Home natural farming Order 504 on the approval of forms of cadastral passports

Order 504 on the approval of forms of cadastral passports



In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.25 (109) of the Regulations on the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 12, 2008 N (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 25, art. 2983; N 32, art. 3791; N 42, item 4825; N 46, item 5337; 2009, N 1, item 150; N 3, item 378; N 6, item 738; N 9, item 1119, item 1121; No. 27, article 3364; No. 33, article 4088; 2010, No. 4, article 394; No. 5, article 538; No. 16, article 1917; No. 23, article 2833; No. 26, article 3350 ; N 31, item 4251, item 4262; N 32, item 4330; N 40, item 5068; 2011, N 6, item 888; N 7, item 983; N 12, item 1652; N 14, item 1935; N 18, item 2649; N 22, item 3179; N 36, item 5154; 2012, N 28, item 3900; N 32, item 4561; N 37, item 5001; 2013, N 10, item 1038; N 29, item 3969; N 33, item 4386; N 45, item 5822; 2014, N 4, item 382; N 10, item 1035; N 12, item 1297; N 28, item 4068; 2015, N 2, item 491; N 11, item 1611; N 47, item 6603; N 38, item 5297; N 35, item 4981; N 26, 3900; 2016, N 2, item 325; N 28, item 4741; N 33, art. 5188; No. 35, art. 5349), I order:

1. Approve the form of permission to import breeding products (material) in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order.

2. Approve the procedure for issuing a permit for the import of breeding products (material) in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order.


Appendix No. 1

to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

PERMIT for the import of breeding products (material) N ____/201 /___ Issued by ____________________________________________________________________ (name of the legal entity, TIN of the legal entity, address of the location of the legal entity / full name of the individual entrepreneur, TIN of the individual entrepreneur, address of registration at the place of residence)

Name of the type of breeding products (material) (Russian, Latin)

Breed name

Gender and age group


Details of the contract (agreement), on the basis of which pedigree products (material) were purchased

Consignor of the exporting country _____________________________________________ (name of the legal entity, TIN of the legal entity, address of the location of the legal entity / full name of the individual entrepreneur, TIN of the individual entrepreneur, address of registration at the place of residence) Signature ________________ Date __________ ________________________________ (Full name . authorized person) MP ________________________________ (Position of an authorized person)

Appendix No. 2

to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia


1. This Procedure for issuing permits for the import of pedigree products (material) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) establishes the procedure for issuing permits for the import of pedigree products (material).

2. Permission to import pedigree products (material) (hereinafter - the permit) is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia for each batch of imported pedigree products (material) indicating the breed of the breeding animal included in the State Register of Protected Breeding Achievements (hereinafter - pedigree products (material) to legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs importing breeding products (material) into the territory of the Russian Federation.

3. To obtain a permit, a person importing breeding products (material) into the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) submits to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia:

Application for a permit;

A copy of the breeding certificate for breeding products (material) or other document confirming the origin and productivity of the breeding animal, as well as the seed or embryo;

A copy of the contract (agreement), on the basis of which the breeding products (material) were purchased.

When importing pedigree breeding animals (bulls, boars, stallions, rams, goats), the documents specified in this paragraph shall be accompanied by copies of expert opinions issued by the laboratories of the exporting country on the presence or absence of disorders in the animals' bodies resulting from genetic or chromosomal mutations (genetic abnormalities).

When importing semen/sperm, the documents specified in this paragraph shall be accompanied by copies of expert opinions issued by the laboratories of the exporting country on the presence or absence of disorders in the body of animals resulting from gene or chromosomal mutations (genetic anomalies) on breeding animals-producers (bulls, boars, stallions, rams, goats), from which it is obtained.

4 - 5. Lost their power. - Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 02.02.2018 N.

6. When submitting the documents specified in paragraph 3 of the Procedure, the assessment of the completeness of the information provided is carried out within 4 working days from the date of registration of documents with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. In case of submission of an incomplete set of documents specified in paragraph 3 of the Procedure, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, within 2 working days from the date of assessment of the completeness of the information provided, sends the applicant a notification of the return of the submitted documents indicating the reasons for the return.

7. If the submitted documents are returned due to an incomplete set of documents specified in paragraph 3 of the Procedure, the applicant has the right to re-apply for a permit in the manner prescribed by paragraph 3 of the Procedure.

8. Permission or refusal to issue a permit is issued to the applicant within 30 working days from the date of registration by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia (assignment of the incoming number of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) of the documents received.

9. If the applicant submits a complete set of documents specified in paragraph 3 of the Procedure, in order to assess the breeding value of imported breeding products (material), the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia within 5 working days from the date of the decision on the compliance of the set of documents with the requirements of paragraph 3 of the Procedure, sends a request to the federal state budgetary institution subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the institution), with the documents submitted by the applicant attached.

10. The institution considers the request of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia within 10 working days from the moment it was sent.

11. Based on the results of the evaluation of the breeding value of imported breeding products (material), the institution sends a conclusion to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia within 5 working days from the moment the procedure for assessing the breeding value of the corresponding breeding products (material) is completed.

12. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia prepares and issues a permit to the applicant within 5 working days after receiving the conclusion of the institution.

13. The issuance of a permit to the applicant may be denied if the documents submitted by him do not confirm the breeding value of the imported breeding products (material), indicating the relevant provisions of regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of livestock breeding.

14. A permit or a decision to refuse to issue a permit indicating the reasons for the refusal is issued in the form of a document on paper and issued to the applicant personally, or sent by mail or through the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services. Methods of registration and direction (delivery ) to the permit applicant are selected by the applicant.

15. Simultaneously with the issuance of a permit to the applicant, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia sends a copy of it to the Federal Customs Service of Russia via electronic communication channels.

1. Approve and put into effect from August 1, 1998, agreed with the Russian State Assay Chamber and the state unitary enterprise "Shchelkovo Plant of Secondary Precious Metals", the attached Instruction on the procedure for accounting, storage of products and materials made using precious metals, for the collection, accounting, storage and delivery to the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation of these metals in the form of scrap and waste.

2. To the Ministers of the Interior, the chiefs of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Department of Internal Affairs, educational and research institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the commanders of the troops of the districts of the internal troops, the commanders of formations and military units of the internal troops:

organize work on accounting and storage of equipment, instruments, means of communication, materials and other products containing precious metals, as well as on the collection, accounting, storage and delivery to the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation of scrap and waste of these metals in strict accordance with the requirements of the above instructions. Delivery of scrap and waste of precious metals to processing enterprises shall be carried out only on a competitive and contractual basis. Submit statistical reports on the movement and consumption of precious metals in accordance with the forms approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia to the relevant OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia within the established time limits.

3. The Main Directorate of Resource Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Korzhov V.M.) and OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to ensure control over the organization in the subdivisions of the Ministry of the work on accounting, storage and rational use of products and materials containing precious metals, full delivery to the State Fund of Precious Metals and precious stones of the Russian Federation these metals in the form of scrap and waste. The organization of this work must be checked during audits and inspections of field units.


1. This Instruction was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of March 26, 1998 "On Precious Metals and Precious Stones" and regulates the procedure for accounting, storage of products and materials containing precious metals, collection, accounting, storage and delivery to the State Fund of Precious Metals and precious stones of the Russian Federation of these metals in the form of scrap and waste by divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2. Precious metals include: gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium and osmium). These metals can be in any state, including in native and refined form, as well as in raw materials, alloys, semi-finished products, chemical compounds, jewelry and other products, coins, scrap and production and consumption waste.

3. Departments and institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia using electrical equipment, communications equipment, computer equipment, products and materials containing precious metals are required to ensure their proper storage and rational use, complete collection, accounting and timely delivery of all types of scrap and waste of precious metals from all sources of their formation, as well as comply with the established procedure for compiling and reporting on their receipts, expenditures and balances.

4. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the responsibility for the state of accounting for products, equipment, instruments and materials containing precious metals, and their rational use, as well as for the completeness of the collection and timely delivery of scrap and waste of precious metals to the State Fund, is the head of the unit. The head of the financial body (chief accountant) of the unit is responsible for maintaining accounting records.

Persons guilty of violating the established procedure for the use and circulation of precious metals bear criminal, administrative and civil liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. In order to avoid excessive losses of silver, to ensure its complete collection (Appendices 1, 2, 3), it is prohibited to pour out used fixing and other silver-containing solutions, destroy and burn used film and x-ray materials, and also destroy, throw away or scrap other materials of ferrous and non-ferrous metals , devices and products containing precious metals, without prior removal from them of components and parts made using these metals.

6. Scrap and waste before being sent to processing plants must be subjected to preliminary processing in order to bring them into a condition convenient for transportation and further processing, in accordance with Appendix 4 to this Instruction.

7. Control over the organization in the subdivisions of work on accounting, storage, rational use of products and materials made with the use of precious metals, ensuring their complete collection, accounting and delivery to the State Fund in the form of scrap and waste is carried out by the contentment OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The district departments of material and technical and military supply send to the subdivisions approximate annual assignments for the delivery of precious metals to the State Fund on the basis of the submitted schedules for the write-off of equipment, instruments and other products made using such metals, as well as inventory data and allocated funds for these products. OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, if necessary, at the request of the units, make adjustments to these plans.

Subdivisions submit to the supplying OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia the statistical reporting established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia on the consumption of precious metals, their collection and delivery to the State Fund in the form of scrap and waste (Appendix 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) along with form N 1 of reporting on sales precious metals in value terms (Appendix 20).

The units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia submit the indicated statistical reporting and Form No. 1 of reporting on the sale of precious metals in value terms (Appendix 20) to the relevant operational-territorial associations of the internal troops, which summarize them and submit them to the content departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and to the GKVV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Satisfied with the OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, they analyze, summarize them and, within the approved deadlines (semi-annual - on the 10th day, annual - on the 15th day after the reporting period) are sent to the GUMTO ST of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for further generalization and submission of statistical reporting in the form "Appendix to 2-DM", " 4-DM" (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated September 3, 2002 N 173, semi-annual, annual) to the Gokhran of Russia.

8. In the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, control over the organization of work on accounting, storage and rational use of products and materials containing precious metals, ensuring their collection and delivery to the State Fund in the form of scrap and waste is carried out by departments and services of operational-territorial associations of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , using precious metals in equipment and products in cooperation with those who are satisfied with the OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. For the purpose of general management of the above work in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the GKVV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia determines responsible officials by its order. In order to enlarge the batches sent for processing of scrap and waste of precious metals and to eliminate unnecessary transportation costs, the collection, sorting and sending to processing enterprises of scrap and waste of precious metals is carried out by the district repair and restoration bases of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

9. In the internal affairs bodies, control over the collection and shipment of large batches of scrap and waste of precious metals to processing enterprises, generalization of the established statistical reporting is carried out in cooperation with the relevant OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the rear services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate.

10. The GURO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia carries out general management of the organization in the subdivisions of work on accounting, storage, rational use of products and materials made using precious metals, and ensuring their collection, accounting and delivery to the State Fund in the form of scrap and waste; prepares draft normative legal acts; recommends subdivisions reference materials on the content of precious metals in products and materials made with their use.

11. Representatives of the Russian State Assay Chamber or its regional subdivisions - state assay supervision inspectorates (Appendix 11) have the right to check, together with those who are satisfied with the OUMTiVS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the organization of this work in the subdivisions. The admission of authorized officials to the subdivisions is carried out in accordance with the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Controlling organizations have the right to request and receive free of charge from the heads of subdivisions relevant documentation, explanations and references on issues within their competence, as well as to file claims in court, including in an arbitration court, in cases of violation of property rights of the state.

12. In subdivisions operating electronic products, devices, electrical equipment and other products and materials containing precious metals, both quantitative accounting by types of products and materials, and accounting of the precious metals contained in them according to passport or other technical data should be organized. Items containing precious metals, which are supplied with the equipment, are also subject to accounting.

13. Accounting for electronic equipment, electrical equipment, instruments, batteries and other products and materials containing precious metals should ensure strict control over their rational use for their intended purpose, as well as safety during operation.

The subdivisions organize primary accounting of precious metals using standard forms of primary documentation approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia. To do this, data on the content of gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, osmium - in total) are reflected in the inventory cards for accounting for fixed assets in forms N OS-6 and N OS-7 in the section "Brief individual characteristics of the object" and in the inventory cards of materials in the form of N M-17 and accounting of low-value and wearing items in the form of N MB-2 in free columns and lines.

Data on the amount of precious metals in accounting objects are entered into the primary documentation on the basis of information about their content specified in the technical documentation (passports, forms, operating manuals, labels, etc.) or according to reference books published by the MKiIMTS company (Appendix 12) . In the absence of information on the content of precious metals in imported or domestic equipment, the issue of their presence and quantity, as far as possible, is decided by commissions from among the employees of the unit on the basis of analogues. The decision of the commission is formalized by an appropriate document (act, protocol).

In accordance with paragraph 10 of Annex No. 2 to the Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012 No. 2190-r, I order:

Appendix to the order
Ministry of Labor
and social protection of the Russian Federation
dated September 30, 2013 No. 504

Guidelines for the development of labor rationing systems in state (municipal) institutions

I. General provisions

1. Guidelines for the development of labor rationing systems in state (municipal) institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations) have been prepared in order to provide methodological assistance to state and municipal institutions in the development (definition) of labor rationing systems, taking into account the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes in institutions (equipment and materials used, technologies and methods of performing work, other organizational and technical factors that can significantly affect the value of the labor standard).

2. When developing (defining) a system of labor rationing in a state (municipal) institution (hereinafter referred to as the institution), a set of decisions is formed, established in the local regulations of the institution or a collective agreement, which determines:

labor standards applied in the institution by types of work and workplaces in the performance of certain types of work (functions) (hereinafter - labor standards), as well as methods and methods for their establishment;

the procedure and conditions for the introduction of labor standards in relation to specific production conditions, workplace;

the procedure and conditions for replacing and revising labor standards as new equipment, technology is improved or introduced and organizational or other measures are taken to ensure the growth of labor productivity, as well as in the case of the use of physically and morally obsolete equipment;

measures aimed at compliance with established labor standards.

3. The main objectives of the labor rationing system in the institution are:

creation of conditions necessary for the introduction of rational organizational, technological and labor processes, improvement of labor organization;

ensuring a normal level of tension (intensity) of labor in the performance of work (provision of state (municipal) services);

improving the efficiency of servicing consumers of state (municipal) services.

4. The composition and content of work on the regulation of labor in an institution are determined by the goals and objectives of the regulation of labor processes of employees of institutions in certain organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes.

5. The employer is responsible for the state of labor rationing in the institution. The organization of work related to the regulation of labor, including the implementation of organizational and technical measures, the introduction of rational organizational, technological and labor processes, the improvement of the organization of labor, can be carried out both directly by the head of the institution, and in the prescribed manner can be entrusted by the head to one of his deputies.

6. The development (determination) of the labor rationing system in the institution should be carried out by specialists with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of organization and labor rationing. Taking into account the number of employees and the specifics of the activities of the institution for the performance of work related to labor rationing, it is recommended to create a specialized structural unit (service) for labor rationing in the institution. In its absence, the performance of work related to the regulation of labor may be assigned to a structural unit (employee), which is in charge of staffing the activities of the institution, organization of labor and wages.

II. Recommended approaches to the development of a labor rationing system

7. When developing a labor rationing system, labor standards are determined in relation to technological (labor) processes and organizational and technical conditions for their implementation in an institution. In the course of analyzing the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes in an institution, it is recommended to take into account the technologies used, methods, standards for performing work (rendering services), parameters of work and maintenance of the equipment used, working conditions at workplaces, forms of labor organization, work modes and rest and other parameters, including regulated breaks, characteristics of work performed, rational division and cooperation of labor.

8. When determining labor standards, it is recommended to analyze the existing standard (intersectoral, sectoral, professional and other) labor standards approved by the federal executive authorities in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2002 No. 804 “On the rules for the development and approval of standard labor standards” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 46, art. 4583) (hereinafter referred to as standard labor standards), and their correlation with the actual organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes in the institution.

9. On the basis of standard labor standards, the following can be determined for use in an institution:

norms of time (expenditure of working time for the performance of a unit of work (function) or the provision of a service by one or a group of employees of the appropriate qualification);

service standards (the number of objects (jobs, equipment, areas, etc.) that an employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications are required to service during a unit of working time);

headcount norms (the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform specific production, management functions or scope of work.

10. Labor standards can be determined for a separate type of work, an interconnected group of works (aggregated labor norm) and a complete set of works (complex labor norm). The degree of consolidation of labor standards is determined by the specific conditions of the organization of production and labor.

11. Labor standards can serve to establish a standardized task (a set amount of work that an employee or group of employees performs per work shift or in another unit of working time).

12. Recommended methods for determining the population rate based on typical time standards and standard service rates, determining the service rate based on typical time rates are given in Appendix No. 1 to the Methodological Recommendations.

13. When determining labor standards in an institution on the basis of standard labor standards, comprehensively substantiated labor cost norms established for homogeneous work are used in relation to standard technological (labor) processes and standard organizational and technical conditions for their implementation in the relevant sector of the economy.

If the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes in the institution coincide with them, it is recommended to use standard labor standards.

A similar decision is recommended to be taken if the existing differences in the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes cannot significantly affect the labor rate. The decision on the significance of differences in the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes is made taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.

Comprehensively justified norms of labor costs provide for progressive modes of operation of equipment, rational methods and methods of work, organization and maintenance of workplaces, optimal employment of workers, maximum use of workplace opportunities, high quality products (works, services), preservation of health and working capacity of workers.

14. When creating more progressive organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes or their non-compliance with standard labor standards, it is recommended to use standard labor standards as a basis for determining and justifying labor standards by adjusting them taking into account the actual organizational and technological conditions for performing technological (labor) ) processes in the institution.

Examples (algorithms) for calculating labor standards by correcting standard labor standards, taking into account the organizational and technological conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes in an institution, are given in Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Recommendations.

15. When planning measures to improve the efficiency of the provision of state (municipal) services, it is recommended to use standard labor standards as a reference:

for institutions in which the organizational and technical conditions are below the level for which the standard norms are designed;

in the study of the cost of working time and the analysis of the loss of working time.

After taking measures to change the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes, labor standards in the institution may be revised in the manner prescribed by law.

16. In the absence of standard labor standards for certain types of work and workplaces, the relevant labor standards are developed in the institution, taking into account the recommendations of the organization exercising the functions and powers of the founder, or with the involvement of relevant specialists in the prescribed manner.

analysis of the labor process based on the standard for the provision of state (municipal) services, dividing it into parts;

selection of the optimal variant of technology and organization of labor, effective methods and techniques of work;

designing modes of operation of equipment, techniques and methods of work, systems for servicing workplaces, modes of work and rest;

determination of labor standards in accordance with the characteristics of technological and labor processes, their implementation and subsequent adjustment as the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes change.

When carrying out this work, it is recommended to focus on the guidelines for federal executive authorities on the development of standard industry labor standards, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 31, 2013 No. 235, in terms of organizing work and calculating labor standards.

18. When purchasing new equipment in accordance with the established procedure, institutions are recommended to carry out a comparative calculation of the impact on the labor rate of the introduction of purchased equipment. At the same time, it is recommended to provide for a comparison of the characteristics of the purchased equipment with the characteristics of the equipment used in the development of standard labor standards (in the absence of standard labor standards, with the equipment used in the institution).

19. Along with labor standards established in an institution for an indefinite period, temporary and one-time labor norms may be applied for technological (labor) processes that are stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions.

Temporary labor standards are established for the period of development of certain works in the absence of approved regulatory materials for labor rationing.

The period of validity of temporary labor standards determined by the institution is recommended to be set no more than 3 months.

One-time labor standards are determined by the employer for individual work that is of a single nature (unscheduled, emergency).

III. Establishment of a labor rationing system in an institution

20. It is recommended that the system of labor rationing in the institution be established in the Regulations on the labor rationing system of the institution (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), which is either approved by the local regulatory act of the institution, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees, or is included as a separate section in the collective agreement.

21. It is recommended to take into account the opinion of the representative body of employees in the procedure for adopting local regulations established by labor legislation.

a) “Labor standards applied in the institution”.

The appendix to this section contains:

the applied methods for determining the population rate based on the typical time rate, the number rate based on the typical service rate and the service rate based on the typical time rate (if calculations were made);

calculation of the correction of standard labor standards, taking into account the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes in the institution (if a correction was carried out);

methods and means of establishing labor standards for individual positions (professions of workers), types of work (functions) for which there are no standard labor standards;

b) "Procedure for the implementation of labor standards";

c) "The procedure for organizing the replacement and revision of labor standards";

d) "Measures aimed at compliance with established labor standards."

23. When concluding an employment contract with an employee, it is recommended to familiarize him with labor standards. If the employee establishes norms of time for the performance of work (provision of services) or service norms, it is recommended to indicate in the employment contract with the employee that their performance is carried out within the limits of the working time established for him.

24. Employees are notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months before their entry into force. In a similar period of time, employees are notified of the correction of erroneous labor standards (labor standards in the establishment of which the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes were incorrectly taken into account or inaccuracies were made in the application of regulatory materials or in calculations).

Taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers on the reduction of erroneous labor standards, workers can be notified in a shorter period.

25. The form of notification of the introduction of new labor standards is determined by the institution independently. At the same time, it is recommended to indicate the previously existing labor standards, new labor standards, the factors that served as the basis for the introduction of new labor standards or their adjustment.

26. It is recommended that before the introduction of new labor standards, instruct and train employees in the most effective methods and techniques for performing work, while both individual and group forms of their implementation can be used.

27. When carrying out work on the development of labor standards, it is recommended to analyze the degree of mastery of work by each employee on the basis of data on the implementation of standards.

When mastering labor standards in connection with the introduction of new equipment and technology, when, along with mastering rational methods of labor, employees need to acquire new theoretical and practical knowledge, it is recommended to train employees.

When mastering new types of work (standards for the provision of state (municipal) services or discrepancy between the actual organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes designed in the newly introduced labor standards, it is recommended to apply correction factors.

28. It is recommended that a period of review be undertaken to determine whether it is appropriate to review applicable labor standards at least once every five years. Based on the results of the analysis, a decision can be made to maintain the established labor standards or to develop new labor standards. Until the introduction of new labor standards, the previously established ones continue to apply.

Labor standards may be revised as new equipment, technology is improved or introduced, and organizational or other measures are taken to ensure the growth of labor productivity, as well as in the case of the use of physically and morally obsolete equipment.

Other grounds for revising labor standards are not established by labor legislation. Overfulfillment of labor standards by individual employees, including due to a high level of personal professional qualities, the use of new methods of work on their initiative and the improvement of workplaces cannot be considered as a basis for revising the labor standards established in the institution.

The revision of erroneous labor standards is carried out as they are identified, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

good condition of premises, structures, machines, technological equipment and equipment;

timely provision of technical and other documentation necessary for work;

proper quality of materials, tools, other means and items necessary for the performance of work, their timely provision to the employee;

working conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection and production safety.

Application No. 1
to the Guidelines

labor in public
(municipal) institutions,
approved order

protection of the Russian Federation
dated September 30, 2013 No. 504

Recommended methods for determining the population norm based on standard time norms and typical service norms, determining the service norm based on typical time norms

The population norm based on typical time norms is determined by the formula:

Nch \u003d (To / Fp) * Kn, where: (1)

Nch - the norm of the number of workers of a certain qualification, necessary for the performance of work, for which time standards are determined;

Kn \u003d 1 + Vr / (Fsum * Chsr), where: (2)

Вр - the total time not worked due to absenteeism of the employees of the institution for the billing period of time;

Chsr - the average number of all employees of the institution (including employees holding positions of employees, for whom the number norms are updated during this calculation) for the billing period of time (it is recommended to choose a billing period of at least two years preceding the month of the calculation);

To - the total time spent per year on the amount of work performed by employees (hours) is determined by the formula:

Tr - time spent on the corresponding type of work, for which time standards are determined;

Нв - typical norm of time for work of the i-th type, hours;

Example 1. Determination of population norms based on typical time norms

1. Initial data.

Employees of the institution holding the position of employee "DS1" perform work on the provision of social services to citizens (hereinafter referred to as su): cy1, su2, su3, su4. All work on the provision of social services to citizens is covered by labor standards, that is, for this type of work, the coefficient takes into account labor costs for work of a one-time nature, for which time norms Kr (su) \u003d 1 are not defined.

In addition, their job responsibilities include the preparation of methodological, reference and reporting materials (hereinafter - om): om1, om2, om3. Among the works of this type in the institution there are works that are of a one-time nature, for which time standards are not defined. The share of time spent on these works is 20% of the total time spent on preparing methodological, reference and reporting materials. For this type of work, the coefficient that takes into account labor costs for work of a one-time nature, for which time standards are not defined Kp (om) = 1.2.

Standard time norms for each of the works are established:

Hb (cy1) = 0.5 hours;

Hv (su2) = 1 hour;

Hb (su3) = 1.5 hours;

Hv (su4) = 3 hours;

Hv (ohm1) = 5 hours;

Hv (ohm2) = 12 hours;

Hv (ohm3) = 20 hours.

The volume for each of the works performed during the year is determined:

O (cy1) = 8500 units;

O (cy2) = 2380 units;

O (cy3) = 7900 units;

O (cy4) = 2500 units;

O (ohm1) = 100 units;

O (ohm2) \u003d 8 units;

O (ohm3) = 4 units.

The total time not worked due to absenteeism of employees for the billing period (Tr) amounted to 7213 hours.

The average number of employees of the institution for 2011 - 2012 (Nav) amounted to 215 people.

2. Carrying out calculations.

According to formula 4 *, the time spent on the corresponding work is determined:

Tr(cy)=Hv(cy1)*O(cy1)+Hv(cy2)*O(cy2)+Hv(cy3)*O(cy3)+Hv(cy4)*O(cy4)=0.5*8500 +1*2380+1.5*7900+3*2500=25980 hours;

Tr(ohm)=Hv(ohm1)*O(ohm1)+Hv(ohm2)*O(ohm2)+Hv(ohm3)*O(ohm3)=5*100+12*8+20*4=676 hours.

According to formula 3 *, the total time spent on the amount of work per year performed by employees is determined:

To \u003d Tr (su) * Kr (su) + Tr (om) * Kr (om) \u003d 25980 * 1 + 676 * 1.2 \u003d 26791.2 hours.

The normative fund of working time of one employee for 2013 Fp and the normative fund of working time of one employee for the estimated period of time Fsum are determined according to production calendars for the corresponding years. In this example, we take the two previous calendar years (2011 and 2012). With a 40-hour working week, the working time fund of one employee was: in 2013 - 1970 hours, in 2012 - 1986 hours, in 2011 -1981 hours.

Fp \u003d 1970 hours - (28 calendar days / 7 days of a calendar week * 5 working weeks * 8 hours) \u003d 1810 hours.

Fsum=3967 hours - (2 years*28 calendar days/7 days of a calendar week*5 working weeks*8 hours)=3647 hours.

According to formula 2 (Кн=1+Вр/(Фsum*Нср), a coefficient is determined that takes into account the planned absenteeism of employees during unpaid leave, illness, etc.

Kn \u003d 1 + 7213 / (3647 * 215) \u003d 1.0092.

According to formula 1 (Nch \u003d (To / Fp) * Kn) the population norm is determined:

Hch \u003d 26791.2 / 1810 * 1.0092 \u003d 14.94.

Accordingly, in the staffing table of the institution, it is necessary to provide for 15 positions of an employee "DS1".

The estimated norm of time for servicing one piece of equipment, one workplace, one serviced citizen, etc. is determined. according to the formula:

Hrr=Tvr/Nob, where: (5)

Нрн - the estimated norm of time for servicing one piece of equipment, one workplace, one serviced citizen, etc.;

Nob - typical service rate;

Tvr is a unit of working time for which the service rate was calculated, hours.

The population norm based on the estimated time norms is determined by the formula:

Nch \u003d (To / Fp) * Kn, where: (6)

Nch - the norm of the number of employees of a certain qualification necessary to perform work, for which service standards are determined;

Фп - planned normative fund of working time of one employee per year. Determined by the production calendar for the current year. At the same time, the working time fund according to the production calendar is reduced taking into account the established duration of the employee's paid holidays (both basic and additional) and the reduced working time for individual positions of employees (professions of workers), and also depending on working conditions;

Kn - coefficient taking into account the planned absenteeism of employees during unpaid leave, illness, etc., determined by the formula:

Kn \u003d 1 + Vr / (Fsum * Chsr), where: (7)

Вр - the total time not worked due to absenteeism of the employees of the institution for the billing period of time;

Fsum - the normative fund of working time of one employee for the billing period of time;

Chsr - the average number of all employees of the institution (including employees holding positions of employees for whom the number norms are updated in the course of this calculation) for the billing period of time (it is recommended to choose a billing period of at least two years preceding the month of the calculation);

To - the total time spent per year on the amount of work performed by employees (hours) is determined by the formula:

Tr - time spent on the corresponding type of work, for which the estimated time standards are determined;

the values ​​for all types of work performed are summarized;

Кр is a coefficient that takes into account labor costs for work of a one-time nature, for which time standards are not determined.

The time spent on the corresponding type of normalized work is calculated by the formula:

Hrr - the estimated time rate for servicing one piece of equipment, one workplace, one serviced citizen, etc., hours;

Oi - the amount of work of the i-th type, performed during the year.

Example 2. Determining the population rate based on typical service rates

1. Initial data.

Employees of the institution, holding the position of an employee of "DS2", perform work to provide citizens with a complex of social services (hereinafter - og). For all works, there are established labor standards, that is, for this type of work, a coefficient that takes into account labor costs for work of a one-time nature, for which the time norms Kp (og) \u003d 1 are not defined.

The typical Nob service rate is 16 serviced citizens per working day (Tvr = 8 hours).

The number of citizens served is 320 people. Each of them is provided with a complex of social services daily.

Employees have a five-day working week, working hours - 40 hours a week, the duration of the annual paid leave - 28 calendar days.

The total time not worked due to absenteeism of employees for the billing period (Tr) was 15050 hours.

The average number of employees of the institution for 2011 - 2012 (Chsr) amounted to 430 people.

2. Carrying out calculations.

According to formula 5 (Нрн=Нб/Твр) the estimated norm of time for one serviced citizen for one calendar day is determined:

Нрн=8/16=0.5 hours.

According to the formula 9 *, the time spent on the corresponding type of work is calculated, according to which the time norms are determined. At the same time, the volume of work performed during the year is equal to the product of the number of taxed citizens and the number of calendar days in the year Oi(org)=430*365=156960 social service complexes.

Tr (og) \u003d 0.5 * 156960 \u003d 78475 hours.

According to formula 8 *, the total time spent on the amount of work per year performed by employees is calculated:

To(og)=78475*1=78475 hours.

The normative fund of working time of one employee for 2013 Fp and the normative fund of working time of one employee for the estimated period of time Fsum are determined according to production calendars for the corresponding years. In this example, we take the two previous calendar years (2011 and 2012). With a 40-hour working week, the working time fund of one employee was: in 2013 - 1970 hours, in 2012 - 1986 hours, in 2011 - 1981 hours.

The normative working time fund of one employee is reduced taking into account the time of paid annual leave. This takes into account the annual basic paid leave and the annual additional paid holidays provided to employees. In the given example, the duration of the annual basic paid leave is 28 calendar days, additional paid holidays are not provided to employees.

Paid vacation time is converted into working hours. To do this, the number of calendar days of vacation is divided by the number of calendar days in one calendar week (7 days) and multiplied by the number of working days in one calendar week (5 days) and the number of working hours in one working day (8 hours). After that, Fp and Fsum are determined (taking into account the fact that the working time fund is determined for two calendar years, the time for paid annual leave is doubled).

Fp = 1970 hours - (28 calendar days * 8 hours / 7 days of a calendar week * 5 working weeks) = 1810 hours.

Fsum \u003d 3967 hours 2 years * (28 calendar days * 8 hours / 7 days of a calendar week * 5 working weeks) \u003d 3647 hours.

According to formula 7 (Кн=1+Вр/(Фsum*Чр) the coefficient is determined that takes into account the planned absenteeism of employees during unpaid leave, illness, etc.:

Kn (og) \u003d 1 + 15050 / (3967 * 430) \u003d 1.008823

According to formula 6 (Nch \u003d (To / Fp) * Kn) the population norm is determined:

Hch \u003d 78475 / 1810 * 1.008823 \u003d 43.7.

Accordingly, in the staff list of the institution, it is necessary to provide for 44 positions of the "DS2" employee.

The service rate based on typical time standards is determined by the formula:

Nobr \u003d Fv / Hv, where: (10)

Nobr - service rate;

Frv - working time fund for the period for which the service rate is determined (shift, week, month, etc.);

Hv - typical norm of time, hours

Example 3. Determining the rate of service for one working day based on typical time rates

1. Initial data.

An employee of an institution holding the position of an employee of "DS3", as part of the implementation of social support measures, performs work on the issuance of material assets (food, essential goods, etc.) to citizens.

The standard norm of time for serving one served citizen is 0.5 hours. The working day of an employee is 8 hours.

2. Carrying out calculations.

According to formula 10 (Nobr \u003d Fv / Hv), the service rate is determined:

Nobr=8/0.5=16 served citizens.

The service rate for an employee holding the position of an employee of "DS3" is 16 served citizens, which must be taken into account when organizing the provision of an appropriate social service.

Application No. 2
to the Guidelines
on the development of a rationing system
labor in public
(municipal) institutions,
approved order
Ministry of Labor and Social
protection of the Russian Federation
dated September 30, 2013 No. 504

Examples (algorithms) for calculating labor standards by correcting standard labor standards, taking into account the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes in a state (municipal) institution

Example 1 Calculation of an institution's time standard by applying a correction factor to a typical time standard.

The typical norm of time is “A” minutes required to perform work related to the escort by an employee of an institution of a citizen admitted to the admission department to the day care department, provided that the distance between them does not exceed 50 meters. In addition, correction factors are provided for the following distances:

from 50.1 to 60 meters - 1.2;

from 60.1 to 70 meters - 1.4.

There are four day care departments in the institution, the distance between the reception department and the day care departments is:

branch number 1 - 40 meters;

department number 2 - 54 meters;

branch number 3 - 65 meters;

branch number 4 - 80 meters.

Accordingly, the time limit for escorting to department No. 1 should be determined in the “basic” size - “A” minutes (distance up to 50 meters).

When escorted to department No. 2, the time limit is determined in the amount of “A” minutes * by 1.2 (taking into account the correction factor provided for by the typical time limit - 1.2 for a distance from 50.1 to 60 meters).

When escorted to department No. 3, the time limit is determined in the amount of “A” minutes * by 1.4 (taking into account the correction factor provided for by the standard labor norm - 1.4 for a distance of 60.1 to 70 meters).

To determine the time norm of the institution when escorted to department No. 4, a correction factor should be calculated to the “base” value of the typical time norm (“A” minutes). When calculating, it is recommended to use the one closest to the actual distance#

The calculation is carried out in two stages. First, the average distance that the accompanying person and the citizen will move in 1 minute is determined = “A” minutes * 1.4 / 70 meters. In doing so, it is recommended to take into account the maximum distance for which the typical time norm is applicable.

Then, at the second stage, the time norm is determined as the average for which the escort and the citizen will move in 1 minute, multiplied by 80 meters (the actual distance when escorted to department No. 4).

Example 2. Determining the norm of time for the provision of one service by comparing the characteristics of the equipment used.

The typical time norm defines the time for the provision of one service "H" - 60 minutes. The calculation of the labor rate was carried out taking into account the use of the "XI" apparatus.

In the institution, when providing the “H” service, the “X5” device is used. Thus, the institution needs to evaluate the impact on the time of service "H" replacement of the device "X1" by "X5".

According to the operating instructions for the XI device, it must be warmed up for 10 minutes before starting work. At the same time it is necessary to enter the operating program of the apparatus. Each time the program is entered manually by the operator. The execution time of the program used in the provision of the “H” service is 2 minutes. Thus, 12 minutes out of 60 minutes for the provision of the “H” service are accounted for by the operation of the “X12” device.

According to the operating instructions for the "X5" apparatus, the heating of the "X5" apparatus takes 1 minute, during which it is necessary to select the operating program of the apparatus. The programs are entered into the memory of the X52. The execution time of the program used in the provision of the "H" service is 2 minutes. Therefore, the total operating time of the “X5” device during the provision of the “H” service is 3 minutes. Accordingly, the replacement of the apparatus "XI" with the apparatus "X5" saves 9 minutes (12 minutes - 3 minutes). The total standard time for the provision of one service "H" is reduced to 51 minutes, which should be recorded when determining the system of labor rationing of the institution.

Example 3. Determination of the norm of time for the provision of services in an institution, taking into account differences in organizational and technical conditions in the provision of services.

The typical time norm defines the time for the provision of one service "K" - 45 minutes. It is indicated that it includes five successive stages. An analysis of the provision of the “K” service by the institution shows that, taking into account the specifics of technical or natural and climatic conditions (for example, additional heating of equipment located on an unheated site before starting up in the winter), one more additional stage is necessary. Accordingly, the institution must determine the standard time required to complete the additional stage, and, taking it into account, determine the labor rate of the institution.

Document overview

Their goal is to help in the development (definition) of SNT, taking into account the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of technological (labor) processes (the equipment and materials used, the technologies and methods for performing work, and other factors that can significantly affect the value of the labor rate).

When developing (defining) SNT in an institution, a set of decisions is formed, established in local regulations or a collective agreement, which determines the following. Applicable labor standards by types of work and workplaces in the performance of certain types of work (functions), as well as methods and methods for their establishment. The procedure and conditions for the introduction of labor standards in relation to specific production conditions, the workplace, as well as their replacement and revision; measures to comply with them.

SNT in an institution should be developed (determined) by specialists with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of organization and labor rationing.

Labor norms can be determined for a separate type of work, an interconnected group of works (aggregated labor norm) and a complete set of works (complex labor norm). They can serve to establish a normalized task.

For technological (labor) processes that are stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions, temporary and one-time labor standards can be introduced.

SNT is recommended to be established in the Regulations on the labor rationing system of the institution, which is either approved by a local regulatory act, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers, or included as a separate section in the collective agreement.




9. The development of labor rationing in the Establishment is carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for the development of labor rationing systems in state (municipal) institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 30, 2013 N 504 (hereinafter - Guidelines N 504).

9. The formation of the staffing level, taking into account the introduction of labor standards, is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ, orders N 235 and N 504 and taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

The introduction of labor rationing in state (municipal) institutions is carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for the development of labor rationing systems in state (municipal) institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 30, 2013 N 504.

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