Home Blanks for the winter Forest pest insects. Entomophages and beneficial insects of the forest. The most dangerous diseases and pests of forest plantations The main pests and diseases of the forest

Forest pest insects. Entomophages and beneficial insects of the forest. The most dangerous diseases and pests of forest plantations The main pests and diseases of the forest

List the types of pests and types of forest diseases that exist on the territory of the nearest forestry enterprise. Indicate the family, genus, species (Latin name) of at least 10 species of insects, their food breed, list the types of diseases, indicate the causative agents of diseases

Pine silkworm(cocoonworm) - Dendrolimus pini L. Order Lepidoptera - Lepidoptera, family of cocoons - Lasiocampidae. The main fodder species is Scots pine. Female butterflies with filamentous antennae; their wingspan is from 5 to 9cm. Males with feathery antennae; their wingspan is from 4 to 7 cm. The general color of the wings, the color of pine bark, is sometimes more gray, sometimes more reddish. Testicles up to 3 mm long, with a diameter of up to 2 mm. Freshly laid testicles are light green, later gray, with a dark point at the micropilar end. They are located in piles on needles, twigs, trunk bark.

Caterpillars are gray or dirty reddish, the color of pine bark. Well distinguishable from other caterpillars by two transverse stripes on the meso- and metanotum, consisting of stinging steel-blue hairs. Taking a threatening pose, the caterpillar raises the front part of the body, bends its head and opens these transverse stripes widely. In caterpillars of the first instar, these transverse stripes are colored black. Pupa resinous brown, covered with very short and delicate yellow-brown hairs

Caterpillars of the first instar serrate the needles of a given year along the edges, especially their upper part. Caterpillars of subsequent instars prefer to feed on needles of previous years, eating them entirely and leaving only the base of the needles, covered by the vagina (penechek). The detection of several dozen pieces of feces on average per 1 m 2 of a calomer plot or 5-10% of damaged needles, or 2 adult caterpillars or cocoons or butterflies on an area of ​​100 m 2 should signal the need to strengthen supervision in the next generation and conduct control records in supervised plantings.

Siberian cocoonworm(silkworm) Dendrolimus superans sibiricus Tschetw order Lepidoptera Lepidoptera family Coconut moths Lasiocampidae Damaged species: larch, fir, cedar, spruce, dwarf pine.

The nature of the damage Caterpillars destroying the needles, In the dark coniferous taiga, they often cause complete drying out of forest stands. Mass reproduction begins in stands with a predominance of fir, then spreads to stands of a different composition

Morphology Caterpillars up to 11 cm, hairy, silvery-gray on the back, golden on the sides with frequent black specks. On the mesonotum of caterpillars, there are black-blue spots of stinging hairs that can cause a burning sensation and an allergic reaction. Butterflies are large, grayish-brown, with transverse dark brown wavy stripes and a small white spot near the middle of the fore wing

Pine scoop, or pine bat, - Panolis flammea Den. et Schiff. (-piniperda Panz. -griseovariegata Goeze)

Systematic position - order Lepidoptera - Lepidoptera, family moths - Noctuidae.

Butterflies are reddish - or greenish - brown, matching the color of pine buds that have begun to grow; their wingspan is 2.5 - 3.5 cm. The testicles are hemispherical, slightly flattened from above, at the apex with a tubercle surrounded by a fossa, not reaching which 50 ribs go on the lateral surface in the meridional direction, clearly distinguishable in a magnifying glass. Caterpillars are green with five white stripes and an orange lateral stripe above the legs. Young caterpillars have a black head, middle-aged and older ones have a reddish-brown head. Pupae are reddish-brown, slightly shiny, 2.0-2.2 cm long.

The nature of the damage... Typical damage caused by caterpillars of the pine scoop is manifested in the fact that they eat the needles on the shoots in May of the current year. Such damage is usually not caused by other pine needles.

Pine moth - Bupalus (Fidonia) piniarius L.

Systematic position - order Lepidoptera - Lepidoptera, moth family - Geometridae

Damages Scots pine.

Butterflies have a wingspan of 3-4 cm; the forewings of the male are dark brown, with yellowish and whitish large longitudinal spots at the anterior and inner margins. Testicles 1.1 x 0.5 x 0.25 mm weakly shiny, flattened-ellipsoidal, slightly depressed from the lateral surface, with a delicate structure, light green, then yellowish-green, mother-of-pearl before hatching. Caterpillars about 30 mm, bluish-green with five longitudinal white stripes, of which two lateral ones pass to the head and reach the base of the upper jaws. Below them on the sides (above the legs) there are yellowish stripes.

Pupae 7-15 mm long, shiny, green at first, and then yellowish-brown.

Silkworm unpaired, or unpaired, - Ocneria (Lymantria, Porthetria) dispar L. Systematic position - order Lepidoptera - Lepidoptera, family of cocoon moths - Lasiocampidae.

Butterflies are very variable in size and color. Females have a wingspan of 4 to 9 cm, white, often with a gray or brown tint. On the forewings there are four transverse black zigzag stripes, which can be developed to varying degrees up to their almost complete disappearance. Testicles are spherical, somewhat flattened at the poles, 0.8 X 1.3 mm, smooth, shiny, freshly deposited pinkish; further turn yellow and gray as the embryo develops. Caterpillar is freshly hatched, 16-footed, light yellow, rapidly darkening, with a matte black head and six longitudinal rows of warts bearing long thin and short bristle-like hairs (aerophores). Pupa from dark brown to black, matte or with a faint shine. The dorsal side, head and abdomen are covered with bunches of short, not dense red hairs sitting on indistinct warts.

Forage breed: in various parts of its vast range, the gypsy moth is associated with various forest formations, a variety of tree and shrub species. It can feed on many not only deciduous, but also conifers and, above all, local forest-forming species.

The nature of the damage - caterpillars do not eat sparingly, especially in the last two instars. Leaves fall to the ground and account for about a third of the amount of leaves consumed by caterpillars for food. In this regard, the damage caused by caterpillars in May is hardly noticeable and is compensated by the growth of leaves, while in June it increases rapidly. However, in plantations overpopulated with caterpillars, all leaves can be eaten already in the second half of May.

Green oak leafworm - Tortrix viridana L. Systematic position - order Lepidoptera - Lepidoptera, family

leaf rollers - Tortricidae.

Butterflies. The wingspan of green oak leafworm butterflies is 1.8 - 2.5 cm; front wings emerald green without pattern; chest of the same color. The hindwings are gray, the abdomen is darker, the fringe of the forewings is light. Females and males are difficult to distinguish. The testicles of a green oak leaf roll, 0.7X0.8 mm in size, ovoid, flattened, first light yellow, then orange and brown, are deposited in pairs, occasionally three testicles, most often in depressions near leaf scars or in other irregularities in the bark of thin oak twigs, at the forks between them.

The caterpillar of the green oak leafworm is green, the head is black-brown, in young caterpillars it is black, often the dorsal shield is brownish or greenish-yellow, behind with two black spots. The pectoral legs are black; warts (plaques) on the body are distinct, larger black on the sides of the body. The length of an adult caterpillar is up to 1.8 cm. The caterpillars live in leaves rolled into a tube and feed on them. Pupae of the green oak leaf roll are black, less often dark brown, 0.8 - 1.2 cm long.

Forage species - oak is the main forage species.

Willow wolf Leucoma salicis L. order Lepidoptera Lepidoptera, family Volnanki Lymantriidae.

Nature of damage: Caterpillars eat leaves. However, the trees in the outbreaks usually do not dry out and endure continuous eating for 2 years, since even after continuous eating, in the second half of the same summer, they form compensation leaves that are large in size.

Forage species: poplar, aspen, willow.

Caterpillar up to 5 cm long, hairy, along the back with a number of large yellowish spots, on the sides with narrow yellow stripes. Each segment of her body has a transverse row of several red warts. Pupa black, shiny, with pale spots, with tufts of long pale hairs. The butterfly is completely white.

Red pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr, order Hymenoptera Hymenoptera, family True coniferous sawflies Diprionidae

Forage species: Pine, cedar.

Nature of damage: caterpillars eat needles.

The adult larva is 2 - 2.5 cm long. The head is black. The body is dark gray to black, covered with spines. On the back there is a light median stripe, tapering back and bordered on both sides by narrow black stripes. Above stigmas there is a wide black stripe bordered on top by off-white stripes on the bottom, almost pure white stripes.

Spanish fly Lytta vesicatoria L., order Coleoptera Coleoptera, family Nitters Meloidae

Damaged species: Ash and many other deciduous trees and shrubs. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, there are cases of mass feeding of beetles on lilacs.

Nature of damage: Beetles eat leaves, forming a serrated fringe along the edge or eating the entire leaf, up to the median vein.

Birch moth Biston betularius L., order Lepidoptera, family Geometridae

Forage species: Birch, poplar, caragana, ash and other deciduous trees, as well as various shrubs, shrubs and grasses, including, for example, quinoa.

Nature of damage: Caterpillars eat leaves (young ones gnaw holes in them, older ones eat leaves whole).

Caterpillars up to 5 cm long, brown, yellow-green or gray, with large white warts on the 8th and 11th body segments. The wingspan of the butterflies is 4-5 cm, the color is light with numerous dark stripes.

Small spruce false shield Physokermes hemicryphus Dalman, order Homoptera proboscis Homoptera, family False shields and pillows Coccidae

Forage breeds: Spruce of different types, the most severely damaged spruce, Siberian and prickly.

Nature of damage: Females and larvae feed on sap, which is sucked out of the branches. As a result, the shoots are weakened, while the needles become shorter, turn brown and fall off prematurely; branches dry out, plant growth slows down. The sugar-rich secretions of females, known as honeydew, harbor molds and form the so-called moles.

The larvae are crimson, flat, later they acquire a convex, rounded shape. The adult female is brown or reddish-brown, smooth, shiny, swollen, like a plant bud, 3-4 mm in diameter.

Larch graded cancer(the causative agent lachnellula willkommi hartid) - plagues European and Siberian larch of all ages, but is especially dangerous for trees under 10 years of age. Chronic illness. It manifests itself in the form of stepped cancerous ulcers on young shoots, resinous wood and eccentricity of the trunk.

Infection occurs through wounds and frost holes.

Ash endoxylin cancer(pathogen endoxylina stellulata) - affects ash trees com. In ripening and mature stands of the II and III quality classes. It manifests itself in the form of multi-stage ulcers of an elongated-oval shape (trunks) and circular necrosis on the branches. A destructive rot with a marble pattern develops in the wood.

Control measures - creation of mixed crops and selection of infected, oppressed and damaged trees during thinning.

Crifonecritic chestnut cancer(the causative agent of cryphonectrica parasitica) - affects beech, oak, hornbeam, hazel, but it is especially dangerous for chestnuts over 15 years old. chronic illness. It manifests itself in the form of the acquisition of a reddish-brown color by the bark and its withering away and subsidence. On the exposed wood, stepped cancer and orange-reddish mycelium films appear. Infection occurs through mechanical wounds.

Control measures - internal quarantine. Clear sanitary felling, sanitary cleaning of the cutting area, incineration of felling residues.

Pine sponge(pathogen phellinus pini) - affects pine and some conifers. Causes variegated spring rot on trunks of living trees. It is diagnosed by the fruiting bodies of dark brown or grayish-brown color having the shape of caps or hooves, measuring 2-17 cm in diameter and up to 9 cm thick. Infection occurs with basidiospores through mechanical wounds of various origins.

Spruce sponge(the causative agent phenllinus pini pil. Var. abietis karst) - spruce rarely affects other conifers. Causes brown sound rot in trunks. It is diagnosed by the fruit bodies of a tiled shape, reddish-brown or grayish-black in color. The fruiting bodies of the tinder fungus are encircled by twigs from below. Infection occurs with basidiospores through mechanical wounds of various origins.

Control measures - sanitary felling with removal of affected trees and burning of felling residues.

Lisvenichi sponge(the causative agent fomitopsis officinalis bond. Et sing) - affects larch less often other conifers. Causes brown sound rot in trunks. It is diagnosed by the fruiting bodies of a cylindrical or hoof-shaped shape, with a blunt or rounded edge. Infection occurs with basidiospores through mechanical wounds of various origins.

Control measures - sanitary felling with removal of affected trees and burning of felling residues.

Tinder fungus Schweizin(the causative agent phaeolus schweitzi pat) - affects pine, spruce, larch, sometimes fir and cedar over 60 years old. It is diagnosed by flat or funnel-shaped fruiting bodies up to 40 cm in diameter. Infection occurs through mechanical wounds of various origins.

Control measures - sanitary felling with removal of affected trees and burning of felling residues.

Sulfur yellow tinder fungus(causative agent laetioporus sulphureus bond) - affects the lower parts of the trunks of oak and other deciduous species. Causes red-brown heart rot of trunks and leads to the formation of a hollow. It manifests itself in the form of hearth bodies with a rounded shape, light yellow or pinkish-orange surface color, reaching up to 40 cm in diameter. Infection occurs through mechanical wounds of various origins.

Control measures - sanitary felling with removal of affected trees and burning of felling residues.

False tinder fungus ( the pathogen phellinus igniarius quel.) - affects living deciduous trees of different species and ages. Causes white sound rot in trunks. It is diagnosed by the fruiting bodies of a hoof-like, nodular, flattened-flat or cushion-shaped form of a reddish or dark gray color .. Infection occurs through mechanical wounds of various origins.

Control measures - sanitary felling with removal of affected trees and burning of felling residues.

Man conquers more and more territories from nature. In this struggle, he is opposed by an army of pests: insects, microorganisms, animals. Expecting a high harvest, we sometimes unexpectedly encounter a huge number of uninvited guests in the field, in the garden, or in the garden. It's too late to deal with pests while they destroy our plantings. It is best to take care of prevention.

Pest classification

Agricultural pests are classified into:

  • Insects.
  • Microorganisms.
  • Worms and slugs.
  • Animals.

Pests are divided on a territorial basis. They can be specific to your region, or they can be found in gardens and vegetable gardens everywhere. Certain pests, most often microorganisms, are characteristic only of greenhouses. According to the type of damage, the enemies of agricultural crops are divided into:

  1. Root system pests.
  2. Eaters of leaves and stems.
  3. Pests of ovaries and kidneys.
  4. Fruit shredders.


Microorganisms are airborne or enter with damage from other pests. Distinguish between obligate microorganisms that do not exist outside the plant, and conditionally phytopathogenic, capable of living in other environments. The first group is dangerous in that, being unable to exist outside the carrier, it uses its full potential, significantly weakening agricultural crops. The second form can be transmitted over long distances and cover large areas. Just like insects, garden pests are highly specialized on one group of plants. Plants are harmed by:

Among plant pests, the class of worms includes nematodes, which mainly affect the roots. Slugs are content with leaves and shoots. There are many folk remedies for dealing with them. Slug is noticeable in the garden, and the harm from its activities is also noticeable. This gave rise to a lot of signs. Slugs belong to the class of gastropods. More than anything else, they love the ripe fruits of garden strawberries. A snail is the same slug, only with a shell. Can eat the leaves of cabbage, cucumber, horseradish and other plants. If the leaf is damaged, pathogenic microorganisms are introduced, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. The plant is forced to compensate for their growth through fruiting.

Rodents cause great harm to agricultural crops. They damage both roots and fruits. There are cases of spoilage of crops by large flocks of birds.


In order to understand which insects are considered pests, it is necessary to classify them. Many of them are involved in pollination of plants, destroy fungi, and improve the composition of the soil. Although it is not only phytophages that can cause damage, all insect pests of fields and gardens are divided according to the type of food:

  1. Monophages - eat only one type of plant, one type of fruit: pear moth, Colorado potato beetle.
  2. Oligophages eat plants of the same family: cabbage moth, for example.
  3. Polyphages eat everything, including the cabbage scoop, locusts.

Variety of insect pests

Agricultural pests are found among many orders:

  • Legtail - more than 2000 species have been discovered, are extremely resistant, live in humid places, feed on molds, sometimes undermining young growth of plants.
  • Hemiptera - over 40,000 species have been identified, all of which feed on plants, sucking juices and leaving a sugary bloom on the leaves that impedes the process of photosynthesis. Plants are often infected with viral diseases. The most famous representatives: cicadas, leaf flies, aphids, bugs, scale insects, scale insects.
  • Thrips - no more than five thousand species. The order is divided into two suborders, representatives of one of which are phytophages, and the other are predators, destroying smaller pests.
  • Hymenoptera - includes the families of sawflies and horn-tails. Harmful to forests and forest plantations. Typical representatives are pine sawfly, birch horntail.
  • Diptera are represented by flies and mosquitoes. Some representatives perform an important pollination function. Onion and daffodil flies harm the garden and flower garden.
  • Lepidoptera, or butterflies, do not harm plants by participating in pollination. The laid-off larvae destroy parts of the plant. They are represented by the families: scoops, moths, whiteworms, volyanka, crested beetles, cocoon-weavers, ermine moths, woodworms, glass moths.
  • Orthoptera are an extremely numerous order numbering more than 20,000 species. Among them are the most dangerous pests, for example, locusts. These voracious insects are field pests. Locusts can fly over great distances and gather in huge swarms. Bears are no less dangerous, appearing in the garden, they also massively destroy young growth.
  • There are 250,000 species of beetles or coleoptera. They not only destroy parts of plants, but also affect crops in barns and can cause disease in domestic animals. It is worth mentioning not only what pests exist among beetles. Most coleoptera are carnivores that feed on their classmates. Some are beneficial by destroying dead organics, like a dung beetle. Beetles are classified into many families. Among the predators: ladybugs and ground beetles. Forest pests include longhorn beetles (oak, poplar, willow), lamellar beetles (may beetle, beetle, scabbard), as well as bark beetles. Pests of agricultural crops are weevils, tube-twirls, golden beetles and click beetles. The main enemies of the fields are leaf beetles, including the famous Colorado potato beetle.

Forest pests

Pests can also be classified according to the objects to which they harm. Forest pests damage trees and shrubs. They are especially harmful to forest plantations and young growth, parks and reserves. They are divided into leaf-eaters and those that feed on needles. The damage to forests by pests on the territory of the Russian Federation ranges from 0.1% to 25-29% of the total forest area. For example, the list below shows the maximum damage to forest areas in the European part of Russia, which was occupied by forest pests, for the period from 1977 to 2000.

  1. Gypsy moth - 2063.72 hectares.
  2. Green oak leaf roll - 1103.28 hectares.
  3. Goldtail - 412.2 hectares.
  4. Siberian silkworm - 0.89 hectares.
  5. Pine silkworm - 30.18 hectares.
  6. Nun silkworm - 66.29 hectares.
  7. Pine moth - 40.22 hectares.
  8. Pine scoop - 30.97 ha.
  9. Red pine sawfly - 113.50 hectares.
  10. Common pine sawfly - 42.26 hectares.

The mass reproduction depends on external conditions and the variety of pests. The outbreak of population growth has been taking place for seven generations. There are 4 phases, during which growth rates may differ. At the beginning of the outbreak, the growth is insignificant, followed by a steady growth, a sharp outbreak in numbers. After almost all the leaves have been destroyed, the increase in the number of insects subsides. The most dangerous are bark beetles, glass beetles, horn-tails, woodworms. All of them lead a hidden lifestyle in the trunk, gnawing through the passages. This leads to damage to the marketability of wood and drying out of the wood. Forest pests can spread to gardens.

Field pest insects

The greatest damage to the national economy is caused by this type of pest. Among the most dangerous:

Specific crop destroyers

It is difficult to calculate which pests of the fields bring the most losses. Cereals are harmed by bread sawers, some types of thrips, barley moth, green-eyed moth. Peas and legumes are harmed by aphids, pea leafworm and caryopsis, caterpillars of metal-gamma. The flax worm eats not only flax, but also peas. Hay mowing grasses are mainly damaged by scoops, whose larvae feed on roots and seedlings. Buckwheat is prevented from developing by a blizzard, a meadow moth. All kinds of leaf beetles do more harm to garden crops: carrot fly, cabbage moth, cabbage caterpillars and rape sawfly, cabbage weevil. Insect pests of fields and vegetable gardens are numerous. It is difficult to mention all of them.

Garden pests

The first place in this group is by no means the moth. Although they are undeniably dangerous garden pests. Before the crop is ripe, buds and ovaries should appear. Multiple insect pests can destroy your garden in early spring. Fruit crops are harmed by:

  1. Various weevils and tube worms laying larvae in buds.
  2. Whitewaters, volyanki, cocoon-worms damaging the leaves.
  3. Insect-sucking pests: aphids, flies, mites.

All kinds of scale insects (plum, acacia, comma-shaped, apple false-Californian) harm tree trunks. Scabbards are so named because they cover their body with a wax shield. Under reliable protection, they feel great, sucking juices from plants. These insect pests multiply very quickly and cover the entire tree within a few hours after the larvae emerge. Berries are also harmed by the raspberry beetle, nematodes, glassworms, Californian scale insects, and raspberry gall midge.

Control methods

There are many ways to protect gardens, vegetable gardens and fields, as well as forests and parks. Annual control of insect pests is just as important as soil fertility and moisture. There are both specific methods aimed at destroying one type of insect, and general ones. The methods are divided into:

  • Agrotechnical - these include cleaning fields and orchards after harvesting. By depriving insects of a place for wintering, their mass reproduction can be prevented. Breeders are constantly creating new, pest-resistant varieties. Plants must be properly planted. Maintain the required distance. Alternate between different types, observe crop rotation. This will reduce the damage caused by insect pests to the garden and vegetable garden.
  • Biological methods involve the settlement of agricultural areas by the enemies of insects. These can be birds and rodents, predatory insects, as well as actinomycetes, bacteria and viruses. Insect pests are eaten by their natural enemies or die from diseases that are harmless to humans and plants. Pheromone traps also belong to biological control agents.
  • Mechanical methods involve the manual collection of larvae and insects, as well as the complete removal of infected plant parts.
  • Physical methods involve the treatment of the affected material with high or low temperatures, electric current. They are mainly used against barn pests.
  • Chemical - are widely used in agriculture, involve treatment with pesticides and other poisons. No substance is completely selective and is harmful to humans and other organisms. To combat chemical methods, complex technical means are used - airplanes, various sprayers, fumigation chambers. Chemical methods are controversial, but are the cheapest and most effective. Once treated, plant pests cannot do significant damage to your crop. In order to prevent pesticides from getting into agricultural products, pesticides are used for preventive purposes, before fruiting.

The wisdom of nature has created mechanisms for regulating the number of species. So, the ladybug feeds on aphids, and the birds destroy caterpillars and scale insects on trees. Natural enemies of our enemies will help to reduce the number of intruders in the garden and vegetable garden. Do not rush to use a wide spectrum of chemicals. Not all insects are plant pests, some can be beneficial.

Federal Agency for Education

Bratsk Pulp and Paper College

By discipline Forestry

Forest pests


Forest pests are organisms that damage various parts, organs and tissues of trees and shrubs. As a result, the growth and fruiting of plants is reduced, the renewal and growth are disturbed, their dying off and damage, first of all, to wood occurs. The overwhelming majority of forest pests belong to the class of insects; some species of mites and vertebrates, especially rodents and lagomorphs, harm to a lesser extent. As part of the forest fauna, pests organically enter the forest community. In virgin (natural) forests, their vital activity does not lead to any destructive consequences and does not harm the existence and renewal of forest vegetation. But forest pests interfere with the rational use of the forest for a person, therefore they are also called forest pests. In each ecological and economic group there are massive species that periodically reproduce in huge numbers over a large area and cause significant harm; species of limited distribution, forming local foci of mass reproduction; species capable of causing damage, but not realizing potential harmfulness in a given area under existing conditions. By the nature of forest damage by pests, they can be divided into two groups: focal (concentrated, concentrated) and diffuse (scattered, dispersed) damage. In turn, each of these groups, according to the degree of territorial distribution, is subdivided into large-scale and local damage.

The overwhelming majority of wood pests are insects. Depending on the habitat and the nature of the diet, the nature of the damage caused, forest pests are divided into specialized groups - pests of foliage and needles (needles and leaf-gnawing (primary)), attacking healthy plants; stem (secondary) attacking weakened trees; root, or soil-dwelling; pests of fruits and seeds.


Needle- and leaf-gnawing pests are especially diverse and numerous; include representatives of various orders of forest insects that feed on leaves (needles). The foliage and needles are mainly damaged by the larvae of butterflies (caterpillars), less often by the larvae of sawflies, in isolated cases - by beetles (from the family leaf beetles) and some other insects. In the larval and adult stages, they lead an open way of life (only some in the larval phase live inside the leaves), therefore, they are directly influenced by various climatic factors. Some of the needles and leaf-gnawing insects (butterflies, sawflies, weavers) are characterized by large fluctuations in numbers; for others (leaf beetles, elephants, blisters, etc.) - more moderate; they form centers mainly in young plantations, parks and field protection belts. Under favorable conditions, forest pests periodically give outbreaks of mass reproduction. Each outbreak usually takes 7 generations of pests and consists of 4 phases: initial (the number of the pest increases insignificantly), the increase in number (pest foci are formed), the outbreak itself (forest pests appear in mass and heavily eat up the crowns of trees), crisis (the outbreak fades out). During an outbreak of mass reproduction, pine and leaf-eating insects in a relatively short time can spread over hundreds of thousands of hectares and cause severe damage to forests, causing loss of growth, strong weakening and subsequent drying out of trees or entire plantations. Trees tolerate crown-eating differently. The most sensitive to this damage are dark conifers - fir, cedar pine and spruce, in which the loss of 70 - 80% of the needles leads to the inevitable death of the tree. Scotch pine, as a rule, safely tolerates one complete eating, and larch - two times. Deciduous species are much more resistant.

The reasons for the outbreaks of reproduction of leaf and needle-eating insects are still not entirely clear. Needle-gnawing insects usually damage a somewhat weakened forest stand more strongly; for leaf-gnawing insects, this has not yet been proven. Outbreaks or at least increases in the number of many wood pests (for example, the gypsy moth, pine scoop, pine moth, pine sawfly) are repeated at intervals of 10 - 12 years and are strictly timed to certain phases of the 11-year cycle of solar activity, but the mechanism of this phenomenon is up to still unknown. In terms of their effect on plants, sucking insects - aphids, coccids, leaf flies, etc. - are in many ways similar to leaf-eating pests.

In the pre-war years, in a number of regions of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Kugarchinsky, Buraevsky, etc.), the caterpillars of this pest, having destroyed the foliage of the trees, moved to grain fields. Over the past century, outbreaks of its number were noted at least 10 times. In 1961, over 250 thousand hectares of plantations in the republic suffered from the gypsy moth. A strong outbreak in the number of this species was noted in the late 70s. The butterfly flies in July-August. Eggs laid in the butt part can withstand frosts up to 60 o. WITH

Unpaired silkworm

Among these pests, the most dangerous is the Siberian silkworm (Siberian cocoon moth) - a butterfly of the cocoon moth family. It is a large butterfly (females have wingspan of 60-80 mm, males - 40-60 mm), the color of which varies from light brown to black. Occurs from the Urals to Primorye. The female lays eggs (200-800 per clutch) on needles, branches and tree trunks. After 2-3 weeks, caterpillars up to 7 cm long appear, feeding on needles and hibernating under the forest floor. In the spring they climb into the crown and eat old needles, and in the fall they again go to winter. In the spring of the third year, the caterpillars feed on the Siberian cocoon moth most intensively and pupate in the cocoon in June. A month later, butterflies emerge from the pupa. Outbreaks of outbreaks occur after 2-3 dry years and last 7-10 years. The outbreaks arise in forests thinned by felling and fires.


Stem pests are very numerous; they belong to the orders of beetles (mainly bark beetles, barbel beetles, golden beetles, weevils), hymenoptera (horn-tails) and butterflies (woodworms, glassworms). Borers, grinders, etc. are of lesser importance. As a rule, they lead a hidden lifestyle, only adult insects live openly (in bark beetles, they spend most of their life inside tissues). They develop under the bark and in the wood of the trunk and branches, gnawing passages in the bast, cambia and in the living layers of sapwood (often having a characteristic shape for each species), often cause trees to dry out or lead part of it (branch, top) to death. Many make deep holes in the trunks, devaluing the wood. Such insects pose a formidable danger to forests affected by drought, flooding, fires, gas or dust emissions, from leaf-gnawing pests and other unfavorable factors. Pseudo-beetles, borers, grinders, and some other beetles are incomparably less important. Mass propagation depends on the vitality of trees, plantings and their sanitary condition. The most important feature of stem pests is that they, as a rule, do not inhabit healthy trees. Their species can inhabit either weakened, but still alive, often outwardly healthy trees, or dying or freshly dead (including freshly cut), or old dead wood. In plantations with poor sanitary conditions or located next to the centers of mass reproduction of secondary pests, even quite healthy trees are often inhabited by them.

Stem pests are very dangerous for artificial forest plantations and plantations in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, often suffering from a lack of moisture. Control measures are mainly preventive: forestry measures that increase the biological resistance of plantations (creation of mixed crops with undergrowth, selection of breeds in accordance with local climatic and soil conditions, resistant to diseases and pests, correct choice of felling system, compliance with sanitary rules, etc.), timely cleaning of felling sites from

Forest pests include organisms that have a destructive effect on organs, parts, tissues of shrubs, trees, grasses, which entails a violation of the normal development of plants: a decrease in fruiting, growth retardation, death of branches and crowns, death.

Vegetation is harmed by vertebrates (rodents, lagomorphs), some types of mites, microorganisms. But mainly it suffers from the activities of numerous species of insects.

Insect pest classification

Taking into account the choice of the fodder plant, the way of feeding, the localization on the organs and the nature of the damage inflicted, forest insect pests can be divided into several groups. Those who attack healthy plants are called primary, and those who are sick and weakened by primary insects are called secondary.

There are a great many insects feeding on foliage or needles. As a rule, lepidoptera caterpillars (butterflies), larvae of representatives of the order Hymenoptera (sawflies), leaf beetles and other insects inflict damage. Young larvae eat away soft tissues of needles and leaves, and, as they get older, they get to buds, thick leaves and even shoots.

Leaf-eating insects are characterized by an open lifestyle, high fertility, accuracy in laying eggs, and the ability to migrate by crawling or flying. In case of outbreaks of mass reproduction, insect colonies strongly eat up tree crowns, causing the subsequent drying of trees. In a relatively short time, pests can spread over hundreds of hectares, causing irreparable damage to plants.

The trunks are home to many pests belonging to the following orders:

  • Coleoptera (golden beetles, bark beetles, weevils, barbel beetles);
  • Hymenoptera (horn-tails, xyphidria);
  • Lepidoptera (glass butterflies, woodworms).

These pests usually develop under the bark and in the wood of branches and trunks. The larvae gnaw passages of various configurations, characteristic of each type of insect, in dense tissues, which contributes to the drying of branches or the entire tree, damage to wood tissues.

Damage from stem pests can be both minor and significant. Bark beetles destroy the bark and create a superficial wormhole. Longhorn beetles and some species of goldsmith reach the sapwood, resulting in a shallow wormhole. But wood borers and longhorn beetles penetrate deeply, thereby significantly devaluing wood. These insects are secondary pests. They do not occupy healthy trees: they settle on apparently healthy, but weakened, freshly cut or dry trees.

This group of pests includes arthropods that live in the soil. Particularly dangerous are the larvae of lamellar beetles, wireworms (), darkling beetles (false wires) and other insects that live and lay eggs in the soil.

Root pests are selected to the surface only for mating or additional feeding. The larvae actively make passages underground, bumping into the roots and eating them. Soil pests are polyphagous. This is the main danger from their life. Young plantings especially suffer from them.

The group of pests of fruits and seeds includes various types of butterflies (moths), flies , mosquitoes, beetles. They feed on tissues of plant reproductive organs - flower buds, fruits, seeds, cones. The peculiarity of the reproduction and development of these insects is determined by the specifics of their distribution.

As a rule, forest plantations that have entered an active period of fruiting are attacked by these pests. Pests of this category cause colossal damage to the forest zone, destroying up to 50% (and sometimes 100%) of seeds. Damage to the generative organs of plants prevents the regeneration of tree species. The hidden way of life, as well as the disunity of populations, makes it difficult to monitor their numbers and, accordingly, to combat them.

The most dangerous forest pests

Pests attacking deciduous trees can destroy them. How to recognize a damaged tree and get rid of insects, will tell you in a detailed article.

A population of small bugs can destroy a huge oak tree. Who is this pest and what he looks like, you will find out from our article

Oak sapwood is a massive pest that heavily affects forest plantations. To protect against oak sapwood, reconnaissance surveillance should be carried out during the growing season.

The unpaired silkworm is capable of causing great damage to fruit tree plantations and woodlands. Timely measures to combat it will avoid the large damage that this insect can cause to gardens and forests.

The boxwood moth appeared in Russia in 2012, after it was distributed in many European countries. This insect causes great harm to boxwood and other plants, but at present, the fight against it is complicated due to the lack of effectiveness of the methods used.

Termites, like ants or bees, form a large, well-coordinated survival mechanism in which each individual has an important role to play. Not very popular with people, termites are nevertheless very useful for nature.

The funeral service is one of the largest butterflies in Eurasia. Has a wide distribution area, but is still listed in the Red Book of our country

Amazing facts from the life of ants. An anthill is a complexly organized house. Distribution of responsibilities among ants. Ants are farmers, slave owners, aggressors. Ant delicacies. The most dangerous ant. Learning ability

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These ants not only build the world's largest anthills, but they are also engaged in real farming. The ant metropolis is a real platform for growing special mushrooms.

The large coniferous horntail is an insect of the Hymenoptera family that harms coniferous forests and ornamental plantations. Find out how to get rid of this pest right now!

The moth butterfly is widespread in Russian forests, but it is not it that is dangerous, but its previous stage of degeneration - the caterpillar. During its life spanning several months, the caterpillar is capable of destroying more than 3 kilograms of fresh juicy needles.

On a pine tree growing in the garden, light green caterpillars suddenly appeared, amicably absorbing needles? It was the pine sawflies, the main enemies of conifers, who came to visit. Let's start the fight!

This article will focus on a tree pest - a silvery hole. We will tell you how to recognize it, how an insect harms and how to get rid of it from your garden.

The leafworm is a well-known pest that can cause very serious damage not only to cultivated fruit trees and shrubs. Of the numerous family of leaf rollers distributed around the world, 26 species live in Russia

The attack of large populations of pine cocoon moth is extremely dangerous for conifers. However, timely pest control measures provide an opportunity to save forestry.

These inconspicuous brown butterflies, stubbornly flying into the light at night, are the very main pests of gardens and forests. How to deal with a ringed cocoon?

The number of pests is monitored by specialists of the forest protection service and forestry under the guidance of forest pathologists.

Supervision over the state of forest areas is subdivided into general and special. The first is carried out in order to timely identify the unfavorable state of plantations and nurseries associated with the appearance of pests. This mission is carried out by forest guards under the guidance of foresters.

Special supervision is carried out by the forest protection service.

Forest protection measures perform the function of preventing outbreaks of mass the spread of pests. They consist in observing and ensuring sanitary standards for forest exploitation, conducting supervisory measures for the timely detection of foci of lesions, and implementing quarantine procedures to eliminate pest colonies.

There are several ways to deal with harmful insects. Application of insecticides, changes in the flora and fauna of the ecosystem, the use of physical devices and mechanical structures, preventive measures. All this in combination or individually will help rid forests of pests.

The biological method is characterized by the following activities:

The use of the biological method does not pollute the environment, does not have a negative effect on the forest biocenosis and directly on humans. Slow the impact pays off by long-term containment of the increase in pest insects.

The chemical method is the use of insecticides. The preparations are applied to the pest or to its habitat (soil, wood, leaves). The advantage of this method is large coverage of the cultivated area and the speed of impact... The effectiveness of the chemical method increases with the use of modern pollinators, the involvement of aircraft (airborne droplet spraying). The disadvantages of this technique include the negative impact of pesticides on useful forest fauna and humans.

The destruction of pests by hand, using mechanical devices or physical means, lies at the heart of the physical-mechanical method. The most effective are the following activities:

Integrated forest pest management involves a combination of biological and chemical agents. At the same time, a stable number of insects is maintained at a low level.

None of the existing methods are universal. It is also impossible to get rid of forest pests completely.

Consequences of pest activity

An increase in pest populations has a detrimental effect on work results forestry. Reduction of marketable timber volumes - economic implications. But the mass death of trees can lead to unwanted changes in forest fauna. A decrease in the number of mammals and birds living in the forest zone, the disappearance of some species of beneficial insects, the spread of fungal and viral diseases of trees can have irreversible consequences for the ecosystem.

Pests are an integral part of the forest ecosystem. Under natural conditions, their activity does not have destructive consequences and does not entail the destruction of forest vegetation. However, insects interfere with the rational use of forest resources, which forces him to closely monitor the state of plantations, identifying and destroying foci of pests.

All living things can get sick, and trees are no exception. Their health can be impaired due to a variety of reasons, not the least of which are a variety of pests. Sometimes they attack an already weakened tree, sometimes they choose a completely healthy one. Worst of all, pests easily infect one tree after another, and it is not always possible to detect an infection in time. How to check the health of every tree in a huge forest? Very often, the disease is detected when an already significant area is affected.

How does a mass infection take place and how to define it?

In order for a mass infection to begin, more often than not, several factors must coincide. First, there will be no infection without pests. Some of them must be present in the forest. It can be a variety of butterflies and beetles, as well as fly larvae, caterpillars and many other tiny animals. The second necessary condition is a favorable situation for the active uncontrolled reproduction of pests. Good weather, lack or complete absence of natural enemies, the presence of a large amount of food and some other factors will certainly provoke a massive infection of the forest by pests.

So, the existence of favorable conditions is essentially the first stage of infection. Then, once in a favorable environment, the pests actively reproduce. This is the second stage of mass infection. There are more and more of them. On average, this period can last up to three years.

When there are really a lot of pests, the second period begins, accompanied by a strong damage to the forest. It is an outbreak as such. This state of affairs rarely lasts longer than two years. In the end, an excessive number of pests leads to the fact that they do not have enough food, diseases spread among them, more and more predators appear, whose natural prey they are. This period also lasts about a year or two.

To determine whether a massive pest infestation is observed in a forest area, special criteria are used, both qualitative and quantitative.

As for the quantitative criteria, they are as follows:

  1. The degree of population, it is also the absolute population, which is the number of pests in an area equal to one tree or one square meter of soil.
  2. The reproduction rate is determined by comparing the number of pests in different periods, for example, last year and the year before. To find it out, you need to calculate what is the ratio of the more recent degree of population to the older one.
  3. The flash ramp is intended to show how quickly the hazard is growing. To determine it, a certain period before the outbreak is compared with the period after it. When calculating the growth factor of a flare, one should calculate the ratio of the degree of population in the period corresponding to the outburst with the degree of population in the period before it.

Forest pests in faces

The pine scoop is a nondescript-looking brown butterfly with white spots, but its caterpillars are elegant - dark green, with snow-white longitudinal stripes. Females lay eggs on branches, from which caterpillars are born, carefully gnawing at first young, and then everything in a row, needles. This can destroy the tree or weaken it. In the latter case, it can be attacked by other pests, for example, barbel. Natural enemies of pine scoops are birds that feed on caterpillars.

There are many types of barbel beetles. Let's take black pine as an example. These are rather graceful black beetles with very long whiskers that devour the bark of branches and occasionally needles. For laying eggs, they prefer to choose trees weakened by something. Larvae, when born, as a rule, are quite capable of finishing them off.

Blue goldfish, a beautiful beetle of dark blue color, with a tint of either black or green, also affects pines, preferring weakened ones, and lays its eggs in cracks in the bark. The four-point golden beetle, a pleasant-looking brownish-golden beetle, behaves in exactly the same way.

How do you fight forest pests?

There are several methods of pest control in our time, and each of them is necessary in its own way.

There is a forestry method to prevent massive infestations. It consists in carrying out a number of preventive measures that are highly likely to prevent infection. If the seedlings are healthy, the ecological situation is stable, and observation is constant, it will be more difficult for pests to fill the site.

The physical and mechanical method of control consists in the timely destruction of pests using, so to speak, brute force. A good example is collecting resinous pine cones before the larvae turn into beetles.

The biological method of struggle requires a competent approach, but the difficulties often pay off. It allows you to force nature itself to fight pests. For example, the natural enemies of a particular pest are taken, and they are given the opportunity to hunt properly. Of course, ideally, these natural enemies should already inhabit the site, but the population may be insufficient or even absent. In the case of a sufficient number of such animals, they should be protected as much as possible so as not to face massive infection due to the absence of predators. You can also purposefully infect pests with various diseases, for example, the marsupial fungus can destroy most of the population of nun silkworm caterpillars.

The most dangerous and radical pest control method is chemical. It should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when the infection is so great that other methods no longer help. The affected areas are treated with pest-destroying substances. Unfortunately, as a rule, they kill not only pests and have an extremely bad effect on the ecological situation.

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