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Alyautdinov Muslim. Diary. Trillionaire schedule. Focus on the essentials. Main scientific works

Shamil Alyautdinov is a Russian preacher of Islam. He has many followers in Kazakhstan. Shamil is a successful theologian and business coach who is very popular with the Islamic community in the post-Soviet countries. This story is about him.

Source: takprosto.cc

Shamil Alyautdinov: biography of a preacher

Imam Shamil is a versatile and extraordinary person. He can be called a revolutionary in theology, as he offers a new approach to the religious enlightenment of people. The scope of his activities is extensive - from writing scientific papers on theology, conducting scientific and educational seminars to the implementation of author's Internet projects - umma.ru and Trillionaire.

Shamil's philosophy is very popular. The circle of his followers is estimated at a million people. Religion is always orthodox, therefore it does not tolerate revolutionary changes. Many clergymen and preachers find it difficult to accept Alyautdinov's concept, so it is not surprising that his theories are treated with caution, and sometimes with hostility.

In 2013, he was denied an invitation by the DUM of Kazakhstan to conduct seminars. Later, in 2015–2017, the preacher visited Kazakhstan and held meetings in Almaty and Astana. He repeatedly spoke about his love for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the people of Kazakhstan, which was confirmed by the 6th iPhone with the symbols of Kazakhstan. This series was released in 2014, but the imam still uses it out of respect for our country.

It is difficult to tell about Shamil Alyautdinov in a nutshell, however, for the first acquaintance with this person, we will limit ourselves to a kind of business card.

Shamil Rifat uly Alyautdinov is a Tatar by nationality. His ancestors lived in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the village. Chembiley. The future imam was born in Moscow in 1974. This event took place on January 20.

The preacher's secondary education is not mentioned in open sources. We dare to assume that it was an ordinary high school. But it is necessary to say more about the religious education of this person. It is known that as a young man, Shamil studied Islam at courses that were held in a Moscow mosque. They were semi-legal in nature, but they provided basic knowledge to the audience.

In the early 1990s Alyautdinov became one of the employees of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims, whose influence extended to the European part of Russia.

The further path of knowledge led Shamil to Egypt. Here, for six years, he studied at the International Islamic Academy, studied Islamic law at Al-Azhar University. The future preacher graduated from the course in 1998, and a year before that he became the imam-khatib of the mosque on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. He remains in this position to this day.

Alyautdinov is a supporter of active education of Muslims. He formed a special educational approach to the interpretation of the canonical texts of the Koran, prophecies, and the writings of theologians of different times.

His theory originally combines quotes from the Koran with the latest achievements in the field of neuroscience, psychology, and sociology. This peculiar synthesis of religion and science pursues one goal - to make a person happy, successful, rich spiritually and materially. Alyautdinov's philosophical system involves the spiritual, moral, physical development and upbringing of a person.

It is possible to relate differently to what the Russian imam preaches and how he interprets the sacred texts of the Koran, but in many of his tips and recommendations, common sense and purposefulness captivate. His system helps to correct relationships and communication with other people, to achieve mutual understanding, to form life goals and priorities.

At the heart of his ethical system and the concept of business success are traditional religious norms of morality, which in the modern world are either “forgotten” or “overwritten”. They are formulated into accessible formulas for success in life. For example, Shamil Alyautdinov suggests:

  • to be temperate in desires and patient;
  • strive to achieve as much as possible;
  • be grateful for the opportunities for personal growth that life provides;
  • be able to be happy in order to achieve success;
  • write your own life story, do not think in stereotypes and do not live according to patterns;
  • constantly develop memory and thinking - build neural pathways, etc.

These tips are recipes for every day for a person who seeks to find his purpose in life. They are simple but effective. Perhaps that is why, for many, Shamil Alyautdinov became the guru of the philosophy of life, since he proposed a sense-forming theory that helps to choose a certain strategy of behavior and guidelines for self-realization.

Despite the fact that Alyautdinov occupies important posts - he runs one of the 4 Moscow mosques, is the deputy mufti of the Spiritual Muslim Board of the European part of the Russian Federation, and since 2005 he has chaired the theological council of this organization - he works tirelessly as an educator:

  • conducts seminars and meetings;
  • created the Internet project umma.ru;
  • manages the Trillionaire online platform;
  • writes scientific and popular science works.

Shamil Alyautdinov's books are very popular. He is the author of over 20 bestsellers. The theologian spoke about the foundations and essence of Islam, the path of spiritual enlightenment of a person in such works: “The Path to Faith and Perfection” (2001), “The Cry of the Soul or the Crisis of the Spirit” (2003), “Reality” (2005), “Islam and 624 Fates (2006), Everyone Will See Hell (2008), Soul World (2009). The issues of personality formation, upbringing and improvement, the religious system of views on representatives of different sexes are raised by the author in the works “Men and Islam” (2010), “Women and Islam” (2011), “A Gift to a Son…” (2010) and “A Gift to a Daughter… "(2010), "Children and Islam" (2011), "Family and Islam (2011), etc.

Family, children, relations between wife and husband are topical issues of the religious and ethical system of Shamil Alyautdinov. He knows firsthand about the problems that arise in the family and the upbringing of the younger generation. The Imam is married and has five children - three sons and two daughters.

Shamil Alyautdinov: wife

Shamil is assisted in his work by his wife, Zilya Alyautdinova. She was born in Tatarstan in the city of Aznakayevo in 1978. At the age of 13, Zilya entered the Lyceum in the Turkish city of Izmir. Upon graduation in 1996, she returned to Russia.

For some time she worked as a translator, and in 1997 she entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The girl studied geology and at the same time received a religious education at the courses of the DUM.

In her second year at the university, Zilya married Shamil. The year of graduation - 2002 - was marked by the appearance of the first child in the family. During her marriage, the woman mastered two languages ​​- English and French, and underwent an internship as a translator at Moscow State University.

In 2016, the Alyautdinov family already had five children aged from 3 to 13 years old. Zilya brings up children herself, without the help of a nanny. She is engaged not only in their intellectual and spiritual development, but also in their physical development.

Having vast experience in building family relationships and raising children, Zilya Alyautdinova gives lectures to Muslim women, shares the secrets of creating a happy family.

The Alyautdinovs are an example of modern successful people who were able to find a goal in their lives and build a system of communication with the world based on Islam. Shamil Alyautdinov is an innovative theologian who seeks to bring religion and its canons closer to modern man, to make Islam useful for self-improvement and self-realization.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Trillionaire act

    Management , Psychology

    Youth passes quickly and usually imperceptibly. Most take up the mind after 30, when the body is decrepit, the mind is weakening, and the pocket is empty. Meanwhile, there are other prospects for today's 10-15-year-olds. Usually we do not understand what leadership is and do not strive for it, and therefore the majority while away the fate of a car hitched to the locomotive of someone else's life. Learning the basics of leadership and understanding its principles is a good opportunity to take life into your own hands, realize trillions of dollars worth of opportunities, create fearlessly and get great pleasure from the process. There is a lot of information in the modern world, too much, and often it is cheap fast food in beautiful packaging, with which they try to attract attention in order to sell something unnecessary and useless. This book has collected a lot of environmentally friendly information, ready for happy consumption. She will inspire in you the desire to live, to create, to create - to breathe deeply. Reading the book, you will realize that you have interesting, joyful and highly profitable prospects. At the first stage of reading, it is enough for you to find something for yourself, albeit one and small, but one that will be able to do constantly. Daily and at least for three months. After - again reading and searching for something specific, interesting for you. Then - a three-month practice. And reading again... After a year of this approach to the study of this book, you will become a different person. I guarantee.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Trillionaire is listening

    Management , Psychology

    "A Trillionaire Listens" is not just a smart and useful book. She is the assistant that will accelerate your movement towards success through self-knowledge and opening your eyes to the world around you. It will take your life to a whole new level. Take this racing car and don't be afraid to drive. Overcome fear, doubt, and you will not regret it!

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Diary. Trillionaire schedule. Focus on the essentials

    Management , Calendars , Psychology

    What do you do when you need to get to an important but unfamiliar place (from point A to point B)? You open the map or turn on the navigator, mentally or on a piece of paper lay out a route and move along it. Then you will definitely get to where you need to (point B), because you know what to pass by and where to turn. And what happens if you, without looking at the map or not turning on the navigator, get behind the wheel, drive onto the highway and go where the main flow of cars is heading? The chances of being at the desired point B are zero (0!). The same thing happens to you if you want to achieve something, realize a certain plan, but at the same time have no idea what you need to do every day in order to get closer to the goal. You can read smart books, visualize, "open the chakras", communicate with successful people, think positively, pray, but if you have not determined for yourself what will really move you towards the goal, you do not see it and do not imagine it, then point B is like was out of your reach, and so it will remain. You dream that something will happen now, the curtain will rise - and you will find yourself at point B. Usually this does not happen. At least small, but specific efforts are needed to obtain a specific result. You need to do specific actions to move from point A to point B. You need to think with your head, change and move in something. In order to help in this exciting and creative process of moving through life, this diary was developed. You are offered a simple planning system that will help you navigate the route from point A to point B. Moreover, you will enter into the diary only the information that you consider necessary to achieve your goals. Gradually, you will learn to see more clearly those things that really bring results and promote you to the goal, as well as what distracts you, what you waste energy and strength on.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Daughter's gift. Happiness formulas. For children from 5 to 60 years old

    Entertainment. Holidays. Games , Islam

    The idea of ​​the book is to bring the universal Qur'anic meanings and the living thought of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) closer to the daily life of children and adults in order to enrich them with new shades of colors and fill them with brighter, more promising, long-lasting goals and tasks. Why children from 5 to 60? The word "children" refers to the frequent helplessness of people of different ages before the twists and turns or hardships of life. At such moments, "parental" support is important, including in the form of Divine saving instructions. Free spaces on the pages of the book are specially left for your thoughts, ideas, solutions, fantasies and children's as well as adult drawings that illuminate you. Write, draw, and this will bring you closer to hitherto unseen divine blessings.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Gift to son. Happiness formulas. For children from 5 to 60 years old

    Entertainment. Holidays. Games , Islam

    The idea of ​​the book is to bring the universal Qur'anic meanings and the living thought of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) closer to the daily life of children and adults in order to enrich them with new shades of colors and fill them with brighter, more promising, long-lasting goals and tasks. Why children from 5 to 60? The word "children" refers to the frequent helplessness of people of different ages before the twists and turns or hardships of life. At such moments, "parental" support is important, including in the form of Divine saving instructions. Free spaces on the pages of the book are specially left for your thoughts, ideas, solutions, fantasies and children's as well as adult drawings that illuminate you. Write, draw, and this will bring you closer to hitherto unseen divine blessings.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Trillionaire Diary


    What do you do when you need to get to an important but unfamiliar place (from point A to point B)? You open the map or turn on the navigator, mentally or on a piece of paper lay out a route and move along it. Then you will definitely get to where you need to (to point B), because you know what to pass by and where to turn. Are you going where the main flow of cars goes? The chances of being at the desired point B are zero (0!). The same thing happens to you if you want to achieve something, realize a certain plan, but at the same time have no idea what you need to do every day in order to get closer to the goal. You can read smart books, visualize, "open the chakras", communicate with successful people, think positively, pray, but if you have not determined for yourself what will really move you towards the goal, you do not see it and cannot imagine it, then point B as it was out of reach for you, it will remain so. To take concrete actions to move from point A to point B. You need to (I) think with your head, (2) change in something and (3) move. In order to help in this exciting and creative process of moving through life, and was developed This diary offers you a simple planning system that will help you get from point A to point B. Moreover, you will enter into the diary only the information that you consider necessary to achieve your goals. to see more clearly those things that really bring results and move you towards the goal, as well as what distracts you, what you waste your energy and strength on.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Trillionaire thinks

    Psychology , Islam

    Do you envision your future as you fall asleep at night or wake up in the morning? What is it like: cloudy, hopeless and dreary, or sunny, joyful, full of concrete hopes, plans and outlined prospects? Is the vision of your future clear enough to start building it using the limitless Divine gifts-materials of each day that comes and leaves us quite quickly? It all starts with how we think, what we talk about with ourselves, about ourselves - with other people or with God. This book is intended for those who want to learn how to think correctly and consistently, conduct a healthy internal dialogue, plan, write a script-masterpiece of their lives and not be lazy in its implementation.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Subconscious poverty and wealth


    The quality of life is determined by our beliefs. Do you love to spend? Big discounts from sellers of your favorite brands make you clouded? Or do you still know how to save hundreds of thousands, millions, and then invest them thoughtfully and competently? Are you convinced of your future financial well-being or are you sure that representatives of government and business have already taken everything into their own hands, leaving you only crumbs? In your deepest beliefs, money is an evil, a sin, or a tool for creation, acquired and multiplied by anyone who works and seriously tries. "". and after months of work you go on vacation to lie on the beach all day? I suppose you have heard before that your inner beliefs and beliefs, moods and impulses determine whether you are subconsciously rich or poor, and this controls and moves you. This book will help you to reveal your subconscious financial history, to understand what is really there, deep inside. And although we all know that the outside world is a reflection of the inside, for most this is just a theory. The book will help not only to reveal, but also to change the subconscious financial history, if you want and decide to change at least something in your life, and especially in the analysis of what is happening, to change. I guarantee that in this book you will find a lot of things that will hook and make you think, and someone - and act! In addition to the materials prepared by me, the book includes ten articles by my co-authors. Personally, I considered my analysis and experience insufficient for the reader, although I earned my first million dollars a long time ago and am actively developing and growing, with God's help, in a number of areas that are interesting to me. My co-authors are people who have achieved a lot. They are examples of strong and strong-willed qualities, active and creative, healthy and happy, smart, experienced and, of course, very rich. These are people without bad habits and with faith in themselves and in God. They shared their experience, analysis and specific recommendations on how to become subconsciously rich and happy - when you don’t philosophize on political or religious topics with empty bank accounts and pockets, are unhappy in your family and don’t know how to stop weight gaining over the years, and when you are rich, healthy, happy and think not only about yourself, but also about others.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Finance Trillionaire


    Those who were taught from childhood that “out of awe of God” one should be poor and modest (and this can be found both among Christians and Muslims), or those who grew up on the premise that wealth is evil, and rich people - thieves, embezzlers, criminals... they all have a certain neural network that programs them for poverty and poverty, dependence on a "greedy" employer and social state payments, because of which they perceive the surrounding reality with serious distortions of the present state of affairs. It will be very useful for them to read and re-read this book in order to provide their brain with an alternative version of reality, the opportunity to look in a new way and try to take life into their own hands - when you yourself determine the scenario of life for yourself (what and how much you need) and your own main role in German Shamil Alyautdinov is the author of more than 30 books, including the first theological translation of the Holy Quran in Russian, as well as "The World of the Soul", "How to See Paradise?", "A Trillionaire Listens", "A Trillionaire Thinks", "A Trillionaire Acts", "Become the smartest and richest" (in two parts); author and head of the popular site in Runet umma.ru. A lively, bright style of narration, charisma and openness in communication make him and his works in demand by people of different generations and views. Theologian , jurist, mentor, coach, thinker.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Become the smartest and richest. Part 1


    Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov - author of more than 30 books, with a total circulation of over half a million copies; some of them became bestsellers and were translated into English, Tatar, Chechen and Tajik. Founder and head of the site, one of the most visited in Runet - more than 1 million users in 2013 alone. Founder of Muslim coaching. Shamil Alyautdinov has been working in the system of DUM (Spiritual Administrations of Muslims) of the Russian Federation since 1991. From 1997 to the present, he has been a preacher (imam-hatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill. He likes to read everything that helps to live fully and efficiently, prefers a bicycle instead of a car. He does not get tired of being generous: like the last twenty years of his life, he shares useful knowledge, positive energy, positive with people. Raises five children. Become the smartest, richest and happiest - now! It doesn't matter how much money you have in your bank account, or whether you have one at all. It doesn't matter how many higher education diplomas you have or whether you have any at all. You are free to choose how to live on in each new day. You can feel the all-round abundance and myriad of blessings and opportunities that surround you. You have every right and freedom to be the smartest and richest right now - in your soul, in your feelings, in your self-image. This book will help you look at the world differently and open up new possibilities for you.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Hadith. Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad


    What is this book about? About eternal values. About a person whose precepts and instructions are now followed by about 1.5 billion people all over the world, and over the past 14 centuries of human history, their number has numbered in many billions. Moreover, these followers speak different languages ​​of the world, belong to different cultures and peoples of our planet. "The greatness of a person is measured not by the degree of his self-confidence, but by the number of people who believed in him" (Woodrow Wilson). The first section of the book is devoted to the personality of the Prophet Muhammad and gives the reader an idea of ​​him as a person and God's messenger. The second section presents thematically combined individual hadiths, which make up only an insignificant part of the legacy of the final God's messenger, since only authentic hadiths number more than ten thousand. In Muslim theology, there is a whole scientific direction, which is engaged in deep analysis and verification of the degree of reliability of the transmitted statements. It began to take shape in the first decades after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. This edition includes more than 900 hadiths. Most of them are given detailed, detailed references to theological sources, sets of hadiths, so that the reader can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of the translation, and those who speak Arabic can find the original hadith. The third section of the book tells about prophetic medicine, about the recommendations of the prophet Muhammad regarding physical and mental health of a person. In the fourth section, you can read about the first years of the mission of the final messenger of God, as well as about his immediate environment. The book will be useful to everyone, regardless of what culture or religion its reader belongs to, provided that he - thinking, looking at life broadly and deriving useful lessons from what he meets on his life path.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Become the smartest and richest. Part 2


    Life is a wonderful gym, where periodically you need to experience pain in order to become more beautiful in soul and stronger in body, as well as intellect. We all know that the muscles of the body grow only with an additional load through the “I can’t”, when individual muscle fibers are already beginning to tear. So it is in life: if we strive for more and better in both worlds, then we cannot avoid pain. The main thing is to learn how to respond correctly, maintaining peace of mind and making prudent decisions, and also not being disappointed in people and in life in general, gaining momentum and moving forward and upward, thanks to the Lord of the worlds and getting great pleasure from life!


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Holy Koran. Meanings. In 4 volumes. Volume 2


    The entire Qur'an has been translated (this book is the second quarter of it), with the blessing of the Creator, but this does not mean that all its meanings are set forth in this work - the reader is offered only what the author was able to extract after many years of painstaking work with fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing the present through many tens of thousands of human questions that he had to answer. The presented tafsir is the only one of its kind, since for the first time the lines of the Holy Scripture are paralleled with the realities of life, modern society and the general state of affairs. The presence of ritual purity when reading this book is not required. Approved and recommended for publication by the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the European part of Russia.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Holy Koran. Meanings. In 4 volumes. Volume 1


    The entire Quran has been translated with the blessing of the Creator (this book is the first quarter of it), but this does not mean that all its meanings are presented in this work - the reader is offered only what the author was able to extract after many years of painstaking work with the fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing the present through many tens of thousands of human questions that he had to answer. The presented tafsir is the only one of its kind, since for the first time the lines of the Holy Scripture are paralleled with the realities of life, modern society and the general state of affairs. The presence of ritual purity when reading this book is not required. Approved and recommended for publication by the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the European part of Russia.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Holy Koran. Meanings. Volume 3


    The entire Quran has been translated (this book is the third quarter of it), with the blessing of the Creator, but this does not mean that this work contains all its meanings - only what the author was able to extract after many years of painstaking work with the fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing modernity through the many tens of thousands of human questions that he had to answer. The presented tafsir is the only one of its kind, since the lines of the Holy Scripture are drawn in parallel with the realities of life, modern society and the state of affairs. The presence of ritual purity when reading this book is not required. Approved and recommended for publication by the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the European part of Russia.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Holy Koran. Meanings. In 4 volumes. Volume 3


    The author of the translation of the main meanings of the Holy Quran and comments (tafsir) is Shamil Alyautdinov, a graduate of the International Islamic Academy and the Faculty of Islamic Law of the Al-Azhar University (Egypt). Years of study: from 1992 to 1998. The entire Quran has been translated (this book is the third quarter of it), with the blessing of the Creator, but this does not mean that this work contains all its meanings - only what the author was able to extract after many years of painstaking work with the fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing modernity through the many tens of thousands of human questions that he had to answer. The presented tafsir is the only one of its kind, since the lines of the Holy Scripture are drawn in parallel with the realities of life, modern society and the state of affairs. The presence of ritual purity when reading this book is not required.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    All about Muslim fasting and Eid al-Adha


    Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov was born in January 1974 in Moscow. Since 1991 he has been working in the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia (DUMER); in 2002 he was appointed deputy mufti of the DUMER for religious issues, in 2005 - the head of the scientific and theological council of the DUMER. From 1997 to the present, he has been a preacher (imam-hatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill. Author of over 30 books, with a total circulation of more than 400 thousand copies, some of them became bestsellers, and one was translated into Chechen, English and Tatar. He is also the author and head of the popular Runet website umma.ru. Shamil Alyautdinov is a graduate of the International Islamic Academy and the Faculty of Islamic Law of the Al-Azhar University (Egypt). Years of study: from 1992 to 1998.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran. In 4 volumes. Volume 4


    The author of the translation of the main meanings of the Holy Quran and comments (tafsir) is Shamil Alyautdinov, a graduate of the International Islamic Academy and the Faculty of Islamic Law of the Al-Azhar University (Egypt). Years of study: from 1992 to 1998. Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov was born in January 1974 in Moscow. Since 1991 he has been working in the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the European part of Russia (DUMER); in 2002 he was appointed deputy mufti of the DUMER for religious issues, in 2005 - the head of the scientific and theological council of the DUMER. From 1997 to the present, he has been a preacher (imam-hatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill. Author of over 30 books, with a total circulation of more than 400 thousand copies, some of them became bestsellers, and one was translated into Chechen, English and Tatar. He is also the author and head of the popular Runet website umma.ru. The entire Quran has been translated, with the blessing of the Creator, however, the author does not claim that this work exhausts all the meanings of the Holy Scriptures - the attention of readers is only offered what the author could extract after many years of painstaking work with the fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing modernity through many dozens thousands of people's questions that he had the opportunity to answer. This translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran is the first theological translation into Russian. The presence of ritual purity when reading this book is not obligatory (for more details on why this is not obligatory, read in the 79th verse of the 56th sura).

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    How to see Paradise?

    Islam ,

    "How to see Paradise?" is an expanded edition of Everyone Will See Hell, which was first published in 2006. At the moment, it is obvious to the author that the religious consciousness in the Russian-speaking post-Soviet space is already completing the stage of "childhood", which very rapidly accelerated growth immediately after the collapse of the atheistic Soviet Union, and is entering a new stage - the stage of "youth", when understanding and understanding of the surrounding world begins to be felt from all its splendor and variety. And so he decided to transform the book, fill it with something completely new and transform, raising the tone of the book and its content to a qualitatively different level. If we do not stand still, but move forward, life constantly opens up new facets of being, new opportunities and new knowledge for a more complete and multilateral analysis of what is happening. This book will be useful to any reader, regardless of his nationality and religious affiliation. It does not carry a dead theory, but is filled with life-giving practice. It is relevant for any of the stages of the spiritual and intellectual development of the personality; it will help to think about what is important and necessary, to outline the paths of growth and self-development, and also to move forward with joy and confidence in tomorrow, both in its earthly and eternal perspective.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Holy Koran. Meanings. In 5 volumes. Volume 5


    The entire Quran has been translated, with the blessing of the Creator, however, the author does not claim that this work exhausts all the meanings of the Holy Scriptures - the attention of readers is only offered what the author could extract after many years of painstaking work with the fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing modernity through many dozens thousands of people's questions that he had the opportunity to answer. This translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran is the first theological translation into Russian. The presence of ritual purity when reading this book is not obligatory (for more details on why this is not obligatory, read in the 79th verse of the 56th sura).


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Muslim law. 1-2 levels


    This textbook on Islamic law is one of the first official textbooks prepared for Russian religious educational institutions and madrasah schools. This manual discusses in detail the five pillars of Muslim religious practice: shahada (the formula of Monotheism), prayer-prayer, fasting, zakat (obligatory alms) and hajj (pilgrimage). The book is intended for teachers of Muslim theology and specialists, as well as students. It features a wide range of canonical details, clarifications, references and footnotes. Translations of the meanings of the lines of the Holy Quran were made by Sh. Alyautdinov. Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov has been officially working in the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the European part of Russia since 1991. From 1997 to the present, he has been a preacher (imam-khatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Gora, in 2002 he was appointed deputy mufti of the DUMER for religious issues, in 2005 - the head of the scientific and theological council of the DUMER. Author of a number of books, including: "The Path to Faith and Perfection", "Muslim Law 1-2", "Other Worlds", "The World of the Soul", "He and She", "Everyone Will See Hell", "The Holy Quran. Meanings "and others. Shamil Alyautdinov is a graduate of the International Islamic Academy and the Faculty of Islamic Law of the Al-Azhar University (Egypt). Years of study: from 1992 to 1998.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    soul world

    Islam , Esoterics. Parapsychology. Secrets

    They say that in order to write a useful, lively book that gives readers a piece of spiritual rebirth and hope, you just need to take a pen, dip it in ink and put your soul on paper. This is how the "World of the Soul" was born - it's not even a world, but the whole Universe, illuminated by the bright reflections of the spiritual knowledge of hundreds of scientists of the "golden period", the heirs of the Prophet Muhammad.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Holy Koran. Meanings. In 5 volumes. Volume 4


    The entire Quran has been translated, with the blessing of the Creator, however, the author does not claim that this work exhausts all the meanings of the Holy Scriptures - the attention of readers is only offered what the author could extract after many years of painstaking work with the fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing modernity through many dozens thousands of people's questions that he had the opportunity to answer. This translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran is the first theological translation into Russian.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran


    The author of the translation of the main meanings of the Holy Quran, comments (tafsir) and hadiths is Shamil Alyautdinov, a graduate of the International Islamic Academy and the Faculty of Islamic Law of the Al-Azhar University (Egypt). Years of study: from 1992 to 1998. Since 1991, he has been working in the system of the DUM (Spiritual Administrations of Muslims) of the Russian Federation. From 1997 to the present, he has been a preacher (imam-hatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill. Shamil Alyautdinov - Chairman of the Ulema Council of the DUM RF. Author of over 30 books. The founder of Muslim coaching. The entire Koran has been translated, however, the author does not claim that this work exhausts all the meanings of the Holy Scriptures - the attention of readers is only offered what the author was able to extract after many years of painstaking work with the fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing modernity through many dozens thousands of human questions that he happened to answer. This translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran is the first theological translation into Russian (the translation was first made by a theologian). The presence of ritual purity when reading this book is not mandatory (more on why this is not obligatory, read in the 79th verse of the 56th sura).

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Muslim prayer practice


    The book by Shamil Alyautdinov, imam-hatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Gora, a graduate of the International Islamic Academy and the Faculty of Islamic Law of the Al-Azhar University (ARE), outlines the basics of Muslim prayer practice. The book is intended for Muslims who have embarked on the path of observance of the Islamic prayer ritual, as well as for everyone who is interested in Islamic spiritual practice.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    About death and eternity


    Among the Muslim peoples, there are many customs, various kinds of traditions associated with the burial of the deceased, funeral rites and mourning, most of which have neither meaning nor canonical justification. There may also be those who do not explicitly contradict the canons of faith and were dictated by time, place and circumstances. From the book you will learn how to properly perform ritual ceremonies according to the Koran and the Sunnah, how to read a funeral prayer, whether it is possible to mourn and how to remember the dead, what good deeds to do on behalf of the deceased, and also about what happens to the soul of a person. after she passes into a world where time stops, where only eternity reigns.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Holy Koran. Meanings


    The publication presents a complete translation of the Koran, however, the author does not claim that this work exhausts all the meanings of the Holy Scriptures - the attention of readers is only offered what the author was able to extract, having spent many years of painstaking work with the fundamental works of Muslim theologians and analyzing modernity through many tens of thousands human questions to which he happened to answer. This translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran is the first theological translation into Russian.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad


    What is this book about? About eternal values. About a person whose precepts and instructions are now followed by about 1.5 billion people all over the world, and over the past 14 centuries of human history, their number has numbered in many billions. Moreover, these followers speak different languages ​​of the world, belong to different cultures and peoples of our planet. "The greatness of a man is measured not by the degree of his self-confidence, but by the number of people who believe in him" (Woodrow Wilson). The first section of the book is devoted to the personality of the Prophet Muhammad and gives the reader an idea of ​​him as a person and God's messenger. The second section presents thematically combined individual statements (hadiths) of his, which make up only an insignificant part of the heritage of the final messenger of God, since only reliable statements number in the tens of thousands. In Muslim theology, there is a whole scientific direction, which is engaged in deep analysis and verification of the degree of reliability of the transmitted statements. It began to form in the first decades after the death of God's messenger. The third section of the book tells about prophetic medicine, about the recommendations of the prophet Muhammad regarding the physical and mental health of a person. In the fourth section, you can read about the early years of the mission of the final messenger of God, as well as about his immediate environment. In the last section you will find material about the Quran. The book will be useful to everyone, regardless of what culture or religion its reader belongs to, provided that he is thinking, looking at life broadly and drawing useful lessons from what he encounters on his life path.


    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Women and Islam


    This book is about modern Muslim women, as well as about those women who in one way or another came into contact with Muslim culture. The book tells about many aspects of the life of a modern woman, including gray, and sometimes dark, gloomy everyday life. She is alive with real life situations, with her questioning, wise with the author's instructions and unusually positive in revealing how beautiful life is. The book "Women and Islam" is also about how to become happy in the earthly, without losing happiness and prosperity in the eternal.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Focus on the essentials. diary

    Management , Calendars

    What do you do when you need to get to an important but unfamiliar place (from point A to point B)? You open the map or turn on the navigator, mentally or on a piece of paper lay out a route and move along it. Then you will definitely get to where you need to (point B), because you know what to pass by and where to turn. And what happens if you, without looking at the map or not turning on the navigator, get behind the wheel, drive onto the highway and go where the main flow of cars is heading? The chances of being at the desired point B are zero (0!). The same thing happens to you if you want to achieve something, to realize a certain idea, but at the same time you have no idea what you need to do every day in order to get closer to the goal. You can read smart books, visualize, "open the chakras", communicate with successful people, think positively, pray, but if you have not determined for yourself what will really move you towards the goal, you do not see it and do not imagine it, then point B is like was out of reach for you, and so it will remain. You are dreaming that something is about to happen, the curtain will rise and you will be at point B. Usually this does not happen. At least small, but specific efforts are needed to obtain a specific result. You need to do specific actions to move from point A to point B. You need to (1) think with your head, (2) change in something and (3) move. In order to help in this exciting and creative process of moving through life, this diary was developed. You are offered a simple planning system that will help you plan a route from point A to point B. Moreover, you will enter into the diary only the information that you consider necessary to achieve your goals. Gradually, you will learn to see more clearly those things that really bring results and move you towards your goal, as well as what distracts you, what you waste your energy and strength on.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. Part 1


    What is this book about? About eternal values. About a person whose precepts and instructions are now followed by about 1.5 billion people all over the world, and over the past 14 centuries of human history, their number has numbered in many billions. Moreover, these followers speak different languages ​​of the world, belong to different cultures and peoples of our planet. The first section of the book is devoted to the personality of the Prophet Muhammad and gives the reader an idea of ​​him as a person and God's messenger. The second section presents thematically combined individual statements (hadiths) of his, which make up only an insignificant part of the heritage of the final messenger of God, since only reliable statements number in the tens of thousands. In Muslim theology, there is a whole scientific direction, which is engaged in deep analysis and verification of the degree of reliability of the transmitted statements. It began to form in the first decades after the death of God's messenger. The third section of the book tells about prophetic medicine, about the recommendations of the prophet Muhammad regarding the physical and mental health of a person. In the fourth section, you can read about the early years of the mission of the final messenger of God, as well as about his immediate environment. In the last section you will find material about the Quran. The book will be useful to everyone, regardless of what culture or religion its reader belongs to, provided that he is thinking, looking at life broadly and drawing useful lessons from what he encounters on his life path. The semantic translations of all the verses used in this book are made by Shamil Alyautdinov.

    Alyautdinov Shamil

    Why do I need Islam?


    Over the past 20 years, Russian and world media have repeatedly, unfortunately, spoken negatively about Islam and Muslims, although Islam is 15 centuries of world culture, and today's Muslims are one and a half billion inhabitants of the planet Earth, representatives of different continents, peoples and states. The reasonable part of modern society understands that behind these insults, behind the introduction into speech of such terms as "Islamic terrorism", "suicide bomber" and "shahid belt", there are interests of big business, world geopolitics, pursuing the goal of dividing spheres of influence, preservation of drug trafficking, as well as the interests of major world powers, which, in order to maintain their economy at the proper level, need a large amount of oil, and a significant part of its deposits are located on the territory of Muslim countries or regions. For intelligent, enlightened people, this is obvious, but how many of them are left? In this book you will find a section that contains quotes that inspire, inspire, strengthen us and charge us with positive energy. They are called to open before us the wells of Divine mercy, to open our eyes to what is happening. And they will also help you receive Divine blessings on an endless stream of vital energy.

  • Alyautdinov Shamil

    Shamil Alyautdinov and mass media. Visualization of the best


    Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov has been working in the system of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Russian Federation since 1991. From 1997 to the present, he has been a preacher (imam-hatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill. In 2005 he was appointed head of the scientific and theological council DUMER (Spiritual Board of Muslims of the European part of Russia). Author of over 30 books, with a total circulation of about half a million copies, some of them became bestsellers and were translated into English, Tatar, Chechen and Tajik. He is also the author and head of the popular Runet website umma.ru. He was interviewed more than 200 times, including such channels of Russian television as Channel One, Rossiya, Ren TV, Mir, such radio channels as Radio Russia, Vesti FM, Russian News Service , "Echo of Moscow", Radio Liberty, such news publications as "The Economist", "Echo of Power", "Time.KZ photogallery", "Psychologies", "Metro", "Telecentre", "New Izvestia" , "Big City" and others. This book includes only 60 interviews of Shamil Alyautdinov given by Russian and foreign media on modern Muslim and near Muslim topics, including interviews with print media, interactive conversations, radio and television interviews, Internet polls, comments events.


“When people hear numbers, most of them immediately perceive it as money. Perhaps, 10 years ago, intersecting with people, I said not just thank you, but may the Almighty reward you a millionfold. But I developed and understood that to speak like that means to be greedy, and I began to speak a billion times. Someone even answered, why do I need so much money? But the last figures also seemed to me to limit the Divine mercy and I began to say a trillion times. This figure corresponded to my state of mind and gradually came into use. When someone calls me, I say "Trillionaire is listening" ... "

With this answer to the first question, a well-known Russian preacher, author of many popular books, seminars and presentations, imam-khatib of the Moscow memorial mosque Shamil Alyautdinov started a meeting before the start of the Trillionaire project in Kazan, which includes eight seminars on Muslim coaching. The correspondent of Islam-today was present at a meeting with the "trillionaire", during which he explained why this book has the potential to be released in a multi-million circulation, why he ignores political problems and does not comment on the media, why people are living in poverty ...

The trillionth state of the soul of the "deaf and blind" Shamil Alyautdinov

“When people I know call me, I say “Trillionaire is listening”, and this corresponds to the state of my soul, it sounds natural, because I feel like that. Sometimes I just say “hello,” says Sh. Alyautdinov. “This, of course, is not about money, as some people tend to think.”

This phrase formed the basis of the book “A Trillionaire Listens”, and served as an impetus for the beginning of the letter, which begins like this: “Why don’t you write an autobiography? ... I would very much like to see along with such books as“ My life. My achievements” G. Ford, “To hell with everything! Take it and do it! R. Branson, the book "Trillionaire listens" by Sh. Alyautdinov. There is another letter in the book that shaped the very idea and purpose of the book - to draw a parallel between important life values ​​and modern scientific achievements.

“I have a selfish desire,” the author admits, “to remain deaf and blind during the seminars, that is, to be even more focused. Each seminar is a serious stage of growth, it is a matter of concentration, something that I think about a lot and have been practicing for a long time. I see that there are a lot of opportunities in this life, and they are realizable, but this requires concentration, direction of mental energy. There are so many beautiful things around that you can’t waste your life on garbage, my inner world is outraged when you spend yourself on trifles.

“I don’t give in and I don’t adapt”

There is talk in society that Alyautdinov, using management tools and Western sources of literature, therefore, is trying to please a non-Muslim audience. There is an answer - the imam believes that people think in stereotypes, draw conclusions about other people and peoples on the basis of very superficial information.

“By nature, I am not accommodating and I do not adapt,” he notes. - If I had adjusted, I would have grown a beard long ago, I would not have said the word “gentlemen”, I would not have done a lot of things. In some situation, I can’t give in, but by the power of faith I try to make internal inhibition. More than two years ago, before I switched to a bicycle, at a traffic light, as is often the case with drivers, there was a desire to prove that you have a more “charged car”. In such cases, I gladly stepped on the gas, overtook, then pressed the brake, showing that I was not going to arrange Moscow races on Moscow streets.

“I don’t comment on anything, I don’t touch political issues, I change phones”

When resonant events took place all over the world, including in Tatarstan, Sh.Alyautdinov was not heard: he ignored political issues...

“When I do something, I build my life, I focus on those things that I can influence,” continues the author of Trillionaire. - What about politicking, discussing something and someone, the political situation? If I were a political figure, and it would be in my power to influence this or that, then I would first of all prefer not to speak, but to influence it.

"Trillionaire" admits that he does only what brings a lively actual effect. “There are explosive themes - I don’t use them, I like to blow my brain more , - reports Alyautdinov . - Therefore, I can not be heard anywhere on the Internet. I usually don’t comment on anything, I periodically change phones, including. Using different themes to increase your popularity is also not in my rules. Initially, I didn’t go this way, I’m absolutely not interested, I try to talk about what I can influence positively.”

Political questions about the religious situation in Tatarstan were expected, but the author referred to the fact that his audience is not politicized. « I communicated with deputies, businessmen, influential people, and for the last 20 years I have not attended the vast majority of events and conferences, - he admitted. - I gave hundreds of interviews and saw what remains of my words. I know the behind-the-scenes game, the political kitchen. As a result, I try to stay away from this as much as possible, because life is fleeting, and you can try to do what would be useful from the point of view of earthly and eternal happiness.

The latest events in Tatarstan worry Alyautdinov, he advocates for the primacy of Tatarstan in the religious sphere, but notes that there are serious losses so far.

“I don’t want to go around in circles around the questions “does Islam allow music” and “is it possible to drink kefir”

“Year after year, I get asked the same questions,” says the imam. - I have already answered them and written them in books. I don't want to stay at this level, go around in circles around the same thing. The fate of people, tens of thousands of questions that went through my head, made it clear that we need to go beyond questions about whether Islam allows music, whether it is possible to drink kefir. I want to close it there."

The audience for new questions will also be different - those who want to rise to a new level, so the seminars were limited, including paid tickets, and certain boundaries were set. “I'm growing with you, I'm not interested in chatting, I'm not interested in standing still,” he says. - More than once I was told that I speak to the brain, and if you listen to my brother's sermons, then he is in the heart. Therefore, my audience is those who turn on the brains.

Anyone who does not turn on these brains, that is, a person who just came from the street, according to him, will not understand, he will say, they are talking about money, “in fact, he is talking about money.” “At the seminars I want to get as many people as possible out of the beggarly dialogue of the soul,” hopes the author of the project. - I am not given, I have no opportunities, I am so poor, squeezed - they don’t talk about it, but this poverty sits in people. It should not be so, even if the believer has nothing, but if the heart is satisfied with the position, then he and the richest person are the same.

“Moving to another country is a defeat for me, and I don’t like to lose”

This question was born due to the fact that Sh. Alyautdinov has recently, as is known, intensified the study of the English language. But this, according to him, was before the heart surgery, after - all plans shifted, and seminars on Muslim coaching became a priority.

“If I get a visa, I will study the language in America, but my family is not going to stay there. If you listen to my speeches, you can understand that I am not so positive about America. For me, this move is even humiliating as a Russian. Moving somewhere, especially in English-speaking countries, will be a kind of defeat, and I do not like to lose.

"I smelled the smell of death..."

During the conference, Alyautdinov paid great attention to the recently undergone heart surgery.

“I smelled death. With every cell of my body, my brain, I felt that everything, I was dying. Four competent Moscow specialists made a fatal diagnosis, they said that I had a few hours left to live and would hardly have time to bring me to the operating room. Friends actively joined in: they sent the results of the survey to Germany. There, the professor said that he had only a few months left to live; with such a diagnosis, people usually die. The operation is considered one of the most difficult, it lasted five hours. When the doctors put on masks, I prepared for the fact that I would not wake up. They open the chest, turn off the heart (this was done twice), turn on artificial circulation. But the operation was successful and gave me a lot of life experience. Doctors said the cause is unknown. So, this is how the Almighty determined, ”trillioner excited his memory.

Known to many. He gives Friday sermons, travels around the world with seminars, writes books on topics ranging from theology to financial success. Together with him, his charming wife Zilya, the mother of five children, speaker and author of the book “Secrets of Family Happiness”, speaks to the audience.


Zilya Alyautdinova was born in 1978 in Aznakayevo, Tatarstan. At the age of 13 she entered the Lyceum in the city of Izmir, Turkey. She graduated in 1996 and returned to her native country. She worked as translators, in 1997 she entered the Peoples' Friendship University, where she studied geology. At the same time she studied at the courses of DUM (spiritual management).

In her second year, she married Shamil Alyautdinov. In 2002, the first-born appeared in the family. In the same year, Zilya received a diploma.

Over the years of family life, the woman has mastered two languages ​​- French and English. She completed an internship at Moscow State University as a translator. In 2016, Zilya Alyautdinova became the mother of five children, whom she brings up without the help of a nanny. Zilya is engaged not only in their spiritual and intellectual development, but also in their physical development. Having extensive experience in raising children, she gives lectures and shares the secrets of building family relationships.

next to her husband

The husband of Zili Alyautdinova Shamil is a preacher of Islam, he can be called an innovator in theology. Shamil offers a completely new approach to religion and strives to bring its canons closer to the present, to make Islam useful for self-realization and self-improvement. A versatile and extraordinary person, he conducts seminars on various topics - from theology to the Trillionaire Internet project.

Shamil is a supporter of active education and has formed a special approach to the interpretation of the Koran and theological works. His theory combines quotes from the Qur'an and the latest advances in psychology, neuroscience and psychology. The main goal of his philosophical system is to make a person successful and happy, rich spiritually and materially. Shamil travels with seminars and lectures in many countries, his wife Zilya helps him in his work.

The seminars of Shamil and Zili are a success, the halls where they hold them are always filled to the limit. The main activity of a woman is to be a mother and support her husband in everything.

Zila Khanum is a wonderful wife and perfectly copes with the role of a mother. All the children of the Alyautdinovs go in for music and sports, attend madrasahs. Their mother refused the services of a nanny. Zila is asked many questions about the family, the role of spouses in it, and the upbringing of children. Therefore, the seminars she conducts deal with these topics.

Main areas of life

The advice that Zilya gives to her listeners changes their lives for the better. She herself prepares for seminars, is engaged in social projects, writes books. Zilya Alyautdinova notes that it is very important to find the right proportions between family and social activity. You can't limit yourself to just your career or family. A versatile approach enriches, makes his life full.

A mother who is raising children feels more confident and comfortable if she has some kind of employment outside the home. A woman who makes a career, but does not become a good mother, will not be happy. It is important to stick to the golden mean. Of course, questions arise: a mother of five children, how does she manage to do everything, what helps her keep her balance? Both at seminars and in her book Secrets of Family Happiness, Zilya Alyautdinova talks about four important areas of life:

  1. Physical - this is the human body, which needs to be looked after, adhere to proper nutrition, play sports. Otherwise, the apparatus created by the Almighty will work worse and worse over the years.
  2. Spiritual - all Muslims should have love for the Holy Scriptures. A person who cannot read Arabic must learn. It is not difficult, especially now, when there are electronic versions of the Koran, voiced and with translation. Sermons also help to support the spiritual side of life. Zilya herself tries to listen to her husband every week. “When I pick up the Quran, it's like meeting a close friend,” she says.
  3. An emotional Muslim woman, who spends most of her time at home, needs to maintain emotional balance in the midst of her daily routine: go to visit, communicate. Be sure to be interested in the affairs and plans of the spouse. It doesn’t always work out, but when the children are sleeping, you can find time.
  4. Intellectual - every woman should read magazines and books. You can listen to audiobooks while doing household chores.

Family happiness

Zili Alyautdinova's lectures are based on religious norms of morality, as if "lost" in the modern world. She not only wants to bring people closer to faith, convey to them the words of the Holy Scriptures and inspire them to achieve for the good of society, but also tells her listeners about how to be a happy woman, find a life partner, which of the applicants for a hand and heart to choose, how become a caring mother.

In his debut book, Secrets of Family Happiness, the author shares recipes for family happiness with readers. Zilya Alyautdinova writes about how to find harmony within yourself, what happiness is, a pious spouse, how to add romance and color to family relationships. Talks about proper nutrition and gymnastics during pregnancy, how to quickly recover after childbirth, how to maintain femininity. Zilya pays much attention to the upbringing and spiritual development of children.

10 recipes for happiness

  • Give your husband information in small parts. Women quickly switch from one thing to another. Men are arranged a little differently. Therefore, you should not “splash out” a lot of information on your husband, but give it out piece by piece. It is necessary, after returning from work, to give him a rest and enter into a homely atmosphere.
  • Critical periods in a child occur at the age of 3, 7, 9, 12 years. At the age of 3, the child learns independence, they forgive him a lot, but at 7 they begin to demand something from him. At the age of 9, he forms his own social circle, and at 12, the opinion of friends is sometimes more important than the opinion of his parents. And it is very important at these stages to understand children and build trusting relationships with them.
  • How to instill in children a love of religion? In spiritual education one must be patient and attentive. Constantly remind about prayer, explain its value. Children should read the Quran and learn the suras, know the meaning of the basic Arabic words.
  • How to instill in your child a love of reading? In the house, books should be in plain sight. “We have books in the living room, and in the nursery, and even in the kitchen,” Zilya says.
  • Don't give in to emotions. There is a place for everything in the family: frustrations, disagreements, and fatigue. At such moments, it is important not to go on about the emotions. In moments of anger, you need to calm down, cool down, and only then talk with your children or your husband.
  • Exercise. There is no way to go to the gym - do breathing exercises and stretches, play with the children.
  • Treat parents with respect. The father and mother are right after Allah and it is very important to treat them with respect, be interested in their affairs and health, the daughter-in-law to show wisdom in relations with the mother-in-law
  • Lay a strong foundation in children under 18 years of age. After the child steps into adulthood, he will listen to your advice less. Therefore, it is important to be on time - there is too little time when parents can invest in a child.
  • Do not be afraid to remind and repeat to the child. Just do it gently. For example, parents start brushing their teeth with their child at 2 years old, and for 12 years you need to constantly remind about it.
  • Greet your husband and children with a smile. This is the key to family happiness. Smile at them even when you don't have the strength to.
Birthday 00 1974

imam-khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, one of the most prominent representatives of the new wave of Islamic theologians and preachers, author of numerous books on Islamic topics


Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov was born in January 1974 in Moscow. He is a descendant of people from the village. Chembilei Krasnooktyabrsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.

From 1992 to 1998 - a graduate of the International Islamic Academy and the Faculty of Islamic Law at Al-Azhar University (Egypt).

As a young man, he studied Islam at semi-legal courses at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, which were organized by the unofficial organization "Saf-Islam", took part in a number of its projects (participated in the translation into Russian of the film "Risalya", etc.).

Since 1991, he has been officially working in the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia (DUMER).

From 1997 to the present, he has been a preacher (imam-hatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill.

In 1998-99 was one of the founders of the new illustrated magazine "Muslims".

In 2002, he was appointed deputy mufti of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the European part of Russia for religious issues.

In 2005, he was appointed head of the DUMER Scientific and Theological Council.

He devoted the last 15 years to the professional study of Islamic theology.

in 2002 he was appointed deputy mufti DUMER for religious issues.

The elder brother of the Imam of the Cathedral Mosque Ildar Alyautdinov.

Married. Has four children.

Religious activities

Shamil Alyautdinov is one of the most prominent representatives of the new wave of Islamic theologians and preachers in Russia. The oral and written sermons of Shamil-Khazrat operate at a qualitatively new level of enlightenment, which frankly falls short of most of all traditional Islamic structures in Moscow. Author of numerous articles and books on Islam, written in an accessible and meaningful form (mainly in the "question - answer" style, which is typical for theological works in the Arabic tradition).


Author of numerous books on Islamic topics: "The Path to Faith and Perfection", "Answers to Your Questions about Islam", "From Topic to Topic", "Reality", "Islam 624", "He and She", "He and She 2”, “He and she 3”, “Different opinions… Why?”, “Cry of the soul or crisis of the spirit”, “Fasting and zakat”, “Muslim prayer practice”, “Muslim law 1-2”, “World of the soul” , “Otherworlds”, “Everyone will see Hell”, “Life on Mars, or You are not here here”, “The Holy Quran. Meanings” (four volumes), “Children and Islam”, “Men and Islam”, “Gift to my son. Happiness formulas. For children from 5 to 60”, “Daughter's gift. Happiness formulas. For children from 5 to 60”, author and project manager of the popular website www.umma.ru in Runet.

The total circulation of Shamil Alyautdinov's books is over 250,000 copies.

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