Home Potato Silicone insoles for transverse flat feet. Exercises for flat feet. Orthopedic insoles for flat feet. Custom orthopedic insoles

Silicone insoles for transverse flat feet. Exercises for flat feet. Orthopedic insoles for flat feet. Custom orthopedic insoles

To correct orthopedic pathologies, daily treatment with position is of great importance. It is important to know what shoes to wear for flat feet in adults and children so that they really benefit. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main parameters for evaluating functionality and quality.

General requirements

Properly selected shoes prevent further deformation of the foot and prevent complications. There are several basic requirements that it must meet:

  • natural material;
  • wide toe;
  • smooth elevation of the platform from the middle of the sole;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • the presence of a heel of medium height;
  • hard but flexible sole.

Shoes for flat feet should not be tight, but not too loose. During the fitting, the arch support is normally located exactly in the center of the arch. Summer sandals must be chosen as open as possible, they prevent excessive sweating of the feet.

On a note!

When buying winter boots, you need to pay attention to the thickness of the fur. causes circulatory disorders in the lower extremities and the legs are often cold.


Walking with flat feet is equivalent to riding on steel wheels on a stone pavement. Each step taken shakes not only the knees and spine, but also the brain. Only the right shoes will help to avoid complications. Supporting the foot in a physiological state, it provides high-quality cushioning.

Regular wearing of special shoes and sandals prevents further flattening of the feet and reduces stress on the joints. Corrective shoes for people with flat feet are an integral part.


  • pregnancy;
  • overweight;
  • standing work;
  • hard physical labor.

These factors can increase the deformity even with pathology.

Orthopedic sandals and boots are prescribed for children for the treatment of feet and for prevention. Such shoes help to completely restore the shape of the arch in a child. But you can wear it only after the examination.

If the baby is healthy, you should not buy him orthopedic shoes. It is enough to purchase a high-quality rational model of the correct form.

Where to start choosing

Orthopedic treatment should be taken as seriously as drug therapy. Shoes with flat feet have their own characteristics and differ in the mechanism of action. For each individual form. Before buying, you should visit a doctor and determine the type of flat feet. The characteristics of the shoes will depend on this:

  • When it has several points of contact with the sole. A latch is provided in the heel area. Models are designed to reduce the load on the heel and maintain the transverse arch.
  • If, the shoes will be equipped with a high arch support and a rigid frame (wedges) in the calcaneal region. This option is aimed only at maintaining the longitudinal arch of the foot.
  • Orthopedic shoes support the arch in all directions. It has an instep support, a lock in the heel area and three points of foot support.

You need to buy shoes in a specialized store, where a professional will choose the right option correctly.

Correction models are expensive, and some parents wear shoes left over from siblings to babies. This is highly discouraged, it can have the opposite effect.

Children's shoes for longitudinal flat feet should in no case be used with a transverse type. This will cause an increase in foot deformity.

Features of models for different stages

Foot deformity has several degrees of severity. The result of therapy largely depends on what shoes to wear with flat feet in adults and children in a certain period. To, it is enough just to wear shoes of the correct shape with arch support. In the first and second stages, boots and shoes must meet the following requirements:

  • average heel up to 4 cm;
  • rounded toe;
  • high back made of plastic or cork;
  • the presence of straps and Velcro;
  • insert in the area of ​​the thumb to prevent pathological inclination;
  • protective insoles.

Forbidden Models

If flat feet are detected, it is necessary to limit the pathological effect of shoes on the foot. Not worth buying:

  • wedges and flat sneakers;
  • tight or large sizes;
  • shoes with a narrowed toe;
  • shoes with high heels and hard soles;
  • flip flops and slates;
  • soft slippers and shoes.

Such models are not only harmful, but they themselves can become. To prevent or cure flat feet, you need to use only high-quality shoes that provide physiological foot placement.

Flat feet is the flattening of the longitudinal or transverse arches of the foot.

Such a curvature over time leads to problems with other joints - knee, ankle, hip, vertebral. This is due to the uneven impact loads on these zones. The most important role in the treatment of flat feet is the wearing of orthopedic shoes.

The influence of shoes on the development of flat feet

The human foot has anatomical arches - transverse and longitudinal. Their main function is to soften and evenly distribute the mechanical impact when jumping, running, etc. Together with the ligaments and muscles, the arches of the foot provide stability and cushioning.

The development of flat feet is associated with many factors, among which one of the first places is the wearing of oversized, uncomfortable shoes, which increases the load on the arches of the foot. Shoes with high heels contribute to the deformity of the feet in women, especially narrow ones. Increases the risk of getting a flat foot weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities, a sedentary lifestyle.

So, what shoes for flat feet should you choose?

Criterias of choice

  • The height of the heel should not exceed 4 cm, the ideal option is 5-10 mm.
  • The elevation towards the heel should be smooth and start from the middle of the foot.
  • Flat soles are prohibited, small heels are required.
  • Narrow models are contraindicated, and new shoes or boots should never rub.
  • Hypoallergenic and possibly breathable material.
  • Accurately selected size, the foot should not be squeezed or dangle.
  • Choose models with a sole that is not rigid, but not overly flexible.

With flat feet at stages 1-2, models with a low and wide heel are shown, which will maintain a stable, correct position of the heel. The heel should be tight and the sole flexible. You should not choose a wedge and platform, because the foot in them cannot bend normally and because of this it experiences an increased load.

What shoes are worn with flat feet 3 degrees? Here you can not do without the individual selection of orthopedic models with the help of a doctor. Self-selection of shoes at a late stage is fraught with serious irreversible consequences for both the foot and the joints above. Among the complications are displacement of the intervertebral discs, deformation of the bones.

At stage 3, wearing orthopedic shoes is necessarily combined with special exercise therapy exercises. The back of the boots should fix the heel well.

Sports models (sneakers, sneakers, etc.) are prohibited when flat feet are running.


How to avoid flat feet

Features of choice

Shoes for flat feet in an adult and a child require careful selection and consultation with an orthopedist. For men, women and children, there are some nuances that are useful to know.

For women

Girls and women constitute a separate risk group for the development of flat feet, which is associated with the wearing of shoes and other high-heeled shoes. Fashion dictates its own rules for many, but when it comes to health, you should not blindly follow popular trends.

  • the sole should not be hard and flat;
  • heel height maximum 5 cm;
  • you need to abandon narrow models, giving preference to options of medium fullness;
  • shoes should properly support the heel and provide stability to the foot;
  • on the inside of the shoes, the boots should not have rubbing and thick seams.

For men

What shoes to wear with flat feet for men?

Choose boots and sandals with a flexible sole and a durable heel counter that reduces stress on the foot and holds the heel. Here are the recommendations given by orthopedists for men:

  • if there is lacing, then it should tightly fix the foot;
  • you should choose and wear models with a wide, non-compressing toe;
  • exact match to the size of the shoe;
  • the use of special shock-absorbing insoles, which are selected individually.

For kids

Children's orthopedic shoes against flat feet are equipped with a small indentation in the heel area. This ensures a comfortable and anatomically correct position of the calcaneus. Such footwear corrects the deformity of the foot and prevents the development of disorders in the ankle and other joints.

Another feature of corrective shoes for children is a hard, durable heel counter that fixes the foot well. Also, boots and sandals have a sole with a smooth roll from heel to toe at a certain angle.. The toe is flexible, there is a heel, made strictly taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's feet.

Choosing shoes for flat feet for children should be under the guidance of an orthopedist. During the treatment of deformity, it is imperative to visit a doctor every 2-3 months to track the dynamics of changes and adjust therapy. They order children's shoes in orthopedic salons according to the measurements and casts taken from the child's feet.

Orthopedic shoes

Wearing medical orthopedic shoes is indicated immediately after diagnosing flat feet, regardless of its degree. Externally, corrective models practically do not differ from conventional ones. In the early stages, the orthopedist may prescribe only insoles or inserts; in the later stages, custom-made shoes are indispensable.

Corrective patterns

Medical shoes are sewn from natural materials, and their middle and heel parts are fixed with upper stabilizers and a hard back. To support the arches of the foot in the creation of corrective models, arch supports are also used.

The use of such shoes in the treatment of flat feet generally stops further deformation, ensures the normal position of the foot, and cushioning during movement. In advanced and complex cases of flat feet, the models are developed individually according to the measurements and the impression made. Shoes are sewn so that the load is evenly distributed, and does not affect one area of ​​the foot more, the other less.

Attention! The sole of the "correct" orthopedic shoes should not be slippery, and also have a Thomas heel that prevents the heel from falling inward.

The design can be simple for the early stages and difficult to correct serious disorders in the legs and spine. In the second case, the orthopedist may prescribe the permanent wearing of fixing shoes, which the patient takes off only at night.

Inserts and liners

Inserts in shoes are used in the early stages of flat feet, coupled with therapeutic exercises. Heel support insoles and special inserts can be custom made, but there are also two standard options:

  • model VP-1 for maintaining the arch of the foot with a rigid drawer;
  • insole VP-2 for the correction of plano-valgus deformity, having a recess with longitudinal arches for the heel and a heel arch support.

Experienced orthopedists say that industrial insoles are ineffective, since no two people have the same feet. Therefore, it is better to give preference to individual tailoring of corrective liners.

What shoes should not be worn

Feet should not get tired in shoes, while good foot fixation and flexibility of movement in the sole are important. When flat feet are contraindicated:

  • platform, wedge;
  • narrow, tight shoes;
  • models with rigid soles;
  • loose, poorly fitting shoes.

With flat feet, shoes should not have high heels more than 4 cm. Otherwise, body weight is distributed unevenly and is transferred to the front of the foot. This leads not only to increased deformation of the arches, but also to hallux valgus deformity of the joint of the thumb.

Care, cleaning

Clean orthopedic shoes as you would normal shoes with a sponge, damp cloth or brush. Do not use soap or detergent solution to remove dirt from the surface of the boots, as they can corrode the material and leave stains. Suede requires special handling - it is cleaned with a dry brush. Dry shoes and insoles away from heating devices at room temperature.

An orthopedic product for transverse flat feet helps to solve a number of problems that arise when the shape of the foot is distorted. It has been established that there are a lot of people suffering from transverse flat feet, especially women.

Medicine distinguishes two types of flat feet - transverse and longitudinal, and longitudinal-transverse is rare. By the way, transverse flat feet are also observed in sedentary people, in whom the muscles and ligaments are not sufficiently trained.

The manifestation of transverse flatfoot

Maintaining the normal transverse and longitudinal arches of the legs in humans is the key to a healthy distribution of the load of body weight. The longitudinally located arch is located on the inside of the foot, connecting the toes with the heel, and the transverse one distributes the load between the bases of the fingers, as it should be for a healthy person.

The transverse flatfoot looks like:

  • the protruding head of the first metatarsal bone, the so-called "bone";
  • change in the direction of the thumb (outward);
  • the formation of a hammer-shaped form of the second and third fingers;
  • the appearance of corns.

This type of change in the transverse shape of the foot is manifested in the redistribution of body weight from the heels to the front of the legs, and can cause bursitis of the first toe. Due to the imbalance of the muscles, the thumb turns around and presses on the neighboring ones. In addition, there is a thickening of the plantar skin, the appearance of corns and calluses.

Transverse flat feet, the disease is not fatal, but it creates many problems for a person. The appearance of pain in the back, in the hip and knee joints, impaired posture, increased fatigue, significant limitation of movement, especially when bursitis appears: all this reduces the quality of life. That is why the prevention of cross-sectional disease should be given more attention.

Causes leading to transverse flatfoot

Flat feet can be congenital, but most often a disease such as transverse flat feet can be acquired during life. For various reasons, the muscles of the foot weaken and are unable to support it in an elevated position. If a childhood disease is curable, then only foot correction will help an adult. What will require efforts to strengthen its muscles and ligaments, protect the spine from overload.

An important point - in the event of transverse flat feet - you can not wear poorly matched, for example, shoes, boots, sandals with fashionable narrow socks, high heels, which is especially typical for women. Improper use of shoes leads to problems: a poorly installed arch support and a poor-quality block. However, the most common cause of transverse flat feet is the constant overload of the foot.

Medical care for transverse deformity

With longitudinal-transverse flat feet, the orthopedist prescribes physiotherapy exercises, as well as procedures aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs. To reduce pain and relieve muscle tension, massage, compress and therapeutic baths are used.

These procedures usually only relieve pain, such as bursitis creates, for example. However, they are included in the complex treatment. Foot baths made from bitter wormwood, thyme, calendula, chamomile or sea salt are an excellent sedative.

To relieve severe pain with flat feet, use a compress from a mixture of iodine solution, lemon juice and aspirin powder. It is applied to a sore spot, covered with a film and a woolen cloth. Make a compress for three days, followed by a week break.

For longitudinal-transverse (mixed) flat feet, orthopedists have developed a special complex of physiotherapy exercises.

Orthopedic shoes - correction of transverse flat feet

An orthopedic doctor recommends that a patient with severe flat feet wear shoes, such as orthopedic shoes, which significantly reduce pain and make walking easier. The purpose of special shoes affects the foot in several ways.

Orthopedic shoes used for longitudinal-transverse flat feet compensate for small deformations and shortening, relieve pain points and hide the external defect of the foot.

It is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes with special frame semi-insoles and other various forms. They are supplied by the orthopedic industry in a wide range for the treatment of transverse and longitudinal flat feet. Shoes such as orthopedic today can be bought without problems.

Special shoes are made of high-quality leather with soft soles according to an individually selected shape. It should be understood that orthopedic shoes do not eliminate longitudinal-transverse flat feet, but only stop the change in the shape of the foot, relieve pain and fatigue.

Variety and choice of shoes for transverse flat feet

Orthopedic shoes are classified according to the diagnosis of the disease or the necessary prevention. To relieve pain when the “bone” bothers, shoes are designed in such a way as to prevent inflammation of the first toes.

  1. soft, loose, larger in size;
  2. it is better to try on at the end of the day, since by that time the leg has increased both in length and in width;
  3. try to avoid pointed socks;
  4. with a heel no higher than five centimeters.

The appearance of a hammer toe, as a result of transverse flat feet, requires the purchase of soft and spacious shoes. Shoes with high heels and pointed toes that pinch toes are completely excluded. High heels cause deformity of the transverse arch of the foot and big toe.

Rigid footwear with a hard sole, such as leather-like rubber, is absolutely contraindicated, as it prevents an even distribution of the load of the body on the feet.

Properly chosen shoes, when the distance between the toe and the thumb is equal to one centimeter, no less. In addition, no part of the foot should be subjected to pressure.

The main thing when buying shoes for sore feet is to feel comfortable. You should listen to the well-being of the legs, and they will prompt the right choice of shoes, boots or boots.

As for shoe samples, you should listen to the doctors. They believe that orthopedic shoes are necessary not only for people with sore feet, and they should be worn for prevention in order to prevent longitudinal and transverse flat feet.

Today, orthopedic shoes are represented by various models in which you can go not only to work, but also to entertainment venues without experiencing related complexes. Modern orthopedic shoes not only meet the functional purpose: the treatment of longitudinal and transverse flat feet, but also solve such a problem as modern compliance with fashion trends.

The human foot takes on the main load while walking, providing cushioning. When the foot is deformed, the spring function is disturbed, the ligamentous apparatus is weakened, and the load on the spine and joints is incorrectly distributed, which leads to serious disorders of the whole organism.

Such disorders are quite common, especially in adolescence, and there are many ways to deal with orthopedic diseases. One of these methods is shoes for flat feet.

At the initial stage of the disease, the main attention should be paid to a properly selected arch support and insole. With the progression of flat feet, in addition to special shoes, therapeutic exercises and massage are prescribed.

In advanced cases, the issue of surgical correction of flat feet is resolved. Before determining what shoes to wear with flat feet, it is important to find out the stage of the disease. Comfort is especially important when the foot is flattened in childhood.

General rules for choosing shoes

  • an absolutely flat sole is excluded, a small heel is required;
  • the heel should be from 5 to 10 mm;
  • the gradual elevation of the shoe should start from the middle of the foot;
  • you can not wear narrowed models;
  • preference should be given to hypoallergenic materials;
  • shoes should be loose, but in no case more than the size of the foot;
  • new shoes or boots should not rub the foot.

Models with a sole of medium elasticity are preferred so that when walking it does not hinder movement.

1st and 2nd stage of deformation

With 1 and 2 degrees of development of flat feet, you should choose shoes with a wide, small heel, the task of which is to support the heel in an anatomically correct position.

It is not advisable to wear wedges and platforms, as they prevent the normal flexion of the foot, thereby increasing the load on it. In this case, leather shoes with a sufficiently flexible sole and a supportive heel are suitable.

Anatomically correct orthopedic insole

If discomfort occurs, the skin can be replaced with nubuck or suede, due to the fact that these materials are much softer, normalization of air exchange is ensured, the leg sweats less, which as a result avoids callous formations. Proper footwear made from these materials at stage 1 of flat feet allows you to stop the further progression of the disease.

At stage 2 flat feet, deforming changes are visible during a visual examination of the patient. There is pain in the ankle during movement. At this stage of flat feet, the selection of special shoes is already necessary. For active sports, even special orthopedic insoles should be selected. Sports models provide for the correct distribution of the patient's weight with the maximum removal of overstrain of the feet.

It is necessary that the toe of the shoe is free and the back is tightly supported. Properly chosen shoes, including home shoes, normalize the functionality of the entire musculoskeletal system, preventing further progression of the pathological process.

The ideal model of boots or shoes for stage 1 and 2 flat feet meets the following criteria:

  • tight back;
  • wide square or round toe;
  • orthopedic liners;
  • lace-up models are preferred for better control of the tightness of the girth;
  • to prevent deviations of the thumb, it is recommended to use special finger pads;
  • heel no higher than 4 cm and obligatory arch supports.

Orthopedic finger pads. Such models allow you to tightly fix the foot in the most stable position.

Third degree of deformation

At this stage of flat feet, a mandatory consultation with an orthopedist is necessary, since an independent selection of shoes against flat feet of this degree can result in serious consequences. Stage 3 of the disease is accompanied by pronounced changes in the foot, which are determined by visual examination of the patient.

The third stage of flat feet is accompanied by persistent pain and difficulty in moving. Pain in the lower back, calf muscles, knees, thighs and soles of the feet is noted, as a result of which the patient's ability to work is impaired. Decreased activity and a complete ban on sports contribute to the aggravation of painful symptoms.

The foot is severely deformed, the sole expands, the toes curve and elongate, and there is a high likelihood of corns. With grade 3 deformities, the height of the arch of the foot is reduced to 17 mm with a strong deviation of the heel outward.

Stages of development of flat feet

Orthopedic shoes in combination with a special set of exercises for the feet can reduce discomfort. Excluded sports shoes. If these conditions are not met, there is a risk of displacement of the vertebral discs, as well as curvature of the bones. But before visiting the stores, it is necessary that the orthopedist determine the degree of deformity of the feet. It is preferable to buy a model with a fixing back. It is the most comfortable to wear. In addition to shoes, stage 3 foot deformity requires mandatory treatment.

Flat feet cause particular inconvenience to women, because it is the fair sex that most of their lives wear high heels, following fashion trends. However, with flat feet, ladies should be guided by the following rules:

  • It is not recommended to wear shoes with a flat, hard sole. They increase the load on the feet with more severe sprains, exacerbating the condition of the foot;
  • when choosing, one should take into account the height of the heel (not higher than 5 cm), otherwise there will be an uneven distribution of weight on the feet;
  • Preferably women's shoes of medium fullness. Otherwise, it provokes compression of the muscle fibers and the appearance of edema;
  • on the inside of the shoe there should be no seams of various types, which additionally squeeze the foot.

Orthopedic female model of sandals

Girls diagnosed with flat feet should take into account all of the above recommendations when choosing shoes, since at the last stage of the disease a full correction is no longer possible.

Shoes for men

In adult male patients, flat feet are much more common. Today, there are many modern brands of orthopedic shoes, but preference should be given to orthopedic shoes and boots with elastic soles made of a material with a special structure.

Orthopedic men's shoes

Medical shoes are able to properly distribute the load on the feet, fixing the foot in the correct position.

In addition, shoes for men include:

  • comfort in use;
  • mandatory compliance with the size of the foot;
  • boots or shoes must be free;
  • depreciation is required with special insoles;
  • if the model is with laces, then they should tightly fix the foot without squeezing it;
  • the toe of the shoe should be wide so as not to impair blood circulation in the legs.

Insoles for running shoes are selected individually. At the same time, shoes in appearance are no different from ordinary ones, but their price may differ upwards, which is definitely a significant drawback.

Children's footwear

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of orthopedic shoes for children, in which, unlike adult patients, the foot can be corrected.

When choosing shoes for a child, you should consider:

  • small heel (no more than 2 cm);
  • a completely flat sole is excluded;
  • quite often, children wear sneakers with flat feet, which is not contraindicated, but laces are preferable for better fixation;
  • tight back;
  • must have an arch support and breathable material.

Choosing the right shoes for children should be done in close cooperation with an orthopedist, and in the future, at least once every 3 months, the child should undergo preventive examinations to prevent the progression of the disease and possible adjustments. You should order orthopedic shoes for children in special salons, according to individually taken parameters of the child's foot.

In addition to properly selected shoes, sneakers or boots, which are undoubtedly of great importance for the prevention of flat feet in all categories of patients, it is recommended performing special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles in the legs. In addition, special gymnastics as an auxiliary method of treatment can reduce pain that disturbs patients.

Orthopedic shoes for a child

A good effect is foot massage, which is performed by a professional massage therapist or done independently, for example, by making a massage track from improvised materials (corks from plastic bottles, buttons, etc.).

The best prevention of flat feet in people is the right lifestyle. It is necessary to balance the diet, eliminating foods that contribute to weight gain. Extra pounds, in turn, increase the load on the feet, leading first to a flattening of the foot, and in the absence of therapeutic measures, flat feet can be transformed into more serious forms.

Flat feet is a disease of the feet associated with the deformation of its shape. Shoes with flat feet should be carefully selected, since the leg endures a greater load than the leg of a healthy person. Choose the right shoes according to the following criteria:

  • it should have hard backs, and the back of the shoe should tightly fix the heel;
  • orthopedic insoles should be made to order for any pair: they are made according to the shape of the foot and the degree of flat feet;
  • you should not wear a heel higher than 4 and less than 2 cm;

Flat feet are expressed in varying degrees of change in the shape of the foot. There are two types of flat feet: transverse and longitudinal. The angle of the arch of the foot determines three degrees of deformation: the first (light), the second and the third (already more pronounced). For each degree, the features of the choice of shoes are characteristic.

Weak flat feet and heel height

At the first degree, flat feet are not so pronounced, and therefore shoes should be chosen taking into account the height of the heel and according to your own feelings: how comfortable it is, how much time you can walk in it without pain. Despite the slight severity, the flat feet of the initial degree still give discomfort, so you can not wear shoes with high and thin heels, heels that do not support the entire heel. In addition, wedge and platform shoes prevent the foot from bending already at the first stage of changing the foot, so it is also undesirable.

It is best to choose shoes with a light instep and a flexible sole with a supportive heel counter. If such shoes are not comfortable, then you can switch to softer options from suede and nubuck.

It must be remembered that if you wear the wrong uncomfortable shoes, then the first degree of flat feet will easily go into the third.

The second degree of flat feet and the choice of shoes

With this degree (as it is also called moderate), the foot changes appearance and flattening is noticeable to the eye. Grade 2 gives already defined pain in the ankle and the foot itself. The choice of shoes in this case is decisive for a person. It is necessary to pay great attention to the orthopedic function, and order special insoles.

With this degree of deformation, the foot no longer functions correctly, but with defects in the distribution of weight: a certain part of the sole accounts for most of it. Because of this, tension of the ligaments is formed, pain occurs, the heel slightly moves away. Shoes should support the back of the foot, not compress the toe to prevent even more changes.

That is why shoes with flat feet with high heels or with a narrowed toe cannot be worn for a long time, as pain begins to torment, and the legs get tired much faster. Properly chosen shoes prevent diseases not only of the feet, but of the entire musculoskeletal system. The main recommendations on what shoes to wear with 2 moderate degrees of flat feet are:

  • tight back;
  • soft sole;
  • orthopedic insoles;
  • wide rounded or square toe;
  • special supinators;
  • heel no higher than 4 cm.

Since the foot needs a stable position, it is best to choose boots and boots with lacing, which allows you to adjust the density of the shoe to the foot.

If the 1st degree of flat feet is not yet expressed, then in the 2nd degree the foot needs a special arch support more than ever. The main types of arch supports that are used for 2 degrees of deformation:

  • in the form of inserts on the toe part in case of flattening of the longitudinal part of the arch;
  • backs that reduce pressure on the heel;
  • liners for interdigital zones to prevent the deviation of the thumb (if the deformity progresses);
  • for degree 2, an insole with a heel arch support and a pronator for the toe part are excellent, which stretches the foot less, and therefore the correct load on the legs is obtained;

If the 2nd degree progresses greatly, then ordinary shoes should be abandoned altogether, since a large deformity of the foot provokes many diseases of the spine and legs. In this case, it is better to order and wear orthopedic shoes, made taking into account the type of deformation and the features of the natural shape of the foot.

Longitudinal flat feet can be either acquired due to insufficient load on the foot, or congenital. Most often, it is accompanied by the growth of corns and the protrusion of the bone at the thumb, and therefore high-heeled shoes do not need to be worn in this case at all.

It is also necessary to refuse frequent wear in the summer of shoes such as slippers and sandals that do not have backs or heels: they flatten the foot even more and provoke pain in the legs, surprising its owners.

Shoes such as wedges or platform shoes should be purchased in consultation with an orthopedist so that the sole is made of soft materials and easily bends.

If the sole is hard, then it does not spread.

Grade 2 also differs in that it often takes the form of flat-valgus deformity, when the thumb forms a deviation and the bone grows. If the foot has just such flat feet, then shoes must be worn with a high back, which is difficult in a hot period. In this case, we can advise such an option as now fashionable sandals covering the lower leg, with an open toe and a jumper over the leg.

The third degree, as a reason to go to the orthopedist

At the third degree, flat feet have a pronounced external defect, which is shown by numerous photos and pictures of the foot. What shoes to choose with such a deformity of the foot?

Most often, simple shoes and the recommendations listed above for the 2nd degree are indispensable here. With severe flat feet, a person experiences constant pain and difficulty walking for a long time, in addition, he develops diseases of the spine, displacement of discs.

Therefore, only orthopedic shoes can help, which are created from a cast of the foot with the help of the recommendations of an orthopedist. Modern models of orthopedic shoes do not differ in aesthetics from the usual ones. I would like to recommend at this stage of the disease (however, it is better to heed this advice for 1 or 2 degrees of flat feet) and special gymnastics, the video of which can be easily found on the net.

Not only adults, but also children suffer from flat feet, and then the disease becomes a real problem, as it provokes scoliosis, curvature of the legs and other associated deformities. What kind of shoes to choose in this case:

  • go to the orthopedist, take pictures and see the doctor every few months, as he grows, the bones are still soft, and therefore the deformity can progress.
  • It is also worth wearing shoes with backs, a small heel, and even better, with the patronage of a doctor, it is to purchase orthopedic shoes.

Remember, in babies, flat feet can be considered a characteristic flattening of the legs, so an examination by an orthopedist and surgeon is mandatory. You also need to take into account that children's flat feet are much easier to treat, so massage and special shoes are a must.

Summing up, we can say that when choosing, there are basic “don’ts”:

  • heels over 5 cm;
  • wedge and platform shoes with hard soles;
  • shoes with a narrow toe;
  • shoes without backs;
  • shoes without a heel;
  • narrow and thin heel;

If someone says that flat feet block the way to wearing fashionable shoes, then he is mistaken. In fact, there are many models in the modern fashion line that correspond to all of the above. So put away your grandmother's shoes, open a fashion magazine: there you can find everything that is good for your feet.

Video about flat feet

Exercises for flat feet: short and long video with instructions

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Where to buy shoes for problem feet? Read reviews about orthopedic shoe stores:

The first Professional Network of Orthopedic Salons ORTEKA strives to ensure that people are healthy and keep the joy of a long active life. To this end, our range has been created, taking into account new effective methods of prevention and treatment, including products from leading manufacturers in Russia, Europe and the USA. In our orthopedic salons and through the website you can purchase the most modern products: orthopedic shoes for children and adults, orthopedic insoles (arch supports), medical compression stockings, orthopedic bandages and posture correctors, orthoses, crutches and canes, massagers, gymnastic balls (fitballs) and other products.

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