Home Natural farming Pangasius aquarium. Shark catfish pangasius in the aquarium. Appearance and gender differences

Pangasius aquarium. Shark catfish pangasius in the aquarium. Appearance and gender differences

Colombian shark catfish or Columbian shark(Columbian Shark) is quite common in pet stores, but many aquarists acquire these fish with false or inaccurate information, or without knowing anything about them at all. For most (95%) hobbyists, the Columbian shark catfish (Colombian shark) is not the best choice for keeping in their home aquariums. Let me explain why ...

Shark catfish after purchase, as a rule, they are released to freshwater fish species, but this fish is not purely freshwater. So, 7-10cm catfish need hard fresh water. Soft water is not acceptable for them. But at some point you will notice that they spend a lot of time near the exit from the filter. This suggests that the fish are trying to swim in a river with a strong flow of water (migratory instinct). During this period, shark catfish need brackish water. No, you don't need to make steep seawater. A salinity of 1.003-1.005 is suitable. Then every couple of months it is necessary to increase the salinity of the water, at least bring it to 1.005, and ideally to 1.010. Then it is advisable to transfer Colombian sharks to completely seawater, by transplanting them, for example, into the FOWLR aquarium (only fish and live rocks).

In many sources information about shark catfish is often distorted. So, for example, most aquarists do not even suspect that with the right maintenance, adults of these beautiful fish can reach 51 cm in length or even more.

In addition, before purchasing Colombian sharks, you should know that they are predators who gladly eat smaller and sometimes rather large fish living with them in the same aquarium. In fact, some hobbyists even raise special food fish (like guppies) to spoil their catfish occasionally.

Shark catfish- quite active fish, so he needs a spacious aquarium. Imagine your active little shark catfish in adulthood, and you will realize that you will soon need to build a fairly large aquarium for them, in which they will be happy and healthy.

Colombian sharks should consume most fish food, including cereal, frozen, freeze-dried and live foods. Toss a few well-sinking shrimp or catfish pellets into the aquarium with the lights off (to prevent other fish from eating) and the catfish will pick up the debris around them.

Colombian sharks have venomous dorsal spines, so be very careful while maintaining your aquarium. Better yet, it would be to wear long rubber gloves for this.

Colombian shark catfish - photo.

Feeding shark catfish - video.

Shark catfish in a marine reef aquarium with corals (water - salty).

Keeping the Columbian shark catfish.

Scientific name: Hexanematichthys seemanni.

Popular names: There are a lot of names for this fish, for example, Shark catfish, Columbian Shark, Inverted silver shark, Sea catfish, Black fin shark, Christian catfish, Jordan catfish, West American shark catfish, etc.

Care level: moderate. For adults, a very large aquarium is needed.

Size (length): 25-50cm and sometimes even more!

pH: 7-8.

Temperature: 24-27 0 C (75-80 0 F).

Water hardness: 5 0 to 20 0 dH

Specific gravity of water: 1.005-1.010, more salty water recommended for adults (1.020-1.025)

Life Expectancy: 10-15 years or longer.

Origin / Habitat: wild shark catfish are native to Central America, Guatemala, South America and southern Mexico. They are often found in coastal waters and brackish rivers.

Character and behavior: mostly peaceful, but the larger they become, the more often they swallow smaller fish. Do not keep shark catfish with small fish such as neons, tetras and guppies, etc.

Breeding Colombian shark catfish: very difficult. In nature, they breed in salt water. The male bears eggs in the mouth until the fry hatch.

Aquarium size: at least 250 liters per shark catfish and much more for a flock. These fish need a large aquarium not because of their size, but also because they are quite active swimmers.

Colombian Shark Catfish Compatibility: fish that tolerate brackish water (stingrays, swallow fish, etc.). When this shark gets big enough, it will eat fewer fish.

Fans of the marine ichthyofauna could not help but pay attention to sharks, and are very surprised to see a smaller copy of it in a pet store. How did it happen that a majestic marine predator ended up in a freshwater aquarium? The answer is simple - this is not a shark at all, but just a catfish very similar to it.

Pangasius are representatives of the shark catfish family (Latin Pangasiidae) and the order of catfish (Latin Siluriformes). The family includes 4 genera and 23 species, but only 3 are found in the aquarium hobby. Most of the pangasius are large fish, growing up to 3.5 meters and weighing 300 kg. It is not surprising that they are of commercial importance. The shark catfish is native to the rivers of the countries of South Asia.

Aquarium pangasius are somewhat smaller: their size does not exceed a meter and are generally 50-60 cm. Despite this, the fish still remains very impressive and requires special living conditions.

High fin pangasius.


Externally, aquarium shark catfish are similar, and you can determine the species by color.

These are mainly mobile, nervous fish that inhabit the upper and middle layers of the aquarium. Their flattened head has large eyes, a huge mouth, and two pairs of antennae. The body itself is torpedo-shaped, slightly flattened from the sides. The anal fin is long and fringed from the middle of the body to the base of the caudal peduncle. The dorsal fin is in the front of the body, pulled up.

The shark catfish got its name because of the shape of the body, reminiscent of a shark, and also thanks to its fast, impetuous manner of swimming. Pangasius juveniles are schooling and actively prowl in search of food, swim in circles, and generally cannot spend even a minute without movement. The silvery color further enhances the feeling that this is not a freshwater fish, but a real shark.

However, with age, the behavior of pangasius changes somewhat - their swimming style becomes calm and measured, they begin to grow not in length, but in breadth, and their resemblance to a shark gradually fades away.

In total, the aquarium contains 3 types of shark catfish:

  • Pangasius high fin(lat.Pangasius sanitwongsei, eng.Paroon Shark). Large fish, in juvenile age, has a dark silver color, which brightens with age.
    Alone this shark catfish will not feel comfortable, so it is recommended to start a flock of 3-4 fish. Considering that they grow up to a meter, one can understand why the high fin pangasius is practically not found in home aquariums.
  • Siamese pangasius(lat.Pangasionodon hypophthalmus, eng.Iridescent Shark Catfish). In nature, it is quite large, but aquarium specimens rarely exceed 60 cm. Juveniles are gray in color, along the body on each side there are 2 silvery stripes. The abdomen is light. With age, the color of the fish darkens. Only young individuals are suitable for aquarium maintenance.
  • Pangasius small ( lat. Pseudolais pleurotaenia, English, Shortbarbel Pangasius). A relatively small shark catfish, growing up to 30-35 cm. The whiskers of this fish are very short, and the color is bright, silvery. They prefer to be nocturnal, hiding behind vertical shelters during the day.

Not every seller may be aware of the size of an adult fish, so the purchase should be extremely vigilant.

Siamese pangasius.

  • Speaking about pangasius, first of all, you should remember what size this fish grows. Young shark catfish grow very rapidly, and soon outgrow the home aquarium. Speaking about the size of the pangasius container, we can say one thing: the more, the better!
  • Unlike lone sea sharks, these catfish are schooling fish, and without a team they begin to get lost, stress and rush from side to side, making their already restless behavior more nervous. It is recommended to start a school of 2-3 fish. An aquarium for a group of adult Siamese Pangasius should be more than 600 liters and be wide and long. For a high-fin pangasius, a container with a volume of more than a ton is required.
  • Shark catfish is a very shy fish, and when frightened, it begins to rush hysterically from side to side, flying into items of inventory and other fish. This behavior is a source of stress for everyone, so the pangasius tank should be located in a calm place.
  • These fish are prone to jumping out of the aquarium, so the container should be equipped with a lid or coverslip.
  • Such large fish consume a lot of food, oxygen and produce a large amount of waste products, so the aquarium must be equipped with powerful filtration and aeration systems. Pangasius also does not like dirty, old water, so do not forget about weekly massive changes of up to 40%.
  • The interior for the living of shark catfish must be equipped in a suitable way. It is important to remember that pangasius is an impulsive fish, and in fright it can fly into inventory or get entangled in plants, thereby harming itself. It is best to decorate the bottom, leaving the water column free for swimming. Smooth stones and low-growing plants are used to decorate the aquarium.
  • temperature: 22-26 ° С;
  • acidity: 6.5-7.5 pH;
  • hardness: 2-30 ° dH.

Albino form of the Siamese pangasius.


Pangasius lead a predominantly predatory lifestyle and willingly swallow everything that gets into their mouth. With special pleasure they eat small fish, chopped squid, shrimp and sea fish. Will not refuse from floating dry food pellets.

Although this fish was nicknamed the shark catfish, you should not expect her to behave like a fish. Pangasius rarely sinks to the bottom and picks up food debris, as it prefers to eat afloat. If undernourished, it can show aggressive behavior, attacking neighbors in the aquarium.


In an aquarium, pangasius do not breed, and all fish available for sale come from the countries of Southeast Asia. There they are kept in large ponds. To stimulate spawning, manufacturers are given pituitary injections.


Compatibility issues should be approached with extreme care. While pangasius are small, they do not seem to pose a threat to the rest of the fish. They can swim peacefully with a flock of barbs or maneuver between scalars. But peaceful behavior lasts exactly until the pangasius realizes that the neighbor is potentially very tasty and can fit into the mouth, which, by the way, is very large in the shark catfish.

Thus, good neighbors for a pangasius will be large ones: a three-hybrid parrot, an astronotus, a citron cichlazoma, etc.

You can also consider the proximity to other large Asian fish, for example, with or.

The aquarium pangasius attracts many aquarists with its unusual appearance. In stores, their fry are sold as ornamental fish, while often keeping silent about the problems that the new owner may face. In particular, it is often silent about the size that this fish reaches, regardless of the volume in which it lives.

General information

The aquarium pangasius is very similar in appearance to a shark. Therefore, its second name is "shark catfish". "Freshwater shark" and "Siamese catfish" are two more common names for this fish. The average life span of a fish is 20 years. Moreover, pangasius is very large in size. In nature, it can reach up to 130 cm in length, and the average weight of an adult fish is 44 kg. In captivity, it rarely grows more than 50-70 cm, but even with this size it is a very large aquarium fish that needs large volumes. The aquarium pangasius is a schooling fish. It feels best in a group of 5 or more individuals. Given the size of each fish and the shark catfish love to frolic and swim, a school needs a huge aquarium that hobby aquarists rarely can afford.

Another catch is that hobbyists are often seduced by the appearance of juvenile pangasius. These are dark fish, shimmering with silver and very similar in appearance to sharks. But with age, their colors change. Adults become monotonously gray, while rather large. In addition, over time, their activity decreases, and they become less interesting to observe. Therefore, you should think carefully before introducing this fish as a pet. With its own unpretentiousness and interesting appearance, the aquarium pangasius is a difficult fish to keep, because it is difficult for it to set up optimal conditions for keeping.

Appearance and sexual dimorphism

The juveniles of the aquarium pangasius catfish are rather dark in color. Long dark stripes run along the lateral line. The skin reflects light and shimmers beautifully. Adults have a solid gray color. The head is small, with large eyes set on it. The body is thickened, devoid of scales. Unlike other types of catfish, the skin of the aquarium pangasius does not have bone plates, so the fish is often injured. Small sharp teeth can be seen on the jaws. There are two pairs of antennae on the muzzle: the lower ones are longer than the upper ones. The fins are black or dark gray. The dorsal fin consists of 6 branched rays. It has one or two thorns. There are also spines on the pectoral fins. The caudal fin is two-lobed. Below are photos of the aquarium pangasius.

Sexual dimorphism manifests itself only in adults, therefore, when buying juveniles, it is difficult to determine the sex of the fish. Females are larger than males and look much more powerful. In adulthood, they have a lighter body color.


The aquarium pangasius is very shy. This is especially true for juveniles. Any noise, sudden movement, flash of light, can cause a panic attack in the flock. The fish will start to rush around the aquarium and fight against everything around. With a sharp change in the conditions of detention or a new neighbor, the fish are able to fall into a stupor. They freeze in place and do not move. From fear, they can pretend to be dead. In a state of stupor, they stay for no more than half an hour. When the fish realizes that nothing threatens it, it will begin to study the surrounding space with interest.

Shark catfish is very active, and therefore interesting to observe. He needs a lot of swimming space. Usually, fish scurry around the aquarium in flocks, and when they sense danger, they immediately try to hide.


The fish received the first description in 1878. In nature, it lives in river basins located in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand. It was from there that the fish got its distribution throughout Southeast Asia. There it is used commercially. In Asian countries, shark catfish is used for food.

Young fish are found in huge schools. Adult fish live in small groups. In nature, they feed on insect larvae, invertebrates, shrimps, vegetables and fruits.

Since this is a large schooling fish, a large container size is needed to keep the aquarium pangasius. A 400 liter aquarium is suitable for a flock of young animals. Over time, you will need an aquarium with a minimum volume of 1200 liters.

The fish is unpretentious regarding the conditions of detention. The optimum water temperature is 22-26 degrees. The fish has rather defenseless and sensitive skin. If damaged, fungus can form on it. This is why a clean aquarium is very important to the pangasius. Water changes should be done weekly for at least 30 percent of the total. The aquarium should have a powerful filter that will create a flow. Aeration is required. The equipment inside the aquarium should be hidden with decorations, because shy fish can break it in a panic attack.

Inside the aquarium, you need to put shelters in which nervous juveniles can hide. Sand or edged gravel can be placed on the bottom. The aquarium pangasius loves to dig in the soil, so plants with a well-developed root system should be planted in it. You need a lot of free swimming space. From fright, the pangasius can jump out of the aquarium, so cover it with a lid. In bright light, fish can get very nervous, therefore it is undesirable.


The aquarium pangasius is quite voracious, so you need to take care not to overfeed the fish. One day a week, you don't need to feed the fish at all, to prevent obesity.

Shark catfish can be fed with dry, frozen and live food. It is necessary to give plant dressing. For feeding, you can use the tubifex, bloodworms, small invertebrates. You need to feed in small portions 2-3 times a day. Food should be given as much as the fish can eat within 5 minutes. In addition, aquarium pangasius eat only the food that is in the middle layers of the water. Fish may refuse to eat due to excessively bright lighting. In this case, she feels defenseless, and therefore nervous. It is worth dimming the lighting during feeding. With age, fish lose their teeth and begin to eat only plant foods. For feeding, you can use lettuce leaves, thin slices of zucchini, grated cucumbers.


The aquarium pangasius is a schooling fish. For a comfortable existence, it is best to acquire a group of at least five individuals. This is a very shy fish that starts to rush about in panic from any sharp noise. At the same time, she is able to harm not only herself, but also other neighbors in the aquarium. Therefore, do not frighten the fish once again in order to avoid unnecessary injury.

This is a rather friendly fish, but you should not settle fish with it, which can be swallowed by shark catfish. Larger fish can irritate the pangasius and cause panic attacks, which will injure the fish. It is better to settle shark catfish with commensurate peace-loving fish: cichlids, labeos, large barbs. With timely and high-quality feeding, gourami and rainbows can be added to the aquarium. Aquarium pangasius live in the middle layers of the water, so fish that live in the lower layers should live with them. They will pick up the food that has fallen to the bottom, thereby clearing the soil from food debris.


Young pangasius aquarium fish are imported from their homeland. And all because it is almost impossible to achieve fish breeding at home. It is too difficult to recreate the conditions necessary for spawning. It is easier to supply the fish from a commercially farmed location. The fish are bred in huge artificial reservoirs, or the fry are caught in nature, and then grown.

Males are ready for breeding from two years old, and males from three. Spawning lasts from early summer to late autumn. Fish rush upstream to spawning grounds. Females lay eggs in dense algae. One female is capable of spawning more than one million eggs at a time. The fry hatch after a couple of days.

Possible diseases

The pangasius aquarium fish needs good water filtration. Due to heavy pollution, it can become inactive and get sick. The aquarium pangasius is quite often injured when it rushes about the aquarium in fright.

One of the most common bacterial infections in shark catfish is pangasius bacillary necrosis. Its main symptoms are: hemorrhage in the eyes and in the fins; cell necrosis; spots on the liver, kidneys and spleen. Antibiotics are used to treat it.

Pangasius can suffer from jaundice, the main symptom of which is the yellow color of the meat. To cure the fish, antibiotics are given along with the feed, and in this case, they try to improve the quality of the water.

Bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia is an infectious disease. Its main symptoms are abdominal distention, bleeding around the eyes, fins and on the body. Antibiotics and improved living conditions help to cope with it.

Thus, the pangasius aquarium shark is a beautiful and very large fish. It is unpretentious, but a very large aquarium is needed to keep it at home. The fish are peaceful, but it is worth housing them with commensurate species of fish. Since shark catfish are very shy, there should be no sharp decorations in the aquarium that could hurt them. With the right conditions of keeping and good varied feeding, fish can live up to 20 years.

Shark catfish (pangasius) is a fish that lives in southeast Asia and Indochina. He prefers to live in lakes overgrown with algae and warm water bodies. The fish got its name because of its external resemblance to a shark. There are many varieties of pangasius, but only two are kept at home. Shark catfish require a very large aquarium. Able to get along with many aquarium fish.


Pangasius is described as a miniature replica of a marine predator. In nature, its length is more than one meter, but in an aquarium, the catfish reaches only 70 cm.

At home, they contain two types of shark catfish:

View Description
Siamese pangasiusThe body is painted in a dark gray shade with a bluish tint. On the sides, from the gills to the caudal fin, there are stripes of silvery color. Due to its flattened head, tail and fin, this species strongly resembles a shark. The male is much smaller than the female, and the body color is noticeably paler. The belly of such a catfish is silvery, and the fins are light gray.
Sutchi's aquarium catfish
This is a small shy fish that rushes to the walls of the aquarium in fright. To reduce the risk of injury, it is recommended to keep it in a large oblong container. This species is quite peaceful, prefers to be in the middle water layers, gets along well with medium and large aquatic inhabitants. Sutchi's aquarium catfish gets used to its owner and reacts vividly to his appearance in the room

Shark catfish does not have bone plates, but has thin and smooth skin that is easily injured. This fish is constantly in motion and regularly rises to the surface of the water to swallow air.

To make shark catfish feel comfortable in the aquarium, you need to create conditions for it that would be as close to natural as possible:

Necessary Requirements Conditions of detention
AquariumThe volume of the aquarium should be at least 500 liters, and then it is suitable only for young animals. Since these fish prefer to live in a flock and are able to move quickly along the aquarium walls, the tank should not be cluttered with unnecessary decor. For adults, an aquarium with a volume of more than 1000 liters is required
WaterShark catfish prefers to live in clean water. It should not be hard (2-20 dH), and its acidity should be within the normal range (6.5-8.0 Ph). The tank must be equipped with a water filter. If the level of nitrates or ammonia is increased in the aquatic environment, then the fish may develop their own diseases. Water should be replaced every day by 30% of the total mass. Its temperature should be + 23 ... + 28 degrees
DecoratingAccessories (driftwood, stones) are selected in a large size. They should not have sharp corners to avoid injury to the catfish. The bottom is sprinkled with gravel or washed coarse sand. Plants can be planted in a pot, which is placed at the bottom of the aquarium. In this case, the fish will not be able to damage them.

With proper care, aquarium catfish can live up to 20 years.


Pangasius are omnivorous fish. In nature, they feed on protein foods: worms, mollusks, insects, larvae.

In captivity they are given:

  • large bloodworm;
  • pieces of frozen fish;
  • tubifex;
  • finely chopped veal.

Fish are given food under dim lighting, which makes them feel calmer. Catfish are very voracious and prone to obesity. They are fed 2-3 times a day, counting portions so that the food is eaten within a few minutes.

Breeding and compatibility

Shark catfish breed in captivity very rarely. Most often they are imported from Southeast Asia, where they are bred in huge artificial ponds equipped with special equipment. To increase the performance of the fish, they are given stimulating injections. Therefore, ordinary amateurs are advised to purchase them at pet stores.

This large fish is called differently - shark catfish, pangasius, pennant or freshwater shark. It really looks a lot like small sharks, but it can be kept at home and in various aquariums. Very often this subspecies is positioned as a dwarf shark for an aquarium.

Their natural habitat is Southeast Asia. There are especially many of these freshwater sharks in the Chao Phraya and Mekong rivers. They can also be found in Tonle Sap Lake. In Asia, pangasius has long been actively cultivated as a commercial fish. Recently, the interest of aquarists in the unusual mobile shark catfish has increased. Make no mistake, in specialized stores these inhabitants can be found under the wrong name "sole". In fact, this is a variant of the name of European salt.

Features of appearance

The appearance of the pangasius is the main reason for the increased interest of breeders. Many people find it attractive to have a small fish at home, similar to a dangerous large predator (it is often compared to sharks or killer whales).

The head of the shark catfish is flattened, the eyes and mouth are large, so the neighbors of the pangasius must be chosen carefully. The fish has a pair of mustaches - in fact, this is due to its English name shark catfish. Literally translated, catfish is a catfish. The body shape of this unusual catfish is streamlined, the color is dark gray or black. The fins and back are a couple of shades darker than the abdomen.

There are only two types of freshwater sharks - with high and low fins, but there are no very noticeable differences (except, in fact, the location of the fins) between them. Fish with high fins have a more uniform color, while those with low fins may have several light stripes on the sides.

Shark catfish can reach quite impressive sizes - in nature there are individuals up to 130-140 cm in length and up to 40-45 kg. However, pangasius rarely grows more than 60 cm in an aquarium. Males are slightly brighter, but smaller than females. They live quite a long time - up to 20 years.

Pangasius behavior in the aquarium and choice of neighbors

Freshwater sharks are very nervous and shy, most of the species have poor eyesight. When moving into a new aquarium, they usually start scared to rush around the entire tank. These fish can faint or even pretend to be dead, frozen at the bottom of the aquarium in an unnatural position. However, it doesn't take them long to get comfortable in the new environment. In just a couple of days, your pet will again begin to rush around his home, but this time with interest, actively getting to know his new place of residence.

It is important to warn guests and households not to scare the shark catfish, many people like to knock on glass. A frightened fish trying to run away and hide can harm itself by hitting glass or decorative items in the aquarium. These panic attacks weaken the pets, after which they need time to recover.

Pangasius are great for species aquariums, but they are quite capable of peacefully coexisting with other fish. The only condition is that the neighbors should not be inferior in size. Cichlids, large barbs, gourami, labeo or iris are excellent options.

These large fish need a suitable aquarium. If you are going to have an adult, then she will need a tank of about 1200 liters. However, most breeders prefer to buy fry - they can be put into a smaller aquarium and they simply will not grow to such an impressive size.

If you buy fry, then count on the fact that in the future they will need 350-400 liters of water per individual. Shark catfish are schooling fish, they will feel best in the company of 4-5 relatives. It is advisable to choose a container of an oblong shape - pangasius are very active and mobile, they need a lot of space to swim to their fullest. It is better to cover the bottom with coarse sand, which can be planted with live plants (they should be firmly fixed or planted in small pots dug into the sand). It is also advisable to add original decorative elements to the tank - for example, stones, driftwood or intricately shaped shelters. But here, too, you need to be careful, unlike its relatives, shark catfish is not covered with protective bone plates, that is, its skin is quite thin, it is quite easy to injure it.

This subspecies is quite picky about the quality of water - it must be clean and fresh. To do this, you will have to change at least 30% of the water daily. Also, dwarf sharks need constant filtration and aeration. Water temperatures can range from 24 to 29 ° C (although 26 ° C is considered ideal for shark catfish). The required water hardness is up to 15 °. Acidity - 6.5-8.0 pH.

How to feed the pangasius in the aquarium?

Dwarf sharks are quite voracious. Their diet should be varied and may include:

  • granulated dry food;
  • squid;
  • lean veal (sometimes even beef hearts);
  • small live fish.

There are also several things breeders should be aware of:

  • food must contain protein (this is good for fish);
  • do not give them flaky food (because of them, the fish may have digestive problems);
  • the food must be thrown on the surface of the water so that the pets can collect it accurately (these fish will not rummage in search of food in the ground).

Under natural conditions (most catfish are omnivorous), this species can also feed on small invertebrates, insect larvae, even fruits and vegetables.

Shark catfish breeding

Breeding pangasius in an aquarium is a rare occurrence. This is hindered by the large size of the fish and their requirements for spawning. In nature, they usually migrate upstream of rivers, heading for spawning grounds (in late spring or summer). It is impossible to reproduce such conditions in a home aquarium. Therefore, in Asia there are whole farms for breeding dwarf sharks, where they are raised in huge lakes or in specially equipped glass containers.

If you want to get yourself a big, beautiful and not too demanding fish, then you should pay attention to the pangasius. Watching this active fish will bring you a lot of fun. Contact the Aqua-store company, our experienced specialists will help you both with choosing a pet and installing all the necessary equipment.

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