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Photographic memory test. Testing short-term memory

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Here is a selection of 10 tests to test various various kinds memory, reaction speed, concentration, mental flexibility, spatial imagination and abstract thinking. They should be taken from a computer in a relaxed atmosphere.

If some test is too difficult, then you should think about becoming a little more attentive to your health (drink 10 cups of coffee a day instead of 20, start sleeping at least 5 hours, eat at least 2 times a day) and make time to practice this skill.

And if in some test you showed a brilliant result, then this is another reason to be proud of yourself and thank your parents for good heredity. On the passage all tests from the article will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

1. Visual memory

Pictures flash on the screen. The faster you realize that you have already seen some kind of picture and press the space bar, the more points you will get. At the end, get a verdict on whether your visual memory is up to par.

2. Speed ​​of reaction

Click on the test screen as quickly as possible if you see green color. For men under 35 normal speed reaction does not exceed 0.2 seconds. But if it is less than 0.4, then you don’t have to worry about your health and everything is OK. It is best to take this test using a mouse.

3. Memory for numbers

Phone numbers consist of seven digits for a reason, as this is the maximum convenient number for most people to remember. If you were able to remember (for limited time) 14-digit number, you can be proud of yourself. And if you fell on 4-5, then you may have some problems and you should repeat the test at another time.

4. Memory for words

Look at the word that appears on the screen and remember whether it was shown to you or not. The test is very short and at the end you will find out how many percent of those who passed the test memorize words worse than you.

5. Memory for faces

Face recognition test from psychologists University of Cambridge. Boring and rather long (several minutes). I thought I didn't recognize people after changing hairstyles/clothes due to bad eyesight, but it turned out that there are indeed some problems with face recognition.

6. Spatial imagination

Look at the picture on the left and see if it matches the picture on the right when you turn it around. If you scored more than 100 points, then everything is fine with you.

7. Abstract thinking

A simplified version of the tags familiar from childhood. Here you need to score at least 20 points.

8. Focus

If you manage to select more than 30 words in 2 minutes, then your result is already above average. The maximum result is 70 words.

9. Flexibility

Look at the text and determine what color it is written in. Press on the keyboard the first letter of the name of this color. Click the go to stats link to see the results of other test participants.

10. Speed

You have 5 minutes to answer 41 the simplest question(multiply two numbers, continue the number series, determine the correspondence of the word to the picture). Scored more than 70% correct answers - you are a normal person.

At the end of many tests there is an opportunity to compare yourself with others. You can also post the results in the comments and discuss them with other iPhones readers.

But don't take the results too seriously. Firstly, even if your visual memory has suddenly deteriorated, for example, it may well not interfere with your ability to cope with your work duties and have no effect on relationships with people.

And secondly, the result is affected by the amount of sleep, mood, day of the cycle, blood alcohol, fatigue and other temporary factors. Tomorrow you can pass the same tests with a completely different result.

    You have very low level memory. Usually you find it difficult to remember what you did yesterday and where you were, let alone the dates of some events. Although, on the one hand, a bad memory is beneficial for you, because after a short period of time you forget about your mistakes, which is why you do not suffer from feelings of guilt and shame. Yes, and when living the pain of breaking up relationships or other troubles, you are able to quickly recover. But as for work, it’s hard to rely on you, because you may not be prepared for some meeting or forget where you put it desired document. Yes, and close people can sometimes be offended by you because you lose sight of important dates and events. But there is nothing wrong with this indicator, it is quite possible to train the memory, the main thing is to devote time to classes every day and give all your best. Check out the article.

    This average , which means that everything is fine with your memory, but you could be more productive if you increased the indicator. You usually remember well significant events, up to the date, but as for everything else, you may well lose sight of the fact that, for example, you signed up for a hairdresser for the first half of the day or your boss asked you to come in an hour. Have you noticed that you are going to another room, and suddenly you find that you don’t remember at all why you went there? Most likely, not all information is kept in your head due to the usual absent-mindedness. You don't give special significance words, requests and events, which is why you instantly forget about them. Or, conversely, due to excessive concentration on their inner experiences and thoughts. In any case, use the recommendations from the article.

    I congratulate you, your memory is simply phenomenal. Usually you remember everything to the smallest detail, and you can quite tell how much a bus ticket cost 15 years ago, or how much your favorite ice cream was sold in childhood. It will not be difficult for you to name all your previous phone numbers, and also about the year in which which model appeared - too. There may be difficulties in relationships, because not all friends and loved ones are comfortable with the fact that you remember all their missteps perfectly, and you can even point them out on occasion. Yes, and sometimes it’s not easy for yourself because it’s difficult to let go of situations and resentments. But in your work you are an ideal employee, a large amount of information does not scare you at all, you will deal with it and will actively use it in your future activities. I want to suggest learning one way that will only enhance your success, see the article

Determine your visual memory level by answering our free online psychological test. We tested 146,783 people.

Our test will assess the level of your visual memory. Try to focus and not be distracted. The use of paper and pen, phone and camera is prohibited!

The test contains 10 tasks with increasing difficulty!

Start test online:

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Here you can test your short-term visual memory for numbers. After clicking on the link "Check memory for numbers", you will see a table with three rows of numbers, four numbers in each row. You will be given 20 seconds to memorize the numbers, after which you will be redirected to a page with a form for entering memorized numbers. You can initiate the transition to the memorized numbers entry page yourself (if you think that enough time has passed for memorization) by clicking the "Finish" button. It is not necessary to memorize the numbers in order, however, the order is taken into account when checking the result, and the result with the correct sequence (the numbers are in their places) is scored higher.

Checking short-term visual memory for images:

There are many ways to measure short-term memory, one of them is to test short-term memory for images. By clicking on the link to test short-term memory for images, you will be taken to a page with 16 pictures that you should remember in the same way as you did with numbers, in 20 seconds. After the time has expired, you will be taken to the result entry page, where you will see 32 pictures, from which you should choose the ones that you had to remember. IN currently available the simplest option short-term memory test for images, in which you can remember the memorized images just by seeing them among the presented pictures of the result entry page. You don't need to follow the order of the images.

Domino - test (D-48) - an intelligence test, created by A. Enstey in 1943 and designed to measure non-verbal intellectual abilities in persons over 12 years of age.

Test Description

Domino - the test consists of 44 main tasks and 4 examples. The tasks are arranged in the order of increasing difficulty, established during the design of the methodology. The main element of all test tasks is an image of domino chips arranged in accordance with various patterns. One of the chips (the last one in the row) is “empty” and is indicated by a dotted outline.

The number of chips in tasks is different (from 4 to 14) and increases as you move from task to task. The subject must identify the principle according to which the chips are lined up, and determine the chip that should be placed in the place indicated by the dotted line. Despite the fact that the same stimulus material is used in all tasks, the principles of solution are very diverse. Completing the Domino test does not require mathematical knowledge or arithmetic skills, although the subject works with numbers. The first four tasks are used as training.


Before starting work, the subject is informed about the temporary regulation of work. Total time test completion - 25 min. The subject writes down the answers in the form using any recording option - two numbers indicating the number of dots on the last bone can be written with a comma (2.3), a dash (2-3) or as a fraction (2/3), or simply as two-digit number (23).

10 minutes before the end of the work, the subject is warned about the time remaining at his disposal. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum score is 44 points.

Rating scale

Primary scores are converted to percentiles or IQ scores. Studies show that this test is practically highly saturated with the G factor and is considered one of the most "clean" in relation to the measurement of this factor. The results of factor analysis indicate that the indicators of the Domino test are mainly associated with fluid abilities. Knowledge and experience acquired by an individual, or abilities crystallized, influence the results in lesser degree(V. Miglierini, 1982). The technique has all the advantages of non-verbal tests. Domino - the test is highly reliable. Thus, the reliability coefficient of test parts, obtained by splitting into two parts, was r = 0.781 - 0.818 in different samples. Reliability coefficient calculated by the Kuder-Richardson formula, r = 0.771 - 0.867. Retest reliability coefficient rt = 0.758.

Discriminativity of 2 test items when comparing 27% of samples of subjects with low and high results was rphi = 0.74. Internal consistency index r = 0.36. Data on construct validity were obtained based on a comparison of the Domino - test with the most common non-verbal tests of general abilities (r = 0.68-0.80), a high correlation of the results of the Domino - test and with test batteries focused on measurement common factors intelligence (V. Miglierini, 1982). When analyzing criterion validity by comparing test results with schoolchildren's performance criteria, the validity coefficients in different samples were distributed within r = 0.31-0.80.

The norms determined for the French and Czech samples turned out to be very close, which indicates the relative stability of the Domino test to interethnic factors. Also, there were no statistically significant differences in the performance of the test by men and women (V. Cherny, T. Kollarik, 1988). In the first years after the development, the test was used only in the army, later it began to be used for the civilian population, the age limits of application were significantly expanded. Today Domino - the test is used in the field of professional counseling, school psychodiagnostics. It is effective to combine Domino - a test in a battery with verbal tests. In domestic practice, the Domino test has found application in clinical psychodiagnostics (V. M. Bleikher, I. V. Kruk. Pathopsychological diagnostics. Kyiv, 1986).

Domino scale

Anstey (1943) was proposed to replace the Raven matrices. It has been statistically shown that the Domino test is more homogeneous in relation to the so-called G factor according to C. Spearmen (1904). He experimentally found that tests aimed at identifying individual abilities are interconnected by significant positive correlations and came to the conclusion that there is a certain general, general factor G that affects all the variables (tests) studied. The general factor identified by S. Spearmen is interpreted as a plastic function of the central nervous system. Thus, general intelligence is seen as a biologically determined property.

The concept of the general factor is still the subject of discussions of supporters of various 3 directions. In testology, the Domino scale is still considered to be aimed at measuring general (innate) intelligence. Since it is believed that the general factor is especially sensitive to pathological disorders mental activity, the domino scale is regarded as a test particularly suitable for the study of intelligence in psychiatric practice. At the same time, it is also believed that, unlike verbal tests, which also reflect the intellectual level that preceded the disease, the domino scale reflects the level at the time of the study, i.e., again, we are talking about tests with unchanged and variable results.

Of course, the assessment of the results of completing tasks on a test is very one-sided and cannot characterize intelligence in all its manifestations. However, this method is very simple, it does not depend much on the level of general education, it can be easily used not only for individual, but also for mass research, and therefore can be used in a set of methods aimed at characterizing the level of generalization. In addition, the Domino scale can be used for preliminary pre-medical screening - diagnosis of mild mental retardation in the practice of labor examination.

Domino test in the FSB: Sample task

Domino test in the FSB: answers

Answer Answer
1 2/2 23 4/2
2 3/5 24 2/4
3 3/1 25 4/0
4 4/2 26 5/3
5 5/5 27 6/0
6 1/1 28 4/3
7 4/1 29 0/2
8 6/4 30 0/6
9 4/2 31 3/0
10 4/4 32 6/0
11 4/0 33 6/6
12 3/2 34 3/6
13 3/4 35 0/2
14 4/2 36 2/1
15 6/4 37 5/4
16 6/2 38 4/5
17 5/4 39 6/6
18 3/4 40 6/0
19 2/3 41 4/3
20 3/5 42 5/5
21 6/5 43 2/6
22 3/3 44 2/4

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