Home Potato Manual breast pump how to use it. Expressing milk: how to choose and use a breast pump? Types of mechanical breast pumps

Manual breast pump how to use it. Expressing milk: how to choose and use a breast pump? Types of mechanical breast pumps

A breast pump is a device designed to express breast milk during breastfeeding.

The device improves lactation, breastfeeding.

What is a breast pump for, its types and rules of use are the main topics of the article. Consider also models of breast pumps.

A breast pump is essential for a woman in her formative years.

The device is designed to increase the volume of milk, drain its remains.

The device will help if the baby refuses the breast.

It is also necessary for a nursing mother, who decided to go to work during the day.

Thanks to the miracle of technology, you can not injure the nipples. The device works quickly, it is convenient and practical for breastfeeding women.

It is worth starting to express milk with a manual breast pump, a woman will be able to independently regulate the pressure and power of the device.


  1. Pump action. Refers to budget devices. This is its main and only merit. The breast pump should not be used regularly, the device is not adapted for this, it breaks quickly.
  2. Piston. This device is popular. It combines such qualities as reliability, low cost, convenience. In 10 minutes it is possible to express 200 ml of breast milk. The device stimulates lactation.
  3. Electric. Its benefits are difficult to overestimate. He pumps milk from 2 breasts on his own. The minus of the unit is its price, and it is also too noisy, it works from the mains.
  4. Electronic. Professional breast pump. More often it is used in maternity hospitals, and for the home it is purchased much less frequently.

Manual breast pump

Before use, the breast pump must be boiled for several minutes, and after use it must be disassembled and washed and dried.

Do you need a breast pump for a maternity hospital?

The best breast pump for a nursing woman is a child. Sometimes mothers use additional devices to express milk. Do you need a device in the hospital or can you do without it?

The well-being of each woman after engorgement of the mammary glands is different. One feels great, the other may have a fever. But in both cases, this is considered the norm.

The device in the hospital will be needed in the following cases:

  • The child and his mother are in different departments. A forced measure forces a woman to use a breast pump to express milk and feed the baby remotely.
  • The child is lazy. He may oversleep a feed or drink some milk. The woman will feel, in this case she can use the device.
  • The baby is not breastfeeding.
  • Cracks in the nipples.
  • A woman cannot learn to feed a baby.

In these cases, a breast pump in the maternity hospital is necessary, it will help out mommy and allow her to feed the baby.

Which to choose?

  1. Women who need the device for a short time need to opt for inexpensive, budget models. Pump-action breast pumps are perfect. They are used for travel. Devices do not need to be recharged from the network, they are also suitable for home use.
  2. If it is possible to buy an expensive breast pump with high productivity, you should give preference to a mechanical piston device. For a short period of time, the unit allows you to express a lot of milk. For a woman, it is absolutely painless thanks to silicone nozzles that stimulate lactation.
  3. If the device for expressing milk will be in operation every day, it is worth purchasing an electric breast pump model. The device is effective, allows you to set the desired mode of operation, reproduces it when decanting.
  4. For the maternity ward, a professional electronic device would be ideal.
  5. If a woman wants to save time, she needs to look at models for double pumping. The device is fast.

Before using the device, be sure to carefully read the instructions, the rules for using the device. From them you can learn how to wash the breast pump, store, care for, transport.

Terms of use

It usually takes a woman only 10-15 minutes to pump. If you follow all the rules, a nursing mother will not experience discomfort, a breast pump will become a great helper during breastfeeding.

Rules for using the device:

  • 10 minutes before using the device, a woman needs to drink water or.
  • It is necessary to use the device with the regularity with which natural feeding occurs.
  • Before pumping, be sure to wash your hands and chest.
  • If the breast is hard, massage it, attach it.
  • Cracks in the nipples must be lubricated with warm vegetable oil.
  • We press the device tightly to the chest, choosing the optimal pace for pumping.
  • It is necessary to apply the device alternately to the left and right breasts if the milk does not come out well.
  • Remove the unit immediately after the milk stops coming out.
  • If necessary, milk is poured into a container and put in the refrigerator.
  • Wash all parts of the breast pump.

Rules for using a manual breast pump:

  1. We sterilize the device before the first use. This applies to silicone nozzle, horn and.
  2. We apply the nozzle to the chest so that it fits snugly against it.
  3. You need to press the pear several times, choose a convenient mode for decanting.
  4. Strain the milk into a container.

Model overview

The best models of manual breast pumps.

AVENT Philips breast pump

Estimated cost - 3000 rubles. The kit includes a bottle, nipple, 2 caps, spare parts. The nozzle resembles a breast in shape, this ensures a natural flow of milk.


  • Easy to use.
  • Has a comfortable pad.
  • Lightweight, you can take on the road.


  • It works noisily.

Philips Avent Natural

Medela Harmony breast pump

Estimated price - 2200 rubles. The breast pump is of high quality, with two-phase pumping. Works fast, you can set the pace yourself.


  • Adjustable speed.
  • Noiselessness.
  • Easy to assemble and disassemble.
  • Convenient to store.


  • Rigid lining.

MEDELA HARMONY breast pump

Breast pump Tommee Tippee Closer Nature

Estimated price - 3000 rubles. Consists of three parts, so it can be quickly assembled.


  • Transfer container.
  • capacity intended.
  • Massaging attachment.
  • Economical.


  • The milk container is small.

Breast pump Tommee Tippee Closer Nature

Chicco breast pump

Estimated cost - 1100 rubles. Leading in sales, allows you to adjust a comfortable speed, does not pull the nipples. The set includes a bottle and a nipple.


  • Accessories.
  • Price.


  • Does not stimulate milk production.

Chicco breast pump

Breast pump "World of childhood"

Approximate cost - 1600 rubles. Easy to operate. The device is not designed for regular use.


  • Can be combined with any bottle.
  • Includes 2 bottles.
  • Low cost.


  • Cannot be used frequently.
  • The silicone insert is missing.

The best electric breast pumps

Medela Swing Maxi Breast Pump

Estimated price - 8900 rubles. It occupies a leading position among lactating women, because it allows you to express two breasts at the same time, it is silently powered by batteries.


  • Double pumping.
  • Simple settings.
  • Can be attached to a belt.
  • Work from a network or batteries.
  • Silent.


  • Price.

Model Medela Swing

Philips AVENT SCF breast pump

Approximate price - 7800 rubles. Convenient design, several pumping options, effectively copes with the tasks.


  • Soft massage pad.
  • Comes with pacifier and bottle.
  • Delicate in use.


  • Quietly works.
  • Expensive.

Philips Avent electronic breast pump SCF332/01

Medela Freestyle breast pump

Estimated price - 15600 rubles. The device makes it possible to express milk in just a couple of minutes, using the display, the process of the device can be fully controlled.


  • Pumping from two breasts.
  • Easy to transport and store.
  • The display lights up.
  • Remembers the pumping mode.


  • Price.

Nuk E-motion breast pump

Approximate cost - 4900 rubles. The motor is located on the device, so the unit is compact and mobile.


  • Regulates pumping.
  • two working phases.
  • Massage pads.
  • Convenient lever.


  • The speed controller is inconvenient.

Before purchasing the device, you need to read customer reviews, this will help you buy a quality product.

Each woman individually decides for herself whether she needs a breast pump or not. If you learn how to use the device correctly, it will become an indispensable assistant to a nursing mother and her child.

What types of breast pumps are there and which ones are right for you - you need to know this before you proceed directly to the choice. Many advise Avent devices, are they really that good according to reviews?

In addition, in the article you will read about the important rules for expressing milk, which will help you prepare for the procedure and decide on the choice of device, among other things.

Breastfeeding a baby is a natural and intuitive process, but not everyone knows how to use a breast pump. No one doubts the need for breastfeeding, and many women try to breastfeed their baby for as long as possible.

Important! There are many obvious advantages in breastfeeding, and not only in terms of the health of the baby, but also in terms of convenience for the mother: there is no need to wake up in the middle of the night to dilute the mixture, endlessly wash and sterilize the bottles.

However, sometimes there are still moments when breastfeeding is physically impossible - for example, mom needs to go away on business or, God forbid, go to the hospital. Then you have to express. In addition, there are a number of reasons why breast suction with a breast pump is necessary.

Reasons for using a breast pump

Stimulation of lactation and milk production. When a baby, for some reason, begins to eat less or, conversely, he does not have enough food, then the easiest way to maintain the level of breast milk is to express.

Prevention of the formation of stagnation in the chest and engorgement of the mammary glands - lactostasis. In order to avoid discomfort, it is necessary to periodically express.

Breast suction is also necessary for hyperlactation - in this case, after each feeding, a woman should express the remnants of breast milk.

Choosing a breast pump: types of devices

Many lactation problems can be easily solved with a breast pump. These devices are mechanical, electrical and electronic.

Interesting! Mechanical breast pumps are usually inexpensive models, so they are often chosen by women for pumping issues. Types of mechanical devices:

pump action breast pump

The device consists of a plastic pumping horn and a bulb attached to the horn. The principle of operation of such a device is the action of a vacuum.

Of the benefits - low price and ease of use. Among the shortcomings: the inability to attach a bottle and a small amount of pumped milk at the exit. In addition, women often complain that cracks in the nipples occur as a result of using a pump-action breast pump.

So, if your choice is a pump device, then along with its purchase, immediately purchase soft breast pads to avoid cracks.

Manual breast pump

The device works on the principle of operation of the same pump-action breast pump, however, it is equipped with a bottle for pumped breast milk.

Pros: the breast pump is easy to assemble - disassemble, wash, you can adjust the pressure with a valve. Of the shortcomings, women note the need to acquire some skill in order to express milk.

How to use a manual breast pump:

    When using a breast pump for the first time, it is worth sterilizing both the silicone nozzle (horn) and the bottle.

    Attach the nozzle funnel to the chest so that the nozzle tightly clasps it.

    Press the pear several times, selecting the desired pumping pace.

    Express milk into a bottle.

Of the manual breast pumps, according to women, the Avent Philips device turned out to be the best.

Advantages of the Avent breast pump:

    A soft nozzle that provides a massage effect while stimulating the production of breast milk.

    Avent is easy to disassemble, and all its parts are easy to wash, and the nozzle fits easily in a small saucepan for boiling.

    Avent Philips has a unique shape that allows a woman not to bend over while pumping in order to get milk into the bottle.

From the reviews of women who used the Avent breast pump

My sister advised me to buy Avent from Philips. I am very satisfied with them!
A very handy device. A big plus is that the rubber pad can be boiled in a saucepan. I would not have done without a breast pump when the child was in the hospital after birth, because it was forbidden to stay there overnight. With his help, I pumped and left milk for the nurse. The whole process took me about 20 minutes.

I can't say anything bad. The device is good. I liked the fact that you can buy a bigger bottle for the same breast pump (I had a lot of milk). I found one minus: the device has a small valve in the shape of an asterisk. It needs to keep air out. So I constantly lose this valve, but Avent does not provide for spares.

Electric and electronic breast pumps: pros and cons

Electric devices for expressing breast milk are equipped with electric motors that create a vacuum instead of a pear. Can work both from a network, and from batteries.

Advantages of electric breast pumps:

    several modes that simulate the process of sucking;

    massage horns that prevent problems with the nipples when decanting;

    overall fast and comfortable pumping.

Of the minuses, women note the high cost and noise of the operating device.

The most convenient and functional breast pump is electronic. If you need to choose a breast pump solely on the basis of efficiency and ease of use, then in your comparison table, feel free to put a big plus in front of such a device.

The main difference from electric breast pumps is that the electronic one can remember pumping modes (rhythm, speed, vacuum pressure) and then reproduce them at any time.

Such breast pumps completely imitate the process of natural feeding, massaging the breast and ensuring proper lactation. Some of them are equipped with a “hands-free” function, which gives you freedom of action when pumping.

How to use a breast pump correctly?

Usually, pumping with a breast pump takes no more than 15-20 minutes. And if you follow some rules, then breast suction will not bring inconvenience and will be a good help for a woman in breastfeeding.

    Drink tea or water 10-15 minutes before expressing breast milk.

    Try to express in the same atmosphere (same room, favorite chair, view) - this will help develop the right reflex to stimulate lactation.

    The room should be warm - vessels dilated from heat have a good effect on lactation.

    You need to pump as often as natural feedings often occur.

    Wash your hands and chest.

    If the breast is too hard, first it must be massaged - in a circular motion from the armpits to the nipples. A warm compress also helps. If there are cracks in the nipples, lubricate them with warm vegetable oil.

    For the correct pumping reflex, imagine your baby.

    Press the nozzle firmly against your breast and set the pump to action at the pace that suits you best.

    Apply the breast pump alternately to the left and right breasts if the milk flow is poor. Massage your chest.

    Remove the appliance as soon as milk stops coming out.

    Wash all parts of the breast pump.

Choose a breast pump with the expectation that you will have to use it for as long as you are going to breastfeed your baby. The breast pump must be reliable and safe.

Avent is a good choice according to the reviews of many women, but the main thing is not the manufacturer, but the quality of the materials and the functionality of the device.

Choosing a breast pump (video)

How to choose a breast pump? (video)

Avent breast pump (video)

Breastfeeding is the best thing a mother can give her child. Mother's milk has all the necessary nutrients for the health and proper development of the baby. Moreover, the composition of breast milk produced by a woman's body adjusts to the needs of each stage of growth and development of the baby, and also contains immunoglobulins that protect the child from those diseases that the mother had already had. That is why it is so important to establish and maintain breastfeeding.

However, sometimes there are situations when there is a need to express milk. Many women resort to manual pumping in such cases, but it is time consuming and often quite painful. For this reason, an increasing number of breastfeeding mothers prefer to use a breast pump..

The main types of breast pumps

Breast pumps are available in two types:

  1. Electric (electronic) breast pumps powered by electricity - the pumping process is fully automated, which can sometimes lead to pain in the procedure.
  2. Mechanical (manual) - are a container for receiving milk, connected to a rubber pad on the chest. The process of expressing milk proceeds as painlessly as possible, since it is controlled by the woman herself.

How to use a breast pump largely depends on the type and subspecies of a particular device.

Types of mechanical breast pumps:

In most cases, nursing mothers prefer to use mechanical breast pumps, which is due to the fact that such a device does not require an outlet, and it is also compact, which allows you to take it with you for long distances. Also a manual breast pump. Ideal for women who have never used a breast pump before. However, many women have a question about how to use a manual breast pump.

How to use a breast pump correctly

Modern production technologies provide a wide range of breast pumps and sometimes it can be difficult to choose a particular device for your needs. Avent brand breast pumps have proven themselves well. Millions of mothers around the world trust the English company Avent, as it has proven itself on the positive side by meeting high European quality standards, undergoing strict control at all stages of production, and also does not stop there and always improves its products.

How to use an Avent breast pump

Milk should be collected immediately in the same container in which it will be stored. If you are going to feed your baby with expressed milk during the day, attach a sterile feeding bottle to the breast pump.

In case the need arises long-term storage of milk, it would be more correct to use Avent products for freezing breast milk: in special bags or containers. They have a special attachment and, thanks to the adapters included with the breast pump, they can easily be attached to it. At the end of pumping, it is better not to delay washing the components of the device. Milk sours quickly and contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which is difficult to remove and may not disappear even after sterilization.

A breast pump is a practical, useful and rather easy-to-use device, but modern young mothers are in no hurry to introduce it into their everyday life. The reason for this attitude is most often the fact that they simply do not know how to use a breast pump and what benefits can be derived from it.

Many continue to express breast milk in the traditional way, with considerable discomfort, and everything is done much easier. You just need to choose the right device and figure out how it works in order to get rid of a number of current and potential problems.

Breast pump - definition and types of devices

A breast pump is a device that consists of a vacuum device and a container in which breast milk is collected. As a result of creating negative pressure, a quick, painless and intensive pumping of milk from the mammary gland is ensured. A modern breast pump can be:

  1. Manual. Allows you to express the product through the mechanical operation of the vacuum part. The indisputable advantages of such devices include their low cost and the ability to independently control the pressure inside the device.
  2. Electric. Can operate on mains or batteries. Very easy to use, does not require any physical effort. Usually these are expensive models. Another disadvantage is the inability to change the pressure in the device, which often leads to pain in women.

Manual or mechanical breast pumps are pump-action and piston. The first ones are represented by a rubber pear and a plastic horn, with their help you can regularly express breast milk without any negative consequences for the female body. The latter work on the principle of creating pressure with a piston, but it is not recommended to use them too often, there is a risk of cracking in the nipples.

Even today, disputes continue over the benefits and harms of pumping, but all parties agree on one thing - breast milk should be expressed if there is a physiological need. It is in this case that a breast pump is useful, which can have a positive effect in several directions at once:

  • Stimulation of inflow and outflow of milk. After feeding the baby, the breast begins to fill with milk again, and the volume is replenished to the usual level. If the child eats little, then the product begins to be produced in smaller quantities, and over time it may even end. The use of a breast pump allows, if necessary, to maintain the volume of production at the desired level and even increase the performance.
  • The ability to feed the child at any time. If you express and properly store milk, you can not worry about the process of feeding a newborn in a public place or in the absence of a mother nearby.
  • Prevention of stagnant milk. If you know how to use a breast pump correctly and, if necessary, apply this knowledge in practice, the risk of developing lactostasis is reduced significantly. The appearance of seals and soreness in the mammary gland (or both) indicates a violation of the outflow of the product. Most often this happens with a weak appetite in a child or poor-quality pumping in the old manual way.

Tip: Prevention of lactostasis is especially relevant for young mothers who have given birth for the first time. In this case, you should not wait for the signs of stagnation of the product to appear, but consult a doctor in advance and initially specialized manipulations.

  • Maintenance of lactation. Sometimes mothers have to interrupt lactation for a while due to medication, illness, forced absence. The use of a breast pump in this case allows you to continue to produce breast milk at the same level and, if necessary, return to natural feeding.

Some women believe that it is better to express milk in the traditional way without any devices, but practice shows that with the help of hands it is impossible to achieve the same effect as when using a breast pump. Yes, and it is not so easy to control the pressure with your fingers on the chest, the risk of bruising is too high.

To understand how to use a breast pump, you just need to read the instructions attached to it, but this is not enough for the correct manipulation. Expressing milk efficiently, quickly and safely is possible only if the following recommendations are observed:

  • First you need to prepare all the tools, including the breast pump itself and the milk collection container. For fidelity, the elements must be sterilized in a steam or water bath. After that, leave the parts to cool.
  • We wipe the chest, take air baths, mentally tune in to the process.
  • We take a comfortable position and apply a plastic or silicone nozzle to the breast, while the nipple should not rub against a part of the device, this can provoke the formation of cracks.
  • We begin to work with a breast pump, acting strictly according to the instructions. First you need to debug the force of pressure, based on your own feelings, and not the intensity with which breast milk comes.
  • At first, it will not be easy to express the product, it will drop in drops. It is not necessary to strengthen the activity, after a while the process will go more actively. Ideally, the liquid should flow freely in a uniform jet or splash with a slight pulsation, while there cannot be the slightest discomfort or pain.
  • As soon as the milk runs out, you need to stop, do not try to squeeze everything to the last drop. We wipe the chest with a towel and rest for a few minutes.

Experts recommend evenly distributing time between the mammary glands and alternating approaches, and not deal first with one breast, and then the second. If you experience fatigue in the hands or soreness in the mammary glands, you need to stop decanting the product and rest for a couple of minutes, while doing a light breast massage.

On average, one manipulation when using a manual breast pump takes no more than 15-20 minutes. With an electric device it is even faster - the desired result is achieved in 5 minutes.

Important nuances in the process of using a functional device

The process of expressing milk will not cause any problems and will be absolutely safe for mother and child, if you consider the following points:

  • Before using the device for the first time, all its parts must be washed and scalded with boiling water. In the future, you can do with steam processing.
  • After use, the product should be washed with soap and water, rinsed thoroughly and dried.
  • The device may only be touched with clean, soapy hands.
  • Pumping will be faster and will not cause discomfort if, before manipulation, the chest is slightly prepared with a warm compress.
  • The more often you alternate the mammary glands during pumping, the more actively the milk will flow and the level of discomfort will be lower.
  • It is always necessary to express milk in the same conditions, this will allow you to develop an appropriate reflex.
  • Half an hour before the procedure, it is recommended to drink a glass of tea without sugar, but with milk or condensed milk.
  • If the breast is tense, swollen and too sensitive, then before using the breast pump, it is necessary to massage it lightly to relieve tension. To do this, you can use a ping-pong ball or a shower head.
  • If there are cracks on the nipples, it is recommended to lubricate them with unrefined vegetable oil, this will reduce the risk of subsequent tissue irritation.
  • Pumping should not be done at low temperatures. Considering the fact that the vessels will narrow from this, the process will not give the desired result, but it will bring a lot of unpleasant minutes.
  • The frequency of use of the breast pump usually corresponds to the frequency of feeding. On average, manipulation will have to be carried out every 2.5-3 hours.

The lack of the desired result in the process of using the device indicates a violation of the rules for its operation or lack of milk. In the first case, you need to re-read the instructions again and do everything clearly according to plan. In the second, immediately consult a doctor for professional help, without using unauthorized folk remedies or medications.

breast pump is a device that allows you to mechanize the manual pumping of breast milk. There are manual, electric and electronic. More about the device, the principle of operation, types and choice.

The best food for a newborn is breast milk. But in life there are situations when it is not possible to breastfeed a baby. Our grandmothers expressed milk by hand - it was long, tiring and ineffective.

Modern women have vacuum breast pumps. What it is? What are they, and how to choose them? How to choose and use this fashionable device? Isn't it better to express milk with your hands instead of a breast pump? Questions are not idle. After all, the health and well-being of the baby and the young mother depend on the answers to them.

The principle of operation of the device is simple: the funnel is applied to the breast so that the nipple is in the center. When you press the pump, lever or button, the device starts to work. A vacuum or vacuum is created in the areola area, which contributes to the release of milk. The liquid enters a special container.

There are different ways to create this effect. Depending on the principle of operation, the following types of breast pumps are distinguished.

Do I need a breast pump when breastfeeding: how to use

Is a breast pump necessary when breastfeeding? Girls are looking for answers on the forums, learn from experienced mothers. As a result, doubts only increase. Some write that there is no benefit from a breast pump. Others argue that the device is indispensable and advise how to choose it. If we analyze all the pros and cons, then this is what a breast pump is for in the life of a woman who has just given birth:

  • If the mother is going to leave the child for a long time with relatives or a nanny, then a vacuum breast pump will come in handy. The reason is going to work, a business trip, a visit to a clinic or a trip to a beauty salon. The baby will be full, and the woman will be able to control the flow of milk, taking the device with her.
  • A mechanical breast pump is used to stimulate lactation when there is a lack of milk. It's simple: the more the baby suckles, the more milk is produced. The device is also used to induce lactation in women with foster children.
  • An apparatus is needed for engorgement of the mammary glands, when they hurt and overflow. Many use it immediately after childbirth, when the baby can not cope with the first hot flashes.
  • A breast pump in the maternity hospital will come in handy, but do not rush to buy. When the device is needed, the doctor will tell. After the establishment of lactation, most women stop using it.
  • The breast pump helps with lactostasis, and hyperlactation. Use it in this case only on the recommendation of a doctor.
    If the baby cannot breastfeed for health reasons, he is fed with expressed milk.
  • It is worth buying this useful device in case of illness of the mother. This is due to the woman taking medications that are contraindicated in children. Thus, the mother will be able to maintain lactation and, having recovered, will continue breastfeeding.

It is difficult to predict whether you will need a breast pump. Experienced mothers are advised to choose it in advance, and purchase it as needed.

Mechanical breast pump: the simplest models

A mechanical breast pump is powered by hands, sometimes legs. It costs cheap. The pumping process is time-consuming, so the manual version is not suitable for permanent use, but will come in handy in emergency cases. There are two types of manual breast pumps.

Pump-action breast pump (regular - with a pear)

This is the simplest kind. A vacuum is created when the pump is pressed. The process is laborious, the hand gets tired, milk is expressed for a long time. It is the cheapest and least effective. With improper and frequent use, milk stagnation and breast injury are possible. The compact dimensions allow you to take the device on the road.

According to numerous reviews, one of the most convenient manual breast pumps with a pear is Chicco - it is ideal for occasional pumping. Suitable for mothers who do not suffer from a lack of milk.

An ordinary manual breast pump "World of Childhood" can be attached to any bottle, but its components cannot be sterilized.

Piston breast pump (syringe or vacuum)

It works like a syringe. When the inner piston is pulled out, the pressure necessary for the milk to come out is created. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to pre-massage.

One of the best is the Philips AVENT Piston Breast Pump. The set includes various accessories. Pleasant to the touch silicone anatomical nozzle is shaped like a baby's mouth. Using such a simple breast pump is convenient not only at home, but also on the road.

The Tommee Tippee Closer to nature is designed with just three elements and is easy to assemble. The soft wide nozzle is suitable for a breast of any size. Included is a plastic container in which parts of the device are sterilized. Tommee is convenient to take on the road.

A manual breast pump has several advantages:

  • ease of operation;
  • no noise;
  • low price;
  • the device easily fits into a purse, which is convenient for frequent movements with the baby.

Among the disadvantages of simple manual breast pumps, low efficiency and pumping speed are noted. Some women never manage to master this simple apparatus. When used incorrectly or for a long time, for example, a breast pump with a pear and chest pain.

Automatic breast pump: types, pros and cons

An alternative to a manual breast pump is an electric breast pump. The vacuum for the flow of milk is created using a motor that can be attached to the funnel itself or be separate from it. In the latter case, the vacuum passes through special tubes.

The work is divided into two stages: stimulation and pumping. The biphasic breast pump was developed based on observations of infants. It is noticed that the child first stimulates the breast with gentle sucking movements, and then slowly and strongly begins to suck it. The device works on the same principle.

The electronic breast pump operates from a network or a battery. There are two groups.

Electric breast pump with analogue control

An electronic breast pump with analog control is easier to operate. It works in the same rhythm and has adjustments for the strength of the vacuum created.
The two-phase breast pump from Medela has proven itself well.

The motor is located near the funnel. Modern design, convenience, interesting equipment. It is both electrical and mechanical at the same time. Can be hung around the neck, fastened to a pocket or fixed to a table. Suitable for frequent use.

AVENT products are popular with women. The device starts working when you press the button, there are three pumping modes. The package includes a pacifier.

In the breast pumps of the German company Nuk, the electric motor is also located next to the funnel.

As a result, they are compact and mobile. The rhythm of work is changed using the wheel, which in some cases is not very convenient. The low price attracts many women. Especially since Nuk copes with its task perfectly well.

Digital breast pump

The digitally controlled two-phase breast pump adjusts to the rhythm of a woman's milk flow. He remembers and then reproduces it. On the display, you can observe the parameters of the device. The backlight allows you to do this in the dark.

Model for two breasts

Medela has developed a breast pump to express milk from both breasts at the same time.

It's a whole system. The process is under constant control of the device, and pumping is done in a matter of minutes. Suitable for mothers of twins. The gift comes with a cooler bag for storing milk.

Disadvantages of automatic models

There are also disadvantages of electric breast pumps:

  • The presence of a hum from the engine can interfere with the sleep of the child (some are silent).
  • Due to the electronic mechanism, even a conventional breast pump cannot be 100% sterilized.
  • The device is tied to electrical power, which is not always convenient.
  • Its high price deters many consumers.

Is a breast pump safe for a breastfeeding mother?

There is no harm! In our country, the path to civilization very often lies through "what people say." When three grandmothers are sitting near the entrance: “Imagine, she’s even too lazy to express her hands! Her husband bought her this infernal machine that smacks her electrically. She's a natural stepmother."

Today, the whole world is struggling to ensure that motherhood is happiness, pleasure. The breast pump facilitates the process of extracting milk, makes life easier. Mom has more time for herself, for her husband, for rest, sleep.

A modern high-quality breast pump is a wonderful invention of civilization that cannot be neglected.

Choosing a breast pump

How to choose the right breast pump? A gynecologist and a pediatrician, as well as a sales assistant, will help with the best option. Answer these questions:

  • How often do you plan to use the breast pump? Manual is suitable for occasional pumping. Electronic is useful for everyday procedures. Simple pear - for stimulation in the first days after childbirth. The main thing is to understand why you need a breast pump.
  • What is the design? So, a breast pump for small breasts should be equipped with special nozzles. It is better to choose petal attachments that adapt to the shape of the breast. As a result, pumping becomes easy, painless.
  • Is the material from which the device is made safe? It can be silicone, latex, plastic. For hygienic purposes, the device will have to be sterilized. So, plastic cannot always be subjected to heat treatment, and parts from it break easily. Safe material for children's products is polypropylene. The body of the device is made from it, and the nozzles are made of plastic silicone.

What is included in the package? Bottle holders, nipples, breast pads make life easier for mom. A breast pump for large breasts includes several pads. It is enough for a woman to choose the most convenient for herself.

You can buy a nozzle for devices from such companies as Avent, Medela, Chiko. Massagers and additional nozzles increase efficiency. A bag for the device, containers, bottles, a cooler bag will be appreciated by mothers who lead an active lifestyle. In some cases, freezer bags are useful.

Two-phase is more efficient than other models. Its advantages are obvious: mother does not need to make any efforts, it is enough to relax and start the process; Suitable for expressing large amounts of milk and everyday use.

Which is better: breast pump or manual pumping? Nobody will answer this question. Everything is individual, you need to try. Assess your financial capabilities. Analyze different types. Think about why you personally need a breast pump. Check out the offers of the main manufacturers: Philips AVENT, Medela, Dr. Brown's, Chicco, Ameda, Grovet, Lansinoh, Nuby. Read testimonials from experienced moms. Breastfeeding can be established even in difficult life circumstances. May motherhood bring you only joy!

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