Home Preparations for the winter How to change the name in the play store. Adding an account and changing a user in the Play Market. Adding an account to the Play Store

How to change the name in the play store. Adding an account and changing a user in the Play Market. Adding an account to the Play Store

Background - one of my friends came from the Crimea to our city to study at the University. And he still had restrictions on the installation of applications and the operation of services that were imposed by the corporation on Google accounts for residents of the peninsula. In particular, when installing many applications, the error “This application is not available for installation in your country” popped up. In order to change the country in the Google Play Store on his Android phone, I took only 3 steps!

Step 1. If you have ever linked a card to a Google account or paid for the purchase of applications, music or video on Google Play, then you first need to go to the Payment Center at: https://payments.google.com/payments/home#paymentMethods
Here you need to edit your card details. You do not need to delete it - just go to its parameters and change the address.

Then, you need to go here - https://payments.google.com/payments/home#settings
Here you also need to see what address is registered and correct it for a new one.

If suddenly you have not one, but two addresses, then in order to change the country on Google Play, you must by default set your new address.
By the way, based on my experience, I note that these operations are best done from a computer. For some reason, not everyone can do this through a smartphone or tablet!

Step 2 Now you need to thoroughly clean the Play Market itself, since without this it will not be possible to change the country of your Google account - the system will stupidly read the old data. Go to the settings of your phone and select the "Applications" section. Here you need to find the Google Play Store or Google Play Market (on different versions of Android, the service may be called differently, but the meaning does not change) and open its parameters:

Here you must first clear the cache, then erase the application data and then, to be sure, delete the application updates so that they are reloaded.

Step 3 Reboot your smartphone and launch Google Play again. You will be required to accept the license agreement again, but for the new country in which you are located. Changing the country of Google Play should go without problems and now everything will work!

Each owner of a smartphone or tablet running on the Android operating system notes that without specialized applications, the device does not work at full capacity. The browsers and players built into the firmware do not satisfy all needs; there are no applications such as readers, games, organizers, etc.

For schoolchildren and students, applications of social networks, dictionaries, cheat sheets and programs that process photos become an integral part. But finding a suitable application through a search engine is quite difficult. The .apk files may not match the description or even contain a virus. To avoid infecting the phone, developers advise downloading applications from trusted resources, such as the Play Market.

What is the Play Market?

Those who have just purchased their first gadget based on Android do not wonder how to change their account in the Play Market, they are more interested in what exactly this store is.

Thanks to this add-on, the owner of a smartphone or tablet gets unlimited access to the largest collection of applications. Here everyone can find an application to their liking.

For the convenience of users, thousands of programs are divided into categories: games, education, personalization, finance, etc. Also, application moderators constantly monitor fashion trends in the world of technology and collect collections of applications for every taste.

Access to applications opens after entering a login and password. Then you can start searching for free or paid apps. And if the program was accidentally deleted, then the saved download history will help restore lost applications.

Another undoubted plus of the Play Market is a preliminary check of applications for viruses. Downloaded files will not infect personal data. The site also features user comments. Based on them, you can understand whether the application is suitable.

Why change your account on a smartphone?

Before wondering how to change your account in the Play Market, it is important to understand why you need to change it at all.

A Google account is more than just an email service. On Android-based devices, account data synchronizes all the work of a smartphone or tablet: sorting mail, highlighting contacts, and so on. Thanks to cloud uploads and virtual storages, personal data can be uploaded to any device.

However, why do you still need to know how to change your account in the Play Market? The answer is simple: if the phone was passed on from friends or relatives, or was bought from hand, then a Google account may already be installed on it. And then your phone will store information about the other user.

The reverse side of full synchronization is that the former owner of the phone can keep track of the current one if you do not know how to change your account in the Play Market to "Android". If this is not done, then personal data may fall into the hands of fraudsters.

How to change your account in the Play Market?

The login and password in the Play Market system correspond to the data in Google. Creating a new profile is quite simple: registration takes a few minutes.

And then you need to learn how to change your Play Market account on your phone. To do this, just go to your phone settings and select the "Accounts" or "Accounts" tab.

Before adding a new account, you must delete the previous one. From the list of all mailboxes, you will need to select the one that is linked to the Play Market and click on it. Further, following the proposed information from the pop-up windows, you can easily delete the account.

After the data on the previous account has been deleted, it is recommended to restart the device. Further, by connecting to the Internet, mobile or Wi-Fi, in the familiar "Accounts" or "Accounts" tab, you can add a new account.

This completes the account change.

Protecting an account on an Android device

For the correct operation of the phone or smartphone and the protection of personal data, it is recommended to change the gadget account password every few months. To do this, just follow the simple instructions on the official website. The password must be a random combination of numbers and upper and lower case letters.

Depending on the firmware of your phone or smartphone, some phone setup functions may differ. But how to change your account in the Play Market to Samsung, Lenovo and phones of other brands remains almost identical.

Many people know that Google Play is an official Internet platform that hosts various mobile software files (audio, video, utilities and applications) designed to function in the Android operating system.

To visit Google Play, you need to get your own account, as well as synchronize your smartphone or tablet with the system. But, there are often situations when you need to change your Play Market account account on your phone.

For example, if you purchased a mobile device that was previously in the possession of another owner, you will need to change your profile settings in the Google Play Market anyway.

How to log out of the Play Market account in Google Play?

In practice, there are several simple and effective options that allow you to change your Google Play account:

Option number 1

The first step is to delete the old account. For this you need to go to Settings menu -> "Synchronization" - > "Accounts" or "Others" and select the account you want to delete.

In the pop-up that appears, you can see the full information on the account.

In the lower menu (in the form of a horizontal ellipsis) we find the item "Delete account", click on it.

Additionally, we confirm our actions to delete the Play Market account on the Android device.

Then you need to enter Google Play, and perform the required action - register a new account or enter information to enter an existing one.

Screenshots of the Android 7.1.2 menu of the MIUI 9 shell were used.

Option number 2

The second option involves using the Factory Reset process, which will result in a system rollback to factory settings. This method, although effective, should only be used in certain cases., namely:

    When it’s not scary to delete all the necessary information on the device;

    When you are not afraid to lose the custom firmware of your Android device.

Option number 3

    Opens mail to @gmail.com;

    Log in to your Google account, change the existing password to a new one;

    We re-enter Google Play, enter a new password.

That's all. In fact, changing account settings on the Google Play Market is a very simple matter. If you have your own options for changing passwords and data in the Google Play Market account, unsubscribe them in the comments to this article!

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Google Play Market (Google Play) is the most popular platform or even a store for games, music, applications, programs and other content for mobile devices running the Android system. But you can use it only if you have an account in the Google system. But sometimes, the user needs to know how to change google play account. Perhaps your device was with a different owner, or you just wanted to change your account to another one.

3 ways to change your account in the Play Store

There are several ways to change your account, and each will be described in this article.

Using settings

From the very beginning, you need to delete the existing account on the device itself. To do this, you go to the item " Settings' and look for the tab ' Accounts”, then click on the one you want. Next, a window will open in which the account information will be indicated. At the top of the screen, usually on the right, there are three dots, you need to click on them. Next, choose the action you want:

Now you need to go to Google Play and do what the program requires with just a few steps. You either create a new account or change the information in the old one.

With Factory Reset

This option provides for a Factory Reset operation. The thing is that after its launch, the smartphone will be returned to factory settings. Despite the fact that we mention this method, nevertheless we do not recommend using it the following reasons.

It is possible that with this method you will simply delete all important files on the device.
Besides, if on your device there is no native firmware, that is, there is a chance that after resetting the settings, you will not get a “clean” android, but a completely useless piece of plastic.

With Gmail

This is the easiest way so far. You just need to open Gmail. Next, you need to log into the account that you use to log into Google Play, and look for the password change item.

After the password has been changed, you need to go to google play, where the system will unequivocally ask you to log in from a new account, or from an existing one (that is, the one on which the password was changed).

These are not tricky three ways to do a fairly simple job of changing your account on Google Play. This procedure, with a very difficult understanding of what is happening lasts up to fifteen minutes.

Video instructions for changing your account on Google Play

If you have any other options on how to change your Google Play account on Android, then we are always happy to listen to it and add it to the already existing list.

In 2012, the number of applications in the Play Market online store crossed the 1 million mark. The popularity of the resource among users of Android devices is steadily growing. After all, it is on it that visitors in 99.9% of cases find what they need - games, utilities, photo and video editors, music and video.

In the process of using the Play Market, owners of mobile devices need to change, delete their Google account, log out or restore access (reset password). This article will tell you in detail about how all these operations are performed.

Adding an account

1. Tap the "Settings" icon on the gadget's home screen.

2. In the "Accounts" block (accounts), select the "Add ..." option.

3. Click "Google" in the submenu.

5. Enter your Google account username and password.

How to exit the profile?

If you wish to log out of the current account (remove its profile from the system), do the following:

1. In the "Accounts" settings section, open the "Google" item.

2. Tap on the login of the profile you want to remove.

3. In the upper right corner, open the menu (three dots icon).

4. In the list of commands, click "Delete account".

Note. In the subsection that opens, you can find out which accounts are connected.

How to change an account?

To change the profile in the Market interface, provided that you have several Android accounts connected, do the following:

1. Launch the Google Play app.

2. In the search field, click the "three stripes" icon.

3. In the sidebar that opens, tap on the arrow located on the right side of the login.

4. In the drop-down submenu, select the required account.

5. Agree to the terms of use of the online store: in the additional panel, tap "Accept".

How to restore a profile?

If you have access to your account, use the "Add ..." option in the device settings and go through authorization.

If you don't have a password, do this:
1. On a smartphone, tablet or computer in a browser, open the page - https://accounts.google.com/RecoverAccount.

2. Enter the profile login.

3. To confirm the rights of the owner, answer the control questions of the service (registration date, first name, last name, etc.).

4. In case of successful verification, you will be given the opportunity to reset your password (replace the current one with a new one).

Enjoy using the Google Play online store!

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