Home Preparations for the winter The folk wisdom of the Karaites is two or three sayings. Nar wisdom in proverbs and sayings. He who eats quickly works quickly

The folk wisdom of the Karaites is two or three sayings. Nar wisdom in proverbs and sayings. He who eats quickly works quickly

Where there is love, there is God.

Good feelings are neighbors of love.

Love conquers all.

Love and advice, but no grief.

God loves those who love.

The beauty is not famous, but who likes what.

Love us black, and everyone will love us white.

With love there is space everywhere, with evil there is cramped space everywhere.

The mind is enlightened by truth, the heart is warmed by love.

5. Aphorisms and quotes

Love is a reward received without merit. Ricarda Huch

Love is all. And that's all we know about her. Emily Dickinson

To love means to stop comparing. Bernard Grasse

Love is the most proven way to overcome shame. Sigmund Freud

When people do not agree on the main thing, they diverge over trifles. Don Aminado

The measure of love is love without measure. Modified Francis of Sales

It's so easy to be loved, so hard to love. Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Love should forgive all sins, but not the sin against love. Oscar Wilde

6. Works of art (literature, cinema, theater, painting)

Marc Chagall "Above the City"

Anton Viktorov – paintings with the word Love. Illustration – “Picture of Happiness”

Leonid Baranov Old age in love

7. Love and enterprise management

If lovers work together, they are distracted from work

If they don’t work together, they talk to each other on the phone during work hours, take time off to sort things out. problems.

Some companies encourage the formation of families within the enterprise in order to reduce staff turnover and make the business “family-like”, continuous from generation to generation (this applies to both management employees and ordinary employees).

Consultation for parents.

Folk wisdom in pOslowitzOhand sayingOh.

Sayings and proverbs are short sayings containing conclusions from observations of the environment. They are more understandable to elders children - six to seven years old. In a saying or proverb, their content is important. They were formed on the basis of a huge life experience. Proverb - belonging to adult speech. Children can hardly use it yet and are only just being introduced to this form of folklore. However, individual proverbs addressed to children can instill in them some rules of behavior, for example: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh.” It is most correct to use proverbs and sayings at the moment when circumstances clearly illustrate the proverb.

In adults, a stock of proverbs and sayings is usually created as a result of listening and reading fairy tales, folk epics, fiction, under the influence of the speech of others. It is bad if they “plan” in advance the use of proverbs and sayings. Folk expressions are alive only when they are said at the right time and place. Never from children should not be sought so that they use these expressions or, even worse, memorize them. It’s good if children catch humor in an adult’s speech and understand the edification in a proverb. If a saying or a separate expression, taken from a fairy tale or from an adult’s speech, occasionally flashes into a child’s speech, this will be a reward for his efforts, but the child should not be deliberately challenged to do this.

Life is given for good deeds.

Without roots, wormwood does not grow.

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.

Wear a dress - don’t take it off, endure grief - don’t tell it.

It will be busy, but it will also be quiet.

Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before the impact.

Grandmother said in two words: either it will rain or it will snow, either it will happen or it won’t.

God, God, and don’t be bad yourself.

To be afraid of misfortune is to see no happiness.

Either the chest is covered in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.

You'll go through the whole world by lying, but you won't come back.

Youth is a bird, and old age is a turtle.

The Russian does not joke with a sword or a roll of bread.

He who eats quickly works quickly.

Everyone is the smith of his own happiness.

See the tree in its fruits, and the man in his deeds.

Plowing is not playing the pipe.

Trying is not torture, and demand is not a problem.

Darn the hole while it's small.

Without taking up an ax, you cannot cut down a hut.

What is the master, so is the matter.

Where there is will, there is ability.

Know how to start, know how to finish.

The end is the crown of the matter.

Like the spinner, so is the shirt.

Leni is too lazy to take a spoon, but Leni is not too lazy to eat dinner.

“Shark, what are you sewing?” –

“And I, mother, will still flog you!”

Knocked it down, knocked it together, here's the wheel!

I sat down and drove off - oh, good!

I looked back - only the knitting needles were lying there.

Stupid and lazy - he does one thing twice.

A big talker is a bad worker.

If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

Even a wolf does not take a willing herd.

Together - not burdensome, but apart - at least drop it.

For a dear friend and an earring.

For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb.

Where there is harmony, there is treasure.

You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

A bird has wings, and a man has a mind.

And strength gives way to the mind.

You won't be smart with someone else's mind.

Don't ask the old, ask the experienced.

To be in an intelligent conversation is to gain intelligence, but to be in a stupid conversation is to lose yours.

Don't rush to answer, hurry to listen.

A long rope is good, but a short speech is good.

Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions.

Brag - don't mow, your back doesn't hurt.

Empty vessels make the greatest sound.

Don't teach a fish to swim.

In solitude, Thomas is a nobleman.

In the wrong hands the piece is big.

He was drowning - he promised an ax, but when they pulled him out, he was sorry for the axe.

Slander is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it gets dirty.

Every song has its end.

  • Read about Karaites: * Karaite religion - Karaism


The most important component of the spiritual culture of the Karai is their folklore, the origins of which have deep roots and go back to the time of the Crimean Khazaria. Wherein folk art preserved both the mention of the Khazars and stories very similar to those found among the Turks living in Altai.

The Karaites were helped to preserve their folklore by the tradition of keeping medjum, representing family collections in which they recorded folk legends, songs, as well as proverbs and sayings... Such collections were available in almost every family and, along with Old Testament, were considered the most valuable family heirlooms.

Folk wisdom played no less a role than the prescriptions of religion, served as a guide in relationships, helped in difficult moments. Proverbs and sayings, these “words of the fathers,” occupied a special place. There were many sayings, for all occasions. Often they had poetic form with rhyme and rhythm.

“The words of the fathers” say that customs and justice are half the faith, reflect the attitude towards native land, friendship, work, neighbor. There are a lot of edifications and aphoristic sayings, often with humor, unexpected epithets, and comparisons. Typical examples:

The foreign land is clay, and the Motherland is gold.
He who gives is pleasing to God.
Let your word match the amount donated.
God willing, pray, but if he doesn’t bring it home, work.
Like pearls the words of a wise man are precious, only the words of a fool will cause pain.
With a lion, be a lion, with a lamb, be a lamb, but with a donkey, don’t be an ass.
You are a khan, I am a khan, and there is no one to give hay to the horses.
He who exalts himself to the heavens will fall to the ground.
A fool can harness a horse, but a smart wind harnesses it.

There was a curious game in the past. Its participants took turns exchanging proverbs and sayings. Anyone who missed the turn was eliminated from the game. The verbal battles continued well into the night. The winner was honored and respected.

They often competed in improvising songs. Songs such as ditties - ranks and more extensive yyrs - were successful. These songs were quickly created and forgotten. More complex and longer-living songs of the Turky genre were passed down through generations, including ritual and heroic songs - destans. Among the most ancient songs, a lullaby about the beast butakhamor has been preserved, close in plot to the one known in Altai.

Interesting folk calendar. The names suyunch-ai - joyful month (February-March), einekun - day of great purity (Friday) and yukhkun - holy day (Sunday) also sounded among the Polovtsians. The word yuhkun is close to the names of the Karachais and Balkars, and the name kankun - day of blood (Wednesday) - among the Chuvash and Bashkirs.

Classes. Life

Ancient professions of the Karai: gardening, viticulture, cattle breeding, military affairs, carriage, crafts, small trade.

Like the Khazars, the Karaites led a seasonal lifestyle. In the spring they went to the gardens and vineyards, and migrated with their herds to the steppes and mountains. In the fall they returned to permanent settlements and engaged in crafts. The surnames reflect the professions: shepherd, hunter, wild animal catcher, gardener, beekeeper, milkman, baker, baker, cheese maker, carter, standard bearer, chumak, mechanic, saddler, coin minter, tanner, leather embroiderer, cooper, woodcutter, gatekeeper, porter, herald, teacher, etc.

The Karaites were considered among the best gardeners. Gardens and vineyards were located in the valleys of Alma, Kachi, Salgir, and Karasu. There was a saying: “If you work hard, the garden will welcome you, if you are lazy, you will run wild.” The gardens of S. Crimea, A. Babovich, and Prika were once famous. Their owners received awards at all-Russian exhibitions.

Tanners were very famous.

The Karai had a special passion for horses. Hence the sayings: “A good horse is strength for a Karaite,” “Without a horse is like without hands,” etc. On horses and oxen, the Karaite Chumaks set off from the Crimea to their fellow tribesmen in Galicia and Lithuania. The Karaite surname Chomak comes from the word “chomacha” - fetters, yoke.

Military professions were held in high esteem. The Karaites of the Kyrk-Yer fortress were ranked among the military aristocracy - the Tarkhans. In Lithuania, karai were part of the personal guard of Prince Vytautas. In 1914, 700 Karaites served in the Russian army, of which 500 were officers.

The Karaites led a lifestyle characteristic of the Turkic peoples. They were distinguished by patriarchy and unquestioning submission to the head of the house. National characteristics manifested themselves in the architecture of houses, furnishing details, clothing, and cuisine. Characteristic are the adherence to the color black and low dark astrakhan hats - Karaimkas, as they were called in the Crimea. From items ancient life- a device for kneading dough and processing leather - talkki, similar to the one known with a similar name among the Karachais and Altaians. Karaite embroideries with geometric and floral patterns and a characteristic closed rhythm find the closest analogy among the Kirghiz.

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