Home Potato Tattoo for girls lettering. Tattoo with meaning for girls: the meaning of tattoos. A useful video clip about a tattoo for girls

Tattoo for girls lettering. Tattoo with meaning for girls: the meaning of tattoos. A useful video clip about a tattoo for girls

Tattoo art! How interesting and versatile it is. Masterpieces created by masters are gaining great attention among young people and not only. Over time, tattoos do not become less relevant, but on the contrary, they are only realized more and more in new ideas. Among the creation of tattoos are especially attractive. Increasingly, inscriptions in Latin are being created. As a rule, they contain a deep meaning. Girls prefer a variety of zones for tattoo inscriptions. We present you the most creative of them.


When creating a tattoo, it is very important to correctly translate. This word or phrase will be with you for the rest of your life. Very often, online translators cannot convey the whole essence or convey it incorrectly. A person who is fluent in Latin will help you with this. Keep this in mind when looking for tattoo ideas.


The following inscription translates as "Find a way or do". Sometimes we all lack a sense of purpose in life. Such an inscription will not allow you to let go of your hands even at the most difficult moment.


"Seize the moment." Our life is fast, but beautiful, and there is definitely a place for pleasures and joys in it. To enjoy the moments and not miss anything - rather, this is the deepest meaning hidden in this phrase.


Love - how much meaning in this word! Girl with a tattoo on her back Love overcomes everything" seems romantic and gentle in nature.


"Here and now". This phrase is reminiscent of "Seize the moment" and reveals all the delights of life. Living here and now is perhaps the best thing we can do.


The next tattoo "infragilis et tenera" can literally be translated as "brittle and tender." Vulnerable people sometimes can not cope with what comes into their lives. Sometimes the only desire is to announce it to the whole world about your tiredness. And this is not bad. Sometimes it's important to take a break and rest.


"I'm not afraid of any evil." This inscription serves as an announcement or a kind of amulet - the owner decides for himself.


"Be, not seem to be" This is what this tattoo means. Most modern people are used to wearing masks. The meaning of this phrase is to just not be someone who you are not. Each person is unique in their own way. Why not emphasize it, instead of once again trying on a new mask?


What do you write on your body? Only you can answer this question. Code phrases, dates, tattoo prayers, quotes - all this can be used and applied as a tattoo.


Inscriptions, in addition to beautiful calligraphy, may have an additional design. For example, accompanying them with drawings will emphasize even greater creativity and originality.



"nihil dolere", which means "Nothing to be sorry about." Live to the fullest and have no regrets. Maybe this is the main secret of happiness?


Most often, inscriptions in Latin are certain motivational phrases that help and revive at certain moments. Which one to choose is up to you. An experienced tattoo artist will finally tell you how to properly care for a tattoo and maintain its original appearance.

Do you have a tattoo?We look forward to your comments!

Today, people decorate the body with different patterns. It has become very popular and fashionable. They put a certain meaning into wearable images. Tattoo inscriptions with meaning and translation for girls and men are of different formats. Everyone will select a picture of the desired size and type.

Varieties of inscriptions

It is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

To make a tattoo in the form of an inscription, it is important to choose its meaning. It should reflect the inner world of a person, his desires, dreams or aspirations. It can be a motto, the name of a loved one, or words from your favorite song. The main thing to remember is that the applied text will remain forever. Therefore, the choice should be approached very responsibly.

Popular inscriptions for underwear include:


Quotes can be from any of the existing denominations.

For memory

These include different dates, numbers, symbols and names that have brought special meaning to a person's life.


These are words of gratitude or parting words.

Quotes of great men

The text is a person's creed or motto for life.


Wearable signs can be of any shape, size or type. It all depends on the imagination of the person.

The inscriptions are made in different languages ​​of the world, including Latin, Hebrew or using hieroglyphs. For each text, its font and size are selected so that the picture as a whole looks beautiful and organic.

Popular inscriptions for tattoos

List of interesting tattoos for men with translation:

1 My life - my war. My life is my war;

2 La calma and la virtu dei forti. Calmness is the virtue of the strong;

3 Der Gott mit uns. God is with us!;

4 Primus interpares. First among equals.

Women's tattoos are slightly different from men's drawings. The most popular include:

1 If I can dream it, I can do it… If I can dream about it, I can do it…;

2 Que femme veut - Dieu le veut. What a woman wants is what pleases God;

3 Sono nata per la felicita. I was born for happiness.

Very important before applying the inscription articulate your thoughts clearly, and also listen to the desires, so as not to make adjustments to the text later. The tattoo will remain on the human body for the rest of his life. The main thing is to properly care for her so that she does not change her original appearance.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing an inscription for a tattoo

When a person fills himself with a body pattern in the form of an inscription, he puts a certain meaning into this picture. It can be a life credo, a motto or a motivator. Words tell more about a person than different pictures. The text will emphasize individuality and creativity. It can be written in any language. Most often, Russian and English are used for inscriptions on the body, and Latin and hieroglyphs.

In order for the tattoo inscription to look beautiful on the body, you need to choose a certain style for it. Today there are many different options: from calligraphy to typeface.

Before you get a tattoo in the form of an inscription on your body, you need to pay attention to the following important factors. Without this, it will not be possible to create a beautiful wearable pattern. Among them:

The size

If the tattoo involves a large number of small details, then it should be large. In a small picture, everything will merge, which will lead to the loss of the general meaning that the tattoo was supposed to convey.

The choice of a specialist

Be sure to view the portfolio of work done, ask to present certificates of completed courses. Today there are a lot of unfortunate artists who are not able to do their job correctly. A poorly executed tattoo will lead to correction of the text in the future and possible health problems.


Creating a tattoo involves applying a special paint under the skin. As a result of this, small microcracks form on it, which cause pain and discomfort to a person. Each person has their own level of sensitivity. For some, the process of applying text turns into torture, for others it leaves a slight discomfort. Pain also depends on the place where the tattoo is stuffed. To understand what to prepare for, you need to consult with the master in advance.


A high-quality tattoo made by a master with extensive experience cannot have a low price. If it is underestimated, then this should be alarming.


Each tattoo takes a certain amount of time to create. If the drawing is complex, includes many small details, then the master will need several sessions to create a beautiful picture.

Many people believe that after applying the inscription to the body, they get a beautiful image forever. These drawings require careful and constant care. If the text is small, then after a while it will definitely need to be corrected.

How a tattoo is applied

The process of creating a tattoo in the form of text involves the introduction of special dyes under the upper layers of the skin. It does not cause allergic reactions. In order not to provoke infection or the development of complications, the master must comply with all sanitary and hygienic rules.

The tattoo is stuffed on the body subject to the following sequence of actions:

  • image selection;
  • coordination of the sketch with the master. You can also design your own layout. It will take into account the preferences and desires of the person;
  • the selected sketch is transferred to tracing paper. Then - the selected area of ​​the body;
  • the skin must be pre-prepared. To do this, a disinfectant solution is applied to it;
  • tattooing begins with piercing the contour. When this stage is completed, you can proceed to filling the contour. To do this, use the color scheme based on the selected image. Then the master applies shadows and highlights to give a natural look to the tattoo.

After the final stage of tattooing, the master must treat the skin area where the work was done with a special antiseptic with healing properties. A sterile bandage is applied over this, which will prevent infection from entering the wounds.

These activities will help to get a beautiful pattern on the body, as well as completely exclude possible suppuration. If a person cannot tolerate pain during the creation of a tattoo, then the master can anesthetize the part of the body on which the work is being done with anesthesia.

The inscription is suitable for placement on any part of the body. The choice of location depends on the size of the drawing, its meaning and the desire to present it to the public.


This is one of the most popular places for tattoos.

The advantages of using the hand as a platform for creating an interesting drawing are manifested by the following features:

  • conservatism;
  • tribute to traditions;
  • ease of application;
  • convenience of location;
  • expressiveness.

Here, different options for wearable pictures are used. Texts can be intertwined with images. If a person does not want to put the inscription on display, then he can simply wear clothes with long arms. They will hide underwear drawings from prying eyes.


Men and women equally often stuff different versions of text tattoos on their shoulders. The popularity of drawings applied in this area has been going on since ancient times.

At that time, they pointed to the following aspects of public life:

  • place in society;
  • status;
  • marital status;
  • belonging to the genus;
  • the number of living and dead relatives;
  • participation in the social and political activities of the country.

The main advantages of the inscriptions that are applied to the shoulder area are simplicity and conciseness. The master will quickly fill the tattoo. Here it does not deform and does not deteriorate over time, since the skin is not prone to the formation of sweets or wrinkles.

The tattoo on the shoulder will remain in its original form for a long time, if properly cared for. It is also easy to hide it from prying eyes with the help of clothes. This creates an atmosphere of mystery and mystery around a person.


Very extraordinary people make tattoos on their forearms. This emphasizes their individuality and a different view of the world than other people.

Here you can place large texts or phrases consisting of several words. Each of them looks non-standard, but very beautiful.

One of the most interesting tattoo sketches designed for the forearm will be puzzle. Drawings are stuffed on both hands. Each of them carries a meaning. They are finished work. But when crossing or bringing hands together, 2 tattoos form a single picture. Its secret meaning is clear only to the owner of the wearable image.

Another advantage of a tattoo on the forearm is practically complete absence of pain or discomfort. Here the process is perceived more comfortably by all people.

The text on the forearm is not well hidden. It is difficult to completely cover it with clothes, especially in hot weather. Therefore, you should not acquire a picture for people whose work implies a certain dress code.

A tattoo on the legs is one of the non-standard types. This can become an original and fashionable decoration for a girl, and, first of all, for her own aesthetic pleasure, and not for everyone to see. Tattoos on the leg look very stylish, elegant and sexy at the same time, while they are quite practical, because if desired or if necessary, they can be easily and at any time hidden from prying eyes.

Tattoo on the leg of a girl - inscriptions

Recently, it has become very popular to apply a tattoo on the skin not in the form of some kind of drawing, pattern, but in the form of an inscription. And this is not surprising, because the inscriptions carry a greater semantic load than images, and for many it is important to express their life credo or motto, the prevailing feelings and emotions through tattooing.

Girls who want the meaning of their tattoo to be clear in any of the countries of the world use English. Otherwise, you can type the text in Latin or use hieroglyphs. In this case, the tattoo will attract even more attention with its mysterious meaning. Common languages ​​for tattoo inscriptions are:

  • French;
  • Italian;
  • Spanish;
  • German.

Of great importance is the choice of the correct font for the inscription. These can be letters with numerous curls, monograms, various decorations, or an ordinary printed font. You can even choose a font that reflects the character of the owner of the tattoo (mysterious, short, strict, unusual, etc.). It is undesirable to use a very thin and small font, because there is a risk that over time it may blur somewhat, and it will be very difficult to read the words.

Zones for a female tattoo on the leg with an inscription

Without a doubt, women's legs are one of the most attractive parts of the body for men. Having applied a tattoo on the leg, you definitely will not be left without attention. At the same time, the tattoo inscription will look great on any area - ankle and even foot.

A suitable area for a leg tattoo is the outer side of the thigh. Here you can place a fairly long phrase and use a large font, making a tattoo longitudinally along the entire length of the thigh. The area of ​​the calf muscle is popular for tattooing on the legs, and the tattoo inscriptions on this area look great both from the back and from the side.

Those who are forced to periodically hide tattoos can get them on the inside of their legs, which will be a very convenient and practical option. It is preferable to apply a miniature tattoo inscription on the ankle, foot or fingers, it will become a wonderful and sophisticated decoration of the leg.

The meaning of the inscription for a tattoo on the leg

For a tattoo on the leg, it is recommended to select short, concise and simple inscriptions containing the meaning that you want to express. It is necessary to accurately determine the phrase or word before applying the inscription with which you intend to live your whole life to the skin. Here are some options for beautiful inscriptions for a tattoo on the leg in various languages ​​​​with translation:

  1. vivi. lotta. Ama (it.) - Live. Fight. Love.
  2. Nessun rimpianto, nessun rimorso (it.) - I do not regret anything.
  3. Everyone has one "s own path (English) - Everyone has their own path.
  4. Je vais au rêve (fr.) - I'm going to my dream.
  5. Forte et tendre (fr.) - Strong and tender.
  6. Chacun est entraîné par sa passion (French) - Everyone is attracted by their own passion.
  7. Abiens, abi (lat.) - When leaving, go away.
  8. Amor omnia vincit (lat.) - Love conquers all.
  9. Obterei tudo o que quero (port.) - I will get everything I want.
  10. Passo a passo até o sonho (port.) - Step by step to the dream.

A tattoo is one of the most striking ways of self-expression, and choosing a phrase for a tattoo or drawing is a complex and responsible process. Professional masters of wearable art will help to decide which image will be applied to the body and determine its location.

Phrases for a tattoo with translation

In situations where a spiritual impulse cannot be expressed with a specific image, sayings and aphorisms applied to the body come to the rescue. Phrases for a tattoo with a meaning that is understandable only to the bearer of the image is an original way to express yourself or supplement an existing idea.

Many domestic and foreign celebrities prefer beautiful phrases for tattoos. On the body, more and more often you can find:

  • names of the closest and beloved people;
  • important phrases and dates;
  • quotes from philosophers;
  • aphorisms and proverbs from the folk epic;
  • autographs;
  • motivational statements.

Phrases for tattoos are applied in various languages ​​(even dead ones). In this case, reliable knowledge of the translation is necessary in order to accurately transfer the meaning of the desired statement. To do this, you can contact a professional translator or native speaker.

Sayings for a tattoo

A qualified tattoo artist will help to avoid embarrassing situations when applying intimate tattoos and will offer the client a catalog of inscriptions that are already presented with translation.

The process of creating a phrase tattoo sketch allows you to try on several options for different fonts. The choice of calligraphy can be influenced not only by the desire of the client, but also by the language of expression. For example, tattoo phrases hieroglyphs are difficult to imagine in the design of monograms. They require strict application.

The best phrases for a tattoo, made in different styles and located in different places, will look completely different, even if the statements are completely identical. One of the main tasks of the master and the client when creating a sketch is to maintain readability. It is important not to overdo it in decorating the phrase and keep it for a long time. Artists know for sure that the abundance of thin lines located very close over time can be distorted. In this case, you need to either correct the image, or

Having a tattoo on your body is now considered fashionable. It is especially great if the wearable image carries a certain meaning. A tattoo in the form of an inscription can be a great motivator for you and those around you. Tattoo texts can be done in a variety of styles, from elegant cursive to minimalist print. Drawings with words or quotes reveal the essence of a person better than others, reminding you of what trials you had to go through or of happy moments in life. In addition, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are also good because you are unlikely to meet a person with a similar image. You can express your individuality through text. By the way, here you also have a choice, you can write words both in your native language and in a foreign one. One of the most popular places for applying such a tattoo is the arm.

Tattoo lettering with translation

Tattoos in Latin with translation

The leading place among foreign-language sources is occupied by English and Latin. However, they are also in great demand. It is worth noting that tattoos with Latin text often express a philosophical meaning, as they, as a rule, were sayings of noble and great people of antiquity. Latin quotes can be seen on both men and women.

Love is a movement - love is a movement

just love

Love is my religion - Love is my religion

Rihanna's love

Family tattoo inscriptions

The strength of a woman is in her family. Some of the fair sex seek to show their love for loved ones. Tattoos with the word "Family" and its derivatives can be seen on the wrist, ankle, foot and neck.

Family together always- Family is always together

Forever family - family forever

Philosophical tattoo inscriptions

The fair sex are deeper creatures than it might seem at first glance. Sometimes in a simple girl such emotions, experiences and thoughts can lurk that at first it is difficult to imagine. Creative natures approach this, as a rule, from a philosophical point of view. It is no longer possible to get by with just one word. Although one word, as you know, can contain a powerful inspiring force.

Listen to your heart - listen to your heart

The choices we make dictate the life we ​​lead - The choices we make determine the life we ​​have to live

Even if saving you sends me to heaven - Saving even you, I will go to heaven

You "ll never die and you never grow old - you will never die and grow old

Don "t dream your life Live your dream - Do not dream all your life, but live your dream

Beautiful phrases in English for a tattoo with translation

If you are thinking about an inscription in English, this list of phrases will be of interest to you:

  1. Battle of life - Fight for life.
  2. Be careful with your thoughts - they are the beginning of deeds - Be careful with your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
  3. Destroy what destroys you - Destroy what destroys you.
  4. Don "t break up with your past until you" re sure in your future - Do not break with the past until you are sure of your future.
  5. Endless love - Endless love.
  6. Everyone has one "s own path - Everyone has their own path.
  7. Everyone is the creator of one "s own fate - Everyone is the creator of his own fate.
  8. Everyone sees the world in one "s own way - Each person sees the world in his own way.
  9. Fear transfers the clever into the silly, and makes the strong be the weak - Fear makes the smart fools and the strong weak.
  10. Follow your heart - Follow your heart.
  11. Free your mind - Free your mind.
  12. I remember too much, that "s why I" m damn sad sometimes - I remember a lot, that's why I'm sometimes damn sad.
  13. Live without regrets - Live without regrets.
  14. Music creates the feelings which you can "t find in life - Music creates feelings that are not in life.
  15. Never give up - Never give up.
  16. Never look back - Never look back.
  17. Never stop dreaming - Never stop dreaming.
  18. Now or never - Now or never.
  19. People rejoice at the Sun, and I "m dreaming of the Moon - People rejoice at the sun, and I dream of the moon.
  20. The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it - The inevitable price we pay for happiness is the eternal fear of losing it.
  21. The love of my life - Love of my life.
  22. The most dangerous demons live in our hearts - The most dangerous demons live in our hearts.
  23. Wait and see - Let's wait and see.
  24. We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering - We hate those we love because they can cause us the most suffering.
  25. While I am breathing, I love and believe. While I breathe, I love and believe.

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