Home Perennial flowers Letter to mosgaz for approval. Mosgaz sent a notification of the violation: “the gas hob and the oven are connected through the same tap”. what should the subscriber do? explanations of gas workers. Letter of guarantee for the completion of work at the facility

Letter to mosgaz for approval. Mosgaz sent a notification of the violation: “the gas hob and the oven are connected through the same tap”. what should the subscriber do? explanations of gas workers. Letter of guarantee for the completion of work at the facility

In connection with the entry into force on December 7, 2016 of the Decree of the Government of Russia dated November 25, 2016 No. 1245 "On the procedure for limiting the supply (supply) and withdrawal of gas, on changing and invalidating certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation", amendments were made to the Rules for the supply of gas in RF.

List of documents to be submitted to the Supplier for concluding a gas supply agreement.

Copies of the documents provided for by this List must be certified by the persons who issued (drawn up) such documents, or by a person authorized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to take actions to certify copies of such documents (for example, a notary), or the originals of these documents must be provided for review and certification of their copies by an employee of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Moscow.

1. Letter - an application on the organization's letterhead addressed to the General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Moscow, N.K. Popov. with a request to conclude a contract for the supply of natural gas, which specifies:

Full and abbreviated name of the legal entity (surname, name, patronymic of an individual entrepreneur);

Bank details;

Estimated period and start date of gas supply;

The number and location (name) of connection points and gas-using equipment for each of them;

The volume of gas requested for delivery for the entire expected period of the contract (or the annual volume of gas), broken down by months and quarters for each or all connection points ( sample 1).

2. Technical conditions for connection (technological connection) of the facility to the gas distribution network and a certificate indicating the source of gas supply to the gas distribution station (gas distribution station) issued by the gas distribution organization - gas distribution organization (JSC Mosgaz, GUP MO Mosoblgaz, JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye) ...

3. An act of connection (technological connection) or an act of connection of a gas-consuming facility (equipment) to gas distribution networks through which gas can be supplied to the applicant. If the connection (technological connection) of the specified object was made before the entry into force of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83 "On approval of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks and the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks ".

This document is submitted as soon as it is ready by the GDO.

4. A copy of the calculation of the annual demand for heat and fuel made by a licensed design organization.

5. Acceptance certificate by the representative of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Moscow LLC of the measuring complex (gas metering unit) as a commercial one.

6. Act on the differentiation of ownership (balance and operation) of the gas pipeline-input.

7. Document confirming the establishment of the gas consumption reservation (provided if available).

8. Constituent documents of a legal entity or passport: an individual entrepreneur / natural person who owns a non-residential property / abbot of a church - for religious organizations.

9. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity or certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

10. Certificate from the tax office of tax registration (notarized copy). For individual entrepreneurs (individuals) - a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence.

11. A copy of the information letter (notification) about statistics codes (OKVED, OKPO, OKATO, etc.) from the territorial bodies of the State Statistics Service in Moscow or the Moscow Region.

12. Documents confirming the authority of persons to sign the contract on behalf of the buyer:

For the sole executive body (director): decision / protocol on the election (appointment) of the director (if the decision on the election is made by the Board of Directors of the organization - also the protocol on the election of members of the Board of Directors), as well as an order on the appointment of the director;

According to the list of participants - an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP), received no later than 30 days;

For another person - a power of attorney (with a certified sample signature) and the powers of the person who issued it.

13. Documents confirming the ownership of gas-using equipment (gas supply facilities) to the applicant on the basis of ownership or on other legal basis:

Certificate of ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for an immovable property (gas-consuming facility);

Purchase and sale agreements for a gas-consuming facility and / or gas-using equipment, or other agreements confirming the emergence (or transfer) of ownership of these facilities;

Lease agreements, concessions or other agreements confirming the right of temporary ownership of a gas-consuming facility and / or gas-consuming equipment (long-term agreements must pass the state registration of the Federal Registration Service);

Acceptance and transfer certificates to the above agreements, with a reflection in them of the facility composition of gas-using equipment;

Powers of the persons who signed the above agreements;

Other documents confirming the right of temporary ownership of a gas-consuming facility and / or gas-using equipment (in the case of the initial creation of the facility: a construction permit, an act of delivery of a construction facility, a permit to put the facility into operation, a receipt from the registration chamber on receipt of documents for registration of rights, a certificate or extract from the USRR);

Technical data sheets for the specified gas consuming equipment.

14. For enterprises financed from the budget of any level (federal, regional, local) confirmation of the Chief Administrator of budgetary funds about the ability to fulfill contractual obligations within the funds established by the budget (extract from the budget list or other confirmation).

15. Documents confirming that the share of heat supply to budgetary institutions whose activities are financed from the relevant budget on the basis of estimates of income and expenses, state-owned enterprises, homeowners' associations, housing construction, housing and other specialized consumer cooperatives, management organizations or individual entrepreneurs managing apartment buildings, in the total volume of goods and services supplied by the buyer, is more than 75 percent (represented by heat supply entities with a specified share of heat energy supplied).

16. Documents confirming that the applicant belongs to the category of household consumers (if any).

17. Card of the Counterparty on the letterhead of the organization with an outgoing number (the form is attached).

Gas / Gasification and gas supply

The former owner of the apartment connected the gas hob and oven through one tap. Now gas workers require reconnection through two taps. What are these requirements based on? And should the current owner pay for the work on the alteration of the gas distribution system?

MOSGAZ requires two separate taps to be placed on the hob and oven. On what grounds?

Question: Good afternoon! I received a notification from MOSGAZ about the elimination of violations. Violation: The hob and the oven are installed on the same locking device! At the time of the decision, I did not live at this address. How should I eliminate this violation in accordance with the TU? Thanks!

Answer: Dear Alexey Alexandrovich! On your appeal dated 05.12.2016 MOSGAZ JSC informs the following.

Gas appliances are installed in accordance with the Moscow standard for the operation of the housing stock ZhNM-2004/03 "Gas pipelines and gas equipment for residential buildings", approved and put into effect by the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 02.11.2004 No. 758-1SH.

On the basis of clause 3.5 of the specified standard, disconnecting devices are installed in front of each gas appliance.

Therefore, when installing a gas hob and an independent gas oven, a second shut-off device must be installed. This requires reworking the gas distribution in the apartment.

To alter the gas distribution, you can contact the Department No. 1 of JSC "MOSGAZ" for the operation and repair of gas facilities (address: Grafsky lane, 12, phone 8 (495) 687-63-93) or leave a request on the official website of the JSC "MOSGAZ" (www .mos-gaz.ru). The employees of this department, on site, will draw up a sketch for the alteration of the gas pipeline, issue an invoice based on the scope of work and conclude a contract for the production of work. After paying the invoice, the work will be done.

The calculation of the cost of reworking gas distribution and installation of gas appliances is carried out on the basis of the Territorial Estimated Standards for Moscow (TSN-2001), enacted by the Moscow Government Decree No. 900-PP dated November 14, 2006. There are no benefits.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the responsibility for the safe use of household gas appliances, for their maintenance and repairs lies with the owners and tenants of residential premises (Article 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 30.67 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Mosgaz 2.0 On issuing technical specifications for the design of cutting and dismantling the external gas pipeline 2.1 - On issuing Mosgaz technical specifications for the design and modernization of a small boiler house No. 137 2.2 On issuing a notification to existing intersections along the path of laying a heating network 2.3 About issuing a notification for earthworks 2.4 О concluding an agreement on cutting off the existing gas pipeline and tapping in a newly laid gas pipeline 2.5 On issuing executive and technical documentation for obtaining Form No. 6 and registering the balance sheet of the facility by the Customer 2.6 On registering the project with OJSC Mosgaz 3.

Write a letter

SODK - system of operational remote control 5. Technical inspection of building structures 6. RTS KTS MK technical re-equipment 7. Execution of construction and installation works 8.


Compilations of basic prices for design work for ... 9. ITD | Executive and technical documentation 10. How to calculate the cost of heating in a workshop Technical documentation archive TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION Letters Attention! Before sending letters, be sure to specify the name and surname. the addressee in the appropriate organization. Sample letters are of a recommendatory nature. 1 Glavgosexpertiza 1.1 To Glavgosexpertiza on the examination of project documentation 1.2 Letter of return from Glavgosexpertiza due to incompleteness of the provided documentation 2.

Write a letter with. v. Chemezov

Rostekhnadzor reserves the right, in the prescribed manner, to clarify the accuracy of information about the sender of the request, as well as, if necessary, the content of the request. 5. The size of the request text should not exceed 5000 characters. Applications containing large texts, copies of documents, photographs and other acceptable attachments should be sent by regular mail to the address: 105066, Moscow, st. A. Lukyanova, 4, building 1 6. Information about the personal data of citizens who sent a request in electronic form is stored and processed in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.
7. In order to objectively and comprehensively consider your appeal in a timely manner, it is necessary in the text of the appeal to indicate the address of the place of action, fact or event described by you, and you can also indicate the phone number for possible clarification of the content of your appeal.


Complaints are accepted in writing by Rostekhnadzor or its territorial bodies providing public services at the place where the public service is provided (directly at the place where the applicant submitted a request for a public service, the violation of which is being appealed, or at the place where the applicant received the result of the said state service). services). The time for receiving complaints coincides with the time for the provision of public services, established by the working order of Rostechnadzor or its territorial body. A written complaint can also be submitted by mail. In case of filing a complaint in person, the applicant submits a document proving his identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.

Complaints procedure


Uralvagonzavod signed a number of contracts for the supply of railway equipment, the largest of which was with FGK for the supply of 24,000 innovative gondola cars within three years. The President instructed the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Economic Development to work out Rogozin's proposals, says a federal official. Moreover, according to him, the issue was not initiated by Rostec, which “didn’t know about it in a dream.”

The official believes that this is the idea of ​​Rogozin's apparatus. “The company is in a difficult financial condition, something needs to be done,” he says. - What to do]? There is no money in the budget, which means that it should be given to the one who has it. Is Rostec profitable? Let him take it. Rostec does not need this at all, but they said they would study the issue. "

Rogozin asked Putin to change the leadership of Uralvagonzavod

Iaroslavskaia oblastSankt-PeterburgRespublika KareliyaArhangelskaya oblastRespublika KomiVologodskaya oblastKaliningradskaya oblastLeningradskaya oblastMurmanskaya oblastPskovskaya oblastNovgorodskaya oblastNenetsky AORespublika AdygeyaRespublika KalmykiyaKrasnodarsky krayAstrahanskaya oblastVolgogradskaya oblastRespublika KrymRostovskaya oblastSevastopolRespublika DagestanRespublika IngushetiyaKabardino-Balkarskaia RespublikaKarachaevo-CHerkesskaya RespublikaRespublika North Ossetia- AlaniyaChechenskaya RespublikaStavropolsky krayRespublika BashkortostanRespublika Mari ElRespublika MordoviyaRespublika TatarstanUdmurtskaya RespublikaChuvashskaya RespublikaKirovskaya oblastNizhegorodskaya oblastOrenburgskaya oblastPermsky krayPenzenskaya oblastSamarskaya oblastSaratovskaya oblastUlyanovskaya oblastKurganskaya regionSverdlovsk regionTyumen regionChelyabinsk regionKhanty-Mansi aut.

An example of drafting letters to Rostekhnadzor, mosgaz, oati ...

The Ministry of Defense has no claims to Uralvagonzavod in terms of the timeliness of the fulfillment of contracts both for the supply of new and modernized equipment (ACS "Msta-S", T-72B3 tanks, etc.), and for the development of a new one (new tank "Armata" and ACS "Coalition"), says a military officer. But it should be borne in mind that the profitability under contracts with the Ministry of Defense is insignificant (less than 5%, and sometimes less than 3%) and they cannot correct the overall difficult economic situation of the holding. This is what worries various departments, continues the interlocutor of Vedomosti.


Rostec does not need to give up the entire Uralvagonzavod at all, says Mikhail Burmistrov, general director of Infoline-Analytics. This will negatively affect the development of railway and tank production. The state corporation has no experience in car building, and the Uralvagonzavod brand is recognizable in the domestic and foreign markets, emphasizes Burmistrov.

Sample applications to Rostekhnadzor

Rogozin's spokesman declined to comment. His colleagues from the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Rostec did not respond to a request from Vedomosti. Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, could not be contacted last night. A representative of Uralvagonzavod said that he did not know anything about Rogozin's letter.

At the end of the first half of 2016, Uralvagonzavod's net debt amounted to RUB 276 billion. with a revenue of 43.1 billion, Uralvagonzavod hoped to attract state guarantees for 16 billion rubles. and get additional capitalization from the budget. But the company did not receive either one or the other. Tanks versus wagons Almost two-thirds of Uralvagonzavod's revenue in the first half of the year came from the production of military equipment, the rest - from the production and operation of railway wagons. But in the second half of the year, the share of railcars in revenue will grow, Burmistrov predicts.

Electronic application form (Internet reception)

Dear users! We ask you to carefully read the procedure for receiving and considering electronic applications through the "Public reception" section of the official website of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - Rostekhnadzor). 1. The section "Public reception" of the official website of Rostechnadzor is an additional tool for ensuring the possibility of citizens' appeals to Rostechnadzor. 2. Applications of citizens received in electronic form are considered in accordance with the Federal Law dated 02.05.2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation”.

3. Applications in electronic form received with incomplete or inaccurate information about the sender, without an e-mail address, are not subject to consideration. 4.

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