Home natural farming How does eco work in the natural cycle. How is IVF without ovarian stimulation - in a natural cycle - different from the traditional one, what is it? Who can count on IVF in natural cycles

How does eco work in the natural cycle. How is IVF without ovarian stimulation - in a natural cycle - different from the traditional one, what is it? Who can count on IVF in natural cycles

IVF in a natural cycle is a method of artificial insemination that allows you to achieve pregnancy without additional stimulation of the ovaries. The procedure is carried out with minimal use of drugs and interference with the formation of a mature egg.

To participate in the program, a mature follicle containing an egg is required. Follicle maturation occurs naturally during a woman's menstrual cycle.

On the day of the expected ovulation, the follicle is punctured, the egg is taken, then it is fertilized in a test tube. Then, after 2-3 days of culturing the embryo in a test tube (in vitro - outside the body), the embryo is injected into the wall of the uterus in a woman.

A mature egg is formed in almost every menstrual cycle in a woman aged 18-35 years. Over the years, the probability of obtaining a mature egg decreases, and anovulatory cycles occur more and more often, without the maturation of the egg. Cycles without egg maturation are also found in young healthy women. In rare cases, the maturation of two eggs at the same time is noted.

The method of in vitro fertilization is suitable for women with a regular menstrual cycle. The IVF method in the natural cycle is intended for women of reproductive age who are unable to become pregnant due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, infertility of the spouse.

Participation in the protocol allows women who have undergone surgery to install an artificial heart valve, thromboembolism, and who have been treated for cancer to become pregnant. IVF in the natural cycle is suitable for women with contraindications to ovarian stimulation, the risk of hyperstimulation.

The program allows women suffering from chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, pancreas, which can become aggravated by hormonal stimulation during classical IVF, to become pregnant.

The protocol is intended for couples who have unsuccessfully participated in the IVF program due to the body's lack of response to ovarian stimulation or the inability of a quality embryo to implant in the uterus.

Required tests

A woman must be confirmed ovulation, for which they conduct studies that evaluate:

  • the concentration of progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • the formation of the corpus luteum - according to ultrasound;
  • luteinizing hormone level - conduct a urinary test.
  • the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol;
  • ovarian reserve - the number of follicles capable of producing an egg is determined using ultrasound.

Program disadvantages

The disadvantages of the procedure include a lower chance of pregnancy compared to the classic IVF protocol. Without prior stimulation, only one embryo is formed and transferred, which reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. When the cycle is started, it is 7%, after the embryo transfer, the probability of having a child rises to 16%.

In each menstrual cycle, without prior stimulation, only one egg matures, and in 20% of cases it turns out to be defective and incapable of fertilization. The disadvantages of the IVF method in the natural cycle include the impossibility of selecting a high-quality embryo. The only embryo obtained in this way may not be viable.

The possibility of premature release of the egg also reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. However, with enough patience, the positive aspects of the method outweigh the disadvantages.

Protocol Benefits

The advantages of the method include such points as:

  • no risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • exclusion of the possibility of multiple pregnancy;
  • the possibility of repeated repetition of the procedure each subsequent cycle until the onset of pregnancy;
  • more affordable cost of the procedure.

Main steps of the protocol

Eco in the natural cycle is carried out in stages. Spouses begin to prepare for participation in the program a month before the procedure. To participate in the program, a partner needs to make a spermogram, undergo a general examination for infectious diseases. A woman undergoes a trial embryo transfer, on the 5th-7th day of the menstrual cycle, an ultrasound of the genital organs is done.

Monitoring the growth of the follicle

Follicle growth is monitored from the 7th day of the menstrual cycle using transvaginal ultrasound monitoring. Estimated ovulation is determined by the level of luteinizing hormone. The puncture is prescribed by monitoring the dynamics of the growth of the follicle.

Puncture, egg and sperm selection

Sperm collection from a partner is scheduled on the day of follicle puncture and egg collection. To remove the egg, ovulation can be pre-stimulated with hCG preparations containing human chorionic gonadotropin.

After that, under the control of transvaginal ultrasound, the egg is selected. The procedure is painless. For cell sampling, a very thin needle is attached to the ultrasound sensor, with the help of which the follicle is pierced and the egg is taken.

Fertilization of the egg

The selected mature egg and prepared sperm of the partner are placed in a test tube and placed in a thermostat, in which the necessary conditions for fertilization are created.

Fertilization in vitro takes place without intervention, but under the control of a reproductologist. The first test is done 20 minutes after placing the sperm and egg in the test tube. By this time, the fusion of the egg and sperm should already occur with the formation of a zygote.

Embryo content in vitro in vitro

The resulting zygote is cultivated in vitro for the next 1-3 days. At the 2-8 cell stage, the embryo is transferred to the woman's genitals.

The introduction of a fertilized embryo into the uterus

The embryo is painlessly transferred into the uterine cavity using a thin catheter. 20 minutes after the procedure, the woman is able to do her usual activities.

After the introduction of the embryo by IVF in the natural cycle, it is not recommended to play sports for the first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, you can take a pregnancy test.

In the event of pregnancy, you should strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor and lead a normal life. If there is no result, the procedure is repeated in the next cycle.

Reasons for possible failures

The IVF method in the natural cycle may not give results for the following reasons:

  • premature release of the egg;
  • poor quality sperm and eggs;
  • lack of fertilization;
  • anomalies in the development or death of the embryo at the in vitro stage;
  • inability of the embryo to gain a foothold in the wall of the uterus.

A negative result can be caused by an overweight or underweight woman, it is necessary to ensure that the weight index is in the range of 20-25. Pregnancy often requires several attempts to obtain and implant a quality embryo.

What increases the chance of pregnancy

To increase the chance of success of the procedure, it is necessary to lie still for an hour after the procedure. It is desirable to exclude physical activity, to postpone all chores around the house. There should be no negative emotions, stress. A woman needs a good sleep, fresh air.

Another very important condition for pregnancy is quitting smoking, including passive smoking. Poisonous resins and nicotine, which are part of tobacco, cause a thickening of the egg shell and serve as an obstacle to fertilization.

The IVF method in the natural cycle is being improved. A method is being developed that allows for the maturation of an egg obtained in the menstrual cycle in vitro.

In contact with

The in vitro fertilization procedure does not always mean taking large doses of hormones. There are protocol options that are more gentle for patients. In such cases, the embryo transfer is carried out in the woman's natural cycle. From the point of view of reproduction, this method is as close as possible to the natural one. But, statistics show that its effectiveness, unfortunately, is less.

Main differences from the classical procedure

The procedure of the standard protocol implies the mandatory intake of hormones before the actual fertilization to stimulate the ovaries. A woman takes drugs in a course so that more eggs mature. This increases the chance of a successful outcome.

With the maturation of a large number of oocytes, it is possible to obtain several high-quality embryos, respectively, it will be possible to choose the best ones for transfer. In addition, the process of ovulation is predicted in advance and doctors do not make mistakes with the day of the puncture.

How does stimulation go before IVF:

  1. with the entry into the protocol, the woman's fertility is assessed, the protocol option is selected (long, short - with or without pituitary blockade, or) and the type of drugs that will be stimulated;
  2. a course of antagonists aimed at stimulating the ovaries is prescribed, usually it starts on the 3-5th day from the onset of menstruation and lasts for several days;
  3. if necessary, after stimulating the growth of the eggs themselves, ovulation is induced with an injection of hCG;
  4. after superovulation, material is taken - puncture;

What is eco in the natural cycle? This procedure differs from the classical one in that hormones are not used to grow the egg. A woman ovulates in the usual way. The egg matures on its own in the dominant follicle.

At the moment when she is ready to leave the follicle (before ovulation begins), material is taken, further fertilization, embryo growth and replanting. This is the next difference - during stimulation there should be 5-8 follicles, sometimes 10-12, ready for ovulation, so that the doctors perform a puncture, and with IVF, only one, rarely two, matures.

An important feature of this procedure is the minimization of side effects. There is no syndrome, there is no risk of multiple pregnancy, there is no question of using the remaining embryos.

How many eggs are in one follicle during stimulation? The follicle is a kind of shell, a chamber where the egg matures. One follicle is one egg. Sometimes there may be a situation that an oocyte does not grow in the follicle, it is empty, then this is the reason for the protocol with stimulation.

Conditions for the protocol

The natural eco cycle is used mainly by young women up to 30-35 years old who have regular periods. The procedure is indicated for those whose infertility is associated with obstruction of the fallopian tubes or with the presence of problems on the part of the partner, if there is a history of previous oncological diseases, in previous protocols there was no ovarian response to stimulation or they ended unsuccessfully, cryopreserved embryos remained, the risk of OHSS confirmed.

How does eco work in the natural cycle?(text is required or made below the name of the list, in this form “stupidly inserted question”)

Stages of artificial insemination in the EC:

  • preparation for eco in the natural cycle. Includes a complete examination of the couple;
  • observation of follicle growth. Starting from the 6th-7th day of the cycle, ultrasound and a biochemical analysis of urine are performed every other day. Basal temperature is measured daily;
  • determining the right moment for oocyte retrieval - assessing its size, predicting expected ovulation. This stage is very important. Since it requires sufficient experience from the doctor. In the EC, it is easy to miss the moment when the egg leaves the follicle;
  • egg puncture. Selection and preparation of sperm;
  • implementation of fertilization;
  • cultivation of embryos 2-3 days;
  • implantation of embryos in a patient. At this stage, drug support with hormones is prescribed in rare cases;
  • confirmation of pregnancy.

The IVF program in the natural cycle brings less results for quite understandable reasons - there is a big risk of not getting oocytes during puncture, there is no guarantee that the received 1-2 eggs will be fertilized and successfully cultivated. Therefore, low rates are not a consequence of the fact that the pregnancy did not occur or ended unsuccessfully.

Reproductionists to get more eggs resort to IVF with minimal stimulation. The number of hormonal preparations and the load on the woman are minimized.

The so-called Japanese protocol operates according to a similar scheme. The effect of superovulation is not achieved, but the number of follicles increases to several pieces. Only in it there is a difference - replanting is necessarily carried out next month with frozen embryos. Stimulation in the natural cycle does not carry an excessive burden on the woman's body, but increases the chance for a successful completion of the protocol.

In order to avoid the situation of obtaining an immature egg during puncture, eco in a natural cycle is more often practiced with some additions at this stage. At the moment when the size of the follicle reaches 18-20 mm, on average, this is 32-36 hours before the moment of ovulation itself, the hCG preparation is injected. Sometimes up to this stage, with a follicle size of 15 mm, it is possible to administer a GnRH antagonist and FSH.

Such minimal stimulation with eco lasts only 2-3 days. But, on the other hand, these manipulations make it possible to exclude spontaneous ovulation and ensure the receipt of a fully mature oocyte.

Helpful information

Fertilization in the natural cycle often involves the use of the ICSI method. Embryos are rarely cultured to the blastocyst stage and are transferred on day 3. Puncture in such protocols, if desired, is carried out without anesthesia. The embryos that were obtained turn out to be stronger and the onset of an eco pregnancy in the natural cycle is more likely to proceed successfully.

It is possible to perform more protocols in a row for one patient without harm to health. Moms who did eco in a natural cycle note that along with the hormonal, the psychological load also decreases.

Since its invention, in vitro fertilization has always been carried out in a natural cycle. Gradually, in order to increase the effectiveness, hormonal preparations began to be used to create and control artificial ovulation. But more and more often the question arises of the need to develop ART in the direction of methods of conception that are close to natural.

How long does the eco protocol last? Depending on which option is chosen, the fertilization procedure can last from several days to weeks. The short protocol lasts up to 4 weeks, coincides with the woman's cycle, ovarian stimulation occurs in it for 10-14 days. The long protocol lasts an average of two to three weeks longer, since it begins before menstruation, stimulation of egg growth continues, as in the short one.

With the natural clean protocol, ovarian stimulation is not performed. Thus, its duration is from puncture to the result, and in the case of minimal stimulation, the period increases by another 3-4 days.

How much does eco cost in a natural cycle? The high cost of in vitro fertilization is due to the high prices for drugs that are used in the protocol. Reducing the amount of hormones to stimulate superovulation or their complete absence significantly reduces the cost of IVF in the natural cycle. On the other hand, the possible repetition of protocols leads to an increase in costs.

When choosing an artificial insemination protocol, any woman is looking for an option with minimal risks and with maximum results. Sometimes this interferes with getting results.

It is necessary to clearly understand which option is suitable for a particular patient, take into account all individual situations, adequately assess the state of health and opportunities. Do not despair if - this means you need to carefully prepare and the long-awaited child will definitely be born!

When a married couple decides on artificial conception, they want the spent forces, nerves and money to justify themselves.

First of all, future parents are concerned about the safety of the girl and child during the IVF program. Therefore, most families, if the mother's health allows, choose in vitro fertilization in a natural cycle, which is considered the safest and fastest.

What is its difference from other types of procedures and to whom is it prescribed? We read in the article.

H what is IVF in a natural cycle

IVF in a natural way is a method of laboratory fertilization, which is prescribed during the period of natural ovulation. With this variant of conception, additional stimulation with the help of hormonal preparations is not used. Medical intervention is carried out only at the stage of in vitro fertilization of the egg, after which all responsibility lies with the woman's body. It depends only on her whether the embryo can take root and fully develop in the mother's body.

The standard protocol involves administering large amounts of gonadotropic stimulants to the woman to help produce the required number of oocytes. But this version of the program has high risks for the health of the patient in the future. Therefore, future parents most often give their preference to insemination in the natural cycle.

With the option of natural chemical conception, the load on the body is minimized. That is, the likelihood of harm to health is minimal. In addition, with this method of in vitro fertilization, there is an option not to take hormonal drugs at all. This method of conception is recommended for women over 40 who do not have health problems, but cannot conceive children naturally. Preparation for the program is no different from preparation for the standard protocol.

The natural OMS IVF protocol is a type of artificial conception in which cells are fertilized in vitro in a natural environment. In this case, do not use hormonal agents that stimulate the production of oocytes.

Doctors help the expectant mother only at the stage of conception, and all other processes before and after this action occur independently in the female body. Therefore, the success of the procedure directly depends on the well-being and health of the expectant mother.

Main differences from the classical procedure

The standard in vitro fertilization program includes the obligatory intake of hormonal agents that stimulate the ovaries.

From the very beginning of the menstrual cycle, the girl begins to take special drugs under the supervision of a specialist. This is necessary in order for the egg to increase in size as much as possible. After that, when menstruation begins (on the 4-5th day), doctors remove the mature egg and fertilize it. With this method of conception, the likelihood that it turned out to become pregnant increases.

When the required number of oocytes matures with the help of stimulation, laboratory assistants manage to isolate several good embryos after fertilization. And this means that when they are planted in the uterus, the chance of getting pregnant increases significantly. In addition, the doctors calculate the day of the patient's ovulation in advance, so the day for the puncture is determined in advance.

How does stimulation occur before insemination?

It goes through several stages:

  1. At the first diagnosis, doctors evaluate the girl’s fertility and choose which protocol is right for her (short, long or super long). After that, a course of drugs is prescribed to stimulate the ovaries.
  2. In addition to hormones, the patient is also prescribed receptor agonists, which contribute to the active work of the reproductive organs. Most often they need to be taken from the 2nd to the 5th day of the onset of menstruation.
  3. If necessary, a woman is given an injection of hCG during the period of ovulation.
  4. After successful ovulation, a puncture is performed - the removal of mature eggs from the ovaries.

Due to the large number of drugs and artificial stimulation of the reproductive organs after pregnancy, the girl may develop complications. Therefore, this method is often considered less secure than the second option.

In addition to the standard procedure, the expectant mother may be assigned in vitro fertilization in a natural cycle. What is the difference? The main difference is that with this method of conception, the ovaries are not stimulated with synthetic drugs.

All processes take place on their own. That is, the egg develops without additional help. This is a more gentle way of laboratory conception. The effectiveness of this method is not always positive, there are also negative results, but due to its safety, the procedure can be carried out more than 10 times.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before choosing one or another method of chemical conception, the reproductologist must explain to future parents what are the pros and cons of the procedure. In addition, he is obliged to talk about the possible consequences and complications during the period of bearing the baby and the postpartum period.

The main advantages of the IVF method in the natural cycle include:

  • reproductive organs are not subjected to artificial stimulation and strong exposure to hormones;
  • the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is minimal;
  • in case of an unsuccessful test, a second event can be carried out, since everything happens naturally and does not negatively affect the body;
  • after such fertilization, the girl can choose natural childbirth (with standard IVF, only a caesarean section is most often prescribed);
  • the probability of fertilization of two fruiting eggs at once is minimal, since only one embryo is taken when planting;
  • no need to decide whether the remaining embryos and eggs should be subjected to cryopreservation;
  • the patient experiences almost no pain, fear and stress compared to the standard procedure;
  • high risk of successful replantation, since the endometrium of the placenta is of better quality, because it was not subjected to additional stimulation;
  • the price of the program is much lower, since medical intervention is minimal and there is no need to use special medications (the cost in different clinics can vary significantly, so you need to specify how much it costs).

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. Whether the fetus can develop in the uterine cavity and whether conception itself occurs depends only on the professionalism of the reproductive specialist. Only a specialist is able to conduct a correct analysis of the girl's health, choose the right day of ovulation for a puncture.
  2. If the follicle during the period of menstruation did not independently grow to the desired size, then the procedure is interrupted until the next ovulation.
  3. Due to the premature release of luteinizing hormone, the follicle may burst even before the puncture.
  4. If the oocyte is damaged, then the doctor will not be able to help.
  5. If a girl has only one gamete, then the embryologist will not be able to fertilize her qualitatively.
  6. There is an increased risk of damage to the internal reproductive organs during the procedure.

Statistics show that the birth rate with the natural cycle is much less than with the usual protocol. This is due to the fact that with this method of treatment there is no synthetic stimulation of the ovaries.

Therefore, the chances of conceiving a child are lower than with a long or short IVF protocol. In addition, an important role is played by: age, the quality of a man's sperm, the activity of the reproductive organs, the health of the parents, genetics and the professionalism of the doctor.

When choosing a method of conceiving a baby, a woman herself must decide which method of treatment suits her best. And is she ready to go through the procedure again if the first one fails. In any case, such a protocol is used repeatedly - usually until the girl becomes pregnant.

Who can count on IVF in natural cycles

This procedure is shown to patients:

  • whose age is 24–40 years;
  • with diseases of the liver and/or kidneys, cardiovascular system and pancreas;
  • with an abnormal structure of the fallopian tubes;
  • who have a congenital low number of eggs;
  • whose reproductive organs are actively working;
  • with a regular and full menstrual cycle (27-34 days);
  • when hormone therapy is contraindicated.

How IVF is done in a natural cycle

Such a protocol is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Diagnosis of the rate of formation and development of the follicle (from 8–9 days of menstruation).
  2. Establishing the period of maximum production of LH (luteinizing hormone) - the girl takes urine tests and undergoes an ultrasound scan, which helps determine the day of the puncture.
  3. Carrying out a puncture.
  4. Taking a semen sample.
  5. Basic IVF or ICSI procedure.
  6. Observation of laboratory development of the embryo.
  7. Insemination into the uterus on the 3rd-4th day of embryo development.
  8. Observation of the future mother, if necessary, auxiliary drug therapy.

How to behave after the procedure

After the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, the girl needs to lie down for 1.5–2 hours. It is advisable not to move and not roll over to one side.

  • for 10-14 days to observe constant bed rest;
  • control the temperature (if it has risen sharply, call a doctor);
  • protect yourself from physical and emotional stress;
  • adjust your diet (nutrition should be balanced, full of vitamins and microelements);
  • start observing the daily routine (eat 4-5 times a day, get enough sleep, rest);
  • temporarily refrain from sexual activity;
  • do not visit baths and saunas, bathe in warm water at home;
  • do not take any drugs without the knowledge of the attending physician.

Such measures are necessary in order to minimize the risks of an unsuccessful pregnancy. Only one embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity, so the probability of fertilization is relatively low. Therefore, it is important in the early stages of pregnancy to protect yourself from any stress, excitement, physical and emotional stress. Only with a positive atmosphere, proper nutrition and daily routine, there are chances to become parents with the help of insemination.

When not to opt for a natural protocol

  • if a woman is over 35;
  • patients with unstable periods;
  • if the male factor is low even with IVF or ICSI;
  • if a woman does not naturally ovulate.

With such indications, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with the help of insemination is minimal. Therefore, reproductologists do not recommend this protocol if there are any deviations in the health of the couple.

When it is shown to do IVF in the EC, and what it is, the video will tell in more detail.


IVF in a natural cycle is a safer method of artificial insemination.

Every girl has the right to choose it, if her health allows it. In addition, it can be done every month if previous attempts were unsuccessful.

Usually, IVF is accompanied by the use of hormonal drugs to stimulate the ovaries. Sometimes the doctor may decide to perform the artificial insemination procedure in a natural cycle. For those who are preparing for artificial insemination by IVF in such a cycle, it is imperative to know what it is and how it is done.

This approach is considered the most gentle for the woman's body. The method almost completely repeats the natural one. The only differences are ovarian puncture and embryo transfer. However, not everything is as beautiful as it looks at first glance.

According to statistics, in vitro fertilization performed in this way has a much lower chance of success compared to the classical procedure.

How is it different from regular IVF?

The most important difference is the lack of taking hormonal drugs, as with conventional IVF. In the classic version, hormonal stimulation of the body is carried out before fertilization, thus increasing the likelihood of a favorable result. Thanks to artificial stimulation, a woman's ovaries produce much more high-quality eggs, which has a beneficial effect on the final result.

With a large number of high-quality oocytes, it is possible to grow more embryos suitable for fertilization, which will then go through the selection procedure and the best of the best will be selected for subsequent replanting in the uterus. Among other things, it is easier for doctors to control ovulation and calculate the moment for puncture.

Stages of IVF with stimulation:

  1. After the doctor assesses the state of health of the woman, a plan for preparing for the procedure will be drawn up. The most appropriate type of protocol will be selected and suitable drugs for stimulation will be selected. Protocols are long, short (with or without pituitary block), and natural.
  2. After the doctor calculates the course of conventional IVF, ovarian stimulation with antagonists begins. You need to start taking medications from the 4th day of the onset of menstruation. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor, usually it lasts only a few days.
  3. Sometimes it may be necessary to induce ovulation with injections of human chorionic gonadotropin. This is the stimulation of the artificial growth of eggs.
  4. At the last stage of stimulation of superovulation, a puncture is made, and mature eggs are removed from the ovaries for subsequent fertilization.

These are the main stages of IVF with a long or short protocol with stimulation with hormonal drugs.

Many women do not quite understand what IVF is in the natural cycle and how it differs from the usual procedure. The most important difference is the lack of hormonal preparation of the body and stimulation of the ovaries.. In addition, ovulation is not controlled, it passes on its own, as does the growth of the egg.

A puncture during a natural cycle is done just before the onset of ovulation, at which point the oocyte has already developed and is preparing to exit the ovarian follicle. A significant difference is the number of eggs obtained for fertilization. With EC, in general, only one suitable oocyte is obtained, sometimes there are 2. Judging by the feedback from women, doctors say that the probability of fertilization with EC will be less than 15%.

As a result of IVF puncture in the natural cycle, very few suitable eggs are obtained, at best, there will be from one to two pieces.

With conventional in vitro fertilization with egg stimulation, there can be from 7-11 pcs. That is, the chances of getting pregnant are much higher.

The advantage of the natural cycle in in vitro fertilization is the reduction of unpleasant side effects to zero. The woman will not have ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, the patient will not puzzle over the fate of the remaining embryos, there will be no multiple pregnancy. All this allows us to say that this method is very sparing. However, it doesn't suit everyone. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics and capabilities of the body.

A common question when planning such a procedure is: “How many eggs will mature in one follicle with and without stimulation?”. First you need to understand that the follicle is a cavity on the body of the ovary in which the egg matures and develops. In the normal course of events, one egg should appear in one follicle. This should happen both with and without stimulation. It happens that the follicle is empty - this is an indication for the use of hormonal stimulation. With stimulation, more follicles mature, and therefore more eggs.

Who suits

A characteristic feature when a doctor chooses such a scheme is age. If a woman is between 30 and 35 years old and has a regular menstrual cycle without deviations lasting from 28 to 35 days, then she is suitable for such an IVF program. In addition to these conditions, there are additional requirements for the procedure.

IVF in the natural cycle is done if:

  • the diagnosis of infertility was made in connection with the tubal factor (there is an obstruction of the fallopian tubes);
  • the indicator of female sex hormones is normal (the level of estradiol should be at least 100 pmol / ml, the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone is at least 8.5 -8.7 IU / l);
  • there are contraindications for artificial insemination with hormonal stimulation;
  • women say in reviews that the natural cycle is used if oncological pathologies (for example, thromboembolism, kidney or liver disease) were previously detected;
  • had an operation on the myocardium with the implantation of an artificial heart valve;
  • the embryo develops and takes root better without hormonal stimulation;
  • a woman is prone to developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • the patient has a weak response to hormonal ovarian stimulation. In such a situation, even despite the completed course of hormone therapy, very few suitable eggs mature (from 1 to 3 pcs.).

IVF in the EC is not suitable for everyone, there are many restrictions, please read them carefully.

Who is not suitable

There are a number of contraindications. In their presence, in vitro fertilization is not carried out in a natural cycle.


  • patient older than 35 years;
  • a man is infertile in a married couple (sperm is of very poor quality, read more about the spermogram in our separate article);
  • lack of ovulation;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

After 40 years

The choice of a suitable IVF protocol is made for each woman individually. A lot of course will depend on the age of both partners, on the result and the number of previous attempts (if any). The doctor will check if there are any contraindications for hormone therapy. It is important to consider the presence and number of frozen embryos. In practice, there are exceptions that allow IVF to be carried out in the natural cycle and after 40 years.

Stages of artificial insemination in the EC

Many expectant mothers are interested in exactly how IVF works in the natural cycle. There are 8 steps in this procedure in total. Depending on the clinic, the number and features of these stages may vary slightly.

Artificial insemination takes place in several stages.

IVF program at the EC in stages:

  1. The program begins with the preparation and complete medical examination of the couple.
  2. Further, from the end of the first week of the cycle, the development of the follicle and endometrium is monitored using urine tests and ultrasound diagnostics. The growth of the follicle can also be judged by measuring the basal temperature.
  3. The next step is the exact choice of the right moment for the puncture. By monitoring the levels of estardiol and luteinizing hormone, a fertility specialist with sufficient experience can determine exactly when to retrieve the egg. With a natural IVF cycle, it is quite difficult to determine this moment.
  4. Puncture. Very often, before a puncture in a natural cycle, 35 hours before ovulation, at the time of development of the follicle to a size of 17-21 mm, hCG injections are given. If the follicle does not reach the desired size before ovulation begins, a GnRH and FSH antagonist will be injected.
  5. Sperm collection and egg fertilization.
  6. Cultivation of embryos occurs within two to three days.
  7. Replanting (transfer) of embryos into the uterine cavity.
  8. The final stage of all IVF in the EC is the confirmation of pregnancy 14 days after the transfer.


The effectiveness of IVF in the natural cycle is much lower. Getting good oocytes in the right amount is extremely difficult. Even if they are obtained, the chances of their successful fertilization and further growth are very small. So 8-9 attempts out of 10 fail with this approach to artificial insemination. One plus is the minimum load on the body and a quick recovery for the next attempt.

Japanese protocol

There is another way to increase the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization in a natural cycle. The so-called Japanese protocol allows you to increase your chances by several times. With this type of protocol, the focus is not on the quantity, but on the quality of the embryos. This is achieved by the method of cryopreservation of eggs and their subsequent replanting after several cycles (from 1 to 4).

The Japanese method of IVF is carried out in a natural cycle. The collection of oocytes lasts 3-4 months. The collected eggs are frozen until replanting.

In the Japanese protocol, the woman undergoes gentle hormonal stimulation to collect more viable oocytes. Each cycle is performed puncture of the eggs. After they are fertilized and frozen using vitrification technology to protect against crystallization and preserve the molecular structure. After 4 cycles, reproductologists will have 4-5 embryos in the cryobank, which are planted in the uterine cavity in the next cycle. With standard IVF, embryos are obtained twice as many in just one cycle.

It needs to be known

Most often, with a natural cycle, the ICSI method is used (read more about it). Replanting is done on the third day, five-day-old embryos are very rarely tolerated. With this protocol, the puncture is often done without the use of anesthesia. At the request of the patient, anesthesia can be used.

Repeated procedures will not bring serious complications. The number of protocols is unlimited. Many future mothers say that it is this method of artificial insemination that is much easier to endure psychologically and physically, because the hormonal load is minimized. After the procedure, there is no severe pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

At the dawn of its introduction, IVF was done exclusively in a natural cycle. Later, when the technology of hormonal ovarian stimulation became available, doctors began to induce superovulation in order to increase efficiency by collecting more oocytes in one cycle. Nowadays, there is a tendency to move towards the original methods, in which the conditions for artificial insemination should be more natural.


A very popular question among expectant mothers is related to the duration of the course. The duration will depend on the type of protocol selected. There are three duration options.

How long will IVF last:

  • the duration of the short protocol reaches 30 days. Stimulation from 10 to 14 days;
  • the duration of the long protocol is 45-53 days. Starts before menstruation. Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries lasts up to two weeks;
  • the natural protocol does not provide for hormonal preparation of the ovaries. Therefore, IVF lasts an average of 2 weeks. This is the time from puncture to confirmation of pregnancy. Sometimes, if you need a little stimulation before the puncture, it may take another 6 days.

This is what the IVF instruction calendar looks like in a natural cycle.


Another important point is the price. How much does IVF cost in a natural cycle if there is no hormonal stimulation? It is clear that it is cheaper than the usual protocol. The average for Moscow and St. Petersburg varies from 66900 to 91000 rubles. Many clinics give three attempts included in the price.

You need to understand that with a natural cycle, only 1-2 women out of 10 will be able to get pregnant. Therefore, additional funds should be included in the budget. The desire of a woman to minimize the risks during the procedure is understandable, but if it is possible, it is better to do a full-fledged IVF.


In order to properly prepare for fertilization in the EC, you must definitely know how to do it correctly. Simple rules will significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Both partners should be trained - this is very important. Let us consider in more detail what is the help for the body in the process of preparing for the protocol.


A woman should improve her body as much as possible. The result can be achieved in several ways. Among these methods is a special diet. The diet should include more vegetables and fruits. It is convenient to prepare for artificial insemination in the summer season, when they start selling seasonal fruits and vegetables. There are very few calories in cherries, which is useful for those who want to keep their figure (64.3 Kcal per 100 grams). These wonderful fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, A, PP (niacin), E, ​​a group of vitamins B of both types.

Another super useful berry for preparing for conception by natural cycle IVF is watermelon. Its pulp is also very low in calories, but very high in much-needed folic acid. Such acid is the main active element in many medical preparations for the treatment of female and male infertility.

Bad habits

Avoidance of alcohol and tobacco is required. The body suffers greatly from these poisons. A very strong negative impact is exerted on the reproductive organs of both men and women. According to statistics, if a woman or a man smokes or abuses alcohol during the preparatory period, the chance of pregnancy will decrease from 10 to 3%. Pay special attention to this!

Physical exercise

An active lifestyle normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It is very useful for men (spermatogenesis improves). Be sure to keep in mind that playing sports should not be exhausting. If you ignore this rule, you can get the opposite effect. Dancing, walking in the park or yoga are great for those preparing for IVF at the EC. Physical activity does not have to be everyday. Enough to give them a few days a week for an hour.

By following these tips, you can quickly put your body in order, which will help you get pregnant more likely.

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