Home Preparations for the winter Copper sulfate is a white powdery substance. Familiar to all soda: the production process. Caspian Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren

Copper sulfate is a white powdery substance. Familiar to all soda: the production process. Caspian Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren

Lecture. 9. Specialty chemicals

§ 1. Types of special chemicals and their main properties

Special chemicals, depending on the properties, conditions of use and methods of detection, can be conditionally divided into the following groups: coloring, luminescent (of organic origin - phosphors, inorganic origin - light compositions), indicators and odor substances.

Dyestuffs - These are chemicals that provide permanent coloring of contact surfaces and are mainly used for active detection and exposure of persons committing theft.

When exposed to open parts of the human body, his clothes, other objects, they dissolve under the influence of sweat-fat secretions or ambient moisture and form brightly colored spots. This creates a kind of "special signs". It is very difficult to remove such stains. On the surface of the body, for example, they remain after repeated washing with hot water and detergents, especially under the nails and in the folds of the skin. It is almost impossible to completely remove coloring matter from clothes and other items. It should be borne in mind that some of them have the ability to luminesce in ultraviolet rays. This makes it possible to detect such substances even in those cases when they are not detected by ordinary inspection due to a small amount or masking on the object due to the similarity of color.

Dyes are hygroscopic, that is, they have the ability to absorb moisture from the surrounding air. This phenomenon is extremely undesirable, because powdered coloring substances, having absorbed moisture, firstly, lose their properties and, when re-wetted, stain the contact surface insufficiently stable, and, secondly, after being moistened, they can color and unmask the marked object. Thus, traces of moistened and then dried rhodamine C are easily removed from hands by simple washing with soap and water. Therefore, when storing and using dyes, in order to avoid spoilage and to increase the shelf life of the latter, it is necessary to exclude their contact with moisture and moist air.

After the trap has been triggered, traces of SHV can be detected by their characteristic color, visible to the naked eye, and by luminescence in ultraviolet rays. Expert studies of base mixtures are carried out by thin-layer chromatography and identification of dyes and other components, by comparison with standards and by color reactions carried out by drop method directly on the plate.

Various methods of molecular spectroscopy, in particular spectrophotometry, are convenient for the study of SSH witch. The determination of the color spectral characteristics of these substances is carried out on recording spectrophotometers.

The dyes used in the work of ATS have the following properties:

Rhodamine C- dark brown powder with a greenish tint. Solutions in water and alcohol have a bluish-red color. When moistened, the contact surface is painted in a persistent crimson color. In ultraviolet rays it has a bright red luminescence.

Rhodamine J- red or yellow-brown powder. Soluble in water and alcohol. The resulting solutions have a bright red color and a greenish-yellow luminescence. The contact surface is painted brown-red with bright yellow luminescence in ultraviolet rays.

Rhodamine 4C - dark crimson crystals. The solution in water has a dark crimson color, in ethyl alcohol - pinkish crimson. When moistened, the contact surface is painted in a pink-crimson color, luminescing in the same color.

Basic bright green- green powder with a golden sheen. The contact surface is painted in a permanent green color. Poorly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol.

methylene blue- a dark green substance. The contact surface is painted bright blue. It is poorly soluble in water and alcohol, but when heated, the solubility improves. Solutions are blue in color.

Chrysoidine- red-brown powder. The contact surface is painted yellow-orange. We will slightly dissolve in water and well - in ethyl alcohol, diethyl ether, chloroform. Solutions are orange-brown in color.

Safranin T- brown-red powder. Paints the contact surface red. Soluble in water and alcohol. In ultraviolet rays, when moistened with ethyl alcohol, it has a red luminescence.

methyl violet(methylene violet) - powder with a green metallic sheen. Solutions in water and ethanol are purple.

Neutral red- dark green crystalline powder. The aqueous solution is red in color. The solution in ethanol is red, slightly luminescing crimson red.

Nile blue- green crystalline powder with a bronze luster. Poorly soluble in cold water, when heated, the solubility increases. Soluble in ethyl alcohol. Solutions are colored blue.

Fuchsin main- dark green shiny crystals. The contact surface is painted pink. Let's dissolve in water (it is better when heating), we will well dissolve in ethyl alcohol. The solutions are pink in color.

Basic blue K- blue powder. The contact surface is painted blue. Soluble in water and ethyl alcohol. Solutions are blue in color.

Basic, brown 2K- black-brown powder. Solutions in water and ethanol are brown in color.

Azur 1 (methyleneazur)- dark brown crystals with a greenish sheen. Let's dissolve in water, we will well dissolve in methyl and ethyl alcohol. Solutions are blue in color. Alcohol solutions have a bluish-red luminescence.

Brilliant yellow- light brown powder. Solutions in water and ethanol are yellow-orange in color.

Eosin- yellowish-orange crystalline powder. Insoluble in water and benzene; poorly soluble in ethyl alcohol, well - in alkalis. The resulting solutions are pink in color.

Luminescent substances - chemicals that have the ability to luminesce (glow) in ultraviolet rays.

Some substances have the ability, when illuminated, not only to reflect part of the light falling on them, but also begin to glow themselves, especially under the action of sources that emit ultraviolet light.

The phenomenon of the cold glow of some chemicals with a strictly defined color when illuminated by ultraviolet rays is called photoluminescence (a combination of the Greek word "photos" - light and the Latin "luminescence" - glow). According to Stokes' rule, luminescence light has a longer wavelength than the excitation light. Therefore, when a substance is illuminated, it can luminesce with a color specific to it.

Attention is drawn to the fact that some substances retain the ability to glow for a certain time after the illumination has ceased (residual afterglow). This type of photoluminescence is called phosphorescence. The glow that stops with the illumination is called fluorescence. However, it is difficult to draw a sharp line between them, and the division is to a certain extent conditional.

The phenomenon of luminescence is used for luminescence analysis. The luminescent substances used in ATS work are, as a rule, colorless or slightly colored. In addition, powdered luminescent substances are finely dispersed and have good adhesive properties. Due to this, they are widely used in carrying out operational-search activities for the hidden marking of any objects. The phenomenon of luminescence makes it possible to reveal the presence of negligibly small amounts of luminescent substances. For example, it is enough to have a millionth of a gram of a luminous substance in the form of a solution in order to detect it by its characteristic luminescence.

The main representatives of luminescent substances used in the internal affairs bodies have the following properties:

Light composition of BZS- finely crystalline white powder. It is insoluble in water and other solvents. In ultraviolet rays, the light composition of the BZS has a bright blue luminescence. Use this substance to apply marks on fabric, yarn, fur.

Light composition FK-102- yellow-orange fine crystalline powder. Insoluble in water and other solvents. In ultraviolet rays it has an orange-red luminescence. It is used to apply labels on fabric, fur, yarn.

Lumogen yellow-green- is an amorphous substance of yellow-green color. Soluble in organic solvents such as toluene, dichloroethane, gasoline. In ultraviolet rays it has a yellow-green luminescence.

Lumogen water blue- powder of pale blue color. It dissolves well in toluene, gasoline, dichloroethane. In ultraviolet rays it has a blue luminescence.

Lumogen light green- fine-crystalline powder of light green color. Soluble in toluene, gasoline, dichloroethane. In ultraviolet rays it has a green luminescence.

straight white- white powdery substance. In ultraviolet rays it has a blue luminescence.

Rivanol- is a fine-crystalline powder of yellow color. It dissolves poorly in water, but well in alcohol. In ultraviolet rays it has a yellow luminescence.

Tetracycline- yellow powder. Poorly soluble in water. In ultraviolet rays it has a yellow luminescence.

Triphenylpyrazoline- White powder. Soluble in alcohol. In ultraviolet rays it has a blue luminescence.

It should be noted that of all the listed luminescent substances, rivanol, tetracycline and triphenylpyrazoline are medicines. This makes it possible to use them for labeling food products, because in the quantities used, even if they enter the human body, they do not harm health. In addition, these substances do not affect the taste and nutritional properties of labeled products.

Indicators - These are chemicals that, under the influence of certain chemical reagents, change their color. They are used to mark objects that are invisible under normal conditions, but are easily detected due to a change in color.

Medical preparations are used as indicators in the work of the Department of Internal Affairs. These substances are harmless to humans and the environment. Medical drug-based indicators are easy to manufacture and convenient for covert labeling and subsequent detection (manifestation). It is also taken into account that the probability of accidental contact of pharmaceutical preparations on the surface of the marked object is very small.

One of the representatives of this group of substances is phenolphthalein.

Phenolphthalein- fine-grained powder of white color. It dissolves poorly in water, but well in alcohol. The phenolphthalein solution is colorless and transparent. When a solution with an alkaline reaction is added to it (for example, a solution of ammonia, soda, etc.), it acquires a bright crimson color. It is this property of it that is used in carrying out operational-search (events.

Other pharmaceutical preparations can also be used as indicators, for example, salicylic acid, antipyrine, amidopyrine, resercin, calcium gluconate, analgin, for the development of records and marks made by solutions of these substances, a 3% aqueous solution of iron chloride (III) is used.

Salicylic acid- small needle-like crystals, odorless, white, sublime when gently heated (pass into a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid state). In water, salicylic acid is poorly soluble, easily soluble in ethyl alcohol, diethyl ether. The resulting solutions are colorless. When developed with a 3% solution of FeCl 3, they acquire a violet color.

Antipyrine- colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, odorless, slightly bitter taste. Easily soluble in water and ethyl alcohol. The resulting solutions are colorless. When exposed to a solution of FeCl 3, they acquire a brown color.

Amidopyrine- white crystals or white powder, odorless, slightly bitter taste. Soluble in water and ethyl alcohol. The resulting solutions are colorless. When exposed to a solution of FeCl 3, they acquire a pink color with a brown tint.

Resorcinol- white or white with a slight yellowish tint crystalline powder with a specific odor. Under the influence of air and light, it gradually turns pink. Easily soluble in water and ethyl alcohol. The resulting solutions are colorless. When exposed to a solution of FeCl 3, they acquire a pink color with a brown tint.

Calcium gluconate- white granular crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless. Insoluble in ethyl alcohol. Soluble in water. The resulting solution is colorless. When exposed to a solution of FeCl 3 acquires a greenish-yellow color.

Analgin- completely white or slightly yellowish crystalline powder, odorless, bitter taste. Let's dissolve in water. The resulting solution is colorless. When exposed to a solution of FeCl 3, it turns pink with a raspberry tint. Since analgin rapidly decomposes in the presence of moisture, its aqueous solution turns yellow during storage. Only freshly prepared solution should be used for marking objects.

The listed indicators are medicines, which allows them to be effectively used not only for labeling various items, but also for food products.

When using pharmaceuticals for the preparation of indicator solutions, you can take ready-made dosage forms containing the starting substances, or ready-made solutions of the proposed pharmaceuticals,

Odorants - These are special chemicals, the main property of which is a characteristic persistent odor, easily caught by a specially trained dog. As these substances, as a rule, not common natural chemical compounds are used, which have a specific effect on the sense of smell and the central nervous system of the dog. Smell preparations facilitate the work of search dogs during various operational activities.

The following odor preparations are in service with the internal affairs bodies: US (trace enhancer) and SP-80 ms.

US drug is a specially prepared powdered substance. Its smell is well recognized by dogs in the temperature range from -20°C to + 30°C. Traces of the drug on clothes, shoes, household items are easily detected by the dog within 3-7 days. Ordinary search dogs that have undergone a short special training are suitable for sampling objects with traces of the US. US can be used together with coloring and luminescent substances.

Preparation SP-80 ms- oily viscous brown substance with a characteristic odor, slightly soluble in water, harmless to humans and animals. The drug consists of a fatty base and a special odorous substance. Luminescent substances are added to it. In some cases, it is used without the addition of the latter. This variety of it is called SP-80.

The smell of the drug in different climatic conditions remains on the marked objects (area) up to 10 days. The drug is resistant to sunlight, rain, wind, fluctuations in air temperature.

The presence of its traces can be perceived by dogs of any breed (service-search, hunting, decorative), which have developed a complex of conditioned reflexes to this drug. To maintain the reflex requires only 2-3 workouts per month.

The use of odorous substances involves the creation of such conditions under which they are transferred to the offender's shoes. This allows not only to successfully work out the trace, but also to select persons suspected of committing a crime. Marking various material values ​​with an odorous substance makes it possible to effectively detect them and to select marked objects from a number of homogeneous ones. The combination of odor substances with coloring and luminescent substances mutually increases the effectiveness of their use, since it allows you to identify the corresponding traces for a long time.

§ 2. Main directions of use of special chemicals

SHV are used both for marking various objects during operational activities, and for equipping chemical traps installed at objects where theft is possible or takes place.

In operational-search activities, special chemicals are used in the form of powders, special lubricants, solutions, special pencils, aerosols.

The type of SHV, its state of aggregation are selected based on the current operational situation.

This takes into account the nature, color of the item and the conditions of its storage. Before labeling objects, it is necessary to first test the chemicals on samples similar to the material used, and only after receiving positive results, proceed to labeling.

Powdered SHV are used both separately and in mixture with each other. They are used to mark various objects with a fleecy or rough surface, as well as to equip devices that ensure their spraying. As a rule, these are mixtures of coloring and luminescent substances.

SHV powders are applied with a brush or by pouring into objects or their layouts. Items treated with powdered SHV should be replaced depending on local climatic conditions, but at least once a year, when the mixture is sealed, and once a quarter - in the absence of sealing, because SHW powders easily absorb moisture from the air, which degrades their properties.

Special ointments are a fatty base into which dyes, luminescent substances or mixtures thereof are introduced. Vacuum grease, petroleum jelly, grease, konstaline, etc. are used as a base. When preparing a special grease, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the fatty base. So, vaseline-based ointment can be used in the temperature range from - 3 ° C (with a further decrease in temperature, it hardens) to + 25 ° C (with a further increase in temperature, the ointment easily liquefies).

Special greases based on constantine and vacuum grease are more resistant to fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Special grease based on vacuum lubrication has high stickiness and limited solubility. Even after removing it with gasoline, traces of luminescent substances can be detected by the characteristic glow in ultraviolet rays.

A special grease prepared on the basis of vacuum grease and vaseline oil (in a weight ratio of 3: 1) has proven itself well. It is held on any smooth surfaces, does not change its "consistency in the temperature range from - 20 ° C to + 30 ° C.

Special ointments are applied to items or their packaging. Unlike powdered SHV, they hold well on various smooth surfaces. It should also be taken into account that the fatty base isolates the SSH from contact with air moisture. This ensures the safety of the marks for a longer time even in conditions of high humidity. Thus, if the replacement of items treated with powdered SHV without sealing should be done at least once a quarter, then when applying special grease - at least once a year. Odorants prepared in the form of an ointment are easily absorbed by woolen, cotton and other fabrics, are well retained on various surfaces (wood, metal, plastic, concrete, rubber, leather, dirt and asphalt roads). In addition, coloring and luminescent additives are well preserved from the direct influence of external factors, such as humidity and temperature.

Application of special lubricants is carried out with a brush or cotton swab.

SOLUTIONS are prepared on the basis of luminescent substances or indicators and are used to mark various objects. When preparing solutions, water or organic solvents, for example, alcohol, ether, toluene, dichloroethane, acetone, can be used. If necessary, SHV can be injected directly into the liquids that need to be labeled. For example, by adding luminescent substances to ordinary blue or violet ink, you can get the so-called special ink. They can be used to mark various documents with a fountain pen. If it is necessary to obtain a solution that is well fixed on the surface of an object, dichloroethane can be used as a solvent, into which plexiglass chips are introduced to form a film that is difficult to wash off when dried. Solutions of SHV are applied to objects with a brush, pen, spray gun.

Special luminescent pencils are used for marking various objects, documents, banknotes. Outwardly, no different from ordinary ones, these pencils have a special additive in their core mass - a luminescent substance. Pencils are available in several colors.

Before marking, it is necessary to make sure that the marked objects themselves do not luminesce in ultraviolet rays. The color of the pencil is selected according to the color of the surface of the object. When applying labels to thin sheets of paper, documents, paper packaging of goods, it is necessary to ensure that they do not leave indented marks. In these cases, an object with a hard smooth surface, such as glass or plexiglass, should be placed under the marked objects.

Marks applied with special luminescent pencils are preserved for a long time.

Aerosol dispensers are a cylinder filled with a mixture of a solution of a luminescent substance or an indicator with freons. When a sprayer is used, a jet of the mixture is ejected from the cylinder under the pressure of freon vapor and, breaking up into tiny drops, forms an aerosol cloud.

Using aerosol sprayers, you can quickly and efficiently process large surfaces of objects, spending a small amount of SHV. The following luminescent aerosols are in service with the internal affairs bodies: Madizol-M, Madizol-PP, Madizol-SZh.

"Madizol-PP" used for food labeling.

"Madizol-M" used for labeling fur and wool products, cotton and synthetic fabrics.

"Madizol-SJ" Designed for marking building materials, leather, glass, ceramics, plastics, woolen cover of farm animals.

Produced on the basis of phenolphthalein "Phenosol". Aerosol packaging "Phenozol" may have a metering valve. Phenozol is used to mark alcohol-containing liquids. The presence of phenosol is detected using an alkaline solution.

Thus, the police department is armed with a sufficient number of special chemicals that can be effectively used in the fight against crime. However, this gives a positive result only if their traces are quickly discovered in the course of operational-search activities.

§ 3. The concept and types of chemical traps

The problem of petty theft has existed since ancient times and will probably always exist, since increasing one's material condition in an easily accessible way is more or less characteristic of every person. Today, the technical means of security, surveillance and signaling have enormous capabilities, but they cannot protect the personal property of citizens from encroachment by dishonest people. Since it is impossible to create a society with a network of total video control and surveillance, other methods are used to solve the problem.

One of the methods that contribute to the prevention and rapid disclosure of property crimes is the use of various chemical and technical means. These include special chemical compositions, which in practice and in the literature are often called chemical traps or markers (some scientists suggest the term "forensic markers"). Such substances, when they get on the clothes or body of the criminal, leave hard-to-remove and clearly visible traces, which makes it possible to establish his illegal entry into the premises, contacts with certain objects, sources of stolen materials and their distribution channels, giving a bribe, etc. The use of special means in the fight against crimes, it is provided for by the law on the police (clause 9, article 11), in which they are called “special coloring agents”2.

The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated September 11, 1993 No. 423 gives the following interpretation of the concept of a chemical trap: these are devices or devices equipped (treated) with special chemicals (coloring or odor), disguised as various objects, with the help of which such substances are transferred to the human body and clothing.

Chemical traps are one of the means of solving crimes. They meet all the requirements for technical means, and therefore are legal and their use should not be in doubt. The idea of ​​creating traps is prompted by practice itself. The employees of the criminal investigation department are well aware of the facts when the disclosure of thefts was greatly facilitated if the offender, at the time of the crime, accidentally stained his hands, shoes or clothes with oil paint, whitewash or other dyes. Such facts were considered as a great success, as it unmasked the criminal among those around him and contributed to his quick arrest. The development and use of chemical traps turns luck into a regularity, since trap preparations, when they get on a person’s body and clothes, cause the appearance of brightly colored and hard-to-wash marks that are easily conspicuous to others, which helps to detain the criminal. Investigators do not use chemical traps on their own, but they often come across them when investigating bribery, as well as thefts from retail outlets, utility and storage facilities, pharmacies, and office desks in institutions. Substances were thrown by devices at the intruder when they tried to open or take the equipped object without authorization. In this case, abundant staining occurred, and the specific property of the dye - to penetrate into the pores of the body or the structure of clothes and shoes - made it possible to recognize the intruder for a very long time. Even if the visible traces of the dye were washed off, they showed up very brightly in ultraviolet rays.

The composition of the substances used includes base mixtures with additives. They are equipped with dyes of several colors or a combination of them, which allows them to be used to mark goods of a certain type or a specific territory. In the case of detaining a person who has come into contact with a chemical trap, it is possible to unmistakably establish his involvement in a particular crime, even if the kidnapper is silent about it or even denies it. Often, with the help of traps, the kidnapper can be detected before the theft itself is detected.

Chemical traps, working autonomously, do not require power supply and additional equipment during installation and operation, and in combination with a burglar alarm, they give an even greater effect, especially when the thief commits the theft with a “jerk”.

Along with providing assistance in the protection of material assets at trading facilities, bases, warehouses and utility rooms, it often becomes necessary to protect the personal property of a particular person. With the high technical level of modern life, very few means are used to prevent, document and disclose in hot pursuit already committed thefts of personal property, which are often committed by employees sitting next to each other. The reason is not that there are no such means - the principle of rationality and expediency simply comes into force due to their high cost. At the same time, both psychological trauma and material damage to the victim are relegated to the background. Chemical traps act exclusively on "a thief" or a "curious" employee.

Due to the fact that there is a great variety of thefts of personal property, chemical traps are made structurally close to objects of interest to the thief. Materials and covers are used that are located at the site of the installation of a chemical trap: in exchange offices, banks and their branches, post offices, bank packages with appropriate inscriptions are used, in shops and kiosks - special boxes that can create the illusion that they contain money, on workplaces - wallets and handbags, etc.

Developers and manufacturers of chemical traps try to fulfill the requests and wishes of customers. Due to the increased number of thefts from dachas and cellars, a device to scare a thief with tear gas is successfully used. Having penetrated the building and moving along it, the thief will certainly hook on a thin nylon fishing line, which, through a spring mechanism, opens the valve of the tear gas container. Even if the room is large, it will become impossible to stay in it. This device works in almost any climatic conditions, is completely energy independent, does not require maintenance, but it must be installed in closed, poorly ventilated rooms.

In connection with the recent massive spread of such a type of crime as the theft of non-ferrous metals in industrial equipment, a chemical trap with a spring-loaded dye ejection mechanism has been successfully tested. The principle of its operation is to actuate the spring mechanism in case of unauthorized opening or removal of equipment. In this case, a portion of the coloring matter is thrown onto the offender. The trap retains its working properties for several years even under extreme climatic conditions, which is the first requirement for such devices. It is used to prevent, and in the case of a theft from a blocked object - the fastest disclosure of theft.

The spring-loaded dye trap is installed in electrical cabinets and communication boxes, fire hydrant boxes and is especially suitable for protecting payphone equipment - aluminum-clad telephone booths and new payphones, which are often attacked by non-ferrous metal hunters. In the manufacturing process, all problematic issues that arise during the operation of such devices are taken into account.

As practice has shown, after the operation of a chemical trap - regardless of whether the kidnapper is revealed - information about the fact of the use of such devices destroys the desire to steal for a long time.

Chemical traps according to their purpose are divided into two groups:

1) for labeling;

2) to block objects with material values.
For applying marks on money, securities, various items (for example, transferred as a bribe), the following traps are currently produced:

1. Set of reagents and devices "Rhododendron" -
Designed for labeling banknotes.

2. Special product in an aerosol package "Firefly" -
intended for application on banknotes, documents and
other objects of a thin layer of a luminescent substance with increased adhesion (translated from Latin “sticking”) to the skin of a person and invisible under normal conditions. At
contact of the fingers on which the drug is present with various
surfaces (door handle, etc.) leave fingerprints,
visible under ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 365 nm. The surface area treated from one aerosol package is 1.5 m 2 . For these purposes, the coloring composition "Poddka" (Fig. 1), made by mixing special dyes with certain types of lubricants, is also used. Upon contact with it, raspberry-colored oily stains remain difficult to wash off on hands and clothes.

3. Special tool "Disco"; is a cosmetic roller filled with a transparent gel with a special luminescent marker that is invisible under normal lighting, allowing you to confirm the legitimacy of a visitor to public events without presenting a pass (Fig. 2). The appropriate invisible mark is applied by the inspector to the visitor's hand by rolling the dispenser ball. The presence of the marker can be detected by a blue luminescent glow when irradiated with ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 365 nm.

4. Marking markers "M" and "K"; designed to apply labels, inscriptions on various objects and documents in order to identify them or exclude forgery. Felt-tip pens brand "M" are used for marking paper materials, brand "K" - for marking objects made of metals, plastics, leather, fabrics, etc. In ultraviolet rays, felt-tip pens "M" give a blue glow, "K" - green.

5. Luminescent markers in the form of wax pencils
(crayons); designed to apply marks that are invisible when
normal lighting (Fig. 3). They mark various items - packaging boxes, boxes, etc. Authentication and
preservation of the package is carried out under ultraviolet illumination with a wavelength of 365 nm according to the characteristic multi-colored glow. The complete set consists of 5 crayons of different glow: yellow, green, yellow-green, blue and red.

6. Luminescent marker "Lak-M"; designed to protect various items in order to identify the facts of substitution or
unauthorized opening (Fig. 4). The label is applied to a clean, hard surface. Materials suitable for its application are artificial and natural leather, metals, plastics, wood, etc. The authenticity of an object is judged by the characteristic yellow-green glow of the label in ultraviolet rays that occurs after the solvent dries.

Chemical traps designed to block objects with material values ​​are divided into active and passive.

Active chemical traps have a device for ejecting the dye into space and thus ensuring that it gets on the clothes and exposed parts of the body of the person who activated this device. The dye can be ejected both when mechanical devices, for example, spring-loaded, and when a pyrotechnic spray is triggered (ri


Task 9-1

A sample of a binary oxygen compound of metal A weighing 55 g was treated with 1 liter of water. The resulting solution was refluxed to give 998 ml of a solution with a density of 1.049 g/ml.

1. List all classes of binary compounds of metals with oxygen.

2. Determine the possible formulas of compound A and name them.

3 Write all the equations of chemical reactions necessary to solve the problem. Task 9-2

On a shelf in the laboratory, they found two cans with erased labels. Both jars contained black powders. When one of them was dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid, a yellow-green solution (1) was formed, which, when diluted with water, became blue (2). When interacting with concentrated hydrochloric acid of another powder, a blue solution was obtained (3), which, when diluted with water, became pink (4).

1. Give a reasoned conclusion, what substances could be in

2. Write the reaction equations for the interaction of these substances with concentrated hydrochloric acid (1, 3) and the reaction equations when the resulting solutions are diluted with water (2, 4). Explain the reason for the change in colors of the corresponding solutions.

Task 9-3

Once Karabas-Barabas, after reading a chemistry textbook, demanded that the actors study the interaction of manganese with various acids. Some of the characters were given chemically pure manganese, and the rest were given a metal containing an admixture of iron and copper. We used 3 M hydrochloric and nitric acids, 1 M sulfuric acid, and fuming (100%) nitric acid, which were taken in excess with respect to the metal. Duremar provided each of the characters with one sample of metal and one vial of acid. The characters recorded their observations in laboratory journals. Let's take a look at the entries in these journals.

Pinocchio. The reaction proceeds vigorously and does not require heating. A colorless gas is released, which, when a match is brought up, explodes with cotton. The metal dissolves without residue.

Malvina. The reaction does not proceed as vigorously as in the test tube at Pinocchio. A colorless, flammable gas is released, odorless and tasteless. After complete dissolution of the metal, a little fine powder remains at the bottom of the test tube.

Pierrot. The reaction does not proceed as vigorously as in the test tube at Pinocchio. The metal dissolves without residue. When sodium sulfide is added to a solution, a black precipitate is formed. The gas released from the test tube has a barely noticeable yellow-orange color, which disappears when the gas is passed through alkali. The gas, after passing through an alkali, is colorless, and when a match is brought up, it explodes with cotton.

Fox Alice. Under the action of acid, the surface of the metal is covered with a whitish coating, gas is not released. When a small amount of water is added, a vigorous reaction begins with the evolution of brown gas. The resulting solution has a greenish-yellow color that does not disappear upon boiling.

Cat Basilio. The reaction proceeds with evolution of a colorless gas and is as vigorous as

at Pinocchio. The solution becomes beautiful pale pink color. After complete dissolution of the metal, a little fine powder remains at the bottom of the test tube.

Task 9-4

The precipitate obtained by the action of 400 g of an 8% solution of copper (II) sulfate with a dilute solution of ammonia (which was taken in an amount sufficient to completely precipitate the precipitate) (1), was filtered, dried and calcined in a glass tube to 300 ° C in current of inert gas (2). Gaseous substances at the outlet of the tube were passed through a column with solid alkali weighing 360 g. The mass of the column increased by 5%.

Holding the same amount of air-dried precipitate in a desiccator over concentrated sulfuric acid results in an increase in acid weight of 7.2 g (3).

1. Having made the necessary calculations, determine:

The formula of the substance precipitated as a result of reaction (1); - the formula of the substance formed during the calcination of the precipitate, calculate it

mass, and give its name.

2. Write the reaction equations (1 - 3);

3. Indicate to which class the precipitated substance that precipitates as a result of reaction (1) belongs.

Task 9-5

Chemist, remember, as an ode: Pour acid into the water.

It is well known that when concentrated sulfuric acid reacts with water, a large amount of heat is released. In the thermodynamic handbook, one can find

the following data on the heats of formation (Q f ) of sulfuric acid.Q f , kJ mol−1

H2 SO4 (l) 813.99

H2 SO4 (ai) 909.27

The subscripts in parentheses have the following meanings: (l) liquid acid, (ai) acid completely ionized in water.

1. How much heat is released when 1 mole of 100% sulfuric acid in an amount of water sufficient to completely ionize the acid?

2. What mass of water can be heated from 25°C to 100°C with this amount of heat? Consider that the heat capacity of water C p is equal to 75.3 J mol−1 K−1

and does not depend on temperature.

3. What mass of water can be heated from 25°C to 100°C and evaporated with

this amount of heat? The heat of vaporization of water at 100°С is 40.66 kJ mol−1.

4. Based on the calculations, explain why, when diluting concentrated sulfuric acid, it must be added in small portions to water, and not vice versa.


Task 10-1

A white powdery substance X was added to acid solutions. The results of the experiments are shown in the table.

and adding barium chloride.

Task 10-2

Potassium is the most important biogenic element that is part of animal and plant cells. With a deficiency of potassium in the body, hypokalemia develops, disturbances in the work of the heart and skeletal muscles occur. The main food sources of potassium for humans are liver, milk, fish, dried apricots, melon, beans, kiwi, potatoes, avocados, bananas, broccoli, citrus fruits, grapes. The lack of potassium in the soil leads to the inhibition of plants and a significant decrease in yield, therefore, about 90% of the extracted potassium salts are used for the production of chemical fertilizers.

Potassium metal is extremely chemically active: already at room temperature it reacts with water, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, and when heated - with ammonia, hydrogen, red phosphorus and many other substances.

1. Write reaction equations, with the help of which the chemical properties of potassium metal are characterized in the problem.

Due to its increased reactivity, free potassium is not found in nature. Nevertheless, there is quite a lot of the potassium element on our planet: in terms of prevalence, it occupies the 7th place among all elements, forms a number of its own minerals and is part of sea water. The content of potassium in the earth's crust is 2.4 wt. %, in sea water 0.0371 wt. %.

2. List the elements whose mass content in the earth's crust is greater than that of potassium.

3. Give examples of two minerals containing potassium (formulas, mineralogical and chemical names).

concentration of potassium in sea water in mol/l, if the average density of sea water

1.025 g/cm3.

Natural potassium consists of two stable isotopes 39 K and 41 K and radioactive 40 K (half-life 1.251 109 years). In each gram of natural potassium, an average of 32 nuclei 40 K decays per second, due to which, for example, in a human body weighing 70 kg, about 4000 radioactive decays occur every second.

disintegrated. Despite the fact that its decay occurs in two directions at once (β - decay and electronic, or K-capture), the total half-life is quite large (1.248 109 years). The ratio of the concentration of 40 K to the concentration of one of its products

decay in isolated rocks is used to determine their absolute age; this method is one of the main methods of nuclear geochronology.

6. Write the equations for the reactions of the nuclear decay of the 40 K isotope. Based on the value of the atomic mass, estimate the relative content of the stable isotope 41 K in the natural mixture. Also estimate how many years ago the content of 40 K in the natural mixture of isotopes was 0.0936%.

Task 10-3

Once Karabas-Barabas, after reading a chemistry textbook, demanded that the actors study the interaction of manganese with various acids. Some of the characters were given chemically pure manganese, and the rest were given a metal containing an admixture of iron and copper. We used 3 M hydrochloric and nitric acids, 1 M sulfuric acid, and fuming (100%) nitric acid, which were taken in excess with respect to the metal. Duremar provided each of the characters with one sample of metal and one vial of acid. The doll's observations were recorded in laboratory journals. Let's take a look at the entries in these journals.

Pinocchio. The reaction proceeds vigorously and does not require heating. A colorless gas is released, which, when a match is brought up, explodes with cotton. The metal dissolves without residue. Malvina. The reaction does not proceed as vigorously as in the test tube at Pinocchio. A colorless, flammable gas is released, odorless and tasteless. After complete dissolution of the metal, a little fine powder remains at the bottom of the test tube.

Pierrot. The reaction does not proceed as vigorously as in the test tube at Pinocchio. The metal dissolves without residue. When sodium sulfide is added to a solution, a black precipitate is formed. The gas released from the test tube has a barely noticeable yellow-orange color, which disappears when the gas is passed through alkali. The gas, after passing through an alkali, is colorless, and when a match is brought up, it explodes with cotton.

Fox Alice. Under the action of acid, the surface of the metal is covered with a whitish coating, gas is not released. When a small amount of water is added, a vigorous reaction begins with the evolution of brown gas. The resulting solution has a greenish-yellow color that does not disappear upon boiling.

Cat Basilio. The reaction proceeds with the release of a colorless gas and is as vigorous as that of Pinocchio. The solution acquires a beautiful pale pink color. After complete dissolution of the metal, a little fine powder remains at the bottom of the test tube.

While doing the work, the characters forgot which of the metal samples and which acid they used. It threatened punishment. However, Pope Carlo saved the day and easily restored the missing information.

Do the same for you by presenting the final answer in the table.

Give the reaction equations for the interaction of metals with acids and correlate them with entries in laboratory journals.

Task 10-4

A certain amount of a mixture of isomeric hydrocarbons A and B was placed in a 10-liter evacuated autoclave, after which 10 times (by moles) the amount of oxygen was added under pressure. The reaction mixture was heated to 350°C. The pressure in the autoclave turned out to be 568.48 kPa. An electric spark was passed through the autoclave. After the hydrocarbons were completely burned, the pressure was again measured at the same temperature. It turned out to be equal to 647.14 kPa. The resulting gas mixture was passed through a solution of lime water; 50.0 g of precipitate formed.

1. Determine the molecular formula of hydrocarbons A and B. Support your answer with calculations.

2. Specify the number of possible isomeric hydrocarbons that correspond to this formula and do not decolorize an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

It is known that hydrocarbons A and B are hydrogenated at elevated temperature and pressure; in this case, the same hydrogenation products C and D are formed from both. It is known that in the molecule A there are 4, and in the molecule B 6 types of hydrogen atoms.

3. A-D.

4. Write the reaction products of A with HBr.

Task 10-5

The table lists the standard enthalpies of formation of ClF, BrF, and BrCl compounds in the gas phase at 298 K and the binding energies in these molecules.

1. Based on these data, determine the binding energies in the molecules of fluorine, chlorine and bromine. Draw on a conventional scale (the graph can be built on a sheet of notebook and without indicating the values ​​of the quantities) the dependence of Ebond on the atomic mass of halogen (F, Cl, Br and I)

2. The enthalpy of formation of gaseous chlorine(III) fluoride is −158.9 kJ mol−1. Calculate the Cl–F binding energy in this molecule and explain why it differs from the binding energy in a diatomic molecule.

3. The bond lengths in the ClF, BrF, and BrCl molecules are 0.162, 0.176, and 0.214 nm, respectively. Determine the covalent radii of fluorine, chlorine and bromine atoms. Find the bond length in the Cl2 molecule.

The binding energy is the enthalpy of the reaction ABg = Ag + Br


Task 11-1

A white powdery substance X was added to acid solutions. The results of the experiments are shown in the table.

1. Determine the composition of the added substance (formula). Write its name.

2. Write the equations for the reactions that occur during dissolution.

3. What substances can be contained in the final solution?

4. For the added substance X, write the reactions that occur when heated

and adding barium chloride.

Task 11-2

A flask with gray-black crystals of an unknown substance X, insoluble in water, was found in a chemical laboratory. Wanting to determine their composition, the laboratory assistant weighed out 14.22 g of crystals and acted on them with a large excess of a dilute solution of nitric acid. The crystals completely dissolved and the solution turned brown (reaction 1). The resulting solution was divided into three equal portions.

The second portion of the solution was treated with a solution of potassium iodide and heated to boiling. In this case, violet vapors were released, a green solution and a brown precipitate formed (reactions 5–6). The precipitate was separated, washed with a solution of sodium thiosulfate, as a result of which it turned white (reaction 7), then it was dried and weighed. The mass of the precipitate is 2.865 g; it contains 33.51% (wt.) of the metal. The white precipitate completely dissolved in an excess of sodium thiosulfate solution (reaction 8)

To sodium bromide was added to the third portion of the brown solution, the solution was boiled (reaction 9). When the solution cooled down, concentrated ammonia solution was added to it (reactions 10–12). The solution turned blue, a gray-green precipitate fell out of it, which, when calcined (reaction 13), gave 2.28 g of a green powder containing 68.42% (wt.) of another metal. The described transformations can be presented in the form of a diagram:

black powder

blue precipitate + bright yellow solution



violet vapor + green solution + brown precipitate

7 wash

NaBr, NH3

Na2 S2 O3

white precipitate

grey-green precipitate + blue solution

green powder

Na2 S2 O3


Determine the formula of the unknown substance X, write down the equations of all the mentioned reactions (1–13).

Task 11-3

Impact-resistant and wear-resistant plastics are used for the manufacture of automotive parts

and household appliances, plastic cards, medical equipment, furniture. Widespread ABS plastics are a copolymer of acrylonitrile, butadiene

and styrene.

1. Draw the structural formulas of the listed monomers.

An ABS sample contains (by weight) 87.67% carbon, 7.99% hydrogen, and nitrogen.

2. Calculate the mole and weight fraction of each of the monomers in the polymer.

3. Write down all possible equations for polymer chain growth reactions (radical polymerization), as a result of which a butadiene unit is included in the polymer.

4. How many different dyads (pairs of successive links) can exist in the described ABS plastic: a) assuming that all reactions of chain growth proceed with complete regio- and stereoselectivity; b) assuming that chain propagation reactions with the inclusion of a butadiene unit are not selective?

It is known that polystyrene and copolymers of styrene with acrylonitrile are a strong but rather brittle material (it breaks down at small deformations), and polybutadiene is a rubber capable of high reversible deformations without destruction. ABS plastic combines high strength with resistance to deformation.

5. How are comonomer units distributed in the polymer chain ABS plastics (randomly, strictly alternating, groups of identical links)? Justify your answer.

Use molar masses to the nearest whole atomic mass unit.

Task 11-4

It has been established that for organic molecules and intermediates there is an approximately exponential dependence of the C–C bond length (L , Å) on its order (K ​​):

L = ae − bK

In hydrocarbon I (ωC : ωH = 4)L I = 0.154 nm, and in hydrocarbon II L II = 0.120 nm.

1. Decipher formulas I and II if M I/MII = 1.154. Specify the type of hybridization

C atoms in molecules I and II.

2. Calculate the values ​​of the coefficients a and b. Estimate K for the benzene molecule (L = 0.140 nm). Note: Give three significant figures in your answers.

The obtained value of K can be explained, using the terminology of Kekule, by the presence of "bond oscillations in the benzene ring" (although it is more correct to say that the benzene molecule exists in two mesomeric forms):

The possibility of such an “oscillation” (the existence in the form of two mesomeric forms) was indicated, for example, by data on the reductive ozonation of hydrocarbon III, which results in a mixture of compounds X, Y and Z in a molar ratio of 1:2:3. III can be obtained from II according to the scheme :





4 H2

1) + C

2) H3O+

3. Write structural formulas of compounds A–G, X–Z, III and IV.

4. Set the formula of the catalyst that is used for dehydrogenation

G if it contains Al (29.51%), O (34.97%) and element X.

Task 11-5

Chloroacetic acid is converted to glycolic acid by the action of water. The reaction proceeds according to the equation


With a large excess of water, the reaction has the first order with respect to chloroacetic acid and zero with respect to water.

The reaction kinetics was studied by titration. To do this, samples were taken from the reaction mixture and titrated with NaOH solution. Below are the volumes of alkali used for titration at different reaction times.

1. What is the reaction rate constant?

2. How long after the start of the reaction will all three acids be in the mixture in equal amounts?

3. What is the half-life of chloroacetic acid under these conditions?

4. After what time will 25% of the initial amount of chloroacetic acid remain in the mixture?

Reference Information:

For first-order reactions, k t = lnC C 0 , where k is the reaction rate constant, C 0 is

the initial concentration of the substance, C is the concentration of the substance at time t.

Ecology of life. It would seem that there is nothing simpler, ground the grain, here is flour for you. But, such flour is poorly stored. Therefore, manufacturers purify it from the most useful substances for humans.

It would seem that there is nothing easier, ground the grain, here is flour for you. But, such flour is poorly stored. Therefore, manufacturers purify it from the most useful substances for humans. A huge amount of vitamins, trace elements, and the fiber we need so much, all this goes to waste. It remains almost one starch. But that's not all. To make the flour white enough, it is bleached with substances, which we will talk about in more detail.

Note that the same substances are used in washing powders and household chemicals for disinfection and bleaching. A fact that makes you think about whether it is worth buying bread in stores, or is it better to cook it yourself, at home.

POTASSIUM BROMATE- this inorganic compound, potassium salt, is highly soluble in water. In the classification of food additives, it is designated as E924.

Animal studies have shown the possibility of thyroid and kidney cancer in rats and mice. At high temperatures, which occurs during baking, potassium bromate converts to potassium bromide, which is considered harmless. Bread made from "brominated flour" is fluffy and unnaturally white.

Potassium bromate is prohibited for the food industry in Russia, EU countries, China, Brazil, Canada. Allowed in the USA.

CHLORINE DIOXIDE- a gaseous substance, has a characteristic odor, an inorganic compound of chlorine and oxygen, a powerful antimicrobial substance. Explosive. In the classification of food additives, it is designated as E926.

After processing flour with chlorine dioxide, tocopherols (vitamin E), essential fatty acids, are completely removed. Studies on mice have shown that when fed bread made from flour treated with chlorine dioxide, the animals experienced E-avitaminosis.

Additive E926 is allowed in Russia, it is also used for disinfection and purification of drinking water.

BENZOYL PEROXIDE- an organic compound of the aromatic series, a white powdery substance. In the classification of food additives, it is designated as E928.

Used for bleaching flour, and as a baking improver. Flour treated with benzoyl peroxide is looser and whiter. E928 is often used in the manufacture of oils for deodorization and in the manufacture of cheese and for the treatment of acne in the form of creams and ointments. In its pure form, it is a strong carcinogen (a substance that provokes the occurrence of malignant tumors).

Approved in Russia for use in the baking industry.

AMMONIUM PERSULFATE- organically active compound, ammonium salt. In the classification of food additives, it is designated as E923.

Has the third class of danger. If inhaled, it can cause a severe asthmatic attack, dangerous to the skin and eyes.

Ammonium persulfate is banned in food production in all countries of the world, including Russia. But sometimes it is used as a baking powder for dough, for bleaching flour, in the production of soft drinks and confectionery, as a glazing agent.

ALLOXAN- a compound that is obtained as a result of the oxidation of uric acid.

Alloxan inhibits the action of many enzymes. Causes necrosis of the islets of Langerhans (accumulations of special cells of the pancreas), necrosis of the renal tubules and other less pronounced changes in the pituitary, thymus, adrenal glands and thyroid gland in experimental animals. It is used to obtain experimental diabetes in animals with further research into various drugs.

It is believed that alloxan is not as toxic to humans as it is to animals.

It turns out that white flour is, in fact, starch, which at best will be useless to humans, at worst even dangerous. Of course, it is best to use whole grain flour. Or at least reduce the use of products made from white flour.

Please show common sense!


for the first (correspondence) tour in chemistry

Caspian Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren

Task 10-1

white powdery substance X added to acid solutions. The results of the experiments are shown in the table.


1. Determine the composition of the added substance (formula). Write its name.

2. Write an equation for the reactions that occur during dissolution.

3. What substances can be contained in the final solution?

4. For the added substance X Write the reactions that take place when heated and barium chloride is added.

Task 10-2

Potassium is the most important biogenic element that is part of animal and plant cells. With a deficiency of potassium in the body, hypokalemia develops, disturbances in the work of the heart and skeletal muscles occur. The main food sources of potassium for humans are liver, milk, fish, dried apricots, melon, beans, kiwi, potatoes, avocados, bananas, broccoli, citrus fruits, grapes. The lack of potassium in the soil leads to the inhibition of plants and a significant decrease in yield, therefore, about 90% of the extracted potassium salts are used for the production of chemical fertilizers.

Potassium metal is extremely chemically active: already at room temperature it reacts with water, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, and when heated - with ammonia, hydrogen, red phosphorus and many other substances.

1. Write the reaction equations , with the help of which the chemical properties of metallic potassium are characterized in the problem.

Due to its increased reactivity, free potassium is not found in nature. Nevertheless, there is quite a lot of the potassium element on our planet: in terms of prevalence, it occupies the 7th place among all elements, forms a number of its own minerals and is part of sea water. The content of potassium in the earth's crust is 2.4 wt. %, in sea water 0.0371 wt. %.

2. List the elements whose mass content in the earth's crust is greater than that of potassium.

3. Give examples of two minerals containing potassium (formulas, mineralogical and chemical names).

4. Estimate the total amount of potassium in the earth's crust in units of atoms, if it is known that the mass of the earth's crust is estimated at 2.8 1019 tons. Calculate the average concentration of potassium in sea water in mol/l if the average density of sea water is 1.025 g/cm3.

Natural potassium consists of two stable isotopes 39K and 41K and radioactive 40K (half-life 1.251 109 years). In each gram of natural potassium, an average of 32 40K nuclei decays per second, due to which, for example, in a human body weighing 70 kg, about 4000 radioactive decays occur every second.

The content of 40K in the natural mixture of isotopes is 0.0117%. All 40K available on earth was formed simultaneously with the emergence of the planet itself and has gradually decayed since then. Despite the fact that its decay occurs in two directions at once (β-decay and electronic, or K-capture), the total half-life is quite long (1.248 109 years). The ratio of the concentration of 40K to the concentration of one of its decay products in isolated rocks is used to determine their absolute age; this method is one of the main methods of nuclear geochronology.

6. Write the reaction equations for the nuclear decay of the 40K isotope. Based on the value of the atomic mass, estimate the relative content of the stable isotope 41K in the natural mixture. Also estimate how many years ago the content of 40K in the natural mixture of isotopes was 0.0936%.

Task 10-3

Once Karabas-Barabas, after reading a chemistry textbook, demanded that the actors study the interaction of manganese with various acids. Some of the characters were given chemically pure manganese, and the rest were given a metal containing an admixture of iron and copper. We used 3M hydrochloric and nitric acids, 1M sulfuric acid, and fuming (100%) nitric acid, which were taken in excess relative to the metal. Duremar provided each of the characters with one sample of metal and one vial of acid. The doll's observations were recorded in laboratory journals. Let's take a look at the entries in these journals.

Pinocchio. The reaction proceeds vigorously and does not require heating. A colorless gas is released, which, when a match is brought up, explodes with cotton. The metal dissolves without residue.

Malvina. The reaction does not proceed as vigorously as in the test tube at Pinocchio. A colorless, flammable gas is released, odorless and tasteless. After complete dissolution of the metal, a little fine powder remains at the bottom of the test tube.

Pierrot. The reaction does not proceed as vigorously as in the test tube at Pinocchio. The metal dissolves without residue. When sodium sulfide is added to a solution, a black precipitate is formed. The gas released from the test tube has a barely noticeable yellow-orange color, which disappears when the gas is passed through alkali. The gas, after passing through an alkali, is colorless, when a match is brought up, it explodes with cotton.

Fox Alice. Under the action of acid, the surface of the metal is covered with a white coating, gas is not released. When a small amount of water is added, a vigorous reaction begins with the evolution of brown gas. The resulting solution has a greenish-yellow color that does not disappear upon boiling.

Cat Basilio. The reaction proceeds with the release of a colorless gas and is as vigorous as that of Pinocchio. The solution acquires a beautiful pale pink color. After complete dissolution of the metal, a little fine powder remains at the bottom of the test tube.

While doing the work, the characters forgot which of the metal samples and which acid they used. It threatened punishment. However, Pope Carlo saved the day and easily restored the missing information.

Do it yourself by providing the final answer in the table.

Give the reaction equations for the interaction of metals with acids and correlate them with entries in laboratory journals.

Task 10-4

Some mixture of isomeric hydrocarbons BUT and AT placed in a vacuum autoclave with a volume of 10 l, after which 10 times (by moles) the amount of oxygen was added under pressure. The reaction mixture was heated to 350°C. The pressure in the autoclave turned out to be 568.48 kPa. An electric spark was passed through the autoclave. After the hydrocarbons are completely burned. The pressure was measured again at the same temperature. It turned out to be equal to 647.14 kPa. The resulting gas mixture was passed through a solution of lime water; 50.0 g of precipitate formed.

1. Determine the molecular formula of hydrocarbons BUT and AT. Support your answer with calculations.

2. Specify the number of possible isomeric hydrocarbons that correspond to this formula and do not decolorize an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

3. It is known that hydrocarbons BUT and AT are hydrogenated at elevated temperature and pressure; at the same time, the same hydrogenation products are formed from both FROM and D . It is known that in a molecule BUT there are 4, and in the molecule AT 6 types of hydrogen atoms.

4. Write structural formulas of compounds BUT- D .

5. Write the reaction products BUT With HBr .

Task 10-5

The table lists the standard enthalpies of formation of ClF, BrF, and BrCl compounds in the gas phase at 298 K and the binding energies in these molecules.


1. Based on these data, determine the binding energies in the molecules of fluorine, chlorine and bromine. Picture in conditional scale(the graph can be built on a sheet of notebook without specifying the values ​​of the quantities) dependence of Ebond on the atomic mass of the halogen ( F , Cl , Br , I ).

2. The enthalpy of formation of gaseous chlorine fluoride ( III ) is equal to – 158.9 kJ mol-1. Calculate the binding energy Cl - F in this molecule and explain why it differs from the binding energy in a diatomic molecule.

3. Bond lengths in molecules ClF , BrF and BrCl are equal to 0.162, 0.176 and 0.214 nm, respectively. Determine the covalent radii of fluorine, chlorine and bromine atoms. Find the bond length in the molecule Cl 2 .

The binding energy is the enthalpy of the reaction ABr=Ar+Br.

We are used to the fact that baking soda is always "at hand". And for baking, it is needed, and it will clean any stains in the kitchen, polish silver, and destroy mold. And why not use it for medical purposes: breathe over a hot solution for a cold, take it for heartburn when there is no cure. We even sometimes make a fizzy drink from it.

In the civilized European world, soda has been known for a long time, it was used both for the production of soap, glass, and for various paints and even medicines.

An inconspicuous paper white pack stands on the kitchen shelf and can help out at any moment. Soda powder can replace a number of chemical compounds. We are used to it and simply do not think about where it comes from and what the production of soda looks like.

How did you start making soda?

Man encountered this substance in ancient times. It was used by extracting from soda lakes and small mineral deposits. In Europe, it was used to produce soap, paints, glass, and even medicines. Seaweed ash was the source of this white powdery substance. But for industry, this amount was not enough.

In nature, there are soda lakes in Transbaikalia and Western Siberia.

Lake Natron in Tanzania and Lake Searls in California are known. The United States owns large reserves of this natural substance: it uses 40% of natural soda for its needs and depletion of reserves is not expected in the coming decades. Russia does not have large deposits, so the substance is obtained only by chemical methods.

One of the first to be applied was an industrial method invented by the French chemist Leblanc in 1791. The method was based on the extraction of sodium carbonate from rock salt. The technology was not perfect: there was a significant amount of waste. But a start was made: the price of the "white matter" decreased, and the need for acquisition increased.

The Leblanc method was widely used, but it only produced soda ash. The next inventor was the Frenchman Augustin Jean Fresnel, who in 1810 carried out the reaction to obtain soda powder by passing rock salt through an ammonia solution and carbon dioxide. But in production, this development was unprofitable. It was not known how to recover the ammonia needed in the cyclic production process.

To date, the production of purified sodium bicarbonate occurs in two ways, "dry" and "wet"

And only in 1861, the Belgian Ernest Solvay, relying on the works of Fresnel, conducted a reaction to restore ammonia, making production cheap and replacing the Leblanc method. The peculiarity of the method was that it allowed, in addition to soda ash, to obtain baking soda.

In Russia, they learned about the "white matter" during the reign of Peter the Great. Until 1860, it was imported and was called "zoda" or "itch". And in 1864, its own production of this product was established.

Composition of baking soda

There are not so few varieties of "white matter":

  • there is soda ash or sodium carbonate: Na2CO3;
  • there is also bicarbonate soda (drinking soda) or sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3;
  • crystalline soda Na2CO3*10H2O;
  • caustic soda, which has a very distant relation to food, is NaOH.

Based on the synthesis method, it is divided into Leblanc and ammonia, the second is more pure.

"White matter" is rare in nature and not in its pure form. This amount is not enough to satisfy the world's needs. The production of soda reaches several million tons per year.

Baking soda has a chemical name - sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate with the formula NaHCO3. It is contained in the form of a dissolved substance in the impurities of salt lakes and sea water, it is in the composition of rocks.

Salt production process

Soda production to date is based on the Solvay method. In another way, this method is called ammonia-chloride. A concentrated solution of sodium chloride is saturated with ammonia and then exposed to carbon dioxide.

The resulting sodium bicarbonate is poorly soluble in cold water and can be easily isolated by filtration. Then carry out the process of calcination with the formation of soda powder.

The production of soda ash is carried out by the ammonia method by the interaction of a saturated aqueous solution of sodium chloride and carbon dioxide in the presence of ammonia with the formation of sodium bicarbonate and its subsequent calcination

The step by step process looks like this:

  1. NaCl + NH3 + CO2 + H2O \u003d NaHCO3 + NH4Cl (the formation of the final product takes place in water at t \u003d + 30 - + 40 degrees).
  2. 2NaHCO3 = Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O (CO2 is not removed from the cyclic process). This is a soda ash reaction.
  3. 2NH4Cl + CaO = CaCl2 + H2O + 2NH3. This is how ammonia is restored. He continues to participate in production again and again, finding use in further production.

By this method, both soda ash and baking soda are obtained. Both substances are in demand in the production of various products. The Solvay method makes it possible to synthesize two types of soda powder simultaneously. Now it becomes clear what soda is made of, and what components are involved in chemical reactions.

In Russia, the substance is produced at two enterprises - at the Soda plant in Sterlitamak (Republic of Bashkortostan) and the Crimean Soda Plant enterprise in Krasnoperekopsk (Republic of Crimea). These are high quality products that meet the requirements of GOST.

Production process from natural minerals

Since there are countries rich in minerals, which include the substance of interest to us (for example, the USA, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico), a simpler method for the production of soda from the minerals nahkolite and throne is also known. You can make soda ash powder from them, and then turn it into food.

The throne is mined in different ways:

  • Underground rooms are cut out, which are supported by special devices. The mineral is taken on the walls of the rooms, and then moved up the conveyor.
  • Hot water is poured underground to dissolve the mineral. The pumped liquid is evaporated and the resulting demineralized crystals are processed.

The crystals are crushed, heated to remove unwanted gases, and turn the mineral into soda powder. But there are still many impurities in it, which are removed by adding water and subsequent filtration. The resulting substance is dried, sieved and packed in prepared containers already at the enterprise.

The use of soda ash powder is quite wide. It is needed for the manufacture of glass, soap, paper. It is used to purify water. The use of sodium bicarbonate is necessary in medicine and the food industry.

As with any chemical production, making soda powder is not environmentally friendly. But the destructive effect on nature would be much stronger if they began to produce those synthetic substances that soda can successfully replace.

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