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Holiday games for a fun group of adults. Interesting comic competitions at the table for a fun company. Competition "Nimble Basket"

When should a baby add fruit to their complementary foods? Are apples suitable for feeding bottle-fed babies, and how to prepare them correctly? At what age can you give it to a child? applesauce, and from which one – apple juice? Is apple compote good for a baby or should I wait a bit with this dish? Let's try to find out what they think about apples as a baby food modern pediatricians.

Apples are playing important role in complementary feeding of an infant.

First of all, apples help cleanse the stomach, removing harmful elements from it. At the same time, the intestines are cleansed, and as a result, the newborn’s digestive function returns to normal. Do not forget that the apple can act as a laxative - it is useful to give it to children who suffer from constipation.

It also perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates appetite.

Giving infant absolutely necessary fresh apple, just recently picked. Such fruits contain:

  • fruit sugar, which can increase energy levels;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid), used by the body during the growth and restoration of tissues and gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth of the baby;
  • B vitamins, involved in cellular metabolism, which converts proteins, fats and carbohydrates into the necessary energy;
  • magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other minerals.

When the baby begins to cut his baby teeth, apples will also provide invaluable benefits. They:

  • massage the gums;
  • clean the oral cavity;
  • eliminate dental plaque.

All together this is an excellent prevention for baby teeth from caries.

Apple for baby

For kids who are on breastfeeding, doctors strongly recommend introducing complementary foods from about six months of age. This allows them to fully saturate their growing body with those vitamins and beneficial components that are no longer sufficient in mother’s milk for babies of this age. As for infants who are fed artificial milk formulas, for them the period of familiarization with new dishes begins a couple of months earlier.

Vegetable purees and milk porridges are usually introduced first into complementary foods. Then comes the turn of fruits. An apple is exactly the product with which it is advisable to start introducing fruit supplements into the diet of your little ones.

Now let’s find out from how many months apples can be given to infants as complementary foods. It all depends on whether the baby is fed natural mother’s milk, or whether we are dealing with a bottle-fed baby.

  1. If the baby is breastfeeding, then first he needs to be given complementary foods made from vegetables, then porridge. And only after that he is introduced to applesauce. For infants, this occurs in the sixth month, and the average portion of puree in their daily ration should be no more than 30 grams. In the seventh month, the portion of applesauce is increased to 60-70 grams.
  2. If the baby is artificial, they begin to feed him already in the fourth month. Again, vegetables and porridge come first, and only in the fifth month can you give your baby an apple, adding it to complementary foods as a puree. The first portions are about 30 grams, then, after another month, their volume is increased to 60 grams.

Apples should be introduced into a child’s diet after he or she reaches 4 or 6 months of age.

Apple juice - timing of introduction

The turn of juice comes after the child’s daily portion of applesauce increases to 65–70 grams. This usually happens:

  • on the seventh month for the artificial;
  • in the eighth month for a baby.

The first portions of juice are administered in small doses, and if there is no negative reaction, the volume is gradually increased to 30 ml per day.

Apple juice will be beneficial for a 7-month-old baby, but it should be introduced into the diet in very small portions.

Which varieties to start with?

Conventionally, all varieties of apples can be divided into two groups - fruits with green skin and fruits with red or orange skin. It is the latter varieties that doctors do not recommend giving to children in order to avoid the risk of an allergic reaction. Although the main part of the allergens is concentrated in the peel, even when it is cut, the fruit still poses some danger.

At the same time, green-skinned apples are not so dangerous, and therefore you should start feeding your babies with apple puree with them.

Important. The brighter the peel of the fruit, the higher the level of allergen in it. This applies not only to apples, but also to other fruits, as well as citrus fruits and vegetables.

Dangers of Overfeeding

But even if you start feeding your baby green-skinned fruits, you should still exercise reasonable caution. Sometimes loving parents, seeing that the child eats applesauce with pleasure, begin to feed him more often than he should, and in large portions. As a result, the baby will have problems such as:

  • disturbance of normal stool. Even if the baby is able to absorb well New Product, he will still suffer from the gas;
  • the acidity in the baby’s stomach increases due to an overabundance of apples, and from here it’s not far to gastritis.

Exceeding the norm of complementary feeding with apples can lead to digestive disorders and allergic reactions.

Preparing fruits for the first feeding

Having found out when you can give an apple to a baby, you can then find out exactly how the dish should be prepared. Of course, neither at five months, nor even at six, will the baby be able to eat an apple in the usual way for adults. For complementary feeding, mom needs to learn how to prepare delicious purees. The recipe is simple.

  1. As we already mentioned, take one raw apple, always ripe and with green skin.
  2. The peel is peeled off the fruit, since it will not be long before the baby’s stomach learns to digest it.
  3. The peeled fruit should be grated on a grater, always plastic and not iron, otherwise vitamin C is lost.
  4. The grated fruit is not sweetened, fruit puree is already sweet, and excess sugar is harmful for the baby.

It is better to give your child green apple puree without any additives.

For the first feeding of a new dish, give a little, literally half or even a quarter of a teaspoon. By the way, for such a case it is not at all necessary to rub whole fruit– just peel the apple and scrape a little pulp from it.

Why can't you give apples in pieces?

The applesauce becomes thin, almost like porridge. There should not be any dense formations, much less small pieces of fruit, in it. Trying to swallow such a piece, the baby risks simply choking.

Later, when the baby learns to use large fragments of food to scratch his gums, it will be possible to give him small slices of apple, making sure that the baby does not harm himself. In this case, the mother should have a special mesh on hand - a nibbler, with the help of which the baby can be taught to chew more solid food. It should be used when the baby’s teeth begin to cut.

When is the best time to feed

It is advisable to let the baby “take the first sample” during the second feeding, i.e. in the morning. In this case, the mother will have the whole day to observe the baby’s reaction and notice any Negative consequences. This may appear:

  • in a rash on the skin;
  • in redness of the skin or palms;
  • in changing the stool.

Do we need to remind you that an apple should be given to a child only as a separate product, without mixing it with other fruits or vegetables? Children can react differently to foods they eat, and you need to be sure that any negative reaction is caused by the new food you just added to the diet.

If after feeding an apple the baby’s condition has changed, this fruit should be temporarily removed from his diet.

If everything is normal, then it is recommended to introduce puree into the fourth feeding. As for apple juice, it is better to give it to the baby during the third feeding.

What can be combined with

Only two, or even better, three weeks after the start of apple complementary feeding, parents are allowed to combine an apple with other fruits from those that they have already given the baby to try. It is best to prepare multi-fruit purees by combining an apple with a pear or apricot. Some grated vegetables, such as carrots or pumpkin, are also suitable. Finally, applesauce can be combined with cottage cheese, as well as with various fermented milk drinks.

Which juice is healthier?

Although any varieties of apples are beneficial for the body, nevertheless, a 7-month-old baby is not yet strong enough to safely be given varieties with red skin. So when it's time to juice:

  • you should start with green fruits;
  • It is better to exclude juices with pulp for the first time; the baby should be given clarified juice.

For your baby, clarified juice from green apples is more suitable.

It is better to give your baby juice at lunchtime. And don’t forget that the first portion of juice that your little one tries should be minimal - just half a teaspoon is enough. Only if the baby’s body accepts the new dish normally, the next day you can give him a full teaspoon, and in the following days pour as much as he should, bringing the portion to 30 ml.

Important. Applesauce contains fiber, which is essential for babies. If you don't know whether to give your baby puree or juice, it is better to choose puree.

Cooking baked apples

Another type of dish approved by pediatricians is baked apples. This dish will come in handy if your baby develops a clear allergy to the product. Baked fruits do not contain any allergens, so with their help it is recommended to introduce children to different fruits, including apples.

Here's how to prepare a baked apple for a baby.

  1. Take fresh and well-washed fruit.
  2. The peel should be left, but the core of the apple should be removed.
  3. Place the fruit in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the fruits from the oven and let them cool.
  5. Use a spoon to extract the pulp from the baked apple, spoon it into a cup, and serve it to the baby in this form.

Unfortunately, during heat treatment, an apple loses not only its allergenic components, but also many beneficial substances. Therefore, pediatricians recommend combining this dish with the same cottage cheese, which, by the way, can be baked together.

Baked apples acquire hypoallergenic properties, but lose most useful vitamins and microelements.

When the baby is already two years old, baked apple it is permissible to add various seasonings- cinnamon and honey, unless, of course, the baby is allergic to them.

Compote recipe

For this drink, it is better to take dried fruits rather than fresh apples. This way you will get rid of the risk of an allergic reaction, and you will be able to diversify your baby’s complementary foods. Compote for a baby is cooked like this:

  • Pour a few pieces of dry apples with water and place the saucepan on the fire;
  • bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another 15 minutes;
  • let the composition cool.

You can make a delicious compote from apples for your baby.

If the drink tastes too much like apples for your taste, it means you added too much dried fruit. In this case, dilute the compote with boiled water. The first sample for the baby should also not exceed one teaspoon per day.

Over time, if your little one enjoys drinking the compote, you can increase the amount of dried fruit in the same portion of water, making the drink more concentrated.


Applesauce should be the first fruit dish you introduce your baby to. It is given to infants a couple of months earlier than to artificially fed infants, but the principles of complementary feeding in both cases remain unchanged.

You should feed your baby only fruits with green skin.

In addition to purees, children are also allowed to give:

  • apple juice, it is introduced into complementary foods a little later;
  • dried apple compote, it is introduced even earlier than puree;
  • baked apples.

The child’s body develops and grows at an accelerated pace and, naturally, during this period it needs a lot nutrients. There comes a time when breast milk can no longer provide the baby’s body with everything it needs. Fruits are great for first feeding.

When can you give an apple to your child? From six to eight months, you can offer your baby applesauce so that he gets used to the new taste. A child over one year old can be given stewed, fresh, frozen or canned fruits.

Ripe, juicy fruits must be included in the diet baby food, it’s not without reason that they say: “If you eat an apple a day, you can do without doctors.” And this is actually true, because apples contain a lot useful substances. From this article you will learn how apples are useful, and when you can give an apple to a child, and how to bake fruits for your baby.

What are the benefits of apples?

Apples contain a large amount dietary fiber, which are necessary for normal digestion. Fiber and fruit pectins cleanse the intestines well. They play the role of a kind of sorbents, bind all harmful substances in the intestines and remove them from the body and enhance the enzymatic activity of the digestive glands. Dishes made from fresh apples increase appetite and perfectly quench thirst. They contain a lot of water (up to 90%), and organic salts in the fruit they help absorb water.

Green apples, which have recently been picked from the branch, contain quite a lot of vitamin C, they contain phosphorus, copper, magnesium, chromium, zinc, and B-group vitamins. When a child eats an apple, the fruit sugar gives him energy. Fruit flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that successfully destroy free radicals harmful to body cells. Therefore, children living in megacities and polluted industrial areas definitely need to eat fresh apples.

During the period when you can give an apple to a child, you must take into account that some varieties of fruits can cause a negative reaction in the body. This applies primarily to red fruits. And even if you first remove the peel and give the little one only the pulp, he may have an allergic reaction.

But green fruits usually do not cause allergies. Therefore, green apples should be introduced first into complementary feeding for babies, and this should be done from about six months.

First, grate the apple pulp on a grater, preferably a plastic one, to preserve vitamin C, and then offer the baby half a teaspoon. There is no need to additionally sweeten the puree, since the fruits contain a sufficient amount of fruit sugar.

After two to three weeks, when you can give the apple to your child, you need to start mixing it with other fruits that the baby tolerates well.

Apples go well with sour and sweet fruits (persimmons, oranges, cranberries, persimmons and apricots), with fermented milk products, with sour cream, cottage cheese, nuts, but it is better not to combine these fruits with peas, fish, eggs and legumes.

After one year, you can already offer your baby apples, cut into pieces and peeled. But after two years, a child can eat whole apples, including the peel, since it contains a large amount of useful substances.

Which apple should you give your child? If a toddler eats a fresh apple on an empty stomach, it will be digested in about 15-20 minutes.

If a child eats an apple after dinner for dessert, it will linger in the stomach along with other food and after about twenty minutes it will begin to ferment.

Therefore, it is better to give your baby fresh fruits between meals, and for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack or dinner, offer dishes made from products compatible with apples.

It should be taken into account that in freshly squeezed apple juice a lot of acid, which can be too active on the gastric mucosa. Therefore, first dilute the juice with water (three parts juice and part water).

How to prepare a baked apple for a child?

To prevent a possible allergic reaction, it is better to start fruit feeding not with raw, but with baked apples.

How to prepare a baked apple for a child? To do this, you need to wash the fruit, cut it into halves, and remove the core. Do not peel off the peel. If the fruit is very sour, you can put half a teaspoon of sugar in the indentations from the core. Bake the apples in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes. Scoop out the pulp from the finished cooled apples with a spoon, mash a little in a cup and give to the child. This is a simple recipe that is suitable for little ones. 3.8 out of 5 (14 votes)

The first feedings are always exciting for mom. What to give, how to prevent an allergic reaction and tummy pain in a baby. Today the baby furiously pushes away the spoon of broccoli offered to him, and tomorrow he greedily pounces on it. In the first case, the mother is upset that the baby has not eaten, and in the second, that he whines pitifully and asks for more.

It is important to understand here that the first complementary foods are not food, but only an introduction to new products. Therefore, the most important thing is consistency. The main rules can be formulated as follows:

Vegetables and cereals

These are ideal products to introduce your baby's stomach to real food. You need to choose hypoallergenic and gluten-free products to prevent unwanted reactions. This is most often broccoli, cauliflower, buckwheat and rice. We eat one product for a week, starting with one spoon and increasing the amount to 80 g per day. Then we add the second product. In about one to two months, you can completely accustom your baby to vegetables and cereals.

Sweet fruits

At what age can a child be given a banana? Pediatricians hear this question every day. A sweet, delicate fruit, it is ready to eat immediately, very tasty and nutritious. And of course, mothers really want to please their baby with such a dessert. After all, most people think that cauliflower is a punishment, not food.

Even an experienced pediatrician will not give you a definite answer. Each product must be considered based on individual characteristics your child. Some parents practically do not know what colic is in a baby. Of course, they can start introducing the baby to fruits earlier. Others did not sleep for several months in a row and were kept on a strict diet by a nursing mother. In this case, it is better to postpone complementary feeding until the child is 8-9 months old. In any case, the question of at what age a child can be given a banana must be decided individually.

Benefits of tropical fruit

In fact, this fruit can be considered ideal for a baby's intestines. Bananas are a healthy and balanced food. They are introduced into the diet of all children under one year of age. They make delicious puree so quickly and easily that all little ones, without exception, like it. At what age can a child be given a banana? As we said above, each parent decides for himself. Some feed them almost from birth, while others wait until the baby’s stomach gets stronger and can normally accept new food.

Banana pulp contains many useful substances, vitamins and microelements. This fruit does not cause allergies and quickly satisfies hunger. The perfect snack that doesn't even require cooking. All that remains is to determine for yourself at what age a child should be given a banana. You can offer your baby this dessert even at a very young age, if he has no health problems.

Optimal age

In any case, there is no need to rush. Usually, during breastfeeding, the mother adheres to strict diet, after which he begins to return to normal nutrition. If the baby continues to cry a lot after you eat an apple, this is a clear signal that complementary foods will have to be postponed. Normally, a baby should not be given a banana before 6 months. An immature enzyme system may respond with pain and bloating.

How long can you give a banana to a child with digestive problems? If he is constantly bothered by colic, then he needs to start complementary foods at about 8-9 months and use as much as possible for this. neutral products. It could be buckwheat or zucchini. And only when the body fully adapts to them can you try a banana.

Banana complementary food

If you haven’t tried vegetables and porridge yet, then we can safely say that it’s too early to get acquainted with fruits. There are several reasons for this:

  • Sweet pulp provokes fermentation in the stomach. Increased risk of bloating and colic.
  • The sweet taste can be very appealing to the child. In this case, he may refuse the porridge and vegetables that you will offer him later. Banana is very useful, but it cannot replace all products.

It is strictly not recommended to rush in this matter. You will still have to decide at what age you can give your baby a banana. Therefore, consult a doctor and independently assess your baby’s condition. Based on this, it will be possible to draw a final conclusion.

Fruits for children over 8 months

Modern pediatricians most often say that it is enough for a breastfed child that the mother eats normally. Everything useful that is contained in her milk is spent on the growth and development of the baby’s body. Therefore, when deciding from how many months you can give your baby a banana, remember that he is not starving at all. For now, these fruits are only an addition to the main food. This important point, because many parents try to feed the baby half a banana, but this is too much for the baby and he may experience severe constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. To have a restful night, you should not force things.

Choosing and preparing

If you are already calmly feeding your child a jar of vegetables and porridge a day, and his tummy reacts normally, there is no pain or colic, then you can move on. There comes a time when you can give your baby a banana. Fruits intended for a child should be ripe, bright yellow, without traces of rot or dark spots.

First, wash the fruit thoroughly under hot water. Now you need to prepare a tasty and healthy puree:

  • Pre-cut fruit must be processed in a steam bath.
  • Mash with a fork until smooth.
  • For better absorption, add your own milk.

Sometimes mothers ask, is it possible to give a baby banana in pieces? It is not recommended to do this before a year. And if we talk about the first complementary foods, then here you need to prepare the most liquid puree possible, so as not to create a load on the gastrointestinal tract. Now your task is to start the enzymatic system. As soon as all enzymes begin to be produced, the child will be able to digest any food normally.

How much can you give?

Immediately you need to put as much puree into a plate as you are ready to feed to your child. Don’t forget that fruits are very tasty, so if you try to take away a plate from your baby that has puree left in it, you will get into trouble.

When can you give a banana? infant? Between 6 and 9 months. Can be called average figure- 7 months. Optimal time for experiments - this is the morning, second breakfast. When you first meet, you can give only 1 teaspoon. After this, stick to your usual diet, excluding the introduction of other new foods. The child's condition must be monitored for 24 hours. Are there any skin rashes, changes in behavior, bloating or colic? If everything is fine, then you can continue complementary feeding.

After a week, the dose of puree can be increased to a tablespoon. But not more. This fruit is very nutritious and can cause constipation. A one-year-old baby can be given half the fruit without prior preparation. heat treatment. And by the age of one and a half years, it is allowed to eat a whole banana.

Main advantages

Bananas have a lot of benefits that make them so popular:

  • Sweet taste and soft, delicate consistency.
  • A large number of sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron and fluorine.
  • Almost 20% is starch, which means energy.
  • Abundance of B vitamins.
  • Large amount of fiber.

Sweet fruits lift your spirits and give you a huge boost of energy throughout the day.

Banana Cons

It also has a number of disadvantages that a woman should be aware of before giving the fruit to her children. A child’s digestive and enzymatic systems do not always have time to form by 6 months. And when faced with a product so rich in fiber and starch, one may easily react in a less than positive way. in the best possible way. Any digestive upset can be expected: vomiting and diarrhea, bloating and belching.

Although quite rare, it is quite possible in infants. So start with a very small amount and watch the reaction carefully. If a rash appears, you need to stop eating banana for a while. Finally, if the baby is prone to excess weight, then it is recommended to limit the consumption of such a nutritious and high-calorie fruit.

Apples are widely popular among people from different countries. This is not surprising, because the tree is unpretentious in care and can be easily cultivated. personal plots. The fruit is added to baked goods, and compotes and purees are prepared on its basis for the first feeding of infants.

The benefits of applesauce

  • strengthens containment child;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxic substances;
  • concentrates many vitamins, including A, C, B, PP;
  • contains mineral salts, iron and magnesium;
  • includes iodine, pectin, fructose;
  • prevents food from fermenting intestinal tract due to the presence of acids;
  • tanning compounds have positive impact on the kidneys bladder and liver;
  • cleanses the blood, strengthens the walls of blood channels;
  • maintains normal blood sugar levels;
  • increases appetite;
  • eliminates vitamin deficiency in the off-season.

Which variety of apples to choose

For the first feeding of a child, give preference to the following varieties: Antonovka, Simerenko, white filling. If possible, collect fruits from your own garden or buy from trusted people.

Apples of the Golden, Jonathan and other varieties should be avoided. The perfectly even-shaped, glossy fruits, originally from abroad, are stuffed with chemicals and coated with wax for long-term preservation during transportation.

If sour apples, for example Antonovka, are used in the preparation of puree, combine them with other sweet fruits (pear, banana).

Try to choose apples that are as close to natural as possible. Such fruits will not always have a smooth surface and a perfect uniform color.

When to introduce purees into your child’s menu

The first feeding of a baby with applesauce is considered possible at the onset of six months. If the child is on artificial feeding, the procedure is carried out from 4 months (optional).

However, experienced pediatricians do not advise doing this; parents should wait a couple of months and feed the baby vegetable puree or porridge all this time.

What do apples go with in puree?

Young mothers will be interested to know that apples are one of those fruits that go well with other vegetables or fruits. Let's look at popular and safe combinations.

  1. With banana. The dish is easy to prepare with the addition of ripe bananas. Wash the fruit thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and remove the peel. Chop into pieces, place in a blender and grind. If desired, add some breast milk to boost the nutritional value of the food. This puree does not require additional heat treatment.
  2. With pear. This cooking option is as follows: first steam the apple and pear, then peel and grind into a paste using a blender. Again, add breast milk if desired.
  3. With pumpkin. The proportions for this recipe are approximately the same. One medium apple requires a small slice of pumpkin without fibers or peel. Chop the peeled fruits into cubes and place in a double boiler. Stew until tender, turn into porridge with a fork or blender. Add breast milk and a piece of natural butter.
  4. With carrots. Boil a medium carrot and a large apple separately. Then, according to a similar scheme, grind the components, supply breast milk or natural homemade cream. Cool, treat your baby.
  5. With zucchini. Make sure that the quantities of the original ingredients are approximately the same. The zucchini should be taken without seeds, the apple should also be peeled first. Boil the pulp until tender for 15-20 minutes. Then let the fruits cool and make a paste out of them.
  6. With cream. This version of the dish is suitable for infants who already have experience with dairy products. Measure out a glass of purified baby water, boil it, add two chopped apples. Simmer the contents for a third of an hour, then add 55 ml. cream homemade. Cook the mixture for another 5 minutes, then cool and treat your child.

  1. Study expiration dates carefully. If you notice that the preservation is coming to an end, refuse to purchase.
  2. According to standards, only vitamin C can be added to children's food, or ascorbic acid. Read the ingredients carefully; there should be no preservatives in it.
  3. Avoid purchasing products that contain starch or granulated sugar. Otherwise, the child may develop an allergic reaction.
  4. Read the label of the product you are about to purchase. If the company indicated that the puree is suitable for children from six months, take this into account. You should not give your baby a treat before the due date.
  5. Leading baby food manufacturers have proven themselves with positive side. Buy products from “Spelenok”, “Fruto Nyanya”, “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Fleur Alpine”, “Gerber”, “Humama”, “Hipp”. This product contains only water, vitamin C and apples.
  6. Heinz puree contains lemon juice, which can cause allergies in a growing child. But thickeners and starch were found in products from Agusha and Semper.

Applesauce for the winter

  1. It is important to understand that it is better to stock up on complementary foods in advance. winter period. The canned product is easy to prepare yourself. Wash 1 kg thoroughly. apples of the Simirenko variety, remove the peel.
  2. Cut the core from the fruit along with the seeds. Chop the apples into pieces and pass through a food processor or blender. Transfer the prepared mixture into an enamel-lined pan. Mix 30 gr. sugar and 500 ml. water.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for about a third of an hour over low heat. Next, the finished product is rolled using classical technology. Sterilize the jars small size, seal with lids. Store in a dark place.
  4. When preparing mashed potatoes for a steamed baby, you do not need to add granulated sugar. Apples are rich in fructose, so the child’s body will receive all the necessary microelements and glucose.
  5. If your baby suffers from diarrhea or anemia, it is recommended to prepare complementary foods from fresh fruits. In this case, the mass should stand for some time. fresh air. Oxidized puree will saturate the blood and normalize stool.

  1. It's no secret that puree can be purchased at any store, but self-cooking will guarantee the naturalness of the product. Wash the required amount of fruit. Remove the shell and core.
  2. Grate the apples on a fine grater. After this, the pulp must be additionally rubbed on a sieve. Please note that the use of metal mesh is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, oxidation of vitamins with iron will occur.
  3. If you are introducing complementary feeding for the first time, start the procedure with a dessert spoon. Monitor your baby's reaction. If an allergic reaction and similar symptoms do not appear, you can give puree daily. Increase the amount of product each time. After 1 week, the baby can be given 50 grams. fresh gruel for lunch.

Boiled apple puree

  1. Often, a baby does not perceive fresh purees well. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to a boiled product. Wash the apples as usual and prepare. Chop the fruit into small pieces.
  2. Place the raw materials in the pan suitable size. Pour in water until the liquid covers the apples. As soon as the ingredients come to a boil, reduce the burner to low. Boil the fruit for 10 minutes.
  3. Pass the boiled apples through a blender. Boil the mixture for literally another 2 minutes. If the baby is over 1 year old, you can additionally include fructose in the product. It is important to know that in children under 12 months of age, taste buds do not work well, so most often they do not feel tastes.

New mothers seriously think about the health of their baby, so they approach their food choices with all responsibility. In addition to the above recipes, complementary foods can be prepared from apples and cottage cheese, apricot, peach, various types croup

Video: how to prepare applesauce for the winter

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