Home Potato Popular lettering tattoos. Tattoo inscriptions for girls with translation: choose a beautiful phrase with meaning from the photo. Where to place a tattoo on the body

Popular lettering tattoos. Tattoo inscriptions for girls with translation: choose a beautiful phrase with meaning from the photo. Where to place a tattoo on the body

In ancient Greek culture, the raven was a symbol of fertility and longevity. This bird was considered the patron saint of travelers. The raven was often considered a sacred creature - a messenger of fateful events.

Scandinavian tribes also treated these birds with respect. Northern peoples The raven was considered a symbol of intelligence and long memory. The Romans generally associated ravens with birds. tomorrow, comparing the croak to the consonant Latin word meaning "tomorrow."

Interestingly, Christianity perceived ravens as a negative sign. Birds were considered pests and supporters of Satan. Crows were contrasted with doves, symbolizing peace and prosperity. However, in holy scripture It is often told how crows helped travelers in their difficult journeys.

Chinese culture sees the raven as a symbol of the rising sun and rebirth. The Japanese even associate these black birds with fidelity and family values. The peoples who inhabited Africa interpreted this symbol in approximately the same way.

Modern interpretation of tattoo

If we consider the raven symbol as a tattoo, then it is worth noting that such body designs are most often used as the personification of loneliness, wisdom, and longevity. However, raven can also mean afterlife. This symbol is loved by supporters of occult practices. That is why you need to approach the selection of a tattoo design with knowledge of the matter. The smallest details can radically change the interpretation of a tattoo.

Tattoos for guys

Men's raven tattoos are most often tattooed in places such as:

As a rule, guys prefer monochromatic tattoos made in black or dark blue. Large body designs are less popular than small ones. However, today many original sketches have been developed for large-scale tattoos on the entire body.

Tattoos for girls

Girls treat tattoos with crows more reservedly than guys, since this symbol has pronounced masculine roots and represents masculine qualities, such as wisdom and restraint. Girls who are more prone to emotional impulses of the soul rarely decide to get such a tattoo. However, there are a number of places where such a body pattern would look great. Among them:

Among original ideas tattoos with the image of a raven can be distinguished as follows:

  • Raven wing on the entire forearm;
  • Lonely flying raven on the back;
  • A complex composition with the presence of a bird of longevity.

It is also possible to combine a picture and an inscription. There is no consensus on the choice of style, but it makes sense for supporters of non-standard body painting to pay attention to sketches made in the trash polka style.

Celebrities with tattoos

Celebrities who have had a raven tattooed on their bodies include singer Ash Costello and popular tattoo artist Megan Masacre.

A tattoo with the image of a raven is one of the most popular. This is connected with ancient beliefs, in most of which this bird is associated with dark and not so dark forces. A crow tattoo design is most often done exclusively in black and white; less often, any colors are added. This tattoo is applied to the shoulder, chest, back and other parts of the body.

The ancient Celts believed that the raven was one of the symbols of evil, and invariably associated this bird with bloody satanic cults, magical rituals, with the goddess of battles Morrigan, as well as with the spirits of war and death. Crows can live up to three hundred years, feeding exclusively on carrion, and this fact gave rise to another legend, according to which the image of this ominous bird symbolizes wind and loneliness.

The Christian religion represents this bird as an assistant to the devil himself, but at the same time claims that the raven helps those who have chosen the path of hermithood. IN Ancient Egypt The black raven was a symbol of destruction, aggression and malice, and the Scandinavian peoples considered the raven a companion of the god of war Odin.

In some beliefs, the raven acts as a messenger of the gods from the kingdom of the dead, and in Russian fairy tales this bird is associated with magic, as it often accompanied sorcerers, witches and wizards. These negative interpretations some people still accept this as truth today, so a person choosing an image of this bird as a tattoo design should remember this.

However, despite the apparent gloominess, the tattoo of crows among some peoples also has positive value. IN Ancient Rome this bird symbolized hope, as the raven's cry was similar to the Latin word "kras", meaning "tomorrow".

For the Chinese, the raven is a symbol of power, determination and steadfastness. The legend about the sacred raven, which lives in the sun and symbolizes the movements of the heavenly body: sunrise, zenith and sunset, was also born there.

In Africa, the crow is associated with universality and is considered man's most faithful guide. Canadian Eskimos and ancient Indians consider this bird to be a great shaman and ancestor, so they worship it. And in Japan, crows are associated with family warmth and strong love.

Today it is widely believed that the raven is a symbol of wisdom, longevity of loneliness and secret knowledge. Also, the image of this bird can mean the pain of loss. Despite great amount Of varying beliefs and interpretations, the true meaning of a crow tattoo is determined only by its owner. Ask your artist to draw an individual and unique raven tattoo design for you!

Raven tattoo video

And below are photos of tattoos with the image of a raven from different artists.

A crow tattoo is an excellent choice for both men and women who have close ties to magic. Thanks to the use of her image in various rituals, many people began to see her as a symbol of death, loneliness and other negative things. However, the raven has more positive meanings, which you can learn about in the article.

Meaning of Raven in Different Cultures

This is one of those birds that has always lived close to people, so it can be found in almost any part of the world. In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that seeing a raven near a house meant inevitable death. This symbolic meaning comes from the fact that birds have always haunted battlefields, searching for rotting bodies to eat.

The raven has become a symbol of death as it has been shrouded in mystery and magic since ancient times.

But in addition to negative phenomena such as misfortune and death, the raven has positive meanings: many myths and legends speak of the exceptional intelligence of this bird. In Athens they were a sign of wisdom, intelligence, and in other cultures they were revered as spiritual guides, messengers of the gods and symbols of transformation. Some saw in them the ghosts of war victims and the souls of the condemned, which is why they considered them a symbol of the guardians of lost souls. In mythology, this bird became a symbol of light, as it gave people the moon, stars, water and fire.

What does a crow tattoo mean?

The raven tattoo has the most controversial images that carry both positive and negative meanings. It all depends on what style is used to depict it.

The Celtic Raven is one of the most popular images, which symbolizes death and war. At the same time, it denotes protection and prophecy. The Celts believed that the black raven had magical powers.

For Native Americans, the stylized raven was more of a positive character that signified the balance between good and evil, and also accompanied spirits into the afterlife. In this culture, a tattoo of him symbolizes personal growth.

For the Vikings, the black raven was associated with the God Odin: this sacred bird carried wisdom and informed the owner about everyone important events that happened on Earth.

A crow tattoo symbolizes magic, protection, death, light, darkness, the future, secrets, prophecy, war, reason and wisdom.

However, the meaning of crow tattoos can vary depending on the elements that complement them. Below we will look at the designs of tattoos with crows and their main meaning.

Raven and skull tattoo

Since the bird is a symbol of death during war, a tattoo with its image means evil, danger, victory over the enemy. On the other hand, a raven tattoo on the skull can act as a talisman and protect the owner from troubles and accidents.

Wolf and raven tattoo

The meaning of the raven and wolf tattoo is loneliness, wisdom, independence. The owner of such a tattoo can be described as strong personality ready for life's harshest challenges. And the existing one inner rod and self-confidence allow a person to associate himself with wolves.

Double headed raven tattoo

The double headed raven tattoo is used by those seeking revenge. The first head indicates a positive attitude towards the future, and the second one shows that you remember the wounds you received in the past.

Raven head tattoo

The raven's head means that you can foresee the future and prepare for it. This drawing is perfect for people related to esotericism or magic.

To highlight the wisdom and insight of the symbolism, the bird may be depicted with an eye in its beak, crystal balls, or a full moon.

Raven Tattoo with Spread Wings

A bird with spread wings is one of the most common sketches. Such raven tattoos mean freedom and the superiority of one’s own opinion over others. A person with this pattern is characterized as a purposeful, courageous person and independent of the influence of other people.

Odin's crow tattoo Hugin and Munin

The Viking god Odin always carried on his shoulders two talking ravens Hugin and Munin, who brought him information from all over the Earth and underworld. Therefore, the meaning of a tattoo is the acquisition of hidden knowledge. Birds are often depicted together with runes.

Crow Tattoo: Prison Meaning

A tattoo on a person in the zone means that he lives the life of a thief. If such a tattoo is done out of ignorance, as a rule, it is not condemned. Symbolizes a proud and lonely person.

Raven tattoo: the best places to place the design

As such, there are no restrictions on the placement of the picture: the choice depends on personal preference. But the size and style of the bird image may influence the choice of the most suitable area of ​​the body for tattooing.

Typically, large images are placed on large areas: the back, chest, shoulder, leg, or forearm.

Girls prefer to wear raven tattoos on their backs and wrists. A raven tattoo on the shoulder is less commonly seen.

Men, for the most part, get crow tattoos on their arms or chests. There is also a crow on the neck and forearm.

The most popular styles in tattoos: realism, trash polka, blackwork, tribal, old school and other designs using dark colors.

Tattoo designs of crows for men

Below are men's tattoos raven in various designs. The photos will probably help you when choosing your future drawing.

Women's raven tattoos: photos of works

Crow tattoos for women usually include additional elements having bright colors: roses, clocks, tree branches, etc. This technique allows you to reduce the depressive meaning of the picture and bring more positivity into it. You can verify this by looking at photos of finished works.

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