Home Blanks for the winter What causes duodenal ulcer 12. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. What types of treatment for duodenal ulcer are there

What causes duodenal ulcer 12. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. What types of treatment for duodenal ulcer are there

Is a recurrent type of disease that is chronic in nature. In this case, an ulcerative defect appears in the stomach and / or duodenum. As a result, there is a significant imbalance between the protective properties of the gastroduodenal zone and the factors of aggression.

This disease is considered to be the most common lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Statistics show that about 10% of the total population suffers from peptic ulcer disease. As a rule, the disease affects both young people and middle-aged people. More often, peptic ulcer disease is diagnosed in men. Today, doctors note the characteristic "rejuvenation" of the disease, as well as a more frequent manifestation of a severe form of the disease and a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.

Peptic ulcer causes

As a rule, the disease develops as a result of the influence on the human body of several predisposing factors. The reasons for the development of this ailment are determined by errors in the activity of hormonal and nervous mechanisms that regulate the activity of the stomach and duodenum, as well as the lack of proper balance between the effects on these organs of hydrochloric acid , pepsins and others and protective factors, which include bicarbonates , slime , cell regeneration ... In particular, peptic ulcer disease develops in people who have a hereditary disposition to its manifestation, as well as in those who regularly experience emotional stress and do not adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.

The causes of peptic ulcer disease are usually subdivided into predisposing and realizing. The predisposing causes include a genetic factor. Some people have a genetically increased number of stomach cells that produce hydrochloric acid. As a result, a person suffers from high acidity. In addition, there are other genetic characteristics that affect the development of peptic ulcer disease. There are also studies that indicate that peptic ulcer disease is more common in people with first blood group .

An important factor is certain features of the neuropsychic state. Disease is more susceptible to those who suffer from functional impairments autonomic nervous system .

The food factor is also taken into account. The development of peptic ulcer disease can be promoted by the constant use of spicy food, irregular nutrition, the lack of full-fledged hot dishes in the diet. But to date, there is no exact evidence of the direct impact of this factor on the manifestation of peptic ulcer disease.

A stomach ulcer can also be triggered by long-term treatment with certain medications. These medicines include, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , synthetic adrenal cortex ... Taking these drugs can negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, they activate the aggression of gastric juice and at the same time reduce the protective function. If a person suffers from a chronic ulcer, then these funds can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

The presence of bad habits can also lead to the manifestations of peptic ulcer disease. Strong alcoholic beverages can damage the mucous membranes, and alcohol increases secretion in the stomach. If alcohol is drunk regularly and for a long period, then a person may develop chronic .

Smoking is no less dangerous, since nicotine, like alcohol, increases gastric secretion. In this case, the supply of blood to the stomach deteriorates. But, like the food factor, this reason is still not considered proven.

As the realizing cause of the manifestation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection ... Infection can occur through the consumption of contaminated food, as well as through the use of poorly sterilized medical instruments.
Helicobakter pylori develops cytotoxins - substances that damage the cells of the mucous membrane, which ultimately can cause the development of erosion and gastric ulcer. Even if these substances are not produced by helicobacteria, then a person develops chronic gastritis.

Peptic ulcer symptoms

Basically, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach is manifested primarily by pain in the upper abdomen (that is, "in the stomach"). Most often, the pain becomes intense when a person feels hunger, it mainly manifests itself between meals. Sometimes attacks of pain disturb the patient at night. With such attacks, a person has to get up in order to take medicine or food. In such a situation, help is provided by those drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach or completely neutralize it. As a rule, about half an hour after taking food or these drugs, the pain becomes less intense and gradually subsides. In addition, as symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, periodic nausea, a feeling of severe stomach overflow and a feeling of severe heaviness in it immediately after a meal can be manifested. In more rare cases, the patient suffers from bouts of vomiting, after which a feeling of relief appears. Sometimes a person has a noticeable decrease in body weight due to a deterioration in appetite.

In general, the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease and its general clinical picture directly depends on where exactly the pathological process is located, and what stage of the disease takes place.

The first stage is considered to be a condition in which a fresh duodenal or stomach ulcer is formed. In this case, the main symptom is the manifestation of pain in the epigastric region, which becomes more severe if a person is hungry, and can also appear several hours after a person has eaten food. It is at this stage that night pains appear, pronounced manifestations dyspeptic syndrome (belching , constipation , nausea ). The patient notes pain on palpation of the abdomen.

The second stage of the disease is the period of initial epithelialization of the ulcer. Pain in the epigastric region at this stage occurs mainly during the day. After eating, the person feels noticeable relief. During this period, dyspeptic manifestations are much less pronounced.

The third stage is the healing period of the ulcer. At this time, the patient can feel pain exclusively during the manifestation of a feeling of hunger, while dyspeptic manifestations are not observed.

At the fourth stage of the disease, which is remission, the person feels relatively normal and does not complain. On palpation of the abdomen, pain is not felt.

Peptic ulcer diagnostics

To establish the correct diagnosis, the physician must familiarize himself with the history in order to study the evolution of the disease. When collecting an anamnesis, it is important to take into account information about whether the patient has a digestive disorder. Sometimes the ulcer proceeds without the manifestation of visible symptoms, in which case the signs of the disease are detected only when a complication of the disease manifests itself.

In the process of establishing the diagnosis, the patient is also examined. This takes into account whether a person's body weight is reduced, whether there is pain in the epigastric region.

After that, a variety of paraclinical research methods are applied. The simplest test is an x-ray, which can also detect certain complications of the disease.

But if the patient has signs of complications of peptic ulcer disease, then he undergoes radiographic examination without contrast, fibrogastroduodenoscopy. To exclude cancer, histological analysis of the samples that are taken for is performed.

Sometimes it is advisable to carry out a diagnostic laparoscopy, which sometimes turns into a laparotomy. As a result, an operation can be performed, in which the causes of the complication of the ulcer are eliminated.

In the diagnostic process, it is also important to determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection in the body. For this, a special study of the patient's blood is performed. At the time of diagnosis, the ulcer should be differentiated from other ailments.

Peptic ulcer treatment

It is important that the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is carried out in a comprehensive manner and according to certain stages. At the stage of exacerbation of the disease, his therapy is mandatory in a hospital. Treatment begins immediately after the diagnosis. Initially, for several days, the patient must adhere to bed rest, strictly observe the principles. Complex therapy includes treatment with non-absorbable antacids , antisecretory drugsand ... In addition, with the help of some drugs (used, metoclopramide , hydrochloride ,) eliminates hypermotor dyskinesia in the gastroduodenal zone. If a patient is found to have Helicobacter pylori, then a special three-component therapy method is used, which lasts several weeks.

At the second stage, periodic anti-relapse therapy is carried out, a diet is followed, and treatment is performed vitamin complexes .

At the third stage, it is advisable to conduct a course of sanatorium treatment, which is prescribed to the patient approximately four months after hospital therapy.

When treating peptic ulcer disease, it is important to adhere to some general principles that are extremely important for recovery. First of all, it is important for the patient to completely quit smoking. This step will contribute to more active scarring of ulcers, reduce the number of exacerbations. You should also minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages. If possible, it is recommended to refrain from the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as steroids. If this is not possible, then the dose of the drug should be reduced as much as possible.

It is necessary to adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition. can significantly reduce the frequency of manifestation of attacks of the disease. The most important thing is not to eat those foods after which the symptoms of peptic ulcer disease become more intense.

In the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, herbal medicine has a fairly effective effect. Some herbal decoctions and infusions provide reliable protection to the mucous membrane, providing an astringent and enveloping effect. In addition, they eliminate pain, promote faster tissue healing, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

When composing a collection of herbs for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, it is imperative to take into account the acidity level of a particular patient. In the treatment of ulcers, preparations are used from chamomile, calamus roots, licorice, bergenia, marshmallow, fennel fruits, plantain leaves. Treatment with a decoction of St. John's wort, valerian root, chicory, etc. is also effective. The decoction of flax seeds has an effective enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Decoctions of herbs must be taken several times every day. The general course of treatment lasts at least two months.

The doctors


Diet, nutrition for peptic ulcer

Until today, doctors have argued that proper nutrition for peptic ulcer disease promotes more active healing. It is important that patients, especially those who have an ulcer for a long time, must take this point into account and adhere to the rules of a healthy diet for peptic ulcer disease. In view of the fact that the main injuries, both in the stomach and in the duodenum, appear under the influence of hydrochloric acid, it is imperative to reduce the amount of foods in the diet that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. If possible, it is better not to use them at all. Diet food must necessarily contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, vitamins. It is advisable to use those dishes that weakly stimulate the secretion of the stomach. These are dairy and vegetable soups, boiled fish, meat, pre-cooked well. It is also recommended to include in the menu dairy products, eggs, white bread of yesterday's baked goods, cereals with milk, weak tea. At the same time, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, canned food, all spicy foods, strong tea and coffee, rich broths from meat, fish, mushrooms, very strongly stimulate the secretion in the stomach. Therefore, food for peptic ulcer disease should not include these foods and drinks. In addition, those products that irritate the mucous membrane mechanically are also undesirable to use. We are talking about radishes, turnips, asparagus, legumes, as well as unripe fruits and fruits with too hard skin. You should also not eat foods made from products that have coarse connective tissue - too stringy meat, skin, cartilage.

Peptic ulcer prevention

Most often, the manifestation of peptic ulcer disease in humans is noted in the autumn or spring. In order to avoid exacerbations, as well as completely prevent the manifestation of peptic ulcer disease, it is imperative to ensure adequate sleep - at least 6-8 hours a day, do not eat too often fried, smoked and fatty foods. At the first symptoms of a gastrointestinal disease, you should undergo a full examination by visiting a specialist. It is equally important to carefully monitor the health of your teeth, to prevent nervous overstrain. The disease can provoke the use of alcohol and smoking, so it is important to get rid of such addictions in time. In general, for the prevention of peptic ulcer disease, it is important to have a healthy and active lifestyle and the right attitude to one's own health.

Complications of peptic ulcer

There is information from experts that complications of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are more often manifested in males. The most common complication of the disease is considered. Much more often bleeding occurs in people with duodenal ulcers.

If the ulcer gradually increases, then as a result, exposure of the vessel wall may occur, which is subsequently destroyed by acid. After this, internal bleeding appears. Depending on the amount of blood loss, the patient has certain symptoms. But the main signs of bleeding are a feeling of sudden severe weakness, fainting, vomiting, in which scarlet or clotted blood is released, a sharp decrease. The patient's stool with bleeding will be liquid tarry.

It is important to consider that bleeding can only be treated in the surgical department of the hospital. To determine exactly where the source of bleeding is located, the patient undergoes a gastroscopic examination. At the time of gastroscopy, blood is stopped using specially prepared solutions. Also, a vessel that is bleeding can be stitched with staples specially used for this. Intravenously, the patient is injected with drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid.

Even after the cessation of bleeding, the patient is shown to stay in the hospital for several more days under the close supervision of a doctor. In the event that stopping bleeding is impossible without a surgical operation, the patient undergoes a surgical intervention, the type of which is determined by the specialist on an individual basis.

With the development of a stomach ulcer, there is a risk of manifestation perforation of the ulcer ... For this condition, which is also called perforation of the ulcer , the appearance of a through hole in the wall of the organ affected by the ulcer is characteristic. Due to the formation of such an opening, part of the contents of the duodenum or stomach is in the abdominal cavity. As a result, development occurs peritonitis .

With such a complication of the disease, the patient feels acute pain in the epigastric region. In terms of intensity, these sensations can be compared with a stab in the stomach. The pain is so severe that it threatens the development of a shock state. Then there is a gradual spread of pain in one of the lateral parts of the abdomen. In this case, a person, due to such strong pain sensations, turns pale, becomes covered with sweat, his consciousness may become clouded. With such an acute attack, he is forced to remain in a motionless supine position - the so-called "embryo" position. His body temperature rises, dry tongue appears.

This condition manifests itself in the patient in three stages: initially, shock occurs, followed by a period of imaginary well-being, after which progressive peritonitis develops. Another distinguishing symptom of this condition is the tense state of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Ulcer perforation occurs as a result of the progression of peptic ulcer disease. More often, perforation is diagnosed in men of working age. It is very important to promptly hospitalize a patient with such a complication, since without a surgical operation, the patient is in danger of death. It is impossible to cure perforation without surgery.

There are also cases of a covered perforated ulcer, in which, after perforation, after about one hour, the hole covers the organ located nearby. But, as a rule, the hole is not firmly covered, so peritonitis still develops.

Her one complication of peptic ulcer disease - ulcer penetration ... In this condition, an opening also occurs in the wall of the duodenum or stomach. But at the same time, such a hole will not open into the abdominal cavity, but into those organs that are located nearby. The symptoms of such a complication appear in the patient, depending on which organ is being discussed.

However, there are also characteristic general symptoms. In particular, this is severe pain, which only becomes more intense over time and is already constantly manifested. Such pain cannot be relieved by drugs antacids ... An increase in body temperature is characteristic. This pathology can only be treated surgically.

At pyloric and duodenal stenosis (this state is also called obstruction of the pyloric stomach ) food from the stomach enters the intestine with significant difficulties that arise as a consequence of scarring of the ulcer, which has developed either in the initial part of the duodenum, or in the final part of the stomach. If such a narrowing is insignificant, then it can be expressed by the manifestation of a feeling of heaviness for some time after eating. Periodically, the patient may vomit, after which he notes relief. If the stenosis develops further, then part of the food is already retained in the stomach, which, in turn, stretches. A person notes the manifestation of putrid breath, constant urge to vomit, severe pain in the abdomen. After some time, the disturbance in the process of digestion progresses, and the person is noticeably depleted, his body becomes dehydrated.

List of sources

  • V.T. Ivashkin. Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcer. Methodical guide for doctors. - M .: 2002;
  • I.I. Dyagterev. Clinical Gastroenterology: A Guide for Physicians. - M .: MIA, 2004;
  • Ivashkin V.T., Lapina T.L. Gastroenterology: a national guide. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2008;
  • Isakov V.A., Domaradskiy I.V. Helicobacteriosis. M .; 2003;
  • Grigoriev P.Ya., Yakovenko E.P. Diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. - M .: Medicine, 1996.

A duodenal ulcer is a chronic disease with a recurrent course that affects the mucous membrane of the duodenum, in the form of a defect (ulcer), with further scar formation.

In the absence of proper treatment, ulcers can progress over the years and affect the deeper layers of the intestinal walls. This is fraught with the development of severe bleeding and perforation of the wall. Cases of death in peptic ulcer disease, unfortunately, are very common.

What is a duodenal ulcer?

A duodenal ulcer is a chronic disease of a recurrent nature, the manifestations of which are the formation of an ulcer, concentrated in the wall of the affected organ. It runs for a long time, alternating periods of remission with exacerbations. Unlike erosive mucosal lesions, ulcers are deeper defects that penetrate into the submucosa of the intestinal wall.

The duodenum in the human body plays an important role in the digestion process. It is located at the very beginning of the intestine, so there is an active absorption of nutrients and processing of the food lump. This part of the intestine is not immune to the development of many diseases.

The duodenum is largely responsible for the breakdown of food in the small intestine. Its walls contain glands that secrete mucus. The duodenum is almost completely located in the retroperitoneal space. This part of the digestive system regulates the rate of bowel emptying. Its cells produce a secret of cholecystokinin in response to acidic and fatty stimuli that come from the stomach along with the chyme.

The duodenum plays an important role in the digestion process. All digestive juices and enzymes are mixed in its cavity:

  • gastric;
  • pancreatic;
  • bile;
  • own enzymes.


According to statistics, duodenal ulcer occurs in 5% of the population, young and middle-aged people are more likely to get sick. In men aged 25-50 years, the disease occurs 6-7 times more often than in women, possibly due to alcohol consumption, smoking and neuro-emotional stress.

Duodenal ulcer in the overwhelming majority of cases occurs against the background of exposure to the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori). The peculiarities of the processes of its vital activity occur not only with the production of substances due to which the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach is damaged, but also with the production of ammonia, which, in turn, leads to an increased production of hydrochloric acid by the body.

The disease can be caused not by a single cause, but by a combination of several. Here are the main ones:

  • infectious inflammatory process caused by some types of bacteria Helicobacter Pylori;
  • chronic stress, frequent nervous tension (due to vascular spasms, blood circulation and nutrition of the cells of the duodenal mucosa are disturbed);
  • genetic factors (hereditary predisposition to the disease);
  • alcohol intake;
  • unhealthy diet affects the production of intestinal mucous substances and disrupts its motility, which ultimately affects the state of the membrane of its walls;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs can affect the surface of the epithelium if taken regularly.

Special mention should be made of the wrong daily diet. An increase in the level of acid in the duodenum 12 is facilitated by excessive consumption of such foods:

  • strong black coffee;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • fermentation;
  • spices and herbs.

Peptic ulcer rarely develops on its own... Often the patient is simultaneously diagnosed with other diseases of the digestive tract.

Duodenal ulcer symptoms

If the disease is in remission, then the patient is not worried about anything, he leads the usual way of life. In case of exacerbation of duodenal ulcer, the following symptoms can be expected:

  • Sharp pains below the sternum or on the right side just above the navel, which are aggravated on an empty stomach and temporarily subside after eating. Pain syndrome often worsens at night when hydrochloric acid accumulates in the digestive tract. In addition to the daily cycles, duodenal ulcer pain is also subject to seasonal fluctuations. An exacerbation is often observed in the autumn-spring period, in the so-called off-season.
  • dyspeptic disorders - occur infrequently, but still occur. Among them: vomiting and urge to it, nausea, heartburn, bloating, constipation; lack of appetite - arises from dyspeptic disorders. Lead to weight loss and dramatic weight loss.

It should be remembered that sometimes the ulcer is manifested only by dyspeptic disorders, and there is no pain.

Features of the manifestation of bleeding in patients with duodenal ulcer:

  • Sudden massive bleeding. Indicates another exacerbation.
  • Minor bleeding. As a rule, it occurs as a result of excessive use of medications that are contraindicated for use.
  • A small ulcer can bleed almost daily, blood loss occurs for a patient with feces (without changing its color to black). In this case, severe fatigue, not dictated by anything, is often determined as the only symptom.

The frequency of exacerbations and types of ulcers in the duodenum:

Peptic ulcer of 12 duodenal ulcer is characterized by a cyclical course: periods of exacerbation of symptoms are replaced by intervals of remission (lulls of the process). An exacerbation lasts from several days to 1.5 - 2 months. Remissions can be short or long. During the period of calmness of the disease, patients feel absolutely healthy even without following the diet and medical recommendations. The disease is exacerbated most often in the spring and autumn.

By the frequency of exacerbations:

  • duodenal ulcer with rare exacerbations - the manifestation of acute symptoms occurs no more than 1 time in two years;
  • duodenal ulcer with frequent manifestations - exacerbation occurs at least once a year.

By the number of ulcers formed on the duodenal mucosa:

  • single;
  • multiple.

At the place of localization of the defective formation:

  • in the expanded part of the duodenum - bulbous section;
  • in the postlukovichny department.

By the depth of the lesion of the duodenal wall:

  • deep ulcers;
  • superficial.

Over time, a duodenal ulcer can have minor manifestations of upper abdominal discomfort or mild digestive upsets that go away quickly. If you do not pay attention to them in time and do not take the necessary measures, the disease progresses and goes into an acute stage.


All complications of duodenal ulcer are severe and life-threatening for the patient, they lead to the development of an acute abdomen, and therefore require urgent surgical intervention.

Perforated Perforation of the ulcer, through all the intestinal walls, and the communication of the ulcerative surface with the abdominal cavity. This complication is accompanied by development, the main manifestation of which is acute dagger pain in the abdominal cavity;
Penetration Ulcer penetration is the formation of a similar through hole, but not into the peritoneum, but into a neighboring organ.
Stenosis Duodenal pyloric stenosis. The place where food passes from the stomach to the intestine is narrowed so much that the evacuation of the food lump is difficult. The patient has stomach pains with nausea and fetid belching.
Bleeding can open when a vessel that is next to the ulcer is corroded. In this case, blood appears in the feces, and the stool itself becomes dark in color, vomiting appears. Also among the symptoms are weakness, dizziness, fainting;
Periododenitis this is an inflammation of the serous membrane in the duodenum. In this case, the symptoms will be pain under the right ribs, in the epigastric zone. Sometimes there is a feeling of fullness at the top of the abdomen.

Duodenal ulcer is considered a frequently diagnosed disease. Pathology requires extremely careful attention to yourself, because even a short-term violation of the diet, and even during periods of exacerbation, can lead to the rapid development of complications. But the perforation of the ulcer, the growth of a malignant tumor and bleeding from the duodenum can be fatal.


Diagnosis of duodenal ulcer disease is performed by careful collection of anamnesis (nature of pain, localization, chronic gastritis or history, hereditary predisposition, manifestation of the disease associated with seasonality).

For an accurate confirmation of the diagnosis of ulcerative lesions of the initial part of the small intestine, the results of laboratory and instrumental studies are required:

  • clinical blood test;
  • stool analysis;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopy is the most informative diagnostic method;
  • biopsy - examination under a microscope of a tissue sample taken from the affected area of ​​the intestine;
  • serological reactions, testing for Helicobacter Pylori;
  • determination of the level of acid-forming function by daily monitoring of pH.

Treatment of duodenal ulcer

Treatment of duodenal ulcers is carried out strictly according to the prescription of a gastroenterologist, self-medication is unacceptable due to the fact that self-administration of drugs that help get rid of pain leads to a fading of symptoms and latent development of the disease, which threatens complications.

With an exacerbation of the disease, treatment takes place in a hospital, while chronic forms of the disease can be influenced at home. In the conditions of inpatient observation, the patient was prescribed rest and bed rest.

Basic strategy, according to which drug treatment of duodenal ulcers is carried out, is developed on the basis of the results of the studies.

Medicines for duodenal ulcer
Antibiotics Antibiotics: macrolides, penicillins, nitroimidazoles Used to get rid of Helicobacter pylori Drugs:
  • Clarithromycin,
  • Ampiox,
  • Metronidazole
Antacids Medicines that eliminate pain in the stomach, enveloping the intestinal wall:
  • Almagel A
Antisecretory A group of drugs, the action of which is aimed at inhibiting gastric secretion and reducing the aggression of gastric juice. This group includes: proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, pariet, nexium), H2-histamine receptor blockers (famotidine, ranitidine, cimetidine), anticholinergics (gastrocepin).
Prokinetics Trimedat, Cerucal, Motilium - a group of drugs that improve duodenal motility, as well as eliminate nausea and vomiting. The use of these drugs is indicated for a feeling of heaviness and fullness of the stomach, heartburn, early satiety.

If conservative treatment is ineffective or if dangerous complications develop, they resort to surgical treatment. The operation consists in excision or suturing of the duodenal ulcer. If necessary, vagotomy is performed to reduce secretion.


Nutrition for duodenal ulcer exhibits a number of characteristic distinctive features. It is important to take into account the names of foodstuffs, the method and proportions of cooking. Serving size per meal matters. With nutritional therapy, it is required that the patient takes food in small portions - fractionally and often.

Nutrition during an exacerbation

During an exacerbation of duodenal ulcer, diet table No. 1a is used, which has the following features:

  • fractional food intake - 5-6 times a day;
  • limited salt intake - 3–6 g per day;
  • the daily weight of the diet is not more than 2.5 kg.

The patient takes food in small portions at a strictly allotted time. It will be necessary to control other indicators, for example, the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates:

  • fats - 90 g;
  • proteins - 100 g;
  • carbohydrates - 200 g.

Allowed Products:

  • Vegetable broth.
  • Low-fat milk soup, allowed for ulcers.
  • Low-fat chicken broth without skin and bones.
  • Porridge from cereal crops, cereals, boiled in water or low-fat milk. The groats are carefully boiled down to the extent that children are fed.
  • White bread, not freshly baked, but yesterday's.
  • Lean types of meat or poultry in boiled or steam form - beef, rabbit meat, nutria, chicken, turkey.
  • Mineral water is allowed after the gases have been deflated.
  • Low fat dairy products. Non-acidic fresh kefir is especially indicated for ulcers, fermented baked milk is in remission to restore normal intestinal flora.
  • Low-fat cheese.
  • Vegetables and fruits in a baked, boiled form that do not contain coarse fiber.
  • Boiled chicken eggs.

Prohibited foods consist of:

  • Spicy and smoked dishes, as well as pickled cucumbers and canned food.
  • Very hot food (optimal temperature should not exceed 60 ° C).
  • Alcoholic drinks and strong coffee.
  • Fatty pork, beef.
  • Fried dishes.
  • Mushroom soups.
  • Various sausages and wieners.
  • A variety of sweets.
  • Citrus fruits, grapes.

During remission, the patient is assigned a table number 1. During the day you need to consume:

  • proteins - 400 g;
  • carbohydrates - 90 g;
  • fats - 90 g;
  • liquid - not less than 1.5 liters.

The diet has other features:

  • the amount of salt - no more than 10 g per day;
  • daily ration weight - no more than 3 kg;
  • steaming or boiling dishes;
  • food is served chopped up.

Table number 1 is introduced 20-24 days after the onset of the exacerbation stage and taking into account the patient's condition.

  • For any ulcer, food should always be eaten slowly, chewed well, not strained and not thought about anything other than food.
  • Meals for duodenal or stomach ulcers should be fractional, and recipes for dishes should be exclusively dietary and light.
  • After eating, it is not recommended to immediately go to bed or sit stooped at the table. It is advisable to have dinner at least three hours before bedtime.

Folk remedies

Before using folk remedies for duodenal ulcers, be sure to consult your doctor.

  1. Yarrow decoction... For its preparation, 2 tablespoons of dried raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted under a closed lid for half an hour, after cooling they are filtered. The daily rate is 300 ml, divided into 3 doses. This remedy is contraindicated in thrombosis and during pregnancy.
  2. Burdock root drink... The broth is prepared in a water bath (boiled for 30 minutes) by mixing the crushed root with water in a ratio of one to twenty. Drinking such a composition is recommended for 100 ml 2 times a day;
  3. Peanut butter . Drink a teaspoon of nut butter thirty minutes before the first meal and two hours after dinner. The course of treatment is three weeks, then a ten-day break, and then another course;
  4. Stir 35 grams of honey in a glass of boiled water, cooled to 35-40 degrees, and take 1.5 hours before meals, if the acidity is high, and ten minutes, if it is low. The duration of the course of treatment is two months;
  5. Beet juice. Before use, it must be diluted with water in equal proportions. It is recommended to take 100 ml of diluted juice per day half an hour before meals.
  6. Honey is great with butter. To make such a tool, you need to melt 200 gr. butter and the same amount of honey. Cook the mixture until it turns brown. Usually forty minutes is enough for this. Take it 1 tbsp / l in the morning before breakfast.
  7. Potato juice drink 800 milliliters a day four times. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after which a 3-day break is taken and the procedures are repeated. It is very important to drink this juice on an empty stomach and in the morning on an empty stomach;
  8. Cabbage juice can be prepared using a meat grinder and cheesecloth. They drink it 200 milliliters three times a day before meals for exactly 7 days, then interrupt for 3 days and repeat the intake until complete recovery;


Prevention of the occurrence of duodenal ulcers involves the normalization of the secretion of hydrochloric acid and protection from Helicobacter pylori infection. Measures are needed such as:

  • calm lifestyle;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • regular food intake;
  • exclusion of hazardous foods from the diet;
  • sufficient physical activity.

Subject to the daily regimen, hygiene and proper nutrition, the likelihood of such a gastrointestinal disease as duodenal ulcer disease will be minimal.

If you suspect a duodenal ulcer, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a complete examination. Because behind similar symptoms, different diseases can be hidden.

It's all about duodenal ulcer: about symptoms, signs and manifestations, treatment features, disease prevention. Do not be ill!

One of the most famous and common diseases is peptic ulcer with localization in the stomach, esophagus, but more often in the duodenum, more precisely, in its bulb. Ulcers are formed for various reasons, not fully proven. However, the risk factors for the occurrence of the disease are known and reliable.

Duodenal ulcer: causes

Duodenal ulcer is an inflammatory disease that is chronic and recurrent. The mucous and submucous layer of the intestinal wall is affected with the formation of a defect - an ulcer, the bottom of which is located in the muscular layer of the intestine. The following protective factors are present inside the intestine:

  • rich blood supply, which ensures adequate nutrition of mucosal cells and their rapid recovery in case of damage;
  • alkaline reaction of the environment, which neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of the stomach;
  • the ability to form protective mucus for the destruction of bacterial agents or immunity to them.

The factors of aggression include:

  • acidic environment of gastric juice;
  • increased gastric motility;
  • intensive synthesis of digestive enzymes.

When the activity of protective factors weakens, and aggressive ones, on the contrary, increases, there is a high risk of ulceration. The disease can be caused not by a single cause, but by a combination of several. Here are the main ones:

  • infectious inflammatory process caused by some types of bacteria Helicobacter Pylori;
  • chronic stress, frequent nervous tension (due to vascular spasms, blood circulation and nutrition of the cells of the duodenal mucosa are disturbed);
  • genetic factors (hereditary predisposition to the disease);
  • irrational regime and diet: long periods of hunger, overloading the digestive system at one meal, "fast food", abuse of aggressive foods (fried, fatty, smoked, canned foods);
  • frequent alcoholism;
  • tobacco abuse, especially on an empty stomach;
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rural residents are less susceptible to disease than urban ones - in the city there is a more intense rhythm of life, less healthy food. The highest incidence rate is observed in adults aged 30 - 45 years. Ulcers are more common in men than in women.

Duodenal ulcer symptoms

Below are the main signs of an ulcer characteristic of the disease. According to them, one can suspect a disease and seek medical help, examination and treatment as soon as possible.

  • Pain. Localized (located) in the epigastric region (upper, "epigastric" region of the abdomen). They can be given to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, to the lower back. They occur about an hour after eating or having a snack, often at night or early in the morning ("hunger pains").
  • Heartburn. It occurs in 30% of cases of the disease. It is caused by inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach, as well as a violation of their motility. As a result, the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus.
  • Nausea, vomiting. They do not occur very often. Vomiting is food eaten or stomach contents. After vomiting, relief occurs and nausea disappears.
  • Appetite disorders. It is more often manifested by its increase, but there is also an aversion to food, a fear of it, associated with the onset of pain.
  • Stool disorders. More often - a tendency to indulgence, the stool is mushy, but sometimes there may be constipation.
  • Flatulence. An increase in the amount of intestinal gas, bloating due to a disruption in the process of digesting food.

Peptic ulcer of 12 duodenal ulcer is characterized by a cyclical course: periods of exacerbation of symptoms are replaced by intervals of remission (lulls of the process). An exacerbation lasts from several days to 1.5 - 2 months. Remissions can be short or long. During the period of calmness of the disease, patients feel absolutely healthy even without following the diet and medical recommendations. The disease is exacerbated most often in the spring and autumn.

Complications of the disease

Duodenal ulcer disease is dangerous because, if untreated, life-threatening complications can occur.

Perforated ulcer - the formation of a perforation (through hole) in the wall of the duodenum. In this case, blood from damaged vessels, as well as the contents of the intestine, go out into the peritoneal cavity, as a result of which peritonitis may develop.

Perforation of the ulcer is accompanied by a characteristic sharp "dagger" pain. The intensity of the pain forces the patient to take a forced lying position on the back or on the side with the legs brought to the stomach. In this case, the patient's stomach is hard - "board-like", the skin is very pale, any movement causes pain. Sometimes there is an imaginary improvement, but it can cost a person his life. In the case of a perforated ulcer, an emergency operation is required.

Ulcer penetration. A kind of perforation of an ulcer, but not into the abdominal cavity, but into an organ located adjacent to the duodenum. Most often - in the pancreas. During penetration, pain is also characteristic, but the intensity of the pain is less, and the abdomen does not become plank-like. However, this condition requires urgent hospitalization.

Internal bleeding. With an increase in ulcers, an increasing number of tissues, including the walls of blood vessels, are involved in the inflammatory process and destruction. Therefore, bleeding may open from damaged vessels. If the blood loss is small, the clinical picture will be as follows: tarry or dark mushy stools and vomiting of "coffee grounds" (vomit is similar in color and consistency to ground coffee). With massive blood loss, symptoms of shock will be observed: pallor of the skin, cold clammy sweat, progressive weakness, dizziness, panic, loss of consciousness. This situation is a medical emergency.

Cicatricial duodenal stenosis. With frequent exacerbations and extensive ulcerative defects, the healed sections of the intestine can be deformed, narrowing the intestinal lumen. This will interfere with the normal movement of food, induce vomiting and lead to distension of the stomach. As a result, the work of the whole organism is disrupted. Cicatricial stenosis requires a surgical solution to the problem.

Malignancy, or malignancy of the ulcer. Sometimes a cancerous tumor forms at the site of ulceration, requiring observation and treatment by an oncologist.


A local therapist or gastroenterologist will be able to determine the presence of an ulcer using the following measures:

  • careful collection of anamnesis (patient complaints, symptoms of the disease);
  • palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (better known as FGS);
  • contrast radiography;
  • laboratory tests (analysis of feces for the presence of occult blood, clinical and biochemical blood tests);
  • tests for the detection of Helicobacter Pylori;
  • determination of the acidity level of gastric juice.

Duodenal ulcer treatment

In order not to bring the disease to complications, after the diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease, it is necessary to immediately begin a thorough treatment. The exacerbation stage is treated in a hospital setting. During remission, the patient is treated at home, visiting a doctor on an outpatient basis. The treatment regimen is developed by the doctor based on an integrated approach. Prescribed drug therapy from the following groups of drugs.

  • Gastroprotectors - means that protect the intestinal mucosa from hydrochloric acid of gastric juice; in addition, bismuth-based gastroprotectors inhibit the vital activity of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria (Sucralfat, De-Nol, Venter).
  • Antisecretory agents - inhibit the production of gastric secretions, reduce the aggressive effect of gastric acid. This group includes proton pump inhibitors, H2 receptor blockers, anticholinergics (Omez, Famotidine, Gastrocepin).
  • Antibacterial and antiprotozoal drugs - to inhibit the vital activity of Helicobacter Pylori (Amoxicillin, Metronidazole).
  • Prokinetic drugs - drugs that improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve nausea and vomiting (Metoclopramide, Motilium).
  • Antacids - for symptomatic treatment of heartburn. They have an enveloping effect, neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach (Maalox, Phosphalugel).
  • Analgesics, antispasmodics - to relieve pain and spasms (Spazmalgon, Drotaverin).
  • Drugs that affect metabolic processes in tissues - improve blood supply to the intestinal mucosa and, as a result, nutrition of cells (Actovegin, Solcoseryl, B vitamins).

The course of treatment is selected based on the severity of the process, and also taking into account whether the patient has Helicobacter Pylori. After undergoing treatment, a second thorough examination follows. FGS is mandatory for clarity of dynamics.

Nutrition for peptic ulcer disease

Food should be gentle on the gastrointestinal tract. Aggressive chemical, mechanical and thermal effects are excluded. Dishes are served warm (not cold or hot), during an exacerbation - wiped and liquid. In the hospital, a special diet No. 1 is prescribed. The intake of food is fractional, 5 - 6 times a day in small quantities.

Boiled dishes from low-fat varieties of meat and fish, meat soufflés, fish steamed meatballs, dairy products without acid, vegetables and fruits without coarse fiber in mashed form, boiled porridge, white bread, dried or yesterday's, tea and coffee are not strong, with milk, a decoction of rose hips.

It is strictly forbidden: spicy, salty, pickled, fried foods, canned food, smoked meats, mushrooms, strong tea and coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fatty meats and fish, sour fruits, berries and juices.

With a serious approach to the question of how to treat peptic ulcer disease and how to be treated so that you feel in full health for a long time, you can achieve a long-term persistent remission of the disease. To cure peptic ulcer disease forever, according to the controversial opinion of some doctors, is possible only if it is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori. If there is a genetic factor, you can only achieve remission, the duration of which depends on the patient's lifestyle and his attitude to his health.

Ulcerative lesion occurs on various grounds from malnutrition to genetic predisposition. It is very important to control this disease, since it can quickly develop into a cancerous tumor or reach the stage of perforation, when all the fluid in the duodenum or stomach will be released into the abdominal cavity. It is possible to recognize a duodenal ulcer, which mainly affects male patients from 20 to 50 years old, by various characteristic signs, after which it is necessary to immediately begin therapy to eliminate the pathology.

Signs of duodenal ulcer, symptoms

The main signs of the manifestation of the disease include the following manifestations:

Localization of pain in duodenal ulcer

Attention! The described symptoms affect the patient only in the acute stage. If the duodenal ulcer is mild or in remission, the maximum that will bother the patient is nausea and rare pain.

Causes of the appearance of a duodenal ulcer

The disease occurs for various reasons, the main of which are the following:

  • a large number of bacteria of the Helicobacter type, which multiply especially actively during inflammatory processes, non-observance of basic rules of personal hygiene;
  • poor psycho-emotional background, which can be characterized by prolonged depression, breakdowns, panic attacks and stress;
  • a hereditary factor, which is especially often transmitted only through the male line;
  • excessive acidity of gastric juice, which, with improper nutrition, actively enters the duodenum;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the duodenum, which can have stages of remission and exacerbation;
  • a strong decrease in the protective functions of the body due to the presence or transfer of other diseases, including colds;
  • poor-quality food, with a lot of fatty and spicy foods;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • the constant use of drugs to fight pathogenic bacteria and the use of steroids.

Symptoms of a duodenal ulcer

Attention! It is possible that the patient's duodenal ulcer was provoked by several factors at once, which only a competent specialist will help to understand.

Medical treatment of ulcers


Talcid is a powerful antacid drug

A powerful antacid drug taken one hour after a meal. Usually, adults are prescribed two tablets of the medication, and the number of daily doses is four. It is recommended to chew the pills thoroughly, and then drink them with a small amount of any liquid other than coffee and alcohol. In childhood, you can take 0.5-1 tablet per dose three times a day. The duration of therapy is approximately one month.


You can take the medication in the form of a suspension or tablets. It is recommended to drink Relzer one hour after a meal, as well as before going to bed, in order to exclude the appearance of nighttime hunger pains. Adults and children over 15 years of age should take 1-2 scoops of the drug four times a day. In the form of tablets after 15 years, the drug is taken in two doses, also four times a day. The recommended duration of therapy is approximately two weeks, you should not end the treatment earlier, even if the symptoms disappear.


No-Shpa tablets for duodenal ulcer

It is taken with severe pain syndrome for three to five days. The patient can take up to four tablets per day. You do not need to chew or share them, they are washed down with clean water only. You can take the recommended dose of the antispasmodic at any time without taking into account food intake. If within three days the pain does not decrease, a mandatory additional examination is required to exclude bleeding and perforation of the ulcer.


Belongs to a class of antibiotics that contain the active substance omeprazole. Quickly relieves pain syndrome, inflammation and severe pain against the background of duodenal ulcer. In the presence of ulcerative lesions, the patient is recommended to take 20 mg of the active substance twice a day for three weeks. If the ulcer has already provoked serious health complications, Omez is taken by intravenous infusion of 40 mg per day. The duration of such therapy is strictly individual.


A medical product, the action of which is aimed at reducing the acidity of gastric juice, which prevents damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Take 20 mg twice a day for four to eight weeks. If necessary, the patient may be advised to take 40 mg of the active substance once a day just before going to bed. The duration of therapy in this case is also 1-2 months.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to mix antacids with other medicines. If you need to take several medications at once, antacids are taken two hours earlier or later.

Treatment of duodenal ulcer with folk remedies

Honey and olive oil

To prepare the drug, you need to take 250 ml of pure linden honey and the same amount of vegetable oil. Since honey is quickly sugar-coated, before mixing it is necessary to melt it in a water bath, bringing it to a temperature not higher than +65 degrees, the lower the temperature of the mixture, the better. After that, butter and honey are gently mixed and stored strictly in the refrigerator for 14 days. It is recommended that the patient consume a tablespoon of the mixture 15 minutes before meals. Since a patient with an ulcer must eat at least five times a day in small portions, it is also worth taking the honey-olive mixture at least five times. The maximum allowable daily dose is seven tablespoons. The duration of therapy is two weeks.

Plantain seeds

To prepare the medicinal mixture, you need to take a flat tablespoon of the herbal mixture. It is added to 100 ml of boiling water, covered tightly and left to infuse overnight, it is advisable to hold the mixture for at least 10 hours. After that, plantain seeds are removed with clean gauze and a ready-made solution of 15 ml is taken strictly one hour before meals three times a day. It is better to postpone the last reception to the evening. The duration of therapy is approximately 5-10 days, it all depends on the tolerance of treatment and the severity of the patient's condition. It is used only during an exacerbation.

Propolis with oil

The occurrence of pain in the upper abdomen is most often referred to as signs of gastritis. However, this is not always the case. There are too many organs in the belly of a person that can hurt and cause discomfort. And one of them is the duodenum, in which there can be a perforation of the ulcer. Let's figure out what kind of disease it is.

Organ functions

Duodenal ulcer is a chronic pathology characterized by the appearance of a defect on the mucous membrane (ulcers). The structure of this part of the intestine is such that it is separated from the stomach area by a special sphincter - the gatekeeper. From the stomach, food enters the duodenum.

The length of the duodenum in an adult is about 30 centimeters (about 12 fingers across). From it pass the ducts connecting the organ with the gallbladder and the pancreas.

Functionally, this organ helps to reduce the acidity of the gruel coming from the stomach, and digestion of food begins in this part of the intestine.

The initial part of the duodenum is called the bulb. It is in this place that ulcerative lesions most often appear, which is associated with a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane.

The disease often develops in parallel with a stomach ulcer. The disease is accompanied by a violation of the secretory and motor functions of the organ. The disease often affects young people, especially men. In women, in most cases, the disease worsens during the menstrual cycle.

Common symptoms of the disease

When can the question of the presence of an ulcer arise? Let's take a closer look at what are the symptoms of duodenal ulcer.

After a certain period of time after eating, patients notice pain in the stomach. The pain subsides after the next meal, but after 2 hours it returns again. Painful sensations may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn. In some cases, symptoms of bloating and poor or no appetite occur.

Due to the fact that acidity is disturbed, the production of necessary enzymes decreases. And this leads to the fact that constipation and inflammation appear throughout the intestinal area. This is how a duodenal ulcer manifests itself, and the symptoms depend on the site of the lesion on the mucous membrane:

  • Nausea and vomiting appear when the upper parts of the organ are affected.
  • The feeling of fullness is caused by an ulcer in the upper part (bulb) of the duodenum. In this case, there is a feeling of hunger at night, and the pains are stabbing or cutting in nature.
  • The ulcer, localized in the ascending and descending regions, causes pain in the left side.

All cases are characterized by pain at night. Outwardly, the disease manifests itself as bad breath and a white coating on the tongue. The manifestation of the disease is seasonal: an exacerbation of duodenal ulcers occurs more often in the autumn and spring periods.

Painful ulcer symptoms can occur with varying degrees of frequency. Patients can complain of both rare pains that occur 2-3 times a week, and frequent pains during the day.

In young children and the elderly, symptoms of the disease may not appear at all, the disease is latent (latent).

On the part of the nervous system, irritability, rapid fatigue, weakening of attention, poor sleep or insomnia are noted. The patient may have a general depletion and pallor of the skin associated with a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

If such symptoms occur, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is impossible to cure the disease on your own, but hurting yourself is quite simple. The first signs of the disease are the reason for an immediate appeal to a gastroenterologist.

The mechanism of development of the disease

The duodenal mucosa has protective factors: it is able to recover with normal blood circulation and proper nutrition. The mucus helps to resist the irritating effects of acidic contents. The organ juice has an alkaline reaction, which helps to neutralize hydrochloric acid.

But there are also factors of aggression. These include increased gastric motility and increased acid content. If there is no gastric content in the duodenum, then the production of intestinal enzymes destroys epithelial cells, that is, the integrity of the mucous membrane is violated.

Causes of the disease

There can be several reasons for the onset of the disease:

  • Infection (presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria)
  • Stress loads. The disease can be of shock origin. In this case, it occurs as a consequence of severe injuries.
  • The cause of the pathology can be drugs that affect the integrity of the mucous membrane (for example, hormonal agents).
  • Incorrect catering.
  • Hereditary factors.

At risk are those working in hazardous industries, people under stress (for example, students during their studies), alcohol abusers, smokers, lovers of excessive amounts of spicy food and people who take drugs that are aggressive for the digestive tract. It is important to note that bad habits increase the risk of developing the disease several times.

How to recognize a duodenal ulcer

May be similar to signs of a duodenal ulcer. The main symptoms that the disease occurs in parallel with a stomach ulcer are cutting pains 15–20 minutes after eating, indigestion, accompanied by heartburn and belching. The pain can be localized in the region of the heart.

With a gastric ulcer, vomiting occurs quite rarely. A person who has a stomach ulcer often complains of pain immediately after eating, and sometimes they are not at all associated with food intake.

As you can see, the symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers are very similar, and the correct diagnosis can only be established with the help of special medical examinations.

If a history of a stomach ulcer already occurs, an examination of the duodenum should be performed. An endoscopic examination allows you to examine the mucous membranes. With its help, the size and location of the ulcer is established. This method allows you to get the result during the procedure. It is used in almost every clinic.

In a blood test, attention is paid to the number of leukocytes. An increased indicator indicates an inflammatory process. The hemoglobin level is also taken into account. Its decrease may indicate internal bleeding. It is also possible to diagnose the disease using X-rays.

Why is the disease dangerous?

The disease is progressive, this must be taken into account. You cannot hope that the disease will miraculously go away on its own. A large load on the nervous system aggravates the course of the disease. Bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy diet do not create positive moments in the treatment process and can cause a variety of consequences.

Do not start the disease, it is important to diagnose it in time to avoid possible complications. Tell your doctor about all the symptoms, and he will select the treatment taking into account your individual characteristics.

  • Ulcer perforation. This is the name of the violation of the integrity of the organ wall, the ulcer opens an opening from which the contents of the duodenum enters the abdominal cavity. This is characterized by sudden, acute pain. The patient is forced to take a lateral position with knees pulled up to the chest. On palpation, the abdomen becomes very hard due to excessive muscle tension. This condition is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.
  • Ulcer penetration. This is a condition when the ulcer invades adjacent organs. The first manifestations are similar to perforation, but the abdomen remains soft to the touch. The pain is not as severe as with perforation (perforation).
  • Bleeding. When the ulcer reaches a certain size, there is a violation of the integrity of the vessels of the intestinal walls. The patient complains of weakness. In this case, the characteristic pain for the ulcer most often subside. The patient's skin becomes pale, sweating appears. The vomit may look like coffee grounds, and the feces turn black.

All these complications are very dangerous and require urgent help. In some cases, immediate surgery is required.

With natural scarring of ulcerative lesions, narrowing of the intestinal lumen may occur. This pathology must be treated with conservative methods. In this condition, patients complain of constant nausea, vomiting and bloating.

It is important to remember that a duodenal ulcer, if left untreated, can lead to cancer.


The disease is classified according to the number of ulcers, their depth, localization, frequency of exacerbations and causes of occurrence. But only a doctor can compare and determine all this on the basis of the collected anamnesis, examination, test results and endoscopic examination.

Ulcer treatment is a long-term process based on a gentle diet. The patient must adhere to it constantly. In case of duodenal ulcer, food should be frequent, small portions. From his diet, the patient must necessarily exclude spicy and fried foods, tea and coffee, alcohol. Smoking should be quit completely. A dietitian will help you formulate your diet.

Usually, therapy is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a physician. As soon as the relapse enters the remission stage, the patient is discharged. But the recommended diet should be continued at home.

How to prevent the onset of the disease

In the prevention of duodenal ulcers, a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, and rejection of bad habits occupy a special place. The mode of work and rest is important. For the prevention of the disease, it is important to avoid stressful situations, nervous tension. Having a snack on the run won't do anything good, but problems are a must.

Duodenal ulcer, symptoms and treatment vary depending on the location and extent of the lesion. It is necessary to take the diagnosis and subsequent treatment as seriously as possible. Do not do this yourself, be sure to see a doctor and stick to the recommended lifestyle.

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