Home Blanks for the winter How to read other people's thoughts. Reading thoughts from a distance is very easy! The rule of three ks

How to read other people's thoughts. Reading thoughts from a distance is very easy! The rule of three ks

Superpowers are something from the realm of fantasy, often comics. When people are asked for fun which extraordinary ability they would like to have, there are some of the most common answers. We have chosen telepathy as the topic of our article. So how do you learn to read minds? Let's find out several approaches to this task.

Telepathy: term and modern meaning

Reading the minds of people has acquired the name of telepathy. This term is of Greek origin, it means "to feel at a distance." The modern meaning of the concept reflects the ancient ideas about the methods and levels of information exchange between people.

So, telepathy is the ability to transmit and perceive the thoughts and feelings of people without their direct (material) manifestation. The ability for it was attributed to the Egyptian priests, sages of the East and other special strata of the population of ancient civilizations. People belonging to many sacred cults often chose such a way of understanding the people as learning to read the thoughts of others.

Is it possible to penetrate the thoughts of others?

It is difficult to believe in the reality of telepathic capabilities. Manifestations of the ability to read minds are everywhere around us. Everyone at least once in his life faced a mysterious situation when the state of another person becomes clear to us without words or actions.

The simplest examples of penetration into thoughts are relationships between loved ones. The mother intuitively knows what her child needs and what he is doing now. Lovers guess each other's desires in order to make a pleasant surprise. Mainstream science has recognized that long-term married couples use the acquired skills to understand each other's thoughts most effectively. At the same time, there is no reliable real data on how to quickly learn to read minds. So far, such knowledge is part of mystical doctrines.

Ways to solve the problem

It is possible to penetrate into the thoughts of others, to understand what they feel and think, in different ways. The path to knowledge lies through two roads: paranormal (mystical) perception and psychological interpretation

Of particular interest, traditional, is the supernatural understanding of the thoughts of strangers. It is impossible to speak specifically about telepathy: the evidence about it is difficult to record. The belief of people in it is almost equated with a child's belief in fairy tales and UFOs.

Telepathy theory

The knowledge of people about telepathic abilities was overgrown with some theoretical provisions. So, there is even a conditional classification of ways to read people's thoughts. In accordance with it, telepathy is sensory and conceivable.

Sensual telepathy is one that manifests itself involuntarily. It is not controlled by the "reader" and to a greater extent arises as a special emotional wave. That is, the main difference between this perception is in the spontaneous feeling of the emotions of another person.

Thought telepathy is based on a directed desire to be imbued with the sensations of the chosen person.

The Science of How to Learn to Read People's Minds

Researchers of such a phenomenon as telepathy argue that many have this ability to one degree or another on an intuitive level. This concerns sensory telepathy: a person may not even assume that at a certain moment he will understand what his work colleague or significant other is thinking.

Scientists also delight those who are interested in how to learn to read people's minds. Ability can be developed in both directions: sensory and mental. In order to master the skills of reading minds, it is important to be physically and mentally healthy. You will also need a powerful reserve of psychic energy.

How to learn to read minds: what to work with?

Reading other people's thoughts is based on the fact that neurons in the brain emit streams of positive or negative charges. They are - in essence - signals sent to the outside world. To understand what a person is thinking, you need to catch these signals and decipher.

Let's go back to science. Interestingly, according to the assurances of eastern scientists, a separate part of the brain is responsible for telepathy - the pineal gland. He is also depicted in sacred drawings as the "third eye". The walls of Buddhist temples are full of them.

To understand how to learn to read other people's thoughts, let's turn to the practice of Buddhists. They spend a significant part of the day working on themselves, meditating and studying spiritual works. After going through this, you can open that "third eye". However, you should not assume that such an activity is similar to relaxation. To develop paranormal, including telepathic abilities, you need to prepare to work hard.

Psychology to help

In addition to understanding a person's train of thought in a supernatural way, you can also learn about him by external manifestations. During its existence, psychology has collected an impressive store of knowledge for the interpretation of facial expressions, gestures, and human behavior. The results are sometimes amazing.

Physiognomy deals with the interpretation of a person's emotions and thoughts by facial expression. It will help you both learn to read minds and hide your own, which is an invaluable skill. The position of the eyebrows, the curvature of the lips, the expression of the eyes, and many other features and movements of parts of the face express certain emotions. They can be bright and subtle. In the aggregate of all movements, facial expressions represent a more or less complete picture.

Physiognomy is always accompanied by an expressive sign language. Hand movements, leg position, head turn - all these are signals sent by a person and denoting what he is thinking about at a given moment.

Now we have a choice of how we can learn to read minds: by developing our paranormal abilities or by studying psychology. Each of the methods is effective and deserves attention. Telepathy, as is commonly believed, requires a special gift.


How to learn to read other people's thoughts? How to understand people without words and the slightest signs? This superpower makes us want to possess it and use it in everyday affairs. No matter how many omissions, the problems came to naught with her help!

Telepathy, or as we have learned, the ability to sense emotions and understand the thoughts of others, takes many forms. It is customary to distinguish two types: thinkable and sensual. Their main difference is that the first occurs consciously, the second spontaneously.

By indulging in spiritual works and meditation, studying the meaning of facial expressions and gestures, you can come to the desired result: to understand how to learn to read other people's thoughts and master this skill. We can only wish you patience and enthusiasm!

Telepathic abilities are inherent in the nature of every person. In order to develop them, some may need only a few months, while others many years of training. It all depends on the regularity of the practices, perseverance and natural inclinations. Success is achieved only if you work hard on yourself. In this article, we'll talk about how to learn to read people's minds.

Since ancient times, people have sought to master the superpower of reading the thoughts of the people around them. A gladiator participating in a deadly duel would give a lot to penetrate the thoughts of an opponent. A commander, trying to predict at what time and from which side to expect a strike from the enemy, would not refuse the opportunity to find out the thoughts of the officers about the plan of attack. What can we say about a jealous wife, she certainly wants to know about what "affairs" delay her husband after a working day!

How you can learn to read minds: technique

People who have mastered some of the skills of telepathy can give a lot of advice and even develop their own training program. Therefore, there are many techniques. However, the essence of each of the techniques comes down to one thing. Telepathy, i.e. reading thoughts at a distance is an energetic exchange of information. If we summarize all the recommendations and learning systems, then the only conclusion arises: you can learn to read minds by mastering several principles.

  1. Any thought that is born in a person's head turns into an energy flow and becomes a part of the information field of the earth. It doesn't matter whether the thought was expressed in words or not.
  2. A person who is able to tune himself in to receive energy information signals and is capable of transforming them into a vocabulary form is considered a telepathic person. The telepath acts like a receiver.

If we take these theses as a general basis, then we can confidently say that learning to read the thoughts of other people is real only when you feel prana in yourself, i.e. energy of the information field of the planet. How to learn to read the thoughts of others with the help of prana? Yoga and various workouts will help to develop the skill of receiving prana.

One way to train the reception of prana looks like this:

  • Relax completely, try to distract yourself from everything and forget about things that bother you.
  • Sit in lotus position. It is with the help of this posture that you can contribute to the concentration of internal energy.
  • Try to imagine energy hovering around you, then let the energy in, absorb it and merge with it. Some people imagine this energy as heat penetrating inside, others imagine it as bright rays of the sun.

After, through training, you learn to let in and receive informational energy, it is time to train your telepathic abilities. For such training, you will need an assistant. The helper should try to convey the thought to you, and your task is to accept and read it. So, thanks to the assistant, you will learn in practice how to read other people's thoughts. It is worth choosing only the person whom you consider the most worthy. It is necessary to enter into a telepathic connection with another person only in good health and emotional calmness. If you treat this with disdain, you risk harming yourself and your helper. Do not drink alcohol or caffeine before telepathic communication.

The workout looks like this:

  • You and your helper sit opposite each other in the lotus position.
  • Then you tune in to the reception of information energy, into which the thoughts of your assistant will be transformed.
  • If you take your training responsibly and learn to accept informational energy, then the energy of your assistant will easily penetrate your mind and be transformed into words.

Be careful! The development of telepathic abilities is a rather dangerous occupation. A person who has the ability to read the minds of others is responsible for using it. Do not use telepathic practices for selfish purposes or in order to settle scores with your enemies. Use the developed abilities as you like, just do not harm others, otherwise you will not escape retribution. In addition, to learn to read minds, you need to be able to properly use the newfound power.

It is very important for a telepath to have complete self-control. Otherwise, under the influence of random emotions, telepathic abilities can harm others. In order to learn how to control your emotions, you need to do the following exercise:

  • Think about something that does not make you feel emotionally and focus on that thought. For example, about the weather on the street, a recently read book or seen a program. Remember, you shouldn't have any emotions.
  • Then suddenly switch your mind to an object that can trigger a powerful emotional reaction in you. For example, problems at work, relationships with loved ones.
  • After that, switch back to completely neutral thoughts.

With this exercise, you will be able to establish control over your emotions and learn how to forcefully get rid of negative thoughts.

It is possible to receive information not only from people, but also from objects. To do this, take the object you need in your hand, send a stream of energy into it and return it back. Thus, various images will begin to appear in your consciousness. The subject is able to convey to you all the accumulated information. This method was often used by the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga.

Good day! Dear readers, you have definitely heard about human superpowers. Someone communicates with the other world, someone knows how to move objects, and someone reads thoughts at all. Is this fantasy or reality? Is it really possible? How do you develop these skills? In this article I will tell you how to learn to read minds quickly. This is a rather complicated process, but nevertheless, if you delve into it, you can learn, the main thing is desire.

Did you know that mind reading can be awakened in all of us? By learning how to do this, you will achieve great results in certain activities. If you master these techniques, then you will have unlimited opportunities in any business. Thanks to this ability, you can easily find a common language with the person you are interested in. The seller always knows what the buyer wants to buy. The boxer knows how the opponent will hit. The goalkeeper will always guess the direction of the ball. The businessman will guess what the competitor is up to.

I have the ability to read minds. But this is more likely not mind reading, but anticipating events. I sometimes like to place bets on the sweepstakes. And you know, quite often I guess the outcome. This is due to the fact that I do not act according to a special algorithm (that is, the team lost, which means that next time it will win). No, it doesn't work that way. First of all, I look at the standings, statistics and other indicators, but I do not take into account the last match. A subtle system is very important here, where you need to feel that force majeure can occur. Likewise in life, through the collection of information and systematic observation, you can see through the plans of anyone. For example, after 5 years at the university, I know what the teacher will say, what a friend or colleague will say. There is no single algorithm, the main thing is consistency.

Predicting athletic performance is what I call mind reading. You see, everything is very simple, but these skills have been developed over the years. For example, now, I know, you will definitely read this article and go calmly go about your business, forgetting what it is about. But after a while you will remember her.

Where is Mind Reading Used?

Mind reading is used in all areas of activity. I have already given some examples. But, often of all, these techniques are used in forensic investigations, in particular with the use of a lie detector, that is, a polygraph. Also, these abilities are used by psychics to search for objects or people. Mind reading is useful for ordinary people as well. It is directly related to intuition.

Mind reading techniques

First, consider what exercises for reading minds are, as well as examples. The idea of ​​recording brain activity dates back to the 1920s. For a long time, these diagnostics have been used to identify brain diseases.


To complete all the steps for reading a thought, you need to find a volunteer who will agree to an experiment and a room where unnecessary noise does not get (basement, cellar, house in the forest or summer cottage).

The instruction consists of preparation and several stages:

  1. Physicists say that every thought is created as a result of fluctuating energy flows. Each thought has its own frequency and it can be programmed into a "biological computer". This area is poorly understood. The process of reading minds is, of course, possible, but for this it is necessary to create certain situations. Despite the high development of technology, scientists still cannot understand how this mechanism works.
  2. Work on your own mind if you want to learn how to read minds from a distance. Bring your mind to a state of complete rest and then you will learn to control your thoughts. Various types of meditations help to relax well. You can choose a suitable meditation for yourself on the vastness of our website in another section.
  3. So, you have already learned to plunge into a state of rest, the body is completely relaxed, but still the brain is actively working. What to do? Is the stream of thoughts still gripping you? That is why you cannot read other people's thoughts, you have not yet learned to control yours. To do this, let's move on.
  4. To stop thinking, do the special exercise you do during meditation. Block your thoughts. It will be difficult to free your mind right away, but after a while you will improve your results.
  5. Now let's move on to the exercises. Ask someone close to you to think about an event you have experienced together. Sit your partner in a comfortable chair “like the Godfather” and make sure that there are no extraneous noises and factors that can be distracting around him.
  6. Use a professional relaxation technique. If your person is not prepared for this, then try to do it as quickly as possible so that he does not accidentally fall asleep out of habit.
  7. Now it's time to free your thoughts and anticipate what your partner is thinking. After that, you will see some images and silhouettes. After you understand that this is a signal of a person's thoughts, and not a figment of your imagination, then you can safely end the session. After you finish, ask your partner if he thought so at the time you described.
  8. At first, this event should be obvious to you, as clear as the fact that after the night there will be day. That is, you must be associated with this event. Once you've learned to read thoughts, it doesn't matter if you are familiar with it or not. If you are confident in your abilities, then feel free to go to an unfamiliar city and try to find attractions on your own without guidebooks and locals, just walking at random.

Psychological Mind Reading Methods

You should use a few simple exercises to help you learn the basics of telepathy.

To become a master at this, you need to train patience, dedication, and time to train.

Free your mind completely before starting exercise. How to do this is described in the previous section. Well, let's get started.

  • So the first exercise. Pick up any item that does not belong to you. This can be a telephone, pen, notebook, book, or decoration. Have taken? Now fully concentrate on this subject and abstract (distract yourself and try not to think about anything other than the chosen subject) from all thoughts. Then close your eyes and come up with images that are associated with the owner of this item. Practice regularly, and in the future, figuring out the train of thought of any person will not be a problem for you.
  • This activity helps you practice reading minds from a distance. Grab a mechanical watch and head to a quiet, secluded spot. Listen to every sound of the mechanism. To do this, place the watch directly to your ear. Then gradually move the watch away from the ear until you stop hearing the sound.
  • You can develop your telepathy skills anywhere. For example, we saw a stranger walking down the street. Try to guess in which direction it will go next. If you are traveling in transport, try to guess at which stop the person sitting next to you will get off (I often succeeded). It comes with experience.

Through these exercises, you will not only learn to read other people's minds, but you will also be able to quickly restore energy, improve your intuition, and also be able to control yourself on your own. And remember: "Patience and work - they will grind everything!"

4 Methods to Protect Against Mind Reading

To protect yourself from mind reading, cross your arms or legs while talking. This is how you close the circuit of your biofield. Basic methods of protection:

  • "Ring" - connect your thumb and forefinger on your hand, so you form a ring. Place the other fingers on top of each other. The people of China and Japan are actively using this technique.
  • "Ring nesting" - mainly practiced by yogis. For this exercise, form a ring again with your index and thumb, but only place the ring in the palm of your other hand. This exercise must be repeated three times.
  • Mirror Wall - Imagine that you are surrounded by a brick wall several rows high. Outside, the wall is covered with mirrors and you are protected from the opponent. When performing this technique, in any case, do not betray your intentions. Try to act in such a way that your opponent does not guess what you are thinking.
  • Soul protection. Immediately after midnight, place two magic candles near you. Turn to the Supreme Spirits three times with the following words: “I call and conjure you Saints, All-Powerful Angels of God, Rulers of every day and hour, in the name of the Mighty and Great Agla. O come to my aid this hour. " After that, complete the session and extinguish the candles.

In addition to these, there are many more exercises, but they are less effective and not useful to the average person.

Thanks to the reader

Thank you dear readers for staying with us! You have now learned how to read other people's minds, and you have learned techniques to help you avoid reading your mind. Learn to manage yourself and engage in self-development, then you will see how your life improves. The main thing is to do everything persistently and regularly, then there will be an amazing result!

If you learn to read a person's mind, then you can ... oh, you can do anything. In any case, those who dream of the ability to read the minds of other people think so. But if you think about it, then in reality, how much will we get along with reading a person's thoughts? The ability to manipulate people, the ability to find an approach to them, to be able to communicate with them correctly? Unlikely. For one simple reason - we often do not understand ourselves and our thoughts, let alone that someone could fish out of them at least something worthwhile for themselves, on which to play. Our thoughts are often a chaotic set of rationalizations and excuses, and even indictments for those we dislike. And that's actually all.

Why does a person want to learn to read other people's minds?
What do people think about? What do these thoughts reflect?
Why even if there was an opportunity to acquire the ability to read the minds of other people, it would not bring the desired effect?
Is it possible to learn to understand a person, what drives him, his desires and his preferences in life, his psychotype?

The desire to read the minds of other people slips into some moments of life for many. There is probably no child in the world who would not want to overhear the thoughts of a teacher at school or parents. Moreover, this interest manifests itself when we first guess that what we say does not always coincide with what we really think. Sometimes we temporarily, sometimes we do not say anything, we hide something, we embellish reality. And naturally we guess that this is exactly what all other people do: and we would like to know the truth so much.

In fact, the desire to eavesdrop on the thoughts of other people is built on a simple misunderstanding of the formation of thought in itself. After all, it is in our thoughts that we form deception, so that later we will lie. It is the same with all other thoughts - they are always a consequence of our desires, and not vice versa.

They say "what is on the mind of a sober, is on the tongue of a drunkard." This phenomenon is due to the fact that alcohol disinhibits the human psyche, removes cultural restrictions from him, and he can say or do something that he will never say to a sober head. As a rule, his drunken words will come as a surprise to him, because while he was sober, all this did not even occur to him - his psyche was hidden for himself. In any case, he did not admit it to himself.

And, nevertheless, the longed-for dream of eavesdropping on other people's thoughts has been living among people for centuries. By naivety, it seems to us that if we were able to read the thoughts of other people, then everything would have changed. We could do what we want to do and not do what we don’t want to do. There are even many attempts to implement such a scenario in books and films.

How to learn to read another person's mind? What an absurdity!

Today humanity suffers from one strange disease: we really want something, the meaning of which we understand little or do not know at all. As a result, we begin to dream that, in fact, absolutely nothing carries in itself, like a soap bubble.

For example, we would like to embark on a journey to other planets to find another life there. And the desire to know and read the thoughts of other people is akin to that. We dream about what we know nothing about. Moreover, if we pondered the meaning and meanings of what we want, we would easily understand that all these are dummies, thoughts that in 99% of cases are very mundane and relate to the pressing human problems, the desire to eat, drink, breathe, sleep ...

In fact, if you know and understand the human psyche, you can, from one word, movement, posture, facial expressions, understand its internal component without eavesdropping on his thoughts. But this is studied not from the outside, but from within - through subconscious meanings. Understanding a person, his state and his mood, we can unravel him and even ... predict the actions and train of thought. And in this case, not only rationalizations and justifications that fill his head, but also those that guide him, his actions, which force him to make purchases, make one or another choice.

Eavesdropping on another person's thoughts in this regard is quite simple. Having touched the thoughts of another, we may become not only incomprehensible, but also unpleasant. We don't understand them. But what you can get real pleasure from is the ability to understand the human soul.

How to learn to understand another person, and not read his thoughts?

The desire to read the thoughts of another person is usually built on the desire to manipulate another person, to get some kind of benefit for oneself. And to a lesser extent it is an interest in arranging someone else's soul. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this - we want to get the most out of life.

Today there is already real knowledge about the human psyche, which makes it possible for a person not to manipulate others, but to feel happiness and joy because of the ability to understand people, to know much more about them than they themselves know. We are talking about the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. During the training, the desires of a person are revealed on opposites, which makes them very easy for any person to understand.

With knowledge of system-vector psychology, there is no need to try to eavesdrop on the thoughts of another person. Such interest literally disappears after the first lessons at the trainings, because it becomes obvious that a person's thoughts are just the surface of the iceberg. And those depths that his soul keeps, where no one has ever looked, are much more interesting. Moreover, understanding other people, we begin to understand ourselves and our own thoughts, distinguish between their meanings and understand how to achieve exactly what we want ourselves. And this is worth a lot!

The wide spread of interests in the field of the unknown in our time cannot but ignore such a phenomenon as mind reading. Surely there is hardly one among people who from time to time does not want to become the owner of this ability. Indeed, a person who reads people's minds is always insured against deceivers at home and at work, from various kinds of fraudsters, is always able to give correct answers to questions, win the lottery, and so on. But, unfortunately, most people are deprived of this ability. At the same time, there are those who argue that such a useful skill as mind reading can be developed with the help of various kinds of exercises and techniques. So people?


Thought transmission is not just an oriental tale, it is a phenomenon studied by scientific and parascientific organizations, parapsychologists, physiologists, physicists and other enthusiasts. There have been experiments and research initiated even by government authorities and carried out in the most modern laboratories. Accordingly, there is a special, specially developed terminology for this phenomenon. The very phenomenon of transmission of mental images, according to her, is called telepathy, and a person who reads thoughts is called a telepath. This is a narrow concept. In a broader sense, a telepath is someone who can not only read someone's thoughts at a distance, but also put their own thoughts in someone else's head. Therefore, it is necessary to learn two more terms - inductor and percipient. An inductor is a person who is the source of thought. He can actively inspire others or simply scroll it in his head - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the inductor is the one whose mental images are perceived. A person who reads the thoughts of people is called, respectively, a percipient - a perceiver.

For this article, these three terms will suffice.

The existence of telepathy

Many people doubt the existence of such a phenomenon as telepathy, and similar phenomena. Moreover, they deny the possibility of learning to read the thoughts of other people. A person has the right to choose what to believe in. This article does not aim to convince a skeptic of the reality of the phenomenon, and therefore various arguments regarding the question of whether it is possible to read people's thoughts will not be presented here. A priori, we will assume that it is possible, and we will devote further research to finding an answer to the question of how. This is the most productive approach to solving a problem: try it and you will find out.

The nature of telepathy

First, it is necessary to deeply assimilate the simple truth that today this is practically proven by experiments. Therefore, we will not go far from the truth if we imagine a mental image as a series of waves emanating from a person's head, as from a radio transmitter. Of course, the statement that thoughts literally float in space is technically somewhat simplistic, but, in fact, it is quite true.

Secondly, if not from natural gullibility, then at least for the good of the case, one should state the existence of a common information field. Some scientists, for example Nikola Tesla, assigned this role to the ether, which supposedly fills the entire universe invisibly to humans. Others offered even more fantastic hypotheses. The majority preferred to remain silent. One way or another, the general information field stores and displays, as in a mirror, the entire amount of information that is present in the world. Among other things, the thoughts of every person fall into this great ecumenical archive. Interesting, isn't it? Go ahead.

Hence, theories are born on how one can read people's thoughts - whether by connecting to this universal information field, or by learning to directly record and process the stream of thought images emanating from the head of the inductor, or somehow else. There are arguments and supporting facts for each of these versions. But let psychics, parapsychologists, esotericists and others argue about this. Most likely, the truth is closest to the statement that in parallel there are several ways to make telepathic contact, as is the case with any other communication option.

Unintentional telepathy

Most of us have had to inadvertently engage in telepathic contact on more than one occasion. Most likely, we simply did not notice most of this kind of episodes in our life, since we did not have the opportunity to recognize the phenomenon. Think of times when you and your friend or spouse, or maybe someone else with whom you are in a good close relationship, suddenly said the same words and even entire phrases at the same time. Or how exactly the same answers came to mind to the question posed. Or, suddenly, out of nowhere, some thought appeared in your head, and after a moment it was voiced by the person next to you. All this refers to cases of unintentional telepathy, when the consciousnesses of two people are connected, vibrations and subtle psychic rhythms are attuned to each other and a process of partial synchronization of two people, two minds occurs.

An attentive attitude to such manifestations of the psyche and a detailed, scrupulous study of them is the key to success if you are eager to learn how to learn how to read people's thoughts consciously, intentionally and at the right time.

Preparing for telepathy

It should be said right away that there is no magic wand or pill that would overnight turn from an ordinary person into a telepathic person. Those who wish to acquire the skills of reading minds will have to seriously work on themselves - on the body, on the mind, on speech. At this stage, it is important to assimilate the fact that all mental processes in a person (as well as all life processes in general) are provided with subtle energy, called, in accordance with Eastern terminology, prana, and among domestic psychics called bioenergy. A person who reads people's thoughts is no exception. And the more prana accumulates in the body, the easier and faster the process of mastering such as telepathy will be. And on the contrary, the less prana, the slower this process will go, if it completely moves off the dead center. Therefore, the first thing to do is to learn how to spend as little prana as possible and collect it as much as possible in the surrounding space.

Rules for the accumulation of vital energy

What does it mean to accumulate prana? It's simple. It means doing less of what consumes it, and more of what contributes to its accumulation. To be more specific, this means that you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid unnecessary sexual impressions and contacts, eat right (preferably on a vegetarian menu, since meat poisons and burdens a person, taking away a colossal amount of vitality), more often to be in nature, do not succumb to negative emotions, breathe deeply, talk less, refrain from emotional outbursts, exercise, etc., observing the principle of moderation in everything.

Order in the head

The next step is to put your thoughts in order. Since the process of thinking also takes away prana, the meaningless muttering of the inner voice and dialogue with it must be learned to turn off. Regular practice of meditation and relaxation will help us in this, as well as exercises to develop concentration and concentration, for example, looking at one point or at the flame of a candle for a long time.

Affirmations and self-belief

Belief in yourself, in your own strengths is a necessary condition that helps to achieve success. If you do not sincerely convince yourself that you are a person who reads thoughts from a distance, then your brain simply will not be able to remove the block and allow itself to consciously perceive information from someone else's head. Therefore, every day, as often as possible, imagine that you have already achieved success, already know how to perceive and inspire mental images. Imagine this figuratively, as clearly as possible, and be sure to pronounce some formula, like this: “I am a telepath. I read people's minds. " You can choose the words yourself. The main thing is that the phrase should sound in the first person, in the present tense and without negative prefixes, that is, without any "not", since the subconscious mind does not catch them.

Exercise for the development of telepathy

Here's an exercise to help you understand how to read other people's minds. Choose a partner who takes the matter seriously. Find a room where nothing and no one will bother you. It is better if it will be dark there (so that the attention is not scattered). Next, take a comfortable position with your back straight and relax. Breathe in and out deeply several times. All this should be done by your partner. Then clear your mind of thoughts, stop the internal dialogue. Focus only on your partner, give your brain the mind to perceive his thoughts. And let the assistant, in turn, think hard about something. And then just wait. Over time, subject to regular persistent training, you will learn to exchange biofields with your partner and perceive his thoughts. You don't need to guess them - a clear vision will come by itself when you are ready for it.


There are other techniques for learning to read people's minds. They were developed in ancient times and continue to work on this issue now. There is no need to jump from one method to another if the first attempts have not brought visible success. Regularity of classes, impenetrable will and confidence as a result will ultimately ensure victory. Therefore, once you find your method, be persistent and persistent in its practice. Who knows, maybe in the near future you will understand that you are also a person who reads people's thoughts.

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