Home Preparations for the winter Dragon age 2 isabella quests. Isabel. "I love big ships, I can't lie"

Dragon age 2 isabella quests. Isabel. "I love big ships, I can't lie"

New companions in Dragon Age 2 will join the main character gradually during the passage of the main plot of the game. Brother and sister will join immediately, Aveline - a little later, during the battle with the remnants of the creatures of darkness, in which she will lose her husband. In Kirkwall itself, in the Upper City, there will be a meeting with Varric Tetras. Next in line will be Merrill. The meeting with her will take place at the Shattered Mountain, where the Dalish elves have set up their camp (task "Long Way Home"). Anders will make itself felt in the task "Pacification". Attempts to find him will lead the protagonist to the Cloaca, where the magician-healer treats all those in need in an impromptu clinic, doing a good deed.

Then it comes down to Isabella, which will suddenly appear in the tavern of the Lower City after the protagonist meets Anders. The violent temper of the girl will attract everyone's attention to her. Fenris also will not stand aside, the task "Free Cheese" will make the unusual elf appear before the main character in all its glory, demonstrating his unique abilities on the first enemy who came under a hot hand. A little later, in the second chapter, the squad will be joined by Sebastian(quest "Repentance", DLC "Prince in Exile"), however, for this you need to complete the task "Debt" in the first chapter. The last satellite will be Tallis(DLC "Brand of the Killer"). It is necessary to talk with all the companions from time to time, the most suitable moment is between tasks. They will willingly share information and their thoughts, which will open up personal assignments.

Satellite locations in Dragon Age 2:

  • Varric and Isabella- Lower city, tavern "Hangman".
  • Anders- Cloaca, hospital.
  • Aveline- The upper city, the governor's fortress.
  • Merrill- Lower city, elfinage.
  • Fenris- Upper city, the estate of Danarius.
  • Bethany/Carver- The lower city, the house of uncle Hamelin.
The number of satellites does not affect the ability to complete the game. Only Aveline, Anders, Varric, and Merrill are considered mandatory companions. You can opt out of other services.

Captain without a ship
Real pirates, once on the shore, will never miss a tavern and a brothel. Not surprising. that both the hero of Ferelden and Hawk meet Isabella in these establishments. In Dragon Age: Origins, she was a minor character, but in the story of the defender of Kirkwall, her role can be quite significant.

Isabella, at first glance, is a frivolous, selfish and dissolute person, she is fickle like the sea and changeable like the wind. First impressions are usually the best, but there are exceptions to every rule. A little attention, a couple of kind words, and the pirate queen will become the most devoted companion.

Isabella is the only character who can leave the squad long before the final events due to insufficient influence on her. In order to prevent this, two conditions must be met: score 50 friendship or rivalry points and discuss "Issues of Faith" before the "Catch the Thief" task appears.

this is a bug: Isabella's outfit does not change after a night spent at the Amell estate. Buying an upgrade or the Creator's Breath potion from the Black Store will help remedy the situation.
There are far more opportunities to befriend Isabella in the first two parts of the story than rivalry. Demonstrate diplomatic talent in "Understanding Isabella", go with her to Martin and take the quest "What fell from the cart", and after completing it, give a sample of the goods. Support the magicians in the task "A Merciful Deed". In the second chapter, do not miss the opportunity to flirt. give a boat in a bottle. Jokes in Questions of Faith. In the "Catch the Thief" quest, allow me to keep the relic for myself. After the solemn return of the masterpiece of literature to the Arishok, tell Isabella that she will remain on the team. In the third part of the story, agree to help Isabella deal with Castillon. quest “No rest for sinners. and let him be blackmailed.

ON A NOTE: Flirting with Isabella only earns friendship points. To make up for losses in rivalry, you will have to bring the novel to the end.
To develop a rivalry, in the task “Judge's Orders, take Keldar to his father. Take Isabella to the Fade while doing the Nightmares quest, and when talking to the Desire Demon, choose the aggressive option. After returning from the Shadow, the task "Isabella's Apology" will appear, call her a traitor. Give me a boat in a bottle. In Matters of Faith, be diplomatic. In the "Catch the Thief" quest, insist on returning the book
into the hands of the Qunari. In the third part of the story, refuse the task "No rest for sinners" and, having completed it later, kill Castillon.

The gift "Ship in a Bottle" lies in the caves of smugglers, where Hawke will lead the task "Explosive service". In the third part of the story, search the crates in the port catacombs to find the Rivaine Fertility Talisman. Each gift will add 10 points to the existing influence. In the final, Isabella is always on Hawke's side or very far away from Kirkwall.

I'm winning because I'm not fair, kitty. I thought it was obvious

Isabella is a real hurricane of passions. She attracts attention with her beauty, as well as her violent temper. This beauty meets us in the first part of the game. To begin with, it is worth remembering her contribution to it. So.

Isabella is originally from Rivine, but has traveled extensively and has already visited many places during her short life. She was once married to the original owner of the Siren's Call until Zevran killed him. She inherited the ship and doesn't seem to regret her husband's death at all. She called him a "fat bastard" and is quite fond of his killer, Zevran.

Isabella learned a new fighting technique in her travels, based not on strength, but on speed. She successfully uses this technique against various warriors, calling herself a duelist.

Isabella can be found in the "Pearl". The art of the duelist can only be learned from her. There are two options: beat her at cards and "get to know each other better." After she teaches you a specialization, she will disappear from the brothel.

To beat Isabella, one must be dexterous enough to catch her by the hand or cunning enough to deceive her. If the team has Zevran or Leliana, then they can help the Guardian. But only with a significant impact on them.

If the Guardian decides to get to know her better, then he must have the skills of persuasion.

If the Guardian is having an affair with Morrigan, Leliana, or Alistair, then they will openly disapprove of the Guardian's decision, and Isabella will not sleep with him. However, if Leliana or Alistair are not only in a relationship, but also "hardened" after their personal quests, then they will not mind "talking" with three (or even four).

If Zevran is present in the group, Isabella will invite him to join her and the Guardian. If the invitation is accepted, then the influence on Zevran will increase.

Possible combinations:

1. Isabella the Guardian

2. Isabella-Guardian-Leliana

3. Isabella-Guardian-Zevran

4. Isabella-Guard-Aleister

5. Isabella-Guardian-Leliana-Zevran

Based on the foregoing, one can judge Isabella's ardent and free disposition. She does not shun either same-sex love or orgies. She is used to taking everything from life and catching pleasure at any moment. However, she has certain principles. She will never get into bed with someone who is weaker than her. This, of course, does not apply to paid love. Isabella is a frequenter of brothels. In Kirkwall, in one of the conversations, she even announced that she had paid services at the Rose Bloom until the end of the year.

"Isabella is a pirate beast of two coastlines, four nations and countless different taverns. She is excellent with both a dagger and a word, and it is not yet clear which of these will cause more pain. Isabella is rarely in one place, but after her ship was wrecked, she had to work in Kirkwall, take on any business, which means that the rich and fools got a headache, and Isabella enjoys fooling them. She is as desired as feared, and her enemies a lot.If you are her enemy, you will have to fall from her dagger or bow at her feet, for this girl, both options are a victory over the enemy.The way Isabella was left without a ship, she has not yet decided in what position she is: cornered or not yet .Now she's just enjoying her life."

In Dragon Age II, Isabella is first encountered at an inn called The Hangman, where she is involved in a brawl with several bandits. She will appear only after you accept Anders into the group. Recruit her or not - your right. But if you do not take it, then you will miss not only a lot of interesting dialogues, but also the opportunity to "deal with the Qunari" in a good way.

Isabella is no longer a captain. Her ship sank near Kirkwall along with her crew. She had to work for a smuggler in Kirkwall, but due to her violent and free nature, Isabella managed to fall out of favor with the criminal leader Castillon. Castillon hired her to oversee the shipments, but the curious robber soon discovered that the cargo was refugees whom Castillon was selling into slavery. She freed the slaves, and as punishment, Castillon ordered her to find the relic that had been lost along with the ship. Hawk can agree to help Isabella in her search, as well as accompany her to a meeting with Hyder, Castillon's subordinate.

As the game progresses, you will learn what kind of relic it was. It is a sacred Qunari relic called the Tome of Koslun. It was because of the search for this book that the Qunari remained in Kirkwall. They could not return home without the Tome, and he was kidnapped by a dark-skinned woman from Rivain, whom we knew well. After completing Isabella's quest to find the Tome, she escapes, leaving behind a note apologizing for her actions. Her skin is more important to her, and if she does not bring the tome to Castillon, he will rip it off her.

If you have a lot of influence with Isabella (either way), then she will return with the tome and give it to the Qunari. You will have a choice. Either give Isabella to the Qunari to be torn to pieces (they did not say what would happen to her. They only mentioned that she would have to accept Kun), or refuse to give out her fighting friend and fight the Arishok in a deadly duel. If you choose to fight, Isabella will return to your group in Chapter 3 with the option to continue the romance.

After the return of the tome, the threat of Castillon's reprisals against our poor friend becomes more and more real. Isabella asks Hawke for help. They agree to set a trap for Castillon's henchman, creating the illusion that Hawke betrays Isabella and turns her over to the mercenaries. After massacring the invaders, Isabella comes face to face with Castillon. For found papers about the slave trade, Isabella wants to get a ship. If this deal is allowed to take place, Isabella will ask you to accompany her on the voyage.

Romance with Isabella.

Isabella is a free-spirited lady, as I mentioned above. She is a romantic interest for characters of any class and any gender. You can easily flirt with her, even bring her to bed, and then, to the question: “You don’t mix any feelings with it?” answer: "no, just for fun," thereby, with a calm soul, continue to seduce someone else.

However, if Hawk slept with Isabella, this comes up in conversation with other characters. (For example. If you say that Fenris left you in a conversation with Anders, then the magician will say - but Isabella, as I see it, has already consoled you.)

If you are interested in the romance with Isabella, then bend the line of love and feelings, flirt.

The novel, like with everyone, begins already in the 1st chapter (for a male character. For a female character - from the second chapter), after the robber is accepted into the group. It continues already in the 2nd chapter and, if Isabella returns with the book, and you don’t hand it in, it will come to its logical conclusion in the 3rd chapter.

Isabella doesn't care who you support - mages or templars, she will stay with you. She is interested in adventures, and she wanted to chhat on some kind of rules, etc. She is against slavery, one can say she sympathizes with the magicians, but she is not going to do anything for them. Unless Hawk asks for it.

By the way, unlike other romantic interests, Isabella does not even think about moving in with you.

Gifts for Isabella.

Chapter 2: Wooden ship model - Smuggler's Cave during "Blackpowder Courtesy" quest.

Chapter 3: Rivaini's Talisman - In the Disused Passage at the docks.

Strengthening the defense!

In Dragon Age 2, you can't change companions' clothes, you can only upgrade them. Isabella's armor has 4 upgrade slots. Upgrades can be bought in stores or found in various locations in the game. Upgrading the armor unlocks the "friend in need" achievement.

Isabella Armor Upgrades. If there is a relationship with Isabella, then she will update her outfit with a black corset, adding embroidery to the hem of the sash, tie a piece of red fabric on her right arm, and also change her leather pauldron to a metal one.

From the world on a thread.

Isabella is not her real name.

In Dragon Age II, Isabella will remember intercourse with the Guardian in the Pearl, as well as her absence.

When meeting Zevran in Quest for the Raven, she will state "You're leaving already, but what about the sex?"

Isabella's base is the Hanged Man tavern, a bar

Isabella responds well to Hawke's jokes, just like Flemeth and Varric.

If Isabella is taken to the Fade Nightmares quest, she will succumb to the demon's influence, confessing "I love big ships". What will he apologize for later? This is possibly a reference to the song "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot.

It looks like Isabella has a collection of sex books.

Every time you enter a Qunari camp with Isabella in a group, she leaves "on business".

Background of Isabella.

The woman entering the Hanged Man is something else - disheveled and slovenly - like a rat that has been wet in the hold for a whole week. Her tattered, weather-beaten tunic is stained with soot from the chimneys of the Lower City, and her boots, although fine leather, are badly worn and crudely patched in several places. She behaves, however, proudly, even defiantly, entering the tavern as if she were its owner.

Isabel. "I love big ships, I can't lie"

Isabel. "I love big ships, I can't lie"

"I was told you can drink here," she says, walking up to the bar with a single purpose. She tosses half a dozen silver coins at my counter. “What is enough for me?”

"You'll get drunk on that," I say.

“So serve the liquor until the coins run out. And let's get stronger."

I wipe the chipped earthen goblet with my apron and fill it with the strongest liquor in the tavern. She snatches it from my hand without waiting for the filling and drinks it down in one gulp.

"You really needed it, didn't you?" I pour her another one.

"You don't even know." She sighs and rubs her temples. “My name is Isabela, by the way. You can remember my name. I'm thinking of staying here for a while."

Soon the stinking port loaders are coming up. Isabela freezes as she feels a hand on her back. The loader opens his mouth to say something, but does not have time. Isabela grabs his wrist, twisting his arm behind his back. He screams more in shock than in pain, but Isabela quickly corrects that by elbowing him in the back of the head and slamming his face into the wooden bar.

"Touch me again and I'll break more than that," she hisses in his ear. And then she breaks the fingers on the encroaching hand. I hear a crunch, a few nasty clicks, and a howl of pain. The loader crawls away, cradling his hand and spitting curses.

"What?" she says, holding out an empty glass to fill, waiting for a comment, any comment from me. I nod at her provocative attire, a simple chemise she wears without a jacket or cloak, covering the bare minimum for decency. Wear something like this and you're sure to get attention whether you like it or not.

"What? It?" She takes hold of the lacing of her bodice, after which she lets out a short and bitter laugh. "I would dress up for you, but I left all my decent clothes at the bottom of the ocean."

While I was pondering the gist of this statement, one of the group of Lower City thugs stealthily approaches the bar. He smirks, his greasy lips spreading around his yellow teeth in a grimace rather than a smile. "I'm Lucky," he says.

"Is it a name or a characteristic?" she asks, not even looking at him.

"Both. If you're new in Kirkwall, you'll want to talk to me. My boys and I know everything that's going on in this city."

"You know," Isabela says coldly. “I once knew a dog named Lucky. Annoying mongrel, too stupid to understand - barks a couple more times, and gets a kick.

Isabel. "I love big ships, I can't lie"

Isabel. "I love big ships, I can't lie"

Lucky turns red as a beetroot and looks around at his buddies for support. His guys sneer and laugh, and not thinking of supporting him, and Lucky dumps, tail between his legs. Isabela plays with the clay goblet, turning it this way and that, examining all its flaws. Her eyes narrow.

"Stop," she says suddenly. "If you know everything that's going on in Kirkwall, maybe we should chat."

Lucky nods and smiles. Isabela turns to him, and I see a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"See," she says, smiling for the first time. "I lost something in a shipwreck and I want it back."

(c) kapxapot translation

Thank you for your attention ^^

Tagline:"I win because I'm a liar, Kitten..."

Name: Isabela
Race: Human
Gender: Woman
Class: Rogue
Specialization: Thug, Pirate.

"Isabella is a pirate beast of two coastlines, four nations and countless different taverns. She is excellent with both a dagger and a word, and it is not yet clear which of these will cause more pain. Isabella is rarely in one place, but after her ship was wrecked, she had to work in Kirkwall, take on any business, which means that the rich and fools got a headache, and Isabella enjoys fooling them. She is as desired as feared, and her enemies a lot.If you are her enemy, you will have to fall from her dagger or bow at her feet, for this girl, both options are a victory over the enemy.The way Isabella was left without a ship, she has not yet decided in what position she is: cornered or not yet .Now she's just enjoying her life."

Romance with Isabella.

Isabella is a free-spirited lady, as I mentioned above. She is a romantic interest for characters of any class and any gender. You can easily flirt with her, even bring her to bed, and then, to the question: “You don’t mix any feelings with it?” reply "no, just for fun", thus continuing to seduce someone else with peace of mind. However, if Hawk slept with Isabella, this pops up in conversation with other characters. (For example. If you say that Fenris left you in a conversation with Anders, then the magician will say - but Isabella, as I see it, has already consoled you.)
If you are interested in the romance with Isabella, then bend the line of love and feelings, flirt.
The novel, like with everyone, begins already in the 1st chapter (for a male character. For a female character - from the second chapter), after the robber is accepted into the group. It continues already in the 2nd chapter and, if Isabella returns with the book, and you don’t hand it in, it will come to its logical conclusion in the 3rd chapter.
Isabella doesn't care who you support - mages or templars, she will stay with you. She is interested in adventures, and she wanted to chhat on some kind of rules, etc. She is against slavery, one can say she sympathizes with the magicians, but she is not going to do anything for them. Unless Hawk asks for it.
By the way, unlike other romantic interests, Isabella does not even think about moving in with you.

Gifts for Isabella.

Chapter 2: Wooden ship model - Smuggler's Cave during "Blackpowder Courtesy" quest.
Chapter 3: Rivaini's Talisman - In the Disused Passage at the docks.

We strengthen the armor.

In Dragon Age 2, you can't change companions' clothes, you can only upgrade them. Isabella's armor has 4 upgrade slots. Upgrades can be bought in stores or found in various locations in the game. Upgrading the armor unlocks the "friend in need" achievement.

If there is a relationship with Isabella, then she will update her outfit with a black corset, adding embroidery to the hem of the sash, tie a piece of red fabric on her right arm, and also change her leather pauldron to a metal one.
Isabella Armor Upgrades.Chapter 2. Support Corset. (Gives Isabella an extra rune slot.) Outfit Jean Luc, Upper City
Chapter 2. Rigid corset. (+38 Defense) Clothing store. lower city
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Boiled Leather Plates (Gives Isabela an extra rune slot.) Shattered Mountain. Quest to find the raven killer.

Background of Isabella.

The woman entering the Hanged Man is something else - disheveled and slovenly - like a rat that has been wet in the hold for a whole week. Her tattered, weather-beaten tunic is stained with soot from the chimneys of the Lower City, and her boots, although fine leather, are badly worn and crudely patched in several places. She behaves, however, proudly, even defiantly, entering the tavern as if she were its owner.

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