Home Preparations for the winter Is it possible to get tired of relationships. What to do if I get tired of a guy in a relationship? And soon the wedding. Remind me where it was good

Is it possible to get tired of relationships. What to do if I get tired of a guy in a relationship? And soon the wedding. Remind me where it was good

In life, sometimes we have to deal with unrequited love, with love for a person who does not deserve it or with whom, for very specific reasons, we cannot get a relationship. This makes the question relevant: how to forget it?

A good place to start is to ask yourself: Do I really want to forget him? Is this my final decision? If not, the question is gone. If you have made an irrevocable decision to rid yourself of this addiction, then you have to work hard. Is it a joke to kill such a wonderful feeling, which is elevated by many to the rank of spiritual, superhuman and unique, something that is not given to everyone, that subjugates many to its will for many years?

Despite the difficulties that arise for any person who is faced with the need to “forget”, this can be done. Let's discuss the ways that will help you fall out of love and find peace of mind.

Dealing with the cause.
There is a possibility that a person, by his presence next to you, performed an important function, helped to satisfy some urgent need, and therefore was chosen by you. Perhaps this is a need for attention, for the security that he could provide, for sharing responsibility in your life, for justifying your behavior or thinking style (if he “alone” understood you in some way) - there are a lot of options.

Think, could this be? If yes, then you should listen to yourself and find other ways to satisfy the same need. For example, you can seek love and understanding from friends, make new acquaintances if the circle of current friends is limited and cannot give you what you need now. In general, try during this period of your life to communicate with people as much as possible, not to withdraw into yourself. After all, the needs associated with people can only be satisfied with the help of people.

Change of thinking.

According to the theory of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, the emotions experienced by a person are based on incorrect thinking, inadequate to reality. Hence the conclusion: in order to change feelings and emotions, you need to change the very style of thinking, work with unproductive thoughts that arise - replace them with more realistic ones.

For example, thoughts of obligation (“I must love / be loved!”, “I must have a partner!”) should be replaced with thoughts of preference (“I would like to have a partner, but I don’t have to at all”, “It would be nice to love / to be loved”, etc.). This will reduce the degree of expression of emotion and bring it closer to one that will be adequate to the situation.

Often a person falls in love not with a real partner, but with his idealized image, so our main task is to bring this image closer to the real one. This can be done by finding serious shortcomings in a person, searching for his psychological problems. Your task is to deromanticize the image of your loved one.

Is he so beautiful? Everyone has flaws, that's the way we are. Try to find as many of these flaws as possible and focus on them when thoughts about him enter your head. Some psychologists propose to deromanticize the image of a person, presenting him in ridiculous situations: for example, defecating, or in a clown hat and family shorts in front of an audience, or with female makeup on a serious face.

Mental pronunciation of the reasons for the impossibility of being together also helps to cope with love. Imagine what would really happen to you if you got married: exaggerate in the area where you come across unpleasant moments (betrayal, late coming home, habits that are unpleasant for you, etc.).

Some believe that in order to stop loving a person, you need to forget him and everything connected with him. In this article, I present a different position - do not forget! This is a part of your life, your invaluable experience, which is not so easy to forget, and it is not necessary. What to do with her? To work through, re-evaluate, take a fresh look at this complex, but such an important experience. Any experience in one way or another can be useful.

At the same time, after you have been able to process this experience, try to think about it less often. As soon as you feel that the thought of this person creeps up again - stop it in the bud! Immediately change the topic of the internal monologue, do something that requires you to have a good concentration of attention so that you cannot be distracted by thinking about it.

The end result of your inner work should be the following: it is necessary, despite all his shortcomings, to forgive and mentally let go of this person. This set point will complete an important period of your life, and you will be able to start a new one - a stage without this person. It is the feeling of inner incompleteness that haunts us and brings back in memory the painful experience of communicating with the object of love.

Change in behavior and environment.
The internal work with thoughts should be supported by the external - a change in behavior and the creation of favorable external conditions for parting with love. Remove or throw away his things, stop looking for something that reminds you of him and his life. Stop looking for meetings with him, try to completely exclude any contacts if possible. No wonder the famous proverb says: “Out of sight, out of mind!”

Sports and other active activities (dancing, martial arts, etc.) will help you get rid of the accumulated negative emotions, aggression and simply will not let your tone fall, which means that they will protect you to some extent from possible depression. Maintain your mood. Keep your spirits up, think positive, listen to upbeat music, have fun and go to events with friends.

When a relationship breaks down, time and space in the heart are always freed up. They need to be occupied with other things, and certainly interesting: new or long-forgotten, but joyful activities, interests, hobbies.

Folk wisdom again rushes to our aid: "The wedge is knocked out with a wedge." New relationships, new feelings - this is what can irrevocably crowd out old hopes and pain. The main thing to remember at the same time: you should not look for a person who looks like a former lover. This will create a risk of unnecessary memories of him or you will again step on the same rake - why do you need this?

Time is a good doctor. It will pass, and you will suddenly feel that you are now thinking less and less about this person, feelings are slowly cooling down and bothering you less. Thank yourself for the work you were able to do. And with relief, put a fat point!

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In this article:

Strong magic will help you forget your love. The reasons are different for everyone, but one thing unites people - the inability to be together with your loved one. To get rid of feelings and heal your heart, try cooling. They can be made at home, these are short rituals and conspiracies. A strong cooling on yourself removes all the painful consequences of a destroyed love, and you will breathe deeply. Life is much easier that way. Be prepared - there is no going back. Feelings cannot be returned in any way. You can heal yourself from love, but you can’t return to it. This method is suitable for those who are sure that they will never be together with their loved one. Why suffer and suffer, if you can start life anew - cooling yourself down will do its job.

If there is no way to be together

There are many different stories in life. Not all end well - loved ones together after long troubles. It often happens that it is impossible to return to each other. When cooling helps:

  • if your loved one can't be with you for any reason, it's forever;
  • you are in love with the person who refused you, is married to another, and you do not want to ruin their marriage;
  • the guy is no longer alive.

In order not to torment your heart, try to make it cold. You will not harm yourself or your loved one. This is the magic of nature. She will gently take love from your heart, help it heal after your breakup. Many have already performed similar rituals and the reviews are always positive. The very first morning after the cold, you will feel much better. A person sees the world as it is, without the prism of suffering. A broken heart and lost love can give you rest for the rest of your life. So it will not work to build a new life, get married, have children. The woman herself does not allow herself to forget, and thus she places the Crown of Celibacy on her head. This is a strong damage that you can bring on yourself if you suffer for a long time for impossible love.

Think before you chill

In all this there is one "but". If:

  • your decision is a consequence of a quarrel that can be forgotten;
  • you made a hasty decision;
  • There is a way out, you just don't look for it.

These situations can still be corrected. Reconcile after a quarrel or think it over. This is very important to know, so as not to regret later. Cooling will help to forget, to remove feelings. It will be impossible to bring them back - it's like a vaccine against a disease. The next time you fall in love with the same person will not work. Do not spoil your life because of a momentary decision under the influence of resentment, stress. The consequences are clear - the person disappears from your heart and life. This is forever, it is no longer possible to redo everything “as it was”. There are several rituals that allow you to get rid of the cold, but it is difficult to conduct them if you are not a professional yet. The price is high for changing destinies for the second time: yours, men, your children, children of their children.

You can help the heart - a simple ritual

Forget your loved one, get out of your head a guy with whom it is impossible to be together - all this will help you breathe deeply. So that the burden of past relationships does not interfere with your life, cross out this past once and for all. It's easier, because you can focus on your studies, work, personal life. Some rituals use runes - Scandinavian magic is very strong. It is not difficult to make such a ceremony if you have a photo or a personal item of the person you want to forget. All of them are performed at home under certain conditions:

  • phase of the moon: waning;
  • day Monday-Thursday, Saturday;
  • any number except 4, 24.

Everything else can be found in your home, in a shop at the church or in a regular store. There is nothing complicated in these rituals, you can do it even if this is your first magical ritual.

All these methods are time-tested. Some of them belong to the old village magic. In past centuries, men went to war and did not return. The woman did not want to torture herself all her life, perform such a ritual. To get your life back on track after a loss or a painful breakup, try chilling out. It will not harm you, and it will be easier to live and breathe.

In other cases, longing eats a woman so much that one cannot do without special means.

Cool for candles and water

An old way to forget a strong love. If the guy is not with you and can no longer be, then you need to do this ritual.
Bring two candles from the church. Write your name on one, and the name of the guy you want to forget on the second. You need to light candles with matches. Place a glass of holy water between them. Remember all the good things that happened in your relationship: love, confessions, joy, common travels. It will hurt, you will want to cry. This is important, because now you will burn all your feelings. Look at the candles, sort through your memories.
When finished, quickly extinguish both candles from the water, say:

“Thank you for everything that was. Thank you for the love, happiness and joy. Now I thank you for the sadness of love. What happened - passed without a trace, all the feelings that I experienced - will wash off with water and leave. Thank you for the love, happiness and joy. I let go and burn, let the fire burn all my feelings for (name), and the water cool the Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

So your love burned out and went out. With each new day it will be easier.

Cool to the wind

This is one of the simplest options, does not require a ritual. It must be done in a field on a windy day. Choose an open space, a square, if you live in a city. Walk into the wind and say as loudly as possible three times:

“Heart serpent - get out, get out. Let your will be blown to the wind. The heart will stop toiling, and the soul will mourn for the person (his full name) will burn with fire. Green snake, crawl into your lair, you only have to be there and live there.
And I (my name), a person (his full name) will never love, do not wait, do not desire, do not know, neither in my heart, nor in my thoughts, nor in spirit, nor in hearing. The snake is serpentine, and I (my name) have my own side. Amen".

Wind is a powerful force of nature. She will pick up your plot and spread it all over the world. There is no longer a place where your love could hide and torment you. You will feel much better. You need to walk or run without stopping until you feel lightness in your whole body. These feelings leave you.

Ritual for water

Made next to the river. Water is the second powerful force of nature. You will need to stand along the river. You need to prepare for the ritual.
Take one of your things that you gave, gave a loved one. Take one of his items. They need to be burned together, and all the ashes collected.

If you are sad now, then cry, let this ashes absorb your tears. When everything is ready, then come to the river bank. All the ashes will need to be poured out in handfuls downstream, saying:

“In the blue ocean, on a distant island, a large beautiful oak tree grows. There is a huge stone near the oak, a pike lies on the stone. She eats, eats the anguish of the servant of God (your name) For the servant of God (name of the man). So that she does not have a deaf, irresistible longing, A burning pain in her head, or in her heart, or in her soul. My word is strong. My word is strong. No one can take it off. May it be so forever and ever!”

It's easy to do and you'll love the effect. It turns out for everyone. You burn all possible connections with a person, you give your tears to water. The water will carry it all away, spread it all over the world. There will be no more room for your sadness.

Holy water ritual

For this ritual you will need holy water. To dial it, go to the monastery. You will need about a liter. If possible, ask a priest to bless your water. You will not do anything wrong, just improve your life.
Bring water home, immediately put in the refrigerator. It should cool and be cold. Pour half a glass, slander on the water:

“I don’t want this heavy love anymore
I don't want more sleepless nights
I will be free now
I will be free forever
And if I want, then I myself will decide who to love
And I will calm my own heart
The Lord God is my witness, yes Jesus Christ! Amen!"

After this, the charmed water is drunk in small sips. The ritual is repeated for 5 days.

The colder the water, the better

With each sip, you will feel the cold spreading through your body. This is a pleasant feeling, it takes away all sorrows with it. When the water runs out, go to Church on the 5th day. Light candles, pray. You will leave the Church as a completely different person.

Conspiracy for heartache

If you don’t have the strength to endure the pain of the heart, then you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. To do this, you can do a ritual that any woman can do. To make it work, meditate a little. You need to completely let go of your consciousness, accept the situation.
Sit quietly on the floor with your back straight. Close your eyes. Try to look at the whole situation with different eyes, from the outside. Your breakup, what led to this, was there an opportunity to fix something. Don't beat yourself up, just remember.

“Stop tormenting, heart toil. Do not grab fear, maet, empty commotion, heavy sighs. Do not tear the zealous heart in half. Everything is empty. Go away sadness into the distance. Do not prick, do not chip, do not tear - let go. Everything is empty. To the forest, to the wind, to the stove pipe, to the dry grass. As the smoke disperses and melts in the wind, so let the longing leave the heart forever. Amen".

Perform this ritual 2-3 days in a row. It will greatly ease the pain.

Cooling water from a well

For this rite, you will need to find a well. Buy a church candle, the thinnest. On it, with a new knife, write the name of your lover. To forget about him, light this candle at midnight, say:

“Mother water, sister of the well. Everyone who comes here will drink some cold water. In the steam room bath you are poured over, the dead are washed by you. Oh, you are mother water, your icy shores, cool your slave (your name) so that she cools down to the slave (his name).
She did not know sorrowful sorrow for him, she no longer undermined her heart. If he had been unloved to her, he would have become ashamed of her. Let her close her doors from him, let him not let his feet on her threshold, but do not run to see him.
Mother well water, icy shores, I bow to the slave (my name) before you to the ground, cool my heart. Rise up my pure word to the Lord God, descend on the heart of the slave (your name). I close my plot with 3 locks, I close my business forever with 3 keys. Amen".

As soon as you say the text 3 times, throw the candle into the well. It will go out there in its cold waters, and you will feel noticeably better. After that, you need to get away from the well and never drink its water, otherwise it will be very hard and bad for you. Water will remember your emotions, will keep them forever. The rite helps those who suffer for a long time, gives relief after the ritual itself. You will feel noticeably lighter, and feelings will begin to fade very quickly. For everything to go well, do not tell anyone about this ritual or about what they did to cool.

Runic cooldowns

Strong ostuds exist in the Icelandic and Scandinavian magical tradition. This magic appeals to the very essence of the Universe. Runes help everyone who turns to them. They must be treated with respect, because these signs are sacred. For them, you will need a photo of the person you want to forget, your photo. You can use personal items, but it's harder to write runes on them. These rituals should be performed at night, by candlelight.

Runic formula "Ice of relations"

Formula Gebo-Turisaz-Isa

Gebo, Turisaz, Isa

Gebo is a symbol of relationships.
Thurisaz is a rune showing a waning effect on you.
Isa is the rune of ice. It will freeze all feelings and emotions, cool the heart, bring relief.

These runes must be applied to any item that can be carried with you. It is necessary to do this for a whole month without taking it out. It is very convenient to apply on a wooden talisman or amulet, to wear around the neck. To make it work, apply them with a black marker or felt-tip pen on your joint photo. You need to turn to the runes, accurately formulating your desire. Ask them to take away all the heartache, suffering, feelings that you have because of a certain person. May your heart never beat for it again. This formula freezes your relationship. not allowing them to develop further at all.

Runic formula "Magic Plaster"


Mannaz, Gebo, Kenaz, Nautiz, Vunyo

Mannaz is the person in question.
Gebo is your relationship.
Kenaz - in this formula it has a burning effect, burns out all the feelings and emotions about your relationship.
Nautiz is the rune of destruction. It completely destroys everything that was between you.
Vunyo is the rune of joy. Let after this impact you will be happy and easy in your soul.

Apply to the left hand. You need to update these runes every day, they will work well. When you feel that you are ready to let go of the situation, just do not apply them anymore. They will be like a magic plaster for you, which is a way to anesthetize a broken heart. After 1-2 weeks, everything will be forgotten, and it will be easy for you to live in the world, get up in the morning.

Runic formula "Protection from love"


Very strong and cruel runes. They give the fastest effect of all. But, this will mean that love for a certain person will be torn out of the heart. You may feel discomfort for the first 2-3 days, the temperature may rise, pain in the heart area. This must be endured so that after the pain comes complete indifference to the situation. Now you will be free.

Algiz is a very strong defensive rune. It will protect you from any pain associated with breaking up a relationship.
Gebo is your relationship.
Isa - additional freezing of all feelings, anesthesia.

Apply to left wrist or shoulder. Best of all with a marker that is hard to wash off. You have to carry it for 3 days. Runes helped to forget, let go and live on.

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