Home natural farming Heroes of the fairy tale daughter of a seven-year-old. Review of the fairy tale “Seven-year-old daughter. Mongolian folk tale

Heroes of the fairy tale daughter of a seven-year-old. Review of the fairy tale “Seven-year-old daughter. Mongolian folk tale

Mongolian folk tale

White mare and her foal

The famous white mare had a white foal.
She lived in a herd with other mares and a savras stallion. Once in the summer there was a drought, there was no food at all.
“We must leave,” the white mare said to the Savras stallion, and the herd left its native pastures. For three years the horses roamed in search of food. Finally, they came across a pasture with lush grass, clean water and salt marshes (?). Here they stopped. One day the horses frolicked on the banks of the river and crushed seven goose eggs.
“Trouble,” said the white mare. - We must leave. We came to someone else's pasture, crushed the eggs. Now the birds will take revenge on us. At dawn, an army will gather and destroy us. Let's go back to our homes! But the horses did not obey and remained.

The next morning, an army of birds flew in and pecked all the horses. Only a white mare survived with her foal: when the birds attacked, she tried to protect the foal and covered him with her body.
- Well, son, now let's go to our native pasture, - said the mare to the foal.
In a month they ran a path that usually takes a year, and in a day a path that takes a month.
- Mom, and mom! Why is your skin so rough? - once asked a foal.
- This, son, red clay stuck when we passed through the pass.
- Mom, and mom! Why are your legs trembling?
- From fatigue. I have walked and crossed many roads.

Finally, the mother of her son brought her to her native pasture and soon died. Before her death, she punished the foal:
- Son, do not go to bed on the north side: there is a blizzard, wolves creep up from there. Lie down on the south side: it's quiet there. Avoid the yurts, otherwise children and dogs will jump on you. Do not lie down on the spot where the yurt was set up: you may prick yourself with a needle. In the herd, always go to the edge, only to the watering hole in front. Do not lag behind the herd - the owner will beat. Don't walk in the middle of a herd - other horses will kick to death. And after three years, son, come and bow to my ashes!

But the foal did not obey the mother's order: he lay down on the north side and almost froze in a snowstorm. Another time he was almost killed by wolves. He cried, cried, galloped, galloped and remembered. "Oh, what wise advice my mother gave me!" - and began to lie down on the south side: it was peaceful to sleep there.
Forgetting his mother's order, the white foal passed near the yurt many times. Dogs bit him, children beat him with sticks. The foal wept with bitter tears and thought: "Oh, what fair words my mother spoke to me." And the foal began to bypass the yurts.

His mother ordered him to run to the watering hole in front of the herd: clean water would be provided. And the foal followed the herd. The driver beat him, and he had to drink muddy water. The foal began to walk on the edge; now the owner did not beat him, the horses did not kick, he ate fresh grass - immediately life became more fun. "What wise advice my mother gave me," the foal thought again.
Exactly three years later, the foal came to bow to the ashes of his mother. In that place grew thick, juicy grass. The foal ate it, shook its head and walked away.

On the way, the foal met a young man named ErkhIy MershenkhU.
- Will you be my horse? - asks the young man.
- Yes, - the foal answers, - now I will dig the mountain with my hooves, and I will scatter the earth all over the steppe. If you can't resist, you're not my master!
The foal dug down the mountain with its hooves, and scattered the earth all over the steppe, and yet Erhiy Mengenhu remained in the saddle.
So the master found his horse, and the horse his master.

Tale of the Khan, his sons-in-law and the bird Khangard (Mongolian tale)

There lived a khan in the world, and he had nine daughters, all, as one, beauties. Eight elders married at the choice of their father - for obedient and intelligent young men, and the youngest daughter disobeyed her father's word - she married an unsightly poor man. The khan got angry and ordered the youngest daughter and her husband to settle away from the khan's yurt and in a simple hut. And so they lived. Everything would be fine, but now the foals of the white mare began to disappear from the Khan. Foals are not simple, half gold, half silver.
Eight older sons-in-law sat in turn in ambush to catch the evil thief, but they returned empty-handed, did not guard the foals. The younger son-in-law, that unsightly poor man, appeared to the khan and began to ask to guard the herd. But the khan only laughed at him:
- Where are you going! I myself went to the guard, my elder sons-in-law went, and how can you, you fool, be equal to us! Go away!
The young man disobeyed the khan and went to guard the herd and did not close his eyes all night. At dawn, a white mare brought a precious foal, half gold, half silver. Then the fabulous bird Khangard descended from heaven, grabbed the foal and flew away. The guard did not lose his head, shot an arrow in pursuit, and that arrow with a bird's feather and a golden foal's tail returned to him.

The young man returned home, ordered his wife to lock up the booty for the time being in a chest and not show it to anyone.
And again, every night, the foals in the herd disappear, and that's it. Then the khan called eight sons-in-law to him and ordered them to go around the whole world, and find the thief and return all the foals home. The younger son-in-law began to ask with them, but the khan only ridiculed him: where, they say, are you supposed to take on such a thing? But the poor know stands his ground:
- I'll go, and that's it! The khan sees that there is nothing to do, ordered to give him an old horse, a real horse.
The young man saddled her and went home.
“Look, wife,” she says, “can you go far on such a horse?” He barely reached his hut, and this horse will not stand the long road at all. Apparently, I will have to take a good horse out of the Khan's herd, and so that your father does not get angry, show him the feather of the fabulous bird Khangard and the golden foal's tail. Let him know that your husband is not like his other sons-in-law, I did not sleep at night and saw a lot.
The young man chose a good horse from the khan's herd and set off in pursuit of the khan's sons-in-law. And his wife fulfilled his order, showed the feather of a fabulous bird and the golden foal's tail to her father. The khan was surprised: the younger son-in-law is smart and dexterous, it turns out.
Meanwhile, young people were driving and driving. At the end of the month, the paths became tired, the horses beat their hooves into blood. They decided to have a good rest, they began to park, only the younger son-in-law did not care, he went on.
He rode, rode, he saw a white yurt at the foot of the mountain. He entered the yurt, and there was an old woman. The young man began to ask her who lives in this yurt. The old woman says: the bird Khangard lives, they say, in the yurt, is going to get married, she has already prepared a ransom for the bride - a hundred foals, half gold, half silver. Up to a hundred, one head is not enough. And the old woman also told: if Khangard returns home angry, then he breaks into the yurt through the smoke hole, and if he is good, he silently enters through the door. the Hangard bird flies and the hunter shoots from a bow.

The young man listened to the old woman and hid not far from the yurt. Then a whistle was heard over the smoke hole in the yurt, then he lowered the bowstring, and the arrow hit the bird right in the heart. And the young man gathered all the foals in a herd and set off on his way back.
He rides, rides, meets his older sons-in-law, and they are emaciated - skin and bones remain. The sons-in-law marveled at the unheard-of luck of the poor man, and such envy dismantled them that they decided to destroy the young man. They dug a deep hole, pulled a carpet over it, the poor man stepped on the carpet and fell into the hole.
The sons-in-law quickly began to collect the foals, but the foals fled. So they did not manage to catch the foals, they went home with nothing.
A girl passed by the hole. Heard a groan, leaned over the pit, sees - the young man is half dead. The young man asked her to weave a rope of golden and silver foal hair. On that rope he climbed out of the pit. Gathered foals, half gold, half silver, galloped home.

When the khan saw his foals, he was overjoyed. Yes, until you see a person in action, you will not recognize him. The khan ordered to execute the elder sons-in-law, but the brave young man begged them to pardon. And when the khan died, the poor man became a khan. For sixty years he ruled honestly and fairly, for sixty years there was a mountain feast among the people, everyone ate, drank, and had fun.


Chuvash fairy tale

There lived a man and a woman. Already in their old age, a son was born to them. They named him Ivan. Before the son could learn to walk, the mother died. The father soon remarried. From the second wife three girls were born.

The stepmother immediately took a dislike to Ivan, and when he grew up and began to go to school, she began to think about how to completely kill him from the world.
Ivan had two favorites: a foal and a curly puppy. He constantly played with them, fed and groomed. And when he returned from school, each time he first ran to the foal, then played with the dog, and only then did he enter the house.

The stepmother thought and thought how to destroy her stepson, and that's what she came up with. She baked cakes for him, mixing poison into the dough. Eat, they say, a guy such a cake and give his soul to God.
Ivan that day, as always, having come from school, turned to his beloved foal. He came to the barn, and the foal stands in it, saddened by something.
— Foal, why are you so sad? Ivan asked.
“How can I not be sad,” replies the foal. “Your stepmother wants to poison you: she baked poison cakes for you.
- What should I do? Ivan asks.
“Take a cake, pretend that you are eating, and leave the house yourself, and give the cake to the puppy,” said the foal.
Ivan entered the hut.
“Ah, child, you must be hungry,” the stepmother fawned before him, “here I baked a cake for you, eat it.”
Ivan takes a cake and, pretending to eat, runs out into the yard. The puppy was already waiting for him, and Ivan gave him a cake, the puppy ate the cake and he became ill.

Ivan did not immediately return to the hut, but for some time walked with his peers. And when he came home, his stepmother was very surprised.
"How did he manage to stay alive?" the stepmother thinks. And he comes up with a better way to deal with his stepson. The next day, she hung a sharp ax on a thin rope over the door. The calculation was simple: the guy will come from school, slam the door and the ax will fall right on his head.

But Ivan, as always, before entering the hut, ran to his favorite - a foal. The foal was sad again.
Why are you so sad again? Ivan asks.
“How can I not be sad,” the foal answers, “if the stepmother wants to destroy you at all costs. She hung an ax over the door, and as soon as you slam the door, the ax will fall and crush your head.
- What to do? Ivan asks.
“Take the puppy with you, open the door and let him go,” said the foal. - And as soon as the dog enters the hut, slam the door hard, and stay in the passage yourself.

Ivan called the puppy and led him to the hut. As soon as the puppy crossed the threshold, Ivan slammed the door hard, the ax crashed and smashed the poor dog's head. Only after that Ivan himself entered the hut.

The stepmother loses her temper: “How is it that the stepson manages to avoid inevitable death? There's something wrong here." And in the end he goes to the healer for advice.
“So and so,” she says to the healer. - A boy remained from the first wife of my husband. The boy is unlucky, useless. I've tried this way and that to get rid of it, but nothing works for me.
The sorceress says to her stepmother:
— His foal knows witchcraft. So first you need to finish off the foal, then it will be easy to finish off the boy.

The stepmother returned home and, well, itching for her husband: kill and kill the foal. And he bites as if he were her, and kicks, and in general there is no life from him. It was a pity for the husband of the foal, but what can you do, I had to give in to the insistence of my wife.

Ivan left for school the next morning, and his father began to twist the rope in order to tie the foal tighter when he began to prick him.
Ivan returned home and first of all goes to the foal. He stands heartbroken, tears roll from his eyes.
- What's happened? Ivan asked.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but it will happen soon,” said the colt. - The stepmother went to the healer, she told her that I was saving you from death. Now your father is weaving a rope in the hut in order to tie me tighter when he will stab me.
- What do we do? Ivan cried with grief.
- You try to do this, - says the foal. - Go to the hut and tell your father: I raised a foal, looked after him, let me ride him around the yard for the last time.

Father will allow it, and you quickly sit on me, and when you sit down, whip me as you should.
Ivan entered the hut. He sees: the father is weaving a rope.
“Why did you need a rope, father?” Ivan asks.
“Yes, my wife asked me to kill the foal,” the father answers, “the rope may be needed.”
Ivan cried.
“Let me, father, take a last ride on my beloved colt,” he asks his father. - After all, I looked after him more than anyone, I raised him.
“Well, take a ride, son,” the father replies.

Ivan went out into the yard, saddled the colt, jumped on it and fastened it with a belt. In the blink of an eye, the foal jumped over the gate and, like the wind, rushed across the field. The stepmother realized it, sent a chase, but it was already too late: not a single horse could catch up with the foal.

On the way, Ivan with a foal came across a herd of pigs. The foal stopped and said:
- You, Ivan, go to the shepherd and ask him to slaughter one pig. Give the meat to the shepherd, take only one bubble yourself. I'll wait for you here by the road.
Ivan did as the foal ordered, returned to him with a pig's bladder.
“Now put the bubble on your head,” the foal told him.
Ivan put on the bubble, again sat on the foal and they rushed on.

They drove, they drove, they reached the big city. The foal stopped and said to Ivan:
The king lives in this city. You go to the king, hire yourself to guard his royal garden, and I will stay here. If you need me, just whistle and I will stand in front of you like a leaf in front of grass.

Ivan went to the king and hired himself to guard the garden. There was a hut in the garden. At night, Ivan walked around the garden, and during the day, from morning to evening, he slept in a hut. If someone asked him about something, he always answered: "I can't know."

The king had three daughters-brides. But, instead of the expected matchmakers, news suddenly arrives that on such and such a day the eldest daughter will be eaten by a three-headed black snake.
The whole royal family, all the royal servants and ministers fell into hopeless grief. The king sends messengers to all parts of his kingdom and through them announces: “Whoever saves my eldest daughter, I will marry her to him.”

The day appointed by the serpent has come. Everyone went to the lake behind the royal garden. Ahead were the brave fellows who wished to fight the serpent and intermarry with the king.
A three-headed black serpent emerged from the lake with a hiss. And all the good fellows, like the wind, blew away. Seeing this, Ivan jumps out of the hut and whistles loudly. At the same moment, a foal, already saddled and with a saber on the side of the saddle, appears. Ivan removes a bubble from his head - before his hair was copper-red, but now it has become golden - he jumps on a foal and rushes to the lake with a saber in his hand. With one swing, he cuts down all three heads of the serpent. And no one had time to come to their senses, as Ivan had already returned to the garden, put a bubble on his head and lay down in a hut, and let the foal go into the field.

The tsar's daughters passed by the hut and could not resist, so as not to reproach Ivan:
“You sleep all day, Ivan the Fool, you didn’t even come to see how the good fellow killed the snake.”
“I don’t know,” Ivan answered them.
Some time passes and, like snow on his head, new news falls on the king: on such and such a day the middle daughter will be eaten by a seven-headed serpent.

Again groaning and weeping stands in the royal palace. Again, the king calls on the daring fellows to stand up for his daughter and promises to marry the one who will save her.
But the appointed day comes, with a hiss a seven-headed black serpent swims out of the lake, and again the brave fellows, at the sight of the serpent, hit the bushes.

Ivan came out of the hut, whistled the colt, and when he rushed in, he took off the bubble from his head and galloped to the lake. With the first blow, Ivan cut down five heads of the serpent. The snake, in turn, hit Ivan with its tail and broke his ring finger. The tsar's daughter herself ran up to Ivan and bandaged his finger with her handkerchief. Ivan once again swung his saber and cut off the last two heads of the snake. In the meantime, everyone around gasped and groaned with joy and surprise, Ivan let the foal into the field, and he climbed into the hut, put a bubble on his head and went to bed.

Again the tsar's daughters passed by the hut and again laughed at Ivan:
The fool is sleeping and sees nothing, hears nothing.
Tired after the fight with the snake, Ivan really did not hear what the princesses were saying. He was already fast asleep.
But then the middle daughter suddenly saw her handkerchief on Ivan's finger, and in a hurry, Ivan put on the bubble not very neatly - golden hair was visible from under it. The princess was frightened and thought: “Do I really have to marry this fool?”
But the queen's fears were unfounded. Among the brave fellows, as for the first time, there was one who claimed that it was he who killed the snake. The king gave his eldest and middle daughter for their false saviors.

Some more time passes, and new news plunges the entire royal court into sadness and despondency: on such and such a day, the twelve-headed serpent will eat the youngest daughter. Servants are crying, mother and father are weeping.
And again the cry is heard for the whole kingdom:
Whoever saves my daughter will be her husband.
The youngest daughter was of indescribable beauty; the brave fellows who have come from all over the kingdom promise the tsar: we will save, we will definitely save!

But then the appointed day came, a twelve-headed serpent swam out of the lake with a hiss, and the brave men, suddenly forgetting their loud promises, stepped back.
Ivan came out of his hut, called the colt, and when he rushed, he sat on him and flew to the lake with a saber in his hand - only golden hair fluttering in the wind.
From the first swing, Ivan this time cut down five heads of the snake. The serpent hit him with a huge tail and drove him to the waist into the ground. The ground on the shore of the lake was soft, and Ivan managed to get to a new place. Again he swung his saber and cut down five more heads. The snake, in turn, hit Ivan again and drove him into the mud up to his very shoulders. Who knows, maybe Ivan would not have gotten out if some of the brave fellows had not helped him. And as soon as he got out, he cut with his last strength with a saber and cut down the last two heads of the snake.

A cry of universal joy swept over the lake. Everyone rushed to thank the golden-haired daring man who defeated the terrible snake. And only from the winner and the trace caught a cold. Ivan jumped on his swift-footed colt, and he was like that. At the hut he put a bubble on his head and fell asleep.
Again, the princesses walk past the hut from the lake and shake their heads:
- Our Ivan overslept the current battle with the snake. Daughters come to their father, and there is already a daring fellow sitting there and beating himself in the chest:
- It was I who saved the king's daughter, I defeated the snake!
The king puts his daughter's ring on his finger, and the wedding feast begins.
In the midst of the wedding feast, the tsar remembered his garden watchman Ivan and said:
- Go to the hut, call Ivan the Fool here too. Today is a joyful day for everyone, let him rejoice with us and have fun.
Send to call Ivan, Ivan is not coming. “I can't know,” he says. The king sends for the watchman a second time. “I can’t know,” Ivan replies to the second invitation. And only when they came to call him for the third time, Ivan came out of the hut, tore off the bubble from his head so that it burst, and Ivan's golden hair scattered over his shoulders, after that he called his foal and jumped on him.

First, Ivan made three circles around the royal court. He sits on a foal, holds a finger tied with a handkerchief in front of him and from time to time shakes his golden hair: they say, do you know who fought with the snake? Of course, everyone recognized him.

Ivan reached the third circle, tied the foal to the hitching post and proceeded to the royal chambers. And he entered them with a tied finger raised up.
The youngest daughter of the king, as soon as she saw Ivan at the door, immediately recognized him and said: - Here is my savior! She ran up to him and kissed him.
The tsar, without hesitation, tore the ring from the finger of the young liar and put it on Ivan's finger, and ordered the self-proclaimed savior to be hanged.
The same fate threatened the husbands of the eldest daughters of the king. Ivan stood up for the impostors: he asked the king to let them go on all four sides. The king agreed.

After that, the wedding feast continued for three days and three nights in a row. I was at that feast, drinking mead-beer with Ivan.

And Ivan, they say, lives happily with his young wife to this day.


The spring fair rang. Along its edge, behind the booths, a horse-dealer was dragging a piebald colt on a rope, on the back of the baby there was a deep lacerated wound with brown edges, caked with blood. The foal neighed loudly, but no one paid attention to his cries in the noise of the fair.

Spiridon, along with his fellow villagers, brought honey for sale, sitting on the potter's cart next to his dishes. Pot-bellied casks, tied with waxed linen, stood on the front near the frame of the cart, and around the army lined up krinks, jugs, makitras and other utensils.

Spiridon did not really trade. Having negotiated a price with the potter's portly wife, he sat in the shade under a tree on a sack of oats he had taken on a long journey, and watched a beautiful girl selling goslings and chickens. It was the same enamored shepherdess, sleeping at the boundary last summer, she became even prettier and blossomed. Nearby stood a cart with the goods of a young blacksmith, from everything it was clear that the matter was close to the wedding.

The unharnessed potter's mare tossed her head together with the sack, dressed on her muzzle, and moved her ears in anxiety, shifting her legs. She heard a cry of complaint and fear in the noise. Spiridon also looked around and hurried to intervene. He gave the horse dealer almost all the honey, and he laughed after the deal. The beekeeper washed the wound with clean water and tar soap, tore the old scroll into pieces of canvas, smeared them lightly with honey from the last pot, and bandaged the horse. The foal lay down under a tree in the shade, and by evening it had already stopped trembling, drank, to the delight of the beekeeper, water and ate a crust of bread from the palm of Spiridon.

The next morning, early, early, the sage and the foal slowly set off from the fair on the way back, they walked with stops, spent the night in the hayloft, meeting only help and reinforcements with food, and finally got home.

The potter brought in a sack of oats, and the beekeeper took out last year's hay, set the wounded man up for several days in a small empty sack, where an oblique ray of light fell from a small window. Then, when the baby got stronger and began to move more, he transferred him to the yard, locking him up only at night.

The foal was so accustomed to the sage that he followed him everywhere like a little dog, ate from his hands and loved to play - he took off his straw hat from his head and threw it into the air, chewed his shirt, blew in his ear, carried a bucket of water with his teeth by the shackle. His sonorous joyful neighing was often heard from the yard.

And at the autumn fair, Spiridon stood among the horsemen under a hail of ridicule, and behind him, without a leash, a grown foal snorted and indulged. On his back, the muscles went in a hump, they were pulled together by a rough scar that formed at the site of the wound, so everyone made fun - the hunchback, piebald - not a worker, not a handsome man, and small. “Who needs him like that?”, “And what was to mess with him?” — rushed from all sides.

Then a stately, but very wrinkled man approached Spiridon, whose age could not be determined at once. His body seemed supple and young, and his face ten years older.

“Sell me this miracle,” the approacher became interested, “I need it.”

“But you won’t offend,” the sage became worried, interested in the buyer himself.

- I won’t offend, it just suits us in a big top - he will perform with a clown.

It turned out that it was the clown from the circus who arrived at the fair. His face was aged from make-up, and he was a kind and talented person. It was supposed to create a Pegasus from a colt, tying wings for pantomime, and also a Hunchback for the second squad, which would throw off a stupid rider. And many more different and funny things were planned.

Spiridon sat with a clown in a fair booth and laughed quietly, and in the middle in a wide aisle the clown seemed to be milking a horse, to the deafening laughter of the public. Everyone shoved the foal with pink salmon.

“Each thing has its own purpose,” thought Spiridon, recalling his indecision in front of the black-haired horse-dealer, who predicted the uselessness of the animal, even in the event of saving a wounded foal.

Evenk fairy tale

Wolf (fairy tale)

The wolf ran to the river. He sees that the foal is stuck in the mud. The wolf wanted to eat him. The foal groaned:
- You first pull me out, and then eat ... The wolf agreed. Pulled the foal out of the mud. The foal looked around.
- Wait, wolf, don't eat me, I'm dirty, let me dry, clean the dirt, then eat.

The foal dried up in the sun, cleansed itself. The wolf opened its mouth. The foal said;
- Wait, wolf, I have a golden seal hidden in the hoof of my hind leg. Take it, you will become rich, everyone will envy you ...
The wolf rejoiced. The foal raised its leg. The wolf began to look for a golden seal in the hoof. The foal hit the wolf on the forehead so hard that the wolf turned his belly up. Cries, tears flow in streams.
The foal ran away. The wolf got angry, thinking: “Why didn’t I eat it right away? What is he to me - a son or a brother?

The wolf went on. A stallion grazes near the cattle. The wolf bared his teeth and grunted:
- I will eat you!
“Get on my back,” the stallion says. - I'll give you a ride, then eat me.
The wolf sat on the stallion. He rushed faster than the wind. He ran under the shed of cattle, and the wolf hit the upper pole so hard that he fell off the stallion and lay like a dead man for a long time. He got up, staggering trudged to the ulus.
Pigs grazed there, dug the ground. The hungry wolf screamed:
- I'll eat you all!
“You, wolf, first listen to how we sing,” and the pigs squealed loudly.
The men came running, the wolf barely took his legs. He went back to the forest, and a hunting dog met him.
“I’ll eat you,” says the wolf.
- Go further. The dog bared its teeth. The wolf tucked its tail and walked away. I saw a large carcass of a goat, I was delighted:
- Here we will eat to our fill! .. I began to eat and fell into a trap.

Latvian fairy tale

Fairy tale How the master hatched the foal

Once there lived a gentleman who loved nothing in the world except horses.

The only thing he dreamed about was how to get such horses as no one else has.

Once this great horseman went to the market and met a peasant with a cart

cucumbers. Barin asks:

What are you carrying there?

And man, don't be a fool, take it and say:

I'm bringing eggs from which you can hatch such foals, which no one else has

who was not.

The master asks to show them to him. The man showed. The master chose from these eggs

one is better and asks:

Why such an egg? The man answers:

Three hundred rubles!

He pulls out the master's purse and counts three hundred.

Put an egg in a pot, sit on it yourself and do not get down until

you won't sit out. If anyone asks anything, then answer only one word:

"Whoa!" On that they parted, each went his own way.

The master came home and immediately sat down to hatch the colt. Lady

asks why he sits for so long, and the master grumbles: "Whoa!"

The lady got angry at such a stupid answer, but, knowing her husband well,

decided to leave him alone - let him, they say, sit - and ordered him to serve food

and drink, and said no more.

The master sat, sat on a cucumber either for three or four weeks, yes

nothing and did not sit out. He completely withered sitting still and in the end could not stand it -

tired of sitting over the potty. He grabbed it, ran into the forest and in the hearts

threw a pot of cucumber into a pile of deadwood. And then out of nowhere, hare -

jumped out of the pile, lifted his tail - and into the forest? The barin shouts after him:

Stallion, stud!

And the hare heard the noise and fled even faster until he disappeared into the forest.

The master is going home, he is saddened. On the way, he meets that man again,

from whom I bought a cucumber for three hundred rubles. The master complains to the peasant

says, they say, it was about to sit out an unprecedented foal, yes

he, fool, threw it away.

The man listened to the end and answered:

This is how it always turns out for fools who can’t even sit a foal

Foal Breeze (fairy tale Chudina T.M.)

Lived - there was a mother a horse, a father a horse and their son a foal. The foal was called Breeze because he ran very fast. His curly ponytail fluttered like a flag. The breeze liked to gallop through the green, silky meadow.

Mom was worried about her son and told him not to run far, but Veterok ran so fast that he didn’t notice how he rode far, far away. And I must say that the foal was still quite small, because he was born only this morning.

The foal ran and ran and suddenly stopped, as if rooted to the spot, he did not see either mom or dad, he was scared, but what if he never finds them! For some reason, he immediately wanted to eat. He lowered his head and went, not knowing where. I walked and walked and saw a grazing cow.

“Tell me, are you my mother?”

"No, my baby is a calf."

“No, my child is a lamb. “The foal became very sad.

Veterok went further, saw a pig near the puddle and quietly asked: “Tell me, please, maybe you are my mother”? The pig raised its head, looked attentively at the foal and said: “No, but are you lost? Do not worry! My baby is a pig. He screams “oink-oink-oink! "How do you scream? The foal stretched out its neck, raised its head, and unexpectedly for itself, shouted: “Eeeee! ”And suddenly, very close, I heard a loud and so dear “I-and-and!”

The breeze galloped in that direction, and an alarmed mother was already running towards him. She touched him with soft lips, and he buried himself in her warm udder and began to suck eagerly. He felt warm and calm. Now he knew what his mother was!

The tale of how a foal was looking for luck

A long time ago, when there were no cars and planes, everyone rode horses or walked. And one foal did not want to be harnessed to a cart, he dreamed of working in a circus. Every night the foal dreamed about how he rushes around the arena, and the rider, dressed in beautiful circus clothes, does all sorts of tricks on him. Lights are burning all around, music is playing, and children are clapping their hands and screaming with admiration. The foal's mother, an experienced workhorse, told him that one must be very talented in order to get to work in the circus and one must have luck.

The foal considered himself very talented, he knew how to run in circles, merrily raising his tail, imagining that this is an arena. He could gallop over a fallen tree and bow like a beautiful horse from a traveling circus that stopped in their town. The foal saw how the horses performed when he ran next to his mother, harnessed to the carriage, which took their owner and son to the circus. Almost everything that he saw there, the foal learned to repeat on his own, only one thing he did not know where to look for luck, about which his mother spoke. What it looks like is luck, and what needs to be done to get it.

Once, while mom was at work, the foal got so wild that he accidentally ran to the very river, where he was strictly forbidden to run. He heard a faint groan under a tree near the river itself and rushed off to see who needed his help there. An old grandfather lay under a tree, he walked from afar, he was very tired and fell exhausted, because he could no longer do a shala.

The foal bent its front legs like a beautiful horse did in a circus, and invited his grandfather to climb on his back. Grandfather with grief in half climbed onto the back of the foal, and they slowly walked towards the city. It turned out that the old grandfather was the father of the circus director and immediately told his son about a brilliant foal running freely through the meadows. That's how the foal got into the circus, he became famous, traveled the whole world with his circus, he was greeted standing up, he was applauded at every performance.

And where to look for luck, the foal did not understand.

wise maiden

Russian folk tales

Two brothers rode: one poor, the other eminent; both have a horse; from a poor mare, from an eminent gelding. They stopped for the night nearby. The poor mare brought at night

foal; the foal rolled under the rich man's cart. He wakes up the poor in the morning:

Get up, brother, my cart gave birth to a foal at night.

The brother stands up and says:

How can a cart give birth to a foal! This is my mare brought. Rich says:

If your mare had brought, the foal would have been near!

They argued and went to the authorities: the eminent gives the judges money, and the poor justifies himself with words.

It came down to the king himself. He ordered to call both brothers and asked them four riddles:

What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world, what is the fattest thing in the world, what is the softest and sweetest thing of all? - And he gave them a period of three days: - Come on the fourth, give an answer!

The rich man thought and thought, remembered his godfather and went to her to ask for advice. She seated him at the table, began to treat him; and she asks:

What is so sad, kumanek?

Yes, the sovereign asked me four riddles, and set a deadline of only three days.

What's happened? Tell me.

But what, godfather: the first riddle - what is the strongest and fastest thing in the world?

What a riddle! My husband has a brown mare;

no faster! If you hit with a whip, the hare will catch up.

The second riddle: what is fatter in the world?

We have another year the pockmarked hog feeds; He's become so fat that he can't even get up!

The third riddle: what is the softest thing in the world?

A well-known case is a down jacket, you can’t imagine softer!

The fourth riddle: what is the sweetest thing in the world?

Dearest of all granddaughters Ivanushka!

Thank you, kuma! I taught the mind-reason, I will not forget for a century.

And the poor brother burst into bitter tears and went home; meets his seven-year-old daughter (the only family was that there was only one daughter).

What are you sighing about, father, and shedding tears?

How can I not sigh, how can I not shed tears? The king gave me four riddles, which I will never solve in my life.

Tell me what riddles?

But what, daughter: what is the strongest and fastest in the world, what is the fattest, what is the softest and what is the cutest?

Go, father, and tell the king: the wind is the strongest and fastest; the fattest of all is the earth: whatever grows, whatever lives, the earth nourishes! The hand is the softest of all: no matter what a person lies on, he puts his hand under his head, and sweat is sweeter than sleep in the whole world!

Both brothers came to the king: both the rich and the poor. The king listened to them and asks the poor.

Did you come by yourself, or who taught you? The poor man answers:

Your royal majesty! I have a seven-year-old daughter, she taught me.

When your daughter is wise, here is a silk thread for her;

let him weave a patterned towel for me in the morning.

The peasant took a silk thread, comes home sad and sad.

Our trouble! - says daughter - The king ordered to weave a towel from this thread.

Don't freak out, daddy! - answered the seven-year-old. She broke off a twig from a broom, gives it to her father and punishes:

Go to the king, tell him to find such a master who would make a cross from this twig: there would be something to weave a towel on!

The man reported this to the king. The king gives him a hundred and fifty eggs:

Give, he says, to your daughter; let him bring me a hundred and fifty chickens by tomorrow.

The peasant returned home even more abruptly, even sadder:

Ah, daughter! From one trouble you will dodge, another will be imposed!

Don't freak out, daddy! - answered the seven-year-old. She baked eggs and hid them for lunch and dinner, and sends her father to the king:

Tell him that chickens need one-day millet for food: in one day the field would be plowed, millet sown, harvested and threshed; our chickens will not peck at another millet!

The king listened and said:

When your daughter is wise, let her come to me in the morning - neither on foot, nor on a horse, nor naked, nor dressed, nor with a gift, nor without a present.

“Well,” the peasant thinks, “even a daughter will not solve such a cunning problem; it’s about to disappear!”

Don't freak out, daddy! - the seven-year-old daughter told him. -Go to the hunters and buy me a live hare and a live quail.

Her father went and bought her a hare and a quail.

The next day, in the morning, the seven-year-old threw off all her clothes, put on a net, took a quail in her hands, sat astride a hare and went to the palace.

The king meets her at the gate. She bowed to the king:

Here's a present for you, sir! - And gives him a quail.

The king stretched out his hand: the quail fluttered - and flew away!

Well, - says the king, - as ordered, so she did. Tell me now: your father is poor, so what do you feed on?

My father catches fish on the dry shore, he doesn’t put the bait into the water, but I carry the fish around and cook the fish soup.

What are you, stupid! When does a fish live on a dry shore? Fish swim in the water!

Are you smart? When have you seen a cart bring a foal? Not a cart, a mare will give birth!

The king ordered that the foal be given to the poor peasant, and his daughter was taken to him; when the seven-year-old grew up, he married her, and she became queen.

The tale of the foal

Alexander Priymak

One day a very strange creature wandered into the forest.
And no one knew what it was.
And it itself could not remember what it was.
Bunnies said:
- We've never seen anything like it!
Whites confirmed:
- No matter how much we jumped through the trees, we never saw this!
Here the wolf intervened in the conversation:
- I do not know either. But it seems to me that I ... would love to eat this creature!
And he even snapped his teeth.
No one could guess who it was in front of them. Even curious magpies, who always knew everything about everything.
We decided to turn to the old owl. Who has lived in the world for many years and was very wise. She lived in the hollow of an old oak that grew in the darkest part of the forest.
The magpie, who knew how to talk, was instructed to turn to the owl. She knocked on the old hollow. But the owl did not even listen to her:
- Come back later. During the day I can't see anything. And so I leave the nest only in the evening.
We all had to wait until it got dark. Nobody left. Everyone stood in a ring around the little creature.
At first, he was very curious. But then he more and more often began to meet with the eyes of a wolf. Which with the onset of darkness began to glow with evil lights.
The little creature became scared and wanted to see his mother. But he did not know who he was and who his mother was, because he was still very small.
It got quite dark.
The old owl crawled out of its hollow, looked at the little stranger and said angrily:
- It's a baby horse.
All of a sudden, they cheered:
- Oh baby!
- Little foal!
And they took the foal to the meadow. Where his mother had been looking for him for a long time, who was very happy with him, licked him in the muzzle and said:
- And I already thought that you were eaten by a wolf.
The foal began to run around the meadow with joy. But he did not run far from his mother.

Foal Tale - 2

A large herd of wild horses lived on distant prairies - they lived freely, were not afraid of anything, and every year they organized races of young foals to find the fastest prairie horse. And then the young foal Big Hoof lost his first race. He became so upset that he lost his appetite and lust for life, walked around all day long and did not train to win next year. The foal's dad noticed this and asked his son if he was really upset because of the loss, because he was not the only one who lost, but everyone continues to enjoy life and strive for future victories?
The foal replied that the victory was the meaning of his life, so he sees no point in living and rejoicing further.

The father thought a little and said that there is a magical flower at the foot of the distant mountains, by eating which you will feel strong and fast, and you can fulfill almost any of your dreams, if you really wish. The foal was delighted, set on fire with the desire to find this flower, asked his father for the way and how it looks, and ran ...

He ran for a long time, experienced many dangers, avoided predators and snakes, landslides and cliffs, he had no time to look for water and food, so he lost a lot of weight, but still got to the foot of the mountains and found that magic flower.
After eating it, Big Hoof felt like a hero - strong, handsome and fast. But when he returned home, and he had time to think, he asked his father if it was really a magic flower, or was his father just testing it?
The father replied that he should understand for himself what it was, and asked if he still considered winning the race the meaning of his life.

The foal replied that this is not the meaning of life, but he still wants to win.
The winner of the race was not Whitehoof, but he was not upset at all, he knew that he had gained new experience, that he still needed to prepare for the battle, becoming stronger and more confident in himself.
So it is in our life - victories do not amuse those who are looking for them, they need to be achieved by hard work and not be upset if this time you are not lucky.

Forty one foals

Mari folk tales.

There lived an old man in a village, and he had three daughters.

Once an old bay mare foaled and brought forth forty-one foals. But the old man did not rejoice for long: in one day all the foals left for the sea.

Who will go looking for foals? the old man asked his daughters.

I'll go, - said the eldest daughter.

Go, daughter, - said her father. “Don’t take the straight road, but take the detour.”

The eldest daughter went to the sea, as her father ordered, not in a direct way, but in a roundabout way.

And the old man, meanwhile, put on a bearskin, ran along a straight path to the field gates, which stand at the end of the village, so that the cattle would not leave the field, would not poison the field, and lay down at the very gates.

The eldest daughter came up to the field gate, saw a bear, got frightened and turned back as soon as possible.

The old man came home by a straight road before his daughter, and, only his daughter on the threshold, asks her:

There is a bear at the field gate, - the daughter answers, - If there is a bear at the field gate, then what will happen next!

The next day, the middle daughter volunteered to look for foals. And her father sent her along a roundabout way, and again, dressed in a bearskin, ran along a straight road and lay down at the field gate.

The middle daughter came to the field gate, saw a bear-bear, got scared and turned back as soon as possible.

She comes home, her father asks her:

Why are you back, daughter?

If the bear is lying at the field gate, then what will happen next! the daughter answers. I won't go looking!

On the third day, the youngest daughter gathered in search of foals.

She put on her best dress, harnessed the mare to the cart, took a silver whip, put a white hawk and a yard dog in the cart.

Her father came out to see her off and said:

- Do not take the straight road, but a roundabout. The girl left, and the father put on a bearskin, ran to the field gate and lay down across the road.

A girl drove up to the gate and said:

Get up, bear, let me through!

The bear does not answer anything, does not leave the road.

Then the girl whipped the bear with a whip.

The bear moved forward and let the cart pass.

And the girl went down the road. Rides and sings a cheerful song:

Silver whip, rise!
White hawk, shout!
Yard dog, bark!
I'm going to look for foals!

The girl reached the seashore, swam across the sea in a big boat. On the other side, the girl changed into men's clothes and went on - to look for foals.

In the evening she arrived in the village and asked an old woman to stay for the night.

This old woman had a son - a handsome young man named Ulem.

The girl spent the night with the old woman, and in the morning she says:

Grandmother, let Ulema go with me to look for foals.

The old woman Ulema let go.

The girl Ulema put in the cart next to her and sang a cheerful song

My little cart, roll, roll!
Silver whip, rise!
White hawk, shout!
Yard dog, bark!
I'm going to look for foals!

On this day, the girl with Ulem found ten foals.

When they returned home, Ulem said to his mother:

It seems to me that our guest is not a guy, but a girl: he has a very gentle voice, and he himself is very handsome.

On the second day, Ulem and the girl brought ten more foals, on the third, ten more, and on the fourth, eleven...

The girl was about to leave, and Ulem asks her to stay even a little longer.

The girl lived with the old woman for a little while and went home, and Ulem escorted her.

Here they go to the sea, and the girl sings:

My little cart, roll, roll!
Silver whip, rise!
White hawk, shout!
Yard dog, bark!
I found my father's foals,
Now I'm going home!

How many days I lived with you, - said the girl, - and you, Ulem, did not guess that I was not a guy, but a girl.

I figured it out a long time ago,” Ulem replies. - Be my wife.

First you need to take the foals to their father. But if you like me, then a gift came before the holiday - a silk swing, and I will return to you.

The girl came home, drove forty-one of the same child.

The old father was delighted, the older sisters were delighted.

The girl lives at home. Before the holiday, Ulem sent her a gift - a silk swing.

The girl hung a silk swing on a tall pine tree.

She shook her father, then her older sister, then her middle sister. Then she shook her friends.

And then she herself sat on a silk swing, swung higher than the house, higher than the pine tree, the swing flew up to the sky, and the girl flew far, far away, across the sea, to Ulem.

Children's poems

Long-legged foal -
I couldn't catch up with him
Only dust from under the hooves
Hanging over the road

J. Zudrags

Mom is a horse, dad is a horse,
Who is their child?
Red like fire
This is a foal.

O. Konaeva

Hear someone at the gate
Stamped, neighed merrily?
This is our cheerful, nimble
The foal ran
Inviting you
To green meadows
Where is blue today
Haystacks are swept away at night,
And on a cotton shirt
Summer sun in the morning
Sprinkle white daisies
With cornflowers in half.
Let's run and we will dew
Silvery trample,
And daisies in the mane, in braids
Braid the foal!

V. Tunnikov

At the beautiful horse
Small child.
Very smart and funny
A nimble foal.

N. Martidi

Shearing foal
runs across the meadow.
He is like the hands of a clock,
runs in circles.
Mom catches a fidget
but cannot catch.
It's time for them to return!
Who will help her?
Won't hold a fidget
mom alone.
She calls for help
older daughter.
And now two babies
running in circles!
Don't rush to go home
rejoice in the meadow.

G. Kodinenko

Foal, what are you sad,
Why are the eyes submissive:
I didn’t get tasty grass -
All the herd chewed nimble?
The legs are ringing, the ears are thin,
The short tail trembles -
Very difficult for a foal
If mom runs away.

Y. Pervukhina

Racing with the wind
The child is being carried.
Thin-legged, golden-maned,
A frisky foal.
And in the clover meadows
Summer chill.
Smells fresh, rain
And a blooming garden.
I will come to you my friend
Let's run together.
From the gifts of sugar,
And some bread.
Do you see a rainbow arc
He waves his sleeve at us.
I will weave a wreath for you
From large daisies.

O. Arziani

Nostrils suck in air
Ears are alert
Mane and fluffy tail
I look carefully.
Our baby will be a horse,
Nice foal.
At the stable they groom, they love,
He's just a baby.
Mom is a black horse
Just a beauty.
And the baby is beautiful, sweet,
Mom likes it very much.
Nostrils wrinkle wearily,
The foal wants to sleep.
Maybe under the covers
Put him to bed?
The foal falls asleep
Next to your mom.
No nipples, no diapers
The little ones have horses.

N. Bystrova

What kind of noise is in the apartment,
I don't understand waking up?
That was born in the stable,
White foal.
This news was given to us
Dad, and not for nothing
Because the way dad serves
There's a veterinarian.
It means dad is healing
And dogs and cats
Your bird will get sick
He will help too.
My dad is a good doctor
The family is proud of him
Grow up like a foal
Let me ride.

L. Kaplun

Oh look foal.
He is a horse child.
Just recently he was born
Our entire yard fell in love with it.
long-legged crow,
Cute, mischievous.
With a white star on the forehead
It can be seen from a mile away.
Mom has a horse
Lots and lots of milk
The foal drinks it
Growing before everyone's eyes.
How good is
jump across the lawn
If I'm far away
I'll rest on the grass

A. Taraman

I saw a miracle today
Walking down the morning road
Nowhere and nowhere
The foal is long.
Curious and shy
And the eyes are two brown plums!
He shakes his head!
He's wonderful! He is alive!
- Foal, hello! Hello...
What's your name, curvy?
Let me touch your side -
Warm, slightly shaky.
I'll treat you, my friend
Crispy crust...
He licked off my palm
Delicious rye crumbs
And neighing affably -
He invited me on the journey.

L. Taratanova

horse foal
Didn't want to sleep today
Demanded to buy
Him a baby bed
Mom and dad explained
Him, looking at the moon,
What horse beds
Can not be..
For some reason, the foal did not give up
So we need to create them
I'm a small child
And I want to sleep in a bed.
And the mother horse was angry:
Foal, need to sleep
Fresh bale of hay
horse bed.

Y. Simbirskaya

looks around fearfully,
It poke into my palms.
And the mane trembles
And bamboo legs.
He seemed to be lost.
Just just born.

N. Agoshkova Poems about a foal.

Summer in the village. To me from all legs
A short-haired horse gallops across the meadow.
I will stretch the bread in his palm,
I can easily hug a thin neck
And I whisper:
- Grow up fast!
You will become the best of our horses!
Let's jump so fast across the field,
Even the wind can't catch up!

... A fairy tale, a fairy tale,

Hear music like a bird

Soared up like an arrow?

Sounds of a wonderful song

Carried over the earth...

E. Arsenina

counselor. Many fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters have their favorite songs. Name the "performer" and the fairy tale (cartoon, fairy tale film), as well as the authors of the work. For instance:

1. "Song of the crocodile Gena" from the animated film "Crocodile Gena and his friends" based on the book by E. Uspensky - performed by the crocodile Gena.

2. "The Grasshopper's Song" from the animated film "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends" based on fairy tale II. Nosov - performed by residents of the flower city.

3. The Russian folk song "Because of the island on the rod ..." is performed by Ivan from the cartoon "Golden Ring".

4. The Russian folk song “Oh, you, canopy, my canopy ...” in the cartoon based on the Russian folk tale “At the command of the pike” is sung by Emelya.

5. The song "Kind Beetle" from the movie "Cinderella" based on the fairy tale of the same name by C. Perrault is performed by Cinderella, etc.

counselor. Name the performer of these lines, and also remember the name of the fairy tale. Continue the song if you know it well:

1. Cockerel, cockerel,

Golden comb...

butter head,

silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

(The song of the fox from the Russian folk tale "The Cockerel - the Golden Comb".)

2. I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man,

I'm scraping along the box...

According to the bottom of the barrel,

On sour cream bag

Yes, woven in oil

It's cold on the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

From you, a hare, I will leave for a long time!

(Kolobok's song from the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".)

3. Goose country,

You are visible!

Hello Lapland,

Goose country!

Takes me to Lapland

domestic white goose,

And soon I'm in Lapland

I'll fall to the ground!

(Nils' song from Selma Lagerlöf's fairy tale story "Nils' Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese")

4. Tribulation, nonsense, hussels,

Golden strings...

Is Lisafya-kuma still at home?

Is it in your warm nest?

(Song of the cat from the fairy tale "Cockerel-Golden Comb".)

5. Let everything be around

Burning with fire.

And we will sing with you:

Ooty, bosse, busse, basse,

Bisse, let's rest.

Let them carry a thousand buns

Give birth to us.

And we will arrange here

Ooty, boss, busse, kaput,

Bisse and tarraram.

(Carlson's song from Astrid Lindgren's book "Three stories about the Kid and Carlson".)

6. Sleep, sleep, child Tsreshechka, -

All the swallows are sleeping

And killer whales sleep

And the martens sleep

And the foxes sleep

To our Tereshechka

Sleep is ordered!

(Lullaby of an old woman and an old man from the Russian folk tale "Tereshechka".)

7. Where could my honey go?

After all, it was a full pot!

He couldn't run away.

Because he doesn't have legs!

He couldn't swim down the river

(He is without a tail and fins),

He couldn't bury himself in the sand...

He couldn't, but still he was!

He could not go into the dark forest,

Couldn't take off into the sky...

Could not, but still disappeared!

Well, it's just miracles!

(Grumbling song Winnie the Pooh from the fairy tale story by Alan Alexander Milne "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything ...".)

8. For bast shoes - kura,

For a chicken - a sheep,

For a sheep - a bull ...

Shnu, shnu, bull,

straw barrel,

The sleigh is not ours

The collar is not mine

Run - don't stop...

(The old woman's song from the Russian folk tale "How the old woman found a bast shoe.")

9. Ku-ka-river!

I walk on my feet

In red boots

I carry a scythe on my shoulders:

I want to kill the fox

Went, fox, from the stove!

(The song of the rooster from the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Hare".)

counselor. Sing a song of your favorite character in his style of performance.

Compose a song for any fairy tale character you like.

The protagonist of Russian folk tales, before achieving what he wants (to grow wiser; achieve justice; marry a beautiful girl; fight evil, etc.), must go through many trials. For example, tricky riddles to solve. And this is not for every good fellow! It is much easier to fight the Serpent Gorynych ... But it is not for nothing that the people say: "They do not beat with a spear, but with the mind." And they also say: “The spool is small and expensive” ... Here everything depends on natural ingenuity.

First riddle. Listen to the beginning of the fairy tale "The Seven-Year-Old Daughter" and help the poor brother solve tricky riddles:

“Two brothers were driving: one poor, the other rich. Both have horses - the poor mare, the rich gelding. They stopped for the night nearby. The poor mare brought a foal at night; the foal rolled under the rich man's cart. He wakes up the poor in the morning:

Get up brother! My cart gave birth to a foal at night.

The brother stands up and says:

How can a cart give birth to a foal? This is my mare brought.

Rich says:

If your mare brought, the foal would be near her!

They argued and went to the authorities. The rich gave judges

money, but the poor man justified himself with words.

It came down to the king himself. He ordered to call both brothers and asked them four riddles. And he gave them three days.

The rich man thought and thought, remembered his godfather and went to her to ask for advice. She greeted the dear godfather, seated him in the front corner and fed him, and then asked:

What is so sad, kumanek?

Yes, the sovereign asked me four riddles, and set a deadline of only three days.

What is it, tell me.

But what, godfather! The first riddle: what is the strongest and fastest thing in the world?

What a riddle! My husband has a mare; no faster!

The second riddle: what is fatter in the world?

We have a second year of hogs feeding; He became so fat that he could not rise to his feet!

The third riddle: what is the softest thing in the world?

A well-known case is a down jacket, you can’t imagine softer!

The fourth riddle: what is the sweetest thing in the world?

Dearest of all granddaughters Ivanushka!

The rich brother thanked his godfather and went home satisfied.

And the poor brother burst into bitter tears and went home. Meets his seven-year-old daughter:

What are you sighing about, father, and shedding tears?

The father of his little daughter complained that the king had given him four riddles that could not be solved even in life.

Tell me what riddles?

But what, daughter: what is stronger and faster than anything in the world, what is fatter, what is softer and what is cutest of all? .. "

Question: Try to give the correct answers to these four riddles ... Now let's listen to how a seven-year-old girl from a fairy tale answered them:

“Go, father, and tell the king: the strongest and fastest is the wind, the fattest is the earth: whatever grows, whatever lives, the earth nourishes! The hand is the softest of all: on what does a person lay down, but still puts his hand under his head; and sweeter than sleep is nothing in the world! .. "

Question: What is your version of the ending of the fairy tale?.. The correct answer is: the king marveled at the wisdom of the little girl. He ordered to give the foal to the poor peasant. When the seven-year-old girl grew up, the king married her, and became a queen.

The second riddle from the Russian folk tale "Ivanushka the Fool":

“... The mother of her youngest son Ivan the Fool sent lunch to the brothers in the field to demolish ... He came empty-handed. They ask him:

Why are you a fool?

I brought you lunch!

Where is lunch? Come on live!

Why, brothers, I don’t know what kind of person became attached to me along the way and ate everything!

What kind of person?

Here it is! And now it's standing right next to it!

Question: What kind of "person" are we talking about?

Correct Answer: Shadow.

The third riddle will be from the Russian folk tale "The Gorshenya":

“I went to the pottery to the market, to sell my pots. He met the sovereign Ivan Vasilyevich himself. Word by word, the fellow travelers began to talk. The sovereign liked the savvy peasant, he had an answer ready for everything - he didn’t climb into his pocket for a word! The sovereign decided to check the pot for quick wit, asked him a tricky riddle:

What are the three evils in the world, potty?

The first bad thing is a bad neighbor, the second bad thing is a bad wife, and the third bad thing is a bad mind.

And tell me, which is the worst of all?

Question: What can be answered to this?.. Let's listen to the answer of the pot:

“... I’ll leave a bad neighbor, you can also leave a bad wife, but you won’t leave a bad mind - everything is with you.”

Question: How do you understand the expression: “he doesn’t go into his pocket for a word”? Who are they talking about like that?

counselor. Fourth riddle.

The stingy old woman from the Russian folk tale "Petukham Kurikhanych" was asked by two soldiers for something to eat. The greedy hostess refused them, and even in mockery asked them a tricky riddle:

“In Pechinsk-Gorshechinsk, near Skovorodinsk, Petukham Kurikhanych is sitting ...”

Question: What did the old woman's riddle mean?

Answer: the old woman's riddle meant that in the oven, in a pot covered with a frying pan, there was a boiled rooster.

The soldiers did not immediately, but understood the meaning of the riddle and decided to teach the evil greedy old woman a lesson. While she was going out into the yard, they took out a pot from the stove, took out a boiled rooster and transferred it to their satchel. Instead of a rooster, they ...

Question: However, first let's listen to what riddle the resourceful soldiers posed to the old woman, leaving her:

“... There was Petukhan Kurikhanych in Pechinsk-Gorshechinsk, but he was transferred to Sumu-Zaplechensk, and now Zapletai-Raspletaich is there ...”

So what did smart and enterprising soldiers leave in a pot instead of a rooster?

Answer: instead of a rooster, a bast shoe was left in the pot. The old woman paid for her stinginess: she was left without dinner, and the mockery turned against her. By the way, among the people there are sayings on this subject: "A miser pays twice" and "a double-edged sword." Explain the meaning of these sayings.

The fifth riddle is hidden in a fairy tale V. Dahl, which is called "The Old Man-Year-Old". Read the fairy tale and guess who the old one-year-old is and what wonderful birds we are talking about:

“The old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds go. Each bird has its own special name. The old man waved for the first time - and the first three birds flew. It blew cold, frost.

The old one-year-old waved a second time - and the second three flew. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared on the fields.

The old one-year-old waved for the third time - the third trio flew. It became hot, stuffy, sultry. The men began to harvest rye. The old one-year-old waved for the fourth time - and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain sprinkled, cold fogs lay.

And the birds were not ordinary. Each bird has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each pen also has its own name. One half of the feather is white, the other is black. A bird will wave once - it will become light-light, it will wave another - it will become dark-dark.


1. What kind of birds flew out of the sleeve of an old one-year-old man?

2. What are the four wings of each bird?

3. What are the seven feathers in each wing?

4. What does it mean that each feather has one half white and the other black?

Leader. The Russian people have many wonderful proverbs and sayings that, like fairy tales, ridicule the negative qualities and character traits of people. Listen and think about what Russian folk tales you know they can be attributed to:

And the strength of the mind is inferior.

In a big deed, even small help is precious.

On the tongue is honey, and under the tongue is ice.

A head with an oven brow, but nothing at all in the brain.

Don't plant the tree upside down.

It's not enough to want, you have to be able to.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't lie on the stove.

Do it hastily, do it for fun.

The glutton did not have time to recover, and he overate again.

Do not poke your head into the water, not knowing the ford.

Rust eats iron, and the envious one dies of envy.

I ate not to satiate.

Fool that's stupid, then it's nice.

One for all and all for one.

Don't do what you don't want to do.

Fools are always lucky.

To whom are the tops, and to whom are the roots.

A sensible wife and an unprofitable husband in the household does not eat bread for nothing.

Not he is good who is handsome in face, but he is good who is good in business.

You can see the falcon in flight, and the young man in deeds.

For business - not us.

For work, not us.

And eat, dance -

It's better not to find us.

Leader. Some Russian folk tales begin something like this: “There was an old man with an old woman; they had three sons: two are smart, the third is Ivanushka the Fool ... ".

Question: Remember Russian folk tales, the main character of which is Ivan the Fool.

The correct answer is: “Ivanushka the Fool”, “How Ivan the Fool guarded the door”, “The Fool and the Birch”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Humpbacked Horse”, etc.

Question: Do you think Ivan the Fool can be called a positive hero?

Suggested Answer: Only a fool would mistake his own shadow for a man and give him a meal prepared for the brothers working in the field. Ivan the Fool cannot be considered a positive hero, since stupidity, it was believed among the people, grows from the laziness of the mind. Ivan does not bother himself with work, he does not like to strain. He would lie on the stove and chase flies. But at the same time, Ivanushka, in comparison with his brothers, smart, but evil, envious and greedy, does no harm to anyone. Rather, on the contrary, because of his excessive kindness and simplicity, he gets into the most stupid situations. His thoughtless, stupid actions come from good intentions to please someone or something, to help. In the fairy tale “Ivanushka the Fool”, the op, without hesitation, gave the dinner prepared for the brothers working in the field to his own shadow. He mistook her for a hungry man, chasing her, etc.

Ivanushka's simplicity is ridiculed in fairy tales, but not condemned. He is forgiven his stupidity for his responsiveness and kindness. Perhaps that is why Ivan is lucky in fairy tales, while his brothers, on the contrary, are constantly unlucky.

Question: What do you mean by the word fool!

Not of this world,

They say they have one!

"Coots and slobbers!" -

The wise men shouted after them.

"Hey you fool, where are you going?

Look at both, you will be lost! .. "

Don't believe me, it's not like that

A simpleton, but a good man

Not able to cheat

Profitable to sell-buy.

But suddenly trouble happens -

Here it is, Vanya-simplicity!

Must be with bare hands

He will sweep the enemy from the ground.

Without hesitation, in hell

He will climb, what a fool!

He does not need orders

Clearly, he's a weirdo.

Who are these weirdos?

Jokers, daredevils.

People with a pure soul

With a light heart, with a head.

We are such weirdos

In Russia, oh, how they are needed! ..

E. Arsenina. An excerpt from the poem "Who are the eccentrics."

counselor. Many characters in fairy tales had to turn to magic spells to achieve their cherished goal. Listen and determine which of the heroes of famous fairy tales owns the following spells:


“Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka!

Stand before me like a leaf before grass...

Answer: Ivanushka the Fool from the Russian folk tale Sivka Burka.


Stand in front of me

Like a mouse in front of a mountain

Like a snowflake in front of a cloud

Like a step before a steep,

Like a star before the moon.



Who are you? Who am I?

I was, became - you ...!

Answer: This spell was secretly told by the eagle Gorgo to the boy Niels from the fairy tale "Pils's Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese" by Selma Lagerlöf.


"By magic,

According to my wish…”

Answer: Emelya's spell from the Russian folk tale "At the command of the pike."

Question:"Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me! .."

Answer: Ivan speaks magical words from the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess" in front of the hut on chicken legs.

Leader. Fairy-tale agency of young lovers of private investigation invites everyone for an interesting and fruitful cooperation. Age is not limited. Special requirements: curiosity, erudition, desire for self-affirmation, sociability. The skill of intuitive thinking and the ability to draw is welcomed.

Task one. The good fellow needs urgent help. It is necessary to decipher the inscription on an ancient stone, standing in an open field, at the fork of two roads. Important information hidden in the ciphertext will help the traveler to make the right decision for him.

Answer: The inscription on the stone reads: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse; if you go to the left, you won’t be alive yourself.”

Task two. The detective bureau received several orientations from the fairy-tale department of internal affairs to eradicate fraudulent activities with a request for assistance in operational-search activities.

So, they are looking for a particularly cunning swindler and swindler, a hardened swindler - she will persuade anyone you want, whom you need to cajole. She specializes mainly in the theft of poultry, and has also been seen in petty burglaries.

Clarify the location of the wanted and make an accurate sketch (picture), as well as compile a complete list of the victims.

Answer: Looking for a fox. Russian folk tales: "The Fox and the Hare"; "Cockerel - a golden scallop"; "The Fox and the Thrush"; "The Fox and the Bear"; "The Cat and the Fox", "The Fox-Basket", etc.

Task three. Attention wanted! A boy of senior preschool age left home and did not return. He is dressed in short pants and a shirt, shod in wooden shoes, and has a literacy textbook with him. Distinguishing marks: a boy with an independent, stubborn character, often sticking his long nose in the wrong place. Due to its natural credulity and naivety, it can become easy prey and a tool for crimes in the hands of inveterate scammers.

Answer: Pinocchio from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

Task four. A certain fabulous creature, completely round, devoid of any vegetation, left the house and did not return.

Special signs: quite edible; self-confident, sociable; has a cheerful character; careless and naive; prone to wandering.

a) establish the identity of the wanted being;

b) the place of his movement, as well as with whom he communicated (reflect the data in a colorful drawing);

c) identify the person suspected of the possible death of the wanted creature.

Answer: Kolobok from a Russian folk tale of the same name.

Task five. The board of trustees is looking for a girl whose age is not specified (approximately from eight to eleven years old).

Distinctive features: freckled face, upturned nose, pigtails sticking out in different directions. Defiant demeanor. Dressed in a short, old, faded dress, stockings on her legs, possibly of a different color, and old worn shoes of an indefinite shade.

The girl has a strong independent character; prone to various kinds of adventures; cheerful, terrible inventor and dreamer; absolutely not amenable to education ... (a verbal portrait is compiled from the words of members of the board of trustees)

It is necessary to establish the exact location of the girl and give her verbal description of the wanted person, provide the SOVD (fabulous department of internal affairs) with an identikit of the girl.

Answer: Looking for Pippi Longstocking from Astrid Lindgren's fairytale story of the same name.

Task six. Looking for two children - sister and brother. They were last seen in a field outside the outskirts. The older sister was playing with her friends, the brother was nearby.

a) identify the wanted persons (their names), where they come from (from which fairy tale);

b) fix the place and time of their movements (schematically), identify possible witnesses;

c) identify the suspects in the possible abduction of children, as well as the purpose for which illegal actions were committed, if any;

d) trace the fate of the missing children.

Answer: Masha and Ivanushka from the Russian folk tale Geese and Swans.

Task seven. Unknown attackers stole all the valuable exhibits from the Museum of Fairy Applied Arts, as well as a card file with a detailed description of the items: the name of the exhibit, from which fairy tale, to which fairy-tale hero it belonged, what magical powers it possessed, etc., etc.

All SOVD forces are aimed at capturing unknown malefactors. It is necessary, by the method of deductive thinking, to completely restore the disappeared card file and sketch individual, especially valuable, in your opinion, exhibits.

Suggested answers:

The sword-treasurer and the magic ring could belong to Ivan from the Russian folk tale "The treasured sword-treasurer and the magic ring." Ivan owned three rings: copper - put it on your finger and double your strength; a silver ring adds strength three times; a golden ring will rescue you from trouble and give strength tenfold. On the reverse side of the ring, the inscription is read, from which all the magical power emanated: "To own the one who fights for a just cause."

The magic harp could have belonged to Sadko. This is not just a harp, but a gusli-samogudy: they wind up on their own, play on their own, dance on their own, sing songs themselves.

The cap of invisibility, for sure, belonged to the cunning and insidious Chernomor from A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Walking boots could have several owners. Read the fairy tales of W. Gauf "Little Muck" and LLI. Perrot "Cinderella".

The bread-salting tablecloth belonged to Ivan the Fool from the Russian folk tale "The Horse, the Tablecloth and the Horn". It is enough for the tablecloth to say only one word: “Turn around!”, And after eating, “Roll up!”; magic horn at the word: "From the horn!" released two fellows with clubs, which could be driven and calmed down with the word: “In the horn!”.

The magic club belonged to Emelya from the Russian folk tale "At the command of the pike." She began to beat someone without hitting with the following words: "At the command of the pike, at my will ...".

The self-assembled tablecloth belonged to an old man from the Russian folk tale "The Tablecloth, the Lamb and the Bag". At the words "Drink and feed, tablecloth!" unfolded and chewed on various treats. In the magic bag there were forty fellows with clubs who jumped out of it at the words "Forty from the bag!" and hid at the words "Forty in a bag!".

The damask sword could belong to the Bogatyr from the fairy tale "Ivan is a peasant son and a miracle Yudo."

The magic knapsack belonged to a soldier from the Russian folk tale "Soldier and Death".

The handmade carpet of unprecedented beauty was made by Vasilisa herself from the fairy tale "Vasilisa the beauty, the blond braid".

The long sash on which is written: “I kill forty flies with one blow” obviously belonged to the tailor named Hans from the fairy tale “The Brave Little Tailor”.

An iron staff of fifty pounds could belong only to a young man with incredible strength - "The Tale of Vasilisa, golden beauty, an uncovered scythe and Ivan Pea."

The ice staff of amazing beauty and fine workmanship belonged to Santa Claus from the fairy tale "Morozko".

The malachite casket was presented to the handyman Danila by the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself (many other exhibits can also be presented from Bazhov's numerous fairy tales - remember them).

Task eight. A particularly dangerous criminal is being sought. He has more than one premeditated murder to his credit. It has a vicious and treacherous character. He loves young goat meat, does not disdain people.

Answer: The wolf from the fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Little Red Riding Hood", etc.

Task nine. For a long time, the leader and members of the gang, suspected of attempting to kidnap people, in particular small children and a medical worker, have been wanted.

Answer: The evil robber Barmaley from K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit".

Task ten. Find and neutralize a particularly dangerous criminal, an evil misanthrope who has killed many Russian souls in his lifetime. Carefully! Considered immortal. Distinguishing Features: Incredibly thin and vicious.

Answer: Koschey the Immortal from the Russian folk tale of the same name. His life is at the end of the needle, which is hidden.

(Adjusted by M. G. Vatagin)

There lived an old man. He had two sons. The old man began to die, began to divide the inheritance. The elder got almost the entire household, and the younger - a thin hut and a foal filly.

Summer is here, it's hay time. The younger brother is going to mow hay, carry it home, but there is no cart. He goes to the elder:
- Brother, let's go together to the meadows to mow hay, to carry home. My mare, your cart.

The elder is happy with himself: my horse will rest at home, I will transport hay on my brother's horse.

They went together to the meadows. They worked all day, went to bed in the evening. At night, a mare brought a foal. The foal climbed under the cart.

In the morning the brothers woke up, the elder says:
- Brother, look, I have a profit: my cart brought a foal.

Junior says:
- What did you think! Where has it been seen that a cart has brought a foal? This is my foal, my mare.

Big brother says:
- If it were your mare, then he would be near her, and he lies under my cart.

They argued, argued, they went to the king.

And the king loved to guess tricky riddles. He called the men to him and said:
- My royal court will be simple: whoever guesses four riddles will get a foal. Here is the first riddle: what is the fattest thing in the world? The second riddle: what is the fastest in the world? Third: what is the softest? And fourth: what is the cutest thing?

The men came home, began to think. The older brother's wife asks:
- What's so unhappy? What are you thinking about?
- Where can I be cheerful? - says the older brother. - The king made such riddles - his head swells!
- What riddles?
- What is the fattest thing in the world? What is the fastest? What is the softest thing? What is the cutest thing?

The elder brother's wife thought and said:
- Riddles are not easy, they have a trick, and I understood this trick. The fattest of all, of course, is the hog - so this is, right, the royal hog. The fastest greyhound is the fastest - so it is, right, the royal greyhound. The softest downy feather bed is, of course, the royal feather bed. And the nicest thing, I think, is gold. Of course, the royal gold is dearest to the king.

The elder brother rejoiced.
- How smart you are! - says .- I would never think of it myself! And my brother can't think of it. My foal!

And the younger brother was also upset. He told his wife royal riddles.
- Where can we solve such riddles! - says the wife. - We were left without a foal.

A seven-year-old daughter came up to her father and said:
- Do not grieve, father, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. Tomorrow I will tell you the royal riddles.

The man went to sleep. In the morning, his seven-year-old daughter wakes up:
- It's time, father, to the king.
- What will I tell him?
- Tell him: the fattest thing in the world is mother earth. She gives birth to everything, raises everything, all people, feeds all living things. Thought is the fastest - in an instant it will fly around the whole earth. Just softer than your palm. No matter how soft the pillow is, we still put our hand under our head. Well, the sweetest thing is sleep. Do not sleep for two nights - and you will understand: there is nothing nicer, you will give everything for a dream.

The men came to the king.
- I'm the first, - says the older brother.
- Answer first, - says the king.
- The fattest thing in the world is the royal boar, faster is your royal greyhound, softer is your royal featherbed, and the sweetest thing for you, the king-sovereign, is your gold, the royal treasury.

The king smiled and said:
You are cunning, not smart. What will the younger brother say? The younger one told how his seven-year-old daughter taught him. The king jumped in surprise.
- Have you really come to everything yourself? Or who taught?
- I have a seven-year-old daughter, she taught me.

The king thinks: “The servant has solved all my riddles, she has risen on a par with me ... Do not be like this! I'll teach her!" And says:
- When your daughter is so wise, then here is a thread of silk for her, let her weave a patterned towel in the morning.

The man took the thread, came home sadder than before.
- What's wrong with you, father? - asks the seven-year-old daughter.
- Trouble, - the father answers. - The king gave a thread, ordered you to weave a patterned towel out of it.

The girl took a birch broom, broke off a twig, and gives it to her father:
- Take it to the king, tell me I'm ready to weave a towel if he makes me a loom from this twig.

The king took a twig, turned it in his hands and thought: “You are cunning, and I am more cunning, you are a savvy one, and I am a savvy one!” He threw away the twig and gives the peasant a hundred boiled eggs.
“Here are a hundred eggs,” the king says. “Let your daughter bring me a hundred chickens by tomorrow.”

The man returned home even sadder.
What is the king thinking now? - asks the daughter.

Father told. A seven-year-old girl cooked a pot of millet, gives it to her father:
- Take it to the king, tell him to sow this millet, grow food for chickens. My chickens from boiled eggs will not peck at other food.

The king looked at the boiled millet, became even more angry: “Again, she takes over!” And says:
- When your daughter is so wise, then let her appear before my eyes. Let him hasten to me neither on foot, nor on a horse, neither in clothes, nor without clothes, neither with a gift, nor without a gift.

The man thinks: “Now we are gone. No one can solve such a tricky problem, not even my daughter.” Came home even sadder.
Now what is the king up to? - asks the daughter. Father told.
- Do not be sad, father. Go to the hunters, buy a live hare and a live quail.

Father bought a hare and a quail.

The next morning, the seven-year-old girl threw off all her clothes, wrapped herself in a fishing net, took a hare and a quail, sat sideways on a goat and went to the king.

The king sits and looks out the window. Noticed her - what a miracle? “This is the servant that takes over me! Well, that's enough, the end has come to you!

The king ordered the chain dogs to be lowered on the girl and went out onto the porch. The seven-year-old let the hare go. The hare is in the field, the dogs are behind him. The seven-year-old girl rode up to the king, bowed and said:
- Here's a present for you, sir! - and gives him a quail.
The king stretched out his hands, he wanted to take it, but the quail fluttered and flew away.

“Again I was too smart,” the king thinks. And says:
You did everything as I ordered. Now answer: what do you live on, what do you feed on?
- My father catches fish in the field, - says the seven-year-old, - and I wear it with my hem and cook the fish soup.
- Oh, you're stupid! - says the king. - In what kind of land does the fish live in the field?
- In the same land where the cart brought the foal. The king understood that he could not overthink the girl. And he awarded the colt to his younger brother.

Two brothers were traveling: one poor, the other rich. Both have horses - the poor mare, the rich gelding. They stopped for the night nearby. The poor mare brought a foal at night; the foal rolled under the rich man's cart. He wakes up the poor in the morning:
- Get up, brother! My cart gave birth to a foal at night. The brother stands up and says:
- How can a cart give birth to a foal? This is my mare brought.
Rich says:
- If your mare brought, the foal would be near!
They argued and went to the authorities. The rich gave the judges money, and the poor justified themselves with words. It came down to the king himself.
He ordered to call both brothers and asked them four riddles:
What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world? What is the fattest thing in the world? What is the softest thing? And what's the sweetest thing?
And he gave them a period of three days:
- Come on the fourth, give the answer!
The rich man thought and thought, remembered his godfather and went to her to ask for advice. She put him at the table, began to treat him, and she herself asks:
- Why so sad, kumanyok?
- Yes, the sovereign asked me four riddles, and set a deadline of only three days.
- What is it, tell me.
- And that's what, godfather! The first riddle: what is the strongest and fastest thing in the world?
- What a riddle! My husband has a brown mare; no faster! If you hit with a whip, the hare will catch up.
- The second riddle: what is fatter in the world?
- We have another year, the pockmarked hog feeds; He became so fat that he could not rise to his feet!
- The third riddle: what is the softest thing in the world?
- A well-known case - a down jacket, you can’t imagine softer!
- The fourth riddle: what is the cutest thing in the world?
- The sweetest of all granddaughters is Ivanushka!
- Well, thank you, godfather! I taught the mind-reason, I will not forget you for a century.
And the poor brother burst into bitter tears and went home. Meets his seven-year-old daughter:
- What are you, father, sighing and shedding tears?
- How can I not sigh, how can I not shed tears? The king gave me four riddles that I will never solve in my life.
- Tell me what riddles.
- But what, daughter: what is the strongest and fastest in the world, what is the fattest, what is the softest and what is the sweetest?
- Go, father, and tell the king: the strongest and fastest is the wind, the fattest is the earth: whatever grows, whatever lives, the earth nourishes! The hand is the softest of all: no matter what a person lies on, he puts his hand under his head; and there is nothing sweeter than sleep!
Both brothers came to the king - both the rich and the poor. The king listened to them and asked the poor:
- Did you come by yourself or who taught you? The poor man answers:
- Your Royal Majesty! I have a seven-year-old daughter, she taught me.
- When your daughter is wise, here is a silk thread for her; let him weave a patterned towel for me in the morning.
The man took a silk thread, comes home sad and sad.
- Our trouble! - says the daughter. - The king ordered to weave a towel from this thread. - Do not twist, father! - answered the seven-year-old, broke off a twig from a broom, gives it to her father and punishes:
- Go to the king, tell him to find such a master who would make a cross from this twig: there would be something to weave a towel on!
The man reported this to the king. The king gives him a hundred and fifty eggs.
- Give, - he says, - to your daughter; let him bring me a hundred and fifty chickens by tomorrow.
The peasant returned home even more abruptly, even sadder:
- Oh, daughter! From one trouble you will dodge - another will be imposed!
- Do not twist, father! - answered the seven-year-old. She baked eggs and hid them for lunch and dinner, and her father
sends to the king:
- Tell him that the chickens need one-day millet for food: in one day the field would be plowed, millet sown, harvested and threshed. Our chickens will not peck at another millet.
The king listened and said:
- When your daughter is wise, let her come to me in the morning, neither on foot, nor on a horse, neither naked nor dressed, nor with a present, nor without a gift.
“Well,” the peasant thinks, “even a daughter will not solve such a cunning problem; it’s about to disappear!”
- Do not twist, father! - the seven-year-old daughter told him. - Go to the hunters and buy me a live hare and a live quail. Her father went and bought her a hare and a quail. The next day, in the morning, the seven-year-old threw off all her clothes, put on a net, took a quail in her hands, sat astride a hare and went to the palace. The king meets her at the gate.
She bowed to the king.
- Here's a present for you, sir! - and gives him a quail.
The king stretched out his hand, the quail - fluttered - and flew away!
- Well, - says the king, - as ordered, so done. Tell me now: after all, your father is poor, what do you feed on?
- My father catches fish on a dry shore, he doesn’t set traps in the water, but I wear fish in my hem and cook my fish soup.
- What are you, stupid, when the fish is on a dry shore lives? Fish swim in the water!
- Are you smart? When has it been seen that a cart has brought a foal?
The king ordered that the foal be given to the poor peasant, and his daughter was taken to live with him. When the seven-year-old grew up, he married her, and she became queen.

Russian folktale.

Illustrations: Sazonova T.P. and Prytkov Yu.A.

Among the many fairy tales, it is especially fascinating to read the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter", it feels the love and wisdom of our people. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them daily in our everyday life. Surprisingly easily and naturally, the text written in the last millennium is combined with our present, its relevance has not diminished at all. Rivers, trees, animals, birds - everything comes to life, filled with vibrant colors, helps the heroes of the work in gratitude for their kindness and affection. Loyalty, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome everything that opposes them: malice, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. Having become acquainted with the inner world and qualities of the protagonist, the young reader involuntarily experiences a feeling of nobility, responsibility and a high degree of morality. The plot is simple and old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful for itself. The fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter" is definitely worth reading for free online, there is a lot of kindness, love and chastity in it, which is useful for raising a young individual.

Ye hali two brothers: one is poor, the other is rich. Both have a horse - the poor mare, the rich gelding. They stopped for the night nearby. The poor mare brought a foal at night; the foal rolled under the rich man's cart. He wakes up the poor in the morning:
- Get up, brother! My cart gave birth to a foal at night.
The brother stands up and says:
- How can a cart give birth to a foal? This is my mare brought. Rich says:
- If your mare brought, the foal would be near her!
They argued and went to the authorities. The rich gave the judges money, and the poor justified themselves with words.
It came down to the king himself. He ordered to call both brothers and asked them four riddles:
What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world? What is the fattest thing in the world? What is the softest thing? And what's the sweetest thing? And he gave them a period of three days:
- Come to the fourth, give the answer!
The rich man thought and thought, remembered his godfather and went to her to ask for advice.
She put him at the table, began to treat him, and she herself asks:
- Why so sad, kumanek?
- Yes, the sovereign asked me four riddles, and set a deadline of only three days.
- What is it, tell me.
- And that's what, godfather! The first riddle: what is the strongest and fastest thing in the world?
- What a mystery! My husband has a brown mare; no faster! If you hit with a whip, the hare will catch up.
- The second riddle: what is fatter in the world?
- We have another year, the pockmarked boar feeds; He became so fat that he could not rise to his feet!
- The third riddle: what is the softest thing in the world?
- A well-known case - a down jacket, you can’t imagine softer!
- The fourth riddle: what is the cutest thing in the world?
- The sweetest of all granddaughters is Ivanushka!
- Well, thank you, godfather! I taught the mind, I will not forget you forever.
And the poor brother burst into bitter tears and went home. Meets his seven-year-old daughter:
- What are you, father, sighing and shedding tears?
How can I not sigh, how can I not shed tears? The king gave me four riddles that I will never solve in my life.
Tell me what riddles.
- But what, daughter: what is stronger and faster than everything in the world, what is fatter, what is softer and what is cutest of all?
- Go, father, and tell the king: the strongest and fastest of all is the wind, the fattest of all is the earth: whatever grows, whatever lives, the earth nourishes! The softest of all is the hand: on which a person does not lie down, but puts his hand under his head; and there is nothing sweeter than sleep!
Both brothers came to the king, both the rich and the poor. The king listened to them and asked the poor:
Did you come by yourself or who taught you? The poor man answers:
"Your Royal Majesty!" I have a seven-year-old daughter, she taught me.
- When your daughter is wise, here is a silk thread for her; let him weave a patterned towel for me in the morning.
The peasant took a silk thread, comes home sad and sad.
- Our trouble! daughters says. - The king ordered to weave a towel from this thread.
- Don't freak out, daddy! - answered the seven-year-old; she broke off a twig from a broom, gives it to her father and punishes: - Go to the king, tell him to find the master who would make a cross from this twig: it would be something to weave a towel on!
The man reported this to the king. The king gives him a hundred and fifty eggs.
“Give it back,” he says, “to your daughter; let him bring me a hundred and fifty chickens by tomorrow.
The peasant returned home even more abruptly, even sadder:
- Oh, daughter! From one misfortune you will dodge - another will be imposed!
- Don't freak out, daddy! answered the seven year old. She baked eggs and hid them for lunch and dinner, and sends her father to the king:
“Tell him that chickens need one-day millet for food: in one day the field would be plowed, and millet sown, harvested and threshed. Our chickens will not peck at another millet.
The king listened and said:
- When your daughter is wise, let her come to me in the morning - not on foot, not on a horse, not naked, not dressed, not with a present, not without a gift.
“Well,” the peasant thinks, “even a daughter will not solve such a cunning problem; it’s about to disappear!”
- Don't freak out, daddy! said his seven-year-old daughter. - Go to the hunters and buy me a live hare and a live quail.
Her father went and bought her a hare and a quail.
The next day, in the morning, the seven-year-old threw off all her clothes, put on a net, and took a quail in her hands, mounted a hare and rode to the palace.
The king meets her at the gate. She bowed to the king.
"Here's a present for you, sir!" - and gives him a quail.
The king stretched out his hand, the quail fluttered - and flew away!
- Well, - says the king, - as ordered, so it is done. Tell me now: after all, your father is poor, what do you feed on?
- My father catches fish on a dry shore, he doesn’t set traps in the water, but I wear fish in my hem and cook my fish soup.
- What are you, stupid, when the fish lives on a dry shore? Fish swim in the water!
- And you're smart! When has it been seen that a cart of a colt has been brought?
The king ordered that the foal be given to the poor peasant, and his daughter was taken to live with him. When the seven-year-old grew up, he married her, and she became queen.

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