Home Mushrooms Words of gratitude to the teacher from the child. Words of gratitude for graduation to teachers, class, from graduates, class teacher, teachers from parents. Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher at graduation - Examples of poetry and prose from students

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the child. Words of gratitude for graduation to teachers, class, from graduates, class teacher, teachers from parents. Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher at graduation - Examples of poetry and prose from students

Graduation is a special event in the life of every student and their parents. Graduation is a time of warm words and gratitude. This event should be celebrated and held with special trepidation. Everyone needs to say “thank you”: the school, the administration, parents, teachers and the students themselves.

  • Graduation is the main event in the life of every student and how important it is to be able to find words for your favorite teacher and class teacher in order to remember this moment for a long time. As a rule, words of gratitude are pronounced by the head of the class, but if you wish, you can always convey them personally to make it pleasant and note your respect
  • Gratitude to the teacher can be expressed both in poetry and in prose. There are many options for this: before the event, after the graduation, with a solemn speech during the awarding of certificates, at the banquet table in the form of a toast, a letter of thanks or a greeting card
  • Expressing gratitude to your teacher is a good and kind tradition that will characterize you as a conscientious person, allow you to develop friendly and warm relations in the future, give the teacher a moment of pleasure and inspire him with hope and faith that he spent all these years not in vain
graduation at school, words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation ball in prose and in verse

Words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation ball in prose:

  • Dear (name of teacher)! Today we want to tell you the biggest "THANK YOU" for the years that you spent on our upbringing. You were able to sprout from a “little seed” a real strong sprout, which has already grown stronger and has the strength to become a mighty tree. Without your help, we cannot be what you see us now: restrained, calm, intelligent and educated graduates. Those (number) years that we spent with you have made us related forever and now every time on the first of September we will remember your kind face, your open heart and tender look, and every first of September we will definitely miss you! We wish you many more years of creativity, inspiration and spiritual strength! Thank you for your hard work and endless faith in us!
  • Our beloved (name of teacher)! This day is both happy and sad for us because we have to say goodbye to you. How I wish that in later life you would always accompany and guide us on the right path. Thank you for believing in us and never giving up in difficult and sometimes even very difficult situations! Excuse us for not always appreciating your efforts, now, having become adults one day, we are sorry that we could make you sad. (Name of teacher), you are a real teacher and leader from God. We wish you endless happiness, feminine and pedagogical, we love you as a person and an excellent teacher. Thank you for your life wisdom and invaluable knowledge forever!
  • Dear (name of teacher)! Today there is a great occasion to thank you for the many years of work that you have done every day, educating and teaching us to live in this world. Only now we realize that without you, there would be no us. What a pity that we did not always understand you, and most importantly, we appreciated you. Forgive us our mistakes, our insolence and frivolity. Today we have become adults and in the future we promise to be your pride and dignity, a bright gold medal on your chest. We thank you forever and love you with all our hearts!

words of gratitude for the class teacher at the graduation ball in verse and prose

Words of gratitude in verse to the teacher at the graduation ball:

"Thank you" infinite we want to say to you,
Give free rein to these quivering and colorful words.
After all, you are not just our class leader,
You are our faith, our mother, our savior.
Thank you for giving good today,
For so many years in a row, only warmth came from you.
Let nothing spoil your mood today,
We wish you only happiness and luck in the future.

For us, you are not just a cool leader,
You have given us your warmth for so many years,
So I want to say that everything went perfectly,
We are very lucky with you!
With all my heart, you accept congratulations,
Which we prepared only for you,
Our beloved leader,
We wish you good luck and luck stock!

Our gratitude sounds today
How best to thank you, alas, we do not know
We know words are just a little
But you know, we respect you very much!
Thank you for being very sensitive to the problems,
In the problem of each of us, you found a common language and understanding,
You know your work is invaluable,
We wish you longevity and happiness!

words of gratitude to the beloved teacher at the graduation ball from the students

Beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation ball at the school from graduates

  • The first teacher is the person who goes through the first four years of school life with each student. It lays the basic foundation of knowledge, teaches to read and write, introduces the world and creates a worldview in every child's mind.
  • The first teacher at the graduation ball deserves gratitude no less than the class teacher. As a rule, a lot of warm memories are always associated with the first teacher, only pleasant emotions and something that is associated with a happy childhood.
  • It is important to choose only pleasant and suitable words for the first teacher in order to properly thank him for the hard work and motherly love that he invested in children at the first stage of their independent life.

beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation ball from graduate students

Beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation ball in prose:

  • Dear (name of teacher)! Thank you for being the very first person who taught us not to be afraid of life and to be self-confident. It is only thanks to you that we have become the people that our class teacher and the entire teaching staff of the school recognized us as. Your work is invaluable and noble. We wish you spiritual and spiritual youth, so that for many more years you will happily raise children and know that you do not live in vain! We remember and love you!
  • Dear (name of teacher)! We want to thank you for the fact that once you took us “under your wing”, you managed to grow real and adult people out of us. Only now we can understand how hard and difficult it was to cope with us, but now, let there be only pride and joy in you. We have become successful graduates and will never forget your contribution to our lives!
  • Our beloved (name of teacher)! We want to thank you so much for being able to spend a lot of your strength, your love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for teaching us to read, write and be good people. Without you it is difficult to imagine our path in this school. Know that you work and live not in vain. For us, you are the first school mother and a person whom we will respect for the rest of our lives!

words of gratitude to the first teacher in prose at graduation from graduates

Words of gratitude at the graduation from the students to the first teacher:

You are our first teacher for centuries,
And we will never forget you!
How anxiously they taught us to write,
Read, mushrooms and apples count.
Thank you for giving kindness with warmth,
That they found their own language and approach to us!
Days, weeks and years are flying inexorably,
We will never forget your work!

They opened the basics for us,
Invested in us invaluable work,
You were not afraid to take us at the very beginning,
Now we do not wish that we once met you!
You are our first beloved teacher,
We want to say for your work and for your diligence,
You have helped us a lot in life,
You did everything you could for us!
Now thank you for your attention
For kindness, patience, understanding,
Please accept our warm words
We will love you, respect you always!

Not just to express our respect to you,
For giving us teaching,
For not sparing attention to us,
They always gave us kindness and understanding.
It's hard for us to convey our love in words,
And tell us how proud we are of you!
You know that your efforts are not in vain,
We got love and education
You have found the best approach to us,
For this you honor and our low bow!

words of gratitude to the first teacher in verses from graduates at the ball

How to express gratitude to graduates? Words of gratitude to students at the graduation ball

  • In addition to the fact that at the graduation ball, thanks are constantly heard from parents and students to the class teacher and teachers, the efforts of the children themselves should also be noted and special words of gratitude should be expressed to them.
  • Gratitude is necessary for students for the fact that all these years they came to school, tried and gained knowledge, did not resist the educational process, participated in competitions, took part in school and extracurricular life
  • Thanksgiving words for students can inspire young people to be diligent students in the future, know their place in society, try to gain knowledge and be distinguished by special qualities, be the pride of their school

words of thanks to graduate students at the school graduation ball

Words of gratitude to the students at the graduation ball:

You finished your last class,
You have become mature and wise now.
Now it's time to think about who you can become
And where to continue your studies.
For school, for parents now
Your choice is as important as the first time.
And again the first course, like the first class,
You will become a student for us!
Now you're a graduate, you're an adult
But don't forget your school forever
After all, the school is still proud of you,
For what you have achieved so far!
And every teacher here knows for sure
What in life wishes you the best
So that there are fewer stones in your way
Meet and have fun!

Your last call today
He is both joyful and unusual,
Graduate, forget your lesson
You completed it perfectly!
Here the teacher brushed away a tear,
And your bouquet pressed to my heart.
From happiness and sadness sighed,
After all, he escorted you on a good path.
On your adult path
You have to deal with any stone,
So that the teacher and the school can
Proud of you and inspired!
Come back to us in your native class
A year later, to his school in the evening.
Remember everything, as if for the first time,
At a pleasant and joyful meeting!

Graduate, let you be anxious today
This is joy, where sadness is a little bit.
Everything is possible for you now
And the path of life is open to you.
You are a little unsure of yourself
But big things await you
Don't forget that trodden path
What took you to school for so many years!

thanksgiving and parting words for graduates at the ball from teachers and parents

How to express and pick up words of gratitude to the class from the leader?

  • Having gone through a difficult path from middle school to high school and graduating his class, the class teacher must wholeheartedly thank the students for peacefully lived years, for work and for understanding, for an endless number of days and experienced emotions
  • Each class leaves its mark in the heart of the teacher, and he says goodbye to the children, not without sadness and sadness, letting go of their adult and independent life.
  • Parting and grateful words of the teacher are able to inspire children and feel the whole moment of farewell to their beloved teacher, because all these years they have lived together as one family

thanks and parting words to the class from the class teacher at the graduation

Words of gratitude from the class teacher to the class:

  • Dear class, only now can we stop and think that this is our last meeting as one big and friendly family! For so many years in a row, we endured ups and downs together, experienced sad and joyful events, parted for the summer holidays and were happy to meet again in September. I want to tell you that you will remain in my heart for a long time, that each of you is my child and I will definitely worry about how your life will turn out in the future. Thank you for your understanding and respect!
  • Dear children! I want to tell you one thing today - I am sad to understand that our joint life path has come to an end. I got used to you as to my own children. Thank you for giving me friendship, understanding, love and only joy for so many years. So I want to save each of you from further life problems, from misfortunes and bad luck. Know that at any difficult moment I will be happy to help you with advice and deed!
  • My dear class! Even as your class teacher, I want to congratulate you on such a long-awaited event - graduation ball. I am sad and happy at the same time, because for me for all this time you have become dear and beloved children. Thank you for your respect and understanding, you are my pride and my work. I wish you only success and good!

words of gratitude from the teacher to the class at the graduation ball

Beautiful words of gratitude to the school and teachers from parents and graduates

Beautiful words of gratitude from parents and students addressed to the school will brighten up any graduation ball, please all those present and create only a good impression of the graduating class.

beautiful words of gratitude to the school at graduation

Thanks for the School:

Thank you school for teaching us
And spent on a difficult thorny path.
Thank you for not regretting your efforts,
Now we have something to carry in our lives!
Thank you for the interesting lessons
For the alphabet and for the pages of the primer.
You gave difficult work, not easy,
Thank you school and you teachers!

Director, memorize, teachers - thank you,
Thanks from the graduates to the teachers.
Thank you for the love and wisdom, our school,
There is simply no more beautiful you in the vast world!
Thanks for the wonderful moments
For our graduation papers!
For the fact that the school, you did not give up,
Now we will feel bad without you apart!

We are so on foot to thank you all,
For making us graduates,
For the fact that on a difficult day you were there,
For believing in us and always loving us.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
We, the school, will not forget all your care,
Thanks for what you did with your heart
And did an amazing job!

Beautiful words of gratitude to the parents of graduates at the ball

At each graduation ball, the school administration or the class teacher must thank the parents of the students for their constant cooperation, help in repairing the school and class, raising funds, and raising children. Gratitude can be expressed in verbal form, but it will be much more pleasant for each parent to receive a personal official letter of thanks or a letter.

Thanks to parents of graduates:

Today: on this day and hour
We must pay attention
To the parents who raised you
And made good people.
Thank you for always being by our side.
And in joy even when trouble came.
Thank you for driving away sadness
And we were never forgotten.
Forget all strife and doubt
You have wonderful well-behaved children.
You gave them your patience
And there is no better you for them in the world!

Today the school wants to tell you
What is so proud of your children.
Thank you for helping her raise
Children and gave everything they could.
For every step of the children and their success,
Thank you for today!
Today joy, radiant laughter,
At the graduation only heard from us!

Parents, your children today
They took their first big step.
They are smarter and more beautiful than everyone in the world,
Leaving school and home...
Parents, your children today
They became older and wiser in an instant.
They will spread across the planet
And they will praise all their relatives!

Options for acknowledgment letters for parents of graduates:

thank you letter for parents, template number 1

thank you letter for parents, template number 2

thank you letter for parents, template number 3

Beautiful children's words of gratitude for graduation to a concert and ball

As a rule, the graduation ball is accompanied by a large and colorful concert - a solemn part, where there are many competitions, songs, congratulations, awarding students with certificates. At this concert, children's words of gratitude to teachers and administration take place.

Beautiful children's words of gratitude for graduation

Words of gratitude from children at graduation:

Today we receive our certificates,
We have become wiser, prettier and smarter.
We will walk more confidently with them,
For us, our school is kindred to everyone in the world!
We solved problems and equations,
Learned tables, poems by heart,
We wrote literate essays,
Today we feel a warm sadness.
The school gave us everything we need,
For this we would like to thank you!
She gave us science and friendship,
She taught me to humble myself, to believe, to love.
Thank you teachers and family
You have done so much for us.
For us, you are the most precious
We will love you endlessly!

I would like to wish you inspiration,
Teachers of success, a lot of strength,
Thank you for your iron patience
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you good luck with our hearts
Our successes were not easy,
But you regularly helped us,
Today we are graduates!

From all today's graduates,
You want to say "thank you" for your patience.
You gave endless love
And they inspired us in our hearts!
In words, all wishes, alas,
Ours cannot fit closely,
For us, honor and pride are always - you,
We will be proud of you all the way!

words of gratitude from students to teachers at the graduation ball

Beautiful words of gratitude for graduates from the teacher and school administration

Gratitude for Alumni:

Today we have excitement in our hearts,
The last bell for us is ringing,
We want to remember moments forever
And the first day that is far from us.
We were brought up affectionately and strictly,
All those who were in this school,
Thank you teachers for being patient.
Forgive us for rudeness and ardor.
We have become adults and wise now
And our path to graduation was difficult,
Our door to the future is open
And in our lives we will never forget you!

So many years have passed
Quite a few things have happened here:
Sorrows, difficulties, victories,
Good luck and great discoveries.
This is where we got our experience.
Found love, advice and friendship.
We have a school, like a home,
She gave us everything we needed!

Today we are graduates
And today we wish you
Get lucky in life
And pride for us without end.
Good luck without limits
So that the world is wider than a notebook.
Thank you for all your patience
Let your life become smooth in an instant!

Parents provide great assistance not only throughout the entire academic year, but also give a lot of effort to organize a graduation party. At the festive evening, it is worth noting their efforts, work and support.

Gratitude for the help, work and support of parents for the school at graduation

Thanks for the help and work to parents:

Thank you, dear parents,
For the long journey that we have traveled together.
Today your children are winners
They worked diligently and for a long time towards their goal.
May the road of fate become favorable to them
And there will be a gentle adult and serious path.
Let luck meet them at the doorstep
And will not let them turn off the path!

Looking at the years of his school life,
And the first class that seems to be far away.
So I want to say with my soul:
“Thank you mom and dad for taking us to school!”
We have been teaching assignments for so many years,
Grades were received in diaries.
And every day we were happy
Just because we are students.
We are happy today, but also sad,
Trust our sincere words.
We have a great colorful feeling,
To everyone who gave us knowledge at school.

For those who did not manage to get to the event, you can send a congratulatory SMS to pay attention and congratulate dear people on the holiday.

Thank you SMS for graduation for students, parents and their teachers

Graduation SMS:

I congratulate you on your graduation
I wish you success in the future
May you always be lucky in life!
And only the light is waiting for you!

I wish, dear graduate,
May you be happy today.
Let you get used to school
You have become a student. New powers!

I wish from the bottom of my heart now
You have fun celebrating.
May this good light hour
Only joy lives in your hearts!

Graduate, I congratulate you,
You achieve your happiness!
With all my heart I wish you
The best and brightest of all!

Let, graduate, your wishes come true!
But remember your native school more often.
Your sorrows will soon be forgotten
Be confident and do not know sadness!

Video: “Touching congratulations for the class teacher at graduation”

A thank you letter is a business letter containing words of gratitude for any events or actions. How it is written, you can read in. Very often, a letter of thanks is written to the teacher, both parents, students, and the director of the educational institution can write it.

If the letter is written on behalf of the leadership of an educational institution, for example, a school, then usually the text expresses appreciation for professionalism and literacy, or active participation in the life of the school. Samples of writing a letter of thanks from the management of the organization to their employee are presented.

Below we offer several options for designing a letter of gratitude from the parents of students. Parents usually thank their children's teachers after graduation or at the end of the school year.

Try to write the letter in such a way that the teacher really feels your gratitude, use the wording below and complete them with your own phrases.

Texts of a thank you letter to a teacher from parents

1. Sample text of a letter to a teacher from parents

Dear Ekaterina Viktorovna!

We sincerely thank you for the education and upbringing of our children. Your pedagogical abilities and sensitive attitude to each student make the educational process a success. Children are happy to go to school, study and learn new knowledge. Your professionalism and individual approach to each helped to reveal many talents and abilities of students.

We wish you health, success, optimism, conquering new heights in the educational process!


Parents' Committee 11 B class of school No. 34

2. Another text of a thank you letter to the class teacher

Dear Natalya Sergeevna!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your patience and respect for our children during the school year. Thanks to your professional approach to learning, children go to school with pleasure, looking forward to the onset of each lesson. Your individual approach to each student was able to reveal hidden talents and opportunities in them. With the help of your amazing teaching abilities, students grow into full-fledged and purposeful individuals, aimed at gaining new knowledge!

We wish you to always remain a competent specialist, a professional in your field! Be healthy and happy!

Parents of grade 4 A of school No. 45

3. Another way to write a thank you letter to a teacher

Dear Anna Nikolaevna!

The Parents' Committee of Grade 3A of School No. 45 thanks you for your sincere attitude towards our children, for your patience and kindness. Thank you for helping our children find themselves in this life, developing their potential. Your sincere attitude to each child allows them to feel more confident in comprehending new knowledge.

Thank you for your indifferent attitude to the educational process, for your professionalism and literacy.

We wish you not to lose optimism in life, be healthy and successful!

I bow to you, dear Anna Nikolaevna!


Parents of grade 3A of school No. 45.

Here are samples of the best ready-made texts for a letter of thanks to a primary school teacher from parents. All texts are written in prose (not in verse).

All names and surnames, names of institutions (organizations) and settlements, dates are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

Option number 1

Dear Albina Gennadievna!

We express our deep gratitude for your pedagogical talent, creative attitude to work, responsiveness and goodwill!

Thanks to you, the children of our class live in a friendly team, consider the school their second home, and the class as a big friendly family.

We wish you good health, longevity (both professional and human), prosperity and patience, optimism and success in your hard work!


parents of grade 1 "A"


Option number 2

Dear Arina Sergeevna!

You once again reminded us that the work of a teacher is priceless!

Your contribution to the education and upbringing of our children cannot be overestimated. For 3 years, you helped timid and shy preschoolers to turn into schoolchildren who are self-confident, able and loving to learn, striving to learn new things, diversifying their abilities in various school and district events.

Due to the fact that you, a highly professional teacher, a caring, attentive and responsible person, were next to the children at school, we could be calm. Thank you for your contribution to our peace and emotional health.

You know how to find an approach to each child, instill kindness and decency, honesty and tolerance. You have taught them understanding. The knowledge gained at school allowed our children to show high results in regional educational competitions. For this, too, please accept our sincere gratitude.

Arina Sergeevna, the children will grow up and become professionals, each in their own business, and throughout their lives they will carry the light and warmth of your soul that you gave them ... And we will carry them along with the children.

Low bow to you for your work!

With respect and gratitude,

parents of grade 3 "E".

December, 2018


Option number 3

Dear Antonina Lvovna!

We express our deep gratitude for your professional skills, pedagogical talent, sincere generosity and competent education of our children during the first, most important, school years.

You open a unique world to your students, skillfully lead them up the ladder of knowledge, painstakingly overcoming step by step, igniting the flame of curiosity and self-confidence in their hearts!

We appreciate everything you do and are grateful for your creative attitude to work, enthusiasm, feedback from us, parents.

Thank you for decorating the children's childhood with warm and exciting memories that they will carry through their whole lives!

Parents 3 "D" class

GBOU №10 Guryevsk

Option number 4

Dear Josephine Egorovna!

Thank you for your hard work, responsibility and individuality,

for dedication to the chosen cause and the desire to develop in the chosen field,

for your unfailing kindness and desire to be helpful.

We would like to note with gratitude your professionalism and objectivity in assessing the knowledge and abilities of students. You are a talented teacher and a noble person.

We sincerely wish you peace, kindness, prosperity and worthy rewards for your successes. Let your professional path be easy, and the results of your activities - exceed your wildest expectations!

Parents of students of 1 "D" class

"Yelets secondary general education

school number 2"

Option number 5

Dear Zlata Yakovlevna!

We sincerely thank you for your inexhaustible and bright pedagogical talent,

high professionalism, dedication and many years of painstaking work. You are a proactive and responsible person, an experienced and skilled teacher! Thank you for being with us and our children during the first years of children's education in school. We are sincerely glad that at this tender age there was a person like you next to the guys and day after day passed on to them not only knowledge and skills, but also instilled those high moral principles that you are the owner of.

We sincerely wish you success in your professional activities, grateful students and understanding parents.


parents and students of 4 "B" class


Option number 6

Dear Nina Denisovna!

The most important and amazing discoveries are made next to a person who bears a wonderful title - the First Teacher.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for the fact that it was you who became the first teacher of our children and lit the way for them to the fascinating land of knowledge with your inherent care, attention, love for children and your profession.

Parents of students of the 3rd "E" class

GBOU secondary school №9


Option number 7

Dear Inessa Leopoldovna!

We express our deep gratitude to you for your professional and conscientious work,

We wish you health, optimism, high results and the desired return in your professional activities. Let every day bring you pleasant surprises, new energy, love of life and love of loved ones!


parents of graduates of the 4th grade "A"

MBOU "Secondary School No. 5"


Option number 8

Dear Lyubov Romanovna!

You open the way for our children to the future,

instill interest and love for various sciences, teach to appreciate the good,

educate and develop the best human qualities in them: politeness, disinterestedness, sociability, responsibility, diligence, and many others.

Thank you for your professional work, diligence, diligence, attention, understanding and care,

help and qualified advice, for a sympathetic heart.

We sincerely wish you further success, good health, vigor, peace of mind and happiness, both personal and professional!

Parents of students of grade 1 "E"

MBOU secondary school №48


Option number 9

Dear Nelly Andreevna!

It is a great happiness to meet a teacher who will become a guiding star for children, teach kindness and justice, and help them become Human.

Our children are lucky, in your person they met a real mentor.

It is in you that everything you need is combined: the talent of a teacher, attentiveness to children, intelligence, sensitivity, patience and inexhaustible energy. You not only teach children to “read and write”, but also help to form mental and moral values.

Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your labor prowess, professional mentoring and huge contribution to shaping a happy future for our children.

We sincerely wish that all the good you have done will always come back to you multiplied many times over!

Parents 2 "B" class

GBOU secondary school №11, Kalininsk

Option number 10

Dear Oksana Valerievna!

You are a highly qualified and gifted teacher, a subtle psychologist and sensitive,

attentive person!

Our children are graduating from elementary school, but already today we see that you have laid the moral foundations in each of our children, begun the formation of their personality, opened a new, previously unknown world to children.

Summing up the results of the educational process of primary school education for the period from 2018 to 2019, on behalf of the parents of students in grade 4 "B", we turn to you with words of gratitude.

Thank you very much for the creative, creative and friendly atmosphere,

which was created in the classroom, for interesting homework that develops mindfulness and imagination, for organizing the educational process

and painstaking, difficult work.

We wish you further development in your chosen profession and the achievement of new victories. Let the students be talented and obedient, parents understanding, leadership loyal, and loved ones loving.

Parents Committee 4 "B" class secondary school No. 2

represented by the Chairman

R. D. Morozova


Option number 11

The team of parents 1 "D" class MBOU "Secondary school No. 31"



Smirnova Zinaida Georgievna,

primary school teacher,

for cooperation, high-quality transfer of knowledge, popularization and promotion of a healthy lifestyle for children.

Option number 12

Team of parents 3 "B" class

GBOU "Secondary school No. 15", Kargopol


Proshkina Sofya Leonidovna

primary school teacher,

for preparing students for participation in the city competition of readers

"Literary Labyrinth".


Option number 13

We express gratitude

Slyshkina Tatyana Vyacheslavovna,

Class teacher 4 "G" class

MBOU secondary school No. 82,

for professional activity and close cooperation with parents

in the environmental education of children,

and training of participants

city ​​competition of costumes made from recycled materials

"The use of waste in modern fashion",

as part of the city campaign "Healthy City".

Parents and parent committee

MBOU secondary school №82


Option number 14

Dear Ulyana Antonovna!

The entire parental staff of the 4th "A" class expresses its deep gratitude to you for your sincere attitude towards our children, for your love and bestowal.

You, Ulyana Antonovna, are a real professional in your difficult profession. You helped our children choose the right path in learning, invested a part of your soul in them and did not ask for anything in return, you charged them with optimism and motivated them to study.

We consider it a personal, great success in life that you are the first teacher of our children - wonderful and fair! Thank you very much for your indifference, for loving the guys and taking care of them.

We wish you an easy professional path, high-profile victories both at work and in life, peace of mind and warmth in your family.

Yours sincerely,

parents 4 "A" class secondary school No. 43


May 2019

Option number 15

Dear Kira Vadimovna!

We, the parents of students of the 4th "B" class, GBOU "Secondary School No. 40",

we express our deepest gratitude to you

for the noble, difficult, but very important work,

high professionalism and achieved amazing results

in the education and upbringing of our children.

During the first four years of schooling, children were surrounded by care, attention, warmth and kindness, and this is a grateful environment for the development of a person's abilities and the formation of his personality.

Special thanks to you for creating a warm, creative, joyful atmosphere in the classroom. This helped our children successfully go through the process of adaptation to school, make new friends and fall in love with this place, where they will spend many more years of their lives.

We wish you well-being, vitality, achievement of all your goals, realization of all your plans!

Parents of students in grade 4 "B"


Option number 16

Dear Yana Semyonovna!

Please accept my sincere thanks for your

professionalism, attention, sensitivity and care towards our children.

Thank you for your kindness, patience, individual approach to each child,

for creating a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom.

Under your strict guidance, our children were able to experience the joy of friendship, broaden their horizons and learn independent learning activities.

We wish you that your hopes are always justified, those around you appreciate and respect, prosperity increases, and energy arrives. Good health to you and your loved ones!

With respect and love,

parents 4 "D" class MBOU "Secondary School No. 8"

May 2019


Option number 17

Dear Elizabeth Makarovna!

Please accept my sincere thanks

for a worthy contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Your work is an example of enthusiasm and dedication.

Your work with parents is always distinguished by sensitivity and attention.

From the bottom of our hearts, our parental gratitude to you -

A teacher with a capital letter,

a talented class teacher and a wonderful person.

We wish you health, prosperity, warmth and care of your loved ones!

Parents 2 class "B",

GBOU secondary school №30

Option number 18

Dear Victoria Grigorievna!

From all parents and students of the 4th "G" class, accept deep gratitude for your teaching work, for the fact that you have invested a part of your soul in our children, and also:

  • for your sensitivity;
  • for your kindness;
  • for your patience;
  • for your professionalism and continuous improvement of pedagogical skills;
  • for a responsible attitude to their work;
  • for the ability to punish in time and praise in time;
  • for the ability to educate in the learning process;
  • for pedagogical insight, the ability to see the best in every child and the ability to develop this best.

You have become for us and our children a teacher with a capital letter, a significant person in life. Kudos to you for this.

We sincerely wish you to receive only satisfaction and pleasant surprises from your work. May your efforts always be noticed and deservedly rewarded. Peace, happiness and joy to you and your loved ones!


Option number 19

Is awarded

Orlova Veronika Rodionovna,

primary school teacher, SBEI "Secondary School No. 1 in Dzerzhinsk".

On behalf of the team of parents of grade 4 "B", please accept the words of sincere gratitude for:

  • a huge contribution to the upbringing and education of our children;
  • cordiality, warmth, understanding of children and their parents;
  • long-suffering, care and indifference;
  • comprehensive pedagogical support provided to both students and their relatives.

Special thanks to you for the excellent quality of knowledge passed on to your students.

You have become a reliable friend and example for us in everything.

We sincerely wish you indestructible health, inspiration in your profession, creative search and satisfaction from work and life.

Parents and students of grade 4 "B"

Dzerzhinsk, 2018.

Option number 20

Dear Faina Vladimirovna!

Parents' Committee and parents of the 3rd "B" class

GBOU "Secondary School No. 71", Kopeysk

thank you for your active life position, willingness to share experience gained over the years, creative vision of the world, light of the soul, joy and faith in man!

Thank you for finding the opportunity and time to improve your skills, expand your work experience, introduce modern pedagogical technologies and share your discoveries, knowledge and thoughts with us!

We wish you inexhaustible vitality, inexhaustible health, endless professional growth and simple human happiness!

June, 2019


Option number 21

Dear Evgenia Arkadievna!

We express our gratitude to you for your contribution to the education and upbringing of our children!

Your high professionalism as a teacher, human kindness and patience, along with an individual approach to each student, allow children to reveal their abilities and gain solid knowledge.

Your interest in the affairs of the class as a whole and the needs of each child, manifested in active extracurricular activities, contributes to the comprehensive development of children, the development of teamwork skills and the formation of active citizenship.


parent team 2 "B" class,

MBOU secondary school №12, Krasnoufimsk

  • The main text of the letter is laid out in the center of the page. If there is no other way to place the text, it is allowed to lay out in width or along the left edge.
  • Separate words (name and surname, enumeration of merits, etc.) may be highlighted in capital letters and / or in bold.
  • After the main text, on the left side, leave the signature.
  • In some cases, the personal signatures of the authors of the letter are put (if the authors are not all the parents of the class, but only one or several people of the parent team).
  • The last entry on the page will be the date and name of the settlement. The date can be shortened, leaving only the month and year of writing the letter, or - only the year.
  • The name of the locality can be omitted at the end of the page if it has already been mentioned somewhere in the text (for example, it is often mentioned in the name of an educational institution or in the signature of the parent team. See how in the samples).
  • In the same way, it is permissible not to indicate the author of the letter at the end of the main text, if at the beginning of the text it was already mentioned on behalf of whom it was written.
  • The style of writing can be made less formal than the style of writing on behalf of an organization or officials. In this case, business style is neglected in favor of greater emotionality, warmth of the text (for this, compliments, enumeration of merits and personal admiration for them, etc. are added to the text).

At a crucial moment, it can be difficult to find beautiful and right words. We suggest using pre-prepared words of gratitude, choosing the most appropriate appeal individually.

variants of words of gratitude to teachers from graduates in prose

  • Thank you for fresh knowledge, which was presented in an understandable manner, for faith in our emerging personalities, for inspiration, invaluable help and support. May your activity be successful, and students capable.
  • We want to say thank you for teaching us not only knowledge, but also the school of life. We now know how to rejoice at victories, admit defeats and learn from our mistakes.
  • Thank you for kind hearts, sensual souls. For the stubborn struggle against ignorance and misunderstanding, for optimism and unshakable faith in us.
  • We thank our teachers for leading us into adulthood. They showed us how to behave in difficult situations, gave us valuable knowledge and showed us how to use it.
  • Dear our teachers! Thank you for always believing in us. That by their example they showed how it is necessary to live and survive, never give up, make dreams come true and stubbornly go towards your goals.

variants of words of gratitude to teachers from graduates in verse

Words of thanks to teachers from parents:

  • On behalf of all parents, we want to say thank you for the individual approach to each child, the disclosure of the skills and talents of each. For the creative success of our children, for the joy in learning new things, for help in chewing the material.
  • We want to say that you are all very talented and patient people. Forgive me if our children were sometimes uncoordinated and disobedient. They received the necessary knowledge from you, they understood valuable information and set off on a further voyage without fear, confident and purposeful people.
  • Thank you for being able to transfer a large amount of knowledge in a short time, for preparing children for the successful passing of exams, for teaching them not to be afraid of difficult situations.

Kind touching words of gratitude to the first teacher from graduates in verse and prose:

variants of words of gratitude in prose

  • Being the first teacher is incredibly difficult. It is necessary to choose an individual key for each student. Identify shortcomings and work on them. Identify strengths and discover new talents. Find dormant skills and turn a child into a creative and developed person. Thank you for making it all possible.
  • The first teacher gives us a start for further study and gaining knowledge. The first teacher teaches us to interact with each other, to communicate, to feel people. You gave us the first knowledge, the first lessons of etiquette. We experienced with you the first calls, the first public speeches, the first knowledge and praise. Thank you!
  • It is impossible to forget the first teacher. We want to thank you for knowing where to start when we were trained. You got us interested and gave us the first knowledge. We went to school with pleasure, to learn how to count, write and read. Thank you for the warm atmosphere in the classroom and kind attitude towards us.

words of gratitude in verse

Touching respectful words to teachers at the evening of the meeting of graduates:

variants of words in prose

  • We want to say thank you to the teachers for sharing knowledge and experience with us, for teaching, for interesting stories and for sharing knowledge with all their enthusiasm and soul.
    Thank you for rushing to work every day to replenish our heads with knowledge, develop us comprehensively and accustom us to adulthood. Your knowledge was very useful, and we always remember you with gratitude.
  • Teachers, thank you for your hard work! New knowledge, your support, faith in us and effective life advice were very important for us.
  • We bow to your teaching talent. We returned to school already as graduates who decided to meet. You gave us the necessary knowledge base to move forward. We remember how we rejoiced at new discoveries, were afraid of tests and worked as a team. Thank you!

variants of words in poetry

Kind beautiful words to the kindergarten teacher from the pupil:

variants of words in prose

  • Thank you for making me feel at home in kindergarten. You taught us a lot, prepared for school. Going to school is not scary now, because I have become much smarter.
  • Thank you for being so kind to me. They showed the difference between good and bad, between dreams and life. You helped to put words together from letters, taught to count. Thank you!
  • Low bow to my teacher! I have something to say thank you for. You were the most kind and patient, revealed my talents, taught me useful things.
  • I used to be afraid to go to the garden. Thanks to your ability to communicate and be honest with children, I stopped being afraid and went to the garden with pleasure. You showed us interesting classes, held beautiful matinees. I will have something to remember at school.

variants of words in poetry

Words of gratitude to educators from parents:

variants of words in prose

  • Dear teachers, thank you for raising our children well. You have boundless patience and sincere love for our kids. Thank you for your dedication, diligence and perseverance in education.
  • Thank you for our children coming home and sharing something new with us every day. That we studied together with our children, gradually plunging into childhood. They saw sincere smiles on their faces at home, pride in their eyes at matinees and confidence in the transition to a new stage.
  • Educators, you gave children invaluable moments of happiness, instilled in them skills, taught them to be human. Let their bright smiles, luminous eyes and our words of gratitude be your reward.
  • You instilled in the children the first and very important knowledge, helped to overcome self-doubt, and together with the children defeated their fears. Kudos to you and many thanks!

variants of words in poetry

A letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents of kindergarten graduates:

thank you letter in prose

Dear Olga Alexandrovna! Parents of graduates want to thank you. Just for the fact that you appeared in the lives of our children. It is noticeable with what care and warmth you treat our children. Thanks to your diligence and life wisdom, you put the basics of behavior into the minds of our children. Our children clearly learned what is good, what is bad, how not to behave and why.
Under your guidance, the children were perfectly prepared for the holidays. Many have discovered the talents of a dancer or singer. At matinees, the eyes of our children did not leave delight, these memories will remain with them for a long time.
During the classes, you were patient and answered everyone's questions of interest. They taught children to love nature, to enjoy every day they live. We appreciate your hard work. We want to thank you for your kindness, wisdom and patience. Being an educator is a true vocation that comes from the heart. Years in the garden, during which you raised children, will be a great start for school and academic success.
Sincerely, Parents' Council.

text of the letter in verse

Letter of thanks to the teacher from the students:

variants of the text in prose

Dear Irina Semyonovna! Time flew by instantly. Not so long ago we were small and insecure first graders. Now, as a grown-up team, we recall the happy days within the walls of the school. Each classroom, each lesson and concert are formed into a mosaic of childhood memories.
We are grateful for your perseverance, patience and perseverance in special situations. It must have been difficult for you to cope with a noisy, restless class. But you did a great job, which not everyone can do. You always found warm words of support, the right tone of the story, we were never bored. You protected and protected us, rejoiced at the success of each.
Thank you for being our guide and leading to adulthood already trained and prepared. We won't forget you!
11-B students

variants of the text in verses

A letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents of graduates:

variants of the text in prose

Dear Elena Petrovna!
We brought small and inexperienced children to school. Now we are parents of matured, wiser children who have gained useful life experience. The school is fraught with many difficulties. There are fears for the child. That he won't understand a single subject. What will conflict with classmates. That he can't stand up for himself. You taught children to stand up for their opinions, trust each other, work in a team. Thanks to your perseverance, the children overcame their fears, defined their goals, were not afraid to ask and get the right answer. You live up to your calling, thank you for being you!
Parental committee

variants of the text in verses

A letter of thanks to the first primary school teacher from parents:

variants of the text in prose

The first teacher, Ekaterina Ivanovna!
We still remember that exciting day when our children crossed the threshold of the school for the first time. You gave them basic knowledge, taught them how to get along with each other, how to resolve conflicts without fists. The holidays were filled with creativity and children's joy. The boys returned from school a little tired, but happy. Thank you very much for your work!
Parents of students ... class

Sample thank you letter to teacher from parents.

Dear (name, patronymic)!
Thank you for the quality education of our children. We appreciate in you qualities such as (list the qualities). Thanks to your determination and desire to teach, our children began to (list the positive qualities and successes of children). A low bow from us and a big thank you to parents!
Parents of students ... class

Letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents addressed to the director

Ivanov A.E.
From the parent committee of the 7th grade

Thank You Letter
Dear Andrey Egorovich! We ask you to thank on our behalf the class teacher of the 5-A class Krivenko Svetlana Petrovna. She is a great example for our children: responsible, respectable, an excellent organizer. Svetlana Petrovna perfectly taught our children not only her subject, but also self-confidence.

Thank You Letter from Students for Teacher's Day:

version of the text in prose

Dear teachers! Let me congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for your hard work. Every day spent with us is hard for you physically and mentally. Communication with people, and even more so training takes a lot of energy and strength. But in return, you get pluses to karma, students you can be proud of, endless words of gratitude and our sincere smiles. You are working on the future, educating specialists and preparing professionals for life. Thank you!
8th grade students

Prepare thank you notes and letters ahead of time. Rehearse the respect or learn by heart. Describe all the positive qualities of a teacher or educator, pay attention to the little things. Give thanks more often, because thanking is as pleasant as hearing kind words addressed to you.

Taking the first steps into adulthood, I would like to thank all our teachers and administration for their huge contribution to each of us. Thank you for the knowledge, care, support and eternal stimulus. Thank you for believing in us and always helping. We sincerely want to justify your hopes and reach the heights to which you pushed us with all our might. Thank you for everything, and we wish you all the very best for many years to come!

Today we say goodbye to the school, which for all these years has managed to become our second home. This is a huge and very important step into a new, incredible life that will bring us different emotions, experiences and, perhaps, justify our expectations. Today we want to thank all the teachers, parents, director, for tolerance, understanding, support. You taught us not to be afraid, not to give up and to believe in ourselves. Each of you was able to become an example for us, inspiring certain achievements. Now we are graduates, and we want to wish all our followers not to lose optimism, respect the work of the teaching staff and set the right goals.

Today we say "Thank you!"
We are our school and teachers,
For the fact that we were loved and taught,
We are eternally grateful to you.

You taught us to think and dream,
They taught difficulties, they are not afraid of thresholds,
We would like to wish you goodbye
Love, health, joy and happiness.

From future geniuses, artists, deputies, lawyers, inventors, doctors, travelers, teachers and just good, kind people, our words of gratitude for the warmth, responsiveness, patience, common truths, discoveries, understanding, answers to questions, help, attention, happiness in eyes, responsibility, impeccable performance of duties, approach. After all, the most important thing in life is to be a worthy person, with an open heart. Thank you for teaching this.

Our dear and respected teacher, on the day of our graduation, we express our gratitude and sincere gratitude to you. You gave us great knowledge and funny memories, bright moments and interesting fragments. Thank you for your good advice and tips. We wish you to confidently continue the path of your activity, to help each of the students choose their own direction in life and make new discoveries.

We thank all teachers
That for so many years you taught us everything,
You could open a big world for us,
You were the main mentors
Thank you from all graduates
You helped us with deed and advice,
We will not forget each of you
We wish you good luck, happiness, light!

How much effort did you spend with us,
How many nerves - can not be counted,
And dearer than a teacher
You won't find one for us in the whole school.

Unfortunately time is fast
We leave the school threshold,
But we will always remember decisively
That you are the coolest teacher!

Teacher, from graduates
Accept, thank you
For having us for so many years
Taught patiently.

From the basics you taught us to live,
Opening a new world
Thanks to you adult way
We are ready to start.

Thank you for your kindness
care and participation
And we want goodbye
We wish you happiness.

Thank you for teaching us wisely
For helping us become people.
And let it be really hard for you -
You were in a hurry to transfer knowledge to us.

Hurry in moments of childish anxiety
Give good advice or just understand.
We wish you a solid life path,
Walk more, sleep soundly, relax!

On behalf of the graduates
We thank you for everything!
You are an excellent teacher, impeccable,
You and I are incredibly lucky.

We wish you only positive things in the future,
Good luck and obedient, of course, children.
Let happiness be the motive of life
And every moment becomes brighter.

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