Home Preparations for the winter Rumas Sergey Nikolaevich biography. Rumas Sergey Nikolaevich. Criticized the National Bank when he was Deputy Prime Minister

Rumas Sergey Nikolaevich biography. Rumas Sergey Nikolaevich. Criticized the National Bank when he was Deputy Prime Minister

Alexander Lukashenko on August 18 appointed Sergei Rumas head of government. Rumas is already the eighth prime minister during the reign of the head states.

Who is Mr. Rumas? "Nasha Niva" offers the most interesting facts from the official's biography.

Father worked in the government of Kebich

It is noteworthy that Sergei is not the first Rumas to work in the Belarusian government. The fact is that Sergei Rumas is a hereditary financier. Nikolai Filippovich Rumas, father of the Deputy Prime Minister, was born in 1947 in Turov. He graduated from Narxoz. And according to the distribution, he went to Gomel, where he worked in financial and control and auditing bodies. It was at this time, in 1969, that Nikolai Filippovich and Olga Leontievna Rumas had a son, Sergei. Then my father was sent for promotion to Minsk. From 1976, he constantly worked in the central office of the Ministry of Finance of the BSSR under Boleslav Shapilo.

In 1990, Rumas Sr. was appointed First Deputy Minister of Finance. At some time, when Pavel Dikiy was removed from his post, and Nikolai Korbut had not yet stepped in, he acted as minister. But Rumas never aspired to prominent roles. By the way, the vice-premier's mother is also an economist by education. She worked as a teacher at the Minsk Financial and Economic College for more than 30 years. Her former students still remember Olga Leontievna with a kind word.

Left the National Bank for commerce

As for Rumas Jr., he, not surprisingly, following in the footsteps of his parents, also enters finance. He studies in Yaroslavl at the military financial school, majoring in "Financial support for the troops." True, after the collapse of the USSR, he had entirely civilian professions.

Immediately after the demobilization, Rumas is hired as the head of the accounting and operational, credit and economic departments of the specialized department of the National Bank. But the period of work in the National Bank was short-lived. In the mid-1990s, Rumas, like many others at that time, changed government work for commercial activities. For two years he has held high positions in two private banks: Severo-Zapad and Sodruzhestvo.

Made Belagroprombank one of the best

In 1995, Sergei Rumas comes to work at Belarusbank. There, he first headed the branch for seven years, and then climbed the career ladder to the deputy chairman of the board of the bank. In September 2005, Lukashenka appointed Rumas as chairman of Belagroprombank, where he was before his appointment as deputy prime minister.

During the reign of Rumas in Belagroprombank, the number of depositors increased one and a half times. The volume of deposits of individuals has more than tripled. And the volume of lending to the population - 25 times. Authoritative European financial publications called Belagroprombank the most stable in Belarus.

“I can afford to be a democratic leader. But, unfortunately, there are issues that require me to make tough and not always popular decisions, ”Rumas admitted in an interview.

Criticized the National Bank when he was Deputy Prime Minister

From December 2010 to July 2012 Sergei Rumas worked as Deputy Prime Minister. He was invited to this job by the then Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich. The fact is that Myasnikovich and Rumas's father were well acquainted even during the time of joint work with Kebich. It may have left its mark.

This happened during a severe currency crisis. Interestingly, Rumas did not support the policy pursued by the then chairman of the National Bank, Petr Prokopovich, and presidential assistant for economics, Sergei Tkachev. This has repeatedly resulted in public criticism.

Commenting on the legalization by the National Bank of the increased dollar rate for enterprises, in particular, he noted: “A deviation of 10% can be evaluated and called differently, but, in fact, we are returning to the plurality of exchange rates. And it would be nice if this 10% deviation of the official rate solved the problem, but the signals that the market sends indicate that this is clearly not enough.” Rumas, in fact, opposed the politically motivated undervaluation of the ruble. At the same time, on the air of state television channels, he refused to criticize the programs of the opposition.

It is interesting that later in one of the interviews he would call Pyotr Prokopovich a greater liberal than himself. Rumas did not work as Deputy Prime Minister for long, he was sent to the Development Bank, where he has been for the last six years.

He made sure that the emblem "Pursuit" and white-red-white flags were allowed in the stands

Since April 2011, Sergei Rumas has also been the head of the Belarusian Football Federation. It is worth noting that high positions never prevented him from attending football matches. He got a passion for this sport from the time of the Dynamo Minsk in the USSR championship, went to the games of the Malofeevsky team in Minsk.

The national team of Belarus did not achieve great success during the reign of BFF Rumas. On the contrary, she lost even in such matches that it was impossible to concede. But BATE and Dinamo-Minsk were steadily progressing to the group stages of the Champions League and the Europa League. However, it is difficult to say whether there is a merit of Rumas here.

An interesting fact about the future premiere. During the official game in Borisov, Belarus - Macedonia, fans with white-red-white flags on their scarves and the emblem "Pahonia" were detained and sent to the isolation ward. Among them, for example, was Zmitser Khvedaruk. The BFF immediately came to the support of the fans.

Rumas personally went to talks with Interior Minister Igor Shunevich and explained that it was unacceptable to detain him for such things. At the moment, national symbols are allowed in Belarusian stadiums. For a long time there have been no cases when people were detained for it. There is also the merit of Rumas.

The functionary also admitted that he likes the “white-red” color scheme when he presented a new team uniform called “White Wings”.

Launched the production of excellent cheeses in Turov

The Development Bank built and launched the Turov Dairy Plant from scratch. By the way, this was done in the homeland of Father Rumas.

The idea was generally born from the fact that while working at Belagroprombank, Rumas often went on business trips to Italy, where he became interested in their cheeses. There was an idea to transfer the production of some varieties to Belarus. This is how the Bonfesto brand was born. A huge amount of cheese from this enterprise is exported. Rumas himself said that the Turov project is an excellent symbiosis of public-private partnership.

Bonfesto produces such varieties of cheeses as ricotta, cream, mascarpone, pravola, mozzarella. These products are always very popular.

Father of many children and hunting enthusiast

Sergei Rumas' wife Zhanna works as a dentist at the Korona Medical Center. The couple has four sons at once. Senior Valery graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University, then studied in London, but returned to Belarus. The younger sons are Maxim, Sergey and Philip.

Rumas in Kolodishchi has a parental home, plus everything is being completed in Drozdy-2 on the first coastline.

But Rumas's hobby is quite bloodthirsty. He is a hunting enthusiast. And even flies for the sake of such pleasure in Africa. “I also have good trophies, mostly hunters. The largest is the iland, weighing a ton. Caught in Africa. Sometimes I successfully shoot geese. Recently updated a personal record. Don't smile, I really love goose hunting,” Rumas said in an interview with Tribuna. Eland is a markhorned antelope.

Where did the children of Georgy Kobyakov, daughter of Natalya Kochanova, son of Alexander Kosinets, Lydia Yermoshina study and work now?

Few of the officials, even the youngest ones, have accounts on social networks, because such openness is uncharacteristic of the Belarusian political culture. But the children of the nomenklatura do not deny themselves such pleasure. They are happy to share personal photos with other Internet users and talk about their hobbies.

So, the main family of the country is a 60-year-old Alexander Lukashenko and his three sons. senior, Victor turns 40 this year. For the last decade, he has been helping his father in the field of national politics. In family Victor Already have four children. Daughter Victoria became famous after shooting the comedy "On the back of a black cat", now she is seventeen years old. ten year old Alexander this year he won the Christmas tournament in martial arts for the prizes of Metropolitan Filaret. Valeria and Yaroslav they don't go to school yet.

Family of Viktor Lukashenko

Dmitry Lukashenko heads the Presidential Sports Club. He is also a father of many children. older children, Daria and Anastasia, the year before last, they won the competition of Belarusian fairy tales, as well as the competition of instrumental music "Young Talents of Belarus". younger daughter, Alexandra so far less than a year.

Family of Dmitry Lukashenko

The youngest son of the President of Belarus Nicholas, as you know, so far a student.

Alexander Lukashenko with his son Nikolai

Second face of the country, Prime Minister, 54-year-old Andrey Kobyakov. The life of an official is closely connected with Russia: his parents are from there, his wife and himself were born there. In Moscow, Kobyakov studied at the Aviation Institute, and in 2011-2012 he worked as the Belarusian ambassador. In the profile of his 29-year-old daughter Faith in the social network "Vkontakte" it is noted that she graduated from the 24th linguistic Minsk gymnasium and studied at the geological faculty of Moscow State University. In absentia, Kobyakova received a diploma from the instrument-making faculty of the BNTU and got a job ... at the National Bank. There she worked as a leading economist, and in 2012 she moved to the position of a specialist expert at BPS-Sberbank. Kobyakov said that his daughter had already married.

The younger son of the Prime Minister, Georgy Kobyakov, won gold in the CIS Taekwondo Cup (non-Olympic version) in December 2014. This year the young man will be 17 years old.

New Head of the Presidential Administration Alexander Kosinets a surgeon by profession. Now he is 54 years old, and at 34, the current official has already defended his doctoral dissertation on the treatment of purulent complications in the abdominal organs. His son Vladimir received the same degree at an even more “tender” age - at 31. Kosinets Jr. specializes in plastic surgery. Vladimir entered the medical faculty of Vitebsk Medical University when his father was the rector of this educational institution. Over time, Alexander Kosinets was transferred to Minsk to the post of Deputy Prime Minister, and his son remained to finish his studies in Vitebsk. Vladimir graduated from graduate school, and then went to Russia - there he became a doctor of medical sciences. Now he heads the aesthetic clinic of the European Medical Center in Moscow. Breast augmentation surgery at Vladimir Kosinets clinic costs about $3,500, facial plastic surgery costs $2,500.

The only son of the First Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Matyushevsky and his wife, Doctor of Economics Elena Davydenko, is preparing to become a financier. This year Jan graduates from BSU.

Prior to her appointment as Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the social sphere of the country, the 54-year-old Natalia Kochanova was the chairman of the Novopolotsk city executive committee. Biography of Natalia Ivanovna can be read. The youngest daughter of Kochanova, Elena, graduated from the Polotsk gymnasium, and now studies at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Polotsk State University. For academic success, the girl was awarded a personal scholarship by the University Council.

Elena's older sister Olga- studied in Minsk as a doctor. In medical school, she met her future husband. Both of them are pediatricians, now they live in Novopolotsk and raise two sons.

60-year-old Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Rusy - the head of the country in agriculture. There are two daughters in his family: the eldest, Tatiana, graduated from the Faculty of Technology of Organic Substances of BSTU, and the youngest, Julia, studied to be a financier at BSEU.

In government Anatoly Kalinin responsible for transport and construction. His daughter Elena- Head of the Department of Medical Genetic Consulting, Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Mother and Child". Her younger brother, Vitaly, according to relatives, is engaged in business.

Eldest son of the Minister of Foreign Affairs VladimirMakeI - diplomat. Before Vitaly worked in Vienna and now in New York. He is an adviser on economic and environmental issues in the representation of Belarus to the UN. Interestingly, Vitaly chose a strange transcription of his last name, different from his father's - Mackay. Together with my wife margarita he is raising his daughter Mary. The minister's daughter-in-law previously worked as an economist at Belavia, defended her Ph.D. thesis with proposals for improving the work of airlines. The second time Vladimir Makei married actress and TV presenter Vera Polyakova. Their son Artem This year he will be in first grade. The minister's mother-in-law is a vice-rector at the Institute of Physical Education.

Vitaly Makei

Defense Minister Andrei Ravkov, 47, is from and has only been in office for a few months. The 25-year-old daughter of the minister entered the Belarusian State Economic University and got married while still studying. Now Julia raises a little daughter. Her hobby is making jewelry out of felt. After Ravkov became a minister, Yulia changed her last name on social networks.

The only son of the chairman of the Central Election Commission Lydia Yermoshina , as before, works in the Minsk Regional Bar Association. Alexei now lives separately from his mother. Yermoshina does not forget about her son: “ I deliver part of the food in containers to my son ... I bring the main dishes that can be reheated for two to three days».

Chairman of the board of the National Bank Pavel Kalavra and the chief accountant of the Moscow-Minsk bank, Larisa Kalavr, two sons. Both work in the banking industry. Vladimir 29 years old, together with his wife Irina, he is raising two daughters. Alexei, BSEU graduate, one year younger. His name appeared as the chief manager of BPS-Sberbank. For some time the banker worked in Russia.

Vladimir Kalavr, with his wife and daughter. Photo from social networks

In the family of the head of the State Development Bank Sergei Rumas and the dentist of the private medical center "Crown" Zhanna Rumas have four sons. According to Narodnaya Volya, the eldest son, Valery, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University, and then, together with his wife Anastasia, studied at the London Cass Business School. Now the young family has returned to their homeland. Sergey and Maksim Rumas are schoolchildren, and Philip- still quite small.

On the left, Sergei and Maxim Rumas. Photo site TUT.BY

Former Minister of Education and Head of the Presidential Administration Alexander Radkov now heads the Office of the President of the country. Radkov has two daughters. He said about the junior official that she graduated from a foreign language and works at the Belarus radio station. Older, Nataliya Ignatenko, lives in Moscow and works as a teacher at a music school. And her works are published in the Motherland, last year the book “How Two Brothers Became Sportsmen” was published. The children of the writer are actually connected with sports. Pavel Ignatenko, although he lives in Moscow, he plays for Belarus. He is the best skater in the country, however, at the European Championships he took only 21st place among 24 participants. Parallel Paul studies at the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports. The second grandson of Alexander Radkov, Kirill plays hockey. The boy dreams of playing for the national team of Belarus.

Alexander Lukashenko on August 18 appointed Sergei Rumas head of government. Rumas is already the eighth prime minister during the reign of the head of state.

Who is Mr. Rumas? "Nasha Niva" offers the most interesting facts from the official's biography.

Father worked in the government of Kebich

It is noteworthy that Sergei is not the first Rumas to work in the Belarusian government. The fact is that Sergei Rumas is a hereditary financier. Deputy Prime Minister's Father Nikolai Filippovich Rumas was born in 1947 in Turov. He graduated from Narxoz. And according to the distribution, he went to Gomel, where he worked in financial and control and auditing bodies. It was at this time, in 1969, that Nikolai Filippovich and Olga Leontievna Rumas had a son, Sergei. Then my father was sent for promotion to Minsk. From 1976, he constantly worked in the central office of the Ministry of Finance of the BSSR under Boleslav Shapilo.

In 1990, Rumas Sr. was appointed First Deputy Minister of Finance. At some time, when Pavel Dikiy was removed from his post, and Nikolai Korbut had not yet stepped in, he acted as minister. But Rumas never aspired to prominent roles. By the way, the vice-premier's mother is also an economist by education. She worked as a teacher at the Minsk Financial and Economic College for more than 30 years. Her former students still remember Olga Leontievna with a kind word.

Left the National Bank for commerce

As for Rumas Jr., he, not surprisingly, following in the footsteps of his parents, also enters finance. He studies in Yaroslavl at the military financial school, majoring in "Financial support for the troops." True, after the collapse of the USSR, he had entirely civilian professions.

Immediately after the demobilization, Rumas is hired as the head of the accounting and operational, credit and economic departments of the specialized department of the National Bank. But the period of work in the National Bank was short-lived. In the mid-1990s, Rumas, like many others at that time, changed government work for commercial activities. For two years he has held high positions in two private banks: Severo-Zapad and Sodruzhestvo.

Made Belagroprombank one of the best

In 1995, Sergei Rumas comes to work at Belarusbank. There, he first headed the branch for seven years, and then climbed the career ladder to the deputy chairman of the board of the bank. In September 2005, Lukashenka appointed Rumas as chairman of Belagroprombank, where he was before his appointment as deputy prime minister.

During the reign of Rumas in Belagroprombank, the number of depositors increased one and a half times. The volume of deposits of individuals has more than tripled. And the volume of lending to the population - 25 times. Authoritative European financial publications called Belagroprombank the most stable in Belarus.

“I can afford to be a democratic leader. But, unfortunately, there are issues that require me to make tough and not always popular decisions, ”Rumas admitted in an interview.

Criticized the National Bank when he was Deputy Prime Minister

From December 2010 to July 2012 Sergei Rumas worked as Deputy Prime Minister. He was invited to this job by the then Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich. The fact is that Myasnikovich and Rumas's father were well acquainted even during the time of joint work with Kebich. It may have left its mark.

This happened during a severe currency crisis. It is interesting that Rumas did not support the policy pursued by the then chairman of the National Bank Piotr Prokopovich and the presidential assistant for economics. Sergey Tkachev. This has repeatedly resulted in public criticism.

Commenting on the legalization by the National Bank of the increased dollar rate for enterprises, in particular, he noted: “A deviation of 10% can be evaluated and called differently, but, in fact, we are returning to the plurality of exchange rates. And it would be nice if this 10% deviation of the official rate solved the problem, but the signals that the market sends indicate that this is clearly not enough.” Rumas, in fact, opposed the politically motivated undervaluation of the ruble. At the same time, on the air of state television channels, he refused to criticize the programs of the opposition.

It is interesting that later in one of the interviews he would call Pyotr Prokopovich a greater liberal than himself. Rumas did not work as Deputy Prime Minister for long, he was sent to the Development Bank, where he has been for the last six years.

He made sure that chases and white-and-white flags were allowed in the stands

Since April 2011, Sergei Rumas has also been the head of the Belarusian Football Federation. It is worth noting that high positions never prevented him from attending football matches. He got a passion for this sport from the time of the Dynamo Minsk in the USSR championship, went to the games of the Malofeevsky team in Minsk.

The national team of Belarus did not achieve great success during the reign of BFF Rumas. On the contrary, she lost even in such matches that it was impossible to concede. But BATE and Dinamo-Minsk were steadily progressing to the group stages of the Champions League and the Europa League. However, it is difficult to say whether there is a merit of Rumas here.

An interesting fact about the future premiere. During the official game in Borisov, Belarus - Macedonia, fans with white-red-white flags on scarves and shoulder straps were detained and sent to the isolation ward. Among them, for example, was Zmitser Khvedaruk. The BFF immediately came to the support of the fans.

Rumas personally went to talks with Interior Minister Igor Shunevich and explained that it was unacceptable to detain him for such things. At the moment, national symbols are allowed in Belarusian stadiums. For a long time there have been no cases when people were detained for it. There is also the merit of Rumas.

The functionary also admitted that he likes the “white-red” color scheme when he presented a new team uniform called “White Wings”.

Launched the production of excellent cheeses in Turov

The Development Bank built and launched the Turov Dairy Plant from scratch. By the way, this was done in the homeland of Father Rumas.

The idea was generally born from the fact that while working at Belagroprombank, Rumas often went on business trips to Italy, where he became interested in their cheeses. There was an idea to transfer the production of some varieties to Belarus. This is how the Bonfesto brand was born. A huge amount of cheese from this enterprise is exported. Rumas himself said that the Turov project is an excellent symbiosis of public-private partnership.

Bonfesto produces such varieties of cheeses as ricotta, cream, mascarpone, pravola, mozzarella. These products are always very popular.

Father of many children and hunting enthusiast

Rumas with his family, photo Tut.by

Sergei Rumas' wife works as a dentist at the Korona Medical Center. The couple has four sons at once. Older Valery graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Belarusian State University, then studied in London, but returned to Belarus. The younger sons are called Maksim, Sergey and Philip.

Rumas in Kolodishchi has a parental home, plus everything is being completed in Drozdy-2 on the first coastline.

But Rumas's hobby is quite bloodthirsty. He is a hunting enthusiast. And even flies for the sake of such pleasure in Africa. “I also have good trophies, mostly hunters. The largest is the iland, weighing a ton. Caught in Africa. Sometimes I successfully shoot geese. Recently updated a personal record. Do not smile, I really love goose hunting,” Rumas said in an interview with the Tribune. Eland is a markhorned antelope.

Sergei Rumas as head of government. Rumas is already the eighth prime minister during the reign of the head of state.

Who is Mr. Rumas? "Nasha Niva" offers the most interesting facts from the official's biography.

Father worked in the government of Kebich

It is noteworthy that Sergei is not the first Rumas to work in the Belarusian government. The fact is that Sergei Rumas is a hereditary financier. Deputy Prime Minister's Father Nikolai Filippovich Rumas was born in 1947 in Turov. He graduated from Narxoz. And according to the distribution, he went to Gomel, where he worked in financial and control and auditing bodies. It was at this time, in 1969, that Nikolai Filippovich and Olga Leontievna Rumas son Sergei was born. Then my father was sent for promotion to Minsk. From 1976, he constantly worked in the central office of the Ministry of Finance of the BSSR under Boleslav Shapilo.

In 1990, Rumas Sr. was appointed First Deputy Minister of Finance. At some point, when he was removed from office Pavel Dikiy, a Nikolai Korbut not yet stepped in, he was acting minister. But Rumas never aspired to prominent roles. By the way, the vice-premier's mother is also an economist by education. She worked as a teacher at the Minsk Financial and Economic College for more than 30 years. Her former students still remember Olga Leontievna with a kind word.

Left the National Bank for commerce

As for Rumas Jr., he, not surprisingly, following in the footsteps of his parents, also enters finance. He studies in Yaroslavl at the military financial school, majoring in "Financial support for the troops." True, after the collapse of the USSR, he had entirely civilian professions.

Immediately after demob Sergei Rumas are hired as the head of the accounting and operational, credit and economic departments of the specialized department of the National Bank. But the period of work in the National Bank was short-lived. In the mid-1990s, Rumas, like many others at that time, changed government work for commercial activities. For two years he has held high positions in two private banks: Severo-Zapad and Sodruzhestvo.

Made Belagroprombank one of the best

In 1995, Sergei Rumas comes to work at Belarusbank. There, he first headed the branch for seven years, and then climbed the career ladder to the deputy chairman of the board of the bank. In September 2005, Lukashenka appointed Rumas as chairman of Belagroprombank, where he was before his appointment as deputy prime minister.

During the reign of Rumas in Belagroprombank, the number of depositors increased one and a half times. The volume of deposits of individuals has more than tripled. And the volume of lending to the population - 25 times. Authoritative European financial publications called Belagroprombank the most stable in Belarus.

“I can afford to be a democratic leader. But, unfortunately, there are issues that require me to make tough and not always popular decisions,” Rumas admitted in an interview.

Criticized the National Bank when he was Deputy Prime Minister

From December 2010 to July 2012 Sergei Rumas worked as Deputy Prime Minister. He was invited to this job by the then Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich. The fact is that Myasnikovich and Rumas's father were well acquainted even during the time of joint work with Kebich. It may have left its mark.

This happened during a severe currency crisis. Interestingly, Rumas did not support the policy pursued by the then chairman of the National Bank Petr Prokopovich and Assistant to the President for Economics Sergey Tkachev. This has repeatedly resulted in public criticism.

Commenting on the legalization by the National Bank of the increased dollar rate for enterprises, in particular, he noted: “A deviation of 10% can be estimated and called differently, but, in fact, we are returning to the plurality of exchange rates. And it would be nice if this 10% deviation of the official exchange rate solved the problem, but the signals that the market sends indicate that this is clearly not enough.. Rumas, in fact, opposed the politically motivated undervaluation of the ruble. At the same time, on the air of state television channels, he refused to criticize the programs of the opposition.

It is interesting that later in one of the interviews he would call Pyotr Prokopovich a greater liberal than himself. Rumas did not work as Deputy Prime Minister for long, he was sent to the Development Bank, where he has been for the last six years.

He made sure that chases and white-and-white flags were allowed in the stands

Since April 2011, Sergei Rumas has also been the head of the Belarusian Football Federation. It is worth noting that high positions never prevented him from attending football matches. He got a passion for this sport from the time of the Dynamo Minsk in the USSR championship, went to the games of the Malofeevsky team in Minsk.

The national team of Belarus did not achieve great success during the reign of BFF Rumas. On the contrary, she lost even in such matches that it was impossible to concede. But BATE and Dinamo-Minsk were steadily progressing to the group stages of the Champions League and the Europa League. However, it is difficult to say whether there is a merit of Rumas here.

An interesting fact about the future premiere. During the official game in Borisov, Belarus - Macedonia, fans with white-red-white flags on scarves and a chase were detained and sent to an isolation ward. Among them, for example, was Zmitser Khvedaruk. The BFF immediately came to the support of the fans.

Rumas personally went to talks with the Minister of the Interior Igor Shunevich and explained that detaining for this is unacceptable. At the moment, national symbols are allowed in Belarusian stadiums. For a long time there have been no cases when people were detained for it. There is also the merit of Rumas.

The functionary also admitted that he likes the “white-red” color scheme when he presented a new team uniform called “White Wings”.

Launched the production of excellent cheeses in Turov

The Development Bank built and launched the Turov Dairy Plant from scratch. By the way, this was done in the homeland of Father Rumas.

The idea was generally born from the fact that while working at Belagroprombank, Rumas often went on business trips to Italy, where he became interested in their cheeses. There was an idea to transfer the production of some varieties to Belarus. This is how the Bonfesto brand was born. A huge amount of cheese from this enterprise is exported. Rumas himself said that the Turov project is an excellent symbiosis of public-private partnership.

Bonfesto produces such varieties of cheeses as ricotta, cream, mascarpone, pravola, mozzarella. These products are always very popular.

Father of many children and hunting enthusiast

Rumas with his family, photo: Tut.by

Sergei Rumas' wife works as a dentist at the Korona medical center. The couple has four sons at once. Senior Valery graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University, then studied in London, but returned to Belarus. The younger sons are Maxim, Sergey and Philip.

Rumas in Kolodishchi has a parental home, plus everything is being completed in Drozdy-2 on the first coastline.

But Rumas's hobby is quite bloodthirsty. He is a hunting enthusiast. And even flies for the sake of such pleasure to Africa. “I also have good trophies, mostly hunters. The largest is the iland, weighing a ton. Caught in Africa. Sometimes I successfully shoot geese. Recently updated a personal record. Don't smile, I really love goose hunting." Rumas said in an interview with the Tribune. Eland is a markhorned antelope.

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Biography, life story of Rumas Sergey Nikolaevich

Rumas Sergei Nikolaevich - Belarusian statesman. Since 2018 - Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

Childhood and youth. Education

Sergei was born in Gomel on December 1, 1969. His father was a respected economist. In the 1970s, the Rumas family moved to Minsk. There Serezha went to secondary school No. 4. The head of the family in the 1990s took the post of Deputy Minister of Finance.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Rumas was drafted into the army. Served in the Far East. Upon his return, the young man seriously took up his education. In 1990, Sergei graduated from the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after A.V. Khruleva (specialty - "Financial support of the troops"). In 1995, Rumas graduated from the Academy of Management under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (specialty - "Organization and management of foreign economic activity").

In 2001, Sergei Nikolaevich received the degree of candidate of economic sciences. The topic of his dissertation work is “Ways to Optimize the Resource Structure of a Commercial Bank”.


In the period from 1922 to 1994, Sergei Rumas held senior positions in various departments - in credit, economic and accounting and operational - of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. After that, Rumas did not work for long in commercial banks, and in 1995 he became the head of branch No. 7 (514) of the Belarusbank savings bank. Soon Sergey became the first deputy chairman of the board of the bank. In 2005, Rumas was appointed chairman of the board of Belagroprombank.

In December 2010, Sergei Nikolayevich left the banking system for a short time and ended up in the public administration environment. Rumas became the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus and assumed the duties of curator of the state's economic policy. In 2012, Sergey joined the Export Development Council and in the same year became the Chairman of the Board of the Development Bank. called Rumas' departure from the government a "colossal loss". Already in 2013, Sergei Nikolayevich became the representative of the Republic of Belarus in the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission and at the same time received the powers of the Deputy Prime Minister for the activities of the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the main integration associations.


In 2017 Sergey Rumas became a member of the Entrepreneurship Development Council. In August 2018, the official became the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus.

Interesting Facts

In 2011, Sergei became the chairman of the Belarusian Football Federation.

In 2014, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus awarded Sergey Rumas with the badge “Honorary Worker of the Banking System of Belarus”.

In 2015, Rumas received the Order of Friendship for his active participation in the preparation of the EurAsEC treaty.

Opinions and views

Sergei Nikolayevich actively advocated the privatization of state-owned enterprises and the attraction of foreign investment into the country and rejected the idea of ​​concessional lending and commercially unprofitable sectors of the economy. In 2016, he spoke in favor of raising the retirement age. Rumas said in 2017 that he finds cryptocurrencies convenient for making payments, but their investment potential reminds him of pyramid schemes.

Personal life

Sergei Rumas met his future wife as a child - they lived next door and went to the same school.

The couple have four children.


Sergei Nikolayevich always preferred to devote his free time to his favorite activities - football, fishing and hunting.

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