Home Preparations for the winter Mangroves of sri lanka danger for tourists. What do tourists need to know about Sri Lanka? Echoes of the Civil War

Mangroves of sri lanka danger for tourists. What do tourists need to know about Sri Lanka? Echoes of the Civil War

A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, a smart man learns from his own, a fool does not learn at all.(Folk wisdom.)

01/22/2016 (1 $ ~ 140 Sri Lankan rupees). Tropical nature, unknown flora and fauna, the Indian Ocean, exotic fruits, the climate itself, extreme excursions, left-hand traffic, unknown traditions and customs of the islanders - all this, under unfavorable circumstances, can pose a serious threat to the life and health of guests of Sri -Lanka.

Sri Lanka: Dangers for Natural Tourists

The warm waters of the Indian Ocean attract the bulk of tourists to the shores of the island.

In case of violation of security measures on the water, the ocean from gentle, azure and hospitable in an instant can turn into ruthless, leaden and bottomless. More details about safe swimming, about coastal currents in a separate article.

Sri Lanka is tsunami zone. In 2004, such waves led to huge casualties. When on the island, plan in advance for yourself and your loved ones a way to escape to a safe place. To escape, it is enough to move away from the sea for 1-2 kilometers and climb to the top of a small hill. Signs of an approaching tsunami: information from the media, animals "do their feet", the water is very far from the coast.

Underwater fauna varied and beautiful.

You can watch it scuba diving, or snorkeling, or from a glass bottom boat. Sharks are safe and tasty. Moray eels, sea snakes and other possibly dangerous animals usually live in corals. Close acquaintance with sea urchins, as a rule, leads to injuries. Swim on equipped beaches, away from stones, where all people swim and everything will be fine with you.

land snakes for three months of living in Sri Lanka in Hikkaduwa, we did not catch our eye. Thank you mongoose for this. And they were seen often. King cobras have only been seen in snake charmers. Crocodiles are rare, more in nature reserves: for example, in Yala. Walk along the paths, do not climb through the bushes and thickets, at night, illuminate your path with a flashlight.

Monkey represent the main danger

along with sea urchins. There are a lot of them on the island: this is in the Royal Botanical Garden, and in the Temple of the Tooth Relic, in Mehintal, in Hikkaduwa, in Mirissa, at Adam's Peak and in other places. Tailed beggars often do not ask, but demand treats.

leeches- a real threat to travelers in the forests of Sinharaja, on the tea plantations at Adam's Peak and, perhaps, in other favorite places. To prevent an attack, it is necessary to sprinkle shoes and feet with water and wipe, sprinkle with edible salt. But this measure does not always help. So it was with us in the rainforest of Sinharaja. How to properly remove a leech and quickly stop bleeding is described in detail in a separate article.

Mosquitoes, mosquitoes- are found almost everywhere on the coast. Lead an active nightlife. In the highland part of the island, in Nuwara Eliya almost never reach. The best protection against such uninvited guests is the right bed with an anti-mosquito net.

Simpler bed and netting options certainly help, but are not as comfortable.

It is better not to use repellents. There is an easy and safe way to deal with these insects.

The trap is easy to make with your own hands from improvised materials.

The main diseases of tourists: colds from air conditioners and indigestion from poor hygiene.

Hot and very humid climate may be contraindicated in some diseases. Consider your health condition when planning your trip. And if you are going, then do not forget the medicines.

Human factor

Civil war 1983-2009 ended in Sri Lanka, but some tension is still possible in the northern regions. And you can run into an anti-personnel mine in the jungle, of course, with complete bad luck.

Criminogenic situation for tourism "good". Theft, robbery and other serious crimes are rare. Handbags on scooters are not pulled out. Sometimes some who are not indifferent to the female sex can dissolve their hands.

Grizzly bears living in the Canadian forests never attack a group of people in which there are six or more people. Moral: Come to Sri Lanka with your friends and spend more time with them.

You must remember the rule that no one will approach you just like that. Never! Each speaker pursues some kind of goal. And simple communication or the joy of an unexpected meeting are at the end of this list of reasons.

When buying various goods and services, you need to bargain. Prices may be a little high. A tuk-tuk driver in Colombo is not averse to taking his passengers for a long ride. They may not fulfill the promise, not conduct the tour in full, check for hardness and extort a little a hard coin, there are enough beggars and various "mourners". For the simplest, in our opinion, service, they can ask for money.

Left hand roads in Sri Lanka pose a real danger to tourists renting scooters and cars. There is little time to adapt and study the features of the movement. We shared our three-month-old in an article about renting scooters.

Excursions or a combination of them. Most tourists come to Sri Lanka with limited time left for sightseeing. And he wants to compensate for his lack due to the intensity of excursions. Some excursions themselves require visitors to be in good physical shape, endurance and determination.

For me personally, climbing Adam's Peak

became the most severe test in Sri Lanka. And if you consider that the entire previous day we were chasing a jaguar on foot on the flat top of the Horton Reserve, then the loads become simply prohibitive. Alternate various hikes and climbs with excursions that do not require large expenditures of energy. Therefore, soberly assess your capabilities and do not drive yourself, you cannot embrace the immensity.

In Sri Lanka average speed by road and rail is not high, about 25 kilometers per hour, sometimes a little faster. The reasons are different: for example, on one of the country's main highways, Colombo-Matara, traffic can be stopped by a street festival in Hikkaduwa.

The road itself to the next attraction can be very exhausting. You need to give yourself a rest before a new excursion.

Our friends from Moscow, they have been wintering on the island for several years, once set off. As a result, the animals were not seen, but the trip was not pleasant. Consider this factor as well.

For long flights try not to be in the same position all the time, go to the toilet, walk on the plane, move as much as possible. Prolonged immobility contributes to the formation and breakage of blood clots. The percentage of such accidents is very small, but still...

Racial, religious and national differences in Sri Lanka, like glass in a kaleidoscope, formed into a unique and bright pattern. The inhabitants of Sri Lanka, for the most part, are kind and friendly people.

Sometimes they are a little annoying. Respect their laws, customs, behave with dignity, think and then everything will be fine with you.

The luxurious tropical nature of Sri Lanka is not only one of the main factors that attract tourists to the island, but can also be a source of many troubles for imprudent travelers.

ocean waves- the most desirable "object" of the aspirations of most of the country's guests, ironically, also carries the greatest danger in Sri Lanka for vacationers. High and strong waves of the Indian Ocean annually cause majority accidents and even deaths among tourists on the island. It is especially dangerous to swim in Sri Lanka during the rainy season. Before swimming on a deserted beach, you should ask one of the locals how safe it is.

wild monkeys found throughout Sri Lanka. Especially a lot of them can be near temple complexes popular with tourists and ancient ruins (Dambulla, Sigiriya), where dexterous animals beg for food, sometimes reaching very aggressive forms. In order not to become a victim of tailed "raiders", you should not get fruit and other food in their visibility, do not leave your bags unattended, and do not open the windows of the rooms overlooking the jungle.

Insects in Sri Lanka are found in almost every room. In hotels of a decent level, they are vigilantly watching to prevent a swarm of ants or mosquitoes from entering the room, but in cheap hotels a tourist unprepared for such a riot of nature can expect a real shock. Given that in budget hotels, insect protection is often only a mosquito net on the windows, it does not hurt to bring reliable repellents against flying and crawling insects. Due to the danger of being bitten by flying insects, as well as the attack of blood-sucking worms living in the grass, it is better to wear light, closed clothing and shoes when visiting the national parks of Sri Lanka.

crocodiles in Sri Lanka can be found mainly in fresh water in local national parks. Cases of attacks by these reptiles on tourists sailing on a boat or engaged in fishing have not been recorded.

Urban dangers and crime in Sri Lanka

Coming to Sri Lanka as a tourist, be prepared for the fact that you will have to overpay for many products and services. Due to the fact that there are traditionally no price tags on goods here (with the exception of Western-style stores), a white tourist risks paying up to 10 times more for them than the locals. You can save the budget from serious losses if you bargain in all cases when there are no pre-set fixed prices, and also do not demonstrate your interest in their product to annoying traders.

Credit card fraud is the most common type of crime in the cities and major resorts of Sri Lanka. In this regard, it is recommended to use ATMs in Sri Lanka only in banks and on the territory of large hotels, as well as to always have a supply of cash with you for current expenses.

The number of violent crimes against foreigners in Sri Lanka is minimal. The exception is the few cases of sexual violence against single tourists, so it is better for women to move around remote regions of the country in groups or accompanied by men.

Much more often there are various street scams (false guides or "advisers-taxi drivers"), as well as the sale of fake gems and jewelry. In jewelry stores, before buying, ask for an official certificate for the products. In Galle and other cities of Sri Lanka popular with tourists, there are street scammers who, under the pretext that this or that attraction (architectural monument, museum) is temporarily closed, impose an “alternative” excursion program that forces unsuspecting tourists to fork out.

Diseases in Sri Lanka

Contrary to the popular stereotype of tropical countries, there are no opportunities in Sri Lanka to catch any dangerous exotic disease. There is no malaria or dengue here. The only ailments that a tourist in Sri Lanka more or less regularly encounter are gastrointestinal disorders (due to unusually spicy food and climate), as well as a common cold (from air conditioners).

Constant observance of elementary hygiene standards, as well as medicines with you (in Sri Lanka they are sold only by prescription) will help make your vacation on this island as comfortable as possible.


  • Yellow fever
  • diphtheria, tetanus
  • Typhoid fever

Echoes of War

The north and northeast of Sri Lanka has been a zone of fierce fighting for about 30 years between government forces and rebels from the nationalist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Now that the civil war is over (the fighting ended in 2009) and Northern Sri Lanka is open to tourism, there is still some danger for travelers. There are still many buried anti-personnel mines in the region, and there is also the possibility of terrorist attacks in public places by irreconcilable separatists.

Dangers on the roads of Sri Lanka

Left-hand traffic, the complete absence of night lighting, the abundance of sharp rises and narrow, winding roads, as well as the eternal chaos on the roads, make car rental in Sri Lanka not the best idea. The most comfortable mode of transport for traveling around Sri Lanka is a hired car with a local driver, and for less wealthy tourists, a tuk-tuk driver hired for a long time.

We began to carefully study forums and blogs before going to a new country. And I must say, the articles about Sri Lanka frightened me and made me doubt whether it was worth going there - I learned about so many cases of deceit, scam, theft and bad attitude towards tourists. In fact, everything turned out to be not so scary, and thanks to these blogs, we managed to avoid some potentially unpleasant incidents. In fairness, it must be said that there were not so many of them, I will tell you about all of them so that you do not fall for these tricks of some dishonest Sri Lankans.

Beach fights

Beach is not a synonym for a bum, in English this word is called a beach. Who are these beach-boys? In fact, scammers, and the divorce is as follows. You are lying on the beach and relaxing or swimming in the pool at the hotel overlooking the ocean, and a man comes up to you and starts showing some pictures of excursions. In fact, this is one of the pseudo-guides that sell fake tours at low prices. Excursions, perhaps, they conduct, but not at all like they promise. I got this information in one blog, so once a beach boy (or man?) came up to us, he was sent away.

This is not him, but just a merchant, who walks along the beach a lot in tourist places of any country.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of housing

We didn't use Airbnb at all in Sri Lanka. Maybe that's why no one deceived us with housing. Although there was one attempt, when we went to look for a villa or a guesthouse on our own. Some grandmothers offered us to rent a whole house quite expensive (so the whole house is the same!), But it had no hot water and, attention, electricity! At the same time, they argued that there would be hot water, you just need to turn off the cold water and wait. For those who don't know, hot water in Asia can only be available if the house has an electric water heater. Of course, we did not rent this "villa", but the stubborn lies of the grandmothers amused us. So there is only one piece of advice here: watch what you take, do not give money in advance for a long time, record all agreements on paper.

Another interesting story came out when booking through booking.com. We found a guesthouse on the seafront with access to the beach and normal reviews. It was not easy to do this, because all the more or less normal housing on the coast, even for a lot of money, was occupied during the New Year holidays. And here is such luck! But we have already learned from experience and know that Asians cannot be completely trusted and considered adults. Therefore, we first called the specified phone number, but the number was not in service. Feeling something was wrong, we got on the bus, went to reconnaissance - to see what was happening on the spot.

This Oriental Rest should have looked something like this

When we found the right house number, at first we thought that we were mistaken - the gates were tightly closed, no one opened the knock and the bell. We looked through the cracks in the fence - no one was visible. It is strange to see this in a guesthouse at the height of the season. Everything seems to be correct: the house number and the name of the villa. Then we decided to go from the side of the beach and have a look. We found an abandoned house with lime and scotch windows, palm branches and some garbage lay in the yard. I immediately wrote to booking with a request to cancel the reservation, because the phone is switched off, the house is abandoned, and I attached a photo. To which booking replied: contact the owner and ask for a free cancellation. I wonder how I should contact? By telepathic link? Booking read messages at all? But in the end, of course, the reservation was canceled without any commission. What would happen if we took a taxi and ran with suitcases to look for this guesthouse, and found this ruin? In general, we urgently had to look for another option.

And he looked like this. Heaven didn't happen
note the torn cornice on the left
stick-on gate
everything is correct - Oriental rest

Rhetorical question: why place such accommodation in booking systems?

Moreover, this villa is still on booking! The last review about it was left in March 2018 by the next disappointed tourists who came to the “extinct city”.

So the conclusion is this: always call the specified numbers, do not judge people by yourself, do not rely on someone's consciousness and responsibility.

Fake Donation Gatherers

This divorce is very similar to what is practiced in Russia.

At the station in Colombo, an allegedly deaf-and-dumb, puny peasant approached us and began to suggest with gestures which train we should take, which platform he would come to, where the first class was, etc. After we took our seats, he also entered the car and handed us a paper, which indicated the names and the size of the donation (charitable contribution). The amounts were from 1,000 rupees, the money was allegedly intended for the society of the deaf and dumb. I gave him 100 rupees, which is less than one dollar. The man was offended that they gave so little - not according to the price list. The usual reaction of many "beggars" is that everyone around should. Then he got off at the station, and through the window I saw how he was talking to someone on the platform. And not gestures. Here is such a deaf-mute.

Beggar on the beach

Be careful in any country in the world, even in your own. Don't let beggars, fake or real, manipulate you into guilt. You are not to blame for anyone and you yourself can decide how, where and when to do charity work.

It’s not only people who ask for Shri donation… Besides, if you don’t give it, they can just brazenly rob you :))))

Helpers and other strange citizens

In Sri Lanka, we met with ways that were never seen before in other countries to scam tourists. Looking ahead, I will say that we did not fall for these tricks thanks to the study of the travel blog of Slava and Ekaterina - very adequate guys.

We decided to visit the famous Galle Fort, located in the city of the same name. Near the fortress walls, a young man met us, began to tell something, warned us not to pay anyone for admission, since it is free. He offered to take pictures of us and asked us to take a picture of him. We thought he would soon fall behind, but he didn’t think so, he walked everywhere with us, even offered to pay for us at the entrance to the museum, moreover, an astronomical amount. We refused with difficulty. Then he sat with us in a cafe, treated us to local street food, offered to buy any souvenir from the shop (and the prices there are also cosmic).

We could not understand what he wanted from us. At the same time, he constantly boasted about what a big mansion house he had, factories, steamboats and a harem, showed photos of a motorcycle and a car, said that he earns 80,000 rupees a month. I was really surprised: with our money it is only 30,000 rubles. With this wealth, you obviously cannot buy everything listed, even in Sri Lanka. By the way, he was dressed quite modestly.

The guy got a couple of times in the frame from the back. You see for yourself that he does not look like a rich businessman, rather, a poor student.

In the evening, he agreed to go with us to Hikkaduwa, paying for our bus fare (it's a penny). He constantly asked what nightclubs there are, where we usually go, and offered to go together. In Hikkaduwa, we went to the first cafe we ​​came across to have dinner. At dinner, he began to ask where we were staying, what the name of our hotel was, and we lived in a villa and did not know what it was called, and even if we knew, why would he need this information? As a result (oh miracle!) in a cafe, our friend finally got rid of us. We went, but for some reason he stayed. Apparently, he realized that he had nothing to catch with us - we don’t invite him to the hotel, we don’t invite him to the nightclub.

This is how this strange story ends. And what could be, is unknown. Perhaps he wanted to come over to our place after the party and ask for a loan, perhaps to steal something when we were (he thought) drunk at the bar. Or maybe he wanted to get to know me better. Who knows.

More than once, some peasants tried to approach and address us at the walls of Fort Galle and in other places with the words: Hello, where are you going? True, they looked more homeless. The husband even yelled at them almost obscenely - they immediately lagged behind.

In fairness, I note that in comparison with Vietnam, in Sri Lanka, one can say that no one bothers or pulls.

The conclusion from this story is this. Do not tell new friends your address, hotel or villa name. And even more so, do not invite them to your room and do not visit entertainment establishments with them. It is better to merge from their obsessive communication in general, so as not to find yourself in a situation where you owe something. Girls traveling unaccompanied by men should be triple careful.

This dude can also be called a helper - he showed us where the turtles were and gave a bunch of seaweed to feed her. For this he demanded 500 rupees. We got off with a smaller sum and on another occasion we collected a whole bag of turtle treats ourselves.

Classics of the genre - taxi drivers

This kind of tourist fraud exists in almost any country, but I’ll still tell a few stories. And you will understand that everything is not so scary, and sometimes even funny.

Having read on the Internet about how taxi drivers are ferociously bred (yes, in almost any country, even in Thailand), I was afraid that at the airport we would not be able to bargain for acceptable money and get there for the agreed amount so that it would not suddenly increase at the end of the trip. They wrote that airport "cabbies" raise prices, and comrades "from the street" do not include travel on a toll road in the price, and the surcharge comes as a surprise to you. But the fears turned out to be in vain, we drove perfectly for 6,000 rupees to the hotel on a toll road, as agreed. The driver did not even try to deceive us somehow.

In Hikkaduwa itself, several times they tried to transport us with tuktukers at three times the price. But this is all easily solved: you just wait for the next one and bargain. And instead of 300 rupees, you wait for someone who will take you for 100. The distances there are small, you can walk or take a bus for a few rupees. So find out prices and distances in advance and don't hesitate to ask for a discount.

This is what a Sri Lankan tuk-tuk looks like. Of course, not all of them are like that with flowers 🙂

Libra is for the weak

You will not surprise even those who have never left their city at all with the calculation and underweight in the markets. But one case we especially remember in Sri Lanka.

We bought pineapples to take with us on the road. The saleswoman in the shop stubbornly wanted to sell them to us individually, but we said that we would take them by weight. Okay, by weight so by weight, the woman thought and decided to “assign” the mass to pineapples on her own. It was clear to the eye that the weight of the fruit was clearly too high. But what about such an obligatory device of a fruit and vegetable outlet, like scales, you ask. And it simply was not in the foreseeable space of a cluttered trading pavilion. She preferred not to understand the English in which the question “Where are the scales?” Was asked, the Google translator into Senegalese also refused to understand. Then I found a picture of scales on the Internet - the aunt, who decided to get a little rich on tourists, had nowhere to go. Somewhere in the depths of the closet, from under the rubbish, she pulled out the coveted device. We were right: the pineapples weighed less than she tried to convince us, and by a whole kilogram!

It is our fruit merchants who are tricking with magnets, twisting the scales, putting something on the platform, drilling weights. And in Sri Lanka, they just bury the scales in the far corner under the trash. And really, why are they in the store.

Just a photo from the internet

As you can see, there is nothing exclusive and especially terrible about divorces in Sri Lanka. So you can safely go there, observing the most common precautions.

Most often when choosing holiday resort we pay attention to local attractions, the level of service and the cleanliness of the beaches, but we rarely try to get as much information as possible about possible dangers. In fact, in every country and in every city there are some features that every tourist who wants to have a safe and interesting holiday needs to know about.

Let's talk about this magical and exotic island. Here you can get incredible experiences, both from nature and from service, but also do not forget about the basic rules of safety and hygiene. There is a chance that you will meet local representatives of flora and fauna that may be dangerous to your health, so study the following features of the island of Sri Lanka well and always listen carefully to the instructions of your guide and travel agency consultant.

1. snakes in sri lanka. If you do not want to lie in a local hospital for several days, purifying your blood, you will have to carefully monitor what is under your feet and wear closed shoes at night. These elementary rules will get you out of trouble. Often in the evening, tourists meet snakes even on the beach, so try to wear shoes and use a flashlight. In general, local residents recommend not to touch the representatives of the fauna, but you may not even notice the snake at night and step on it, of course, in any case, it will somehow react to your "attack". In general, snakes are not so common in tourist areas, but it is better to play it safe and keep an eye on everything that happens under your feet. That is why local guides do not recommend tourists to travel around the island on their own.

2. Leeches on the island of Sri Lanka. These small creatures that are used in medicine on the island of Sri Lanka can be dangerous to your health, because they carry a large number of tropical diseases. They are found everywhere, so be careful where you go and if your feet are protected from these representatives of the local fauna. Most often, leeches can be found in the humid forests of this island, so bring closed shoes with you and wear them if you need to walk on the grass. That is why for walks in the jungle, get closed pants, socks and sneakers. Thus, you will protect yourself from leeches and create the most comfortable conditions for the trip. If the leech has already stuck to your skin, just burn it with a cigarette, and it will fall off by itself.

3. Food poisoning in Sri Lanka. In fact, this trouble is extremely rare and rather rare. Spicy foods and local climates can cause food poisoning or foodborne illness. But still, you should take care not to spoil your vacation, so try to give preference to cafes and restaurants on the territory of the hotel or those that have a lot of positive reviews on the Internet on travel forums. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating, boil local fruits or peel them.

4. Waves on the island of Sri Lanka. Many tourists want to learn how to surf in Sri Lanka and often visit beaches that are not intended for swimming. If you want to safely relax on this island and not risk your own health, give preference to rest in those places that are equipped specifically for people. You should not look for wild beaches and conquer the waves in those places that even the locals do not know about. Sometimes the current can take you to the open sea, even if the surface of the water looks calm and smooth.

5. Financial fraud and theft in Sri Lanka. If you came to Sri Lanka not with cash, but with a bank card, then be as careful as possible. In fact, in this area, you can lose all your money if you do not follow the recommendations of experienced tourists. Never withdraw cash from ATMs.

6. It is better to look for large bank branches in which people work. There you can shoot absolutely safely. Take good care of your personal belongings and use in-room safes. In fact, the loss of valuable property is not uncommon for the island of Sri Lanka, so it depends on you whether you leave here only the amount that you expected to spend or even your passport, phone and all the funds that you had on your bank card.

7. road traffic. In Sri Lanka, it is quite dangerous to travel by car, because there is left-hand traffic and roads that are unlit at night. You must be extremely careful if you want to travel by car at night, so pay attention to this feature and give preference to trips during daylight hours.

8. If you want to protect yourself and your family, it is better to give preference to a trip by car with a personal driver, because the locals are much better versed in the peculiarities of traffic on the roads of Sri Lanka. If you need a car for a long time, sign a contract with a driver for a certain number of days and for a certain fee.

The main thing that attracts tourists to buy a tour to Sri Lanka is the exotic nature of the tropics.

But the nature of this island state can not only please, but also threaten your health. In this article we will talk about what are the threatening dangers in Sri Lanka.

wild monkeys

Literally at the airport you will be met by wild monkeys. Here they are considered sacred animals, so they are found everywhere. The largest number of wild monkeys live near the ruins of temples, which are so fond of visiting tourists. Here the animals beg for food, sometimes even aggressively.

Often monkeys can enter the room and steal things, so it is recommended to close the windows in the rooms. And handbags and wallets should not be left in a conspicuous place. Do not tease monkeys with fruit or other food. This is fraught with bites and injuries.

Tropical rains

In the rainy season, you need to be prepared for heavy rainfall, at this time you can get wet for one minute, you need to prepare for this in advance. For example, backpack accessories will keep the backpack and its contents from getting wet.

Lots of insects

There are a lot of insects in Sri Lanka. Reputable hotels are struggling with this danger, which cannot be said about inexpensive hotels, where the only protective measure is a mosquito net. Therefore, going on vacation to Sri Lanka, it is worth stocking up on repellents. Try to walk in closed clothes, especially in the evening.

Many tourists associate exotic countries with malarial mosquitoes. But it is worth noting that the risk of contracting malaria is not high. These mosquitoes are usually found in swampy areas.


Another meeting awaits tourists when visiting national parks. This is a meeting with crocodiles that live in the ponds of parks, where tourists often go boating and fishing. Although today in Sri Lanka there are no recorded cases of attacks by these reptiles on tourists.

strong waves

Tourists, of course, are attracted by the Indian Ocean and the possibility of swimming in the waves. But waves are one of the greatest hazards and most often lead to accidents. Therefore, you should not swim on deserted beaches. In general, information about which beaches in Sri Lanka you can swim on is better to get at the hotel.

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