Home Indoor flowers Scenario for a 5 year old children's birthday party. Birthday script. Alexey's fifth birthday. What are the best prizes for children?

Scenario for a 5 year old children's birthday party. Birthday script. Alexey's fifth birthday. What are the best prizes for children?

The room is decorated with balloons.


Birthday Fairy - Host
Host (Mistress)

The Fairy and the Host greet the guests and invite them into the living room.

Fairy: Hello, dear guests. Come on in. We are very glad to see you.

While the guests are getting ready, you can play the game "Loaf".


The players stand in a round dance and sing.
Like on Vanina’s (player’s name) name day
We baked a loaf.
Such a height! Participants raise their hands.
Such lows! Participants squat down and lower their arms.
That's how wide it is! Participants spread their arms to the sides and move wider.
These are the dinners! Participants narrow the circle.
Loaf! Loaf!
Choose who you love!

(Vanya says):

I love, I confess, everyone
Only Tanya more than anyone. Indicates the selected player.

Tanya stands in the center of the round dance and reads poetry or sings a song. Then the game continues.

When all the guests are gathered, the process of presenting gifts to the birthday boy begins.

The guests are located in a semicircle. The owner is facing them.

Fairy: Today is Vanya's birthday. He turned 5 years old. Let's applaud the birthday boy. (The guests clap their hands.) Vanya and I are very glad that we have so many guests. Now, guys, the moment is coming when you can congratulate Vanya and give him gifts.

The guests congratulate the hero of the occasion. Then the Host thanks the guests and invites everyone to the table. The guests sit down at the table.

Fairy: And now it's time for games and entertainment. And I suggest you play a game called "Grandfather".

The game "Grandfather" is played.


A driver is selected from among the players - Grandfather, who goes beyond game room. The remaining players agree on what they will show. Then they call Grandfather, Grandfather sits on a chair.

Game participants: Hello, grandfather!

Hello children!
Where were you, what were you doing?

Game participants:
We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.

Players show movements characteristic of any work.
Grandfather must guess what kind of work it is.
If he guesses right, the children run away, and Grandfather tries to catch them.

The caught player becomes Grandfather.

Fairy: Well done guys, played well. And now I suggest you watch some magic tricks. The birthday boy plays the role of a magician.

The birthday boy shows tricks.


The magician calls one volunteer from among the guests. Then he shows him and all the guests a foam ball and asks the volunteer to hold it in his fist. When the guest fulfills the magician’s request, he asks him a question: “How many balls are in your hand?” The guest answers: “One.” Then the magician makes several passes over the participant’s hand and asks him to unclench his fist. When the volunteer unclenches his fist, 5 balls pop out. The secret of the trick is that the magician immediately gives the spectator 5 foam balls. While he shows only 1 ball, 4 balls are held in the magician's hand. When a volunteer squeezes the balls into his fist, he does not feel how many balls he has in his hand, since they are foam rubber.


The magician takes the pout balloon and pierces it right through with a sharp knitting needle. In this case, the ball does not burst. The secret of the trick is that the places where the ball is supposed to be punctured are first sealed with several layers of tape.

Fairy: Let's applaud our magician and continue playing. The game I want to offer you is called "Mole".

The game "Mole" is played.


By playground several stable objects are placed (you can use skittles). Players try to remember their location. Participants are then blindfolded. Their task is to walk across the site without knocking over the installed objects.

Fairy: And now I invite you to assemble the mosaic. This mosaic is not simple. I have in envelopes pieces of a picture of a birthday cake. I suggest you split into 2 teams. Each team will receive an envelope. And those guys who collect their picture first will become winners. (The fairy hands over envelopes with fragments of pictures that must be selected in advance.)

Children assemble a mosaic. The winners get the right to be the first to choose their favorite pieces of cake. Children sit at tables and drink tea and cake.

Fairy: It's time to dance.

Children are dancing.

Fairy: Guys, do you like to sing? Then I propose to organize a karaoke competition.

A Karaoke game is being played.


The player is put on headphones, and he tries to repeat the song after the original, which only he can hear. As an original, you can use not only songs, but also a famous cartoon or television program.

Fairy: We still have a lot of prizes left, so I suggest answering the quiz questions. You will need to choose the correct answer from several suggested ones. Whoever scores the most points receives a prize. A children's quiz is held.


1.Who ate Kolobok?
- Hare; - Cook from the school canteen; - Fox.

2. What did Baba Yaga fly on?
- By plane; - On a magic carpet; - In the mortar.

3. Where was the death of Koshchei the Immortal hidden?
- In the safe; - In a refrigerator; - In the egg.

4. What was Puss in Boots wearing?
- In shoes; - In sneakers; - In boots.

5. What did Emelya use as a vehicle?
- Mercedes; - Horse; - The stove.

6. What did the Bear carry Mashenka in?
- In the bag; - In a suitcase; - In the box.

7. How many shirts did Eliza weave from nettles for her brothers?
- 12, 24, 15

8. Who should Little Boy become for Carlson at his request?
- Brother; - Grandson; - My own mother.

9. Who took brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga?
- Kites; - Parrots; - Swan geese.

10. What was the name of the boy from Prostokvashino?
- Grandfather Stepan; - Uncle Fedor; - Brother Ivanushka.

Fairy: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's, guys, once again congratulate our birthday boy, wish him all the best and sing a song.

Guests sing any birthday-themed song they know. The owner thanks the guests.

The holiday ends.

Birthday– the most long-awaited, brightest and most beloved holiday for a child! The most invited best friends, festive table looks incredibly appetizing, everyone is waiting their turn to give memorable gifts, boisterous laughter, real fun, favorite songs... Oh, what a pity that birthdays are only once a year! But on the other hand, this is precisely why this holiday is so long-awaited!

So, your baby Your birthday is coming up very soon, and you are at a loss. How to arrange the most best holiday for someone who means everything to you? And of course, how to please your guests and make this event the most unforgettable for everyone?
Important note. To ensure that everyone remembers your baby’s birthday as the most fun, positive and vibrant event, then competitions(and games) required! A little good competition, development of imagination, and of course, unforgettable emotions - all this is guaranteed!

The beginning of the holiday.

So, the celebrations for the birth of your baby are just beginning! We meet the guests, politely greet the children and their parents, lead everyone to the room where your miracle holiday will take place. Beautiful decorations, a festive table, you can play the funniest children's songs. Guests look around with interest, get used to the new environment, smile, and then begin to congratulate the birthday boy. Probably the most pleasant thing for a child on this holiday is to receive long-awaited gifts. What could be more pleasant, what could be better than seeing your child happy? His eyes sincerely glow with happiness, the smile never leaves his charming face - this is happiness for parents!
While this little gift-giving ceremony is going on, scatter on the floor a large number of balloons (of course, you need to inflate them in advance). Distribute festive hats to the main hero of the occasion and guests. If the birthday boy turns 5 years old, then on your command the children should clap their hands 5 times, and then immediately reach for the balloons, throw them up shouting “Salute!” Again they reach for a new ball, again shout out “Salute!” This action will last about a few minutes :) Well, in the meantime, you instruct one of your parents to film all this magnificent action on a video camera (phone, camera) for your family video archive :) While this little holiday chaos is happening, you can set the table. Invite guests to the table. Well, now it's time for the first competition!

First test “The most delicious competition».

Invite your little one to participate first. Blindfold your baby and put a berry or a small piece of some fruit in his mouth. Of course, the choice should be rich: apples, pears, kiwis, bananas, strawberries, blackberries, cherries, grapes, etc. The hero of the occasion must guess what kind of delicious fruit or berry he just ate with pleasure. We are also holding this competition with all interested participants. Pampering is allowed - you can put various gelatin candies, a small piece of cake or chocolate in the children's mouths. By the way, be sure to find out the preferences of the guests in advance. Well, those who correctly guessed the “lots” receive those same fruits or berries as a gift :)

Second test "Treasure Hunt".

Sounds intriguing, right? To play this wonderful game, you need to prepare the props. So first of all, draw "Treasure Map". To do this, you need to take a sheet of Whatman paper, paints and draw (or copy) a treasure map. If you are an unimportant artist, it doesn’t matter! You can always ask one of your friends or older children for help. Masterpiece visual arts there's no point here. The main thing is that everything is from the heart. Believe me, children feel it;) The map must have symbols and markers. “Start” of the adventure, “Finish” (in fact, this is where the “treasure” is hidden) and intermediate tasks. I will explain in more detail the whole essence of this game. To begin, distribute to all children the food purchased in advance from the holiday store. These are pirate hats, the legendary black flag with a white skull, blindfolds, stylish pirate bandanas, vintage compasses, etc. Children begin to “reincarnate” into sea wolves with interest and look intently at the ancient compasses in their hands.

Another moment - and they are ready to go in search of treasures! By the way, as the team captain, you should also wear a hat, as well as a blindfold (at a minimum). Of course, it will be really cool if you come out to the kids dressed as a pirate! :) It's up to you to decide. So, you inform your faithful “team” that there is a treasure hidden somewhere nearby and you need to carefully study the map. Children curiously examine your “Treasure Map”. So, our adventure begins! Children complete intermediate tasks as they make their way to the Finish Line. Tasks can be very different! For example, jump for 30 seconds on one leg or recite any poem; guess a cartoon character faster than others; portray your favorite fairy tale hero and much more (use your imagination). By the way, you can agree in advance with the parents who will “wait” for the children at different stages this game and give tasks. After successful completion After all the tests (at this time you need to move around the apartment), the children reach the “Finish” and finally find the treasure! You need to buy several toys (or candies) in advance. Accordingly, it would not hurt to ask the parents in advance what exactly their child wants. The toys should be small (something like symbolic souvenirs), you can buy a small pirate chest (stores sell those made of cardboard). The treasure was found, the children were very happy. They laugh, show off their “trophies” and eagerly await the continuation of the holiday. The pirate theme is statistically more close to boys, BUT girls also love to look for something, complete fun tasks, and, of course, receive prizes! By the way, all pirate paraphernalia, as well as costumes of brave corsairs, can be bought in our store at an affordable price!

Third test "Guess the beast".

And now a calmer, but no less fun test :) It’s called “Guess the Beast”. We blindfold the baby again and give him a soft toy. For example, a stuffed giraffe. The baby must determine by touch what kind of animal it is :) You can involve your parents in the game. Let them show their kids that this game can be really fun. To do this, you can “guess” the animal for a long time, make ridiculous assumptions, and finally “call” the same giraffe a bear. The children will be delighted! Prizes for everyone, no doubt!

"I want to be..."

Fourth competition “I am an artist, that’s how I see it!”

A fun competition for kids who love to draw. Hand out a small sheet of paper and markers (or pencils), blindfold all participants except the hero of the occasion, and ask them to draw a picture of the birthday boy. The kids try to draw the main character of the festive evening, puffing and laughing merrily. The one whose portrait turns out to be more believable wins.

Fifth competition “Movements are life!”

Children cannot sit still for a long time, so you can organize an incendiary competition called “Dancers”. Bring a wide variety of equipment, for example, balls, chairs, mops, soft toys, etc. We turn on different tunes in turn and ask the children to dance to the music different ways. For example, a dance with an apple clutched between your foreheads or a dance riding on a broom :), maybe a dance with chairs or a mop, or maybe it will be the most touching dance with your favorite soft toy. Whoever danced the most original and funniest will win a prize (this could be a small toy). The rest of the participants also need to be encouraged, for example, with their favorite sweets.

“Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year...”

Your holiday is already coming to an end, the guests are already getting ready to leave. Invite them to draw what they remember most about the holiday today. You can even draw little girls and boys, as well as a “cloud” of their thoughts, on a large piece of whatman paper in advance. The kids will fill these “clouds” with drawings. Imagine, in 10-20 or more years, your adult son or daughter will see this sheet of Whatman paper with memorable drawings and will definitely smile, remembering his childhood. The most carefree and golden time in our lives is childhood. That’s why we really want our children to remember their childhood with a slight smile on their lips and to have only bright memories in their hearts :)

The guests have already left, and your baby is happy about the holiday you gave him. It’s time to look at the gifts again and again, but you only have to do a “little” cleaning;) You will sigh, and then smile kindly. But it was worth it, right? ;)
P.S. I hope this article was useful to you, and your holiday will be unforgettable :) I would like to note that in addition to pirate paraphernalia, we have many other accessories for yourself bright event! We are always glad to see you in our store!

Scenario for a birthday for a 5 year old child

Scenario for a children's birthday party “Locomotive for Friends”

Leading. The driver is in uniform, although there may be a cheerful driver in a clown costume, a fairy-tale driver, a fox driver, etc. The leader should have a signal pipe, with which he will gather children into the “train” and signal about stops .

Room design. Jewelry from balloons; garland “Locomotive”, consisting of trailers made of colored paper; on the wall there is a collage in the form of trailers with photographs of family members and guests.

Invitation cards. Stylization for train tickets. The start time of the holiday is the departure time. You can specify route stations.

Equipment for the holiday. Presenter's signal pipe, glue sticks, album sheets or sheets of whatman paper, blanks of colored paper trailers, lottery tickets in the form of trailers of different colors, boxes with gifts for the lottery, cards with images of animals.

(While the guests are gathering, you can turn on the cartoon “The Little Engine from Romashkovo” for the children. It will create a playful atmosphere based on the theme of the holiday. When everyone has gathered, the children need to be seated in the play area.)

The progress of the holiday

Presenters y. Hello children! Today we will go to big Adventure on a fun little train. Allow me to introduce myself: I am a locomotive driver (depending on the chosen image, you can add a representation from the perspective of a clown or forest boy, etc.). Our train will make several stops. Cheerful and cheerful people await you at every station. interesting entertainment. In order for our little train to set off, you and I need to remember the departure signal (play the trumpet) and learn a special chant. Repeat after me!

The carriages cling

And off we go!

(Repeat several times.)

Leading. The first stop is Tarelochkino station.

We invite everyone to the table,

We offer a treat!

You sit down at the table, kids,

Full plates are waiting for you!

All children sit down at the table, congratulate the birthday boy, and eat.


The carriages cling

And off we go!

The children cling to each other and ride like a train, led by the driver, around the apartment.

Leading. The second stop is Nakleykino station.

At Nakleikino station

Glue the train together!

Who can? Who wishes

Make an application?

(Appliqué competition “Multi-colored train”. To conduct the competition, it is necessary to cut out sets of multi-colored train cars from colored paper in advance. The paper cars are laid out on the table in a mixed form. The task is for each participant in the competition to paste the cars of all available colors onto their sheet. After completion competition works are displayed in a chain along the wall to show what a long and funny little train it turned out to be.)


The carriages cling

And off we go!

The children cling to each other and ride like a train, led by the driver, around the apartment.

Leading. Stop: Smekhovo station.

Here we are

To the Smekhovo stop!

Guests are entertained here

To make it more fun for them.

(Comic win-win lottery. A clown or other funny character brings out lottery tickets in the form of trailers different color and boxes with gifts for the lottery drawing corresponding to the colors of the tickets. Both adults and children can participate in the lottery. Participants draw a ticket, the presenter hands over a corresponding box with a gift. You can set the condition that the boxes are allowed to be opened only at the end of the holiday.)


The carriages cling

And off we go!

The children cling to each other and ride like a train, led by the driver, around the apartment.

Leading. Stop again - Tarelochkino station. We invite everyone to try the treat!

Second treat for children.


The carriages cling

And off we go!

The children cling to each other and ride like a train, led by the driver, around the apartment.

Leading. Stop: Lesnaya station.

What kind of station is this?

Called Lesnaya?

We will hurry to visit you

To the inhabitants of the forest!

(First, children guess riddles in poems about animals (see “Games for a children’s company”). Then an imitation game “Who lives in the forest?” is played.

The presenter gives the children cards with images of forest inhabitants, the children imitate the habits of the animals.)


The carriages cling

And off we go!

The children cling to each other and ride like a train, led by the driver, around the apartment.

Leading. Stop: Tantsuikino station.

And at this station

Let's have fun dancing!

What fun! Here's the fun

Under the name disco!

(The competition “Incendiary Dances” is held (see “Games for a children’s company”). At the end of the children’s disco, the dance “Funny Cars” is organized. Everyone lines up like a train and dances to joyful music. After the end of the disco, the presenter seats the children in the play area.)

Leading. It's time to open the boxes of gifts that you will take home as a memory of our fun trip.

(Children open boxes with lottery prizes, the owners escort the children home.)

Good afternoon, my dear readers! I bring to your attention a birthday scenario. Games, competitions and fun that I organized for my eldest son’s fifth birthday (how long ago it was). And how we celebrated our youngest son’s one-year anniversary, you can see.

So, it all started in the morning. As soon as Alyosha opens his eyes, he sees many, many balls hanging around the room. There is a large poster hanging in the hall, in the center of which is his photograph and the inscription “You are five years old!” (By the way, later each guest will leave their autograph wish on it for the birthday boy). And on the table...


And there are dumbbells on the table in the hall. Below them is a note: “Go to the balcony.” There is a ball on the balcony, there is a note in the ball: “Brush your teeth.” In the bathroom there is a note attached to the brush: “It's going to be a long day. Get some food." There is already yogurt waiting in the kitchen, next to it is a note: “Find your house.” A house in the nursery, inside there is a remote control with a note: “The remote control is magic, ask dad for help.” (Remote control for a flying helicopter).

Meeting with guests

To each guest for a nominal fee in the form of an anecdote, riddle, poem, song, etc. At the entrance you will be given a festive cap and a personalized bag for collecting prizes.


While the kids are refreshed, we play an attention game. I read agreement poems, children must listen carefully and correctly insert a word that is suitable in meaning, and not in rhyme.

In the thicket, with my head raised,
A giraffe howls from hunger.

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... wolf.

Daughters and sons
Teaches you to grunt... an ant.

In your warm puddle
Barmaley croaked loudly.
(Little Frog).

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
A cow jumps deftly.

Attention! Attention!
Word game!

Princesses from a book
They dream of becoming... (girls)

Watch the fight on the sidelines
They will never... (boys)

They only paint... (girls)

Lesha, Kolya, Sevochka
They call... (boys)

They love sports, cars, racing
Real... (boys)

Seeing a little gray mouse,
They will squeal in fear... (girls)

Tears shed without respite
Many are capable... (girls)

Load crushed stone into a dump truck
They can easily... (boys)

Birdhouse - home for chicks -
Easy to put together... (boys)

In summer sundresses
They only walk... (girls)

When the children have tried all the salads and the main course, we move on, strictly speaking, to the game program.


To warm up, we do a round dance. Children join hands and stand in a circle. The birthday boy himself stands in the center of the circle. Children sing, performing simple movements, according to the words of the song (before clapping), holding hands.
Like on Lesha's birthday
We baked a loaf:
Such a height (hands up)
Such lows (sit down, touch the floor/ground with your hands)
This is the width (diverge to the sides)
These are the dinners! (converge to the center)
Loaf, loaf, (clap hands)
Whom you love - choose!

Birthday boy:
I love everyone, of course
And here<имя одного из детей>most!

The new “birthday boy” stands in a circle and everything repeats all over again. Depending on the company, you can play “Loaf” with all the guests, or only with the birthday person.

Game "Chamomile"

A large daisy hangs on a magnetic board. On back side Its petals are glued with images of animals that need to be voiced. For example, “cow” means that the child should moo, “cockerel” means crow...

The game goes great with children of all ages! The mood rises, and with it the excitement of participation.

Game "Put your nose on"

All that was left of the chamomile was a circle, “ fast movement hands with a felt-tip pen,” he turns into a little face without a nose. The child's task is to attach the nose while blindfolded. The nose is also magnetic, so it attaches perfectly. There was no limit to the joy.

Upon completion of the game, guests receive prizes and participate in the following competition:

Collect a picture

Each child has a picture cut into several parts (puzzle) and its uncolored original. The participants' task is to assemble a picture quickly. For participation in this competition, all children receive a prize: colored pencils.

Balloon racing

Each guest is given a balloon. According to the terms of the competition, children jump on the balloons until it bursts. The participant whose ball lasts the longest is the winner. All participants will receive consolation prizes - bracelets. And the winner receives a soft toy.

Musical chairs

The good old game of dancing around chairs to the music. There are one fewer chairs than participants. Dance while the music is playing; as soon as the music stops, the participants must take their place on the chairs. The one who does not get a chair is eliminated, and the game continues until one winner is identified. The winner of this competition also received a toy, and everyone else received candy.

Game "Colors"

Children stand in a circle. The adult commands: “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players must find the named color around them as quickly as possible and touch it. This could be an item of clothing, some object, part of the body, etc. The last person to find the right color is eliminated from the game. And the game continues with a new color. The game is on until the winner is identified, who receives a box with a puzzle as a gift.

The best driver

Long threads are pre-attached to two machines same length, which are also attached to pencils. The task of the participants is to stand at a distance of the length of the thread from the cars and wind the threads around the pencils, bringing the cars closer to them. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread faster and picks up the machine. The prize is a snake puzzle.

Harvest the harvest

Toy fruits are placed throughout the house. Children are given bags and they must find as many fruits as possible. Everyone receives a memorable prize - a book.

After the harvest, I invite everyone to relax and unwind a little. All guests are invited to a paper doll theater with Three piglets"

After the story, the children look at their prizes, play and dance. At the end of the celebration, each child receives a gift balloon. On the street, everyone launches their balloons into the sky. The holiday is over!

And if your baby is only a year old, then here. You'll find lots of tips and fun ideas on Mom's Guide!

All the best!

With love,

Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

Five years is the first small anniversary of a child. By this age, the baby is already well aware that this is his holiday and looks forward to it. solemn day, carefully prepares for it. At the age of five, children are distinguished by their curiosity and restlessness, and they are also well aware of their gender identity.

Boys already know that they will grow up to be real men, and girls feel like little princesses, love to play with dolls, preparing to become housewives and mothers someday in the distant future. Boys and girls at five years old have different interests, so the organization of the holiday is different for them. Let's take a closer look at how to celebrate a child's birthday, a 5-year-old girl, the first anniversary of a little lady.

A five-year-old girl has already formed a social circle - she has friends in the yard, she communicates with girls her own age in kindergarten, which means they’re the ones she’ll want to see at her event. Therefore, the guest list must be compiled with the participation of the future birthday girl, otherwise resentment and spoiled mood cannot be avoided.

If you plan to invite adult guests - grandparents, aunts and uncles, separate them in time from the little guests. If you can't invite them to different time, then at least give the children separate room- this way they won’t be embarrassed and will be able to have a lot of fun, and adult guests will communicate in a calm atmosphere without restless and noisy children.

Where to celebrate?

There are several options. The choice depends on the number of guests and the financial capabilities of the parents. If you plan to invite three or five kids, then it is quite possible to organize and celebrate the fifth birthday of your beloved girl at home. Both the guests and the birthday girl will be comfortable at home, besides, they will be under supervision and in a smaller area it is easier to control them than, for example, in entertainment center, where they can run away in all directions in the blink of an eye.


Stopping at home version holiday, carefully consider its program, come up with several competitions. Girls are less noisy and active than boys; they can be interested in some creative activity. Based on this, plan your entertainment.

And don’t forget to hide anything breakable or valuable before your little guests arrive. After all, these are children and it is impossible to control them all, especially if you are also busy with the festive table.


Another option for a holiday venue is a children's cafe. In this case, some of the responsibilities are removed from your shoulders - the chefs will prepare the treats, and the entertainment part can be entrusted to the clowns and animators. Five years is the age when you can already invite them to a party. At this age, children are no longer afraid of uncles and aunts in disguise and very actively interact with them in various competitions and games.

Entertainment Center

You can also spend your daughter’s birthday in the entertainment center. But in this case, make sure that there is a cafe somewhere nearby where the children can have a snack or take a treat with them. And remember: attractions are not always safe, and five-year-olds are active and inquisitive, so enlist the help of a few moms and dads to help you control the wild little guests.


If your daughter was born in the warm season, consider holding a birthday party outdoors. Five-year-old girls will be interested in having a picnic in the park or at the dacha. This is better than sitting in a stuffy apartment, especially if the weather is hot that day. But make sure that children stay away from bodies of water, do not touch cats and dogs, and it is better not to light a fire. Celebration on outdoors expands opportunities for various games and competitions, because there is more free space in nature than in a cafe or entertainment center, so more movement and dance competitions can be organized.

The disadvantage of holding a birthday party outdoors is that all the treats, decor and attributes for competitions will have to be somehow delivered and then picked up, which is an additional hassle. In addition, the weather may deteriorate. Therefore, just in case, think about an alternative option so as not to ruin your daughter’s holiday at the last moment.

Decorating the room

If you decide to celebrate your birthday at home, decorate the room where the celebration will take place to create festive mood birthday girl and guests. If the little hero of the occasion wants to decorate the room herself, let her do it, because it’s her holiday. Your task is only to help her hang the decorations. Invite her to make a poster from her photographs for Last year, let the guests see how the birthday girl has grown during this period, what she has learned to do, what she is interested in, how she spends her time.

Have you decided to hold a party in a certain style? Then choose the decor accordingly. The little birthday girl probably already has her favorite films and cartoons, in the style of which her holiday can be celebrated. If it is difficult for the princess to decide on her preferences, you can make the holiday in some color, such as pink or orange. Then balls, garlands and posters must be made in certain colors.

How to dress a princess?

Of course in holiday dress! But which one? It is better not to wear something too fluffy, as it will be uncomfortable for the child, especially if the birthday girl wants to take part in competitions. If you still want the baby to show off in front of the guests, let her wear a princess outfit during the meeting of guests and the festive photo shoot, then change her into something more comfortable. And don’t forget to take another set of clothes in case your daughter sweats or gets dirty with food.

What to treat the children with?

Every child has their favorite dishes, but you can't please everyone. Therefore, prepare something universal. It could be potatoes, chops, several salad options. Five-year-old children eat almost like adults, there are no special restrictions, but it’s still better to have fewer fatty, fried foods on the table.

Children love fruits and sweets, so stock up on several types of fruit, preferably seasonal ones. Can be cooked fruit salad. And for dessert, offer your little ones cupcakes, jelly, curd desserts. And don't forget to drink. Children drink a lot, especially on holidays. Sweet mineral water - no the best option. Prepare compote, several types of juices, soda without additives, and plain clean water.

Girls love everything beautiful, so take your time Special attention- beautiful napkins, dishes. If you plan to make the holiday themed, decorate the table in the appropriate theme. These can be toppers, juice stickers, sweet boxes made in a certain style.


Games and competitions for girls are different from those for boys. If boys constantly need movement, then girls can be offered quieter activities. Here are some examples of games and competitions for the birthday of a five-year-old girl:

Puppet show

Little princesses as young as five years old love to play with dolls, so you can invite them to have a little impromptu playdate. theatrical production, having built the scenery and curtain in advance from two chairs and a sheet.

Little artists

Girls at five years old can already draw quite well and they really like this task. Organize a competition for best drawing. Let the little guests draw one story or still life. Select the winners by voting. Give the rest of the competition participants small gifts too, so as not to offend anyone. After all, these are girls, and they know how to be offended even at such a young age)

Collective congratulations

Prepare a large sheet of cardboard or whatman paper and let guests decorate it with their drawings. If someone already knows how to write, then you can write a few nice words to the birthday girl. It will be a nice gift, which you can look at over time and remember the cheerful five-year anniversary.

And to entertain little guests more active activities, invite them to dance. To do this, prepare a few children's songs.

Here are a few more options for outdoor entertainment for five-year-olds:

Balloon fireworks

Give each child a balloon. At the command “fireworks,” everyone throws balloons into the air and shouts “Happy Birthday” in unison. This kind of entertainment continues until the children get tired of it. As a rule, several times are enough, but this is a great way to warm up after sitting at the table.

Full pouch

Small toys or candies are scattered across the floor, and each participant is given a bag. The task is to collect candies while the music is playing. Whoever collects the most wins. And the reward in the competition can be the bags themselves with the collected candies.

The most accurate

Boxes or buckets are placed on two chairs, participants are divided into two teams and move a couple of meters away from the chairs. The participants' task is to throw as many small balls or toys into a box or bucket as possible.

Dress up the doll

For the competition you will need two dolls of approximately the same size and in the same outfits. We first undress the dolls and invite the girls to dress them quickly. While the girls are dressing their dolls, play a funny children's song.

What prizes to prepare for competitions

Little five-year-old princesses can be very capricious, so prepare a lot of small gifts to reward not only the winners of the competitions, but also all the participants. Gift options for girls:

  • small chocolate bars;
  • small dolls;
  • hair ornaments;
  • little books;
  • children's cosmetics;
  • children's rings and bracelets.

Master classes


At the age of five, girls love to play housewife, so they will be interested in tinkering in the kitchen. Give them a little pizza baking class. Children at this age can be trusted to knead the dough. The main thing is to remember to stock up on aprons so that your guests don’t get their clothes dirty. The easiest option is to buy pizza blanks so that the girls only have to put the toppings on the pizza and sprinkle it with cheese. It is better not to entrust them with cutting the filling and chopping the cheese for safety reasons.

Don't feel like baking pizza? Invite little housewives to make their own sandwiches. Organizing such a master class is very simple: buy a sliced ​​loaf or bread, prepare several options for fillings. For the filling you can use a variety of pates, traditional cheese and sausage, chopped olives, cucumbers and tomatoes. And don’t forget about decorations, because girls love everything beautiful - prepare several types of fresh herbs. Or invite housewives to cut out a heart from a piece of ham using a baking cutter.

Young fashion designer

Another option for the master class is making a paper doll. For this you will need to stock up ready-made templates dolls and clothes. Give the participants templates and a glue stick, and let them figure out how to dress the doll and secure the clothes with glue. Each participant can take such a homemade doll home as a souvenir of the holiday.

The culmination of the holiday is cake

Beautiful, decorated in the style of the entire holiday, and the birthday girl and her guests are looking forward to it. Therefore, simply bringing it into the room will be too banal. Invite the little ladies to solve the riddle:

Holiday treat

yummy - first grade

we're looking forward to it

of course it's... CAKE!

And while bringing in the main holiday treat, we sing the traditional song “Happy Birthday to You.”

And don’t forget that we bring in the cake with candles already lit, so for greater spectacle we turn off the lights in the room.

The birthday girl is old enough to blow out her five candles on her own. Parents can only capture this moment on time with a camera or camera, so that years later they can remember this fun party their daughter's fifth birthday!

The article uses photos from pinterest.com

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