Home Natural farming My body tenses in anticipation of yours undivided. Virtual sex number of times started to move hips

My body tenses in anticipation of yours undivided. Virtual sex number of times started to move hips

Nuuu ... I love initiative girls, initiative. I imagine how we kiss. At first, slowly, lightly touching the lips with your lips. Then I lightly grab your lower lip and suck it in.
Letting go. I run my tongue over my upper lip and smack you on both lips.
Then I kiss you desperately, as if I'm thirsty, and you are the only source from which I can drink.
You raise your arms and press your palms against my chest. I wrap my arms around your waist and start kissing your neck and shoulders.


And then you suddenly show your initiative.
You slightly push me away so that I sit on the sofa and sit down next to me. I stroke your hair, shoulders, back. You run your hand from the knee to my thigh and then to the fly. You unbutton the lock and swear by the belt. I help you, and you start stroking my bump in trousers with your fingers.

I sit on your lap, run my nails down the back of your head and squeeze your hair. We kiss.
With one hand, you stroke my thighs, rising higher and higher. With your other hand, you press me with all your strength against your chest. My back arches and our bodies touch and rhythmically rub against each other.
A choked, soft moan breaks through the kiss.
Your hand rises higher and higher along the thigh, it is already under the dress. You lower your other hand and squeeze my buttocks tightly but gently with your palms.
I begin to choke with passion, and the kiss is interrupted for a second. Your lips descend to my neck and you bite it lightly, and then kiss passionately. A hoarse moan escapes my lips. The rhythm is quickening.
You pull off my dress over my head and help me immediately take off your shirt. Now our skin is in contact.

* continue, or do you?

Continue, otherwise my hand is busy)))

Egoist!!! I continue!

You grab me by the waist, lift me up and throw me on the bed. Now I am lying on my back, and you are above me. You pull off your trousers with one hand, I help you. We don't stop kissing. You move your lips to my neck and sink to my chest. Your hand slides lower down my belly and slips into my panties.
From your chest your lips return to mine again. Your fingers smoothly caress my labia. One hand of mine strokes the back of your head. The second one I lower down your back and at the waist I transfer it to your stomach, and then I slip it into your panties. I wrap my hand around your penis and begin to massage it up and down.

Your eyelids begin to tremble with pleasure, and a soundless moan escapes from your lips. Your fingers are accelerating, and mine is accelerating to the rhythm. And you put your finger into me. A barely audible tremor penetrates my body, my eyes roll. The back arches and I break away from your lips for a moment. I pull off your panties, but you don't touch mine yet. This is the only piece of clothing left. My hand is massaging your penis, and the nails of the second dug into your shoulder.
We can no longer continue the kiss, too deep breathing mixed with quiet moans. But our lips still touch.

You put your second finger into me, the rhythm becomes faster and more violent. My head tilts back and a loud sigh escapes my lips. The nails of both hands dig into your back.
You rip my panties and throw them away without getting up from me. No clothes left. You put your fingers into me again, but after a second you take them out and enter me. Our groan merges - mine is loud and yours is barely audible.

Your movements are smooth and neat, you completely press against me and stop for a few seconds. We look into each other's eyes.
My lips are red and swollen from kissing, my pupils dilated, my eyelids twitch. We begin to kiss gently and "deeply". You begin to move very slowly and smoothly in me.
Moans through the kiss.
The pace increases, the kiss "breaks" from deep breathing. You take one of my legs and throw it over your shoulder. You rise on your hand and jerk into me. I put the other leg on your waist.
You reduce the range of motion, smoothly and slowly move your pelvis. You do not leave me completely, but you do not penetrate deeply either. My hands are thrown behind my head and rest against the back of the bed, my eyelids tremble

After a minute of smooth sex, you abruptly and without warning enter me as deeply as you can.
Loud moan, nails of one hand scratching the headboard, nails of the other dig into your shoulder.
Your movements become sharp and aggressive. Amplitude and tempo rise sharply to a maximum. You are very deeply with sharp jerks entering me. My moans grow louder, but you hear your heartbeat even more distinctly ...

* left for a vibrator ... read it and now you continue

I suggest you take your time and prolong the pleasure. I freeze and enjoy the sight of your naked body, you under me, your rapid breathing, interrupted when I begin to move inside you.

How do you feel about changing your posture? Do you like the back or the top?

Both, in any order ...
now you describe ...

I rise and slowly walk out of you. I feel like you don't want to let me go, but you have to, honey, you have to))).
We get off the couch and onto the floor. I hug you to me, feeling with pleasure your smooth skin under my palms, hard rough nipples rubbing against my chest, your hot, intermittent breathing.
I run my hand from the shoulder to your ass and squeeze it tightly. We kiss. This time without preludes - deeply and eagerly, intertwining with tongues and enjoying the heady scent of our bodies.

I take you by the shoulders and turn you to the sofa. I continue to stroke you. One hand travels from your lower abdomen to your chest, and her fingers begin to draw circles around your nipple.
The other hand, on the contrary, comes off the chest, which she caressed and goes down, between your legs. I can feel your phlegm with my fingers. I tease you a little with my fingers again, playing lewdly with your lower lips. I put one finger between them and begin to move them back and forth. Shallow, but each time pressing lightly on the place where your lips converge.

I release your hair from your neck and shoulders, pulling it aside and start kissing you. First behind the ear, into your tender neck. I can smell your wonderful scent. It is in this place that the smell of a woman is especially pleasant.

My finger continues its movements below, between your lips, penetrating deeper and deeper over and over again.
I kiss you below. Where the neck almost ended and the shoulder began. Then I go down even lower. Now I kiss your shoulder, but this is not enough for me. I go down even lower and cover all the way from your shoulder to your ass with kisses and the last "control" kiss you get right into the plumpest, but elastic part of your body. The other half of your ass also gets my kiss.

I kneel in front of you and turn you to me. Now in front of me is a great sight of your swollen lips. I kiss you right into them. And then I slowly run my tongue around them.
I kiss you on the lips again, but now my tongue replaces my finger and touches your clitoris.
You let out a loud groan and grab your fingers into my head. I begin to kiss passionately with your lower lips, over and over again running my tongue between them.

I get up and turn your back to me again. I put one hand on your lower abdomen, inviting you to move your pelvis closer to me, and with the other I lightly press on your shoulder, forcing you to bend over and rest your hands on the sofa.

I admire this picture for a few moments, and then I put my penis to your lips. I press lightly and it penetrates deeper into your hot flesh.
You moan softly and tilt your head forward. Your shoulders tighten, and your fingers dig into the crumpled sheets.

Abruptly I go deep inside you, as far as possible. I firmly hold your hips so that you cannot dodge and penetrate deeper and deeper, until I finally feel something that my cock rests against.
Now I am slowly walking out, but not completely.
You can't stand it and your ass itself starts to go towards my penis.
I increase the speed of blows and every time you succumb to my meeting. One of my hands leaves your thigh and moves to your chest. I squeeze her tightly, but gently so as not to hurt.

I keep pounding you. Hammer. This word is perhaps the most suitable. I pound you madly from behind, and you moan and shake your head. I see that you like this crazy ride and that makes you even more excited.

I put my hand on your tummy, while I continue to hold my thighs with the other. Now it is not you who voluntarily go to meet me, but I accelerate your movement.
I slightly lift you and you seem to be flying in my hands, feeling with what a frantic pace I plant you between your legs. The leather pouch of my testicles beats against your ass. Each of my movements begins to accompany your sobbing, and between my legs it squishes every time when I forcefully pierce you.

I can feel my cock going numb, preparing for a sudden volley.
Can I cum inside you?

You come out of me, lie on your back on the bed. You pull my hand, inviting me to sit on top. I turn around and kneel over you, I don't sit down yet. I lean on my hands and lean towards your face. We start kissing slowly ... half a minute, maybe a minute. Breathing has time to recover, but remains deep.

I tear myself away from your lips, rise above you and slowly sit on your penis. Your eyes close with pleasure, your hands squeeze my thighs.
I slowly begin to move up and down, put my hand on yours and move it up - on my chest. You squeeze and stroke her.
I put my other hand behind my back and lower it down to where our bodies touch. I start stroking and massaging your testicles.

I stop rising and falling and start moving back and forth and from side to side, while slowly but gradually increasing the pace.
your hand goes down my belly, lower ...
you stick your finger between us and begin to gently rub my clitoris.

I arch my back and lean back, increasing the pressure on your cock. My movements are getting faster, my range of motion is growing. I put my hands on your knees, and you put your hands on my hips to help me move faster. Even faster .. even stronger.
I am unable to control my groan. Your breathing is getting louder.
I lean forward, putting my hands on your shoulders. Nails dig into your skin, but not hard, you can feel my hands trembling. My lips are trembling. I keep moving.

You take me by the waist and, without leaving me, turn me onto my back. You don't slow down, you only increase it. Stronger and deeper. My legs are wrapped around your back, my hands rest on the back of the bed, scratching it.

No longer a moan - a scream. I bite my lip, my eyes roll, a tear rolls down. Ringing in my head, I hear every heartbeat.
You don't slow down ...

will you finish?

I hard and abruptly enter you, piercing through and through your flesh over and over again. Through the veil of pleasure, I see your hair scattered in wet locks on your forehead, closed eyes, a smile. The edges of your lips tremble, and every time I enter you, a sharp scream escapes from them.
I bite into your lips and begin to move only the pelvis, no longer leaving you completely, but only halfway and immediately go back to meet your uterus.

I kiss your eyes, your flushed cheeks, your neck. I kiss your nipples, and I myself press you closer to me, feeling a wave of growing pleasure.
You press me with all the strength to yourself, and I feel the contraction of your vagina. There are tears in the corners of your eyes. You groan loudly in exhaustion and this is your decisive move that makes me shoot sperm right into your body.

I feel like shot after shot emptying the contents of my testicles. We snuggle closer to each other and lie in silence, eyes closed, recalling the fantastic pleasure that we had a chance to experience thanks to each other.

do you want to go back to the debate about economics?

Insufficiently stretched muscles can cause serious injury and injury. Four exercises to test yourself and correct mistakes.


What we check: how elastic the thigh muscles are

Get into a push-up position. Make sure your arms are parallel to your shoulders.

Place your right foot level with your palms. The right knee should be bent at right angles and the left knee should touch the floor.

Smoothly bring your right shoulder down, bending your arm at the elbow and placing your right palm on your left. Feel the pull in your hip. Hold on for a couple of seconds. Breathe deeply.

Return to the starting position and repeat the same with the left leg. Repeat three times.

There is a problem if the right or left leg is at a different level with the palm, or if one leg stretches better than the other.

Insufficient stretch is caused by muscle weakness. The hip that stretches hardest is the weakest. This causes serious balance problems, forcing all other muscles to compensate for the "skewness" and overstraining because of this. And overexertion can lead to muscle fatigue and serious injury. " For example, if your right thigh is weaker than your left, then this means that you lean more on your left leg while walking. If this is not corrected, then over time it can lead to "wear" of the muscles in the left knee and ankle.


What we check: shin and hamstring.

Get into a push-up position. Then start taking tiny steps towards your hands. Keep your back, arms and knees straight. Gradually, you should turn into the letter "A". Stand in this position for a few seconds.

Then begin to gently move your arms back to their original position. Don't bend your knees and elbows.

Repeat this exercise three times.

There is a problem if you cannot do this without bending your knees and elbows.

Excessive tension in your shins and hamstrings can mean your legs are not working properly. “This is common among treadmill enthusiasts. They run, forgetting to raise their knees, and for each new step they stretch their feet forward, injuring the muscles on the back of the leg. Improper leg work can also mean putting excessive strain on your back, which can lead to serious injury.

"Perpetual motion machine"

What we check: how well your hips can move together.

Get on all fours, rest on your elbows. Spread your knees as wide as you can.

Without lifting your elbows and forearms off the floor, start moving your hips back and forth. Hold each position for a couple of seconds.

Try to increase the range of motion each time.

Repeat ten times.

There is a problem if you cannot move your knees wide enough or you cannot increase the range of motion.

What is the danger?

If there is tension in your hips, then there is a good chance that all the muscles in your body are in the same tension. Chances are, you lead a sedentary and overly immobile lifestyle. As soon as you start playing sports or at least walking more, your whole body will begin to move more easily. This problem is common in older people, who tend to repeat only one movement (sit-stand) throughout the day. A sedentary lifestyle is dangerous because it can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure.


What we check: gluteal muscles.

Sit on the floor with your legs apart as wide as possible and your knees bent.

Bend over to your right leg, while trying to put your left knee on the floor without bringing your legs together. As you bend over, unfold your torso and place both hands on the outside of your right leg.

Now try to touch the floor with your chest. Lower yourself to the highest possible height. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Return to the starting position and do the same with the left leg.

Repeat the exercise twice on each side.

The problem is if you can't touch the floor with your knee or bend down low enough.

What is the danger?

When your gluteal muscles are tense, they are unable to move properly. And then your back takes on additional stress, which can lead to overexertion and pain. Train to stretch equally well in both directions, even if you feel more tension in the unstretched muscle. Otherwise, there is a high probability of injury due to uneven distribution of the load.

How to fix the situation?

Of course, all the voiced problems sound unpleasant, but there is a solution, and it is very simple. Move more. If you are sedentary in the office, walk more. If you go to the gym regularly but still can't brag about flexibility, try to get yourself balanced workouts without focusing on the same muscle group all the time. Don't forget to stretch! Stretch 3-4 times a week, and in a month everything will change.

Based on materials from the site http://www.psychologies.ru

- an exotic dance direction, which is so far unusual and not widespread on the territory of Russia. This dance incorporates Jamaican, African traditional movements, spiced with elements of American striptease - quite intriguing, isn't it? The incendiary and relaxed movements of this dance are gradually winning more and more followers.

What is the essence of bootydance

The main base of booty dance, or as it is also called, "swag dance" (shaking the booty) consists in rhythmic movements of the fifth point, namely:

  • rotation, hip strikes;
  • shaking the buttocks, based on the complete isolation of the rest of the muscle groups;
  • work with the abdominal muscles;
  • characteristic knee movements.

Booty dance movements contribute to the strengthening of women's health, as well as frenzied popularity with the opposite sex.

Bootie dance: how to learn to dance correctly?

Like any novelty in the dance industry, bootie dance is entering Russian dance culture in small steps, gradually. Therefore, unfortunately, there are few fitness clubs that teach this hot dance. If there is no bootie dance teacher in your city, you will practically not lose anything if you study at home on your own. After all, there is nothing complicated in this dance, despite the spectacularity, there is. So, how to learn this non-trivial dance:

  • 1. Choosing a suitable dance school. If there is none, we are making a selection of video lessons that, fortunately, the Internet is full of.
  • 2. Allocate 2-3 days in our schedule for which we will study. Keep in mind that you will get the best results if each workout lasts 45 minutes - an hour.
  • 3. Before each lesson (it does not matter, at home or in the studio) it is necessary to warm up - do not be deceived by the apparent lightness and ease of movement. You can get injured very seriously - do not neglect safety measures.
  • 4. This is followed by a small stretch. How to do it correctly can also be found on the Internet.
  • 5. After the body is prepared, we begin to learn the basic movements. Don't try to grasp everything at once - go one or two movements at a time.
  • 6. In the middle of the session, there should again be time to stretch. If you do everything correctly, very soon you will sit on a longitudinal and transverse twine (or at least a semi-twine).
  • 7. At the end of the lesson, combine the learned movements into a bundle. Likewise, you, and your body, remember the necessary positions.

What will booty dance give you? - Lots of

Dancing bootie dance, you will liberate yourself, reveal your sexuality, suppress complexes. From a health point of view, this dance is also very useful:

  • 1. muscle tone;
  • 2. prevention of congestive female diseases;
  • 3. Solving problems with the hip-femoral, lumbar joints;
  • 4. improving blood circulation.

As you can see, bootie dance hides a lot of positive things. Do not hesitate, try bootie dance - very soon you will not recognize yourself, and there will be no end to your fans. Join the trendy stream - move your body!

Looking at the clips where young girls actively and sexually shake their sirloins, I just want to ask: "How to learn to shake your booty as effectively?" Some believe that for this you need to have a voluminous back, while others are of the opinion that it's all about technology. So where is the truth? There are several secrets, following which, you can surpass all the girls from clips and videos.

How to learn how to shake your booty

Regardless of the size of the buttocks, they can be very successfully moved to the music. But in order for it to be beautiful and effective, it is necessary first of all to bring them into shape. Only pumped-up, smooth and beautiful priests can shake successfully and elegantly. Knowing how to shake your butt takes practice and a mirror, as well as pre-training your glutes. It will not be superfluous to tone the skin on the sirloin if dancing in short shorts, skirts or a leotard is meant.

In the American style, these movements are called "Booty shake dance", that is, "dance of shaking buttocks." Learning this from video tutorials is difficult, but possible. The biggest snag in this is that too quickly the coaches execute the actions, it is difficult to repeat. But there is some instruction on how to learn how to shake your booty beautifully, even if it seems to be not there.

We swing the buttocks

Of course, it is easier to simply and haphazardly tug at the fleshy buttocks. But it looks, to put it mildly, not entirely aesthetically pleasing and pleasant. Elasticity is another matter! There are several effective exercises that can be done regularly and regularly to tone your muscles. Before you learn how to shake your booty, do some exercises!

Exercise # 1: squats

Legs shoulder-width apart, body straight, arms lowered at the sides. Smoothly bend your knees, put your ass back. The squat is deep and as full as possible. Do 2 sets of 10 times. It is recommended to do this exercise twice a day: as soon as you get out of bed, and before going into it in the evening. become stronger and more prominent. In addition, it will become somewhat convex from this. Not to mention the elasticity.

Exercise number 2: "crocodile"

Lessons on how to learn to shake a booty begin with this lesson. It is simple, does not require high energy consumption, and most importantly, it is effective. Its purpose is to teach you to move your buttocks alternately. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. "Go" forward with the buttocks - 30 steps forward, the same amount back. You can repeat it at any time of the day or night, every day. The butt from this becomes mobile, which makes it easy and quick to control it.

Exercise # 3: swing the leg

Stand in a knee-elbow position. The arms are straight. Swing first with your right leg up (knee bent) - 8 times. Then the same left. There are only three approaches. It is recommended to do the exercise daily. The buttocks will be toned and firm.

Booty shake dance

After the priest is in the desired shape, you can start dancing. To manage your sirloin beautifully, you need to do the following:

• stand in front of the mirror (facing it);

Bend your knees (slightly);

• rest your hands on your knees;

· Imagine that there is something in the back (for example, a coin got into panties);

· Start moving your buttocks alternately, trying to eliminate an invisible object;

At the same time, the legs and arms should remain static, the body should be straight.

It may not work the first time, but this is not a reason for frustration. If the preliminary preparation was made (all exercises were performed systematically), then there will be no problems with the technique.

After you master this simple movement, you can proceed to the more difficult one - moving the booty and hip. For this you need:

· Sit down slightly in your knees;

· Put your hands on your sides;

· Perform in a circle with the whole pelvis.

This is also at the heart of learning how to shake your booty! Such an exercise cannot be neglected, since it allows you to learn how to control your movements.

Last lesson: shaking the buttocks up and down. The starting position here will be the same as in the first exercise. Only the buttocks move simultaneously up and down, at first slowly to feel your body, then faster.

And finally ...

And, of course, in order to know how to learn how to shake your booty, it will not be superfluous to attend several dance classes (not only booty dance, but also reggaeton, r'n'b). It is possible that what you have learned at home on the advice will be of great help in further studies.

Someone once said that life without dance is impossible, and in his own way this man is right. See for yourself: all peoples have their own national dances. It is with the help of dance that a person is able to express the passions and feelings overwhelming him, show his emotions, express his inner world.

Each dance has its own meaning, and the dance itself is not just a method to improve the mood of others and yourself, but also an excellent cure for blues and stress. It drives away bad thoughts, relieves stress, relieves depression and boredom, liberates. Dance also helps to keep the body in good shape and helps to make the figure attractive.

The dance does not recognize racial or religious differences. Everyone can learn to dance, regardless of their place of work, study, age, gender.

In our time, the dance direction has gained great popularity - belly dance or East Dance... Girls and women who dream of making a perfect figure, a body plastic and flexible, and a thin waist want to learn it.

Oriental dance is not just plastic hand movements, waves and shaking of the hips. First of all, belly dancing is a mystery, energy, passion, life itself! If you learn this art, you will be able to better control your body, become more graceful and flexible, improve your health and drive any man crazy. But how do you learn this? You can try to study at home - through video lessons, books, articles on the Internet, or go to a dance school. And in general: is there any use in belly dancing, or is it just a big exaggeration? TeachIt will try to tell you everything in detail.

Oriental dance: we dance with pleasure and benefit

When you do the movements of this dance, a huge number of muscles are involved, even the most undeveloped and deep ones, which cannot be "reached" with ordinary aerobics, but can only be worked out by strength training. You not only get a charge of vivacity and energy, but also heal and strengthen the entire body. This is especially necessary for those who have a sedentary job and those who have a sedentary way of life.

Each girl, if desired, can learn belly dancing. And even if you do not do it professionally, you will gain flexibility and plasticity, and you will also feel differently - more desirable, more beautiful, healthier.

Performing elements of oriental dance, you activate all kinds of muscle groups, improve blood circulation and develop flexibility. By the way, it will be difficult to achieve a similar result with regular fitness. The dance is very exciting, thanks to which every movement, even the most difficult, is given to the dancer easily.

If you spend a lot of time sitting, for example, at a table littered with various documents, or at a computer monitor, over time, a stoop appears. Oriental dance classes will lift your chest, improve your posture, tighten your stomach, strengthen your bones, and straighten your back. After all, they are a good tummy tool and are useful for your figure.

But, having decided to learn belly dancing, you must understand that only healthy women who do not have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive system and problems with the spine can do it. Therefore, get approval from your healthcare professional before exercising.

Learn oriental dance at home

To begin with, make the room well lit, then choose oriental music and it remains to show a little desire.

Oriental dance consists of some basic elements that need to be mastered first. Only after that you will be able to dance a full-fledged dance in which your attitude, mood and state of mind will be embodied.

Hip movements:

  • Crunches (the hips rotate (twist) in each direction and the rest of the body remains stationary)
  • Eight (print the number eight with your hips)
  • Wave (the hips draw a circle in the lateral and frontal planes)

Chest movements:

  • Twisting (the head and hips do not move, the ribcage is twisted in different directions)
  • Eight in any direction
  • Circle (the body of the body is tilted or fixed)
  • Breast wave

To make belly dancing great, girls can use various objects: candles, swords, scarves, scarves, ribbons, and so on. They help make dance more erotic and exotic.

If the idea of ​​learning oriental dance inspired you, and you want to start, then do not postpone until tomorrow, start right now!

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