Home Perennial flowers Elementary school earth day contests. Extracurricular activity "Earth Day". Primary classes. Scenario of an extracurricular activity for the holiday International Earth Day

Elementary school earth day contests. Extracurricular activity "Earth Day". Primary classes. Scenario of an extracurricular activity for the holiday International Earth Day

Earth Day theatrical performance for elementary school "Meet the Queen of Biology"

Goals: expand students' ideas about the world around them; to acquaint with the basics of the science of biology; to cultivate a respect for nature, respect for beauty.


Teacher of biological and environmental fundamentals in elementary school.

Wonder Man Creator.

Her pupils, they are breakers, rollers, artists and just good guys - 6 people.

Her colleagues are 3-4 people.

Crazy Frog.

Wonder man (he is formed from primitive to modern unique).

Science Biology.


Submission progress


Nothing to do guys

Something has become boring.

What to do?

How to be?

Interest how to get it?

Everyone sighed noisily.

Suddenly, unusual sounds were heard from afar. Everyone listened.

Meet the postman all

Hurry up, don't yawn!

Rhythmic music sounds in the recording, a postman-runner appears on the stage. He quickly walks around the sienna and stops in the center.

Where are you from and where?

How did you get here?


Let me take a breath

I brought you news!

Inhales air loudly, pulls out a telegram.



Sign up!

The guys are signing.


Guests are coming to you, friends,

You can't live without them!

From the great land of Ecology

There is a blackout on the stage. An instrumental composition sounds in the recording. The Science of Biology appears in a ray of light, she leads a story about a teacher of biological and ecological basics in elementary school; the story is supported by video.

Science Biology.

She can do everything, she knows everything

Though he does not expect affection from life!

Children at a gallop will stop

And with interest my science

He teaches at school!

Loves flowers, paints,

Cooking and knitting and sewing.

Plays on stage, dances

And even, imagine, he sings!

By the year (sign) charming,

Cute, smart, charming!

Loves all the guys

Both boys and girls!

Will find an approach to anyone

At your favorite school - at home!

Our teacher is our crown

Wonderful creator!

Please welcome! Applause not regretting! (Teacher's name.) Show up soon!

Science Biology waved her magic wand. In the recording, the sound of transformation.

The melody "Crazy Frog" sounds in the recording. On a motorcycle (bicycle) a teacher drives in with a frog. He goes round the circle.


Hello, I am very glad

See you now!

Your coming is my reward

In an ecologically moral hour!

We have no place for boredom!

Biology for you

In an instant, sadness, melancholy will dispel,

And for you she will be able

Knowledge to present

To everyone's joy!

Pupil 1.

We are worried about people!

Pupil 2.

This is the question from century to century.

Everything. How did the real one come out

Homo erectus ?!


I will answer you, friends,

To the acute question of the century,

But for the very start

Let's make up

A portrait of a man!

In the recording, a rhythmic instrumental composition sounds, against the background of which the pupil comments on the structure of a person. And other pupils at this time assemble the wall, imitating a person on it with the help of applications. Further in the recording sounds a song performed by M. Boyarsky "Song of Things". The wall moves apart, and a man appears from there: the pupils demonstrate what he looked like from Ramapithecus to the modern Wonder Man. And all this action takes place under the guidance of the same pupil. It is possible that the song will be performed by her, and she will show everything in action. In addition, illustrations from the textbook are shown in the foreground.

Pupil 1(after the number).

Anatomy is clear!

Pupil 2.

Biology is enjoyable!

We get the answers,

We study science!

Pupil 3.

We will only study for fives.

Let the sweet school

Proud of us!


One who has become a teacher will understand

What happiness it is to be useful to people.

Teach His Majesty - the People!

Bring him the gift of wisdom and knowledge

And your kindness heart light -

There is no more responsible vocation on earth,

There is no more honorable and joyful!

Dear guests, I sincerely wish you all good luck in the field of studying the environment and protecting the ecology!

Everything... Our teacher -

The master is the highest class!

In biological-ecological science

Most important ace!


Biological-ecological picture

We showed you

And they talked about a lot!

We ask lovely guests


On our efforts!


Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm, for loud laughter,

For the fire in your hearts

Ensuring success!

Pupils perform the song "The Queen of Beauty" (the words of this song have been revised taking into account the school theme) about school and biology. The teacher is the soloist in the dance. In the finale there is a freeze frame for a few seconds. Played the melody again. Everyone descends into the hall and presents origami figures with the school's emblem, and also lets airplanes into the hall.


1st verse:

Summer walks through the alleys

The sun is pouring down from the rooftops.

In a stream of sunlight

With biology you stand.

Magazines shine with covers.

You look at them with delight.

You saw in magazines

The beauty queen.

And you are the only one for us,

And you yourself do not know

That you will overshadow any beauty

The beauty queen.

Chorus (teacher sings):

Connected with you

Forever I

You are life and happiness


2nd verse:

Beauties have seen a lot

And in magazines and in the movies.

But none of them became

It's better than ours anyway.

And they didn't even notice

How you entered our dreams.

You are the sweetest in the world

Queen of beauty.

Theatrical performance for junior schoolchildren "Earth is our home"

A large, lightweight window frame with a sheer long tulle curtain hangs on the stage. D. Tukhmanov's song "How wonderful this world is" begins to sound. Two children - a boy and a girl crawl out of the "window", take the curtain aside. All participants of the performance with flowers and balloons, smartly dressed, in light clothes, appear from the "window" in turn. Gradually, all the participants sit down on the stage.

First boy... Today we will present you with a true story, but unusual, scary, but also funny; sad, but also happy. And if it seems short to you, then think of a sequel yourself and be sure to tell us. Okay? So let's get started!

Second boy... Where do we start?

First boy... From what was at the very beginning ...

The light turns off, a third boy comes out, in a white suit, stands on the dais, the beam of a searchlight is directed at him.

Third boy(reads from a large book). And God created man in his own image; male and female created he.

And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the beasts, and over the birds of the air, and over all cattle, and over all the earth ... and it was evening, and it was morning, the sixth day. (Quote from the Bible, Genesis.)

A bright light comes on.

Second boy... Since then, the earth has been our home. This is the natural world around us: forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains and deserts, sky, sun.

Third boy... These are all living things on our planet: birds, fish, animals and insects.

First girl... And man is the master on this earth. This means that he must take care of her, protect and preserve her wealth.

Second girl... Let's learn all this from childhood!

Children on the stage are as if in a dream, staging the sounding soundtrack of V. Dolina's song "My son tells me a dream", the song ends, the children wake up and get up.


Somehow out of the woods in spring

I brought the news:

Children, there is a forest concert,

I will go and you are with me -

Let's all go together.


What's in the program? Wonders?

Let me whisper in your ear ...

Here are the overseas beauty scenes -

On tour to our woods

The cuckoo has arrived.


Thrush on the shepherd's pipe

Doyna will play for us.

He is so gentle, sweet and simple,

Among the May singing stars

He is the most worthy.


Singers will sing the hymn to spring

On a high beech

Starling tenors will enter

Will fly to all ends

The sounds are sweet.

Turtle Doves.

Flocks of turtle doves in the choir

Will coo boldly -

Some are soprano, some are alto.

And it will go ringing then

More than one chapel.


Jays will crackle around

Late with the setting.


Riding a pine bough

The woodpecker will knock - knock and knock

Lively to the beat of their song.


And like songbirds

The whole orchestra will strike

Here to dance in every way

to the tune of a live pipe

And the deaf will become!

First boy.

Well, how is it, kids?

Do we have lazy people?

Everybody wants to go? Hooray!

Let's hurry to the forest. It's time!

Bird flocks await us.

D. Koshbuk

The twittering of birds sounds in the phonogram, the girls perform the dance of birds.

Girl. So that on the ground - in our big house, birds always chirp, let's protect them, not ruin the nests, feed the birds in winter. Then they will reward us with their simple happy song.

Boy. And we want to tell you a fairy tale about the forest,

Second boy.

The forest is a great autocrat

Aged, multi-Orthodox,

How many subjects huddle

Under his hand is sovereign.

Third boy.

Its coat of arms is the moon and the sun.

Day and night slide like shadows

Maids of honor and courtiers

From the class of deer.


Messenger hares carry

Royal decrees.

Nightingales sing cantatas

Springs babble tales.

Second girl.

Ants are soldiers of the forest

On the paths they march

Amid fragrant flowers

The bees feast merrily.

First boy.

On untrodden paths

Let's spin in a dense thicket,

Let's rest under the shade of a linden tree,

By the water, in the murmuring grass.


And the moon will rise in the sky

Dropping glare through the foliage.

We will be surrounded in amazement

Courtyard of the Great Lord.

Second girl.

Elk is a stately noble,

The old bison is a faithful advisor,

Noble deer

And dreamy chamois.

Second boy.

"Who are they? Such guests

In the kingdom, forests are very rare. "

Our linden will answer them,

Lifting the dense branches:


Oh look how they are tonight

Dreams of the forest conjures

How they love each other!

Only in a fairy tale it happens!

Girl. So that there is always a lot of greenery on the earth - in our big house - we will try to preserve and increase the wealth of forests! (Beautiful music sounds for a few seconds.)

Boy... Very different people inhabit our land. They differ in skin color, height, habits and traditions. But they want to live in peace and be happy.

Girl... So I want to see other countries, unusual animals, nature, forests, rivers! ..

Everyone sings Sergei Nikitin's song to Kipling's verses: "I have never been to a distant Amazon."

Boy... We continue our journey to different countries. By the river we get into the sea, and by the sea into another river, where a mysterious story lives, an old fairy tale!

Girl... The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three! A fabulous figure, freeze on the spot!

Children use a large canvas to depict the movement of waves; on the dais appears the figure of a girl with her hair loose and with a comb in her hand. She, sitting on a stone, is combing her hair. Music sounds.

The boy reads the poem by G. Heine "Lorelei".

I don't know what happened to me

The soul is confused by sorrow.

Everything haunts me

There is only one old tale.

The air is transparent, it gets dark,

And Raine fell asleep in the darkness

Burns with the last ray

Sunset on the coastal cliff.

There is a girl singing a song,

Sits on top of the steep.

The clothes on her are gold

And the comb in his hand is golden.

And her braid curls gold,

And she scratches them with a comb,

And a magic song pours

Full of unknown strength.

Crazy overwhelmed with anguish

The rower does not look at the wave,

He does not see the rock in front of him,

He looks up there.

I know the river is ferocious

Will close over him forever.

And that's all Lorelei

Made me sing.

The music stops.

Girl. How interesting it is to travel the Earth - our big home! And be sure to make friends with children from different countries!

Boy. And I don't want to leave Russia anywhere! There are so many beautiful places in our country that you cannot go around in your entire life!

I'm a patriot! I am Russian air, I love Russian land!

I believe that nowhere in the world can you find another one like this!

So that it smelled like that at dawn, so that the smoky wind on the sands! ..

Where else can you find such birches as in my land?

I'd die like a dog from nostalgia in any coconut paradise!

The Russian song "Went Mladeshenka" sounds, the children dance.

Boy. Have fun - that's enough! Now we need to think about how to keep our big house - our land - clean and tidy. How to save it from war, from ruin?

Girl... Let's promise each other to love and spare nature, to protect it. When you want to break a tree or knock out a bird, scare an animal or hurt a person - remember this day!

Children come up to each other so as to join their right hands. Solemn music sounds.

All in chorus... Let's not forget to love and protect our land!

The light goes out. By the light of the spotlight, the boy sitting reads:

It's light in my room.

This is from a night star.

Mother will take the bucket

Silently brings water ...

My red flowers

Everyone in the kindergarten withered.

Boat on river bank

Soon it will rot completely.

Slumbers on my wall

Willow lacy shadow

Tomorrow I have under her

It will be a busy day!

I will water the flowers

Think about your destiny

I'll be up to the night star

A boat to tinker with ...

N. Rubtsov

A lullaby sounds, children sit in a semicircle, put their heads on each other's shoulders, on their knees, someone lies down with a toy.


The birds fell silent. It became quiet

Sleep blows its wings into the eyes.

Flowers sleep, bending wearily,


And swinging, the swan slumbers

On the water, in the shade of sedge ...

Quiet! Let him embrace

Deep sleep!

And the moon rose and the shadows

Blacker and shorter.

Everything is a dream, everything is a dream ...


Educator... Dear guests! We have lived another day on Earth, a happy day! May tomorrow's be not worse, but better than this, we wish you happiness!

The song of D. Tukhmanov “We ​​wish you happiness!” Is played.

, Ecology competition "Earth is our common home"

Lesson presentation

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“There is such a firm rule ... - Got up in the morning, washed,
put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order ... "
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Target: Raising the ecological culture of children.


  • deepen understanding of the sources of environmental pollution;
  • develop ecological thinking in children;
  • to educate children to respect nature.

Decor: posters on the theme “The Earth is our common home”, presentation, D. Tukhmanov “How beautiful this world is”.

A poem by M. Dudin sounds against the background of a presentation about nature.

1. Host:

Always at a feast of life
Look for kinship, not difference.
In the spring in the morning forest
The titmouse song is beautiful.
Pines are beautiful in full growth,
Support for the soul and gaze,
And the rustle of shooting stars
Into the forest full of lakes.

2. Host:

The wise path of the grain is beautiful,
And the sun's eternal light is beautiful
A beautiful song that's true
Labor that is not in vain.

Beautiful - pure dome of the day,
Half a day land and water,
Where everyone and everything is your family,
Your responsibility is freedom.

May nightingale is beautiful,
The shadow of his rakita is beautiful -
The whole world that is waiting for yours
From self protection.

3. Host: Hello Hello! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. As you know, holidays are different, because they are timed to different events. But they are always cheerful and bright. There are many holidays. Today is this holiday - Earth Day!

4. Host: And this holiday is connected not only with joyful events. At this holiday, people are a little sad. Let us recall the history of this holiday.

In 1969, an oil spill occurred in the oil fields near the town of Santa Barbara. A huge amount of oil has spread over the surface of the coastal waters of the ocean, polluting the beaches. Many marine animals, especially birds, were affected by the accident. This tragic event made a great impression on the Americans. They decided to remind people of their relationship with the environment at least once a year. On April 22, 1970, thousands of Americans took to the streets of cities.

1. Host: They held meetings and demonstrations to protect nature. They demanded to adopt new environmental laws, planted trees, cleaned up garbage on the streets, cleaned river banks, listened to songs praising the beauty of the surrounding world. The first Earth Day was celebrated only in the United States, but over time, this holiday has united residents of many countries. Every year there were more and more of them. They began to celebrate Earth Day in Russia. In addition, by order of the government from April 15 to June 5, we hold special Days of environmental protection.

2. Host... Since April 22, 1990, the whole world has been celebrating International Earth Day - a holiday of pure Water, Earth and Air. This day reminds us of terrible environmental disasters, this is the day when each person thinks about what he can do in solving environmental problems, overcoming indifference in himself.

We have mastered the planet long ago
This century strides widely
There are no white spots on Earth
Will you erase the black ones, man?

The Earth Day holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 1992.

3. Host. Left alone in the forest, in the steppe, on the river, in the field, in the swamp, a person is left alone with his conscience. She is the only controller for a person. And maybe one of the most important tasks facing those who want to save nature on the planet is to awaken conscience in people, an understanding of what can be done and what cannot be done.

Everything is closely connected around.
(We will not multiply examples).
You will not touch the flower suddenly,
So as not to disturb the stars.

4. Host. Everyone who is somehow familiar with ecology is convinced that the salvation of mankind is possible only when each of us masters ecological knowledge and lives according to the ecological laws of life:

  • learn to understand nature, become her friend and protector;
  • rejoice in the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your careless attitude;
  • use any opportunity to do something useful for nature and it is not for nothing that nature is called a temple.

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science
And there is also a temple of nature,
With forests reaching out for hands
Towards the sun and winds.
He is light at any time of the day,
Open to us in heat and cold
Come in here
Be a little bit heart
Do not desecrate her shrines.

1. Host: But the temple of nature is a fragile structure. Imagine a house of cards. Take away one card and the house collapsed. So it is in nature - if you destroy any part of it, everything will collapse.

2. Host: All inhabitants of our planet take part in this holiday. Our lyceum students also did not stand aside. The 10 A class is invited to the stage. With the protection of their project "Earth is our common home". (Z Then the relay is passed on to all other students)

3. Host:

You, Man, loving nature,
Though sometimes you feel sorry for her;
On pleasure trips
Don't trample her fields.
Do not burn her recklessly
And do not trample to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth -
There are many of us, but she is one.

4. Host: I recall the words of the Little Prince from the fairy tale of the same name by Exupery: “There is such a rule. I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order - and immediately put your planet in order ”. Each of us understands that we must live in harmony with the world around us in our common home called the Earth.

1. Host:

Crushing the ice, changing the flow of rivers,
We confirm that there are a lot of things to do,
But we'll still come to ask for forgiveness
These rivers, dunes and swamps,
At the very gigantic sunrise
The smallest fry ...

While reluctant to think about it
Now we have no time for this ... yet
Airfields, piers and aprons
Forests without birds and land without water ...
Less and less surrounding nature
More and more environment.

2. Host:

And let there be only peaceful and joyful Days of the Earth for our beautiful spacecraft - planet Earth, flying and rotating in the middle of cold space with its so vulnerable load of life ...

Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul, she has freedom,
It has love, it has a language ...

3. Host:

Now that we have already learned how to fly through the air like birds, swim under water like fish, we are missing only one thing: “Learn to live like people on Earth”. The overriding task of the century is to preserve not only the natural in nature, but also the human in man.

Everything“We are all passengers of the same ship named“ Earth ”, and there is simply nowhere to transfer from it.”

“There is such a firm rule ... - Got up in the morning, washed,
Put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order ... "

Summarizing: rewarding event participants.

This holiday contains: education of love for native nature, its beauty;
formation of an understanding of the essence of environmental problems facing humanity;
the formation of an ecological culture of behavior in the environment, civil responsibility for its preservation;
carries out patriotic education;
contributes to the education of love for nature.



Holiday for 4 "B" class

Teacher primary school MBOU SOSH number 96

Krasnodar city

Purpose: ecological education of students.


fostering love for native nature, its beauty;

formation of an understanding of the essence of environmental problems facing humanity;

the formation of an ecological culture of behavior in the environment, civil responsibility for its preservation;

carry out patriotic education;

contribute to the education of love for nature;


To foster a feeling of love for nature, respect for all living things;

Help students to realize their moral responsibility for the fate of their native land;

Form an ecological culture.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment.

Close your eyes, lower your heads, listen attentively to the words: “If we close our eyes, we will not see anything. There was nothing before but darkness. And so it was until a blue sparkling ball appeared. This is the Earth. Life begins ... The world shimmers dazzlingly. And how important it is for this to last forever "

II. Communication of the topic, objectives of the lesson

How much beauty in our world

Which we often do not notice.

All because we meet every day

Her features are familiar for a long time.

We know the clouds are beautiful

River, flowers, beloved mother's face

And Pushkin's flying string,

And the fact that a person is beautiful in deeds.

But there is another beauty

That doesn't seem pretty.

For example, the beauty of a mole.

Mole? - Yes Yes!

Or a hardworking bee,

Or snakes, frogs and beetles,

Or other strange "people".

No wonder all endless centuries

Wise nature sculpted her.

Look into the face of any creature

And you will see how right she is!

What is our class hour dedicated to?

What is our class hour dedicated to? (Slide 2)

III. Main part

The planet Earth on which we live is huge and beautiful. But in order for life to be preserved on it always, we must protect it, and in order to protect it, we must love, and in order to love, we must know. To know a lot about nature, you have to study.

The objective of our lesson is to determine what you need to know in order to understand and save the Earth. (Slide 3)


There is one garden planet

This space is cold.

Only here the forests make noise

Migratory birds clicking.

Only on her one will you see -

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are just here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other in the world!

Man takes a lot from nature, he is a part of it. And how does he pay her? (Slide 4)

Far-sighted, caring people at all times were worried about environmental problems. So, Yaroslav the Wise by law limited the production of swans, beavers and other valuable animals.

The decree of Peter I of 1718 ordered "the hecklers who were cutting the oak forest and will continue to cut them, as well as those who ordered to cut, cutting out their nostrils and ears, punishment with batogs, and send them to hard labor." By the same decree, Peter I demanded the construction of treatment facilities within St. Petersburg and obliged all citizens to ensure cleanliness around their houses, on their streets.

According to the Decree of 1719 on the protection of reservoirs: "... if someone desecrates the Neva with garbage or other sewage, he will be sentenced to beating with a whip or to exile to Siberia ...".

For millennia, the human invasion of nature has expanded. But especially great changes in the environment took place in the era of the scientific and technological revolution. And they are not always positive.

Scientific and technological progress has brought and continues to bring people many conveniences and comfort. He made the work easier, allowed him to go into space. It is impossible to stop and even slow down it, just as it is impossible to make a person stop thinking, daring, creating ... Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of environmental protection. Nature began to send alarming signals, to change. The perpetrators of these changes are people and the factories they created, power plants, mines, transport, as well as cities ...

The expression "as necessary as air" did not arise by chance. A person is able to live without food for weeks, without water for days, and without air for minutes.

Over the past 25-30 years, transport and industry have taken more oxygen from the atmosphere than mankind consumed for the entire anthropogen, that is, for 2-3 million years. Sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, potassium, and toxic substances are emitted into the atmosphere. Only 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted annually in the world, which can lead to warming, partial melting of polar ice and a rise in the level of the World Ocean. The possible negative consequences for humanity in this case are difficult even to imagine.

More than 50 cities in Russia have a level of environmental pollution that exceeds sanitary standards.

The problem of sources of clean fresh water is becoming more and more acute. For centuries, everything has been dumped into the seas and oceans without any restrictions, including radioactive waste. Numerous disasters of oil tankers lead to the death of fish, crabs, seabirds

Forests - “lungs of the planet”, reliable filters of the atmosphere - are being cut down faster than they grow. Each cubic meter of wood is almost half a ton of carbon dioxide absorbed from the air.

Biologists have already proven that genetic information transmitted to subsequent generations by a living cell can be distorted and disrupted by the so-called "mutants". These include radiation, active chemicals, pesticides, pesticides, and some metals.

For each inhabitant of Russia, about 42 tons of rock mass is mined annually, of which 13 tons go to dumps.

Gas and dust emissions are 0.48 tons.

Emission of carbon dioxide from combustion of fossil fuels 3.5 tons.

184 tons of polluted water are discharged.

Every year in Russia burns from 1 to 7 million hectares of forests, 80% of forest fires are caused by humans.

Here's your next assignment: solve the environmental problem and answer the telegrams.

1. Katya got a puppy for her birthday. Finally, her dream came true. She spent so long trying to persuade her mother to buy a puppy or a kitten. And now she has a new friend - a puppy named "Faithful". At first Katya played with him, fed him, walked, and then she got a new talking doll. Katya rarely remembered the puppy, and when he got sick, she told her mother: "A sick dog has no place in the house, let him live on the street."

Question: Did the girl do the right thing?

2. Oleg stood at the flower bed and beat on the heads of flowers.

What are you doing? The old woman asked.

I chase the bees, they sting the flowers.

The old woman smiled and, calling the boy to her, told him something. After that, Oleg threw out the twig, shrugging his shoulders in surprise.

And I didn’t know about it.

Question: What did the old woman tell Oleg?

3. Going on an excursion to the forest, the children saw a dream-grass. Gena wanted to rip it off and bring it to class, and Ira suggested digging it up and planting it on the school grounds. The guys argued a lot, but did not decide who was right.

Question: Which of the guys was right?

Answer: Nobody, you cannot tear the sleep-grass, it is taken under protection, you cannot transplant it either, in the fall you need to collect the seeds and plant them in a not too dark place.

4. Telegram.

“We are the first greens and they break us for that. They break all who do not care about the forest. We are even afraid to be the first to bloom in the forest. What's good? They will break it anyway. Help us! It hurts a lot when you get broken. Very! Your green friends: Willow, Bird cherry, Forest lilac. "

Question: What answer will you send to this telegram? What help can you provide?


There are many holidays in the month of April.

April 22 has been declared World Earth Day. On this day, many pieces of fabric with the signatures of Russians in the protection of nature were carried throughout our country. The pieces made up the flag of the Earth - a dramatic symbol that encourages people to treat nature with respect. This is the largest flag, its area is 660m 2.

Apprentice 1

April 22 - International Earth Day - a holiday of pure Water, Earth and Air. A day of reminder of terrible environmental disasters, a day when everyone can think about what he can do in solving environmental problems, fighting indifference in himself.

The history of this holiday is associated with the name of a resident of the American continent, John Morton. At the end of the 19th century, John Morton moved to a desert area, where lonely trees were intensively cut down for the construction of houses and for firewood. Morton suggested organizing a day of landscaping and instituting prizes for those who plant more trees. This day was called the Day of the Tree.

Apprentice 2

During the first Tree Day, residents of the state planted about 1 million trees. In 1882, Nebraska declared Tree Day an official holiday. It was celebrated on Morton's birthday, April 22.

In 1970, over 20 million people in different countries of the world took part in the action, which was called Earth Day.

In 1990, the holiday became international, 200 million people from 141 countries took part in the action.

Earth Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1992.


Hello, our happy holiday,

A glorious holiday - Earth Day.

Together with you we are today

They came to celebrate it.


Child 2.

Everyone here knows, you and me!

You cannot offend nature!

So let's say together one, two, three,

Let's open a holiday - Earth Day.


Today we celebrate the birthday of the Earth - our common home.

With a question to the children who are on stage:

Teacher: - Tell me, is everything around you also your home?

D. Krasnodar was built in the Kuban.

And beyond the river you can see a forest in the distance.

Gardens and fields stretch to the forest,

The Kuban land is very beautiful!


- True, beautiful, but where is she?

D. - Russia is our country.


Well, where is the country?

D. - Like all countries on our planet!


What is the name of our planet?

D. - Earth! We are talking about the fact that the whole Earth is our common home,

Our kind home, a spacious home, we all live in it from birth!


- What is the Earth like?

Apprentice 3

There is a huge house on Earth under a blue roof,
The sun, rain and thunder, forest and sea surf live in it.

Birds and flowers live in it, the cheerful ringing of the brook,
You and all your friends live in that bright house.

Apprentice 4

Wherever the roads lead, you will always be in it.
This house is called the nature of the native Earth.

Apprentice 5

Look how good he is, the house you live in!
The land, which has been dear since childhood, is called the Motherland.
Look how good it is, the land you live in.

(Song about nature)

Apprentice 6

Everyone knows, you and me!

You cannot offend nature! So let's say together one, two, three, Let's open the holiday - Earth Day!


Our land is beautiful. We are surrounded by amazing nature. In summer, we can relax on the river bank, breathe fresh air, walk in the forest, picking mushrooms and berries. Guys! How should one behave in the forest?

The children's answers are choral.


The most important thing is not to make noise, so as not to frighten away the inhabitants of the forest and not interfere with their quiet life.

Now we will check how you know the rules of conduct in the forest. To do this, let's play a game with you"If I come to the woods"... I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then we all shout “no” together!

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw away the piece of paper? (No)

If I leave a piece of bread on a hemp? (Yes)

If I tie up a branch, substitute a peg? (Yes)

If I make a fire, but I won't put it out? (No)

If I mess up and clean it up, I forget (no)

If I clean up the garbage, will I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature, I help her! (Yes)

Apprentice 7

The 21st century has set foot on Earth.

He is to the current generation

Has brought enough excitement!

After all, he brought technical progress,

And many other wonders!

Apprentice 8

Plants smoke into the atmosphere

A huge black pipe

And factories are dumped into rivers

Muddy water streams.

Garbage litters the Earth,

All living things are threatened!

Airplanes are buzzing in the sky

Scaring flocks of birds!

Apprentice 9

Here oil is pouring from the tanker,

In it, the sea fish beats!

Cities and towns on earth

Cars are overrun!

Rockets burning fuel

Fly to endless heights.

And children are dying on the planet

From bombs blowing up houses!

Apprentice 10

After all, there is a war on Earth!

What's going on

On our beautiful Earth!

Isn't it time to stop!

Grab everyone's head!

Call on human knowledge for help,

Your self-awareness?

Apprentice 11

Let's hurry

Let's save our land from troubles!

Steppe, don't die!

Cornfields, fields, turn green!

Forests, hold on to the roots

Mother land!

Flowers, bloom magnificently!

Apprentice 12

Let the rivers flow fast

Transparent, clean

In the sun sparkling.

Let big whales live in the sea

We really need them too!

Dolphins frolic and seagulls whirl

And the waves peacefully fall ashore!


Well done, they answered everything correctly. Now fairy-tale characters will perform in front of you, which are somehow connected with nature. They will remind you of these rules again.

Children appear on the stage in costumes of a hare, a fox, a bear, a hedgehog.


If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air.

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That one shouldn't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.


Do not break the branches of the oak,

Never forget

Remove garbage from the grass,

You shouldn't pick flowers in vain!

Do not shoot from the slingshot:

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they interfering with?


You don't need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is an oak and an elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

Help the forest animals

Prepare feeders for them.


And then any animal

Whether it's a weasel or a weasel,

Forest hedgehog, river fish

Say: "You are my friend! Thank you"


Thank you. We will try to never offend nature. We have toremember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.

Unfortunately, we often break these rules. Truth? let'snow, together we will ask for forgiveness from nature and try to no longer allow such mistakes.

All children stand up, 1 student in the center of the class


Forgive us little bug

Both the ant and the bees,

Sorry, slender poplar

And felled trees.

Forgive us, caught animal,

You are so cramped in the cage.

I'm sorry for not saving

And now you have become so rare.


"You take care of us"

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me: "You take care of us, take care".

Alarmed groves and forests, dew on the grasses, like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask: "You take care of us, take care".

The deep river is sad, losing its banks.

The deer stopped its run:

“Be Human, human.

We believe in you - don't lie

You take care of us, take care ".

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So lovely and dear.

And the lips whisper: "I will not lie, I will save you, I will save you ..."

Ecological tale.

Without clean water, neither there nor syuda.


One simple tale

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

As the sisters argued-

Two different waters.

And argued so loudly

I can't describe it with a pen.

Pure water:

No clean water

Not a bird, not a fish ...

There is no kerosene in you

No dirt, no gasoline

And all your girlfriends

Leeches and frogs.


And then a boy appeared

And he listened to some water,

Two horny sisters

Ready, all living things

Around to start up to the bottom.

(sisters address the boy)

Dirty water:

Light, Alyoshenka, tell me

Yes, report the whole truth:

Who is the sweetest in the world

All the more beautiful and tender?

I have kerosene

There is oil and gasoline

There are heavy metals

And other minerals.

Well, what's in this water?

She cannot compare with me:

There is no taste in it, no color,

And, in general, she is with greetings!


You seduced me

I choose you!

Pure water:

If you don't need me

And I'm not important to you

Here's a try friends

Do without me (leaves)

Dirty water:

Finally a miracle happened:

Here I will swim alone!

I will walk with you

And accompany everywhere.

Let me wash you

And I'll put it in order.

Will you be friends with me

I'll give you what you want!

(he washes Alyosha, dirt remains on his face)


Mom told me to water flowers in the garden

And wipe the leaves

And bathe the kitten

And then he became completely, completely,

Looks like a pig.

(go to the wings, carry away the flower and the kitten)

Alyosha: (comes out and brings out a dried flower)

I don’t understand what happened?

Why and why,

What if this happened?

I watered it,

And rubbed the leaves,

How awful it is!

Dirty water:

Don't worry, don't be sad

You have everything ahead!

You will show miracles

Your forests will rise!

For now, forget about it. Kitty Kitty Kitty!

Where are you? Where are you?


Listen, sweet water,

Give him a drink.

Bathe him quickly

to make it more fun.

(go backstage)


A flower was not enough for them,

We got to the cat.

What will happen to him now?

Look through this door?

(Alyosha comes out and holds the skeleton of a cat)


Poor you are my kitten

He was dirty, like a pig,

And now one skeleton

And that is almost not there!

Dirty water:

Throw it whining to me!

I’m your guest after all.

Be nice to me

I will give you water to drink.

You will be completely different

Not as cool as it is now.

(gives Alyosha a drink)


Well, Alexey got caught,

Poor, poor fool!


Oh, my stomach hurts, hurts!

Where does the doctor live here?


I can help you.

Drive the filthy away!

I will reveal my secret

“Only Pure Water

Always helps us "


Pure water!

Wash my face quickly.

Come back to us soon

And make all people happy.

You know: without water

Neither there nor syudy!

(Clear water enters)

Pure water:

I am Pure water

I'll wash your face.

To make your eyes shine

To make your cheeks red

What would the mouth laugh,

What would a tooth bite

That the flower would sprout

What would he become healthy,

What would the kitten come to life

What would he be friends with you.


Moral from this tale

Or maybe not fairy tales,

We hope you understand, gentlemen!

To a logical solution

We came without a clue:

How we all need

Pure water!


It is difficult to imagine a land without a forest. No trees. But there are people who do not understand or do not want to understand this. I often see mutilated trunks, inscriptions on them, various drawings. Those "lovers" of nature who do this, probably, do not even realize what harm they cause to the tree and the entire forest. After all, it is worth making even a tiny wound in the bark of a tree, like ... "

(After all, it is worth making even a tiny wound in the bark of a tree, as spores of tinder fungi will get there or harmful insects will settle. In addition, the tree loses a lot of juice, it may simply weaken and die. "

The guys in the forest saw an anthill. They became very interested in how ants build their houses and they decided to see what was inside. As a result, the anthill was destroyed.

What would you do in such a situation? Why shouldn't anthills be destroyed? (Ants are very necessary for the forest. They are forest orderlies. Some drag insects many times larger than themselves, others drag needles, seed scales, various forest debris. And they raise all this to an anthill.

Day after day, the ants build on their dwellings: they build a pyramid house with a sloping crown. So no rain is terrible: water rolls down from such a roof.

But if someone stir up the anthill, it’s a disaster: the water gets inside. What kind of housing with a thin roof ?! The ants do not have time to quickly restore it, and the nest dies in bad weather.

You can help ants by carefully leveling the pyramid house and straightening the roof-top. Of course, this will be a rough job, but the ants will finish the rest themselves.

Congratulations to everyone on World Earth Day!

"Let there be only peaceful and joyful Days of the Earth for our beautiful spacecraft - planet Earth, flying and rotating in the middle of cold space with its so vulnerable load of life ..."

Reading an excerpt from the story "My Motherland" by M.М. Prishvina.

IV. Lesson summary

Let's summarize our conversation. What do you need to know in order to understand and preserve the Earth? (Slide 8)

The principle of unity - we are part of nature

The principle of unity - we are a valuable species in nature, but no more important than others

· The principle of respect in nature - every living being has the right to life

The principle of cooperation is cooperation with nature, not its conquest

The principle of nature protection - it is unworthy of man to be the cause of the death of nature

· "Honor your roots!" - The Earth can exist without us. And we are not without her!

· "Direct experience is the best teacher" - not only the theory of knowledge, but also work

· "Love your land!" - study and love the nature of your land, live in harmony with it

Love and take care of our Earth, nature!

Slide 27:

This is the man's fault!

Slide 28:

Air pollution with toxic emissions into the atmosphere causes cancer, disruption of the immune system. This kills about three million people a year. Global Environmental Issues Water pollution leads to the proliferation of malaria mosquitoes, which kills about two million people every year. More than a billion people experience a shortage of clean water, despite the fact that 80% of all infectious diseases are waterborne. Contamination and devastation of the soil leads to the fact that toxic substances are absorbed by humans along with food and water.

Do not leave switched on electrical appliances that you are not using at the moment! Walk as often as possible! Don't litter! Avoid aerosols! Tell your parents not to use chemical fertilizers! How can we help? Plant a tree, flowers! Take part in cleaning parks and forests! Observe the rules of conduct in the forest! Get involved in recycling - sort your waste!

Children are the future !:

Children are the future!

Slide 35:

People have become strong as gods, And the fate of the Earth is in their hands. But the terrible burns darken At the globe on the sides. We have mastered the planet long ago, A new century is marching wide. There are no white spots on Earth, Can you erase the black ones, Man? V. Orlova

Slide 36:

Happy Earth Day!

Nature is our wealth. Let us remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.

The writer Mikhail Prishvin said these words:

“A fish needs clean water, a bird needs air, an animal needs a forest, steppe, mountains.

And a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland! "

Our Earth is great. Great and beautiful. Probably not to find such a paint that would not exist in nature. Nature is a real temple of beauty, concealing a lot of beauty and mystery! Let's go into it! Today we will take a trip to the world of Nature, get acquainted with its many inhabitants and think about how to preserve everything that surrounds us.

What do you think is NATURE?

Children's answers.

Reading poetry. Child:

We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear slow speech of the rivers ...

All this is called nature.

Let's always take care of it!

Child 4:

Chamomile in the sunshine

Such that it is brighter in the world to live ...

All this is called nature,

Let's be friends with nature!

Child 5:

They fly, ringing raindrops from the firmament,

Smoke swirls at the dawn of the fog ...

All this is called nature.

Let's give our hearts to her!

Child 6: Farewell waltz dancing with the wind summer,

The evening star trembles in the window ...

All this is called nature,

Let's love her always!

Our journey into the world of Nature is coming to an end, but I hope that the holiday and preparations for it have convinced you that nature, the planet Earth must be constantly protected and protected.

Thank you for your attention!

Scenario of ecological erudition "Let's save our planet!" for 3-4 classes.

Annotation: The event is timed to coincide with the most important environmental date - World Earth Day - and is held as part of the annual campaign "Days of protection from environmental hazards". For the event "Save our planet!" an unconventional form of ecological erudition has been chosen, which makes it possible to significantly expand and intensify children's knowledge about the harmful effects of municipal solid waste on the environment, biological species listed in the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region, as well as to develop the creative activity of schoolchildren in solving environmental problems.
Target: promoting the formation of an ecological culture of the younger generation by drawing attention to urgent problems of environmental preservation.

Event progress:

Leading: Hello dear guys and dear teachers! Today we have gathered in this hall to talk about our common home - planet Earth and how to keep it as beautiful, amazing and rich for many centuries.
On April 22, we celebrate not just a big, but a truly global holiday - International Mother Earth Day, held under the auspices of the UN. The tradition of celebrating April 22 Earth Day originated in the United States in 1970, in 1990 this day became an international action. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1992.
In the northern hemisphere, Earth Day is celebrated in spring and in the southern hemisphere in autumn. The main goal of this worldwide action is to draw the attention of society and every person on the planet to the problems of the Earth, to the problems of its environment. Every year, scientists from all over the world gather on this day at a round table to discuss global environmental problems. A wide variety of events and promotions are organized in different countries. These are conferences, exhibitions, closure of car traffic on busy streets of large cities, cleaning the territory and planting trees.

In Russia, traditionally, International Earth Day is considered the day of public organizations that hold various environmental events and actions on this day. On this day, everyone can take part in the improvement and landscaping of their yards and streets. What kind of our Earth is it, what is surprising about our planet, what neighbors surround our house - let's try to remember by answering the questions of the "Warm-up".
1. Warm up.
1. Time of day when the earth's surface gives off more energy than it receives? (night)
2. What is the closest star to us? (The sun)
3. On which continent there are no rivers? (Antarctica)
4. Is the Earth a planet or a star? (planet)
5. Who is said to have stopped the Sun and moved the Earth? (Nicolaus Copernicus)
6. Natural satellite of the Earth? (Moon)
7. The source of life on Earth? (The sun).
8. What shape is our Earth? (spheral, ball, flattened from the sides)
9. What is more on the globe - land or water?
10. What is the name of the model of the Earth? (the globe)
11. An imaginary line that divides the globe into two hemispheres (equator)
12.The structure of the earth's surface, that is, mountains, lowlands, hills, etc. (relief)
13 the galaxy in which our planet is located (Milky Way)
14.Molten mass of rocks located in the bowels of the Earth (magma)
Well done, guys, you know a lot about the Earth, space and the peculiarities of our planet. Now let's get to know your commands.
2. Representation of teams.
Thank you friends for the interesting, creative and informative team presentations! For you, the young generation, the future of your home planet and it depends on each of us what it will be like in decades. Indeed, today our fragile living planet is in danger! It is threatened by many environmental problems and almost always their cause is an unreasonable consumer attitude of man to nature.
The pollution of the planet with garbage has become one of the global environmental problems today.
Every year, humanity produces almost one and a half billion tons of household waste. According to the report of the Washington Institute, by 2025 this volume will at least double. The largest amount of garbage falls on economically developed countries, and the USA is the absolute leader. According to some calculations, each inhabitant of the Earth "produces" about 300 kilograms of garbage annually: in the USA - about 600, in Moscow - up to 360. Garbage has accumulated on the Earth so much that if it is not recycled, but leveled over the land surface of our planet, then it will cover the entire planet with a 3-meter layer!

An exceptional example of ocean pollution is the existence of the Eastern Garbage Continent in the Pacific Ocean, located between the coast of California and Hawaii. Over the past 50 years, ocean currents have brought there at least 3.5 million tons of floating household waste, and the area of ​​the ocean dump exceeds the size of a state like Belarus! The existence of the garbage island is the cause of the death of millions of living beings!

What is garbage made of guys? Let's find out in the next assignment. You should find out according to the description what type of household waste we are talking about. Each description gives five characteristics of solid waste, if you guess the cipher word by the first sign, then you get the maximum number of points - 5, if for two - 4, etc.
3. Questions of the quiz "What is garbage made of"
1. It was invented by the Chinese.
2. It is obtained from wood.
3.It burns well.
4. It makes a lot of garbage.
5. This is usually used for drawing and writing.

1. It is made from sand.
2. If it is heated, it becomes stringy, like dough.
3.If it is left in the sun, it can become a fire source.
4. Most often it is transparent.
5. When it falls, it breaks.

1. Previously, people used wet sand, clay, or a mixture of animal fat with water and wood ash instead.
2.It kills fish in water and plants on land.
3. This is what we all use every day.
4. With the help of this, things and objects become cleaner.
5. When it gets into the water, it creates a lot of foam.

1.It was invented in England in the middle of the 19th century.
2.It is made from oil and natural gas.
3. It makes up most of the rubbish on Earth.
4.It hardly decomposes in nature.
5. It is often used in food packaging.

1.It has been mined on the surface or in the bowels of the earth since ancient times.
2.It is strong enough, it shines and bends more often.
3. It can be light, heavy, and even noble.
4.It can often oxidize or rust.
5. A lot is made of it: building frames, tools, decorations, food containers, etc.

1.This waste appeared the very first, at the dawn of mankind.
2. They take up most of the bin.
3. They can be of animal or vegetable origin.
4. Some of them can be used as fertilizers.
5.It decomposes quickly in nature.

1.It is made of plastic and gas, so it is very lightweight.
2.It is applied for heat and sound insulation.
3.It is highly flammable and when it burns, it gives off very toxic fumes.
4.It consists of grains and is most often white.
5.This is used to pack various goods (especially fragile), household appliances and food products.
In addition to the problem of municipal solid waste, the extinction of biological species remains one of the most acute environmental problems. About three species of flora and fauna disappear on Earth every hour. This is the conclusion reached by experts from the Iberoamerican Center for Biological Diversity. Since the death of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, species on Earth have not been destroyed as rapidly as in recent decades. From 1970 to 2000, the number of wildlife species declined by 40%. According to the "Red Book", over the past 500 years, the disappearance of species of 844 animals and plants has been recorded.
4. Types of the Red Data Book of the Kemerovo Region.

1. Perennial herb, over 1 m in height, with numerous erect stems that end in a beautiful large flower with five petals. It grows mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, often found in Siberia. It has a variety of healing properties: it is used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, various gastrointestinal diseases, bleeding, diseases of the nervous system, etc. The people call the plant Maryin root, Marya Korevna, Zhgun-root. (PEONY ESCAPED)

2. This is one of the most beautiful spring plants, with rather large lush golden flowers, which blooms in late April and blooms until the end of May. A beautiful legend about this plant is repeatedly mentioned in the literature: the ancient Greek goddess of love Aphrodite fell in love with a beautiful young man and often wandered with him through the forests. Once he went hunting alone and died from the tusks of a wild boar. The goddess bitterly mourned her beloved, and then turned him into a flower, sprinkling the young man's blood with nectar. According to another legend, the flower got its name in honor of the Phoenician and Assyrian sun god, who died annually in the fall and was resurrected in the spring. The people call it adonis, the more ancient name of the old duck, Montenegrin, which indicates the habitation of the plant on the slopes of the hills, well warmed up by the sun. Preparations from the plant are used in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels, have a calming effect. (ADONIS SPRING).

3. Tall, beautiful tree with a spreading crown and heart-shaped leaves, an excellent honey plant. On the territory of our region - a relict species, since the islets of these trees in mixed forests are about several million years old. Not far from our city, you can find a grove with this tree, unusual for our forests, preserved from the pre-glacial period! The people call this wonderful tree black-barreled birch. The leaves and flowers of the plant have medicinal value as a means of strengthening the immune system, as well as a cosmetic. (LIPA SIBIRSKAYA)

4. This is a large freshwater river and lake fish, up to 2 meters in length, inhabiting Siberian river basins. The appearance of the fish is very characteristic: along the back, sides and belly there are rows of rigid projections - bugs, the body between them is covered with stellate plates. Fish hibernate in river pits 20-30 meters deep, and in spring they migrate to spawning grounds under the ice. The fish feeds on benthic invertebrates - aquatic larvae, worms, mollusks. Until the 1930s, it was one of the common fish in our rivers and served as an important fishing object. The number of this fish has sharply decreased due to river pollution and poaching. (SIBERIAN STURGEON)

5. Non-venomous snake, most often no more than a meter in size. It differs from other snakes in "yellow ears" - pronounced markings on the head, usually yellow, but sometimes white and orange. It feeds mainly on live frogs, rodents, less often fish. It is well tamed and tolerates captivity: in Ukraine and Belarus, there are frequent cases of domestication of mice that are numb for destruction. Due to fishing by tourists, fishermen, vacationers, as well as disturbance and pollution of habitats, it is a rare species (ALREADY ORDINARY)

6. A large feathered night hunter with a wingspan of 160 to 188 cm. It is easily identified by its size, dark beak, paws downy to the claws and feather ears bent outward. A mysterious bird that avoids human proximity, which can be found in the taiga, forest-tundra, steppes and desert. It easily adapts to both northern frosts and the hot desert climate. The bird is sometimes referred to as harmful animals due to the decrease in the number of hunting resources. But these ideas are easily refuted by the fact that these predators do not eat so much - no more than half a kilogram of meat per day, but their usefulness for agriculture as rodent exterminators is invaluable (FILIN)

7.Small cloven-hoofed animal, body length up to 1 m, weight - 11-18 kg. The Latin name of the species is translated as "carrying musk". On the belly of the male animal there is a musky gland filled with a special secret - musk - the most expensive animal product. Another distinctive feature of the males of this peaceful herbivorous animal is the presence of long curved fangs protruding from under the upper lip by 7-9 cm and serving as a tournament weapon. Because of the musk, this animal is an object of hunting, therefore it needs special protection (KABARGA)

Due to unreasonable human activity, our planet is in danger: it is not only the problem of solid waste and the disappearance of biological species, but also the depletion, destruction of natural resources - forest, water, etc. However, each person is able to do a lot to keep our planet alive, rich, unique and beautiful. After all, for this one should follow the simplest rules of behavior in nature. All of you, of course, know what these rules are. But in addition to observing these rules, you, the younger generation, can call on others to comply with them! Our latest competition is called "Save the Planet for Long Years!" Each team is invited to come up with a vivid, memorable slogan that reveals this rule using a picture depicting a rule of behavior in nature.
5. Competition of slogans "Let's save the planet for long summers!"
SLOGAN is an advertising formula, a permanent advertising motto. A clear, clear and concise formulation of the main topic of the appeal. A slogan is a key phrase that identifies either a specific organization or an advertising campaign carried out by it. Translated from English, a slogan is a slogan, call or motto.
For example:
Remember your duty as a person,
Garbage in nature - do not allow it!
A clean forest is a tourist's conscience.
A small spark is a big trouble. Put out the fire!
Take care of other people's ears - just listen to the singing of birds in the forest!
Thank you guys for the creative slogans! If you publish them and encourage your parents, friends, classmates to fulfill them, perhaps many of them will listen and take another step towards preserving our common home!
We have one Earth.
We have one Earth, one,
She's so blue.
She calls us for help,
Unprotected so ...
You will not answer - at the same moment
She will blame us:
"They didn't protect, they didn't save!"
Save, people, your Earth!
Flowers bloom on her alone,
Children laugh at her alone,
And there is no more beautiful beauty
And there are no pigeons of the planet.
She gave joy to us
Gave dew and sunrises
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than the mother planet.

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