Home Blanks for the winter Dragon man with a boar woman complete information. Dragon and Boar (Pig): male and female compatibility in love. Friendship and business relationship

Dragon man with a boar woman complete information. Dragon and Boar (Pig): male and female compatibility in love. Friendship and business relationship

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Snake has every chance of existence. But at some moments, situations may occur when difficulties arise. To pass all the tests, these signs must have mutual consent and a desire to be together. Despite the fact that these signs often have quarrels due to their different nature, they can live in understanding and harmony.

Characteristics of the character of the Dragon

A person born in the year of the Dragon has in his character decency in relation to others, and has intelligence. From a young age, they already begin to understand how to behave correctly, and how hard it is to get money. People born in the Year of the Dragon are always ready to fight for their own freedom. Despite the fact that their character does not possess cruelty, they will never give themselves offense.

In such people, there is a love of justice and nobility. Due to the fact that they have the ability to dispose of others around them, they very often become a central figure in any company. In love, Dragons can be persistent, but they never lose their sense of proportion. You also need to pay attention to which element a particular person belongs to.

  1. The metal symbol (1940, 2000) likes to be constantly paid attention to.
  2. The watermark (1952, 2012) does not have a high level of tolerance, so it often gets into various troubles.
  3. The Wood Dragon (1904, 1964) always succeeds at work. A sense of diligence helps him in this.
  4. Fire Dragon (1916, 1976) has leadership qualities.
  5. The Earth Sign (1928, 1988) is characterized by balanced character traits.

Character traits of the Snake

Snakes are characterized by a sense of patience and wisdom. Many of their acquaintances often ask the Snake for advice in a difficult life situation. As soon as a woman or a young man Snake sets a task for themselves, they will always achieve it. It is not so important for them what actions need to be taken for this. Waiting is not a hindrance for them. The main thing is that the goal is achieved.

Snakes are very greedy for material security. If they meet a wealthy person, they will not miss the opportunity to strike up a relationship with him. Moreover, they do not always feel love for the victim. For them, the main thing is that life is secured. In love, Snakes can dominate their partner. But in friendship it is difficult for them to find a true friend for themselves, because by themselves they are terrible egoists who think only of themselves. It is important to pay attention to the influence of natural elements on the Snake.

  1. The Metal Snake (1941, 2001) is characterized by a secretive nature, but knows how to insist on his own opinion.
  2. The Water Symbol (1953, 2013) has a mind.
  3. The wooden horoscope sign (1905, 1965) knows how to please others.
  4. Fire signs (1917, 1977) always differ from those around them in energy.
  5. Earth Sign (1929, 1989) always knows how to keep up a conversation, so it has many friends.

Dragon man and Snake woman

The Dragon man and the Snake woman are a case when different characters work for an excellent result. If you believe the horoscope, then no one has ever been more combined with anyone. A woman attracts the opposite sex by the fact that she has a riddle inside her, which every man tries to solve. As soon as she sets herself the goal of conquering a man, he will not go anywhere from her.

The dragon prefers to see around him only independent ladies who are able to independently solve complex problems. It is such a lady that the Snake is considered. If she allows him to take care of herself, then he will never stop, and will constantly prove to her that she made the right choice. According to the compatibility horoscope, the Dragon man and the Snake woman are ideal partners who listen to each other.

Friendship compatibility

The Dragon man and the Snake woman are very well compatible with each other in friendship. They know how to support each other and help in difficult moments of life. No one can ever spoil their friendship. We can say that these signs are simply destined to be together.

The lady will always help the guy to make the right choice. But a man will be able to protect his girlfriend from problems and ill-wishers. Therefore, it is even beneficial for them to be friends.

Compatibility of people in love

The Dragon and the Snake have a good connection in love, because in this pair a man knows how to make money well, which still strongly attracts a girl. Their love is so strong that even the troubles in life cannot separate them. We can say that this is the only case in the eastern horoscope when people fit each other so strongly.

Each of them has those qualities that their partner values ​​very much. If they do not deliberately get on each other's nerves and try to break off the relationship, then a whole bunch of pleasant events awaits them in love. Dragon and Snake are perfectly compatible in love. They found each other, and they will not be able to refuse such a relationship.

Relationship in marriage and sex

Dragon and Snake look pretty good in marriage. Their similarity allows them to create ideal families that last throughout their lives. The Dragon and the Snake are those people who will never stop on the path of improving their own family. In their marriage, all responsibilities are immediately distributed. The Dragon man and the Snake woman immediately decide that he will be the leader in the family, and she will do household chores.

In compatibility - the Dragon man and the Snake woman are all pretty good. Everyone goes about their own business, and does not try to climb into the partner's personal space. The woman is so wise that she helps her man so that he does not even know about her help. She knows how to push her partner to do the right thing, which allows him to achieve heights in work. Chinese horoscopes of compatibility say that these signs are destined to be together.

To achieve such compatibility, the Dragon man and the Snake woman know how to work on their own mistakes, and try to change their character. As soon as they realize that they are beginning to behave incorrectly, the slice begins to change. Thanks to this, they are perfectly compatible with each other. Therefore, their family can survive hurricanes of passions, and a large number of quarrels. The Snake woman and the Dragon man know how to overcome difficulties together. In bed, there is complete harmony between them. Everyone knows what exactly his partner loves about sex. Therefore, their sexual relationship never stands still.

Dragon woman with Snake man

The Snake man and the Dragon woman are a rather controversial union. There is not so much in common between them as there was in the first version. A harmonious relationship can develop between them if each allows himself to make certain concessions.

The Snake man and the Dragon woman have mutual sympathy. Each of them knows who is right for them for a particular relationship. The guy is trying to find a lady who would love him the way he loves himself. But the girl is looking for a guy who would have external beauty. That is why their sympathy is so strong.

Bond in friendship

In friendship, such signs can achieve complete harmony. Indeed, in this case, they will not have to constantly spend time with each other, and try to solve troubles together.

If they only see each other a few times a week, then their friendship can last for quite a long time. The main thing is mutual desire.

Union in love and sex

Between these signs, sincere love is quite rare. The thing is that very few of them choose a partner consciously. In most cases, they only pay attention to the outer shell of a potential partner. The first few months may seem like they are perfect for each other. But as soon as they start spending a lot of time together, the situation will change.

Everyone realizes that they have made a mistake. They will immediately understand that they have chosen the wrong person with whom they can live their whole life. In order for the relationship not to end, both the man and the woman must learn to pay attention to their mistakes, and immediately correct them. Otherwise, the gap cannot be avoided.

In sex, they complement each other perfectly. Each of these zodiac signs have their own unusual views on sex life, and they are happy to bring these innovations into their intimate life.


Marriage compatibility between the two is pretty good. Together, these signs are destined to be. The husband will work to fully provide his family with everything he needs. But the wife will equip the house so that the husband would be pleased to return to it from work. She can provide him with all the conditions of comfort, which favorably affects his achievements in work.


The characteristic of the compatibility signs of the Dragon and the Snake suggests that these people are destined to be together. Despite the difference in character, they know how to get along in the same house, and build strong and durable marriages.

Not all similar symbols can achieve such harmony as in the case of the Dragon and the Serpent. These people know how to work on their own mistakes, and take the comments of others. Most likely, it is for this reason that they fit together so much.

In each pair of signs, there is both unity and contradiction. The compatibility of the Dragon and the Snake is quite harmonious and can lead to a long and serious relationship. With certain concessions, these two signs will complement each other and make their life diverse and interesting.

Dragon and Snake General Compatibility

Such a couple can live a long, happy life based on love and interest in their partner. The relationship between these two signs will always be turbulent and dynamic. The Dragon and the Serpent confirm the popular wisdom that opposites attract.

Despite the difference in character, representatives of these signs complement each other and want to be together. They are connected by love for new experiences and achievements. It is this combination that will lead to strong friendships, love and business relationships. Both partners have a chance for personal and spiritual growth.

Character features

The nature has endowed the representative of each sign with a special character. The dragon is characterized by activity, excessive vanity, irascibility and domineering. His exorbitant ambitions do not allow him to live in peace and sometimes play a bad role. At the same time, the Dragon has a subtle intuition and flair.

The snake can be called the complete opposite - it is reasonable and wise. Representatives of this sign know how to make useful contacts, think soberly and not succumb to emotions. Serpentine wisdom is always combined with business acumen.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman Compatibility

The Dragon man and the Snake woman complement each other perfectly in various areas of life. The final development of relations can be different, but at the same time partners will never be bored.

In love

The love union of these two signs can be called the most successful in the horoscope. If a courageous Dragon met a charming and feminine Snake on its path in life, in most cases they will have a happy life.

Over the years, the spouses become a real close-knit team that will not be torn apart by any difficulties. In marriage, there are no serious disagreements between them, they know how to find a compromise.

The Wise Snake concedes leadership to his spouse, but at the same time keeps everything under control. The husband becomes a breadwinner, and the wife becomes his support and advisor. The Snake Woman is an excellent housewife and loving mother, but she never plunges into family life entirely. Thanks to her wisdom, she remains a desirable woman with her own interests.

In sex

In the intimate life of the representatives of these two signs, harmony also awaits. The temperament of women of this sign is not as violent as that of others, but the passionate Dragon will be able to awaken sensuality in her. Dragons are excellent lovers who gladly enter the role of a skilled mentor. Over time, intimate relationships will improve and will be more diverse.

In friendship

The friendship between the Dragon and the Serpent can be very strong and long-lasting. They perfectly understand each other, like to talk for a long time, discussing a variety of events. If friendly relations have started between representatives of the opposite sex, then it may well grow into something more.

In work

If the business partners are Dragon and Snake according to the horoscope, then in business they will be able to achieve a lot. Both men and women are distinguished by business acumen, ambition and dexterity. They enjoy solving complex problems and overcoming difficulties that arise.

The main thing for success is to delimit the spheres of influence. The Snake Woman is excellent at keeping records - counting, comparing, making plans. The dragon will become an inspiration and innovator.

In percentages

In percentage terms, the compatibility of the Dragon man and the woman of the Snake is great. In about 70% of cases, these couples build strong relationships and live happily ever after. A marriage or friendship can collapse due to the excessive activity and ambition of the Dragon and his passion for the fairer sex.

In the signs of the zodiac

The development of relations in a couple depends not only on the year in which the partners were born, but also under what sign of the zodiac.

Depending on the sign under which the Snake Lady was born, compatibility with the Dragon man will be different:

  1. The Snake-Capricorn woman will find points of contact with the Dragon man. This lady knows exactly what she wants and can achieve what she wants.
  2. The Aquarius woman is an extraordinary and talented person. She is always ready for experiments and new discoveries. She is seduced by the Dragon, which gushes with ideas and designs.
  3. Slow and pensive Pisces can become a little more active under the influence of a passionate and Dragon.
  4. Aries woman was born under the element of Fire and is ready to love and glow. She has excellent Dragon compatibility.
  5. Taurus is an earth sign. These women are sickened by excessive passion and love for change.
  6. Gemini women are always striving for change. They are torn apart by a spirit of contradiction and a love of discovery.
  7. Snake-Cancer Woman, not very suitable for the Dragon.
  8. Lionesses are used to being the center of attention and always demand worship. If the Dragon can give it, then everything will turn out fine.
  9. The practical Virgo is used to putting everything on the shelves. An excellent business union will develop between such women and the Dragon man.
  10. With Libra, the Dragon will be comfortable and easy.
  11. The Dragon is unlikely to cope with the Scorpio lady. She is too passionate and unpredictable.
  12. The Sagittarius woman suits the Dragon man in every way.

Snake Man and Dragon Woman Compatibility

The compatibility of a Dragon woman and a Snake man is one of the best in the zodiac circle. Under certain conditions, these people are ideal for each other and can live happily for many years.

In love

A marriage between representatives of these elements can be called constructive. As in any union, the spouses expect various conflict situations, but they are all solvable. The Snake Man is distinguished by caution and secrecy. His partner is open and kind.

The Dragon Woman subconsciously seeks someone who would be smarter and wiser, so such a union is ideal for her. In a marriage with the Snake, she will have to fight for the right to express her opinion, since these men are very intolerant.

In sex

The Snake man does not like to change partners, because you need to adapt to each of them. He is looking for great and pure love and mostly finds.

In the sexual sphere, representatives of these signs are great for each other because of their passion and love of experimentation. The Dragon Woman rushes through life, spewing flame, and only the wise Serpent is able to stop her.

In friendship

Both of these signs know how to be friends and sacrifice something for the sake of good relations. The Wise Serpent is always ready to give in on trifles, but to push through his opinion on important issues. The Dragon Woman can be an excellent loyal friend.

In work

Both Dragon and Snake are very ambitious and willing to sacrifice a lot for their careers. The serpent is always ready to learn new things and maintains excellent relationships with colleagues. It is pleasant to deal with him, you can rely on him and entrust him with business secrets.

In percentages

The overall compatibility percentage of the Dragon and the Snake is 61%. That's a lot. The greatest success awaits this couple in sex and friendship. There the numbers are approaching 80%.

In the signs of the zodiac

A Dragon woman, before starting a relationship with a Snake man, should find out under which sign of the zodiac he was born:

  1. It's definitely not worth messing with Capricorn, because his stubbornness will nullify all efforts.
  2. The Aquarius man is suitable for both sex and family life. You can rely on him and trust him with your life and heart.
  3. The Pisces man is always slow and calm. He is used to giving in to leadership and does not fight for it.
  4. Aries is an ardent lover and faithful husband. It will make a good business partner.
  5. Dragons have good compatibility with the Taurus Serpent. They will find a common language in all areas.
  6. The Gemini Man is too frivolous for the Dragon Woman.
  7. Practical Cancer will be a faithful husband and a good father. With a Dragon, a woman will make an excellent union.
  8. Leo cannot be on the sidelines. The fiery element gives him passion and the desire to always be the first.
  9. Virgo is an earth sign, so the compatibility with the Dragon is not very good. But under certain conditions, this couple can become happy.
  10. The Snake-Libra man will suit the Dragon woman and will become her faithful companion in all life situations.
  11. Scorpio is the most unpredictable and dangerous sign. Men born under this element are wonderful lovers and great husbands, but it is difficult to live with them.
  12. An excellent partnership can develop with a Sagittarius man.

How can you improve your relationship?

Even the most difficult family situation can be remedied. To adapt to your partner, you need to know his strengths and weaknesses.

In family relationships between a Dragon man and a Snake woman, the fair sex in most cases should give in. By this, she will give an opportunity for the ambitious Dragon to realize his aspirations and feel himself the main and necessary. He will do everything for family members if he feels he is needed.

The Dragon Woman should become a little more active in family relationships. The Serpent Man is wise and smart, but even he does not always know what to do.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Dragon is considered quite high. Partners can create strong and successful marriages. In this pair, the Snake man and the Dragon woman are provided with an excellent opportunity for creative fulfillment, career growth and achievement of financial stability.

The woman is a bright, courageous, impetuous, spontaneous and interesting personality. She makes fundamental decisions instantly and can quickly change plans that she has developed over a long period of time. The Snake man is characterized by tenderness and a penchant for mysticism. Sometimes he is overly jealous, although this does not interfere with the relationship with an emotional partner. A sharp and peculiar lover needs his deliberate and deliberate actions. For this reason, it can be argued that it is the woman who needs this union to a greater extent. She wants to see in her chosen one a strong, wise and experienced man.

A man born in the year of the Snake and a Dragon woman do not know what boredom is, since they make every day bright, exciting and filled with interesting events. The union has excellent prospects, but the course of their life together is difficult to predict, because in critical situations, much depends on the behavior of each of the partners.

Snake man and Dragon woman: general compatibility

Very often, the Snake man is a rather egocentric personality.

The couple has a great chance of building a wonderful union, however, both the Snake man and the Dragon woman are complex personalities with high self-esteem. It is impossible to say with confidence that they will definitely be happy. Relationships can develop both successfully and vice versa. With a favorable set of circumstances, lovers will complement each other. Otherwise, they will conflict due to the fact that their points of view are strikingly different.

The spouses have many points of contact, but at the same time they have different approaches to resolving the issues that arise. Each of them sees his own way out of the current situation. The qualities inherent in one of the spouses complement the character traits of the other. This is where their relationship is built.

For a man born in the year of the Snake, his impeccable appearance is important. The Dragon Woman can easily help him decide when choosing clothes. She, in turn, is not able to obey. Her chosen one will calmly cope with this. He will provide her with exactly what she so badly needs - independence and boundless adoration.

A man prefers to act wisely: he will allow his beloved to believe that she is the head of the family. His chosen one will appreciate this behavior properly and will be grateful to her husband. He can set the right direction for the energy and activity of the Dragon woman. This is how his vain plans will be realized.

The complementarity of the spouses will contribute to the regular appearance of something new in their relationship. The coldness of the Serpent goes well with the eccentricity of the Dragon. The interaction of the spouses harmonizes their tandem.

Since the compatibility of the Snake man and the Dragon woman is very good, these people very quickly become interested in each other and find a common language. A romance between them starts almost immediately after they meet. The individuality of a woman born in the year of the Dragon, with her characteristic brightness and peculiarity, attracts the Snake man. She becomes a real discovery for him. The beloved shares positive energy with her companion, which makes him feel incredible joy and real happiness. It is worth noting that emotionally coldness is characteristic of a man. And he is not able to reward his chosen one with bright emotions. However, the woman is not repulsed by this, since her feelings are quite enough for both of them.

The Dragon Woman is distinguished by high intelligence and extraordinary thinking

The Dragon Woman is distinguished by charisma, courage, activity, amazing intelligence and impetuosity. She only needs a few minutes to come to any decision. This is how she differs from her beloved. It is difficult for him to keep up with his woman. This pace is not for him. He is forced to adapt in every possible way to avoid quarrels. The spouse respects the hobbies of the Dragon woman and follows all her requirements.

According to the Dragon Woman, beauty is very important. Posture should be perfect, wrinkles should be fought, it is necessary to keep yourself in great shape. This is the position of a woman. And she doesn't skimp on spending that keeps her attractive. Among other things, she adheres to a position of gender equality. If she is discriminated against just for the reason that she is a female, it will be in trouble. After all, the Dragon woman has a penchant for feminist views.

Her character is not easy. In general, Dragons represent the most complex character. In a relationship with a Dragon woman, there is always room for all sorts of difficulties. However, she really wants to find her other half and create a wonderful and happy family. It is this desire that contributes to the fact that the Dragon woman calms down and slows down.

Snake man and Dragon woman: compatibility in marriage

The Snake man is not looking for romance on the side

Coldness and practicality are defining qualities that characterize a man born in the year of the Snake. It is not so easy to establish contact with him, especially if you are unpleasant to him. Family is one of his top priorities. He knows how to be faithful and does not seek to start fleeting romances.

The Snake Man is distinguished by wisdom and always keeps his word. In this union, spouses borrow from each other the most successful qualities of their partner. A man takes over the irrepressible energy of his companion, fueled by her strength and extravagance.

When they start a family, the Snake man becomes more successful and optimistic. After all, his chosen one loves to give the feeling of a holiday, look for novelty and fill life with impressions. The world will be painted in bright colors for the Snake man. He will finally learn to get satisfaction from the little things. The Dragon Woman borrows wisdom, kindness, care and selfless love from her beloved.

Of course, this union is not immune from quarrels and a showdown. A man's jealousy often provokes conflict. He struggles to restrain the Dragon Woman in her quest for independence. She will not tolerate this, because such a position of the spouse causes protest and negative emotions in her. The woman is furious at the behavior of her companion.

In addition, it is difficult for a man born in the year of the Snake to come to terms with the huge expenses of his beloved woman. If partners are interested in building harmonious relationships, they should learn to trust each other. This is especially true for men. Do not be jealous for no reason and quarrel over several purchases.

Is this a reason for conflict ?! A woman does not need to harbor resentment against her spouse, because he greatly values ​​her and their children. She should try to find an approach to her lover. Then he himself will begin to provide his wife with the necessary sums of money. If a woman explains to the Snake man what joy she experiences from new acquisitions, then he will do everything to make his chosen one shine and be happy. Spouses should often discuss the accumulated issues. This will greatly increase the compatibility of the Snake man and the Dragon woman.

Snake man and Dragon woman: compatibility in love

In the sexual relationship between the Snake and the Dragon, only the second role is assigned to the man.

In the intimate sphere, the Snake and the Dragon are perfect for each other. Often all of their sexual needs are met. Both are passionate lovers. They realize the partner's ideas and fantasies. Of course, they are different, but this is the attractiveness of their tandem.

Much in intimate life depends on the Dragon woman. She is characterized by emotionality and out-of-the-box thinking. She does not care about prohibitions and conventions. Sex helps spouses deal with mutual grievances.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Dragon in marriage and love is extremely high, however, the couple regularly encounters difficulties. The main thing is to learn to yield to your partner and find compromises. The older the lovers are, the sooner they will find a common language. With age, the spouse realizes that sometimes it is necessary to show weakness. This will only strengthen the marriage bond.

The appearance of children contributes to the rapprochement of the spouses. The obligations that arise motivate them to find the solution that suits both. When difficulties arise, they are worth discussing. The correct way out of conflict situations is the guarantee of self-development of partners.

The couple should spend as much time together as possible. If the relationship starts to deteriorate rapidly, it is worth going on a trip. So each of the spouses will be able to discharge and relax, and the relationship will be harmonized. If lovers get pleasure from a joint vacation in the country, do not postpone the trip. The main thing is that the spouses have common interests. Then in each other they will find a comrade and advisor.

A man born in the year of the Snake and a Dragon woman do not need to try to change their companion. It is worth recognizing the freedom of the spouse's personality and not trying to subjugate him. A woman values ​​freedom in her actions and in communication with her loved ones. The Snake man doesn't like it. He is jealous and wants his wife to follow his plans. He will try to restrict his beloved. But his attempts will be in vain. A woman should behave more modestly in public, and a man should not drive her into a frame.

The Snake woman is a fatal seductress and a desperate coquette, she is surrounded by boyfriends and admirers, everyone is delighted with her beauty and charm. The snake is sensual and playful, it carefully monitors and takes care of itself, looks great right up to old age. She subtly feels close people, so she always forges good, warm and friendly relations with them, love is given entirely, without a trace. The snake is respectful and affectionate towards its spouse, it is considered a good housewife and caring mother. She happens to be jealous and selfish, she needs a loved one to be completely hers alone, and nothing else. The Dragon man is a temperamental, complex, multifaceted and ardent character, he has a huge reserve of energy and strength, he is hardy, ambitious and hardworking, interesting in communication, sociable, business and smart. If the Dragon is in love, he completely surrenders to feelings and emotions.
The mystery of the compatibility of the signs of the eastern horoscope of the Dragon and the Snake is in contradictions, it is the differences in character and disposition that so attract and lure them to each other, forcing again and again to discover the unknown in each other. He is crazy about the charm, mystery and sexuality of the Snake, and she is happy that the Dragon gave her his big and warm heart. A reliable, temperamental, interesting and passionate union aimed at a long and beautiful future in the future.

Dragon Male and Snake Female Compatibility

At times it seems that the Dragon man and the Snake woman were created only for each other, they are respectful, sweet, affectionate, empathetic, understanding and gentle. This couple is lucky with finances, the Dragon husband earns enough so that his beloved and children do not know the need. And the girl Snake is so cunning and dexterous that she busily keeps her husband's interest throughout her life together, surprisingly, his ardor and passion do not wane at all over the years. The snake for the Dragon is an excellent rear, its manners, speech, style and external image are always at their best.
This is a great duet, she will help him find the desired power and obedience of others, and for him she is an example of femininity, attractiveness and charm. An attentive attitude to the needs of each other will make the relationship of partners ideal, and the future bright and cloudless. The intimate sphere will only strengthen the union, these two are really good and comfortable together. Make a holiday out of life, rejoice more often and have fun together. Life consists of little things, learn to find beauty in ordinary things, then every minute you live will become more colorful and brighter.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Dragon and the Snake symbolize the indomitable fortitude, will, pride and stubbornness... Can such a union be strong? After all, as the popular saying goes, that two bears do not get along in the same den. Let's try to understand together a difficult issue.

According to the horoscope, the Dragon and the Snake have similar character traits

Dragon man, Snake woman

A man who was born in the year of the Dragon is a very ambitious person according to the horoscope. He has a fairly ambitious outlook on life. He has many goals in relation to business, and he is also a business man. He has sufficiently developed intellectual abilities and perfect logic. The dragon man does not waste time, but uses it for self-improvement. It's not about him - sitting under the TV with a bottle of beer. Moreover, he neglects such people and will not communicate with them.

He prefers active rest. This includes surfing, skiing, and cycling. We can safely say that the Dragon man is an avid athlete. Also, in his free time, he visits exhibitions, museums, goes to developmental trainings. At work, the Dragon man is respected by everyone, his opinion is taken into account. He has high authority among colleagues. But he achieved such a successful outcome of events by a difficult path: it was work on himself.

Woman - Snake can also be called that little thing. It combines wisdom and cunning, passion and tenderness, hatred and love at the same time. Having met her, hardly anyone will be able to reveal her cards. She is a woman of mystery. Such a person attracts with her gracefulness, ability to present herself in the right light, beautiful manners and charm. He can easily turn a problem into a solution with his own little tricks.

Dragon man prefers outdoor activities

Such a woman loves and respects herself. She accepts her body, her appearance as they are. This attitude makes her confident among all the other ladies, and also attracts good events into her life. She's not a Barbie who buys all the hot stuff. But she keeps up with fashion. She has an individual style, and this makes her natural, real.

The eastern horoscope for compatibility predicts a snake woman and a dragon man great happiness in marriage. This is due to the compatibility of similar priorities in life and value postulates.

For them, the value of food, clothing, household environment is not in the first place. They have more lofty goals, namely to benefit people, explore the world, travel, create innovations. Such a union can give great results in the public sphere, marriage.

In creating a strong marriage, the initiative should come exclusively from the man. He must make it clear to his soul mate that he is ready to become a father and support a family, is ready to love his wife and children, to create a happy marriage. But even if he is ready, the woman herself is unlikely to be ready. After all, arrogance is stronger than the maternal instinct. Yes, they will be good together, but this is only for the time being. Only the birth of a child, caring for him and total care will weaken their egocentricity. Then, according to the horoscope of compatibility, this couple will reach a spiritual high level.

Snake Man, Dragon Woman

A man who was born in the year of the Snake is calm and wise according to the horoscope. He decides matters at the physical level with the mind, and in relationships with people, he is guided by the heart. He doesn't care to drive a foreign car or Zhiguli, live in his own house or in a rented apartment. He will not become happy from material goods. For him, the most important thing is the spiritual component, it is more important to give something than take it.

The Snake man according to the horoscope is calm and wise

He doesn't have that many horoscope friends because the others don't understand him. And that's okay. He does not suffer about this, but accepts everything as it is. And the dragon woman is an ambiguous personality. She is guided by not very ethical qualities, namely the thirst for money, pleasure, the desire to acquire a "tasty" state from life. She is the opposite of a snake man. And they are unlikely to succeed in marriage.

Is love between them possible according to the compatibility horoscope? It depends on the man. If he is willing to suffer from dishonesty, pride, selfishness and arrogance of the dragon woman, then the relationship, in the future, is doomed to success. According to the horoscope of compatibility, he will be able to revive the spiritual "I" that the devil killed in her. Then the man-snake will become the savior of the dragon. He himself knows that this is not an easy path. However, spiritual growth is always pain ... pain for both of them.

What's in store for you?

It is your right to believe the horoscope for compatibility in love, or to refute all of its recommendations. But in order to create a happy marriage for a man and a woman born in the year of the Dragon and the Snake, you need to break your ego in yourself. You will have to give in in your habits, outlook on life. We'll have to become an angel for the second half, because there is no point in being together. Be a shining sun for each other in the midst of darkness, and then your relationship will turn into a heavenly pleasure.

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