Home On the windowsill The scheme of preschool education in the Russian Federation. Preschool education in Russia: system, federal standard, institutions. Standard provision on preschool educational prevention

The scheme of preschool education in the Russian Federation. Preschool education in Russia: system, federal standard, institutions. Standard provision on preschool educational prevention

Alexandra Minina
Preschool educational organization in the education system of the Russian Federation


2. Main tasks

3. Views preschool organizations




What is the relevance of the topic? In the 20th century, the most positive form for the child was formed preschool education which gave multilateral full education and development of children. Socio-economic changes in Russia have influenced large-scale changes in education in general and also in preschool. New stage in education system which, as we see it, is new. Return in a new look and modernized preschool education delivery system. In modernization education a mechanism for sustainable development is being created education systems, in accordance with the challenge of the 21st century, the social and economic needs of the country's development, the needs of the individual, society, and the state. This change also affected organizations, and content education. Now system is both multifunctional, oriented to the needs of society and represents a variety of educational services taking into account both age and individual developmental features. Content preschool education undergoes changes expressed in the abolition of educational and disciplinary education and is focused on humanity in the communication of the teacher and personality-oriented communication in relation to the child. Preschool education according to GEF includes a combination of regulation and variability, requirements and permits, classics and creativity. It is at this time in the development of the child that the most important and necessary for his future in life is laid. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this moment and give a basic complex educational resources in the required quantity and quality. Because how they spend the first seven years of their lives before the threshold of school depends on their ability to be successful and promising in the future, emotionally resistant to changes in living conditions and in our current socio-economic conditions. period of personal development, and preschool education considered an essential part of education and should be aimed at enriching development, and not at the speed of knowledge in large quantities. Children still have time to learn everything, and this is the main task. educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard, give children childhood and keep the joy of childhood. But education is not going anywhere., will be in a natural and not forced form, and this is interesting for both teachers and children. In an artificial and very monotonous education, there is no way to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child without ensuring normal hormonal development.

The purpose of the work is to understand and learn what is the system of preschool educational organization in the education of the Russian Federation what main tasks, goals and types of activity organizations are included in preschool education, and what is organizational activity.

1. Preschool educational organization in the education system of the Russian Federation

Education is:

1) Modern understanding education involves mastering the socially significant experience of mankind, embodied in knowledge, skills, creative activity and emotional and value attitude to the world;

2) continuous system successive levels of education, each of which has state, non-state, municipal educational institutions of various types;

3) the process and result of learning, expressed in volume system- matizirovannye knowledge, skills and abilities that the trainee has mastered, the degree of development of the individual's abilities and independent decision-making in various areas of life based on the use of the acquired knowledge.

First level, first step education is preschool education. It means education received by pupils in the network preschool educational institutions or under the guidance of parents who are the first teachers and are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in the process of his upbringing and education.

The child develops fully, provided that there are two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family gives the child intimate and personal relationships, forms a sense of protection, trust and emancipation in society and the world as a whole. But the family also needs the support that a kindergarten should provide - parents work and study, while they do not feel guilty that the child is abandoned, as they understand that the child at this time is in comfortable conditions, is always fed, and teachers work with him .

What does kindergarten give a child? The most important thing in kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which the child receives social experience. It is under these conditions that the child learns himself and others in comparison with each other, attaches to himself the options for communication and interaction that are suitable for different situations. Children in preschool age are at the stage of development of physical and mental functions, primary spiritual values, intelligence, creativity, a wide range of interests, etc. are formed, and it is not correct to single out one or another priority line of development, as it violates the child's right to the development of versatility and integrity.

2. Main tasks organizations of preschool education.

New concept preschool education has identified the following key goals and tasks:

1. Protection and promotion of children's health (both physical and mental). The priority of this task is associated with the characteristics of the period of early childhood, the physiological immaturity and vulnerability of the child, his susceptibility to various diseases.

2. Humanization of goals and principles educational work with children. This task involves a reorientation from an educational and disciplinary to a personality-oriented model of interaction with children, which is aimed at developing the child's individuality, revealing his abilities, and fostering a sense of security and self-confidence.

3. Recognition of uniqueness preschool childhood as a priority and unique period in a person's life. Based on this, all work in kindergarten should be aimed not at preparing the child for school, but at providing conditions for a full-fledged "residence" children of this unique period. Caring for the emotional well-being of each child, the development of activities that are valuable for the child (primarily role-playing games, the development of creativity and imagination child - these are the most important tasks than giving children any specific knowledge.

4. Transition from the Zunov paradigm education towards the development of the child's abilities. All previous education system was aimed mainly at the transfer of knowledge, skills, skills (ZUN). task early childhood education is, first of all, the development of the main neoplasms preschool age - creative activity, independence, arbitrariness, self-awareness, etc. An indicator of effectiveness education in this regard, it should be considered "learning" children or the amount of knowledge they have acquired, and the level of mental development of each child.

5. Education of the foundations of the basis of personal culture, which includes an orientation towards universal values ​​(beauty, goodness, truth, means of life (ideas about reality, ways of actively interacting with the world, manifestation of an emotionally evaluative attitude to what is happening. Transfer of values ​​and means of an active attitude to peace can only be realized by taking into account the age of the children.

Today Russian preschool educational institutions in their activities are guided by the Model Regulation on, adopted in 1995. According to the Model Regulation, preschool institutions are called upon to solve complex tasks:

to protect the life and health of children;

ensure their intellectual, personal and physical development;

to attach to universal values;

Interact with the family for the full development of the child.

The set of corresponding tasks can be determined based on the form preschool.

3. Views preschool organizations.

preschool upbringing - step education, on which the foundation of the social personality is laid, and in recent years has passed a difficult path to a new transformation of the whole system. Contemporary education RF provides the following types preschool institutions:

1. Kindergarten;

2. Kindergarten with priority implementation of one or more areas of child development (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.);

3. Kindergarten of a compensating type with the priority implementation of the qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils; kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures; a kindergarten of a combined type (which may include general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups in various combinations);

4. Child Development Center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all children.

Depending on the length of stay preschool organizations can be short stay (up to 5 hours a day, shortened day (8 - 10 hours a day, full day (12 hours a day, extended day) (14 hours a day) and round-the-clock stay of children.

Depending on the needs of the population, organized short stay groups, family preschool groups and other similar types preschool organizations of various organizational and legal forms, forms of ownership, including those created in the form of structural divisions of state and municipal preschool educational institutions, on objects preschool educational organizations, additional education and other premises that meet the requirements of sanitary regulations.

Length of stay for children preschool organizations(groups) determined by the possibility organize meals and daily dream:

Up to 3 - 4 hours without food and sleep arrangements;

Up to 5 hours without organization of sleep and organization single meal;

More than 5 hours - from organization daytime sleep and meals at intervals of 3-4 hours, depending on the age of the children. The interval between meals for children under 1 year old should be no more than 3 hours, from 1 year and older - no more than 4 hours.

Short stay groups can be:

To prepare children 5-7 years old for school;

Supervising and caring for children from 1.5 to 5 years;

Inclusive parenting (organization working with children of special concern);

To provide services of psychological and pedagogical assistance and support;

For the provision of correctional speech therapy, didactic services, etc.

In groups of short stay, family preschool groups can be provided with babysitting, childcare and (or) implementation educational activities.

The occupancy of groups depends on the age of the children and their state of health, which should not exceed the established sanitary rules.

4. Organization of activities of preschool education.

Standard preschool education different from the standard education, what to preschool education there are no strict requirements for the results of mastering the program.

GEF puts at the forefront an individual approach to the child and a game where self-worth is preserved preschool childhood and where nature itself is preserved preschooler. Leading children's activities will become: playful, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive, etc.

It should be noted that educational activities are carried out throughout the time the child is in preschool organization. This:

joint (affiliate) activities of a teacher with children:

educational activities in regime moments;

Organized educational activities;

educational activities are carried out in various types of activities and cover structural units representing certain areas of development and children's education(educational areas) :

1. Social and communicative development;

2. Cognitive development;

3. Speech development;

4. Artistic and aesthetic development;

5. Physical development.

In young years (1 year - 3 years)- objective activity and games with composite dynamic toys; experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc., communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult, self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc., perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales , poetry Looking at pictures, physical activity;

For kids preschool age(3 years - 8 years)- a number of activities, such as games, including a role-playing game. A game with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers, cognitive research (research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them, as well as the perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household work (indoors and outdoors) , construction from different materials, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials, pictorial(drawing, modeling, application, musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) child's activities.

Organized educational activity is organization joint activities of the teacher with children:

with one child; with a subgroup of children; with a whole group of children.

The choice of the number of children depends from:

age and individual characteristics of children; type of activity (playing, cognitive - research, motor, productive) their interest in the activity; the complexity of the material;

But it must be remembered that every child should receive the same starting opportunities for schooling.

main feature educational organization activities in the preschool educational institution at the present stage is a departure from educational activities (classes, raising the status of the game, as the main activity of children preschool age; inclusion in the process of effective forms of work with children: ICT, project activities, gaming, problem-learning situations within the framework of integration educational areas.

So way, "class" how on purpose organized the form of educational activity in kindergarten is cancelled. The activity should be interesting for children, especially organized educator specific children's activities, implying their activity, business interaction and communication, the accumulation by children of certain information about the world around them, the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. But the learning process remains. Teachers continue "study" with kids. However, it is important to understand the difference between "old" training and "new".

educational daily activities of children.

Apart from organized educational activities of the educator should be planned and educational activity in the mode days:

In the morning and evening hours

On a walk

During routine moments.

Goals educational activities in the mode days:

Health protection and the formation of the basis of a culture of health;

Formation in children of the foundations of the safety of their own life and the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the environment);

Mastering the initial ideas of a social nature and the inclusion of children in system social relations;

Formation of a positive attitude towards work in children.

Forms of holding educational activities in the mode days:

Outdoor games with rules (including folk games, game exercises, motor pauses, sports jogging, competitions and holidays, physical culture minutes;

Health-improving and hardening procedures, health-saving activities, thematic conversations and stories, computer presentations, creative and research projects, exercises to master cultural and hygienic skills;

Analysis of problematic situations, game situations on the formation of a safety culture, conversations, stories, practical exercises, walks along the ecological path;

Game situations, games with rules (didactic, creative role-playing, theatrical, constructive;

Experiences and experiments, shifts, work (within the framework of practice-oriented projects, collecting, modeling, dramatization games,

Conversations, speech situations, compiling storytelling, retelling, guessing riddles, learning nursery rhymes, poems, songs, situational conversations;

Listening to the performance of musical works, musical and rhythmic movements, musical games and improvisations,

Vernissages of children's creativity, exhibitions visual arts, workshops of children's creativity, etc.

Independent activity of children.

According to sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the content and organization of work in preschool organizations for independent activities of children 3-7 years old (games, preparation for educational activities, personal hygiene) in the daily routine should be given at least 3-4 hours.

But this does not mean that the child should be left to himself. For organizations independent activities of children, it is necessary to create a developing subject-spatial environment and care and supervision for each child.

The developing subject-spatial environment should be:

1) The saturation of the environment should correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

educational the space must be equipped with training and education facilities (including technical, appropriate materials, including consumable gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory (in accordance with the specifics of the Program).

Organization of educational space and variety of materials, equipment and inventory (in the building and on the site) must provide:

game, cognitive, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimentation with materials available to children (including sand and water) motor activity, including the development of large and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions; emotional well-being of children in interaction with the object-spatial environment; opportunity for children to express themselves.

For infants and toddlers educational the space should provide the necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.

2) The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment, depending on educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.

3) Polyfunctionality of materials suggests: opportunity varied the use of various components of the subject environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.; availability in Organizations or the Group of Polyfunctional (not having a rigidly fixed method of use) items, including natural materials, suitable for use in various types of children's activities (including as substitute items in a children's game).

4) Variability of the environment suggests: presence in Organizations or a group of different spaces (for play, construction, solitude, etc., as well as variety of materials, games, toys and equipment, providing free choice of children; periodic change of game material, the emergence of new items that stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

5) Accessibility of the environment suggests:

accessibility for pupils, including children with disabilities and disabled children, of all premises where educational activities;

free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the main types of children's activities;

serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.

6) The security of the object-spatial environment implies the compliance of all its elements with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.


What we have, preschool education that is being transformed in the direction directed primarily to the comprehensive development of the child on the basis of special, specific activities inherent in preschoolers. That is, in practice we will get a more playful and versatile approach that welcomes the maximum use of innovative and active methods of pedagogical interaction, more individualized and aimed at revealing the own potential of each child. Dictating pedagogy will finally be completely eliminated, at least in the area of preschool education, and it will be replaced by a more modern pedagogy of development, the pedagogy of creativity and freedom. A new concept that influenced the formation of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, calls, first of all, to appreciate, and not to evaluate the child. In addition, this is a serious step towards increasing the value and isolation education in kindergartens as an independent link in the general education.

Russian preschool educational institutions in their activities are guided by the Model Regulations on preschool educational institution(1995, which regulates the activities of state, municipal educational institutions. It defines tasks preschool educational institution: protection of life and health of children; ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child; introducing children to universal values; interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

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on the topic The system of preschool education in Russia

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According to the recognition of the world pedagogical community in the past, the 20th century, a unique system of preschool education was formed, which provided a comprehensive, full-fledged education and development of children from birth to 7 years.

The socio-economic transformations that have taken place in Russian society have led to serious changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level in particular.

These changes affected both organizational and content aspects of preschool education. The system of preschool education has become a multifunctional network of preschool educational institutions (PEE), focused on the needs of society and providing a diverse range of educational services, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child's development. Kindergartens of supervision and improvement have appeared; compensatory type; child development centers; educational institutions "Primary school-kindergarten", groups of short-term stay of children in kindergarten and other institutions.

The system of preschool education is constantly changing, improving and updating. It fulfilled and fulfills the most important social order of society, is one of the factors of its development. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 18) supports the role of parents, who are the first teachers. Their duty is to develop the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in infancy. A network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family. Today, there is no single view of preschool education in society. There is an opinion that kindergartens are not needed, that the education of preschool children can be left at the mercy of parents, and that it is they who have the right to independently decide how and where to prepare a child for a future stage of education. Perhaps, for a certain, small part of the Russian population, the idea of ​​education vouchers is acceptable. But analytical data show that the vast majority of parents with children of preschool age need the services of preschool educational institutions.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education considers the preservation and development of the network of preschool educational institutions the main strategic task of the Department of Preschool Education.

1. The concept of the system of preschool education

The education system in the Russian Federation is a combination of a system of successive educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions; networks of educational institutions of various organizational and legal forms, types and types that implement them; the system of educational authorities and institutions and enterprises subordinate to them (see the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Section 2. Article 8).

Preschool education is the first link in the Russian education system. This idea was written down as early as 1918 in the “Regulations on a unified labor school”. From an early age, the child is guaranteed the right to education, which, from the standpoint of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), includes the following aspects:

Opportunity to visit an educational institution;

Creation of conditions for educational activities;

Relations between participants in the educational process based on respect for the human dignity of the child (see Doronova T.N. The right to education / / preschool education - 2001. No. 10, p. 2-6) Preschool education - ensuring intellectual, personal and physical development of a preschool child from 2 months to 7 years.

Russian preschool educational institutions in their activities are guided by the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution (1995), which regulates the activities of state, municipal educational institutions. It defines the tasks of a preschool educational institution: protecting the life and health of children; ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child; introducing children to universal values; interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

Modern preschool institutions are characterized by multifunctionality, variety, freedom in choosing the priority direction of the educational process, polyprogramming in the implementation of content. All this lowers the level of variability, independent activity of preschool educational institutions, and adaptability to regional conditions. In accordance with the Model Regulations, the system of preschool educational institutions includes the following types:

Kindergarten with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of children (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.).

Kindergarten of a compensating type with the priority implementation of the qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils;

Kindergarten of supervision and improvement with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic and health-improving measures and procedures;

Kindergarten of a combined type (which may include general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups in various combinations;

The Child Development Center is a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all children.

A special section of the Model Provision explains the procedure for creating, registering a PEI, and issuing a license (permit) to them. In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 13) and on the basis of the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, each preschool institution creates its own Charter. The charter is a document that defines the work of the institution, goals and objectives, the main areas of work, the variability of the educational programs used. The Charter defines the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process, the main characteristics of the organization of the educational process, additional paid educational services.

In the section "Participants in the educational process" it is indicated that they are pupils, parents (or persons replacing them), pedagogical workers. The parental agreement regulates the relationship between the preschool educational institution and parents. The pedagogical value of this section of the Model Provision lies in the fact that the stylistic relationship between the child and the teacher is clearly defined here.

These relationships are built on the basis of cooperation, respect for the personality of the child and giving him the freedom to develop in accordance with individual characteristics.

Persons who have the necessary professional and pedagogical qualifications, confirmed by documents on education, are accepted for pedagogical work. On the basis of Article 53 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", persons to whom it is prohibited by a court verdict or for medical reasons, as well as persons who have a criminal record for certain crimes, are not allowed to teach.

All employees of the preschool educational institution are certified. Young specialists (graduates of educational institutions) are certified after three years of work. In the section “Management of a preschool educational institution” of the Model Regulations, it is written that the general management is carried out by the Council of Teachers, and the procedure for its election and competence is determined by the Charter of the preschool educational institution. The direct management of the activities of the preschool educational institution is carried out by the head. Thus, the system of preschool education is based on the principles of state policy in the field of education, has a legal framework. This system realizes the need of society for the upbringing and development of children from an early age. A preschool educational institution, performing various functions of its activities, is responsible for the quality of its work, for the compliance of the results of activities with the state educational standard.

The standard (translated from English as a sample, basis, yardstick) includes federal and national-regional components (Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The educational standard determines the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, the maximum amount of teaching load for students, requirements for the level of training graduates.The development of an educational standard for preschool educational institutions began in the early 90s (R.B. Sterkina).Today, the temporary state educational standard for preschool education is designed as a system of state requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for raising and educating children. preschool education is differentiated in the following areas: physical, cognitive-speech, special personal, artistic and aesthetic.This content is implemented in a particular educational program.Among the requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in preschool educational institutions, there are There are two groups - meaningful and personal. The requirements of the first group (substantive) are correlated with certain subject areas and orient the specialist to the selection of a certain content of preschool education (for example, in the field of natural sciences, ecology, health - adults create opportunities for acquainting children with the physical properties of objects and phenomena with the diversity of flora and fauna, variety of life conditions on Earth). The requirements of the second group (personal) set guidelines for the nature of the interaction of teachers with the child and are aimed at developing his social and personal qualities (curiosity, initiative, independence, interest, etc.).

These requirements make it possible to establish a psychological and pedagogical sequence in the implementation of content, forms, and methods.

The federal component of the standard acts as an invariant part that cannot be changed locally, ensures the preservation of the best traditions, and the further development of the preschool education system. The federal component of the state. The standard creates the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, regulates the quality of this education, is the basis for the certification of preschool educational institutions, an objective assessment of the level of education.

The national regional component of the state educational standard reflects the socio-economic; national-ethnic, natural-climatic, cultural-historical features of the region (region). This component supplements the mandatory minimum of the content of the educational program, implements in the preschool educational institution.

The supplement should be organic and fit naturally into the main educational program of the institution. An example of the implementation of the national-regional component can be the regional educational program for preschoolers "Our Home is the South Urals", built on the ideas of folk pedagogy, which are humanistic in content and universal in use. (See Babunova E.S. Regional educational program for preschoolers "Our home is the South Urals" and the problems of establishing the regional component of the preschool education standard in the Urals Federal District.

preschool education state standard

2. Historical prerequisites for the formation of preschool education systems

Preschool education as the first stage of education, on which the foundations of a social personality are laid, and the most important institution of family support over the past 10 years, has gone through a difficult path of fitting into new realities.

Modern preschool education in Russia has the following types of preschool institutions: kindergarten; a kindergarten with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of children (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.); compensatory type kindergarten with priority implementation of qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils; kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures; a kindergarten of a combined type (which may include general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups in various combinations); child development center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all children.

The initial sharp decline in enrollment in pre-school education had stabilized by 1995. Currently, about 55% of children attend kindergartens (for example, in the Scandinavian countries, such children are about 90%).

As many years of research show, the full development of the child occurs if there are two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family provides the necessary intimate and personal relationships for the child, the formation of a sense of security, trust and openness to the world. At the same time, the family itself needs support, which the kindergarten is designed to provide - parents can work and study, improve professionally and personally, without feeling guilty that the child is abandoned at this time, they can be sure that the child is in comfortable conditions, eats normally, they are engaged in pedagogy.

And what does kindergarten give the child himself? The main advantage of the kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space for the child's social experience is created. Only in the conditions of a children's community does a child know himself in comparison with others, appropriate ways of communication and interaction that are adequate to various situations, overcome his inherent egocentrism (focus on himself, perception of the environment exclusively from his own position).

At present, the system of preschool education itself has also changed. Differentiation of preschool educational institutions by types and categories has been introduced. To the previously existing only type - "kindergarten" new ones were added - a kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual or artistic, aesthetic, or physical development of pupils, a kindergarten for children with disabilities in physical and mental development, care and rehabilitation, a child development center, etc. On the one hand, this allows parents to choose an educational institution that meets their needs, on the other hand, most of these types (with the exception of correctional ones for children with serious health problems) do not meet the patterns of child development. At preschool age, physical and mental functions are in the formation stage, primary spiritual values, the child’s intellect, his creativity, a wide sphere of interests, etc. are formed, and in this regard, it is unlawful to single out one or another priority line of development; specialization is absurd in relation to the preschooler and violates the child's right to the versatility and integrity of development.

The system of preschool education has also been updated in terms of content. Kindergartens now work not on a single basis, as it used to be, but on a whole range of new programs and pedagogical technologies created by teams and individual authors, which contributes to the development of initiative and creativity of teachers. At the same time, programs are often directly opposite in their fundamental approaches to the upbringing and development of children: in some, education prevails and little attention is paid to the independent activities of children and their upbringing, in others, education is denied, and all didactic tasks are solved only in the game, which destroys and the game itself as a leading activity at this age, and is not very effective in terms of teaching children.

3. The main directions of reforming the education system at the present stage

One of the initial conditions for successful management in this regard can be called a legal framework: legal support for the activities of an educational institution, which is multi-level in nature: from federal to municipal. In addition, in order to ensure the effectiveness of activities, take into account the changes and innovative processes taking place in preschool education.

Today, the system of preschool education is a balanced network of preschool institutions of various types, a distinctive feature of which is the activity in an innovative mode.

The main goal of the educational policy in the field of preschool education is to provide guarantees of affordable and high-quality preschool education that provides equal starting conditions for the subsequent successful education of the child in school. At the same time, accessibility is characterized by the possibility of choosing a kindergarten, and quality is characterized by the child’s opportunities and abilities to master programs at subsequent levels of education.

Pre-school education in Russia is not compulsory, and therefore many families raise and educate their child on their own. There are several types of institutions of preschool education, general education (preceding school), additional development.

The first educational institutions for kids appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century. Ordinary children of unprivileged parents in 1866 were able to attend the first free "people's kindergarten". At the same time, the first kindergarten for children of the intelligentsia appeared. The system of preschool educational institutions was actively developing, and after three decades several dozens of kindergartens appeared in Russia: paid and free, for the nobility and intelligentsia, workers, as well as for orphanages.

At this time, educational courses for educators began to be organized, lectures and “trainings” were held, and relevant literature was published.

On November 20, 1917, the official "Declaration on Preschool Education" was adopted. This document guaranteed free education and upbringing of preschool children.

The first pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was opened in 1918 at Moscow State University. The first “Kindergarten work program” was published in 1934, and in 1938 the “Kindergarten Charter” was published, which determined the tasks of work, the structure and features of the functioning of preschool institutions, and the “Guide for Kindergarten Teachers”, which contained methodological instructions for sections of work with kids.

By the middle of the 20th century, a network of over two million children were already attending kindergartens.

In the post-war period, the first nurseries appeared in the USSR, where parents could leave their babies, starting from two months.

In the early 1960s, a single document was developed for all institutions of preschool education, defining their program of work.

At the beginning of the 21st century, there were more than 45,000 preschool institutions in Russia. The modern system of preschool education consists of nurseries, kindergartens, short-stay groups for children, centers of preschool education.


Thus, the DL system is a dynamic, developing, complex system that includes educational programs, the Federal State Educational Standard, a network of preschool organizations, and a system of governing bodies. A preschool educational institution as a type of education system includes a variety of types that have their own distinctive features (usually associated with the model of the educational process, the basis of which is the educational program).

Children from 2 months to 7 years old are admitted to a preschool educational institution on the basis of a medical report, that is, the Model Regulation proposes the procedure for recruiting preschool educational institutions, the quantitative composition of groups, their occupancy depending on age.


1. Preschool pedagogy / ed. V. I. Yadeshko, F. A. Sokhina. - M.: Education, 1978. - 429 p.

2. History of preschool pedagogy / M. F. Shabaeva, V. A. Rotenberg, I. V. Chuvashev / ed. L. N. Litvina. -- M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

3. Newspaper "Preschool education" of the publishing house "First of September" No. 11/2005.

4. Krulekht, M.V. Expert assessments in education: textbook. Allowance for students. fak. preschool

5. Materials from the site http://www.gala-d.ru/index.html were used in the work.

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6.1. Education is a purposeful process of upbringing and education in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by students of the levels established by the state (educational qualifications), certified by the relevant document (Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

Preschool education as a versatile, purposeful, functionally unified process of upbringing and education, ensuring the physical and mental development of the child, his timely transition to the next stage of the educational system.

6.2. The education system is a social institution that ensures the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities accumulated by society to the younger generation.

The educational system is a set of interrelated and interacting material and technical, financial, personnel, legal, program and methodological elements (resources), the educational process and its results.

The system of preschool education is a set of basic general education programs, a network of preschool organizations, a system of governing bodies, GEF 2013 (effective from January 1, 2014).

6.3. The activity of the preschool educational institution is based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” (No. 273 of December 29, 2012), the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education of 2013, the Charter of the preschool educational institution, and the educational program.

Ø FZ - basic concepts, principles of education. 15 chapters: General provisions; Education system; Persons carrying out educational activities; Students and their parents (legal representatives); Pedagogical, managerial and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities; Grounds for the emergence, change and termination of educational relations; General education; Professional education; Additional education; Features of the implementation of certain types of educational programs and education by certain categories of students; Management of the education system. State regulation of educational activities; Economic activity and financial support in the field of education; International cooperation in the field of education; Final provisions

Article 23

Chapter 7 Article 64. Pre-school education

1. Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

2. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the versatile development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by children of preschool age of the level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful mastering of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to children preschool age and activities specific to preschool children. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students.

3. Parents (legal representatives) of minors who provide children with preschool education in the form of family education have the right to receive methodological, psychological and pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance without charging a fee, including in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations, if appropriate counseling centers have been set up in them. Ensuring the provision of such types of assistance is carried out by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Ø Charter (according to the Federal Law) - An educational organization operates on the basis of a charter approved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The charter of an educational organization must contain, along with the information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following information:

1) type of educational organization;

2) the founder or founders of the educational organization;

3) types of implemented educational programs indicating the level of education and (or) focus;

4) the structure and competence of the governing bodies of the educational organization, the procedure for their formation and terms of office.

In an educational organization, conditions must be created for familiarizing all employees, students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students with its charter.

Ø The Federal State Educational Standard consists of four sections: General provisions (establishes the norms that are mandatory for all preschool educational institutions), Requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education and its volume (4 directions for the development of children, the content of educational areas, principles for constructing a program, structure and scope of the program), Requirements to the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education (requirements for the psychological, pedagogical, personnel, material, technical and financial conditions for the implementation of the program, as well as for the developing subject-spatial environment), Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of preschool education (presented in the form of targets preschool education, which are social and normative age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education).

1.4. Basic principles of preschool education:

1) full-fledged living by the child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

2) building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter - the individualization of preschool education);

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) supporting the initiative of children in various activities;

5) cooperation of the Organization with the family;

6) introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;

7) the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;

8) age adequacy of preschool education (correspondence of conditions, requirements, methods to age and developmental features);

9) taking into account the ethno-cultural situation of children's development.
1.8. The standard includes requirements for: the structure of the Program and its volume; the conditions for the implementation of the Program; the results of the development of the Program.
2.6. Certain areas of development and education of children (hereinafter referred to as educational areas): social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development (see ticket 1 for details).

Ø The concept of preschool education (1989) - a document that determined the main provisions, ways to improve preschool education, humanization, rejection of stereotypes, ideologization of the educational process, development of new educational programs, creation of a subject-developing environment, changing the style of communication, interaction between teachers and children.

Ø The model regulation on a preschool educational institution (2011) defines the tasks, types of preschool educational institutions, organization of activities, staffing of groups, characteristics of participants in the educational process, management of preschool educational institutions.

6. The main tasks of a preschool educational institution are:

Protection of life and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils;

Providing cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of pupils;

Education taking into account the age categories of pupils of citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;

Implementation of the necessary correction of shortcomings in the physical and (or) mental development of pupils;

Interaction with the families of pupils to ensure the full development of children;

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children.

6.4. Preschool education is the first link in the Russian education system.

Preschool organizations perform a social function (assisting parents in raising children), a pedagogical function (carrying out the development of children, taking into account individual characteristics).

The purpose of preschool education is the comprehensive development of preschoolers.

Tasks of the DOO:

1. Protection of life and health, physical development of children.

2. Ensuring individual, social, personal, artistic and aesthetic development, familiarizing children with social values.

3. Implementation of correction in the development of children.

4. Interaction, cooperation with the family.

A preschool organization is a public and social institution.

In accordance with the Model Regulations, the system of preschool educational institutions includes the following types:

Kindergarten with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of children (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.).

Kindergarten of a compensating type with the priority implementation of the qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils;

Kindergarten of supervision and improvement with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic and health-improving measures and procedures;

Kindergarten of a combined type (which may include general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups in various combinations;

Child Development Center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all children.

Children from two to seven years of age can attend preschool. The governing body is the teachers' council.

The system of DL management in the country includes the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation at the federal level; at the regional level – educational authorities of regions, cities, districts, territories, autonomous republics (Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk Region); at the municipal level - city, district education authorities or the education department under administrations (Education Committee); at the management level of a particular educational organization - self-government bodies (general meeting and council of teachers).

6.5. The main directions of development of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (see ticket 1).

Thus, the DL system is a dynamic, developing, complex system that includes educational programs, the Federal State Educational Standards, a network of preschool organizations, and a system of governing bodies.

The main advantage of the kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space for the child's social experience is created. Only in the conditions of a children's community does a child know himself in comparison with others, appropriate ways of communication and interaction that are adequate to various situations, overcome his inherent egocentrism (focus on himself, perception of the environment exclusively from his own position). It is important that the kindergarten acts as a measure to prevent "pedagogical neglect", which is now often observed in children who do not attend preschool institutions.

The main directions of development of DO:

Ensuring the accessibility of preschool education;

Improving its quality.

Ensuring equal accessibility of educational services is one of the priority tasks for the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation at the present time. Its solution is impossible without a flexible, multifunctional system of preschool education, which should ensure the constitutional right of every citizen of Russia to public and free preschool education.

The DL system is considered today and as:

One of the factors of strengthening and maintaining the health of children;

Improving the demographic situation in Russia.

Objectively, an increase in the birth rate is impossible without providing the citizens of Russia, especially women, with solid social guarantees, including guarantees for the placement of a child in a preschool educational institution. Thus, ensuring the availability of preschool education is an important aspect of the state's demographic policy.

At this stage, the problem of lack of places in preschool educational institutions remains relevant for many regions of the country. In our country, there are more than a million children older than three years on the lists of children in need of preschool education. To this number it is necessary to add children of early preschool age, children from remote settlements where there are no kindergartens, children who cannot attend institutions of a general developmental type for health reasons; children whose parents cannot pay for kindergarten, etc.

The problem of accessibility of preschool education for all categories of citizens with children of preschool age can be largely resolved through the use of internal reserves of the education system, including the development of various organizational forms of preschool education, as well as a more flexible system of regimes for children in preschool.

In a full-day group, for example, there may be several modes - from 10.5 hours a day.

The system of preschool education in the Russian Federation is represented by a network of educational institutions of various types and kinds. When it is formed, the state, represented by authorities at all levels, tries to take into account the characteristics of children and the needs of their parents as much as possible.

Model regulation on a preschool educational institution "establishes various types of preschool educational institutions: kindergarten; kindergarten for young children; kindergarten for children of preschool (older preschool) age; kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation; compensatory type kindergarten; combined type kindergarten; a kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of development of children; child development center - kindergarten.

The main structural unit of the organization of the educational process is group preschool children. Groups have a different focus: general developmental, compensatory, combined, health-improving. This allows you to take into account the characteristics of a certain contingent of children.

Activity general developmental groups focused on the harmonious and comprehensive development of preschoolers.

Groups of compensating orientation created for children with disabilities (HIA). Their goal is a qualified correction of shortcomings in the physical and (or) mental development of children and preschool education for children with disabilities.

Wellness groups are created for children with tuberculosis intoxication, frequently ill children and other categories of preschoolers who need a set of special recreational activities. In these groups, DO programs are being implemented, as well as a set of sanitary, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures.

V groups of combined orientation joint education and upbringing of healthy children and preschoolers with disabilities, including children with disabilities.

Groups of preschool children can work in different modes:

Full (12 hours),

Shortened (8 - 10 hours),

Extended (14 hours) day,


Or short-term (3-5 hours) stay.

Such a different mode of stay is associated both with the characteristics of the children themselves and with the needs of their families.

Kindergartens are the most popular among parents. full day , in which within 12 hours are carried out supervision, care, nutrition, pre-school education programs are being implemented.

Groups for preschool children can be created not only in preschools, but also in: general education institutions, educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age, institutions of additional education, culture, and social purposes.

Kindergartens now work not on a single basis, as it used to be, but on a whole range of new programs and pedagogical technologies created by teams and individual authors, which contributes to the development of initiative and creativity of teachers. At the same time, programs are often directly opposite in their fundamental approaches to the upbringing and development of children: in some, education prevails and little attention is paid to the independent activities of children and their upbringing, in others, education is denied, and all didactic tasks are solved only in the game, which destroys and the game itself as a leading activity at this age, and is not very effective in terms of teaching children.

The pressure of the school had a significant impact on the very organization of the life of children in kindergarten. The intrinsic value of preschool childhood has faded into the background, narrowly focused preparation for school has become the cornerstone. With such a purely school approach, the very essence of a kindergarten is lost, a place where a child can be himself, engage in interesting developmental activities under the guidance of a teacher who knows him well (play, design, draw, listen to music, invent fairy tales, etc.); the children's community is destroyed.

Modern trends in preschool education

The main task of the Russian educational policy in recent years has been to ensure the modern quality of education while maintaining its fundamental nature and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education developed the “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education.” Priority in the educational policy of the first stage of modernization is the implementation of preschool education programs and the adoption of measures to improve the health of the younger generation.

Pre-school education is the right of every child, which is implemented by the relevant preparatory institutions, but can be carried out by parents independently at home.

As statistics show, in Russia about a third of families do not have the opportunity to raise a child in state preparatory organizations. Therefore, preschool education in our country is one of the priorities of youth policy.

The history of the formation of the system of preschool education in Russia

Following the European states, at the end of the 19th century, preparatory educational institutions began to appear in the domestic expanses. The first free in our country was organized in 1866 in the city of St. Petersburg. At the same time, private preparatory institutions for the children of the intelligentsia began to emerge.

In the first half of the 20th century, the educational program of preschool education in Russia was already quite developed. Public access was opened to a whole mass of paid and free preparatory organizations. Several kindergartens were constantly operating in the country, the organization of which was close to the modern level.

The first program, according to which all state kindergartens were supposed to work, was adopted in 1934, and starting from 1938, the main tasks of such institutions were defined, the structure of institutions was formed, the postulates of the functioning of kindergartens were documented, and methodological instructions were introduced for teachers.

In the 40s of the last century, preschool education reached an unprecedented scale at that time. More than two million children across the country have gained access to free training.

In 1959, completely new institutions of preschool education arose in the form of Parents could send their children aged 2 to 7 at their own request, thus shifting the task of education onto the shoulders of state teachers and freeing up free time for work.

A comprehensive reform of the education system, which was carried out in our country in the period from the late 80s to the mid-90s of the last century, led to the formation of the "Concept of Preschool Education". The document contained several fundamental principles that teachers had to follow in the process of raising kids:

  1. Humanization is the development of industriousness, respect for the rights of other people, love for the family and the world around.
  2. Personal development - strengthening the physical and mental health of the child, helping to comprehend the basics of mental and labor activity.
  3. Individual and differential education - the development of the child's inclinations, teaching kids based on their personal interests, capabilities and abilities.
  4. De-ideologization is the disclosure of universal human values, the rejection of a specific ideology in the course of the implementation of general educational programs.

Budget institutions

Organizations of a non-commercial orientation, created according to the decree of the authorities, local governments to provide services to the population in the field of preschool education, are recognized as budgetary. The property of such institutions rightfully belongs to the state, but is entrusted to the management of the educational institution.

Funded from the budget in the form of subsidies. Such organizations are not prohibited from conducting entrepreneurial activities if the receipt of income is aimed at achieving the goals for which the institution was created.

Autonomous institutions

The system of preschool education implies the possibility of organizing autonomous institutions. This category includes institutions established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide services in the field of education.

Financing of autonomous kindergartens is carried out at the expense of the founder's personal funds, through subventions or subsidies. Services to the population here can be provided both on a paid and free basis. The property of autonomous institutions is assigned to the management and entrusted to independent disposal.

Tasks of modern preschool educational institutions

Currently, the following tasks for the functioning of preschool education organizations are distinguished:

  • strengthening the mental and physical health of children, protecting the lives of pupils;
  • ensuring social and personal growth, development of speech abilities, satisfaction of aesthetic needs;
  • raising kids based on age characteristics, developing love for the world around them, respect for the freedoms and rights of other people;
  • interaction with parents, providing methodological and advisory

Preschool teacher

The main task of the teacher is the development of the original individual personality of the child, the disclosure of the foundations of the perception of the surrounding world, the formation of values ​​in relation to nature and society.

A teacher in the system of preschool education should have the following qualities:

  • developed thinking, long-term and working memory;
  • high emotional stability, objectivity of assessments, tact and morality;
  • empathy for the environment, exactingness;
  • the presence of creative abilities;
  • the ability to quickly switch attention;
  • kindness, tolerance, justice, initiative.

Types of modern preschool educational institutions

Given the need to work with certain age groups and the specific focus of educating individual kids, the following types of preschool educational institutions are distinguished:

  1. Traditional kindergarten - implements generally accepted programs for the preparation and education of children.
  2. Kindergarten for young children - is engaged in the preparation of pupils aged from 2 months to 3 years. Responsible for creating optimal conditions that promote early socialization and adaptation of babies to the outside world.
  3. Kindergarten for children of older, preschool age - implements the main educational program, and also educates kids aged 5-7 years in special groups, which provide equal opportunities for subsequent successful schooling.
  4. Kindergartens for health improvement and care - not only a pre-school program is being implemented here, but also preventive, health-improving and sanitary-hygienic work is being carried out.
  5. Compensatory institutions - the main emphasis is on the qualified correction of mental and physical disabilities of pupils.
  6. A kindergarten with a priority on a specific type of activity - in addition to general education, teachers satisfy the cognitive, personal, social, aesthetic and artistic needs of kids.


Despite a fairly developed preschool system, the improvement of teaching staff and the formation of the personal qualities of educators based on considerations of humanistic psychology remain an acute issue in our country.

Full-scale disclosure of pedagogical potential, increasing the competence of educators, self-education, modernization and development of the system of preparatory institutions for children - all this is among the most pressing problems in the field of preschool education.

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