Home Potato Proper nutrition for the child. Proper nutrition of a schoolchild: the basics of the diet and the principles of drawing up the menu. Healthy food for children for children: selection rules

Proper nutrition for the child. Proper nutrition of a schoolchild: the basics of the diet and the principles of drawing up the menu. Healthy food for children for children: selection rules

In schoolchildren 6-10 years old, the need for obtaining nutrients from food increases significantly. The growth spurt begins as early as 10-11 years old, so the needs for nutrients and energy can be even higher than in adults in relation to their weight. Baby foods should include a variety of foods to meet their nutritional needs.

Children should be encouraged to:

  • eat a variety of nutritious foods
  • there are a lot of vegetables, legumes and fruits (different colors)
  • eat preferably (such as cereals, bread, rice, pasta and noodles)
  • eating lean meats, fish, poultry and / or alternatives such as nuts or legumes
  • eat, yoghurts, cheeses
  • water should be the main source of fluid intake

What you should pay attention to:

  • limit your intake of saturated fat and consume moderate amounts of fatty foods
  • prefer foods that are low in salt
  • consume only moderate amounts of sweets

Breakfast for the student

So let's take a look at why breakfast is very important for a school-age child and what foods are best to use to prepare it.

Why breakfast is important for your child

The first meal at the beginning of the day is very important for school-age children and should not be missed. Research has repeatedly shown that children who eat breakfast have much higher intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber and have better nutritional intake, which helps them focus on their studies and perform better. Meals for school-age children must start with breakfast.

What is the best breakfast for a student

Grain breads, cereals, oatmeal, nuts and fruits are considered the best breakfasts for schoolchildren - they allow you to release energy slowly over a longer time, unlike unhealthy foods. School-aged kids are mature enough to handle whole versions of these carbohydrate-rich foods. Your best bet is to go for a savory, plain, whole grain or oatmeal porridge that you can sweeten with fruit rather than sugar.

Lunch for a student

So let's take a look at why lunch is so important for a school-age child and what foods are best for preparing it.

Why lunch is important to your child

Meals for primary school children must include a full meal. Whether it's a packed lunch or a hot meal in the school cafeteria, lunch is an essential part of the day. The school day is long, and the energy needs are high, as the child experiences both physical and mental stress - often at lunchtime, there is an exacerbation of hunger, mood and concentration. What should our children eat at lunchtime so that it can provide their bodies with a significant amount of energy until the evening?

Eating too much food at lunchtime or eating foods high in fat or sugar can make children sleepy or cause abdominal discomfort and pain. Avoid these symptoms by choosing foods for your child's lunch box that nourish and support his body well enough to keep him from hungry for a few more hours. However, you should not give your child with you food that is too heavy for his stomach, which will make him sluggish.

What's the best lunch for your child

Proper nutrition for schoolchildren should include foods from each food group:

  • fats and carbohydrates to replenish energy stores
  • protein for muscle strength and growth
  • vitamins, minerals and to maintain strong immunity and optimal health

Traditionally, parents put sandwiches and pastries in lunch boxes. If you are giving your child a sandwich to school, try giving him oat cakes or rye crackers with a little hummus (a chickpea snack) or natural pate (your child loves). You can also prepare your child for school pita bread with cheese, beans or chicken, with the addition of lettuce leaves. You could also try giving him soup for school in a special thermos for food.

Keep an eye on the amount of salt your child eats, as it is added in large quantities to factory foods that he may buy at school or on the road. Too much salt is bad for everyone's health. It also leads to high thirst for children at school, which can be a problem. Make sure your child is drinking enough water, as a dehydrated child is much more likely to be tired and grumpy. About 2-6 glasses of water a day (depending on age and weight) is a good goal for your child. Carbonated drinks should be for special occasions as they act as a source of "empty calories" and can lead to tooth decay.

How to deal with your child's fatigue

If you notice that your child gets tired all the time, this problem needs to be addressed. Make sure he gets enough movement throughout the day, as lack of fresh air and constant sitting at a desk can make him feel tired. Physical activity promotes the production of endorphins, which lift your mood and increase your metabolism to improve sleep.

Lack of sleep is an obvious cause of fatigue, so try to get your child to go to bed on time.

Anemia (lack of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood) makes children constantly tired, pale, and possibly headaches. If you suspect your child has iron deficiency anemia, see a doctor who can diagnose it with a blood test.

The development of anemia is usually associated with a lack of iron from food. Red meat is the best source of iron as well as a good source of protein and. Other meats, such as chicken and fish, also contain iron, as well as legumes, fortified breakfast cereals, and breads. Iron from these sources is not as well absorbed as the iron found in meat, but you can use it to increase absorption. Simply adding fruits or others (like tomatoes or peppers) to your meals will increase the amount of iron you absorb. In contrast, tea, coffee, and unprocessed coffee can inhibit iron absorption, so avoid offering them with food.

Why fruit and fiber are important for your child

Healthy food for school-age children must include fruits and others. Sometimes, when children are going through a difficult time at school (for example, during exams), their body may experience a disorder in the work of the intestines. They may complain of stomach pain or worry about going to the toilet.

Many children experience constipation, and dehydration can be one of the most common causes, as well as a lack of fiber. Fiber needs a lot of water, due to which it swells in the digestive tract, making the feces looser and improving intestinal motility. Therefore, make sure your child is consuming enough fiber and water, otherwise this can only worsen constipation. Give your child (cereals, breads, baked goods, bars) oatmeal, quinoa, lots of fruits and vegetables, and beans.

Which fruits contain more fiber

All fruits are great for kids, but dried fruits are really packed with fiber. You can buy small snacks from, and. Dried fruit is a great cake sweetener, and dried fruit puree is a great addition to pancakes, toast and ice cream.

Remember, dried fruit is a concentrated source of sugars. Therefore, offer your child a small serving (about 30 g or an amount that fits in the palm of his hand). The combination of dried fruit with nuts and seeds helps mitigate the effects of fruit sugars and regulates energy levels.

Why Calcium Is Important For Your Baby

The nutrition of primary school children should provide the student with a sufficient amount of calcium. Calcium is important for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth, nerve function, muscle contractions, and heart function. Getting enough calcium (as well as nutrients such as vitamin D) and exercising during childhood and adolescence are important for increasing bone mass to prevent osteoporosis in adulthood.

Which foods contain a lot of calcium

The student's menu should include a sufficient amount of calcium-rich foods. Dairy products, such as whole milk, and are the main sources of calcium in the modern diet. Dairy products also provide the body with valuable protein and vitamins A, B1, B2 and B3. School-aged children may have a preference for dairy products that are low or low in fat. They contain almost as much protein, calcium and vitamins as whole milk.

Children who don't like dairy products will need to get their calcium from non-dairy sources. Foods that contain significant amounts of calcium include:

  • jellied meat or bone broth;
  • leafy green vegetables;
  • whole grains and breads;
  • canned fish (eaten with bones);
  • legumes (e.g. beans,

Every mother dreams of her child being healthy and happy, because this is the most important thing. That is why we try to give our children all the best: hug, dress warmly and beautifully, feed tasty and healthy, buy the most useful toys. Here we will talk about what good nutrition is for children and how it differs from nutrition for adults. I will not talk about norms, grams, nutrients. This article is about how not to bother, but learn to immediately determine which dish or product is useful for the child and which is not, and also the topic of "how to teach a child to eat right" deserves special attention.

To begin with, no one previously thought about the fact that a child's diet should be different from that of an adult in some kind of food. It's just that before there was such an abundance of unhealthy foods, people cooked healthy food. Please note that all classic dishes are right, that is, healthy and wholesome. But now is not about that. Nowadays there is such a thing as baby food. Of course, it is very good that now there are adapted formulas for babies who are deprived of the opportunity to receive mother's milk, but now you can find canned food for children on store shelves, the presence of which no one will be surprised. The debate about how useful such food is still continues, on the one hand, it is organic food, which, in theory, is checked and its quality is strictly controlled, but still it is canned food, who knows how many useful substances have been preserved during the storage of the product?

I believe that, if possible, it is better to feed children with home-cooked meals, and not only because they are more useful and we are more aware of what is in them, but also because we instill in the child a culture of eating food, then there is a child should understand that cooking homemade food is a norm of life and it should be so, to some extent this will affect the fact that later the child will be inclined to use a healthy home life, rather than to purchased ready-made food, which we already have now we can doubt.

Now let's talk about how we can learn to feed a child with such foods, so that later we do not worry that the child is receiving all the necessary nutrients for health, proper growth and development.

Many mothers believe that in the diet of a small child, dairy foods should be in the largest amount. But, for example, I was faced with the fact that my daughter is prone to anemia, and it turned out that it was the excess of the intake of dairy products that led to this, since calcium impedes the absorption of iron, which directly affects the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

I was very deeply interested in the topic of proportions and essential foods in the diet of children. Many pediatricians say that each child has its own norm, as well as preferences and tastes, and most importantly for a mother to remember once and for all that there are 5 groups of foods that need to be consumed every day in order to meet the need for all nutrients , it:

- cereals and grains; this includes bread, cereals, pasta

- milk products;

- meat products, eggs and offal

- fruit

By consuming at least one type of food from each group every day, we will provide the child with the most necessary things. That is, you need to at least eat an apple, potatoes, bread, a cutlet and a glass of milk a day, for example, and the body is already provided with useful substances. And it is not at all necessary to buy ten types of fruits, make the child eat cottage cheese and wash it down with milk ...

How to instill in a child a love of good nutrition?

1. The most effective way to teach a child anything is to set the right example. That is, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, buy only healthy products, and possibly run your own household, then the child will perceive this as a normal phenomenon and in adulthood will most likely eat the same way. If you yourself eat "forbidden" foods, and buy healthy foods for your child, then he perceives your food as normal, too, because you are the most important authority for the child.

2. Very often the child does not want to eat something specific and is capricious. It is very easy to deal with this if you add game elements to the food. For example, draw a smiley or a bunny (who knows what) on the soup with sour cream, make an interesting serving of the dish. This often requires efforts from the parents, in particular, from the mother, but then in many respects the mother is rewarded for this. One can imagine that the spoon is a helicopter that must fly to the "garage" - this is a matter of imagination. Persuasions for mom and dad are already affecting older children.

3. Organize food intake correctly. It is very good if the whole family will sit down to eat at the table. This contributes to the fact that the child will develop a rhythm and he will perceive food intake as something inevitable and eventually come to terms with it. If the whole family cannot get together at the table, then everyone who is available can simply get together, even just a mother and a child together.

4. No snacks, but diet. Very often, a child turns his nose up from food when he has already interrupted his appetite and does not really want to eat. For a child from a year old, it is very important to maintain an interval between meals for at least 3 hours. If you really have a snack, then an apple. And you do not need to force the child to eat when he does not want to, soon he will want to eat and ask, or a little time will pass and he will already agree to your proposal. Sometimes mothers want to feed their children so much that they cook several types of food to choose from and offer a lot of options, as a result, the child begins to be capricious and takes it for granted. No, of course, if you know for sure that your child does not like a certain dish, then it should not be cooked at all.

5. Let your child cook with you. Then the child will be very interested in trying and enjoying his work of art. Of course, you shouldn't trust a child with a knife, but knowing that children like to "knead" something, you can let the child cook his own food with his own hands, which has nothing to do with something edible 🙂 At the same time, the child feels needed and useful.

These are the simple tips I got. As you can see, what is right for children is a complex system, but with the right approach, it is manageable. For the first time, a mother needs to establish a diet and its culture, and soon the whole family gets used to it, and as a result, it becomes much easier to feed the child with healthy food. I wish you delicious food and obedient children.

If you disagree with something or you have your own effective methods of getting your child to eat healthy food

Text: Evgeniya Bagma

Healthy nutrition for children lays the foundation for their full life, ensures their growth, physical and mental development. Therefore, it is imperative that it is balanced and meets all the needs of the child, taking into account his age and needs.

The main ingredients of a healthy diet for children

Healthy food for children plays significant. role in their development. It differs in many ways from adult nutrition, as a child has a much higher need for natural foods and nutrients, especially those that are involved in his growth and development. In addition, a child's metabolism is 1.5-2 times higher than that of adults, so the energy value of his daily diet should be 10 percent higher than his energy expenditure - in order for him to continue to grow, develop, build muscle mass, etc. ...

Healthy diets for children should be balanced so that they include foods containing the following substances:

  • Protein: is a building block for body tissues and cells. Protein is found in sufficient quantities in meat, dairy products, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, etc.

  • Carbohydrates: Provides energy to the body. The choice should be stopped on slow carbohydrates found in raw vegetables and fruits, whole grains. Supersaturation with fast carbohydrates (confectionery, sweets, boiled potatoes and corn, white bread) leads to obesity, decreased immunity, and increased fatigue.

  • Fats: supply the child's body with essential fatty acids, are a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D, are responsible for the immunity and growth of the child. Contained in cream, butter, vegetable oil, fish.

  • Fiber: not digested by the body, but actively participates in the digestion process. Contained in raw vegetables and fruits, bran, pearl barley and oatmeal.

  • Calcium: affects bone growth, forms tooth enamel, normalizes heart rate, ensures blood clotting, etc. Found in dairy, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, fortified foods like breakfast cereals, soy products, broccoli, sunflower seeds, almonds, and more.

  • Iron: Plays an important role in mental development and blood formation. Found in meat and seafood. Sources of iron are also spinach, legumes, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, beets, walnuts and hazelnuts, seeds, etc.

It is not necessary to calculate the amount of nutrients in grams. It is enough to adhere to the ratio of proteins to carbohydrates and fats in a ratio of 1: 1: 4 and make sure that meat, dairy products, eggs, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and fats are always present in the child's diet.

Healthy eating for children - childhood habits

Healthy eating for children is not only about balance, but also certain habits that are instilled from childhood:

  • Enter a fractional diet. We recommend 4-5 meals a day in small portions - 3 main and 2 additional. A child, however, like an adult, is harmful to high-calorie and plentiful meals, consisting of several full meals.

  • The food should look attractive. Experiment with the design and solution of dishes, use bright and healthy ingredients, and involve children in the cooking process.

  • Eat with your children. The best example is your own. Often we are similar to our parents in physique, not because we have "such a constitution", but because certain food habits are instilled in our family from childhood. If you eat the right and healthy food, then, most likely, your children will "follow in your footsteps."

  • Avoid fast food. As much as you would not like to eat hamburgers or fries on weekends or on vacation, try not to tempt yourself or your children. In any home-cooked restaurant, food will be tastier, and a children's menu is present in most establishments today.

  • Don't force kids to eat things they don't like. By forcibly forcing a son or daughter to eat healthy foods that seem tasteless to them, you involuntarily create an association in their minds - everything that is useful is tasteless. In most cases, the value of one product can be substituted for another.

  • Prepare food for school. School food is rarely useful and varied - numerous baked goods, sugary juices and pastries are especially harmful to the child. They can always be replaced with home-made chicken and vegetable sandwiches, nuts, dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Remember that by providing healthy food for children, you ensure their full-fledged all-round development, strengthen immunity, protect against disease and generally improve their quality of life.

A child's nutrition is the key to his full development. From birth, parents lay the foundation for children's health. Food for children should be healthy, tasty and nutritious. For the correct formation of all systems of the child's body and bone skeleton, a complete diet is needed.

Nutrition rules

From the very first days of life, food for children should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the body and the digestive system. Dishes should contain a maximum of nutrients that are easy to digest.

Breakfast is hearty and nutritious. An afternoon snack is lighter. Lunch has a maximum of nutrients. Dinner for a child is about the same calorie content as breakfast.

Food should be warm for better absorption. Fatty and fried foods are completely excluded from the children's diet. You can not overfeed the child, as well as force him to eat.

For the digestive system to work properly, the entire daily diet is divided into 4-5 meals. The main foods in a child's diet are: meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, cottage cheese, cereals, vegetables and fruits, and bread.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Food for children should be balanced. Protein is essential for bone formation and mental development. Its deficiency reduces immunity, mental and physical activity. Animal protein contains substances irreplaceable for the child's body, which are responsible for blood formation and the structure of bone tissue.

A moderate amount of fat should be present in the daily diet of a child, since they are sources of vitamins A and D. They, in turn, increase immunity, have a positive effect on growth and development. Vegetable and animal fats should make up about 15% of the daily diet.

Carbohydrates are energy and vitality for the whole day. Their number should not exceed 30% of the diet, as excess leads to excess weight. If your child has a stomach ache after eating, it is necessary to exclude complex carbohydrates in the form of legumes, potatoes and baked goods.


The food ration for a child is 1300 to 2000 calories per day. The diet should be balanced with vitamins and nutrients. Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in the menu.

The main vitamins in a child's diet are A and D. They are responsible for mental and physical development. Vitamin A maintains normal skin color and is involved in the formation of good vision. It is found in foods such as:

  • Pumpkin.
  • Apricots.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Sea buckthorn.

Vitamin D is beneficial from birth. It is involved in bone formation, improves calcium absorption. It contains:

  • Chicken yolk.
  • Butter.
  • Fatty fish and cod liver.

Vitamin C protects the body from the effects of microbes, improves immunity. It improves the absorption and absorption of iron. Contained in rose hips, currants, cauliflower.

Vitamin B is important for the circulatory system. It is responsible for the functioning of the brain. Contained in pork and beef liver, cereals.

Milk products

When teaching children about food, keep it as simple as possible. Every parent knows about the benefits of products. Calcium is responsible for the development of the skeleton. Dairy products should be in the diet of every child:

Be sure to have butter in your daily diet. If the child does not want to eat cottage cheese or drink milk, recipes for dishes that require these products will come to the rescue. Casseroles, desserts, complemented by fresh berries and fruits, will appeal to children.

Bakery products

Baking is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Experts recommend whole grain bread as it has a positive effect on bowel function. It is not recommended to feed children with freshly baked pastries.

Pasta must be made from durum wheat. Homemade noodles are a great solution.

Fruits and vegetables, cereals

Food for children should be varied and healthy. Fruits and vegetables are included in the diet all year round. The daily allowance is about 250 grams. Fresh fruits and berries are a source of vitamins and minerals.

Freshly squeezed juices, both from fruits and vegetables, are healthy and nutritious. If it is not possible to cook them yourself, choose a product intended for baby food. The norm of juice per day is no more than one glass.

Porridge is a great source of fiber, along with fruits and vegetables. They improve bowel function, energize the whole day. If parents do not know what a child can eat, then porridge is the best solution. The most useful are:

  • Pearl barley.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Rice.
  • Millet.
  • Wheat.

Porridge can be prepared monocomponent or several types of cereals can be combined together.

Nutrition for children per year

The transfer of a child from breast milk or formula to simple food begins at 6-7 months from birth. From this moment on, parents have an important mission of preparing a children's menu. Baby food per year should be balanced, contain useful vitamins and minerals.

There must be porridge for breakfast. Delicious and healthy recipe:

  1. A small piece of zucchini and half an apple are rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. A glass of oatmeal is poured into a multicooker bowl, filled with water. Then add the zucchini and apple.
  3. The porridge is boiled in the required mode. A small piece of butter is added before serving.

For lunch, children are recommended vegetable soups boiled in water or meat broth. Already from 8 months of age, you can feed your baby puree. It is very easy to make it by making a soup. This puree will be healthy and nutritious.

For dinner, you can cook fish cakes for your baby:

  1. Fish fillets are scrolled in a meat grinder or chopped with a blender.
  2. Pre-boiled carrots are peeled, finely chopped.
  3. Two slices of bread are soaked in milk or water.
  4. All components are combined, cutlets are formed and steamed.

Baby food requires parents to carefully select products for cooking. After overeating, the child may experience pain after eating, so it is important to monitor the serving size.

Example of a daily menu

The child's diet is divided into 4-5 equal meals. Parents often wonder how to diversify the menu and what to cook. An approximate list of dishes will help solve this issue:

You can not force the child to eat, this has a bad effect on the intestines. For assimilation of food for breakfast and dinner is allocated from 25 minutes, for lunch - about 30 minutes. When eating, nothing should distract the child.

A balanced, healthy diet is the key to the correct development of a child. Parents should set an example for children at the table, instill the right habits.

Content of the article:

What role does healthy eating play for preschool children? Having acquired a certain independence when moving closer to the age of three, each child tirelessly learns the world around him. Probably, many parents have noticed more than once that even after outdoor games in the fresh air during the day, it is quite difficult to calm down children in the evening. They literally burst with energy. At the same time, they grow, the cells of their organisms are actively developing. All this requires a balanced diet and the correct regimen of food intake, since it is from it that the child receives the elements necessary for full physical and mental development. Starting to attend kindergarten on average at the age of 2-3 years, children get used to the diet adopted in kindergarten and 4 meals a day. But in the morning and evening hours, as well as on weekends and other days, staying at home, children live according to the rules established in the family. In order not to disturb the balance of vitamins and microelements received by the body in kindergarten, educators inform parents about the composition of the menu for every day. Let's figure out how the home regime and the diet of children should be organized so that it contributes to the correct and full development of children.

Healthy eating rules for children

Is a health-promoting food. Preschool education of children is not only preparation for acquiring knowledge and skills provided by the school curriculum. At the age of three years, children develop a character and develop certain behavioral habits. Including the habit of eating in accordance with the established regime of adults. The habitual need for those products that are most often found in the diet is also developed. Of course, the most harmful foods, such as chips and soda, are flavored with flavor enhancers, which makes the child quite quickly addictive to their taste. But if from a very early age the baby notices that the established rules for the diet are observed in the family, this brings up the same attitude to food in him.

First of all, you should try to eat at the same hours. This contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive tract system. During the day, children aged 3-4 years should have at least 4 meals. Five is allowed, but it is desirable that the dinner be light and no later than an hour and a half before bedtime. There should be no snacks between meals. Small snacks can be lunch and afternoon tea. The normal daily calorie intake for 4-year-olds is about 1700 kcal, and for six-year-olds - about 2200 kcal. It is advisable to observe the following distribution of calories during the day: breakfast and dinner - 25% of the daily norm, 40% - at lunch and only 10% for an afternoon snack.

The main secrets, perhaps, lie in the skillful distribution of the diet and the preparation of the daily and weekly menu. To do this, you need to know which substances and in what quantities the child's body of preschool and school age is lacking. Since already at the age of 6 many children go to the first grade, we will also touch on the nutritional issues of school-age children.

Normal growth, physical and mental development of a growing organism depends on the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in baby food. General rules for the distribution of these substances per kilogram of the child's weight:

  • proteins - 3-3.5 g;
  • fat - 3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15 g.

Correct assimilation of all nutrients by the body is ensured by their uniform combination in food. An approximate formula for calculating a harmonious combination is as follows: 1 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates should fall on 1 g of protein. We will provide a daily intake of substances in grams for preschool and early school children:
The diet of preschool children should not contain hot spices (mustard, horseradish, vinegar) and pepper.

Correct use of mineral salts in food contributes to a harmonious metabolism, in particular water, in the child's body. Vitamins do not serve as a building material for body cells, but their content in the daily diet is very important. Vitamins are responsible for the regulation of most processes in the body and therefore affect the work of all its organs and systems.

The state of health of any organism, and even more so for children, depends on the amount of water consumed. It is considered normal to calculate the amount of drink based on 60 ml of liquid per 1 kg of the child's weight. That is, on average, children aged 4-6 years should drink about 1.5 liters of liquid per day. This means not only water (preferably boiled), but also juices, compotes, teas, milk and fermented milk drinks. It is better to try to completely exclude the sweet soda, so beloved by children, from the diet of preschoolers.

Healthy food recipes

Let us first deal with some rules for the distribution of the volume and content of food according to the amount of its use in the diet during the day.

Breakfast. Main dishes can be porridge, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, and a buttered sandwich. Quantity - 250 g. Drink - 200 ml of tea or compote.

Dinner. Vegetable salad (50 g), the first course (200-250 g), for the second - a side dish (120-150 g) with fish or meat (50-100 g). Drink - 150 ml. Bread - up to 90 g.

Afternoon snack. A drink in a volume of 200 ml and fruits or pastries in an amount up to 60 g.

Dinner. Milk porridge (200 g) and drink (150 ml). You can add 40 g of bread.

One of the main rules for making a menu is to try not to repeat the same dishes more than once every three days.

Of course, each housewife has her own recipes and her own secrets, but since the best recommendation is a ready-made example, here are some recipes for healthy meals for preschool children.

Curd casserole with carrots

Lightly fry 200 g of grated carrots in 10 g of butter, add semolina (10 g) and stir until tender. Cool and beat with 1 egg, add cottage cheese (80 g) and 2 tsp. Sahara. To stir thoroughly. Put in a baking dish, brush with sour cream on top (10-15 g). Bake in a preheated oven until tender.

Pancakes with vegetable filling

Make the pancake dough according to the usual recipe. For the filling, chop 150 g of cabbage (white cabbage), 30 g of onions and 120 g of carrots. Simmer vegetables in vegetable oil and lightly salt. Put the finished filling with a tablespoon on each pancake and wrap it in an envelope. You can lightly fry in vegetable oil before serving.

Healthy eating for school-age children will be characterized by the gradual addition of "grown-up" meals. However, many adults should reconsider their diet, and possibly acquire new “healthy” eating habits. The family's lifestyle is absorbed by the child like a sponge, including the habit of snacking between meals or eating chicken, fried to a crisp, and even without peeling off the skin. It is in family traditions that children are either born or perish. We hope that some recipes will help solve the problem of quick and healthy food preparation. Very often, parents give their children sandwiches to go to school. The basic rules for this: do not use buns and do not grease them with mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces. Here are some recipes for example.

Meat canapes on skewers

Take a crouton or a slice of bread lightly fried in butter (made from coarse flour), string a slice of fresh pepper or cucumber (in winter it can be a pickled cucumber), then a slice of boiled pork (you can take boiled chicken meat), a slice of hard cheese ... In the summer, you can decorate it with herbs (parsley, dill), in the winter - with olives.

Ham rolls with cheese

The name speaks for itself. Wrap a piece of hard cheese in thinly sliced ​​pieces of ham and pierce with a skewer so that the structure does not fall apart.

Nobody likes to be forced to do something. The secrets of adult behavior in communicating with children lie in observations and soft prompts for action. Try to pay attention to your child while cooking in the kitchen. Already from the age of 4, it can be introduced to cooking. Food, prepared by himself, will be eaten instantly and with pleasure.

In the kitchen, children can do very simple work: wash vegetables and fruits, put greens on salad or sandwiches, put curd filling on pancakes. And such dishes will immediately fall into the category of favorites and will be willingly eaten without any whims. At the same time, children will learn to do housework and adopt family traditions in nutrition, which will play a positive role in their student years.

Enjoy and delicious joint culinary experiments!

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