Home Potato Why not download the play market. Google Play not working

Why not download the play market. Google Play not working

All applications, music and games are mainly downloaded from the official Google Play service, which is constantly updated with new products from various developers from around the world. It turns out that the only source for downloading updates and applications is Google Play.

What to do for those users who do not go to the Play Market and write there is no connection or a connection error? You can, for example, download files via a computer and then install them on your smartphone, or try to solve this problem!

In this article, we will analyze the main reasons due to which such an error appears and how to fix them.

1. Check if the entered date and time are correct

One of the most common reasons for incorrect operation or complete failure of Google Play is incorrectly set time and date on the smartphone. Go to settings and set them to manual mode or sync over the internet. Do not forget to specify your time zone in the settings there.

2. Internet connection

Oddly enough, but another common reason may be the banal lack of Internet on your smartphone. There may be several reasons for this:

  • You are in an area where there is no internet access.
  • Your SIM card is not connected to the appropriate tariff or there are no cash to connect to the network.
  • Not activated on phone Mobile networks» or incorrectly configured APN access points to access the Internet.
  • The router or modem, if it is in your house, does not work correctly.

If everything is in order with your router, the Internet is turned on on your smartphone, you are connected to a wireless access point or are in the network coverage area, then proceed to the next step!

3. Reboot the device

Sometimes the cause can be fixed only by restarting the smartphone. Just restart it and check if the Play Market is working. This often happens when busy. random access memory phone, a large number simultaneously open applications and running services, incorrect launch of the Market.

Another reason why it doesn’t go to the Play Market is updates! As a rule, updates for all programs and games are automatically downloaded on Android if this is set in the system parameters. You only need to uninstall the latest updates.

  1. Go to the "Settings" item of your phone and select the "Applications" tab there.
  2. Next, in the general list, find Google Play and click on this tab.
  3. The screen will display full information About the program. At the top of the screen, find "Uninstall updates" and click it.

If uninstalling updates does not help, you can try resetting all settings for a specific application, namely the Play Store.

  1. You, as in section 4 of this article, will need to go to "Settings" and click on the "Applications" tab.
  2. Find the required application in the general list and click on it.
  3. Now click on "Erase data". Once the operation is completed, click on the "Clear Cache" item.

As practice shows, in most cases this way helps many users solve the problem with connecting to the service from Google.

6. Reset Google Play Services App Settings

There is another service that is responsible for the correct operation of the Play Market.

  1. Go to "Settings", as usual, select "Applications" and in the general list find " Google Services Play" and click on it.
  2. Here, click the "Clear Cache", "Clear Data" tabs and check if the service is working.

7. Activating the Google Accounts service

Sometimes by unknown reasons the service "Google Accounts" is disabled on the smartphone, in connection with which there are various problems when synchronizing data, connecting to mail, Market. To solve this problem, go to your phone's settings and go to the "Apps" tab. Next, in the general list, find "Google Accounts", click on it. Make sure it's included!

8. Activate "Download Manager"

As with Google Accounts, you will need to activate the download manager in the Android operating system. Go to the list of applications, select the required service and activate it.

9. Reset Android settings

None of the above methods help? In that case you need to do full reset settings of your smartphone! Please note that when you roll back to the factory settings, all data will be deleted, both individual files and entries in contacts, messages and other information.

Working with the hosts file

Another way to help you solve the problem with Google Play is to check the hosts file. As in the operating room Windows system, in the Android system there is a separate file in which the settings are written network connections and restrictions. Use any file manager and navigate to the /system/etc/ directory. There, find the hosts file and open it. Delete all entries except localhost and default IP address.

Additional ways to solve the problem

View the general list of applications and games that are installed on your smartphone, be sure to check what rights are available to each of them. Some programs may have rights to block access to Google Play, for example, so that the system cannot check for a license if the application was downloaded and installed with a cache from third-party resources.

As you can see, if your phone does not enter the Play Market and it says “no connection” or “connection error” on the screen, there can be dozens of reasons for this! Try to always create backups operating system and files stored in the phone and on the SD card, so that at any time you can do a full rollback to the factory settings and at the same time not lose important information!

If, after reading the material, you have not been able to solve the problem in any of the ways described, leave your question in the comments, and we will try to help you in this matter!

For Android phone user, Google Play digital service is the main source useful applications and updates to already installed applets. Therefore, the problem of a sudden store crash is quite serious when Google Play gives an error when trying to load a virtual storefront.

The main reasons why Google Play does not work can be:

  • System failures on the side of the developer's servers
  • Network problems
  • System error on the user's device
  • Wrong time and date
  • Changes in the hosts file

There are several ways to revive access to the digital distribution service. We will analyze the most accessible and reliable methods and show all the algorithms for solving the problem using the Fly Cirrus 12 smartphone as an example. installed by Android sixth version. All solutions apply to more early versions OS, only the names of the items in the menu will differ slightly.

Method 1: Restart your device

Forced reboot of the device, in principle, can solve most problems in the operation of applications on a smartphone. Very often, this or that utility freezes and does not respond to user commands. In this case, a reboot fixes the problem.

Method 2: Enable Google Account

One of the most common reasons why Google Play does not work is the spontaneous deactivation of a Google account. To resolve this issue, retry the system process:

  • Go to android settings
  • Select Applications
  • Select System Processes from the drop down menu
  • Click on the line Google Accounts (usually it comes first in the list)
  • If the process is disabled, click the Enable button

It will also not be superfluous to check the Google Play Services system process, which is on the same list.

Method 3: Reset Google Play Settings

The service may stop working due to an overflowing application cache. In this case, you need to clear the storage of unnecessary data. To do this, in the Applications tab, find the line with the utility Play market. Here, click on two buttons: Erase Data and Clear Cache. Here, by clicking on the drop-down menu, you can remove updates. After that, restart your phone for the changes to take effect.

Method 4: Enable the download manager

Quite often, users, freeing up the device’s memory from unnecessary loads, disable or stop important applications, among which the Download Manager, a system utility responsible for downloading and updating programs, may come across. This application is in the list of system processes. Go to the dispatcher settings and click Enable.

Method 5: Delete and restore your Google account

Sometimes the Google Play Market does not work on the phone due to problems with the account settings and algorithms. It will have to be deleted and restored again, but before that it is important to synchronize the data, that is, to do backup.

  • Enter the Accounts section
  • Select Google
  • Select the necessary sections for synchronization (Calendar, Disk, Contacts and so on)
  • In the drop-down menu, click the Sync button
  • Delete account
  • Return to the list of accounts and click Add

When creating an account Google Android prompts you to restore data from a backup. After that, it remains to restart the phone and try to go to Google Play.

Method 6: Remove incompatible applications

Some utilities that are installed on a smartphone via apk files may conflict with system application Google Play and even block it. Most often this happens with the Freedom program, which hacks mobile games and allows you to make in-app purchases for free.

Such applications make changes to the system hosts file, which stores domain databases and user IP addresses. If programs like Freedom are interfering with Google Play, go to the settings of the harmful utility, stop its process and delete the application.

Method 7. Reset Android settings

A rather radical method, since it deletes all user data and files on the phone. Therefore, before you roll back the system settings to the factory settings, save all important documents, photos and video files on a third-party media or PC. Next, do the following:

  • Go to android settings
  • Select Restore and Reset
  • It will be useful to enable data reservation here. The system will copy network passwords, call log, application settings and other data to the selected account.
  • Click on Reset Settings.
  • Restart your device

Method 8: Check your internet connection

In some cases, the Internet connection indicators freeze on the smartphone screen: either mobile or Wi-Fi. That is, the indicator is on, but there is no connection to the Network. In this case, you need to go to the section Wireless networks and check if it is included in this moment one module or another.

Method 9: Reset the date and time on your phone

One of the common Google Play crash issues is a glitch in the date and time settings on the user's device. For example, when the time zone is set incorrectly. To solve this problem, go to the system date and time settings, set correct values and include the date, time, and network time zone.

Now you know what to do if Google Play is not working. Please note that all of the above methods do not require special technical knowledge, are performed using standard settings, and most importantly, they do not involve complex and critical methods, such as rooting the phone.

The Android operating system is by no means infallible. Many smartphones based on it from time to time give out the most various errors, annoying the user. Perhaps one of the most serious mistakes is related to the Play Market. For some owners of portable gadgets, it suddenly refuses to function, although it worked fine before. Today's article will try to help you get Google Play back to life.

It must be understood that the client himself Play market is an regular application is not part of the operating system, as some people might think. In this regard, no one is immune from the fact that the client will fail. The reasons for this can be completely different.

This program is updated regularly. If you disable this process, then your client will become obsolete soon. Partly for some people, the Play Market does not work for this very reason. Although most often there is still a way to update the application, as a result of which the client's performance is restored fairly quickly.

But most often the problems are caused by the state of the operating system itself. Some internal processes interfere with the performance of Google Play, due to which a message with an error number is displayed on the screen. It is curious that this number most often does not say anything even to an experienced professional who regularly repairs smartphones. In any case, you can make the Play Market work if you use our guide.

First of all, reboot your device. In many cases, this simple action solves the problem. Proceed to the next steps only if there are no visible changes after the reboot.

Reset the Play Market app settings

As mentioned above, the client Google Play- This is an ordinary application that is preinstalled by the device manufacturer. Therefore, no one will forbid you to reset the client settings if it stops working. This process is no different than resetting any other program. Namely, you need to do the following:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2 Go to the section " Applications". It may also be called " Application Manager».

Step 3 Find in the list Play Store and click on it.

Step 4 In the settings window that appears, click in turn on the buttons " Erase data" And " Clear cache».

Usually this method solves the problem. But in some cases, even he does not help.

Uninstalling Play Market updates

If you do not open the Play Market even after deleting all its settings, then you need to try to get rid of all program updates, returning it to its original state. To do this, you need to get into the client settings window described above. In it, click on the button " Uninstall updates».

After some time, the operating system will remove all updates that the Google Play client received. As a result, it will become exactly the same as you launched it immediately after buying a smartphone, when you just entered the data from your Google account.

Working with Google Play Services

The functioning of the Play Market and many others preinstalled apps directly depends on the state of the program " Google Play Services". You will not see its icon in the menu or on the desktop. However, this program starts at the same time as the smartphone is turned on - it is it that takes up a fairly large amount of RAM. If you have problems not only with the Play Market, but also with some other applications, then you can try clearing the Google Play Services settings. To do this, perform the following steps, some of which have already been described above:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2 Go to the section called " Application Manager" or " Applications».

Step 3 Click on the program called " Google Play Services».

Step 4 Click on the button " Clear cache».

Check the performance of the Play Market. It is possible that the issue has been resolved.

Working with the Google Services Framework

Still sometimes problems with the Play Market can occur due to instability separate process Google Services Framework. In fact, it cannot be considered a separate program, but you can still find it in the "Application Manager". So go ahead:

Step 1. Visit " Settings».

Step 2 Go to " Applications" or " Application Manager”, depending on the smartphone model.

Step 3 Go to the tab " Everything» and click on Google Services Framework.

Step 4 Here click on the buttons Erase data" And " clear cache».

That's all. This may well help, although the likelihood of this is not too high.

Other services

In the same "Application Manager" you can find other services on which the work of the Play Market directly depends. If any of these services is disabled or unstable, then you will not be able to download the application, and sometimes you will not get into Google Play at all.

Go to the service settings page Google Accounts”, located in the tab “ Everything". Please note if this service is disabled. If this is true, then click the " Turn on».

In the same way check " Download Manager". If it is disabled, then click on the " Turn on».

A malicious application, colloquially called a virus, could disable some of these services. That is why we recommend that you read the article about best antivirus for android .

Deleting a Google account and restoring it

If all the methods discussed above do not help, then more serious measures will have to be taken. For example, you can try removing your Google account, then create it again. In some cases, this really helps.

Here we will not describe in detail the methods of deleting and creating an account. We have already written about what needs to be done for this. Just go to the following links:

Removing applications that block the Play Market

There are special applications that completely block the functioning of the Play Market. If you suspect any of the programs in this, then remove it. In particular, it should be eliminated or at least disabled Freedom. This app allows you to make in-app purchases for free, but it does not allow you to use Google Play in return. Before uninstalling the program, do not forget to click on the " Stop».

But everything will not end at the removal of Freedom. After that you will have to set up the file hosts. To access it you need get root rights. If you have them, then install file manager capable of reaching deep into the system. It could be ES Explorer or less affected by advertising Root Browser. Next, launch the file manager and follow the path /system/etc/.

Find a file hosts(it's one of the few that doesn't have an extension) and click on it.

In the case of Root Browser, you will be prompted different types files. Select " Text Document».

Select the application with which you will edit this file. It can be absolutely any text editor. In our case, the choice fell on " The documents».

Leave in the file only the line that you see in the screenshot. If it is missing, then write it down.

Full reset

If the above steps did not help, then you will have to do a full reset. In our separate article there is detailed instructions, which describes all of your actions required to perform a hard reset.

Attention: this way you will lose all user files. Therefore, it will not be superfluous creating a backup, so that later you can return music, photos, contacts and documents to your smartphone.

This method does not help only in very improbable cases. If after the purchase of the smartphone the Play Market functioned, then now its performance will be returned.

Internet connection and time

Finally, we will mention a couple more reasons why the Play Market does not start on Android. The first is, no matter how trite it may sound, the lack of an Internet connection. Check your mobile balance. Also check your internet browser to see if it loads different sites. Also you can connect to WiFi networks, usually with its help the Play Market always works.

Another cause of problems with Google Play is incorrectly configured time. Be sure to set your time zone, otherwise the Play Market will complain about it. You can also check the box next to " Network time zone" And " Network date and time”, in which case the settings will be made automatically.

When the "Play Market" does not start (now it is already called "Google Play") - this is a rather unpleasant problem. Thousands of users of devices with the Android operating system deal with it every day. Why doesn't the Play Market open? All kinds of failures and errors due to which the store stops working can be caused by several reasons. If you carefully study them, you can very quickly deal with the problem and make it so that it will no longer bother.

Main reasons

Firstly, due to the fact that at a certain point in time the service is not actually running. This happens extremely rarely. But if such a situation nevertheless arose, then it is necessary to wait until the developers fix the problem and re-launch the store.

The Play Market does not start on Android and due to the fact that the date and time settings on the smartphone or tablet could go wrong. Typically, this cause results in an error containing a notification of a missing connection.

"Play Market" does not start and because of possible problems with a network. You need to make sure that the connection is established without errors and the Internet is working properly. In case of use mobile internet you need to ask the operator for the correct settings.

Errors due to interventions in the system

People who want to cheat the system and get paid features in games and applications for free often install the Freedom program on their device, with the help of which they carry out hacking. Because of this program, they often have the question “Why doesn’t Play Market start on Android?”. The answer is simple: Freedom blocks access to all services from Google.

Changes may occur This may happen due to the installation and use of certain applications that cause changes to system files. If this happens, then the user must edit the file a little to return it to its original form.

How to restart the service

The methods for solving the problem associated with the fact that the Play Market does not start depend on the reasons. If the reason is known, then it is not difficult to determine the necessary method. If not, then you will need to try each method.

  1. The device needs to be rebooted. Half the time this simple step helps. Moreover, it also helps in case of other problems with the operating system or applications.
  2. You need to make sure that Google accounts are enabled. In the settings there is a section "Applications", in which there is a tab with all programs. At the very bottom should be disabled. If the Google Accounts application is found among them, then it must be turned on - and the service should work.
  3. When the Play Market does not start on Android, you need to reset its settings and Google Play services settings. In order to do this, you need to go to the settings and find the section with applications. In the list, you need to find the necessary ones and clear the cache and erase the data for each of them. You also need to remove updates from the Play Market itself.
  4. If the "Play Market" does not start, then you need to reinstall it. To do this, first of all, the current installed version store, and then the most current one is loaded. After installation, the device must be rebooted.
  5. The system must have the correct time. In some cases, it happens that the time and date go astray. And if this happens, then when they try to open the service, users receive a message that there is no connection. To solve this problem, you need to set the correct time zone and the current date and time in the settings.
  6. The Play Market does not start due to the unavailability of the Internet connection. You need to make sure that the Internet is turned on and functioning on the device. To do this, just open a browser and try to go to any site.

Setting up a modified system file

The hosts file needs to be properly configured. Many users download programs that modify this file completely silently. As mentioned above, such programs include Freedom, which makes it possible to make purchases in games without spending a penny. If such an application is used, then first it must be stopped. This is done in the settings. After stopping, it is completely removed. In order to make changes to system files, you must have superuser rights. A properly edited hosts file should not contain extra lines. All garbage that is in the file must be removed. To do this, you need to install an application that is a file manager. With it, you need to go to the root directory of the system and find the etc folder. Here in it is desired file. You can open it as text, and then delete everything that is not needed in it. After saving, it is better to make sure once again that there is only one line left, which says " localhost". When everything is done in accordance with the instructions, you can try to launch the "Play Market".


Still does not start "Play Market"? What to do now? There is a method that is recommended to be used only as a last resort, when the rest could not help in solving the problem. This is a factory reset of the device. If you perform this procedure, then all information on the internal drive will be completely deleted. It is better to make a backup beforehand so that after the reset you can restore all the data. In order to reset the settings, you need to find the appropriate item in the device settings. After doing the operation, everything should work.


The Play Market app store is a very powerful service containing content for the Android mobile operating system served. If it stopped working on the user's device, then one of the problems described above probably occurred. After all, the performance of the service itself is continuously monitored by hundreds of experienced programmers who, at the slightest problem, will throw all their efforts into solving it.

Very often, users of Android tablets and phones experience various errors due to which Google Play does not work and, accordingly, it is not possible to enter the online store to install and update applications. Sometimes this can happen if the date and time are incorrectly set on the mobile device. If everything is set correctly, then, as practice shows, most often the Play Market does not work due to a software failure caused by incorrectly saved data. Let's try to drop them. To do this, open the settings of your smartphone or tablet and find the "Applications" section.

Open the "All" tab, find there Google Services Framework and open.

Click on the "Clear Cache" button first.

Then click on the "Clear data" button.

We return to the list of applications and find there Google Play Store. You have to do the same with him.

Reboot Android and try again to go to the Play Market. If everything is fine, then you will be required to agree to the terms of the license agreement and then the application will start working normally.

If you still can’t log into Google Play and Android gives an error, then the “root of evil” is most likely associated with a Google account. If there is some problem with it, then the Play Market does not work either. We're trying to fix it.
First, let's try this - go to the settings, find the section " Accounts"and select a Google account:

Uncheck all sync checkboxes. If you have them in the form of sliders, as in the screenshot, then move them to the left so that they become gray color. Reboot and go back to your account settings. We put the checkmarks back and start the synchronization. After that, we try to log in to the Android Market. Doesn't work and google play error says that "you need to log into your account"? Well, you have to kill the account altogether. To do this, you need to go to its parameters and click on the "Options" icon in the upper right corner:

On some phones and tablets, this button can be made in the form of three dashes or three squares. When you click on it, the following menu should appear:

Select the "Delete account" option.
We reboot Android, go to Settings, open the "Accounts" section and create new account Google. As a rule, after that, the Google Play Market works normally again and is not buggy. True, sometimes you have to create an account not through a phone or tablet, but first on a computer, and then enter data on a mobile device.

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