prepare the celebration, because it is not necessary to have a carefully rehearsed script. Fairy tales in a new way for a corporate party will help create a good mood for everyone.

Such performances do not require serious preparation; on the contrary, impromptu, improvisation is the most valuable thing in such productions. Costumes and scenery are selected in a stylized manner. Roles can be distributed according to the nature of the characters, but it can also be done by drawing lots. No rehearsals are needed. Success largely depends on the leader. Reading a fairy tale, arranging pauses and accents, he helps the artists.

There are several types of such fairy tales - shapeshifters. A fairy tale based on pantomime does not involve memorizing texts. Each actor, getting used to his role (often an inanimate character), tries to illustrate the presenter’s story with gestures and body movements. Costumes and decorations are optional. Scenarios for fairy tales in a new way for corporate events can be found on the Internet, or you can come up with them yourself.

Pantomime fairy tale for a corporate party

  • Characters:
  • Leading;
  • King and Queen;
  • Prince and Princess;
  • two Horses;
  • Oak and Puddle;
  • Breeze and Crow;
  • two Frogs;
  • Snake robber.

Act one

Presenter (V.): The curtain opens!

(Curtain runs across the stage, imitating the opening of curtains).

V.: In front of us is a snow-covered clearing, and on it is a mighty, spreading and slightly brooding Oak tree.

(Oak appears, swinging its mighty branch arms).

V.: A young, imposing and slightly pensive Crow sat comfortably on its strong branches.

(The Crow appears and, cawing, “sits” on the Oak).

V.: At the roots of a mighty oak tree there is a wide, deep, ice-covered Puddle.

(If conditions do not allow Puddle to lie down, you can put a chair for her).

V.: in Puddle, two cheerful green Frogs croaked freely.

(Two Frogs jump out and, croaking, sit down with different sides from a puddle; The Crow continues to croak, and the Oak continues to sway).

V: You can hear thunder in the distance.

(Thunder appears, making loud sounds, shouts: “Fuck-cracker!”).

V: The curtain is closing!

(The curtain walks across the stage with arms raised, simulating curtains closing.)

Act two

V.: The curtain opens! (The curtain returns to its place, repeating its movements only backwards).

V.: In a snowy clearing, on the branches of a mighty spreading Oak tree, a pretty Crow sits, cawing at the top of her lungs. At the foot of the oak tree a full-flowing Puddle spread out, on which two croaking frogs perched.

(Participants repeat their movements, synchronously accompanying the text).

V.: A fresh breeze blew, tickled the crow’s feathers, refreshed the wet paws of the frogs.

(The breeze lifts the hair on the Crow's head and waves his hands at the Frogs).

V.: A beautiful Princess appears. She carefreely jumps around the clearing and catches snowflakes.

(The princess duplicates the text with appropriate movements).

V.: Suddenly, somewhere nearby, Horse No. 1 neighed. Prince Charming rode out into the clearing, riding a young stallion.

(The first Horse appears with the exclamation “I-go-go!” and Prince Charming is riding on it).

V.: The prince and princess met their eyes and were dumbfounded. They immediately fell in love with each other at first sight.

(The Prince and Princess first freeze, stare intently, then bow.)

V.: The curls of the young couple were gently ruffled by a fresh breeze. Having played enough with the lovers, a fresh breeze sat under the Crow’s wing.

(The breeze repeats the movements according to the text).

V.: Suddenly thunder was heard, and the Oak tree began to tremble with its entire mighty body. The crow flies away to the south, croaking in panic, and the fresh Breeze follows. The frightened Frogs croaked.

(All listed characters portray and voice their roles).

V.: The Terrible Robber galloped up on his horse No. 2. He takes the Princess with him.

(The Robber on Horse hugs the Princess and drags her along).

V.: Everything is quiet. The prince sobs and tries to drown himself in a puddle out of grief.

(The Prince puts his head on Luzha’s lap and sobs loudly.)

V.: Curtain!

(The curtain runs backwards across the stage.)

Act three

V.: The curtain opens! (The curtain passes across the stage again, simulating the opening of curtains.)

V.: Within the walls of the castle, the King and Queen are crying, mourning their missing daughter. Everyone is crying, including Oak and Puddle.

(The King and Queen appear arm in arm, with loud sobs. Everyone greets them with bitter exclamations).

V.: The Prince asks for blessings from the King and Queen and rushes off to find the Princess.

(The Prince kneels on one knee in front of the Queen and she makes the cross over him.)

V.: Thunder roars again and the Robber appears on his Horse. The Prince and the Robber fight.

(Scene of the battle between the Prince and the Robber on Horses).

V.: The robber is defeated! A crow and a fresh breeze are returning from the south. A fresh breeze brings the young princess.

(The robber runs away, Veterok appears with the Princess in his arms).

Presenter: The king and queen saw the prince and princess and rushed to kiss everyone.

(The King and Queen kiss all the fairy tale heroes present).

V.: Then they heard the chimes. After all, we completely forgot that today New Year, but they realized it in time and started drinking champagne.

Such a tale can be adapted to any time of year and any holiday.

A slightly more complicated version of the fairy tale in a new way for a corporate party - based on roles with text. The lines are very small and are repeated constantly throughout the production, after each mention of the character by the presenter, creating a special charm for the actors.

“Turnip” - a fairy tale with voiced roles

For a fairy tale - improvisation, you need to prepare some props:

  • curtain (held by two participants);
  • beard for grandfather;
  • apron for grandmother;
  • cap with tail for turnip;
  • costume elements of a dog, mouse and cat.
  1. Characters:
  2. Leading;
  3. A turnip with the remark “Oba-na, that’s what I am...”;
  4. Grandfather - “I would kill him, damn it”
  5. Grandma - “Where are my 17 years old?”;
  6. Granddaughter - “I’m not ready”;
  7. Dog Bug - “Well, damn it, it’s a dog’s job”;
  8. Cat - “Get the dog off the playground! I'm allergic to her fur! I can’t work without valerian!
  9. Mouse - It’s okay, will a mosquito gore you?”

It’s not bad if the role of the mouse that solves the whole problem goes to the manager or the hero of the occasion.

Presenter (V.): In Japan there is a theater where all roles - male and female - are played only by men. Today you have on tour such a theater of 7 actors (invites those interested) with a fairy tale in a new way for the Turnip corporate party. .

A small curtain is erected and the actors hide behind it.

V.: Dear viewers! Would you like to see a fairy tale in a new way? Familiar to the point of surprise, but with some additions... in one, well, very rural area, very far from fame, there lived a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

V.: and grandfather planted a turnip.

(Turnip emerges)

Turnip: Oh-ba-na! That's what I am!

V.: Our turnip has grown big and big!

(Turnip emerges from behind the curtain)

Repka: Oba, that’s what I am!

V.: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.

Grandfather: (leaning out from behind the curtain) I would kill him, damn it!

Repka: Oba, that’s what I am!

V.: Grandfather called Grandfather.

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

Grandma (emerging above the curtain): Where are my 17 years?!

V.: grandma came...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

Host: Grandma for grandpa...

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

V.: Grandfather for the turnip...

Repka: Oba, that’s what I am!

Presenter: They pull, they pull, but they can’t pull it out. Grandma is calling...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

Presenter: Granddaughter!

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

Q: Didn’t you put on lipstick? Granddaughter came...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

V.: took on Grandma...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

V.: Grandma for Grandfather...

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

V.: Grandfather for the turnip...

Turnip: both of us, that’s what I am!

V.: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out... Granddaughter is calling...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready!

Presenter: Bug!

Zhuchka: Damn it, it's a piece of work!

Presenter: Bug came running...

Zhuchka: Well, damn it, it's a piece of work...

Presenter: I took on my Granddaughter...

V.: I’m not ready...

Host: Granddaughter for Grandmother...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

V.: Grandma for Grandfather...

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

Presenter: Grandfather for Turnip...

Repka: Oba, that’s what I am!

V.: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out... she took the Bug...

Zhuchka: damn it, it's a piece of work!

V.: A cat!

Cat: Remove the dog from the area! I'm allergic to her fur! I can’t work without valerian!

Presenter: the cat came running and how it grabbed onto the Bug...

V.: The bug squealed...

Bug: (squealing) Well, damn it, it's a dog's job!

V.: took on my granddaughter..

Granddaughter: I’m not ready...

V.: granddaughter - for Grandma...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

Presenter: Grandma - for Dedka...

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

V.: Grandfather - for the turnip...

Turnip: Both-on!

V.: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out. Suddenly, a Mouse appears from the barn with wide strides...

V.Y: Out of necessity, she went out and did it for the Cat.

Cat: Take the dog away. I’m allergic to wool, I can’t work without valerian!

Presenter: How the mouse will scream with indignation...

Mouse: It's okay, will a mosquito gore you?

V.: grabbed the Cat, Cat...

Cat: Take the dog away, I’m allergic to his fur, I can’t work without valerian!

Presenter: the cat grabbed onto the Bug again...

Zhuchka: Well, damn it, it's a piece of work!

Host: The bug grabbed hold of her granddaughter...

Granddaughter: I’m not ready...

V.: The granddaughter is flying towards her grandmother...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

V.: Grandma broke into Dedka...

Grandfather: I would have killed him!

V.: here the mouse got angry, pushed the people away, grabbed the tops tightly and took out the root vegetable! Yes, apparently, by all accounts, this is not an ordinary mouse!

Mouse: It's okay, will a mosquito gore you?

Repka: Oba, that’s what I’m like...

(Turnip jumps out and falls. Wiping away tears, Turnip hits the floor with his hat.)

All the artists come out to bow. The tour of the Japanese theater ended with thunderous applause. Have you decided to try a more serious production? You can put a fairy tale in verse in a new way for a corporate party, the video offers a more complicated and no less interesting option fairy tales "Turnip". We suggest you read it.

Fairy tale, fairy tale! Everyone says they are only good for babies. This is an empty fantasy. Adults love fairy tales no less than children. Moreover, they know how to have fun sometimes, like children. To check this, you just need to turn to party stories.

Here's a funny fairy tale, Turnip, with roles to spice up the evening.

Russian fairy tale for the holidays for adults

A fairy tale for a corporate party has become incredibly popular relatively recently.

There is never a shortage of participants; everyone wants to be the hero of a fairy tale.

Everyone especially likes it when the fairy tale is costumed.

If the holiday is led by professionals in their field, they prepare fabulous attributes in advance. Hidden in their storerooms are wigs, ties, masks, children's pipes and drums.

But is it only interesting to act out a funny fairy tale at corporate events? Many guests also gather for home holidays, and they can also be entertained with a fun transformation.

The famous old Russian fairy tale “About the Turnip” in an original performance and with an unusual text will amuse everyone present and add ease and good mood to the evening.

Remade funny fairy tale Turnip with roles on video:

A few tips to help make your performance truly memorable:

  1. Distribute roles in accordance with the acting characteristics of the guests.
  2. Prepare costumes or their attributes.
  3. Cosmetics or makeup must be used.
  4. Text to print for each performer
  5. Choose a presenter who should read the text of the fairy tale with pauses in which the heroes of the fairy tale begin to act.
  6. As soon as the presenter names the next character, this is a signal to action for the artist playing this character.
  7. Actors must be as artistic as possible.

Text of the skit for reading to the presenter and actors

One day my grandfather decided to grow a turnip in his garden. No sooner said than done. He planted a turnip. Time has passed. The grandfather went out into the garden in the morning and began to pull a turnip. What is it?

There is no way to get her out of the ground. Grandfather had to call grandmother. She came to help her grandfather. They began to pull the turnip out of the ground. The grandmother grabbed onto the grandfather, and the grandfather pulled the turnip. What's happened? Again nothing works.

The grandmother called to her granddaughter. The granddaughter came running and began to help her grandfather and grandmother. They grabbed each other, strained, but nothing came of it: the turnip was sitting tightly.

The granddaughter decided to call the dog Zhuchka. Bug rushed over and was glad that she could help. They stood in a line one after another: behind the grandfather - the woman, behind the woman - the granddaughter, behind the granddaughter - Zhuchka. We took up the turnip, but there was no result. Just as the turnip sat firmly in the ground, it still sits.

Bug had to call the Cat. And she is right there. Together, not too heavy, they pull, pull, pull, pull. What is it? What a big turnip! The Cat is calling the Mouse. Last hope for the baby. Water wears away stones, and so it is in this case: everyone holds on to each other tightly - they pull the turnip. One - two! So they pulled out the turnip!
Funny fairy tale Turnip with roles for children.

Phrases for actors of a fun theatrical performance

And these words should be distributed to the “actors”; they will say them every time they are mentioned by the presenters.

Turnip: Man, hands off, I'm still underage!
Here you go!
And here I am!

Grandfather: Well, come on!
We divide everything equally and according to burrows!
I totally give it up, he's being naughty!
Now let's have some fun!

Grandmother: Grandfather no longer satisfies me.
I'm in a hurry - I'm in a hurry!

Granddaughter: Let's hurry up, I'll be so late for the dance!

Zhuchka: I'm not Zhuchka, have you forgotten? I'm a Bug!
Work like a dog!
Maybe we'd better smoke?

Cat: Give me some valerian!
Who brought the dog to the playground? I'm allergic to them!

Mouse: Hurray! It's working!
Maybe we should have a drink?

Such tales are in demand both at home and at work parties. You can come up with your own lines for the characters.

Everyone knows their colleagues and household members well, all the guests who will gather for the holiday. In accordance with the level of education, the ability to laugh at oneself, you should choose phrases for fairy-tale heroes. The host must be very attentive to every word that will be heard at the party in the text of the fairy tale.

It is better to offer such entertainment to all guests when several toasts have already been said, when everyone has already become acquainted, if there are any. When everyone is ready to take any jokes, you can offer to become actors for a while and play improvised theater. If the guests know each other well, everything will go off with a bang!

Everything that happens can be filmed and then carefully demonstrated to all participants in the theatrical performance. Laugh at yourself together, get excited about the idea of ​​staging new fairy tale– and now there is something to do at the next holiday.

When preparing for the next party, you can give all the guests the task of making costumes for the following fairy tale characters. You can think through the plot and phrases of future heroes in advance.

Sketch-Tale about Turnip with roles

3.9 (77.78%) 9 votes Wedding scenario/Banquet/Theatrical performances /

Competition: Fairy tale turnip.

Dear guests, to whom did grandmothers tell fairy tales in childhood? Who are the Russians? folk tales remember? So, I see not everyone is lucky! Let’s remember the fairy tale Turnip, but in a new – modern way! Who was in this fairy tale?...

How ( technical issues): We choose who will play the roles. When choosing, we offer everyone to learn the role and distribute the text. And we begin to tell the story. When we talk about a hero, the person must say his own phrase. And so on until the very end. All participants sit at the table. Except for the turnip, which is usually put on a chair in front of everyone, and forced to do something else besides words. Try not to delay! Presenter comments are required!

Music: Lady, or anyone. Russian folk without words

Props:(role options, text on sheets for “actors”)

turnip- man, put your hands away, I’m not even 18 yet!

And here I am!


It's about to get so drunk!


Run Run!

Granddaughter-I'm ready!

Bug-I'm not a bug, I'm a bug!

Dog work!

Cat-I can’t work without valerian!

Mouse- finally!

Guys, maybe a shot glass?

Fairy tale turnip

A well-known fairy tale that novice presenters use at weddings. I added dolls to my hands to make it more fun.

Competition: Fairy tale turnip.

Why (justification for actions): Dear guests, who did your grandmothers tell fairy tales to in childhood? Who remembers what Russian folk tales? So, I see not everyone is lucky! Let’s remember the fairy tale Turnip, but in a new – modern way! Who was in this fairy tale?...

Fairy tale "Turnip".mp4

No description.

Who: 7 people, host’s choice

How (technical issues): We choose who will play the roles. When choosing, we invite everyone to learn the role. And we begin to tell the story. When we talk about a hero, the person must say his own phrase. And so on until the very end. All participants simply sit at the table. Except for the turnip, which is usually put on a chair in front of everyone, and forced to do something else besides words. Try not to delay! Presenter comments are required!

Gifts: audience awards for roles

Pros (+) minimum props, table style, always goes 100% (mainly due to Grandma)

Cons (-) is often used, you need to assign roles very precisely (the main thing is to speak loudly)!

Creative (derivatives, enhancers):

Props: (role options)

Turnip - man, put your hands away, I’m not even 18 yet!

And here I am!

Grandpa, we're doing our best and running away!

It's about to get so drunk!

Grandma-grandfather doesn’t satisfy me lately! (preferred)

Run Run!

Granddaughter - I'm ready!

Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry up, I'm late for the disco!

Bug - I'm not a bug, I'm a bug!

Dog work!

Cat – I can’t work without valerian!

Remove the dog from the site, I'm allergic!

Mouse - well, finally!

Guys, maybe a shot glass?


Grandfather Vova-plague

Over the course of my life I have gained wisdom:

He planted a turnip

Like following a child.

The baby has grown up

The grandfather gasped: “Yo! Damn stump!”

So she sat down like a princess,

You can't really move it from its place.

Grandfather tried to lift

But the word came out again:

“Yo! Damn stump!”

Nice baby.

To reap the harvest

I decided to gather helpers.

And although our grandfather is a plague

I remembered - there is a wife somewhere!

Grandma saw a turnip

Jumped up and down with delight

I saw a full hall of men,

I kissed three of them!

Afterwards I assessed the situation

And she asked me to call my granddaughter!

The granddaughter, of course, is younger,

Although a fashion model, but still,

If only she could walk back and forth,

To excite with your charms.

Here comes the beautiful maiden,

Who doesn't sit at home,

And she said the word “I’m ready!”

Everyone thought - ready to help,

And she is only ready to dance.

(dances to “I’m just coming from the cold!”)

There was no help

If only the Bug would come in handy!

The bug barks loudly,

She wags her tail and dreams of becoming a circus performer.

She asks to put a slice of lemon on her nose,

She will catch it with her mouth without the help of her paws...

(show focus)

Zhuchka is of no use,

Let's call Murka together.

(Chorus of the song “Murka” plays)

But Murka doesn’t want to help,

There will be an erotic dance for us...

(I turn on the song “Sex Bomb”)

We don’t expect any benefit from Murka,

Let's call the Mouse!

The mouse was hunting somewhere

I gained weight, became nervous,

She's beating her tail, look

And in a bass voice he says “Pee-pee”

Our friendly honest people

Pulled the root vegetable

And the ripe harvest was gathered

The turnip was torn off the floor!

The article was kindly provided by the administration of the Showmarket website.

turnip, fairy tale turnip

Fairy tale turnip for a wedding. classic fairy tale-competition for - Toastmaster - competitions, games, for weddings, corporate events, anniversaries

Contest: Fairy tale turnip.

Why (justification for action): Dear guests, to whom did grandmothers tell fairy tales in childhood? Who remembers what Russian folk tales? So, I see not everyone is lucky! Let's remember the fairy tale Turnip, but in a new - modern way! Who was in this fairy tale?...

Who: 7 people, host's choice

How (technical questions): We choose who will play the roles. When choosing, we invite everyone to learn the role. And we begin to tell the story. When we speak of a hero, the person must utter his phrase. And so on until the very end. All participants simply sit at the table. Except for the turnip, which is usually put on a chair in front of everyone, and forced to do something else besides words. Try not to delay! Presenter comments are required!

Music: Lady, or any. Russian folk without words

Present: Audience Choice Awards for Best Roles

Pros (+) a minimum of table props, always 100% successful (mainly due to Grandma)

Minuses (-) often used, you need to assign roles very precisely (the main thing is to speak loudly)!

Creative (derivatives, enhancers):

Props:(role options)

turnip- man, put your hands away, I’m not even 18 yet!

And here I am!

Dedka- we do our best and run away!

I have become old, my health is not the same!

It's about to get so drunk!

Grandma- lately my grandfather has not satisfied me! (preferable)

Run Run!

Granddaughter-I'm ready!

Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry up, I'm late for the disco!

Bug-I'm not a bug, I'm a bug!

Dog work!

Cat-I can’t work without valerian!

Remove the dog from the site, I'm allergic!

Mouse- finally!

The article was provided by the administration of the site www.shoumarket.ru

Funny competitions, weddings and practical jokes

Interesting wedding competitions will help create a unique, cheerful and unforgettable holiday atmosphere, introduce new relatives closer, and amuse guests.

Which ones can be for a wedding? Their huge variety can be divided into wedding table competitions and active or moving competitions, for example, wedding music competitions. Wedding games should start with table competitions, then they can be alternated with active ones. Competitions for the newlyweds, competitions for relatives, drawings of witnesses, competitions related to dressing up and reincarnation, dancing and even alcohol - all these wedding competitions will create fun party, which everyone will enjoy, and the presentation of prizes, which can be purchased in our accessories store, will be a pleasant and welcome addition to the program.

The main thing is that the competitions and games are funny, all this is not arranged in order to determine who is the most dexterous, the smartest, the most erotic and beautiful, the fastest. The original wedding competitions are designed to create an atmosphere of fun so that everyone can have a good laugh.

In order not to disappoint or offend the guests, you can discuss with those invited in advance their expectations for the upcoming celebration; some do not see a wedding without traditional jokes and jokes and like to actively participate in them, while others, on the contrary, prefer long traditions original wedding competitions. The decision, of course, will remain yours, but it is worth considering your wishes and taking them into account.

Wedding competition "Champagne"

Approximately 5 people participate in the competition, each person is given a glass of champagne. The task is as follows: the winner in this competition is the one who drinks the wine glass to the bottom the fastest...

The contestants begin to smile, what could be simpler... Then clarify that the winner is the one who drinks a flute of champagne faster...... teaspoons! And hand out the teaspoons. The winner can be given a whole bottle of champagne.

Wedding competition fairy tale “Turnip”

To organize this wedding competition you will need 8-10 participants. Anyone can participate; there are no selection criteria.

From a fairy tale (you can choose another fairy tale, songs are also suitable, for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”), you need to write out all the participants in advance, including the sun and the breeze, and prepare nameplates, you can use costume elements (Hang a fox tail from an old coat for a bug, etc.) .d.) Next, the toastmaster or presenter, who can also be selected from among the guests as the author of the fairy tale, begins to read the fairy tale, and its characters “come to life.” The text should be read slowly and accompanied by comments, for example: “Grandfather planted a turnip!... Grandfather, whoever plants it like that, plant it well!” It will be even more fun if each participant, having heard from the author that the speech was about him, also said something about him.

Grandfather: Oh, me!

Turnip: Both on!

Turnip: Both on!

These are traditional wedding competitions that are present at almost every wedding, and then we will describe wedding competitions.

Wedding toast competitions, for example, “Let’s drink to the fact that...”

Everyone is welcome to participate, the more the better. Guests are invited to write a toast for the newlyweds, and guests from the groom’s side play for the bride and write a toast that she will read to him, and guests from the bride’s side, respectively, for the groom.

Each table is given one piece of paper and one pen, and guests write their wishes in a special book one phrase at a time and do not see what the previous person wrote and do not discuss it among themselves. At the end of the competition, the leaves reach the bride and groom, who read toasts to each other.

Don’t forget about the prizes for wedding competitions; relatives and friends will be pleased to receive a small present for participation and as a keepsake of your joyful celebration.

Competition for adults

Other competitions for adults

A very fun competition - a game for adults. Spend it in a company that is already a little tipsy and relaxed.

All the guests will laugh and no one will remain indifferent.

The competition requires 7 participants:

Required details:

Grandfather's straw hat

Baba scarf, tied with corners forward.


A bug, a cat with ears on the headband,

The turnip has green branches on its rim.

The mouse should be the largest, the mouse's nose should be with an elastic band.

While reading a fairy tale, guests will make certain movements and say the same words.

1. Turnip - sitting on a chair, rolling from buttock to buttock - says - “Both-on”

2. Grandfather - rubbing his hands - "Sooooooo"

3. Baba - shaking her fist - “It would have gone away”

4. Granddaughter - crouching and lifting her skirt (It is better to choose a male player) - “I’m ready”

5. Zhuchka - runs up to the table with a snack and a bottle of vodka and says - “Bormental! One hundred grams and a cucumber!” Drinks

stack, takes a bite and returns to his place. It is better to choose the most sober player and strong enough to


6. Cat - comes forward wagging its hips - "Meowed"

7. Mouse - (cool if you choose a big man) - bass "Piiiiiiiii"

The general text is read by the presenter.

The grandfather (Sooooo!) planted a turnip (Both!) and said:

Grow, grow, turnip (Both-on!), sweet!

Grow, grow, turnip (Both!), strong!

The turnip grew (Oba-na!), sweet, strong, big, very big. Grandfather went (Sooooo!) to pick a turnip (Both-on!): pulls-

will pull, but cannot pull it out.

Grandfather called (Sooooo!) Grandma (Would have left)

Grandfather (Sooo!) for the turnip (Both!)

The grandmother called (Would you leave) her granddaughter (I'm ready).

Granddaughter for grandmother (would have left),

Grandma (would have left) for grandpa (Sooooo!),

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The granddaughter called (I'm ready) for the bug (Bormental! One hundred grams and a cucumber!).

Grandma (would have left) for grandpa (Sooooo!),

Grandfather (Sooooo!) for the turnip "Both-on"

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

Bug called (Bormental! One hundred grams and a cucumber!) the cat (Meowed).

Bug (Bormental! One hundred grams and a cucumber!) for my granddaughter (I'm ready),

Granddaughter (I'm ready) for my grandmother (I would have left),

Grandma (would have left) for grandpa (Sooooo!), Turnip "Both-on"

Grandfather (Sooooo!) for the turnip "Both-on"

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The cat called (Meowed) the mouse (Piiiiiiiii).

The mouse (Piiiiii) for the cat (Meowed),

The cat (meowed) for the Bug (Bormental! One hundred grams and a cucumber!),

Bug (Bormental! One hundred grams and a cucumber!) for my granddaughter (I'm ready),

Granddaughter (I'm ready) for my grandmother (I would have left),

Grandma (would have left) for grandpa (Sooooo!),

Grandfather (Sooooo!) for the turnip "Both-on"

Pull and pull; and pulled out the turnip. "Both-on"

All participants are given a "Super Repka" medal

Other competitions for adults

Turnip competition

Each of the guests is given a chance to put their hand into a magic box, feel the first object they come across, guess it and receive it as a gift.

I never did

Everyone begins to say what he has never done in this life, if one of those present has done this at least once in his life, he bends one finger... When someone says what he has not done, one of The last finger bends the remaining ones, then the first can ask any question to the second, which he must answer honestly.

Jump-jump competition

Participants of the competition stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.


Couples are called and given a bandage (if there is no bandage, you can use toilet paper). One of the pair should stand, and the other should be bandaged so that it turns out to be a mummy. The team with the mummy wins.

The result of all competitions

Before the start of all competitions that you are going to hold at the party, you need to warn all guests that at the end of your feast and after all competitions very good prizes(up to a mobile phone as the main prize), thereby interest- ing and invigorating everyone who came to your event. Below are approximate “nominations” and gifts for them.

"Turnip" competition - youtube

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  • Fairy tale turnip. wedding option - youtube

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