Home Blanks for the winter Questions on military topics by February 23. Competition "Best Legs"

Questions on military topics by February 23. Competition "Best Legs"

For the event you will need: gifts for men, refreshments, props for games and contests, prizes.

Event plan: congratulations, presenting gifts, banquet, comic test "Who's Who", contests for real men, competition "War of the Sexes".


Congratulation, presentation of gifts.

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts to men and congratulations. It is advisable that the congratulation is not too long and formal. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form. It is preferable to name each man by name in a congratulation and say a few pleasant words about him.


After the congratulations, everyone sits down at the table. When drawing up the menu for this holiday, it is advisable to take into account the tastes of men and not be limited to sweets and fruits, but to cook something more meaningful.

Comic test "Who is who".

As entertainment at the table, you can offer men a comic test. For the test, various titles are written on the cards, and then each man, without looking, pulls out one card for himself. Examples of inscriptions: intellectual, Casanova, sex giant, ideal husband, secret agent, the strongest, psychic, magician and wizard, commander, sovereign, erudite, most temperamental, best fighter, most agile, professional in his field.

It is even more interesting not just to make inscriptions, but to cut out from magazines and stick pictures corresponding to the inscriptions. During the preparation of the cards, you must be extremely correct and make sure that the invented inscriptions do not hurt anyone's dignity and do not offend anyone.

Contests for real men.

Another entertainment, corresponding to the theme of the holiday, can be a competition between men for the title of the best. The following contests are held between those wishing to compete for this title:


For a marksmanship competition, it is best to use the game "Darts". A simpler option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with an open cap) at a target drawn on a sheet of paper attached to the wall from a distance of 3 - 5 meters. The most accurate participant gets a prize point.

The marker should be designed for drawing only on paper, then random traces of it can be easily washed off with alcohol.

Best toast.

The presenter informs the participants that, without a doubt, a real man should be able to drink correctly. However, the task of the competition is not to drink more than others, but to do it in the most graceful way. After that, each participant receives a glass of strong drink. Contestants take turns making toasts and drinking the contents of the glass. The one who completes the task best of all gets a prize point.

Best compliment.

Since a real man must be gallant and be able to find an approach to a woman's heart, in this competition, participants compete in giving compliments to the fair sex. The one whose compliment is more pleasing to women than others, receives a prize point.

Competition "War of the Sexes".

In order for not only men, but also women to have the opportunity to take an active part in the holiday, several competitions are held in which teams of men and women compete with each other.

Speech rate.

Representatives from each team are called for the competition. They are invited to pronounce as many of any words as possible in 30 seconds. The team whose representative has spoken more words will receive a prize point.

For the competition, it is necessary to appoint several controllers who count the spoken words and follow so that there are no repetitions.

Throw range.

One representative is called from each team. Their task is to throw the playing card as far as possible. You can allow participants to try multiple times. In order not to confuse the thrown cards, you can invite one participant to throw red suits, and the other - black suits. The team, whose representative will throw the map further (with several attempts, the best of the throws is counted), receives a prize point.


One representative is called from each team. Their task is to perform the most original and exciting dance. At the same time, the tempo of the music is constantly changing. The team whose representative performs the best dance will receive a prize point.

Knowledge is power.

All team players participate in this competition. The facilitator asks the teams questions in turn. At the same time, a team of women is asked male questions, and a team of men - female questions.

Examples of questions for women:

- What is the carburetor part of? (Engine)

- What can you hit with a "wheat"? (On the ball)

- Is the hood on the front or back of the car? (Front)

- What is a bullet? (Penalty (free kick) in hockey)

- In which direction when using a saw is the force applied: towards yourself or away from yourself? (Push)

- Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (Hockey)

- Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)

- Which company products have a “checkmark” shape? (Nike)

Examples of questions for men:

- Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the "arrow" does not go on torn tights)

- When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a needle or a thread? (Needle)

- What is "highlighting"? (Coloring individual hair strands)

- Why would a woman need acetone? (Wash off old nail polish)

- What is the name of the small purse that stores the items needed to do makeup? (Cosmetic bag)

- Is yeast put in shortcrust pastry? (No)

- Do I need to wash off the dye from the hair after dyeing it? (Yes)

- For this process, wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used. What is this process? (Depilation)

For each correct answer, the team receives a prize point. The team with the most points gets a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne.

Helpful hints.

All competitions and contests must be conducted so that there are no dissatisfied or offended. It is much better to acknowledge the victory for several participants at once and give prizes to as many competitors as possible.

Scenario of the holiday for adults "Beauty contest among men".

Props: 5 self-tying ties, 4 bills of 1000 rubles each, 3 chairs, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins.

Prizes: 4 chocolates, a bottle of champagne.


- Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Today is a special day, and here's why: I intend to hold a beauty contest among men right here and right now. Are there men in the hall? Wonderful! If you ask me what kind of competition it is, then I will answer you: unlike trivial beauty contests among the representatives of the fair half of humanity, in our case, men will not have to try on swimsuits, shining on the stage with biceps, triceps and other body parts - no! Men are most often loved and appreciated not only for the delights of the exterior, but quite the opposite! It doesn't matter if the man has a hairstyle, or, say, a tummy. A real man should be elegantly dressed, should be able to count and earn money, value time, be just, damn sexy (although hardly anyone knows exactly what it is).

- But, be that as it may, they are still greeted by their clothes. Remember how the great Pushkin painted the handsome Onegin: "Like a dandy London is dressed, has a haircut in the latest fashion ..." and so on. Please tell me, does anyone know what a real dandy, a real secular lion should wear?

(viewers name items of clothing, someone must say: "Tie!")

Right! Of course, a tie! Enough, I ask you to come out here, to the playground! (If the cherished word is pronounced by a lady, she is given the right to choose the first participant) Introduce yourself, please! Wait here, I'll bring the rest to you now!

- As I mentioned, a real man should be able to count money. Attention, men, which of you now, without reaching into your pocket, can say exactly how much money he has in his pocket? (Someone says: "Zero!") Here he is - the most economical man, all the money in the bank, in his pocket - zero. Please go to the site and - applause to the second player! What is your name? Thanks.

- And now remember the proverbs and tell me what is more valuable than money in our time? (Someone will certainly say: "Time!") Exactly! Of course it's time! And the clock is considered the counter of time from the century! On my - ... who has the same result? And who is the clock in a hurry? You? So you're just in a hurry to become the third contestant! And he is in a hurry to live, and in a hurry to participate! Applause to the third participant of the program!

- Meet the rivals! Three heroes, three handsome men for selection. And tell me, dear viewers, who else in history were there three?

(There is an auction, on the account of "three" someone wins).

Here he is the fourth - the fourth handsome! Applause! Introduce yourself.

Under the terms of the game, you are given the right to choose the fifth player! Choose from viewers! There is! And the name of the fifth contestant…. Excellent! Applause to the participants in the beauty contest.

1 competition.

So, we are starting the competition! It is known that a real man should be elegantly dressed. Nothing, perhaps, adorns a man like a fashionable, properly tied collars ... - uh, sorry, a tie! Here are five self-tying ties, each one. Attention, players! The system of the game is as follows: after each stage, one of you will leave the court with a consolation prize, the rest will continue the fight until victory, but for now - ties at outstretched hands! The task: to tie a tie with any of the twelve knots in stock in mankind, and as soon as it is tied around your neck, as a sign of readiness to raise your hand up! It's clear? At the command "Start!" knit a tie around your neck, and - hand up! The one who lifts the last one - has lost. Ready! Let's start! (Players knit ties with ANY knot, someone is the last) There is a loser! Oh, what a pity, some seconds were not enough for you, but, alas, this is so. Here is your consolation prize, you can return to the hall, and the rest will continue to fight now.

2nd competition.

Well, you've mastered the ties, let's move on. Please stand on one line. I have already said that a real man should be able to make money. But a real man should also be able to beautifully throw money down the drain! Here is money for you - a thousand rubles each, put it in a "house", and the wind is under your nose. On the command "started!" you need to blow on the bill, letting it go to the wind. The one who is closer - lost. It's clear? Prepared. Let's start! (Players blow on the bills, someone gets closer) Oh, how unlucky you are! Well, it doesn’t matter, you’re just a little more economical than the others, here’s a consolation prize for you. Thanks and applause from the audience! Meanwhile, there were three fighters left.

3rd competition.

And we continue!

(Assistants bring out three chairs, put them behind the players).

It has already been said that the clock is the counter of time. “Seven do not wait for one” - this is also about time. In the next competition, the task is simple: on the command "start!" You will rush into the hall and collect from the audience - and I am sure they will help you - seven watches each! Ours are also considered. The one who comes to his chair last - lost! So, fans, help! Let's start!

(Players run to the hall, collect watches, someone is the last).

Stop the game! Yes Yes! It’s a pity you didn’t have enough time either! .. But this is not grief - happy people simply don’t watch the clock! Your prize, and applause from the audience!

4th competition.

Dear owners of time meters! In a few minutes your watch will return to you, because ahead is the last stage of the game! Attention, contestants! Are you real men? Are you ready to win? You will not give up on the last round and escape from the battlefield? Excellent! The last stage is the competition for the sexiest man! Calm down, I'll explain everything now! To inspire a loved one to a reciprocal feeling, any bird, animal, including a person, performs in front of her a kind of erotic dance! This is exactly what you have to do, and this simple props will help you! (Two ropes are carried one meter at a time, at the ends - on potatoes and on a clothespin) The task is simple - by attaching a potato on a string to a belt buckle, you, performing erotic body movements back and forth, with the help of a potato must push this box of matches (to the feet of each put on a box of matches) to this line (at a distance of three or four meters). You cannot help yourself with your feet, hands and other organs! So, bring the instrument to a calm position! No, the length, I assure you, does not depend on anything! We don’t help with our hands and feet - it’s unhygienic! Take action on command. The one whose box is the first to cross the finish line will receive the main prize. Attention, we started! (Game! Someone turned out to be faster!) There is a victory! Here he is - a superhero of the evening, a local sex symbol and just a handsome man! And you - yes, sorry, sorry - just barely had time. Well, nothing, haste does not paint a man. Here's a consolation prize for you. And to you, dear winner, this is champagne! I am sure that the first toast that you will raise will be for those in whose name men earn money, write songs and poems, perform the most extravagant and wonderful deeds - for you, dear ladies! Thanks for playing!

Leading: Dear Men! We congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We congratulate you on the occasion of the soldiers' holiday,

But we always want to see you only in civilian clothes!

And if in a uniform, then only in a sports one -

For running, football and active life!

The female ensemble performs the song:

  1. We went around all the districts of the city,

We couldn't find a better team!

We went around all the districts of the city,

We couldn't find you better!

Again the Twenty-third of February!

You are still at the helm with us!

We will congratulate you today,

To fulfill all desires!

Chorus: We wish you a lot of bright dreams!

We wish you many warm words!

So that the catch awaits you on a fishing trip,

So that delicious pilaf is waiting for you in the kitchen!

To make your business go well,

So that there is a big prize for everyone,

I gave my heart!

  1. Let the birds and crickets sing to you!

Don't take off your rose-colored glasses!

You are great peasants,

You spin like tops!

At work, everything depends on you!

And although life is not easy now,

We want to wish you without unnecessary phrases,

So that the fire in the soul does not go out!

Chorus: If men disappeared suddenly,

A lifebuoy wouldn't help us!

We would be left without them, as if without hands,

After all, any of us needs a loyal friend!

May things go great with you!

So that there is a salary, a bonus for everyone,

So that your faithful friend is waiting for you,

I gave my heart!

The female ensemble performs a song to the tune "Songs of the Pilots":

Tonight, tonight, tonight

Without you, men, frankly, there is nothing to do!

We will gather at the table

Pour full glasses

And we'll sing a song for the men we love.


It's time for us to confess

That we love you dearly, we love you, we love you dearly!

Always lean

On your faithful shoulder we want!

Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be!

Never allow despondency in your heart!

There will be a lot of luck

Everything will change, you just know!

You guys are gallant, gallant, gallant!

So slender, beautiful, curly!

We'll drink one, we'll drink two

For your glorious deeds,

But not to have a headache tomorrow!


Lead 1: We wish to live always "on takeoff",

Both in personal life and in work!

Lead 2: And always remain real knights!

The song is performed to the motive of the song from the film. "Three Musketeers":

February again, and the red number,

So Defender's Day is on schedule!

And we were again brought to the stage,

Hiring an ensemble is not yet affordable!


It's time-let's-rejoice

In my lifetime

To the fact that there are men

Free day!

Bye-bye-bye we have such defenders,

We whisper to fate more than once:

- Mercy sideways!

Men need money -

Ce la vie!

And women need them all the more!

But most importantly, we wish you love!

And may good luck accompany you!


The presenter hands out paper and pencils to all the men and asks them to draw a woman from 12 figures. Only circles, triangles and squares can be used. Then the presenter asks everyone to count the number of figures of each type in the drawing. Explains that those who used more squares value loyalty and consistency in a woman first of all. Those with predominantly circles prefer a cheerful disposition and kindness. Those who choose triangles value sexuality the most.

You can identify men who have the most squares, circles, triangles and give them symbolic prizes, for example, calendars with corresponding pictures.

Musical pause.

Leading: It's time to take stock of the questionnaire that was conducted among men, so that our lovely women finally get an idea of ​​the tastes and preferences of the male half of the team!

1. What military qualities do you need in your work?

2. Describe your life with a line from a song.

3. Decode the first letters of the word HUSBAND.

4. Why do women love you?

5. Your motto in relationships with women.

6. What do you value most in a woman?

7. But still, what is love?

(The questionnaire is filled in by men in advance, a week before the holiday. You can conduct it with each of them in the form of an interview. Then you need to choose some of the best answers to each question and draw up a summary questionnaire)

The presenter with two assistants read out the summary questionnaire.

(The presenter is the question and the other two women are the best answers, taking turns)

Then two prizes are awarded - for the wittiest and most lyrical questionnaire.

You can give a prize for the best answer to each question.

Leading makes a toast:

Do you know the difference between a diplomat and a girl?

If a diplomat says yes, it means maybe;

If a diplomat says “maybe,” it means “no”;

If a diplomat says no, then it is not a diplomat!

If the girl is “no,” it means “maybe”;

If a girl says “maybe,” it means “yes”;

If a girl says yes, then it's not a girl!

If a man says no, that means no;

If a man says yes, that means yes;

If a man says “maybe,” then this is not a man!

So let's drink to real men who know what they want!

Leading: Everyone, whose answers were recognized as the best, we will now present the chips. For what - I will explain later.

(Chips are awarded to all men whose answers were voiced in the summary questionnaire)

Our goal is to identify Mister ... (name of the organization), that is, our super-man! In the future, if a woman earns a chip, she must present it to one of the men. The one with the most chips wins.

First, let's check your musical horizons!

Remember the songs that mention some military rank!

For example:

Oh, what a man he was!

A real colonel!

How good it is to be a general!

The corporal commands: "Forward!"

And he himself, of course, lags behind ...

Take us to the gate

Comrade Petty Officer ...

The junior lieutenant is a young boy! ..

Captain, captain, smile!

Don't hang your nose, Lieutenant Golitsyn!

Cornet Obolensky, pour some wine!

The presenter asks leading questions and distributes chips.

Leading: In your name, dear men, congratulatory telegrams have been received from famous women and even fairy-tale heroines. But they were all in such a hurry that they forgot to subscribe. Your task is to identify the sender. For example:

Let them whisper in your ear about love!

Princess nicknamed ... Frog

I wish to drink only vintage wines!

Merry and joy to you ... Malvina

Let your figures be slim!

Hello and congratulations from ... Snow Maidens

I wish you to sing more often with a guitar!

Good company to you ... Rotaru

Do not shed tears from unplanned love!

Greetings to you musical from ... Bulanova

Let not only porridge be on the table!

Let them feed you pies ... Masha

Always live fun and cool!

Don't forget your childhood! … Queen

I wish you a lot of music and laughter!

Love and eternal youth! ... Piekha

Let you have money to a fig!

And chicken legs! ... Baba Yaga

I wish you not to act like a pig!

Greetings ... Monica Lewinsky

Be in the field and in the forest more often!

I wish you health and vigor! ... Alsou

Never allow despondency!

Big hello from mom! ... Orbakaite

Level up in service with Major Pronin!

I wish you strength, courage! ... Doronina

Wipe away all traces of lipstick!

Pre-election greetings from ... Khakamada

Friends! Don't get caught up in gunfights!

We wish you a long life! Group ... Arrows

Leading: Another test - let's check how you know our women!

(He asks to bring in a stand with children's photographs of the employees. It is necessary to determine who is shown in the photo)

Chips are awarded for correct answers.

Leading: The next task is to tell an anecdote on the army theme.

Women can also participate in the competition, but then they must present their chip to one of the men!

Examples of anecdotes.

The general arrives at the unit with a check. The task is to disguise everyone. The general walks through the territory, everything is fine, no one is visible. Suddenly a soldier with a yell flies straight at the general.

- What is this?

- Allow me to report! I disguised myself as a log, I lie. Suddenly a couple comes up. They sit on me. I tolerate. They began to hug, I endure. Until then I endured, until they began to carve their names on my back!

The commander is counting among the recruits from the Ukraine.

- Kovalenko!

- I!

- Petrenko!

- I!

- Through zabornoguzaderischenko!

- I!

- No shit to yourself, surname!

- I!

Petka failed his college exams. Vasily Ivanovich asks:

- What did you cut off on?

- On history! They asked who Caesar was. Well, I said that this is a stallion from the third squadron!

- My fault, Petka! While you were gone, I translated it into the seventh!

The sergeant sees girls in the ranks.

- Oh, there are also girls among you! That is OK! Here you will be taught to salute!

During military training, the teacher "scolds" the student:

  1. And don't make a smart face! You are a future officer!
  1. I should take you out into the field, put you facing the wall and shoot you in the forehead!

At the exercises.

- Private Beldyev! Do you still have some water left in your flask?

- Of course, brother!

- How do you answer the senior in rank! I repeat the question. Do you have water?

- No, Comrade Sergeant!

Two friends meet.

- Come on, let's have a drink!

- My wife does not give money!

- I don’t ask mine! He said that he had lost the machine gun during the exercises, so now I pay 100 rubles every month!

- It's an idea!

A second friend came home and said to his wife:

- Do you remember my tank burned down during training? So now you have to pay 300 rubles every month!

The wife gave a cry, but there was nothing to do. Several months passed. My wife got tired of this, and she went to the military registration and enlistment office, complaining that money was being deducted from her husband.

The colonel is calling her husband.

- I understand you, of course! I myself pay 500 rubles for a submarine. But 300 rubles - you turned it down! Hundreds are enough for you. I'll write an official paper now, so that there is something to show my wife!

The husband returns home and says to his wife:

- You fool, fool! Why did you go? Here's another 100 rubles!

Leading: And the last task is to sing a ditty on the theme "Man and Woman". Women, as we agreed, give their chips to men.

Chastooshkas are performed.

The results are summed up; it is determined who has the most chips, and the presenter introduces to the audience three contenders for the title "Mister ...". Then she gives the applicants the task - to determine the weight of the backpack by lifting it from the floor. He chooses two - those who more accurately named the weight. He thanks the third and presents him with a consolation prize.

The presenter asks the two remaining applicants to declare their love with a line from the song, for which men are given from one to five chips. Then the grand total is summed up and the Super-man is awarded a prize (for example, a hammer, on the handle of which the inscription "Mister ..." and the year are engraved).

The loser is awarded a consolation prize.

Leading: We thank everyone who took part in our competition, and we want to perform a song for you, dear men!

You are not firemen, you are not carpenters,

But there are no bitter regrets, just like not!

You are management workers,

And the female choir sends you greetings!

The wind of change ruffled your curls,

And your burden is not light - yet!

But we all have a superman here,

And your brand is high!

Do not refuse us a favor

Accept gifts of lovely ladies, all ladies!

So that it does not remain in the unknown,

What we feel for you!

May desires come true

Days without love and in bustle are not the same!

In all matters and on a date

We wish you to be on top!

Women give gifts to colleagues. For example, pens.

So that your plans do not hang in the air,

We wish you to write down wise thoughts!

Musical pause. After a pause, the gypsies appear. They sing.

Girlfriends congratulate you

Give me some cards in hand -

Fortune telling on the king!

And even more fun

Oh-la-la! Oh-la-la!


Long road maps

They made a fortune to the kings!

There will be many travels -

From Paris to the Bahamas!

Smile more fun!

The road of kings awaits!

Oh-la-la! Oh-la-la!


Important place in the deck

We wish you to borrow!

So that you are aces among the people

They also began to call!

Pour everyone! Pour everyone!

Oh-la-la! Oh-la-la!


General's salary

We sincerely wish you!

May you be rewarded for your work

And the love of beautiful ladies!

You are dearer to us all!

Ladies love kings!

Oh-la-la! Oh-la-la!


There will be happiness in your personal life!

And energy charge!

Everything will be fine with you!

The cards tell the truth!

Oh-la-la! Oh-la-la!

Oh-la-la! Oh-la-la!


Women perform "Tsyganochka". Then they approach each man and offer to tell fortunes. Fortune-telling cards can be made by yourself - cut out funny pictures from magazines and provide them with the appropriate signature. Situations can be taken as follows: memorable business trip, family idyll, temptation, thrill, vacation romance, strict bosses, material difficulties, fulfillment of a cherished desire, love with a guarantee, clarification of relations, sudden love, surprise, good nutrition, changes in work, problems with transport, new sources of income, loyal friends, exotic travel, respect of colleagues, a risky adventure, an office romance, etc. Men show everyone the card they pulled out, and the fortuneteller comments on the situation.

Musical pause.

Leading: As you know, a man is a ball. If you give him too much freedom, he blooms, too little, he unwinds! So let's drink, dear friends, for the beloved women to knit for you, but at the same time not tied hand and foot!

Musical pause.

Leading: And now the female choir will perform a song dedicated to our leader (General Director, etc.).

Dark night! And cash is hard to find

And the salary is in a foggy distance,

Twinkles like stars!

Dark night! And in the dark you can't see the way!

Only taxes is a huge shadow,

How the ax hangs!

But our collective is calm in a mortal battle!

The Marshal is standing by the window, and he cannot sleep!

We believe in him, in the team and in our victory!

After all, while he is at his post,

Nothing will happen!

Leading: So let's drink to our leadership not to lose courage and fortitude even in the most difficult situations!

Musical pause.

Leading: Dear Men! We are grateful that we have you! We wish you to always be men with a capital letter!

We wish to achieve the general's epaulettes,

Know everything, be able to do everything and work great!

Follow the bearing of your army,

Less often from wives to go AWOL!

Let the contractions not spill blood

And your glorious regiment never surrenders!

We wish you to always stay in the ranks!

May you be lucky both in love and in battle!


Target: Education of patriotism and citizenship in older preschool children, the development of moral values, familiarization with the history of the Fatherland.

Equipment: sheets of paper, cut pictures, constructor, envelopes with cut proverbs

Children are divided into 2 teams, and they choose a captain

The competition begins.

"Make a proverb".

Each team receives an envelope with two proverbs cut into words about the army, war, service.


It is hard to learn, easy to fight.

A battle is red with courage, and a comrade with friendship.

Stand bravely for a just cause.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword.

There are sheets of paper on the table.

The captains need to make one airplane at a time.

Points are awarded for speed and quality of work

Now let's do the tests.

Airplanes are launched according to flight range.

A game "Build military equipment" from constructor

A game: "Cut pictures"

Each team is given the task to assemble a cut picture. Who is faster?


One, two - there is a rocket.

Three, four - the plane.

One, two - clap your hands

And then on each account.

One two three four-

Hands are higher, shoulders are wider.

One two three four

And on the spot they were like.

Competition "Guess a riddle"

1. The giant is in the port

Lighting up the dark

And signals the ships

Come visit us.


2. Locomotive without wheels

That's a miracle steam locomotive

Has he lost his mind

I went straight by the sea.


Riddles for Team II

1. Flies, buzzes

And when he sits down, he will be silent.


2. Inverted cauldron

Helped protect the person


She fell into a swan

Now I won't find her. (Bullet)

We have "Poplar", "Topol M",

We do not serve Flora at all.

We stand guard over the country

So that there is no more war. (Rocket Forces)

"Where we are, there is victory!" -

Our motto is glorious, fighting.

We have been from the sea to the coast from the century,

Fled "Stone" wall! (Marines)

The plane hovers like a bird

There is an air border.

At the post, day and night

Our soldier is a military man (Pilot)

A game: Question answer

1. Name the branches of our army.

2. Tell us what is the difference between the military uniform of a soldier, pilot,

3. What kind of military equipment do you know?

4. What is the importance of military equipment in the service of soldiers?

5. Why do soldiers need weapons?

6. What are the medals awarded for?

7. What are shoulder straps for in the army?

Game "One - many"

Airplane - …

The game "4th extra"

Tank, fighter, helicopter, plane;

Gunner, sniper, cook, paratrooper;

Drum, machine gun, machine gun, cannon;

Vest, greatcoat, jeans, tunic.

Leading: You have shown courage, perseverance and patience,

And sometimes endurance, surprising to everyone,

To stand guard over your homeland

And from enemies, to defend Russia with honor!

Game "Find words - signs"

Defender of Motherland (which) -…

Tank (which) - …

Army (which) - …

Homeland (which) - …

all (what)- military equipment".

question and answer.

2. What kind of headgear does a fighter wear during combat to protect his head from injury? Helmet

3. How many battles did A. Suvorov lose? I have not lost a single one

4. What kind of headdress did the Red Army men wear? Budenovka

5. What kind of headgear does a tanker wear? Helmet

6. What is the name of the paratrooper's headdress? Beret

7. What does a rifle and a tree have? Trunk

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This quiz can be held at extracurricular events dedicated to the holiday of February 23rd or Victory Day.

The class is divided into 2 teams

The teams take turns answering questions.

1. What commander, having read in the works of the philosopher Democritus, that there is not one, but many universes in the world, exclaimed: "But I have not yet conquered this one!" (Alexander the Great.)

2. What military trick helped end the Trojan War? (The king of the small Greek island Ithaca Odysseus proposed to make a large wooden horse, inside which a Greek detachment took refuge. The Trojans, considering the horse a gift from the Greeks, who were tired of fighting for ten years, dragged it into the city. At night, the Greeks got out of the horse and opened the city gates for their troops. Thus, the Trojan War ended with the capture and destruction of Troy.)

3. This shirt was invented in Ancient Assyria, but Russian soldiers especially fell in love with it - it was worn from the 10th to the 17th century, and then it became useless. What is this shirt? (Chainmail is a shirt woven from many iron rings.)

4. Who owns the words: “Russia is not lost with the loss of Moscow”? (To Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.)

5. "Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky" - is written on the pedestal of the monument on Red Square in Moscow. Why is Russia grateful to these people? (Zemsky headman Kuzma Minin in Nizhny Novgorod gathered the people's militia, which liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders. Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky commanded this militia.)

6. What is significant in Russian history on the rainy day of June 24, 1945? (The Victory Parade took place.)

7. Rapid offensive. (Attack.)

8. The name of the soldier of the poem Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky (Vasily Terkin.)

9. The personnel of the ship, aircraft, tank. (Crew.)

10. A soldier who is tasked with collecting data on the plans and actions of the enemy. (Scout.)

11. What is the name of the machine gun cart, glorified in the famous song about the Civil War? (Tachanka.)

12. What is the name of the part of the troops going in front of the main forces? (Vanguard.)

13. What were the first Russian soldiers called? (Druzhinniki.)

14. What soldiers during the Great Patriotic War did the Germans call the "Black Death"? (Marines.)

15. To whom history attributes the words: "Russia is great, but nowhere to retreat: Moscow is behind!" (Vasily Georgievich Klochkov, political instructor of the 8th Panfilov Guards Division, which defended Moscow.)

16. Who was in charge of the defense of Moscow in 1941? (Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.)

Quiz for future defenders of the fatherland - scenario

The holiday has two parts: 1) a tournament-quiz, which is prepared by boys, and 2) competitions

They are invented and carried out by girls.

Holiday preparation

Boys form groups at will to represent a kind of troops, prepare clothing attributes: shoulder straps, berets, ribbons, emblems, stripes, badges. In addition, they come up with questions for the quiz, using books, encyclopedias; select songs or chants for the parade. Parents, grandfathers, veterans invited to the class and young soldiers who have served in the army are actively helping children. We advise you to read the books by A. Mityaev "The Book of Future Commanders" and "The Book of Future Admirals". They contain both questions and answers.


The first stage of the holiday "History of our army".


The winds blow in February

Rising, rushing into the distance

Howl loudly in the pipes,

Aircraft links.

Rushing like a snake on the ground

It celebrates February

Light drift.

Army birth.

S. Marshak


Our army has an ancient and glorious history, although the army began to be called not so long ago

More than two hundred years ago. Russ

This was the name of our ancestors in ancient times

They were brave and fearless warriors who did not give enemies the opportunity to conquer their lands. At the end of the VI century. the Byzantine emperor wrote this about the Russians: "... they love freedom and are not inclined either to slavery or to obedience. They are brave, especially in their land, hardy; they easily endure cold and heat, lack of clothing and food. Their youths skillfully wield weapons. ". Another Byzantine wrote about the Russians: "This people is brave to madness, brave, strong." The campaigns of Prince Oleg, the victories of the famous military leader of Kievan Rus, Prince Svyatoslav and his squads, put an end to the ruinous raids of the Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsians, made Russia a strong state, and its warriors


Such Russian generals as Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, and already in our time Marshals Konstantin Zhukov, Konev, Rokossovsky and others became especially famous. You will learn more about them when you study the glorious history of the Fatherland.

http: // site

And now we are starting the quiz tournament. We ask questions in a circle: 1st group

2nd, 2nd group

3rd, etc. And so on three times (each group asks three questions in total and answers three questions). If the group cannot answer the question asked to it, another one who knows the answer answers.

Quiz questions.

1. Name the great Russian commanders.

2. What orders were named after the Russian commanders? (The Order of Alexander Nevsky, established in the 18th century, the Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov, they were awarded during the Great Patriotic War).

3. In ancient times, when people acquired surnames, they received them by character, by appearance, by occupation. What are the names associated with military affairs? (Voinov, Kazakov, Streltsov, Druzhinin, Pushkin, Pushkarev, Soldatov, Gusarov, Fighters and others. Great-grandfathers, these people managed to stand up for their native land!).

4. What are the types of tanks? (Heavy, light, medium, floating).

5. What does the word boarding mean? (Method of naval combat. Ships of the opponents approached and linked with hooks. Sailors engaged in hand-to-hand combat to destroy or capture the crew and the ship itself).

6. In which country did the first tank appear? (In Russia, in 1915, it was called an all-terrain vehicle. The British were the first to establish the production of tanks in 1916. Hence the word “tank” was assigned to this vehicle).

7. Name the first Russian order. (Order of St. Andrew the First-Called).

8. What commander commanded the Russian army during the war with the French in 1812? (Mikhail Kutuzov).

9. What are the types of troops in the modern army. (Artillery, motorized rifle troops, armored, infantry, marines, airborne, engineering, aviation).

10. What is the difference between different types of troops? (Form of clothing, emblems on the sleeves, shoulder straps, emblems on the buttonholes, etc.).

11. Who built the world's first airplane? (Engineer AF Mozhaisky. In the summer of 1882, the first flight in history was made in Krasnoe Selo, near St. Petersburg).

12. What were the first planes used for? (For reconnaissance. Then air combat and bombing were added to reconnaissance).

13. Name the first multi-engine aircraft that were built in 1913. They were used for bombing. ("Russian Knight" and "Ilya Muromets").

14. Who conducted the first air battle? (Head-captain P. Nesterov. He first flew in the form of a loop. It was called Nesterov's loop, or a dead loop. In this battle, Nesterov again used a ram for the first time. This was in 1914).

15. Continue the row: battle, battle, battle ... (battle).

16. What is the name of the artist who depicts the paintings of the battle, scenes of military life? (Batalist).

17. What was awarded to Roman soldiers? (Wreaths).

18. What are "pigs", "ticks"? Draw them. (The battle order of the troops).

19. Who was the first to be awarded the 1st degree Order of Suvorov? (Marshal G.K. Zhukov).

20. What are the most memorable military parades on Red Square? (The 1941 parade, when the Germans came close to Moscow, and the Victory parade in 1945).

21. Name the great Russian naval commanders. (Admiral F. Ushakov

He was never defeated, like A. Suvorov; admirals M. P. Lazarev, P. S. Nakhimov, V. A. Kornilov, V. I. Istomin, S. O. Makarov).

22. Name the warships. (Boat, cruiser, battleship, destroyer, destroyer, minesweeper, battleship).

23. What orders are named after Russian admirals? (Order and Medal of Ushakov, Order and Medal of Nakhimov).

24. Who established the St. Andrew's flag? (Peter I in 1699. This is the stern flag of the Russian Navy. It is white with a diagonal blue cross of St. Andrew the First-Called, hence the name Andreevsky).

25. What does the sea word polundra mean, and where did it come from? (This word is Dutch, literally means: be afraid of an object falling from above, this is a signal of danger).

26. When did the Russian military fleet begin to be created? (At the end of the 17th century. The first warships were launched during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter I. But not one of them saw the sea. Only under Peter I did Russia reach the sea shores and began to have the most powerful military fleet ).

The winners of the quiz, those who scored the most points, are awarded medals, which depict the insignia of various types of troops.

You can sing songs (optional): "A soldier is walking through the city", "Don't cry, girl", "A detachment was walking along the shore."

Scripts and scenes. Scenario for February 23rd. Scene to February 23... Scenario at school on February 23rd February 23rd. Scenario. Scene Scenario for the holiday on February 23.

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  • Knight's Tournament-2 - February 23 Celebration Scenario
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  • February 23- script for adults
  • February 23 with family - celebrating at home
  • Police Academy - scenario for February 23
  • Men in the Office - Scenario February 23 for a corporate party
  • Dad's holiday - competition for grades 1-4 on February 23
  • Heroic fun - scenario for grades 1-4 for February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day - scenario for students in grades 1-4 on February 23
  • Big Maneuvers - February 23rd Celebration Scenario for Grades 5-8
  • Tournament of Real Knights - scenario February 23 competition-competition for grades 5-8
  • Battle of ships - Competitive game program for February 23 for children 7-11 years old
  • Come on boys - scenario for grades 9-11 on February 23
  • One Hundred Things for One Hundred Friends - February 23rd Celebration Scenario
  • Competition program for February 23 - script for February 23
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - scenario for February 23
  • Come on, boys - competition program script for February 23
  • Come on boys-2 - February 23 scenario for grades 9-11 on February 23
  • Come on, Narni - a sports competition dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day
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  • Quiz for Future Defenders of the Fatherland - February 23 scenario
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day - scenario February 23
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  • Sports and gaming holiday on February 23 - scenario for February 23
  • Literary and musical composition - the script for the Defender of the Fatherland Day
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  • Little Soldiers - February 23rd Celebration Scenario
  • Competition program for February 23rd - February 23rd celebration script
  • Crossword puzzle and riddles for February 23 - February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day - scenario February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day-2 - scenario February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day-3 - scenario February 23
  • Soldiers walked in Aty-bats - a festive program for junior schoolchildren
  • Quiz - script February 23
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  • February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important, solemn holiday. On this day, we honor the Russian soldier, officer, general, sailor, pilot - everyone who stands guard over the world, protects the borders of our beloved homeland. " There is no better Russian soldier anywhere in the world. He himself will not be lost and will save his comrade"- this is what the famous military leader, commander A.V.Suvorov said.

    On February 23, we congratulate all men on the holiday. Of course, we want to say kind words to the future defenders of the Fatherland, to wish them to grow up strong, smart, decisive.

    On the eve of the holiday, festive events are held at schools and collectives. A quiz is a game of answering the questions posed - an integral part of any event.

    The quiz by February 23 will revive any festive action, stir up interest in the topic. We offer you a quiz consisting of 8 blocks of questions. All questions are answered.

    Quiz Creator: Iris Revue

    1. Answer the questions:

    What was the name of the holiday on February 23, celebrated from 1946 to 1993?
    Answer:"Day of the Soviet Army and Navy"

    What historical events are associated with the holiday on February 23?
    Answer: with the first battles of the Red Army against German troops in February 1918

    Name famous Russian military leaders
    Answer: Suvorov, Kutuzov, Budyonny, Chapaev, Blucher, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, Konev, Govorov, Rokossovsky.

    What was the name of the army in the old days?
    Answer: host

    When did the first firearms appear among the ancient Russian warriors?
    Answer: Cannon - from 1389, and from the 15th century - manual. A manual crossbow is a tube in which gunpowder was ignited with a fiery fuse.

    What does the word "postrel" mean?
    Answer: mischievous tomboy

    What old legends, tales, myths, legends about military campaigns do you know?
    Answer:"Prophetic Oleg", "Ilya Muromets", "Legends about the glorious battle of Kulikovo", "Tales about Stepan Razin", "How the geese saved Rome", "Prince-warrior Svyatoslav and his campaigns".

    What is spear?
    Answer: Slavic heavy spear for hand-to-hand combat or for hunting big game

    What is the subject of "armor"?
    Answer: metal armor, armor worn to protect against cold weapons

    Who is a corporal?
    Answer: team leader, junior officer rank

    What was the name of the chief of the army, as well as the region, district in ancient Russia?
    Answer: voivode

    2. Block of comic questions

    What item can be used to cook porridge?
    From an ax +
    From scrap
    From the hammer

    Who's life is a tin?
    At the Water +
    At Kashchei the Immortal
    Papa Carlo's

    Who is the whole regiment for?
    For the one who waves his fists after a fight
    For the one who has no voice, but the hunt to sing
    Who amuses people in the regiment +

    What will cure seven ailments?
    Bow +

    Higher than what the ears do not grow?
    Answer: Above any

    Who can get a sparrow?
    Don Quixote
    Tall man +
    Basilio the cat

    3. The alphabet of military words.

    Name as many "A" words as possible related to military topics.
    Answer: aircraft carrier, artillery, army, crossbow, armada, boarding, admiral, adjutant, aiguillettes, ace (pilot), attack, halberd (an ancient weapon - a figured hatchet on a long shaft).

    What is Onucha?
    Answer: footcloth

    What is damask steel?
    Answer: a special type of steel for blades, sabers, daggers

    4. The first weapon of man

    What types of weapons were used:
    in the Stone Age? Answer: about 2 million - 10 thousand years BC NS. - wooden clubs, stones, spears with a burnt end; in the Mesolithic (10-5 thousand years BC), Neolithic (6-4 thousand years BC) weapons with a stone tip, boomerang.
    in the copper age? Answer: copper arrowheads, daggers, swords, axes.
    in the Bronze Age? Answer: bronze swords, knives; bronze spearheads, arrows; protective armor.
    in the Iron Age? Answer: iron edged weapons and armor: swords, daggers, spears, maces, battle axes.

    5. Which song does the lyrics belong to?

    "Fire is beating in a small stove ..."
    Answer:"In the dugout". Authors: poems by A. Surikov, music by K. Listov

    "Victory Day, how far it was from us ..."
    Answer: Victory Day". Authors: poems by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov

    "Where are you now, fellow soldiers, my combat companions?"
    Answer:"Where are you now, fellow soldiers" Authors: poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Soloviev-Sedoy

    "At times it seems to me that the soldiers who did not come from the bloody fields ..."
    Answer:"Cranes". Authors: poems by R. Gamzatov, music by J. Frenkel

    "The grove under the mountain was smoking, and the sunset was burning with it ..."
    Answer:"At an unnamed height." Authors: poems by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner

    6. Question-answer

    List the qualities that characterize a brave warrior.
    Answer: Determination, courage, courage, courage, endurance, courage, fearlessness, valor, inflexibility, fortitude, steadfastness, fortitude, heroism, determination, inflexibility, fearlessness.

    7. Continue the adage:

    A bad soldier who does not dream ... to become a general.
    One in the field is not ... a warrior.
    Cheek brings success.
    The bullet is afraid of the brave ... the bold bayonet does not take.
    Take care of the soldier's honor ... holy.
    The Russian soldier does not know ... obstacles.
    Courage is the sister of ... victory.
    Lost like a Swede near ... Poltava.
    The Frenchman is the striker, but the Russian ... is sturdy.
    Know the Russian commandment - in battle ... do not yawn.
    We are not afraid of our enemies, if the army is ... powerful.

    8. Who is the author of the poem?

    If they say the word "Motherland"
    Immediately in memory rises
    Old house, currants in the garden,
    Thick poplar at the gate ...
    Or the steppe is red from poppies,
    Golden virgin land ...
    Homeland is different
    But everyone has one.
    Answer: Alexandrova Zinaida Nikolaevna, poem "Motherland"

    Would meet with tankers
    And tell them this: “Friends,
    You are at war with the fascists,
    I want to fight too! "
    I would sit in a cramped cabin
    And for his homeland,
    For a spacious, wonderful
    Would have distinguished himself in battle.
    Answer: Blaginina Elena Aleksandrovna, poem "It would be nice ..."

    At the Red Army man
    The gun is available.
    They are brave.
    Their business is
    And small
    And big ones.
    Answer: Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich, poem "Walking"

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