Home natural farming Evelina is a Muslim name. Reasonable and ambitious Evelina: a description of the name. Love and family relationships

Evelina is a Muslim name. Reasonable and ambitious Evelina: a description of the name. Love and family relationships

Ever since childhood the meaning of the name Evelina implies the activity and activity of its bearer, with which, being a very little girl, she copes to the fullest. A little shy, very curious Evelinochka attracts the admiring glances of adults and children. Her unusualness, such a clear dissimilarity to other children distinguishes her from many of her peers.

In youth, the meaning of the name Evelina slightly changes its course, endowing the young lady with iron willpower and incredible activity. Sometimes it seems that the girl does everything with ease and enviable performance. The excitable nature of the young person, combined with an instant reaction, is an explosive mixture.

The girl expresses negative emotions violently, but quickly cools down. Endowed with incredible stubbornness, paying little attention to failures, she prefers not to get hung up, but to go further along the intended path.

The young lady prefers not to stand out from the crowd, giving other young ladies a chance to prove themselves. She has an analytical mindset, namely, the girl tends to attach importance to small details, and it is very blurry to see the whole picture.

A girl can easily be offended, hurt and hurt the most intimate strings of her soul. However, she can easily stand up for someone with which she will try to justify or protect herself. It easily becomes attached to people and reacts very painfully to betrayal or betrayal. The circle of friends is very narrow, carefully selected and triple checked.

The moral principles of the young lady are at a very high level, the innate sense of decency in all its glory is manifested in the most difficult and critical moments of life. Sometimes such morality prevents a girl from perceiving the information she needs, but often this state of affairs only makes the young lady mysterious and unique.

origin of the name Evelina

In the history of the origin of the name Evelina, there are several versions of its origin. The first assumption, where this name came from, takes its roots from the Hebrew name "Eve", which means "giver of life", "life force".

The second assumption regarding the origin is French roots, the etymological translation of this name is “hazelnut”, “hard nut”.

There is also a hypothesis that leads into the depths of Celtic culture, where Evelyn, whose name is derived from the Irish name Ava - Aife, meaning "beautiful", "goddess radiating light."

Evelina's girls have been noticeable since childhood: they are very emotional, but at the same time obedient and affectionate. Thanks to these qualities, the daughter easily manipulates her parents and often avoids punishment for misconduct, so they should be stricter so as not to spoil the character of the child in the future. Lina simply makes new acquaintances and has many friends.

The girl's studies are easy, she is very inquisitive and drawn to science. . He does not achieve grades from teachers with the help of charm, but achieves success with his own mind and efforts. Her curiosity helps her in this. Also enjoys prestige among classmates.

I used to solve my problems on my own, without resorting to the help of adults. It is very important for this child to visit various circles and sports sections: despite the calmness that distinguishes her character, Eva is very energetic and mobile. She does not always finish what she started, but Evelina does not attach importance to this, but easily finds a new hobby.

At a young age, Eva is very active and shows extreme willpower. Sometimes from the outside it seems that all achievements are easy for her. Her character is such that she expresses her opinion very emotionally. But at the same time, he does not hold a grudge in his soul for a long time and quickly cools down. The name Evelina gives the girl the ability to analyze the outcome of the situation, anticipating its outcome.

As for work, Eva is able to fully realize herself in areas related to people: social, pedagogical and medical. Moreover, she treats her professional duties with special enthusiasm, giving herself entirely and completely, without a trace. That's how her character is.

The meaning of the name Evelina also characterizes its owner as a good mother. She puts maximum attention and strength into the upbringing of children, which is worthy of all respect, but at the same time she should not forget about herself and her self-expression. For Eve, the aspect of self-realization is very important, otherwise she may face a protracted depression.

Having chosen her betrothed, Evelina admires him, praising him. But sometimes, at the same time, she does not miss the opportunity to command him, and she does it well - especially when the girl has thoughts that he did not live up to her expectations.

The main quality that a girl named Evelina lacks is endurance. Self-improvement is very important here. She needs to learn to be more patient with the statements and actions of others, this will help eliminate a lot of misunderstandings with family, friends and relatives. Then her fate will be happier.

Elya is wary of close relationships with male representatives. She needs some time to establish contact. The girl will agree to intimacy only after a sufficiently long communication.

But if it is decided, then in the first place are not intimate relationships themselves, but common interests. She is clearly aware that it is common interests that can create those points of contact that will unite partners and will be able to nullify many conflicts in the future.

The main quality that her character possesses is the ability to please people and find a common language with others. Evelina attaches considerable importance to this. She lives like an actress playing in a cult film, it is not difficult for her to change masks one after another.

Without a core inside and a clear position, Elya knows how to manage people and easily achieve her goals.

Before choosing the right time for a child, new parents should discuss among themselves and clarify those qualities of character that should be present in their own child.

The name Evelina, like many others, has in its arsenal both pluses and minuses of character, which can be corrected in the process of raising a little princess.

The owner of an extraordinary female name, Evelina, attaches great importance to sexual relations. He is slightly wary of partners, which means that only after some time allotted for communication, he can trust and surrender to him. It is very rare, almost impossible to persuade a girl into an intimate relationship immediately after meeting.

He considers mutual understanding and common interests to be the main thing in relations, which will warm up and bring the couple together in times of minor disagreements (crises) in relations.

The young lady has an increased sensuality, foreplay for her is far from being of secondary importance. He loves to give pleasure and receive in return.

A family

The meaning of the name Evelina in the family has an extraordinary interpretation of the character traits of the owner. The woman loves children. This means that she is ready to give all of herself to them, but in addition to this, the young lady needs to look for ways of self-expression, otherwise constantly sitting at home with children can cause bouts of depression.

She honors her husband, considering him the best young man in the world, is very stingy with praise, but if he says this, it means that the man managed to exceed all the expectations of a young woman. However, she often expresses impulses and a desire to command her betrothed, which in some cases she does excellently.

In order for a girl to feel great, she needs to be given a little freedom from household chores, or she can turn from a loving, calm and balanced housewife into a furious shrew, unable to control her emotions and statements.

The interpretation of the meaning of the name Evelina in business has its own characteristics. The girl is very responsible for her obligations, which means that if she promised, she will do everything possible to keep her word, even if she has to act to her detriment.

Knows how to win over, but only when she is located on the contact. In other cases, he is a pure introvert, not letting those people into his world who do not inspire much confidence in the girl.

He has a well-developed intuition, capable of "smelling" a dirty trick at a distance or uncovering a conspiracy. Efficiency and the ability to give all the best “to the fullest” characterizes a woman as an excellent hard worker, capable of pulling a team on her own for a very long time.

Mystery of the name

Access to the girl's heart will help reveal the secret of the name Evelyn, which allows you to find out the keys to the heart of a young person, as well as information on how to use them to conquer a hard-to-reach woman.

  • Stone - labrador, jasper, black opal
  • Name days are not celebrated, since there is no Evelina in the calendar
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Virgo
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color - silver grey, white, pale green, black, brown

Famous people

  • Evelina Bledans (1969) - Russian theater and film actress, popular TV presenter, singer. The star became popular thanks to the famous project "Mask Show". At this stage, interest in the person of a TV star is constantly heated up thanks to a child who was not born completely healthy. Read more:
  • Evelina Khromchenko (1971) - TV presenter, journalist and writer. Since 2007, she has been the host of the well-known television program Fashion Sentence.
  • Evelina Zakamskaya is a popular TV presenter of information programs on the Vesti TV channel.

Name Forms

  • Diminutive and abbreviated - Evelynka, Eva, Elya, Velya, Vela, Lina, Evinya, Evita.
  • Derivatives - Eve, Ava.
  • Full name - Evelina.
  • Declination - Evelina-Evelina.

According to the theory of English roots, the meaning of the name Evelyn must be sought in such derivatives as Eileen ("beautiful bird") and Aveline. The last transformation is of Hebrew origin from the ancient "Abel", which translates as "breath".

The French version is the most vague. There is no clear interpretation of what the name Evelina means in this language. There are suggestions that this is just a derivative of the common Eve.

If you believe this theory and go back to the church meaning, then it will be interpreted as "giving life." The Old French version, on the other hand, allows us to assert that the interpretation of the name will be deciphered as "hazelnut".

Origin: Jewish, Tatar, English, Scandinavian

Meaning: vitality, vitality

Suitable colors: red

Lucky numbers: 27, 14, 13, 9, 5, 4

Planet: Mars, Jupiter

Metal: iron

Zodiac sign: Aries, Sagittarius

Day of the week: Tuesday

Name Forms: Evelynka, Eva, Elya, Velya, Vela, Lina, Evinya, Evita.

What patronymic is suitable for the name Evelina: Sergeevna; Evgenievna; Vladimirovna; Danilovna; Leonidovna.

Below is a complete description of the name Evelina: how the meaning of the name affects the character of the girl and her fate, positive and negative features, compatibility with male names.


The characteristic of the name Evelina is attractive by the main feature, namely, emotionality. And it is she who will accompany her throughout her life. For a girl, this is the main trump card, which she successfully uses in a variety of situations.

The dominant character traits are also acute pride and purposefulness. Using sensitivity and the very weakness that once saved her as a child, she achieves whatever she wants. On the other hand, this feature can play a cruel joke on a girl, because she is very worried about her shortcomings. The main thing is that parents from childhood instill self-confidence and endurance in her.

In general, the girl stands firmly on the ground, excluding any surprises. Adheres to strict moral rules. In difficult moments of life, he uses his innate sense of tact and decency.


Evelina should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the purchased items. Preference should be given to clothes of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like for a ball” does not suit her at all.


Evelina grows up as a kind and obedient girl, from an early age she got used to fulfilling the requests of her parents, however, on favorable terms for herself. With age, the baby realizes that such behavior can bring her considerable benefits, and Linochka begins to please teachers at school in every possible way.

From this, her academic success usually grows. Such a girl is far from being a lazy person, she is a very capable student. The desire to discover something new, her curiosity only increase the craving for knowledge.+

Despite her openness and sociability, it is very difficult for Evelinka to find a common language with her peers. Her inconstancy and explosive nature prevent the girl from making strong friendships. She is very vulnerable, reacts extremely hostilely to any comments. Therefore, parents, in order not to injure their daughter, fulfill all her whims. This can bring up exorbitant selfishness in the baby.


Young Evelina becomes even more straightforward and demanding of others. At the same time, such a girl is optimistic and cheerful, happy to support any conversation. But behind her ease and peacefulness, greed and obsession can be hidden. Only with family and best friends Lina can be responsive and honest.

The owner of this name is very naive and trusting, hard to endure betrayal. She honors friendship, often ready to sacrifice her interests for the sake of a loved one. But the more often disappointments overtake her, the more Evelina becomes convinced of the greed and duplicity of those around her.

This girl is wayward and quick-tempered. If she does not learn to manage her emotions, she may eventually lose all her friends. Lina loves to be in the center of attention, you can earn her trust with the help of praise and all kinds of approval of the actions of the young lady. Such promiscuity in relationships and naivety can lead to despair and unwillingness to show trust even to loved ones.

Evelina is an exemplary student and student. She is often one of the top performers in her class. But such a girl also knows how to have fun. Noisy parties and large crowds of people are Lina's habitual elements; she feels more than comfortable in companies.

The young owner of this name is a creative person. She never misses an opportunity to demonstrate her talents, Evelynka takes part in various competitions and entertainment events.


Evelina is a prudent diversified personality who conscientiously fulfills her duties. She is often gloomy and silent, but in her heart such a girl is very good-natured and romantic. Very secretive. Lina is very easy to offend. Her actions are often driven by ambition and practicality.

The owner of this name is quite stubborn, she is always ready to defend her own interests. Such a lady is an eternal fighter for justice, she is ready to protect other people's interests even to the detriment of her own. Willingly makes contact.


As a child, Evelina is very rarely sick. The most vulnerable point of such a girl is the nervous system, she is recommended to avoid emotional stress by all means. She may also have skin problems and be overweight.

To combat the latter problem, it is advisable to follow a healthy diet. Strength training, walking and fitness are ideal partners for maintaining a healthy and beautiful body.

The health of girls named Evelina usually pleases parents. They rarely get sick. The weak point in the girl's health can be called her nervous system. They do not want to experience excessive emotional stress, although it is useful to whom.

Another weak point of Evelina's health is the digestive system. It usually manifests itself in skin problems. Properly chosen diet will solve this problem.

Evelina name compatibility with male names

Evelina will have excellent relationships with men bearing such names as Andrei, Alexander, Vladimir, Konstantin, Yegor, Maxim, Fedor, Peter.

A less successful marriage will be with Nikolai, Leonid, Yuri, Alexei, Boris, Anton.


Evelina has a large number of fans who are attracted by her lightness, mystery and femininity. But Evelina is in no hurry to rush into the pool with her head. On the contrary, she is extremely wary and selective in choosing a man, because love for her is not an all-consuming passion, but a spiritual unity that can bring harmony and mutual understanding to relationships.

She is looking for the perfect man who will become for her both a friend, and a father, and a lover all rolled into one. She is attracted by strong-willed, courageous, but at the same time caring and accommodating men who will treat all the shortcomings and whims of Evelina with patience and understanding. It is very important that she be proud of her chosen one, be his muse and inspiration.


In Evelina's family, children mean the most to her. She is ready to devote maximum time to them. But this happens when they appear in the family, Evelina tries to postpone this event as much as possible, devoting as much time as possible to her self-expression. The birth of a child will make her a caring mother, often pampering the baby.

A woman treats her husband with respect, considering him an ideal person. This does not prevent Evelina from time to time from making attempts to command her husband, which she does well.

Such a lady needs to be given a little freedom from household chores, otherwise she will turn from a balanced housewife into a grumpy woman who cannot control words and emotions.


For the temperamental and sensual Evelina, the sexual component of relations with a man plays an important role, because it is through intimacy that she can sometimes convey her feelings and emotions much easier than words.

But Evelina's chosen one will have to be patient if he wants to fully reveal the sexual potential of this tender woman, whose trust and favor must be earned.

Evelyn's intimate contact is regarded primarily as the unity of souls and two loving energies, so you should not count on sex after the first or second date.


She has many girlfriends and friends. Active, active and sociable, Evelina easily finds a common language with any person, and she does it so naturally and sincerely that after five minutes of communication with her, it seems that you have known each other for many years.

At the same time, she reluctantly lets people into her heart, preferring to keep a safe distance that will protect her from disappointment in people.


The girl responsibly treats her obligations, she is hardworking and persistent. These character traits are the key to Evelina's life success. She is able to achieve a level of excellence where her work is always in demand and well paid. Such a woman can become an excellent teacher, psychologist, translator, musician. She will make an effective actress.

Evelina does not feel the desire to conquer career heights, she has a slightly different approach to self-expression. Much more important is the enjoyment of the work process. If a girl likes what she does, then success is inevitable.


The creative component of Evelina's character will find application in the profession of a psychologist, educator or teacher. She will be able to realize her talents and innate sense of beauty in the field of an artist, writer, journalist, florist or designer.


Evelina yearns for freedom with all her heart. Any limits and restrictions burden her soul, fettering her movements like shackles. Evelina needs space. Therefore, choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of herself, she always chooses the latter.

Whenever fate gives her the opportunity to at least somehow diversify her life, she refuses without hesitation from what she already has in favor of the new, still unknown. “Growing with moss” is clearly not for her. She easily goes through life, adapting to any circumstances. The very process of movement is what her soul longs for.

intuition and intelligence

It cannot be said that the owners of the name Evelina are distinguished by a high level of IQ, rather, they are wise as a woman, and therefore do not strive to shine with intelligence and ingenuity (especially in the society of men). In general, they have an analytical mindset, while they pay too much attention to the little things, which sometimes makes it difficult to correctly consider the whole picture.

Evelina has a well-developed sixth sense, which she trusts and is often guided by when making decisions.

Positive features

The owner of the name Evelina is cheerful, talkative and curious, irresistibly striving for her goal, but if the goal disappears, she just as quickly finds a new one.

Negative Traits

A girl with this name is very excitable and reacts with frightening speed to both bad and good.

Interaction of character with the seasons

Winter Evelina prudent, responsible and thoughtful. To many, this woman may seem somewhat closed, but this is not entirely true. She just does not like empty talk and gossip. Always accurately expresses his thoughts, does not say what he is not sure of. In a female company, it is difficult for her to keep up a conversation. But Lina does not despair, it is important for her to find harmony with herself than to look for a pleasant company.

Evelina, who was born in the spring, sincere, sociable and cheerful. She can easily become the soul of any company. Her optimism and good-natured disposition attracts others. However, behind the peacefulness of the girl, a selfish character can be hidden. He is well versed in people, well understanding what this or that person is capable of. Very cautious, she will never become a victim of scammers, as she is able to reason logically and assess the situation sensibly.

Summer Lina- a strong-willed and purposeful person who never does anything just like that, without personal gain. This woman is very hardworking, in order to achieve what she wants, she is ready to work hard. To protect herself from betrayal and disappointment, she creates the image of an impregnable woman. But with family and friends can be good-natured and sincere.

Autumn Evelina often builds a barrier around himself, with which he tries to isolate himself from everyone. Very vulnerable, constantly afraid that she will be betrayed one day. Because of this, such a girl has practically no friends. Lina, born in autumn, is closed, she does not know how to show her feelings at all, so it is difficult for her to communicate with men.

Name astrology

Evelina - Aries

Evelina, born under the sign of Aries, cannot imagine her life without friends, communication and active pastime. She is emotional, temperamental and extravagant, which cannot but attract the attention of others. She has many admirers who are ready to fight for the hand and heart of this feminine and charming temptress, but Evelina-Aries herself is in no hurry to give in to feelings, because she believes that youth is the time when it is necessary to engage in self-development in order to live happily and prosperously in the future. In addition, the explosive nature of this woman and her narcissism often prevent her from building harmonious relationships.

Evelina - Taurus

This is a calm, sympathetic and sentimental nature, ready to support in difficult times, shelter and warm. But the good nature of Evelina-Taurus often borders on sacrifice, and this is fraught with the fact that in the end she will be deceived and betrayed by those who could not appreciate her generosity. This woman is often approached for an objective opinion and advice, as she is always honest and frank. At the same time, there is indecision and fear of change in the character of Evelina-Taurus, so she chooses men who are strong-willed, strong, reliable and able to provide a stable, calm future.

Evelina - Gemini

This woman has her own point of view on everything, and she is absolutely not interested in the opinions of others. Her life is interesting, unusual and active. At the same time, Evelina-Gemini is prone to mood swings, which is why her life resembles a ride on a rollercoaster ride: she tends to rush from one extreme to another.

She often does not complete the work she has started, which can negatively affect her professional activities. If we talk about relationships with men, then she perceives love as a game that should be exciting and interesting, so she needs the same adventurer with whom she will not be bored.

Evelina - Cancer

Unsure of herself, timid and shy Evelina-Rak prefers a closed life in which no one will disturb her peace. This self-critical and demanding woman has no friends, because she does not know how to trust people. Even in the professional field, it is quite difficult for her to fully realize herself, because she is afraid to take responsibility and take the initiative. But the man of Evelina-Cancer is really lucky, because it is to him that she will give all her unspent tenderness, affection and care. In addition, Evelina is a sensual lover, giving herself to the feeling of love entirely.

Evelina - Leo

This is a leader who considers himself the center of the universe, and therefore allows himself selfish and narcissistic behavior, which can repel others. At the same time, Evelina Leo is a successful woman who gets everything she wants from life, thanks to hard work, dedication and assertiveness. Inherent in this woman is the share of recklessness that attracts men. Extravagant Evelina loves to stand out from the crowd, she jealously monitors her appearance and her health, so she remains young and desirable for a long time. Evelina Leo gets married quite late, which is to blame for the scrupulous choice of a partner who should admire such an amazing and unique woman.

Evelina - Virgo

Reasonable, pragmatic and serious, Evelina-Virgo looks at life practically and without illusions. She is smart and prudent, but these qualities can interfere with her in achieving her goals, because there are situations when luck must be caught by the tail here and now, and not ponder over the consequences for weeks. Evelina-Virgo simply loves her job, so the creation of a family can be postponed indefinitely. For this woman, love lies in calmness, stability, honesty and mutual respect, and not in passion, jealousy and romance. Therefore, violent manifestations of feelings and declarations of love from her can not be expected.

Evelina - Libra

Temperamental, expressive, sociable and cheerful Evelina-Libra cannot stand boredom and monotony. She is always open to new goals, new people, new achievements, but at the same time she does not like to generate ideas herself, preferring to bring someone else's ideas to perfection. For Evelina-Libra, the opinion of others and how she looks in the eyes of others is important, so she will do everything possible and impossible to make a good impression on others. In men, she appreciates the external gloss more than the internal content, the picture, not the content, so often her marriages do not turn out to be successful.

Evelina - Scorpio

The domineering, principled, demanding Evelina-Scorpio is not used to obeying. On the contrary, she seeks to take leadership positions by any means, even if they run counter to moral and ethical standards. This woman is happy to give advice, but never listens to anyone's opinion. The incredulity, straightforwardness and rigidity of Evelina-Scorpio prevent her from building harmonious professional and personal relationships. Few people know that in fact this is a sensual and caring woman, to whom you simply need to find your key, and this will require patience.

Evelina - Sagittarius

This is a dual nature, in which integrity and adventurism, frivolity and perfectionism, femininity and willpower are surprisingly combined. Evelina-Sagittarius, striving for perfection, longs for recognition, therefore she often chooses a public profession. In family life, this woman also strives to take a leading position, and completely and undividedly. As a result, marriage may not withstand such matriarchy. Nevertheless, Evelina-Sagittarius has a fairly calm character, she does not like scandals and showdown, she does not tolerate betrayal and lies.

Evelina - Capricorn

Glory, attracting attention, universal admiration - all this does not interest Evelina-Capricorn, who strives to lead a calm and measured lifestyle. For this woman, it is important to live in harmony with herself and her chosen ones, and not to shine in society. She has a masculine core and that inner strength that will not break under any circumstances. At the same time, the strong-willed nature of Evelina-Capricorn prevents her from building relationships with men who can rarely see and appreciate truly feminine qualities in her, and not the coldness of an iron lady. Therefore, she often prefers a successful career to love.

Evelina - Aquarius

This is an explosive symbiosis of good and evil, an angel and a demon, which beckons and frightens at the same time. Calm and balanced Evelina-Aquarius can shock the public with some extravagant trick; can be naive and simple-hearted, or can prudently take revenge on enemies. She does not tolerate loneliness, therefore she creates a family early, but at the same time she spends time with strangers with great pleasure than with her household members. The life of Evelina-Aquarius is colorful and interesting, but this woman lives exclusively for herself, preferring freedom to family obligations.

Evelina - Pisces

This amazing woman is well versed in other people's families and gives practical advice to everyone except herself. In her life, real chaos often reigns, which Evelina-Pisces prefers to call a creative mess. She takes on everything at once, creating the appearance of vigorous activity, rushing between family, work and numerous friends, and in the end she does not have time anywhere. Therefore, Evelyn-Pisces simply needs a reliable rear in the form of a patient, strong, powerful, but at the same time patient and understanding man who will accept his eccentric lover with all her pluses and minuses.


The stone is a talisman. Jasper and emerald are Evelina's mascot stones.

Jasper is a symbol of wisdom, courage, strength of character and power. This is a stone that gives and enhances the gift of foresight and helps to comprehend the secrets of the universe.

Cherry gray stone with blue veins represents creativity and helps to concentrate energy.

Yellow jasper is a talisman of poets and philosophers, because it sets its owner up for reflection, stimulates brain activity, and enhances both spiritual and physical potential.

A pink stone with red splashes protects against evil spells, the evil eye and damage. In addition, it is considered a symbol of femininity, tenderness, coziness and comfort.

Leopard stones symbolize frugality, scrupulousness, firmness of character, but at the same time modesty (such a stone is suitable for people who are strong, ambitious, decisive, but who do not like to stand out in society).

From time immemorial, green jasper has been considered a stone of love, prosperity and good luck. In addition to the fact that the green color energizes, it calms the nervous system, fights depression and stimulates brain activity. Green jasper is recommended to be worn by charismatic and emotional people.

In the Christian tradition, jasper is revered as one of the 12 sacred stones and is used to decorate the robes of high priests. This stone symbolizes a clear sky, peace and human transformation.

This is a stone of eternal and immaculate love, wisdom and material well-being. In addition, the emerald is able to protect against negative external influences, strengthen the psychic inclinations of its owner and develop the mind.

Emerald is a talisman of thoughtful and solid people, striving to find harmony with themselves and the outside world, making decisions based on reason, not feelings. This gem symbolizes humility and creation.

There is a belief that an emerald helps to find an enemy or reveal an unfaithful friend. It is believed that the stone changes its color in the presence of hypocritical and deceitful people. If the stone has faded in one of the lovers, this indicates that love is leaving the relationship.

The plant is a talisman. Heather and willow are Evelina's emblematic plants.

Heather is a symbol of loneliness, separation and hopelessness. At the same time, the flowering of this plant heralds the arrival of summer - a time of fun and carelessness. Heather is considered a female symbol, personifying temptation, love, passion, sensuality and carnal pleasures.

The color of the plant is also important: for example, white heather symbolizes happiness and peace, as it protects against impulsive actions dictated by emotions.

In magic, heather was used to neutralize witchcraft spells, to protect the home, to attract good luck and material well-being. Carry a sprig of dried heather with you in your wallet or pocket so that good luck accompanies you in all your endeavors.

In Europe, willow symbolizes separation, sadness and sorrow, grief and death.

In the Christian tradition, this tree personifies the crucifixion, and is also a symbol of the Gospel. The fact is that the willow blossoms even when its branches are pruned, which formed the basis for its identification with the Gospel, which, remaining unchanged, spread throughout the world.

The inhabitants of the East revere the willow as a symbol of sexuality, femininity, grace, sadness and immortality. For Buddhists, willow is the personification of meekness and compassion. But Taoists identify this plant with patience and the ability to compromise.

Animal mascot. The vulture and the dove are the totem symbols of Evelina.

The vulture is a dual symbol: on the one hand, it means maternal love, protection and home shelter, and on the other, destruction. At the same time, the carrion-eating vulture personifies purification.

In ancient times, this bird symbolized strength, victory over enemies, attention, a sharp mind and fair retribution for sins committed.

In Greece, the vulture personified power, authority, insight and vigilance.

In Christianity, the vulture symbolizes both Jesus and the persecutors of Christians.

This bird symbolizes purity, meekness, tenderness, love and fertility. Our ancestors believed that the soul of a dead person turns into a dove.

The dove is also considered a sacrificial symbol of redemption, because this bird, having appeared over Noah's ark with an olive branch, announced the end of the flood and the beginning of a new life. In Christian tradition, the dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, the image of a dove and a lily is the personification of the Annunciation.

In the East, the dove is identified with longevity, wisdom and filial piety, with comfort and a happy family life.

In India, this bird symbolizes spiritual intimacy and marital fidelity.

Freemasons revered the dove as the personification of innocence and purity.

Angel days and patron saints

name patrons

In the Orthodox calendar there is no saint named Evelina, therefore, the name day of the owner of this name is not celebrated according to the church calendar.

Evelina in different languages ​​of the world

English- Evelina (Evelina)

Chinese- 埃維莉娜 (Ai wei li na)

Korean— 에블린 (Ebeullin)

Japanese- エヴェリーナ (Ewuerina)

Deutsch- Evelyn, Evelin (Evelyn)

French- Evelyne, Eveline (Evelyn)

Dutch- Evelien (Evelyn)

Finnish- Eveliina (Evelina)

Arab— إفلينا (Iflin)

Yiddish— עוועלינאַ (Evlina)

Ukrainian- Evelina (Evelina)

Celebrities named Evelina

  1. E. Bystritskaya is one of the most interesting and beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema. In 1953 she graduated from the acting department of the Kyiv Institute of Theater Arts; she played at the Vilnius Russian Theatre, then at the Maly Theatre. In the films “Peaceful Days” and “The Unfinished Tale”, Bystritskaya remained almost unnoticed, but the role of Aksinya in S. Gerasimov’s trilogy “Quiet Flows the Don” (based on the novel by M. Sholokhov) became a triumph for the actress, who brilliantly conveyed the passion of character, the strength of feelings, poetic spirituality beauties Aksinya. The next success in the cinema of E. Bystritskaya is Lelka in the film "Volunteers". These two roles were the pinnacle of Elina Bystritskaya's work as a film actress.
  2. E. Bledans (born 1969) is a Russian actress.
  3. E. Hall, Evelyn Hall (1868 - 1935 - English writer. Evelyn Waugh (1903 - 1966) - English writer.
  4. E.Thoma (born 1964) - French TV presenter.
  5. E. Hanskaya (1801 - 1882) - Polish aristocrat, wife of Honore de Balzac.
  6. E. Santangelo (born 1965) is an Italian writer.
  7. E. Ganskaya (1801 - 1882) - nee - Countess Rzhevusskaya; Polish landowner and Russian subject, wife of Honore de Balzac. Daughter of Adam Stanislavovich Rzhevusky.
  8. Dame E. Elizabeth Ann Glennie DBE (born 1965) Scottish percussionist and composer.
  9. E. Sashenko is a Lithuanian jazz singer of Polish origin. In Lithuania, she became famous as a participant in many television projects.
  10. E. Khromchenko is a journalist, TV presenter and writer. She is currently the International Editorial Director of Les Editions Jalou Paris and has been Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director of the Russian edition of L magazine for 13 years.

Evelina is a fairly common name in Ukraine and Russia today, the etymology of which has not yet been properly investigated.

So, there are several versions of the origin of this female name. According to one of them - Evelina - a Hebrew name, which means "life force", "stability", "breath" in translation.

Some researchers see French roots in the name under consideration and derive it from another popular female name - Eve.

Another version derives a common female name from the English Eveline.

It is clear that such a variety and inconsistency of interpretations gave rise to many derivative, reduced-affectionate variants of the name Evelyn, some of which now act as independent names.

So, quite common analogues and phonetic variants of the name are: Eva, Eva, Evelinka, Evelinochka, Eileen, Eileen, Ella, Elya, Elka, Lina, Linka, Linochka, etc.

There is no Evelyn name in the church calendar, so the name day is not celebrated, although some sources still indicate the exact date - October 19th.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Evelina

Of course, the origin and meaning of the name necessarily affect the fate of its bearer, so it is not surprising that the main character traits of women bearing the name Evelina are stability, endurance, energy and the ability to achieve the goal by any means.

As a child, little Evelina is far from a gift: she is capricious, self-willed and always achieves her goal, no matter what it costs her. Deceptive outward fragility and tenderness, even sometimes inability to live, help Evelina achieve what she wants: it is simply impossible to refuse a little princess. Of course, this fact leaves an imprint on the future fate of the girl, because, having got used to the fact that all desires are instantly fulfilled, over time, Evelina is dissonant with the outside world, where everything will not always be the way she wants.

From early childhood, a girl bearing this name shows an ability for art, so very often she writes poetry, draws or plays musical instruments. And, as observation shows, it is with art that she connects her professional activities, choosing the profession of a musician, actor, artist or writer. If the creative profession did not work out, then Evelina will make a good psychologist, teacher, literary critic or administrator. Whatever profession this woman chooses for herself, everywhere she will bring an element of creativity and emotionality.

Elder Evelina is interesting, graceful and elegant. She is self-confident, purposeful and even a little arrogant. Evelina knows her worth and will not make concessions. Very painfully, she perceives talk about her own lack of fulfillment. This woman simply does not tolerate criticism, therefore, if you want to win her favor, praise her, flatter her, but do not overdo it, because Evelina subtly feels falsehood and does not perceive rude flattery.

A woman bearing this name easily overcomes life's obstacles, does not get hung up on them, which makes her marriage successful and strong. Evelina gets married early, choosing a life partner on a purely emotional, subconscious level. Evelina is looking for a man who would indulge all her whims, adored her and understood her at the same time.

The name Evelina was and is worn by irresistible representatives of different times and peoples. Famous representatives: Evelina Ganskaya (beloved Honore de Balzac), Evelina Khromtchenko (journalist, TV presenter and writer), Evelina Bledans (actress), Evelina Bistritskaya (actress), Evelyn Grossmann (German figure skater).

There are several variants of the origin of the name Evelyn, which means that it has many meanings. The name does not have any unambiguous translation, therefore the meaning of the name Evelina is considered to be an obscure etymology.

According to one version in Russian, the name Evelina comes from the French word Éveline. And already this word most likely comes from Ève (Eve). According to this logic, Evelina and Eve are similar names with an identical meaning. In this case, the name Evelina, which means "giving life," does not have confirmation of such a theory. Another variant of the meaning of the name Evelyn is Old French. From the ancient language, it is translated as "hazelnut", but this is also not the final version. The third version of the origin is the Old English version, in translation from which Evelina means "beautiful bird".

The meaning of the name for a girl

The meaning of the name Evelina for a girl lies in affection and obedience. The girl grows up as an accommodating child who knows how to please others and uses this ability from a very young age. She achieves everything with her childish charm, against which even parents cannot resist. It is easy for her to communicate with peers, the baby is happy to make new acquaintances.

Evelina Khromtchenko

For a girl, the meaning of the name Evelina is associated with good school performance. She is doing well in studies. Here she does not even use her ability to please others. That is, Elya receives all the marks deservedly. For a girl, the name Evelina lies in curiosity, which is noticeable from early childhood, which in a certain way motivates her to gain knowledge.

For a girl, the meaning of the name Evelina and fate gives good good health. The child rarely gets sick, which pleases the parents. A vulnerable place in the girl's body is the nervous system. Therefore, emotional stress is contraindicated for her. Evelina also has another weak point - the digestive organs. Therefore, often at an older age, skin problems can be observed. But this problem can be solved quickly, the right diet will help.

Business and career

Evelina, the meaning of the name endowed the girl with increased responsibility, perseverance and hard work. It is these qualities that can lead a woman to success in her career. It will develop until the skill level is at a high level. An excellent teacher, translator, psychologist, musician - this is what the name Evelina means.

In fact, career heights for Evelina are never the main value and goal in life. She can and will express herself in other ways. For a person with the name Evelina, which means "hazelnut", it is much more important to enjoy work activities. Only if she gets real pleasure from her work, she is guaranteed success in her chosen field.

The meaning of the name Evelina's character and fate allow the girl to also become a good literary critic, manager or administrator.

Personal life

Alertness - that's what the name Evelyn means in love affairs. It is important for her that in relations with a man mutual understanding always prevails and mutual interests are present. In the event of any crisis, only this relationship will be able to hold out. A woman is usually not deprived of the attention of men and she has many admirers. Sexual relations play an important role in her life, as this is a sensual and tender nature.

When creating a family, children are of primary importance to her, to whom she devotes all her time. But the girl delays the moment of their appearance as much as possible, devoting all her time to self-improvement and self-expression. The birth of a child with Eli turns her into a caring mother.

A person with the name Evelina, which means "life force", always shows respect towards her husband. If the marriage was made for love, then the spouse sincerely considers her chosen one ideal. But at the same time, Elya finds a way and does not miss the opportunity to lead her husband, to give him commands. A woman needs at least a small amount of free time to relax from family troubles. If you do not give her freedom, she can gradually, but quite unexpectedly, turn into a grumpy hostess who does not always choose her words and does not hold back her emotions.

Otherwise, the fate and meaning of the name Evelina makes the girl an excellent fighter with everyday problems. She is not unsettled by failures, so her family life is usually harmonious.

Such girls usually marry early, but at the same time they make a good and successful choice. Ele men are calm and reliable, who can provide peace of mind to his wife.


Distinctive character traits and the meaning of the name Evelyn are optimism, a good sense of humor, fervor, efficiency.

Nature endowed the girl with a very easy character. This girl is sociable and charming, but is characterized by increased emotionality. You can often trace self-confidence and prudence in the character. Despite the undying optimism, the girl is sometimes able to withdraw into herself.

From nature, she also inherited a highly developed sense of decency, so for her moral standards often come to the fore and hold back the girl. In case of disagreement with an opponent in a dispute, this causes a stream and a storm of emotions. But any hardships and failures do not bring serious disappointment for the girl. She has good intuition and great willpower. However, the girl prefers to remain realistic, not believing her sixth sense. She prefers to act on proven facts and choose paths that have already been tried.

Among the shortcomings of Evelina are vulnerability, intemperance, rancor. Increased emotionality can also turn into a disadvantage. She will interfere with her both in her personal life and in other areas of activity, starting with her studies at school. Anyone can inadvertently offend such a woman. Sometimes people do not even notice this, but it will be very difficult for them to achieve its location in the future.

Regular gatherings with friends are very important for a girl, as well as female communication. Her character does not correspond to domesticity.

The secret of the name Evelina

Evelina, the meaning of the name lies in the following astrological compatibility:

  • patron planet - Jupiter;
  • zodiac constellation - Pisces;
  • totem animal - Pelican;
  • lucky colors - sea wave;
  • talisman plant - mimosa, among the trees - willow;
  • talisman stone - emerald.

Not everyone knows what the name Evelina means, a skillful manipulator. From childhood, this is manifested by an unobtrusive ability to please others, and in adulthood this is already a specific manipulation, which she may not even notice. However, such an ability manifests itself with a probability of 50%.


Good compatibility of the names of Evelina and Dmitry, Vladimir, Alexander, Fedor, Peter, Andrey, Konstantin, Maxim and Yegor. With such men, the girl will be able to create a strong and reliable marriage. The names of men Anton, Boris, Yuri, Igor, Nikolai, Alexei, Leonid do not suit her. With them, the girl will not be able to build a successful relationship that could develop into a happy marriage.

Today we will find out what the name Evelina means for a girl, what meaning the name has on its owner, and what secrets it keeps. Undoubtedly, it will have a great influence on the fate of a person, but the date of birth and patronymic of the child should also be taken into account.

  • There are several versions of the origin of this name, and each of them is interesting in its own way. The most common assumption is that it comes from the old French "Eve" and means "giving life." But according to the Old English version, the name Evelina is translated as "beautiful bird." At the moment, researchers have not come to a consensus about its origin.
  • In America, this name gained its popularity 50 years ago, after the release of the film of the same name, and in Russia and Ukraine, it has only just begun to gain popularity.

A girl named Evelina is growing up as a very sweet, charming child who is admired by others. She likes to insist on her own and get what she wants by charming her parents. They should attach considerable importance to this and not always follow the lead of a cunning child.

  • She loves to meet and make friends, has many friends and enjoys their company. In her company, everyone feels cozy and comfortable.
  • In her studies, she rarely uses her ability to charm people, but is a very good student. The girl is inquisitive, so at school she likes to develop in different directions. Parents should pay considerable attention to this and motivate the child to acquire knowledge, which will ultimately affect the choice of profession and further development.
  • She likes to communicate with people and is a kind of talker. She knows how to enjoy life and achieve her goals. If she loses interest in the chosen business, she easily abandons it and sets new goals. It is impossible not to attach importance to this, and the girl needs to be told about this quality so that at the right time she can analyze the current situation.
  • If she succeeds, her happiness will know no bounds. For this, she invests herself and constantly acts. A very controversial quality about her is her insanely quick reaction to good or bad. But she is prone to self-control and will not make a tragedy because of any trifles to which other people react more painfully.

Evelina loves to communicate with people and is a kind of talker. She knows how to enjoy life and achieve her goals. If she loses interest in the chosen business, she easily abandons it and sets new goals.

The secret of Evelyn's name remains the ability to manipulate people, which she instinctively used so often in her childhood. Over time, she may not develop this quality in herself, or she may develop it - it depends more on the life situation.

  • If desired, she can receive great benefits with the help of such a natural gift. Not necessarily this quality can harm other people if it is treated correctly and responsibly. But often the owners of this name do not use this side of their character.
  • This girl is pure in front of her surroundings, she will never harbor resentment or do evil. She will not tolerate gossip and discussions that relate to her environment. With a person who starts such a conversation, she can simply interrupt any communication.

Evelina Visvaldovna Bledans - Russian theater and film actress, singer, TV presenter

Business and career

  • By the meaning of the name, Velina will not be able to work in the field of activity in which she does not show interest.
  • She will choose the profession that she likes. Evelina will not build a career and achieve great popularity, because happiness for her lies in peace of mind and a secure life. You should not force a girl to get an unwanted profession or take a position in an unloved job.
  • Her sociability will make her a good teacher, she will be able to develop in medicine, become a translator, manager or musician.

Evelina will become a master of her craft and will receive the income that will completely satisfy her.

Love and family

  • By its origin and meaning of the name, Evelina will become an exemplary wife, and her soulmate will become an excellent duet and support for her.
  • This is always a cheerful and sympathetic girl, which is madly in love with the strong half of humanity. The husband will choose some time, while making the right choice.
  • Her man will be with a rod, financially provide for the family. He will become a patient husband and father. The marriage will be long and happy, because Evelina is not capable of anger and resentment, she easily relates to problems and solves domestic troubles.
  • The name Evelina will make her a good housewife, homemaker and mother. But her very soft and kind nature can affect the spoiled children. The girl needs to know about this, give the necessary importance and give a good education to her kids.

The marriage will be long and happy, because Evelina is not capable of anger and resentment, she easily relates to problems and solves domestic troubles.


Many women with this name have achieved tremendous success in their careers.

  • Famous Russian actresses are Evelina Bledans and E. Bystritskaya.
  • Discover your talent as a writer E. Hall, E. Santangelo, E. Khromtchenko.
  • E. Ganskaya married Honoré de Balzac.

Did you know? The name day of this name is not celebrated, because it is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic names.

Evelina Leonidovna Khromchenko is a Russian journalist, TV presenter and writer. For 13 years, she served as editor-in-chief and creative director of the Russian version of L'Officiel magazine.

Other name variations

So we have learned a detailed description of the name Evelyn.
I think you will agree with me that the above name has more pluses than minuses, but I still recommend that you familiarize yourself with other names on this site in order to choose the most suitable for your baby.

  • Very purposeful is - -. If she studies and develops the necessary skills, she can make a good leader.
  • But the little one will be a cute child who is always liked by others. An adult woman can easily find a common language with people, look good and succeed in any business that she is really interested in.
  • The girl will be very funny. She loves to create something new, to be useful to society. Sometimes he can rush in business, but he will always achieve what he wants. It can serve as a huge motivation for more passive people who want to repeat its result.

Girls are so different, from which wonderful wives and mothers then grow up. I am interested to hear from you what choice you made for your little princess, and what qualities in it you appreciated more. If you are the owner of one of these beautiful names, write in the comments how similar you are to its characteristics.

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