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Matronushka prayer for help in difficult times. How to pray to the old woman. Photo gallery: After death

“Helped, of course, and more than once!”

Most important points in my life:

Through her holy prayers, I found my own housing in my favorite area of ​​Moscow (there was a real chance to go to the other end of the city);

I found very Good work, which I could not even dream of (it was twelve years ago, but I still work here!)

Since then, with any difficulties, we have no doubts where to turn. We are going to the Danilovskoye cemetery to the chapel above the place where Saint Matrona of Moscow was buried. We tell her everything and we know that through her prayer to the Lord God, our problem will be resolved without fail. My granddaughters often ask me to go with them to their mother even for no reason. Just pray and be by your side.

Many miracles happen through the prayers of Saint Matrona. A year ago, we decided to build a wooden temple in honor of the holy blessed Matrona in Pakseng. This is in the south of the Arkhangelsk region, in the Velsky district, in the devastated and plundered former millionaire collective farm "Russia". Wonderful people live there; kind, bright, sympathetic, but, as elsewhere in the northern villages, low-income.

Through prayers to the saint and by the grace of God, the foundation and walls were rebuilt in a year, the belfry and the dome were commissioned. Isn't this a miracle?! I am sure that and interior decoration we will do it, and we will erect the iconostasis, and we will equip the altar. Since the beginning of construction, more than a hundred local residents received holy baptism. The holy blessed mother Matrona prays and helps.

“They take me from the stock exchange to a very serious organization”

Then there was a deplorable state with my brother’s work, and for the second time I read an akathist to Matronushka, and the next day he was accepted for a permanent job in this city-forming enterprise, although it was completely unrealistic to get there, despite the fact that my brother was without higher education. I think those who live in such small towns will understand me.

And for the third time, just recently, Matronushka again helped me with a job, getting a job, I immediately became pregnant and went on maternity leave, which I am very happy about!

"I couldn't get pregnant"

Hello! I live in Australia. Arriving in Moscow, I always venerate the relics of Matronushka. I asked for a child, because I could not get pregnant for a long time, and my prayer was answered a month later.

A little later, Matronushka appeared to me in a dream and warned me about the coming big trouble, and how to endure this test. I can't imagine my life without Saint Matronushka. Even on such a distant continent, she hears us and helps. Thank God for everything!

Maria Ostapenko
"Helped Meet My Husband"

Matronushka helped me meet my husband!

Through prayers to her, numbness in the hands disappeared!

Thank you dear!!!

Tatyana Kashigina
“Doctors issued a verdict: abortion medical indications»

In 2009 I got pregnant. I asked my husband to go to the second ultrasound together, as it turned out for good reason ... A female doctor, who, in front of me, gathered a council and delivered a verdict: “Girl. Six months (22-24 weeks). Teratoma of the sacrococcygeal region. Abortion for medical reasons.

Then I remember myself crying in the office of a geneticist, who inspired me that the child would be disabled, our pediatric surgeons do not know how to operate, they make tubes on the side instead of the rectum. And I doom the child to torment.

I remember how I went out to my husband and said: “Can you imagine! Girl!" And in my head there is such a confusion and the thought is spinning: “This is a girl, she is small, defenseless.” And I must say that since childhood (by God's providence) I had a great fear of abortion. More than anything, I was afraid of abortion!

Mom was also very worried, she cried, and soon she saw a program about Matronushka on the Soyuz TV channel (and it is a great miracle that an unbelieving mother was the first to “remember” about God!). Then, returning from work, I saw an ad at the bus stop with an invitation to pilgrimage to Matronushka in Moscow. Mom called me and said that I need to go.

Mother received me very warmly. We stayed near the shrine longer than expected, but no one said a word to us. Then we went to the temple and got some holy water. After that, I slowly began to get into the church. Congregated, took communion.

It's time to give birth. I prayed the best I could. The doctors made many diagnoses (preeclampsia, polyhydramnios), my legs gurgled from edema, there was a strong pinched nerve, only my husband lifted me up, she screamed in pain, she couldn’t get up, but she prayed normally! Stood, afraid to sit down! I prayed with trepidation! I trusted in the Lord and did not care about anything else.

In the prenatal room, I had to observe a “consultation” of doctors, when the doctors shouted at each other and refused to take birth with me, finally, they “kicked me back” to the head, saying that this was her interesting case, so let her take it herself. She suggested that I do C-section.

During the operation, I felt someone's presence. Female voice helped me read the prayer to Matrona of Moscow, explained that every word is important in prayer, every word has a meaning.

The daughter was taken to the children's hospital, to the surgical department. On the second day, the husband baptized his daughter, and in the church where he turned, they gave him the icon of Matronushka and told him to pray to her. The operation was performed on the third day after birth, it lasted three hours. The child was all this time and the next few days on the verge of life and death. I remember how my parents and husband arrived at the maternity hospital after the children's hospital and stood with gloomy, even black faces. I ask them: “Well, what? Died? They shook their heads, but the look was such that everything was utterly bad.

A few days later, my daughter was on the mend. On the ninth day, I was discharged from the hospital, and my daughter was transferred from intensive care to the therapeutic department, where we met. They lay for a long time. There were many miracles, small and bigger! When we were discharged, journalists came to us, interviewed us, filmed our daughter on camera. Doctors did not believe that the child would walk, but he moved his legs.

My mother-in-law did not believe in God. When I was still going to go pregnant to Matronushka, she dissuaded me, assured me that there would be no miracle. And so, after our discharge, they and their father-in-law read in the newspaper, which they subscribed to all their lives, a small article under the heading “Saran doctors performed a miracle”, and in the article they recognized me and their granddaughter. After that, the mother-in-law ran and bought the Matronushka icon!

Since then, the temple has been an integral part of my life with my daughter. Matronushka is a member of our family, and even our, unfortunately, unbelieving dad (husband) agrees with this.

Wonderful is the Lord in His saints!!! Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee!!!

!I dropped my wallet with the icon of Mother Matronushka a hundred kilometers from home!

Pray to God for us, Mother Matronushka! Helped ALWAYS!!!

I ardently asked for work - I received help the next day (more than once)!

She prayed for her son to determine who his friends were, threw a crooked path, mother Matronushka saved her son!

She dropped her wallet with the icon of Mother Matronushka with a consecrated petal a hundred kilometers from home. She grieved greatly that there was no other such icon. The wallet was brought to work by absolutely strangers three days later, the icon was in place! Thank God for everything!!! Pray to God for us, Mother Matronushka!

Anna. Odessa, Ukraine
And suddenly it opened up for me the whole world»

I believed in God in the way that was convenient for me: to go to the temple when there was no one there, cry about the pain, get what you asked for and forget about Him until next problem...

Once, by chance, a friend invited me to visit, and we spent the evening over a cozy cup of tea. She had the book “The Life of the Holy Matrona of Moscow” on her bedside table, and I really wanted to read it, but I did not dare to ask ... And when I was about to go home, this girl unexpectedly offered me to take the book. I read it in two days on my way to work.

And suddenly a whole world opened up for me: a poor little old woman, persecuted all her life, gives herself entirely to the service of God and people ... And here I am - healthy and strong, but doing absolutely nothing good, even praying is a burden for me. ..

And from that moment everything turned upside down... A few months later I was able to take communion, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord! Now I can’t imagine life without God, without the Church... There are many mistakes, falls, but I don’t see any other way in life...

And for everything I thank Mother Saint Matrona. I ask her forgiveness that I rarely remember her in my prayers, but despite this, she is like a piece of my heart for me, always infinitely dear and dear.

Holy Blessed Mother Matrono, pray to God for us sinners!

“Holy righteous woman, mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my trouble (...). Do not leave me for your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow, helping to solve problems and direct on the right path

“Blessed old woman Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Reason the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (...) Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow for healing and health

“Blessed old woman, Matrona of Moscow. Have mercy and deliver me from scabs and ulcers, from scars and obesity, but add Orthodox patience to me. Cast off sinful diseases and give me spiritual strength. Protect me from damage and curses, from the evil eye and hunchbacked writhing. Send down from heaven a faithful intercession and deliver me from a bad deed. May your will be done. Amen."

O blessed mother Matrono,
soul in heaven before the Throne of God coming,
Resting the body on the earth,
And the grace given to you from above exudes various miracles.
Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners,
In sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, the days of their dependent
Comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments,
From God to us according to our sin, allowed,
Deliver us from many troubles and circumstances,
Beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins
By them we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour,
Yes, with your prayers, having received grace and great mercy,
Let us glorify the One God in the Trinity,
Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit,
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Matron the Wonderworker for release from prison
It must always be remembered that no matter what sin a person commits, he must not be deprived of faith! It should always be in every human soul. To escape from imprisonment, you can also ask for intercession from the Matrona of Moscow. Before her face, the following prayer words should be read:

“Blessed Matryonushka, You plucked out the captive doctor Sergius by his prayer from prison, He became Lord Stefan, and remembering You all his life, before his father and mother, accepted a blessed death in the altar, on the week of the Myrrh-bearing Women.
Look now at the captive, suffering servant of God (name), in his difficult situation.
Begged the Lord of the Forces to deliver him from bondage, with the prayers of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow to the glory of Our Lady of the Ever-Virgin Mary, and the bloodless Sacrifice of Her Son, daily offered for the world.
May all his sins be washed away by the blood of the Lamb (3 times) You commanded the Myrrh-Bearers to rejoice; Thou, the Savior, is risen from the tomb, commanded his apostles to preach. Amen".

Saint Matrona of Moscow is one of the most revered Russian saints of the twentieth century.

She was already revered during her lifetime as a soothsayer and miracle worker. An endless stream of people came to her, thirsting for spiritual healing, guidance and prayerful help.

Through her prayers, the weak, the paralyzed, those suffering from mental and physical illnesses were healed. Her prophecies and predictions helped many to avoid danger and death, to find the right path in difficult circumstances.


About healing
. About help in everyday affairs
. About meeting with the betrothed
. On the preservation of marriage
. About motherhood
. About getting rid of drunkenness and drug addiction
. About help in solving material problems
. Help with studies and work
. On deliverance from suffering

Memorable dates:
  • Born in 1885. November 22 is Angel Day.
  • May 2, 1952 - Mother's death.
  • 03/08/98 - the acquisition of relics.
  • On May 2, 1999, she was canonized as a saint.
  • May 2 - Matrona Memorial Day

Matrona of Moscow- an Orthodox saint who had the gift of wonderworking from birth.
Her whole life has become an example of a great spiritual feat of love, patience, self-denial and compassion.
People came for help to mother for tens of kilometers with their illnesses, anxieties, sorrows.
The flow of pilgrims to venerate her holy relics does not dry out even today.

Matrena Dimitrievna Nikonova was born on November 10 (22), 1881. in the village of Sebino, Epifansky district, Tula province, in a poor peasant family. At baptism, she was named in honor of the Reverend Matrona of Constantinople. Her parents, Dimitri and Natalia, already had two sons and a daughter. Because of poverty, the mother decided to give her fourth child to an orphanage, but she had a dream. The unborn daughter appeared to her in the form sky bird from human face and closed eyes. Having accepted prophetic dream For a sign, the God-fearing woman gave up the idea of ​​giving the child to an orphanage.

The daughter was born blind, but the mother pitied and loved her "unfortunate child." To the surprise of her parents, she was born with a mark on her chest in the shape of a cross. And at baptism, when the priest lowered the child into the font, those present saw a column of steam or fragrant light smoke. The priest, Father Vasily, whom the parishioners revered as a righteous man, was incredibly surprised: "I have baptized babies a lot, but this is the first time I see this, and this baby will be holy."

The matron was not just blind, she had no eyes at all. But the Lord gave her spiritual sight. It is amazing that Matrona had the usual, like sighted people, idea of ​​the world around her: “God once opened my eyes to me and showed the world and His creation. And I saw the sun, and the stars in the sky, and everything on earth, the beauty of the earth: mountains, rivers, green grass, flowers, birds..."

In the seventeenth year, Matrona suddenly lost her legs. Until the end of her days she was "sitting". And her sitting continued for another fifty years. Mother herself never grumbled, but humbly carried the cross given to her by God.
Mother did not preach, did not teach. She gave advice, prayed and blessed. She was laconic, some of her general instructions remained, for example: "Why condemn others? Each sheep will be hung by its own tail. What do you care about other tails?"

What was the memory of Matrona to close people? With miniature, like children's, short arms and legs. Sitting cross-legged on a bed or chest. Fluffy straight hair. Strongly closed eyelids. Good bright face. Affectionate voice. She consoled, calmed the sick, stroked their heads, overshadowed sign of the cross, sometimes joked, sometimes severely denounced and instructed.

Before her death, Matronushka said: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me about your sorrows, as if alive, I will see you, and hear, and help you.”
And my mother said: "I will meet everyone who turns to me for help at their death, everyone."

She also instructed: “I’ll die, put candles on the canon for me, the cheapest ones, go to my grave, I will always be there, don’t look for anyone else. Trust me, and I will give you thoughts on what to do and how to act The time of charm is coming, do not look for anyone, otherwise you will be deceived.

How not to recall the words of Mother Matrona, said, perhaps, about our days: “If a people loses faith in God, then disasters befall them, and if they don’t repent, then they perish and disappear from the face of the earth. How many peoples disappeared, but Russia existed, and will exist. Pray, ask, repent! The Lord will not leave you and will keep our land!"

Matronushka found her last earthly shelter at the Skhodnya station near Moscow, where she settled with a distant relative. It is said that she foresaw the day of her death and made all the necessary arrangements. On May 2, 1952, she died and, at her request, she was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in order to "hear the service" (one of the few functioning Moscow churches was located there).

More than thirty years after the death of Matushka, her grave became one of the holy places of Orthodox Moscow - a place of unofficial pilgrimage, where people come from all over Russia and from abroad.

In 1999, the Matrona of Moscow was canonized as a locally venerated Moscow saint; general church canonization took place in October 2004

At present, the relics of the blessed one rest in the Moscow Intercession Convent, where they were transferred with the blessing His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II in May 1998 In addition, every year a shrine with parts of the relics of the Matrona of Moscow is transported for worship through the cities of Russia.

She is worshiped as "Grandmother of the Russian Land"

The blessed old woman Matrona of Moscow, as the grandmother of the Russian land, currently occupies higher worlds place of honor in the Supreme Board of Trustees human being, where she oversees the sphere of people's lives, interceding for them before God in the halls of the Heavenly Kremlin.

She has been given wide powers. in helping people with their daily worries and needs. She especially likes to help in the upbringing of children. All orphanages and kindergartens are under her care.

Blessed Matrona renders Special attention the homeless and orphans, as well as the unemployed and those left without a roof over their heads as a result of an accident.

You can turn to her with a prayer for finding your own home, for work, as well as for a successful marriage and in matters relating to the upbringing of children.

She can help looking for missing property. In terms of health, prayer to the blessed Matrona can help in healing eye diseases, dementia, cerebral atherosclerosis, gout, infertility, and hypertension. For diseases of the joints of the hands and feet.

Before turning to Matrona for help, it is advisable to make a donation to God in the temple in the form of any of following products: black bread, sugar, tea, milk, crackers and cookies, raisins, walnuts, vegetable oil, flour, honey, caramel sweets. Or you can give them in the form of alms to a beggar in the name of God on the street. You can feed a homeless dog or birds - pigeons and sparrows.

There is a custom to bring fresh flowers to the blessed Matrona. The aisle, where the shrine with the relics of the saint stands, is always buried in luxurious bouquets. The offering of some becomes a gift for others - everyone who comes to Matronushka is given one or more flowers by the local attendants at parting, whoever is lucky. Flowers that were consecrated on the relics before distribution are usually dried and stored at home in a red corner near the icons.
From flowers, you can bring her white chrysanthemums, white lilacs, red tulips, carnations and roses of any color.

. Matrona of Moscowhelps in spiritual growth man as his heavenly guardian spiritual development. It helps to open spiritual vision, which contributes to a person's awareness of his life tasks, helps him to resolve issues in accordance with the Divine will. Matrona helps the Guardian Angel and Heavenly Teachers lead a person through life in accordance with God's plan for him.

Elder Matrona especially patronizes representatives of the following professions: educators preschool institutions and orphanages, teachers, nannies, nurses, housekeepers, ophthalmologists, pediatricians, orthopedists, neurologists, watchmen and watchmen, trustees in parochial schools.

How you can get yourself
blessed Matrona

Her favorite month of the year is May. Therefore, all those born in May can count on her special intercession for them before the Higher Forces.

It is very good to pray to Matrona after the Russian bath, putting on a clean, preferably white, shirt or, for women dress and a white cotton handkerchief.

But also at any other time with sincere open heart a prayer to the blessed Matrona can also be heard if she is addressed with love and faith, humility and reverence.

If you want to earn the attention of the Blessed Matrona, feed at least once a week a poor person for a month in the name of God and out of respect for the Matrona. It is desirable, from their hands, or at least stand nearby. And then you can state your requests to the Blessed Matrona.

. If this proves difficult, prepare semolina without sugar, but sweet (for example, with honey) and feed the pigeons once a day for a week, thanks to God-sent food and mercy on flying birds.

. To earn her favor, feed at least two stray dogs. Let's say three times: in the name of God and in honor of the Matrona. Some people treated Matrona like a mongrel dog, therefore, by showing mercy to mongrels in the name of God and honoring Matrona, you can earn her quick attention.

Plant a mountain ash in your garden, you can chokeberry, in the name of God, for the good of nature in honor of Matrona. And this can also attract her mercy to your household and your family. She was very fond of rowan berries from frost. Feeling through them the bitterness of human troubles and the sweetness of the Divine World at the same time.

Prayers to the Blessed Elder Matrona

“For the service of Christ from the womb of the mother, the righteous Matrono, walking the path of sorrows and sorrows, showing firm faith and piety, you pleased God. Meanwhile, honoring your memory, we pray to you: help us to abide in the love of God, blessed old woman.

1. “O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and receive us, sinners, praying to you, having learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn in all your life,
with faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who resort, quick help and miraculous healing are given to everyone;
and now your mercy to us, unworthy, restless in this world of many vanities, will not be impoverished
and nowhere finding comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses:
heal our sickness, deliver from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting,
help me to carry my worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it,
keep the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for our neighbors;
help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God,
glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

2. “O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, your body is resting on the earth, and the grace given from above exudes various miracles.
Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our dependent days,
comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us according to our sins,
deliver us from many troubles and circumstances,
beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins,
image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour,
Yes, by your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, let us glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Prayer for the conception of a child

“Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and we tearfully pray to you.
As if having great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, in sorrow of the soul
abiding and help from you asking.
For the word of the Lord is true: ask and it is given to you and again:
as if two of you consult, on earth about every thing, even if she asks, she will be from My Father, who is in Heaven.
Hear our sighing and bring it to the throne of the Lord, and even if you stand before us, as the prayer of the righteous can do much before God.
May the Lord not completely forget us, but look from the heights of heaven on the sorrow of His servants and bestow the fruit of the womb on useful things.
Truly, God desires, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elisabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him.
May the Lord God do this to us also by His mercy and inexpressible love of mankind.
May the name of the Lord be blessed from now and forever. Amen."

Prayer for marriage

The very prayer for marriage to the Lord:
« Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything.
Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God.
Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me.
Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for industriousness and bless my labors.
Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title, consecrated by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your destiny,
for You Yourself said: It is not good for a man to be alone, and having created a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth.

Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you;
give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".


“We magnify you, holy righteous old woman Matrono, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.”

“Chosen by God from infancy and the gift of clairvoyance, miracle-working and healing by the grace of the Holy Spirit to the gifted, blessed old woman Matrona,
crowned with an incorruptible crown from the Lord in Heaven, we, Orthodox, weave on earth a crown of praise from spiritual songs.
You, blessed mother, accept this from our grateful hearts,
and as if having boldness before the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and wiles of the enemy,
Yes, with love we sing to you: Rejoice, blessed old woman Matrono, wonderful miracle worker.

According to www.st-nikolas.orthodoxy.ru, www.alltaro.ru

How to ask for help from Matronushka

You can contact Mother Matrona in many ways

Thousands of people flock to the grave of St. Matrona, to her relics and icons. Many who turned to her in tearful and humble prayer, she helped, taught, enlightened, healed of spiritual and physical ailments.
If you want to visit Mother Matrona, then come to the Intercession Convent in Moscow. Here you can venerate her relics and pray at the icon of the blessed old woman.

How to get to Blessed Matrona: metro station "Marksistskaya" or "Taganskaya", then by trolleybuses 16, 26, 63 and 63k to the stop "Bolshaya Andronyevskaya street - Intercession Convent"
You can get to the monastery on foot (10-20 minutes) from the metro stations: Taganskaya, Marxistskaya, Proletarskaya, Lenin Square, Rimskaya. The closest thing is from the Proletarskaya metro station, passing along Abelmanovskaya street to the Intercession Monastery.

The monastery is open for visiting from 07.00 to 20.00, Sundays from 06.00 to 20.00. After 20.00 access to the monastery is closed.

Even people with weak faith and those who come more out of curiosity, mother does not push away, but helps thereby strengthening them in faith. However, you can turn to Saint Matrona anywhere - including in the city where you live, in the temple you go to, and at home - the saints hear us anywhere.
In many churches there is an icon of the blessed old woman, in any corner the globe You can contact Matrona for help. And even if you don't know and can't read full prayer, turn with all your heart and mind to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow with a request to guide you on the path of truth and salvation. Pray and be heard!

You can read the prayers of the Holy Elder Matrona without leaving your home. You can contact the Holy Matrona:

Holy righteous mother Matrona, mother Matrona, Matronushka, our intercessor, blessed mother Matrona.

Short prayer: “Holy righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us!”

“Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my trouble (…..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“Blessed old woman Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Reason the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (....) Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It is advisable to ask Matrona in your own words. The main thing is that the request should come from a pure heart.

Those who need the intercession of Matronushka before the Lord can write a letter to Matronushka and send it to the Intercession Convent at the address: 109147, Moscow, st. Taganskaya, 58.

Pokrovsky website convent gave the opportunity to write to Matronushka email to the address of the monastery: mailto: [email protected]

You can also write a letter to Matronushka online on the websiteyou-matrona.com Your letters will be placed at the relics of the holy old woman.

You can put a candle to the icon of the Matrona of Moscow online at

Send us, Mother, boundless love and tenderness, become our protector and intercessor in life.

The Holy Matronushka of Moscow is one of those Orthodox saints who are especially revered in Russia. They turn to her for help in many everyday problems. At the forefront of people today are issues related to financial well-being and work. Do not think that the Matrona of Moscow grants wishes like a genie. Help from the saint comes only to those who are honest in their intentions and really need support. Practice shows that sincere prayer to Matrona helps to solve the most difficult problems with finances and work, as well as to find peace of mind.

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    In what cases does the Matrona of Moscow help?

    IN Orthodox Church no list life situations, in which it is worth contacting the Matrona of Moscow, but, as believers say, there were frequent cases of receiving help in the following questions: in case of illness, financial difficulties, job loss, unemployment, poverty.

    The saint can be addressed in other cases:

    • when it is necessary to change the position due to unacceptable working conditions;
    • when a person long time can't get settled;
    • in case of unreasonable reduction or dismissal;
    • when career growth does not go uphill;
    • with a lack of finances for food and family support;
    • in case of salary delay;
    • in case of problems with superiors;
    • when there is no suitable vacancy for the husband;
    • when a son or daughter has problems with work or financial difficulties;
    • with financial difficulties in the family.

    Strong prayers to Matrona of Moscow

    When a person has serious problems with a job or he cannot get a desired job for a long time, his hands begin to fall by themselves. Sometimes the trials sent to people by fate confuse them. In order for a person to be able to steadfastly overcome all difficulties, he should use one of the strong prayers to the old woman Matrona for help and support in work.

    Church ministers advise a person before such a prayer to remember where he sinned, to think about what actions could lead to the current situation and repent.

    About help at work

    You need to cast aside all thoughts and from a pure heart read one of the following prayers:

    Job problems are the most frequent occasion appeals of people to the old woman. Through prayer, many suffering people receive a good employer and a worthy position. As the priests in churches say, difficulties are just a tool to strengthen faith and fortitude, so you need to pray, do not lose heart, and then the Saint will definitely help!

    About financial help

    Sincere prayer to the Holy Matrona helps not only to improve the situation with work, but also to find a decent wages And financial stability. You should not ask for funds for luxury and entertainment, but for food, clothing and providing for the family - you are always welcome. After a prayer appeal to Matrona, many people received the necessary help in financial matters: income began to grow, and things gradually returned to normal.

    Prayer for Gaining wealth:

    In addition to prayer, the clergy advise to do something good for the people around: visit an orphanage, feed the homeless, donate some things and funds to charity. Both God and the Saints will appreciate a sincere good deed and thank you for your generosity.

    To solve all problems

    If a person has any special difficulties or problems in relations with superiors, work in general or with money, the following is read short prayer:

    They pronounce it for themselves. In addition to it, the following is read - a stronger and more penetrating prayer, which helps to increase the effect:

    If it is planned prayer appeal for a son, daughter, husband or other family members, you need to use the following in addition to the previous one:

    How to pray?

    You need to pray with a lit church candle or lamp, alone with yourself. Before prayer, it is advisable to wash and put on clean clothes. All thoughts about everyday affairs must be left outside the church or the room in which prayer will take place. You need to try to read from the heart, slowly and without being distracted from the sides. While reading, you can express veneration to the saint bows to the ground.

    You can turn to Matrona anywhere - in an apartment, a temple, in nature. If circumstances allow, you can visit the Intercession Monastery and venerate the relics of the saint - this is a good deed, and the ministers of the church welcome him. In such places, prayer reaches the saints and God faster and will be considered the strongest. For those who do not have the opportunity to visit the monastery in person, they can write a letter with a request and send it to his postal address. The monks and servants of the monastery will lay a letter to the relics. The matron will surely hear such a request and help.

    Another effective option is to pray at the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, which is located in almost every Orthodox churches. As the holy fathers report, such methods of offering prayers are not obligatory - all saints hear an appeal from anywhere on the planet.

    Prayers for help in work and money to Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Nicholas the Ugodnik, like the Matrona of Moscow, is one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy. Believers note that prayers to this saint truly have huge force capable of changing lives for the better.

    An appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in work or money matters can be used separately or in addition. When a person prays to two saints at once, his chances of getting what he wants increase. Both the Elder Matrona and Nicholas the Wonderworker will intercede for you. Be sure to remember that the intentions of the asking person must be pure and honest. Before applying, be sure to formulate your desire or mentally imagine what you are striving for.

    A strong prayer for help in monetary matters to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

    After this appeal, you can read in addition:

    For help in work and career growth, read the following prayers at the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

    At the end, you can verbally express a request for help, bow to the ground and thank the saint.

    Prayer has long established itself as effective remedy to solve everyday problems and heal the soul. But you should not place all your hopes only on her and expect that everything will change by itself. Sometimes physical efforts are required to successfully complete a particular task.

    Through prayer, strength, energy and opportunities are given, and whether the prayer will use these tools depends only on him.

Prayers to the Matrona of Moscow are always quickly heard by God. The saint was granted special mercy for her lifetime exploits. Mother lived 70 years without seeing white light, 53 years old, she was chained to a chair, but at the same time she received sufferers every day, helped everyone, sympathized. The old woman Matronushka is an example of the fact that no matter what conditions a person lives in, whether he is healthy or sick, he can glorify the Lord with his deeds.

Strong prayers

Strong prayers Matrona of Moscow will be helped in any difficult situation. Prayers came to her for advice in everyday needs, asked for healing. Foreseeing her near death, the saint bequeathed to light candles for her after death, to ask for everything - she will hear everyone and help.

The saint is most often prayed in the following cases:

  • in family affairs;
  • in a difficult position;
  • about help in business, work;
  • with financial problems;
  • about the health of children;
  • with infertility, about the conception of a child;
  • about the return of a loved one;
  • good luck;
  • about marriage.

Powerful prayer for all occasions:

You need to read the petition to the mother in front of her icon. For intensified prayers, the petition is read several times, for example, three or twelve. The number of repetitions is not magic, it helps to concentrate and drive away vain thoughts. Candles or a lamp in front of the image will help you tune in to prayer.

Prayer will help with financial problems: the saint is able to arrange an unexpected improvement in his financial situation.

We pray for good luck in business, about work

You can ask the Holy Matrona of Moscow for good luck in business. It is desirable to have an image of an old woman in the workplace or on the wall, not necessarily on public display. Every morning, as part of the morning prayer rule or separately from it, they read the prayer to the Matrona.

If you can’t get a job, or you’re unlucky with an employer, a prayer is read for Matushka to find a job. By agreeing to sin at work, for example: by selling low-quality, expired products, a person incurs the wrath of God as an accomplice in an unholy deed. Sins are the causes of many troubles: illnesses, failures, problems in the family. The matron, with her prayers, will invoke the mercy of God on the worker, help to find worthy place work.

Pray for work

Petitions for the arrangement of personal life, family happiness

It is advisable for girls who want to marry a worthy man to pray to Matronushka daily. If the betrothed has not been found for many years, it is advisable to go to the relics of the old woman, venerate them, praying for the need.

Petition for the arrangement of personal life, for the return of a loved one:

In this prayer, we turn to God as the Giver of all blessings. At the end, you can add a personal petition to Mother Matrona: “Holy old woman Matrona, lend me a helping hand, direct your holy prayers to the Lord, ask me for marriage. May the Will of God be done. Amen".

For couples, especially childless, living in a marriage without a wedding, she blessed to get married. In the Sacrament of Marriage, special grace is invoked on family happiness and childbearing.

Prayer for the health of the child

If the child is unwell, the invocation said with faith: “Holy mother Matrona, help! "- can work a miracle. This does not cancel medical care, but the baby's condition can improve significantly. In serious cases, you can read the general prayer of the saint, adding a request for healing in your own words.

A self-made prayer for the health of the baby is distributed on the network. It is not entirely canonical, but such a cry for help will certainly be accepted by the Lord.

Prayer for the health of the child:

Holy Prayer

If the situation with health or affairs is not resolved in any way, it is necessary to call for the help of the church and the ambulance Matron. In the temple, you should order a prayer service for health in front of the icon of the saint.

Prayer for health - a church prayer for any need. When ordering a prayer service, a note is filled out with the names of those baptized in Orthodoxy, it is indicated which saint should be prayed to.

church prayer when the whole church prays in the person of those gathered - this is a particularly strong prayer. After the prayer service, the priest sprinkles all the participants with holy water, which calls for the grace of God. At the end, the priest delivers a sermon in which someone will hear instruction for himself.

In her instructions, Matrona said: “I’ll die, put candles for me, go to my grave, I will always be there. Tell me everything, and I will give you thoughts on what to do and how to act. Prayers to the old woman can call on the necessary thoughts that will prompt the right decision or way out of the situation.

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