Home Potato Packing land as a business. Business selling high-quality soil mixtures (chernozem). How much money do you need to start a business

Packing land as a business. Business selling high-quality soil mixtures (chernozem). How much money do you need to start a business

Despite the "strangeness" of this business idea, it is really relevant and even very profitable. Before starting this business, it is important to understand for yourself who will be its consumer and who, in principle, the proposed product is designed for.

Clients #1. City gardeners. No matter how strange it may sound, potential customers of the business in the production and sale of land are gardeners who live in the city and own their five acres of land on their plots. Country land is not always suitable for growing some varieties of plants.

Clients #2. Flower girls. Women, and rarely men who are fond of indoor flowers in the house and most often in an apartment, cannot do without purchased soil.

Clients #3. Homeowners. These are the owners of cottages in the center or on the outskirts of a big city, the provision of which with landscape design requires quality land.

Buyers of purchased land are often residents of medium-sized cities and metropolitan areas. The reason is that in rural areas purchased, even enriched, land is unlikely to be in really good demand. The main reason for this is the mentality of the villagers and the excellent experience in enriching their own land.

Soil production for sale

1. To produce really high-quality and fertile soil, use:
Peat, which contains the necessary amount of nutrients and humus. These combinations provide activation of the plant process of crops.
Small amount of sand.
Useful fertilizers and natural additives. The soil is distinguished by the natural useful substances already laid in it, which are necessary for the growth of various crops. It contains nutrients, minerals and trace elements.

2. You can also make soil with compost. But it should be understood that this technology does not guarantee compliance with clear quality indicators, so you should not indicate the composition without error. Prescribe indicators on the packaging of such soil within certain limits from and to.
The composition of the soil for indoor flowers depends on the plant itself, since each needs an individual approach. However, the composition of the substrate must necessarily include, albeit in small quantities, the following trace elements:

3. For soil production, you need to buy devices such as an electronic pH meter and a simple TDS meter. They are inexpensive, but without them it is impossible to control the quality of products and determine the concentration of salts.
What should not be in the soil is a phytopathogenic nematode and a root worm. And also - a minimum of weed seeds. Any substrate cannot be packed hermetically; the packaging must be perforated.

4. In addition to the usual universal soil, it is possible and necessary to produce plant food for sale. It must be prepared from already cleaned and ennobled soil, adding high-quality manure to it. It can be purchased from farmers in the villages. It should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio, after which the mixture is usually packaged in perforated bags of 3-5 kg.

5. Far from all production processes there is a factor of seasonality of demand, but it covers the majority of manufacturing enterprises and organizations. When creating a business selling soil, it should be noted that there is a pronounced seasonality in production and sales. When developing a plan for the year, it must be taken into account that the highest level of demand for enriched soil falls on the demi-season seasons: spring and very much. This is due to the fact that during this period there is an active preparation of the land for sowing crops, flowers and shrubs are planted in the city beds, and houseplants are transplanted.

6. Despite these figures, there is also demand from flower lovers in winter and summer. Starting in April, a product like enriched soil will be wildly popular. During this period, profits can reach 300%.
As such, a workshop for the production of fertile soil is not required. This can be done in the greenhouse both in winter and in summer. The most important thing is not to let the finished substrate freeze. Although, due to frost, the beneficial components of the soil, of course, will not disappear.

7. You can store the soil in the same place, in the greenhouse, or adapt a separate unheated room for this. An important point is to find free areas for soil extraction in advance. In order to be able to obtain peat and other substances, it is necessary to conclude cooperation agreements with mining enterprises, from which it is possible to purchase the necessary raw materials.
After that, you will need to purchase containers and packaging for packing the soil. Also, subsequently, the material for creating armored packages and labels will come in handy.

8. To start your business legally, you must register as an entrepreneur. You can choose the form of registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, however, the first one is quite enough to carry out this type of activity. Moreover, the design will not take a lot of time and money, and after a week and a half you can be engaged in both the production and sale of the selected product.

9. After you establish the production of high-quality fertile soil, you should quickly think about its implementation. The product is specific, so the marketing and advertising approach must be special. Entrepreneurs of this business often do not use many advertising tools, but the most classic and most common ones still need to be implemented. Among them:
Printing leaflets with assortment, prices, information about the usefulness of the soil and contacts (distribute in places where potential buyers gather: at gardening conferences, country stops).
Flyer layout printing in newspapers and magazines that future clients can read.

10. At the start, you should offer low prices for some types of soil and promotional offers for wholesalers and frequent customers (if any have already appeared). It is also worth holding a promotion with free delivery of orders from 20-30 kg of soil.
There are a lot of advertising options now. On the web, the creation of a website or landing (business card website) is considered to be a particularly effective tool. They are able to increase the geography of sales and, thereby, increase the customer base at least 10 times.
We can safely say that if the produced soil is actually of high quality, and the price is acceptable for its target audience, the business will flourish, and in six months it will pay for the costs and begin to bring excellent income.

"Russian Lawns" was one of the first companies to start the production of special soils with the help of appropriate equipment. The company purchased its first Trommel plant in 2001, after which the renewal of production facilities for the production of soils has been carried out on a regular basis.

The range of universal soils from the company "Russian Lawns" is a processed and purified mixture of three main components: fertile soil layer, low-lying peat and river sand. If necessary, a fourth (organic) component, compost, can be added.

The ratios of components for all types of soils are unique. They are compiled by our specialists on the basis of deep scientific knowledge, rich experience in landscaping and almost twenty years of experience in its practical application.

The first stage of soil production includes cleaning the fertile soil layer from large parts at the Trommel plant, followed by thorough grinding and mixing.

An important component for the production of soils is low-lying and transitional milled peat. The chemical and physical properties of peat (humidity, ash content, content of organic matter and nutrients) are carefully monitored in order to use the highest quality raw materials.

River sand for the production of soils is also controlled for foreign inclusions and chemical purity.

At the second stage of production all soil components (fertile soil layer, peat and sand) are combined according to the varietal recipe, mixed and re-sieved at the Trommel soil processing plant. The capacities of our production allow us to produce about 1000 m 3 of top quality soil daily.

Finished products (universal primers) are subjected to a complete chemical analysis. The analysis confirms the fertility, soil-improving properties, and the optimal chemical composition of soils.

Particular attention is paid to the environmental safety of products and their compliancestandards of the Moscow Ecological Register.All soils are certified.

For the convenience of transportation, we offer a service for packaging fertile soil in big-bag polypropylene bags (volume 1 cubic meter).

Delivery of soil is carried out in Moscow and the Moscow region. For fertile soil, the price with delivery is determined individually, depending on the volume of the order and the distance of the route. Self-delivery of products from our production sites and warehouses is possible

Advantages of the fertile soil "Russian Lawns":

  • soil production on modern Canadian equipment;
  • compliance with GOST quality standards;
  • verification and testing of components in the laboratories of the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University;
  • different types of soil are designed to solve specific tasks for landscaping the territory;
  • Possibility of making soil according to the customer's recipe.

We draw your attention to the fact that this website and its contents are for informational purposes only and under no circumstances are information materials, product catalogs, articles and prices posted on the website a public offer determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Fertile soil is always in demand. Belarusians love to grow indoor plants and dig in the beds in the country. And therefore, there will always be hunters for high-quality useful land. Despite the seasonal surge in demand for finished products, the soil production business can be extremely lucrative. In this article, we provide answers to the most common questions. It will be useful for a potential investor to familiarize themselves with the material.

What is fertile soil and how to produce it?

In nature, there are many varieties of soil. Its production involves the creation of fertile soil, which is subsequently used in gardening, growing vegetables and landscape crop production. Useful properties of the earth are given in the process of its enrichment with chernozem, mineral additives. In addition, microelements and substances are added to the soil that promote plant growth and the proper formation of the root system and shoots. An important aspect is the creation of a special air-water regime, in which the plant feels as comfortable as possible. All these conditions directly affect the final fertility.

In addition to fertile soil, there are other types of loose natural material. For example, plant soil is also quite common. It is mainly used in the form of fertilizer: top dressing of tree roots, lawns and often in landscaping work.

How much money do you need to start a small business?

There are several main cost items that form the amount required to start a soil production business. First, you should register a business entity of a suitable form of ownership and obtain the appropriate permits. For the production of soil, you need to obtain a certificate and documentation for the production of soil of a certain composition. A specialized scientific organization that has a license can help with this.

The second main article is the preparation of the production line. A room is needed for storage, processing and packaging of soil. On an ongoing basis, it is required to purchase high-quality raw materials, which are the basis for future fertile soil. Packing costs quite a lot. At first, you can save a lot by using manual packing. It will require the involvement of workers who will need to pay wages. However, for a novice businessman, this is a much more suitable option than purchasing expensive packaging equipment. It is desirable to proceed to this stage after a successful start. If the packaging unit can be purchased later, then at the initial stages you will have to buy or rent an auger, mixer, mixer, crusher.

The approximate calculation of the required amount is as follows. A simple production line consisting of a few basic units costs around $25,000-40,000. The cost of fertilizers and black soil depends on their type and volume. Buying in bulk is always cheaper. If the total amount includes funds for opening a business, attracting qualified employees, renting premises, then the approximate initial capital is estimated at $100,000.

Is the business of fertile soil production profitable in Belarus?

In our country, fertile soil is actively used by summer residents, small and large farms. The production of high-quality enriched land can bring a good income. If we talk about specific numbers, then the profitability rate can reach 300%. So, it will be possible to return the invested funds in 2-3 years. For maximum efficiency, it is necessary to carefully consider the marketing of finished products. This is a lot of work that needs to be done much earlier than the creation and packaging of fertile soil.

We work for you

For many years, the Prof-Soyuz specialized soil center has been producing and supplying the best certified soil for the needs of landscape, landscaping, road and construction organizations in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as for private customers at low prices.

The modern equipment and technologies of milling and piling that we have, the correct preparation and storage of components and finished soil allows us to offer the best soil in Moscow and the region at a low cost. Transportation of soil is carried out annually and daily at a convenient time for customers. The cost of supplying soil is calculated taking into account the minimum mileage of vehicles, which allows us to reduce its price, and you - to significantly save on ordering soil.

If you want to order the supply of high-quality and environmentally friendly soil with a Ministry of Economic Development certificate at the lowest price, then it is very easy to do. It is enough to call our office or a mobile dispatcher and you will receive competent advice on the price of soil and the conditions for its transportation directly to your site. We accept soil orders around the clock, without lunch breaks, without days off and holidays. Literally the next day you will already have the best soil of the central region at the lowest price and will allow you to create an excellent lawn or park, a simple flower garden or a masterpiece of landscape architecture at a low cost.

The production and transportation of soil is carried out by us regardless of the season. Production capacities allow us to supply the best soil to our customers' landscaping facilities in any volume: from one truck to thousands of cubic meters per day. The well-functioning work of the round-the-clock dispatch center and the availability of a modern base of vehicles of various carrying capacities allow you to order deliveries promptly, having all the necessary information about the movement of the soil during the implementation of each order. The transportation of our soils is carried out by highly qualified drivers who know Moscow and the Moscow region well.

This set of equipment is designed for processing and packaging shops of bulk substances, such as sapropel, peat-sapropel and organic-mineral mixtures, soils, building and molding sand, garden soil, soils and recultivants, soil formers, stale manure and manure, caked clay, grain fodder, etc.

The production line of the shop for the production of bulk products is shown in the figure below.

General view of the sapropel processing and packaging shop

The basic set of equipment includes:

1. Grids for screening out large-sized inclusions

2. Hopper

3. Inclined belt conveyor with magnetic metal catcher

4. Disc grinder ID-300

5. Inclined belt conveyor

6. Drum sifter

7. Screw conveyor

8. Packing complex for bulk products

9. Pallet with finished products

The technological process is carried out as follows: raw material - sapropel with a moisture content of not more than 40% from the base warehouse is loaded by a TO-28 loader and delivered to the processing and packaging workshop.

It is desirable to equip the front loader with a bucket screening crusher of the ZTM type. The mass of sapropel coarsely ground by a bucket crusher is loaded through the grate 1 into the loading hopper 2. Some of the large inclusions in the mixture are screened out, the second part is fed into the grinder ID-300 by an inclined belt conveyor 3. After grinding to a fraction of max 2-3 mm, the raw material is fed into a drum sifter 6, sieved into two fractions and fed by a screw conveyor 7 to the bunker of the packing unit 8. The material is packed in bags, bags, buckets or other containers, placed on a pallet 9 and delivered to the warehouse.

The productivity of the line with packaging of bulk product in bags of 10-25 l is 10 m 3 / h

Energy consumption, kW - no more than 26

Maintenance personnel on the equipment - 3 people.

Line for processing and packaging fertilizers from sapropel with a moisture content of not more than 40%

Specification of the main equipment of the workshop for the preparation and processing of sapropel into marketable products

1. Site preparation

Processing and packaging area


Work contract


Chapter 1. Sapropel (bottom silt) as a highly effective organo-mineral fertilizer

1.1. Granular and loose sapropel (bottom silt)


2.1. Market of fertilizers from sapropel (bottom silts)

Chapter 3

Chapter 4. Area of ​​work

5.1. RF standards for the production of fertilizers from bottom silt (sapropel)

5.2. Warehouse of raw materials - sapropel with a moisture content of not more than 40%

Chapter 6




8.1. Specification of the main equipment of the workshop for the preparation and processing of sapropel into marketable products


List of Graphics Applications


Special literature on the extraction of sapropel

Graphic Applications

1. Interactive map with sampling points in the sapropel warehouse. In the SasPlanet program


3. Line for the production of products from stale sapropel. In Sketch Up

4. Video file of the basic set of equipment for the sapropel processing plant into fertilizers and fertilizer mixtures with packing in valve bags. In Sketch Up

7. Summary table of data on sampling sapropel in the warehouse.doc

8. Instructions for using the programs.doc

9. Sheet 2. Layout of equipment in the production line. In Kompas V.13

10. GOST R 54000-2010. pdf

11. Crushing and screening of soil, sapropel.pdf

12. Screening bucket Robi MM.pdf

13. Allu - equipment for screening and grinding sapropel.pdf

Terms of preparation of the Design justification of production - 1.0 months. Cost - 96 thousand rubles.

Terms of manufacture and delivery of equipment - no more than 2 months.

The cost of a set of equipment for the processing and packaging shop (as of July 25, 2015) without a bucket screening crusher is from 2,460,000 rubles. up to 2860000 rub. depending on the required productivity and the initial properties of the raw material.

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