Home Perennial flowers Why doesn't it go into Pokemon Go. Miscellaneous

Why doesn't it go into Pokemon Go. Miscellaneous

Why doesn't Pokemon go load on your smartphone or take a very long time to load?

Surely many have heard about Pokemon go, and many have already managed to get involved in the process of catching Pokemon. However, many users are faced with a variety of errors. So, a common problem is that the game won't start. Let's try to figure out why the application does not start or loads too slowly.

The Pokemon go game application has been launched relatively recently, so many users encounter errors. However, the reason is not always the overload of servers, sometimes the problem is in the used mobile equipment or in the Internet connection. Let's try to figure out why Pokemon go does not load.

Game problems

Since Pokemon go has been announced in a limited number of countries, many players install the app unofficially. And this is precisely one of the reasons that the game does not load.

Problems with the device.

More often, application crashes are caused by mobile device does not match system requirements games. In this case, the application will crash frequently. This problem can occur on a mobile gadget running both android and ios.

If using iOS

If you cannot download Pokemon go on a device using ios, you can try restarting your mobile gadget. Did not help? Then follow these steps:

  • go to the settings and turn on the "in flight" mode;
  • start the game, wait for the error message to appear on the screen;
  • exit the game, go back to the settings, changing the mode;
  • restart the application, this time it should load.

If using android

Most often, startup errors occur at too weak smartphones that do not meet the system requirements. To eliminate the failure, you need:

  • download GLtool (Root rights required);
  • go to the program and find the Pokemon go application;
  • scroll through the entire list in order to find and press the "GPU masking" button at the very bottom;
  • install Tegra 2;
  • start Pokemon go again.

Internet connection problems

The most common reason that the application takes a very long time to load is Slow internet... A player using a device with both the ios OS and the android OS may face such a situation.

Advice! It is best if you can use Mobile Internet 4G.

If only slow internet is available, you must:

  • go to the settings, find the item "data transfer" there;
  • select an operator and, entering the menu, activate the "background data limit" mode.

This action will allow you to disable applications that consume traffic in background, which will improve the performance of the program in use.

So, the reasons why Pokemon go does not start or loads too slowly can be different. The problem can be both in the overload of the game servers, and in the fact that the mobile device "does not pull" the game. In addition, difficulties with launching arise when the Internet is too slow.

Pokemon Go isn't working for you? Or can't you login? Or maybe a mistake? We will try to help you in order to solve any problems with the game Pokemon GO on Android and iOS.

Most popular mistakes mobile application Pokemon Go - Navigator (GPS) Creation Problems account in the game, picture freeze, etc. Some of these lags occur due to the fault of the user, and the other part - for reasons beyond the control of the player. We will try to figure out the most frequent problems mobile game and explain how to solve them, if possible, without contacting Niantic support.

A program that optimizes charging consumption (Battery Saver, for example, or analogs) can also help out.

Hopefully this post helped with the problems in Pokemon Go and you are enjoying the game as if nothing had happened again! Well, we are still waiting for your feedback and comments on what other difficulties we had to face in the game - we will think about how to overcome them together.

Once you have found this article, then you already know that there is such a new mobile toy called Pokemon Go. And as you probably already understood, it is not exactly what was released before. Indeed, for playing modern Pokemon Go, a smartphone or tablet is definitely suitable (moreover, better smartphone than a tablet), but the ancient Nintendo did not.

But the trouble is that not every smartphone is suitable for this game. And whether you will be able to install Pokemon Go on your own will depend on the configuration of the model, as well as on how much RAM is in it, and how much a new version operating system used. However, let's go in order.

Why isn't Pokemon Go working on your smartphone?

Each software product, including any mobile toy, as you know, has so-called “system requirements”. That is, a certain list of technical characteristics that the devices must meet in order for this software worked for them properly.

Pokemon Go also has system requirements for both Android and iOS devices. And, I must say, these requirements, even in a somewhat underestimated official formulation, are quite high. Although Niantic, the developer of the toy, somehow does not focus the attention of potential users on this.

So for a comfortable game in Pokemon Go, an Android smartphone must be equipped with 2GB RAM. Again, we need not 500MB, and not even "1 gig", but 2 gigabytes of RAM, or even better - 3 gigs at once. In other words, if you don't have a smartphone with 2GB RAM, but you really want to play Pokemon Go, then you need new smartphone... Well, or another game.

A new Android is also needed, because with versions below Android 4.4 the toy simply does not work, or rather, you cannot even use it with Play Store download. Moreover, if you have a tablet with 2GB of RAM, but with an Intel processor, then you will not install "Pokemon" on it, since Pokemon Go does not work with Intel chips either.

For Apple users with a toy, this situation is a little less confusing. If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch and / or iPad with iOS 8.0 or later, you can play Pokemon Go on them. Otherwise, again, either you find a new smartphone (player or tablet) or play other games.

the importance of other hardware in Pokemon Go

In addition to the system requirements for the hardware, the game also has other hardware requirements that are no less sensitive.

First, in Pokemon GO, you play online. And only so. Off-line is not provided. This means that while you are chasing Pokémon, and even when you are not chasing, but developing, for example, or "incubating", your smartphone must be constantly connected to the Internet, and connected with high quality. No connection or bad connection - you will not be able to play.

Secondly, in order for you to be able to search, see and catch Pokemon (in a normal way for Pokemon Go, and not "by touch") in your smartphone in mandatory should work: a) compass, b) camera and c) gyroscope. Without them, the augmented reality technology on which the game is based, that is, the AR mode, will not be able to function correctly.

Thirdly, the game has and will be the problem of autonomy. The toy discharges the battery very quickly. And it's even faster if you constantly play with active AR-mode (when the camera is always on) and forget to reduce the screen brightness. This all adds up to the fact that many, going out to play Pokemon Go, take a spare battery or power bank with them, and some fans take several at once.

If you choose a smartphone for Pokemon GO, which one is right for you?

If from the range of Apple, then, as they say, anyone starting with the iPhone 4S, but only with the installed iOS 8 (although we have not really studied the reviews of the owners of the 4S). On iPad 2 and iPod Touch 5th generation, the game also works tolerably, but only if you have a WiFi network or a mobile hotspot with a stable Internet connection and good data transfer speed.

Of course, there will be more androids that normally "pull" Pokemon Go. But we will not enumerate the entire list. Just keep in mind that on any of the current "flagships" of almost any brand, the game will definitely go well. These include level models Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy Note 5, the previous Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy S6 will be just as good.

And if you choose according to this principle, then you can safely add many "previous" models in their series to the "flagship" list, in particular Lenovo Vibe X3, Sony Xperia Z5, Xiaomi Mi5, ZTE AXON, Huawei Mate 8, Meizu M3 Note ( http://case4me.ru/1189-meizu-m3-note), M2 Note and others. By the way, a citizen put the game on M2 and showed us (for which thanks to him):

In fact, it is recommended to start testing an Android smartphone for compatibility with Pokemon Go by trying to download a toy from the Play Store. If it does not load, then most likely it is not compatible. But only Pokemon Go has not yet reached our edges and there is nothing to officially download yet. Therefore, if you intend to download the APK, then start with the system requirements and revision of the smartphone's capabilities, as they say, manually.

is it worth buying a smartphone for Pokemon Go?

How to say? Probably, it is better to do without extremes. But, on the other hand, the owner is a master. But if you nevertheless decided to spend money on a "flagship" or "ex-flagship", then carefully re-read the specification of the device before buying, and check it again at the stage of purchase. Remember: you need 2-3 gigs of RAM, plus, a gyroscope, a compass and a camera. We also remind you that Pokemon Go can only be installed on Android or iOS. You won't install this toy on Windows.

Problems with the game Pokemon Go in Russia arise quite often, however, the solution to the problems of Pokemon Go on iOS and Android can be found in our article!

How more people starts playing Pokemon Go, the more problems and problems are found in the application. Although the developers try to fix all the problems in Pokemon Go in a timely manner, they do not do it very well. In addition, players often face problems related to the malfunctioning of their smartphones, unsuitable versions of operating systems, and so on. In this article, you will learn everything possible problems in time .

Why won't Pokemon Go launch?

This problem can have several reasons:

  • Hardware incompatibility. Check all specifications with the recommended ones from the developer. You can find a list of requirements on our website in the next section;
  • Incompatibility with your region. To do this, check on the official website of the game if a separate server has opened for your country. If not, then try to launch the game in a third-party way, which you can find on our website;
  • If Pokemon Go is not available in your country, don't worry about this issue. Developers are opening new servers very quickly in new regions.

Why won't Pokemon Go download?

If the application does not want to be downloaded to your smartphone, follow these steps:

  • Check your internet connection;
  • Free up space on internal memory smartphone. It is advisable to install the game on the system disk;
  • If for downloads Pokemon Go is not available, check for an official launch in your country (see previous list);
  • Reboot your device;
  • Log in to or again.

Internet connection problems

If you logged into Pokemon Go, but cannot, then you will have to do the following to solve the problem:

  • Switch internet from mobile to hotspot Wi-Fi access;
  • If this does not help, then restart the smartphone and restart the connection to the mobile Internet.
  • Some shells of the Android operating system are synchronized with servers only when connected via a Wi-Fi access point.

GPS errors

If Pokemon Go gives "gps signal not found" on Android, do the following:

  • Go to settings;
  • In the item "Software Information" select the line "Developer Information";
  • Then uncheck the box and. The app should work.

Distorted sound

Many users complain about sound distortion while playing. As practice has shown, this is due to the connection of audio devices via the Bluetoth interface. After switching off, usually, errors and distortions immediately disappear.

If the error "failed to detect location" occurs in Pokemon Go, you need to enable high-precision location mode. This issue in Pokemon Go occurs due to incorrect settings smartphone and your position in the city can get confused.

Is the coach's progress disappearing?

This problem in Pokemon Go is due to the fact that you are using multiple accounts on one smartphone in turn. Give up this venture or go to secondary accounts from other mobile devices.

Fast discharge

Often players complain that their smartphones with prolonged activity and Pokemon Go crashes when the battery is low. The first is not a problem, but a feature of this game. The fact is that the application uses a lot of phone resources, since it works in augmented reality mode and with the camera always on. You also need a constant internet connection and GPS positioning.

All these services consume a lot of charge when used at a time. The only thing that will help you save a little battery is connecting to the Internet via a Wi-Fi hotspot. However, this is a very situational method, as there may not be active Wi-Fi throughout the city.

Gray screen in Pokemon Go

If you have launched the game and want to start hunting Pokemon, but the augmented reality camera displays, this is a gyroscope problem. Consider the solutions:

  • First, on your phone. If it is missing, then Pokemon Go is not supported by your device;
  • If a gyroscope on a smartphone running the Android operating system is still available, but does not work, take the phone for repair. It is possible that the device has mechanical damage;
  • Those Apple smartphones that are supported by this application, without exception, all have a gyroscope. Errors in operation may be related to the version of the operating system. The gyroscope in Pokemon Go does not work on iOS version 10 Beta.

Since this update is the most recent, the creators have not yet had time to fix all the bugs. You just have to wait for the next OS patch.

Server overload

In the end, if you have checked all the above points, and you still cannot connect to the game, then you will not be able to solve the problem on your own. If Pokemon Go displays the error "our servers are experiencing issues", it means there is a problem with the servers.

The creators of the game did not expect such a huge influx of users, so in certain hours they can't stand heavy loads... Developers are trying to fix problems in as soon as possible, but sometimes you have to wait about a day. This is also due to the influx of players from other regions in which the official servers have not yet opened.


On this moment Collected here are all known issues with Pokemon Go. Thanks to these tips, you can once again enjoy a wonderful program that immerses you headlong into the world of Pokémon.Description: All Pokémon are divided into classes depending on rarity. In this article, you will find out where to find Legendary Pokémon.

Strive to become the best trainer in Pokemon GO, but the game is intriguing, stubbornly refusing to launch and work normally? A common situation, but quite amenable to correction. Let's try to understand the problem.

This article lists the most common malfunctions, which are quite simply "treated" by means of the device, server, or even the banal expectation of a response from Pokemon GO. So take note and stop despairing.

Unable to authenticate

Perhaps the most popular lettering among all new and experienced trainers. This notification says that the player cannot log in. And often only the owners of the Pokémon club accounts see the error. With Google, this kind of trouble happens much less often.

This is due to the unstable work of Niantic's servers at this stage of development. The influx of players is too great to be able to somehow monitor the load. As a result, high ping, drops, and so on. Some are afraid that they have been banned, although the situation is much more curious.

To prevent it, go to the account from Google, because there is a much more stable connection. And yes. Simultaneous play from two accounts will lead to a complete zeroing of progress on both, or even a permanent ban. So choose only one and develop it.

App not installed

The next most popular error states that Pokemon GO could not be installed. It can also be called "". The most likely thing to observe this is downloading the installation file from unverified sources. For the most part, this applies to Android devices. Although, if your iOS-smartphone is jailbroken, it is quite possible to "pick up" a similar ailment.

Another reason is the dissatisfaction with the system requirements. To find out about them, read on the resource. And try to download the package only from trusted sources, since there is a great chance of picking up some Trojan or worm, while losing not only data, but sometimes the device itself.

Gray screen

It seems that everything has been installed, the phone meets the requirements, but at startup there is complete silence, only a gray screen. Sometimes it is even impossible to enter the main menu, you have to reboot the device. Blame it all Intel processors... The developers have repeatedly warned that Pokemon GO does not start on these chips.

They are trying to solve the problem as quickly as possible, but so far only third-party enthusiastic developers living on sites like XDA and w3bsit3-dns.com are saving. They made a fix, but no one will be responsible for the quality of the game itself. Wait for Niantic to fix the bugs itself.

Perhaps, these moments, at which you do not start Pokemon GO, are basic. Study your hardware carefully to rule out a couple of incidents.

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