Home Preparations for the winter Throughout pregnancy, the lower abdomen aches. Pain in the lower abdomen - when is it a sign of pregnancy? Causes of pulling pains in the earliest stages of gestation

Throughout pregnancy, the lower abdomen aches. Pain in the lower abdomen - when is it a sign of pregnancy? Causes of pulling pains in the earliest stages of gestation

Pain is a sign that something is wrong in the body. But this is not always true, because pains are different and it is necessary to clearly distinguish them. During pregnancy, very often pulls or pricks in the lower abdomen. Every woman who wants to give birth to a healthy child has doubts whether everything is in order with the baby.

The causes of pain during childbearing can be very different. Sometimes they occur due to changes in weight or whatever, but it happens that the underlying cause of the pain is a bladder infection or indigestion. In any case, if there are any doubts, you should definitely consult a gynecologist, he will find out the true cause of the pain and give recommendations.

By and large, there are two groups of pain - obstetric and non-obstetric. The first group is the pain that occurs with or the threat of termination of pregnancy. Non-obstetric is pain associated with the gastrointestinal tract or arising from stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus.

If pain occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, then this may be a signal for a possible miscarriage. There are different types of such spontaneous abortions. But in this situation, the main thing is not to wait, but to immediately go to see a doctor and discuss further actions with him. With proper medical care, pregnancy can be saved.

Pain in the lower abdomen also occurs with an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the fertilized egg does not develop in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy can be confirmed by a doctor with an ultrasound examination. The fact is that pains appear mainly at 5-7 weeks of gestation, when a growing egg breaks the tissue of the fallopian tube. In this case, and can be observed. Only surgery can help keep the pregnancy going.

However, abdominal pain does not always indicate a threat to the life of the baby. If the stomach hurts in late pregnancy, then the reasons can be very different.

Often, malnutrition leads to a spasm in the lower abdomen. An additional burden on the intestines can create a too dense dinner or stale food. Such pains are mostly short-term and stop after the end of the digestion process. To avoid discomfort, you just need to monitor your diet and not overeat. Remember that the intestines are already uncomfortable due to pregnancy, as the uterus squeezes it, so drink plenty of fluids and eat foods that are easy to digest.

As you grow, so does the load on the ligaments that support it. Therefore, stretching may occur in some places. In this case, the pain will be sharp and short-term, but it can manifest itself for many months of pregnancy.

Occasionally, but it still happens that during pregnancy, pancreatitis and intestinal obstruction begin to worsen. In this case, the pain is accompanied by fever and nausea. Do not put off your visit to the doctor, as you may have to operate.

Unpleasant pain can also occur in connection with the likelihood of termination of pregnancy. An alarm should be caused by a condition when it hurts like during contractions or appear either red. These symptoms should prompt immediate medical attention.

Remember, pain does not necessarily mean a tragic outcome of the pregnancy or some serious problem. But you should not take it lightly, because it is you who are responsible for the life of the unborn child and for his health.

Specially for- Maryana Surma

Pregnancy, especially the first, is rich in new symptoms and unknown sensations. Some of them may alert the expectant mother - for example, pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages. It is important to know what causes this symptom, and when a doctor's consultation should be immediate.

Lower abdominal pain

Very often, pain in the lower abdomen appears even before the news of pregnancy. We are talking about implantation - the process when a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine wall. At the same time, the sensations are similar to those during menstruation, more precisely, premenstrual syndrome - it pulls the lower abdomen. However, unlike the latter, menstruation never occurs, and the pain continues.

In the third or fourth week of pregnancy, they can become more intense and make the expectant mother anxious. The pain is different in nature and duration - dull, pulling or sharp, cramping. It can be present almost always, even at rest, or appear only when moving, changing the position of the body, physical activity. The causes of this symptom are manifold.

The reasons

Why pulls the lower abdomen in the third or fourth week of pregnancy? Unpleasant sensations in this zone do not always indicate pathology, they are often associated with physiological changes characteristic of the period of bearing a baby. After all, it is at this time that the load on the female body increases significantly, and many of its organs are being restructured.

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region during pregnancy can be divided into two groups - physiological and pathological.

It is very important to at least approximately represent their main differences, because if the former do not threaten the health of the mother and baby in any way, then the latter can end in failure.

Physiological causes

It would seem that by the fourth week all discomfort should disappear, because implantation has already occurred, and there is no premenstrual syndrome, like menstruation. But in practice, it is during this period that discomfort in the lower abdomen very often worries the expectant mother.

The main physiological reasons for this phenomenon include:

  1. The growth of the uterus and its pressure on the surrounding organs - the bladder, as well as the intestines.
  2. Stretching of the uterine ligaments.
  3. Hypertension of the uterus.

The main difference between physiological pains is that they are transient and short-lived. These unpleasant sensations do not grow in intensity, do not become cramping. And most often the discomfort disappears with rest.

uterus growth

Once implantation has occurred, the uterus begins to grow. And although by the fourth week it slightly increases in size, nevertheless, pressure on the nearby organs - the intestines and bladder - can be felt by the expectant mother, like a dull pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Also, a woman may complain of frequent visits to the toilet without pain and burning in the urethra. Discomfort decreases with rest and change of position.

In addition, the growing uterus gradually shifts the center of gravity of the body, and because of this, pain in the lumbar spine can occur.

Stretching of the uterine ligaments

In the abdominal cavity, the uterus is supported by symmetrical round ligaments. As pregnancy progresses, the load on the ligamentous apparatus increases more and more. Fibrous fibers begin to stretch and discomfort occurs.

If the uterus grows quickly, the expectant mother feels her lower abdomen pulling, pain in the groin appears. Over time, the round ligaments adapt to the increasing load, and the discomfort disappears. But in the fourth or fifth week of pregnancy, they may well bother a woman.

Changing the position of the body, reducing physical activity, and frequent rest helps to reduce pain.

Uterine hypertonicity

Since the uterus is a muscular organ, the contraction of its muscles is a natural process. In the later stages, uterine tension is noted by a woman as a petrification of the abdomen. But in the fourth or fifth week, the uterus is too low to be felt. However, the dull pulling pain that accompanies hypertonicity is very common.

It is important that these sensations do not resemble contractions and do not intensify over time. With hypertonicity of the uterus, it is best to lie down and rest a bit. This will help the muscles relax.

Frequent uterine contractions can be triggered by the following factors:

  • load.
  • Fatigue.
  • Psycho-emotional experiences.
  • Tight, uncomfortable clothing.
  • Colds, SARS, concomitant diseases.

Sometimes uterine hypertonicity is not felt in any way, and this diagnosis is established only according to ultrasound. This condition does not require medical support. But, since sometimes hypertonicity precedes a miscarriage, many doctors prefer to send a pregnant woman to a hospital for round-the-clock monitoring and treatment with antispasmodics.

Pathological causes

There are a lot of diseases that are characterized by abdominal pain. Some of them may accompany pregnancy or be provoked by it.

At the slightest suspicion of the pathological nature of the pain, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Although the tactics of doctors regarding the preservation of pregnancy for a period of 4-5 weeks is still debatable. According to Western recommendations, during this period, the body rejects embryos with genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, and you should not interfere with this.

However, given how much effort some women put into getting pregnant, many doctors prefer to provide hormonal support to the expectant mother and keep the pregnancy going.

In addition, do not forget that in the early stages, pathological pain is not only a threat of interruption. It can also indicate other pathologies:

  • Beginning miscarriage or abortion in progress.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs.
  • Fibromyoma of the uterus.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Diseases of the stomach, large and small intestines.
  • Acute surgical pathology.


If the threat of termination of pregnancy is manifested only by a dull pain or a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen, with a beginning miscarriage or abortion, the nature of the sensations changes in the course. The pain becomes sharp, intense, cramping. In addition, a woman has spotting from the genital tract, her health may deteriorate sharply.

It would be a dangerous mistake to ignore such symptoms. The best option in this situation is to call the ambulance team for emergency hospitalization. Although 4-5 weeks of pregnancy is a short period, no doctor can predict how a miscarriage will end at home. In addition, when the uterus is just beginning to contract, you can have time to provide medical care and save the pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening condition. If a woman is not helped in time, the pathology can result in profuse bleeding and death.

What are the warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy? The following symptoms are extremely dangerous:

  1. The appearance of sharp pain. As a rule, it is localized on one side, and at the same time, the lower abdomen does not pull, but hurts a lot.
  2. Irradiation of pain in the groin, thigh, buttock.
  3. The appearance of bleeding.
  4. A sharp increase in pain during rupture of the fallopian tube.
  5. Sudden weakness, dizziness, palpitations, loss of consciousness.

The last signs indicate the onset of bleeding due to rupture of the tube. In this case, the woman should be hospitalized as soon as possible, until the volume of blood loss has reached critical values.

If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected for a period of 4 weeks, it is necessary to determine the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and perform an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

If, according to the analysis, the hormone is detected, but at the same time, the fetal egg cannot be found in the uterine cavity, the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is practically beyond doubt.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs - the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes - are not so common during pregnancy. But it is impossible to exclude such a pathology. Hypothermia on the eve of conception or shortly after it can lead to the onset of an inflammatory process in the genital area or to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

This will show up with the following symptoms:

  • Pulling pains in the lumbar region, lower abdomen for a period of 3-4 weeks.
  • An increase in temperature to subfebrile figures, and in some cases even above 38 °.
  • The appearance of unusual discharge from the genital tract.

These complaints should not be ignored or attributed to pregnancy. A launched inflammatory process can disrupt the development of a child or provoke an abortion.

Fibromyoma of the uterus

Uterine fibromyoma is a tumor, but benign. It extremely rarely degenerates into a malignant neoplasm that can metastasize. However, fibroids are prone to growth.

During the period of bearing a baby, under the influence of hormones, the tumor can quickly increase in size, causing a feeling that it is pulling the lower abdomen even in the early stages, the fourth or fifth weeks of pregnancy. This happens if, before conception, a woman already had a fairly large fibromyoma or even several tumors.

It often happens that the expectant mother is unaware of the presence of a volumetric formation in the uterus, especially when she did not plan a pregnancy and did not do an ultrasound before. But if a woman has previously been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, it is necessary to notify the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Diseases of the urinary system

During pregnancy, diseases of the urinary system are often exacerbated. This is due to the anatomical features of the female body - the proximity of the location of the uterus to the bladder. Even outside of pregnancy, women are more likely to suffer from inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract - acute and chronic cystitis, pyelitis and pyelonephritis.

During the period of bearing a baby, such patients must be registered and belong to the risk group for the development of an exacerbation of the disease.


In the early stages of pregnancy (3-4 weeks), the doctor can often hear from the expectant mother a complaint that it pulls on the lower abdomen and frequent urination. However, this is normal due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder.

But in some cases, an inflammatory process really develops at this level. By what signs can a pregnant woman suspect the onset of cystitis? As a rule, this pathology is difficult to confuse with anything. Bladder inflammation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Sharp or dull pain in the lower abdomen, above the pubis. When pressing with a hand in this place, the pain intensifies.
  2. Frequent urge to urinate. Some women have to go to the toilet every 5-10 minutes, which causes them considerable inconvenience.
  3. Cutting, burning and pain when urinating. Discomfort at the end of the process and immediately after it is especially characteristic. The pain syndrome can be very pronounced.
  4. Sometimes the allocation of drops of blood in the process of urination. This symptom is characteristic of hemorrhagic cystitis and requires a mandatory examination by a urologist.
  5. Temperature increase is possible, but normal readings of the thermometer do not exclude cystitis.
  6. Visible cloudiness of the urine.

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease that is most often caused by bacteria. That is why it is treated with antibiotics. Most drugs of this action during pregnancy are contraindicated.

But without treatment, cystitis progresses and can turn into inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis. Therefore, antibiotic therapy under the supervision of a physician is required. The diagnosis is established on the basis of characteristic complaints and general urinalysis.


Pyelonephritis is a much more serious disease than cystitis. In this case, the inflammatory process directly affects the kidneys. The disease often becomes chronic, and such women are at risk for developing CRF (chronic renal failure).

During pregnancy, the increased stress on the compromised kidneys can cause them to stop doing their job. This is extremely dangerous not only for the health of the woman, but also for her unborn child.

Pyelonephritis during pregnancy is manifested by severe pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, high fever, amazing chills. If this is an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, then the symptoms may not be so pronounced, but fever and pain are always present.

The danger of pyelonephritis lies in the intoxication of the body, which develops in the acute period of the disease. In this case, both mother and child suffer. Such an action is especially unfavorable in the early stages of pregnancy, at the beginning of the first trimester, when the laying of organs is just beginning.

In addition, this disease is also treated exclusively with antibacterial drugs. Sometimes, with an aggressive or resistant pathogen, the doctor has to prescribe drugs from several groups in order to achieve the complete destruction of pathogenic bacteria. However, the side effects of the drugs are summed up, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Pyelonephritis during pregnancy can be a complication of cystitis or a primary disease.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Sometimes the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy due to problems in the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially easy to miss this symptom in the first trimester, in the fourth or fifth week.

During this period, in most women, such manifestations of toxicosis as nausea and vomiting are strongly pronounced. And if in an ordinary person these symptoms, combined with pain in the abdomen, immediately suggest an acute intestinal disease (ACI), then even a doctor can make a mistake when carrying a baby.

At 4–5 weeks, the expectant mother should be alerted by abdominal pain in combination with a disorder of the stool or a change in its color. It is not uncommon for OCZ to have a fever and a history of eating questionable foods, especially meat, fish, eggs, or pastries.

Abdominal pain in the early stages may appear against the background of constipation and, as a result, developing colitis. Decreased intestinal motility is a side effect of excess progesterone, which is typical for the beginning of the first trimester.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in early pregnancy is fraught not only with unpleasant symptoms, but also with dehydration against the background of vomiting and diarrhea.

Acute surgical pathology

When carrying a baby, one should not forget about such a disease as acute appendicitis. Of course, it does not occur as often as other diseases, but, nevertheless, it occupies a certain place in the structure of the causes of pain in the early stages.

Classic appendicitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the right lower abdomen.
  • Nausea, sometimes vomiting, constipation.
  • Sometimes subfebrile.
  • Leukocytosis in the general blood test.

All symptoms, except the first, can be attributed to the usual manifestations of pregnancy. Unfortunately, appendicitis pain is not as common as it seems.

In about a third of patients, discomfort appears in the epigastrium (stomach area) and is regarded as an exacerbation of gastritis. For some, the area around the navel, lower abdomen, lower back, or even the left side may hurt. Sometimes - with a high location of the appendix - discomfort appears in the hypochondrium.

The lack of alertness in relation to acute surgical pathology in pregnant women leads to the fact that these diseases are not diagnosed at an early stage. And they talk about appendicitis only when the peritoneum is involved in the process, and the pain becomes intense.

The period of bearing a child does not protect against appendicitis and other surgical pathologies, and this possibility must always be remembered.

Pain in the lower abdomen at 3-4-5 weeks of pregnancy can be associated with various processes. Often they go away on their own, but sometimes they turn out to be a manifestation of the disease. In order to prevent the development of a serious disease, you need to seek medical help in a timely manner and not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment.

Pregnancy for a woman is a special period in her life. It is not surprising that any sensation of pain in the abdomen is perceived with special attention and anxiety.

After all, pain can signal that not everything is in order in the female body.

Every woman wants to give birth to a healthy child. And in the event of pain in the abdomen, her excitement is understandable. The causes of pain during gestation are different.

They can appear from the weight gain of the pregnant woman, from the food she eats, but there are other problems. Why does a woman have a pain in her lower abdomen, that's today's topic of conversation.

Why can a pregnant woman experience pain in the lower abdomen

If the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, this may be a signal of an infection in the bladder or a violation of the digestive system.

It is important for a pregnant woman to take all necessary measures in time, as abortion may occur.

If the pain in the lower abdomen from acute turns into cramping, begins to repeat at regular intervals, with a noticeable frequency, urgently call an ambulance.

Only after the diagnosis of ultrasound can you find out the nature of stabbing pains in the lower abdomen in pregnant women.

These symptoms may indicate an increased tone in the uterus, detachment of the fetal egg or placenta.

Thanks to ultrasound, you can see the condition of the fetus, after which the doctor will be able to find the right treatment tactics. Pregnancy requires special attention.

At a later period of pregnancy, cardiotocography is usually used, it allows you to find out about the condition of the unborn child and see cramping uterine contractions.

Why pulls the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman

  1. If the lower abdomen hurts in the early stages, this may indicate the beginning of the onset of pregnancy. The pain sensations of a woman at these moments resemble the pain during the menstrual cycle. In the uterus, there are processes of enhanced hemodynamics. This is due to the rush of blood to the area of ​​the uterus. Such symptoms do not give any complications during pregnancy. But the consultation of the supervising physician should be mandatory in order to foresee undesirable consequences.
  2. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen at this time may not be a cause for alarm. Since this is a normal process, it is associated with a growing child. During the entire pregnancy, the ligaments that are responsible for the correct location of the uterus and play a role in supporting it experience strong tension. And the closer to childbirth, the greater the weight of the child, the more the ligaments are loaded.
  3. Due to the strong tension of the ligaments, pain occurs. They can increase or decrease as the movements are made, from elementary coughs and sneezes. This pain is quickly passing, it is sharp and palpable. Pain in the lower abdomen can appear from strong physical exertion. In this regard, during this period they need to be reduced.
  4. As a result of pain in the lower abdomen, old diseases associated with gynecology can serve. This pain is inherent in diseases of the ovaries or other diseases of the genitourinary system. In order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process, try to address this problem to a specialist. After the examination, he will prescribe a safe but effective method of treatment.
  5. At the same time, it is impossible to exclude the violations associated with the processes of digestion that are quite common during this period, frequent constipation, which provoke pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. During pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen can give an attack of appendicitis, intestinal obstruction and pancreatitis. If a pregnant woman has a pain in the lower abdomen with the presence of nausea, vomiting, fever, do not waste time, this situation is quite serious, urgently call an ambulance.
  7. A pregnant woman should not listen to anyone's advice: knowledgeable girlfriends, grandmothers, take as a basis information on treatment read on the Internet. In no case should you take medication to relieve pain on your own! Any wrong step of self-treatment made during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and other serious consequences related to the health of the woman and child.
  8. It can hurt in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman from contracting muscles in the uterus. This process usually occurs in the last stages of pregnancy, and if at these moments you put your hand on your stomach, you can feel that it becomes harder. The process is natural and not life threatening.
  9. The cause of pain in the lower abdomen in pregnant women can often be improper and poor-quality nutrition. Excessive consumption of food causes additional stress in the intestines. During pregnancy, he already experiences an uncomfortable state from squeezing his uterus. If it hurts for this reason, usually the pain is fast and stops when the process of digestion in the body ends. In order not to experience such pain, women should monitor their diet and try not to overeat and drink liquid (within reason!).
  10. Types of spontaneous abortions can be different. And perhaps the pain that arose in the lower abdomen appeared in connection with the termination of pregnancy. Waiting for things to get better is dangerous, agree to better discuss a plan for further action with a specialist. Of course, not every pain is a sign of miscarriage or another possible health problem. But timely medical assistance will help to keep the pregnancy and solve, possibly, a serious problem.

Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen in the first stages of pregnancy in women

In the first stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences a strong feeling of nausea. When vomiting occurs, flatulence and spasm in the intestines usually occur.

This does not pose a danger to the course of pregnancy and to the mother herself. But if this process intensifies, then a problem may arise. In this situation, mandatory control and consultation of a specialist.

In the early stages, not all women experience pain and discomfort. But with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, due to an increase in the abdomen, it will not be possible to avoid these unpleasant moments.

All women get acquainted with the feeling that "the stomach pulls." The baby grows and develops inside the mother, which leads to an increase in the size of the uterus.

If the pregnant woman went in for sports and she has elastic muscles in the anterior part of the abdominal wall, then they can cope with and support a growing belly.

Over time, if a woman becomes pregnant again, these muscles will be weakened after the first birth, which usually results in a sagging belly.

If a woman has narrow hips, then she feels that her stomach seems to be pulling down. To make it easier for mom to endure pregnancy, doctors recommend getting a special pull-up bandage.

Thanks to the bandage, a woman will avoid stretching pain that comes from a strong load of stretched ligaments that help hold the uterus.

Pulling pain can occur in the abdomen due to scarring from previous operations from the removal of the appendix, caesarean section and other surgical interventions.

During the passage of pregnancy, every woman experiences a feeling of discomfort and pain. And this is not surprising, since a new life develops inside the mother's body, which, together with the mother, goes through certain stages of development.

In the body of a woman, a change in the position of the internal organs occurs, the organs of the small pelvis are moved apart, muscle tissue and ligaments are stretched.

It has been noted that most often pain is experienced by pregnant women who have had menstruation with pain. Every pregnant woman should know that during the period of gestation, it is necessary to be attentive to the intensity of pain.

In any case, if something is alarming, it is better to play it safe and seek advice from a leading specialist.

It is considered normal if pulling pain occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. But this applies to the norm only when it does not pull in the abdomen all the time.

Stitching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear with hypertonicity of the uterus. If it hurts slightly, try to lie down, relax and calm down.

If the pain with discharge increases, call an ambulance immediately.

Due to the decrease in work in the gastrointestinal tract during this period, there is stagnation of feces, accumulation of gases, and constipation. All these phenomena lead to stabbing pains in the intestines.

With sensations of stabbing and at the same time cramping pain in the right hypochondrium, we can talk about inflammation occurring in the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, a pulling sensation in the abdomen is due to the attachment of the embryo to the fallopian tube. This process can only be in one of the pipes.

And a pulling pain can be in the place where the embryo is attached. The pain is intense and may be constant. This is a dangerous ectopic pregnancy and a visit to the doctor should be immediate!

With proper pregnancy, without complications, pulling discomfort is not so noticeable. The woman usually feels well and can lead a normal life. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen in the last stages of pregnancy.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is difficult for women to get out of bed, it is difficult to move, the bottom hurts.

The presence of pulling pain in the last weeks in the lower abdomen indicates that labor may soon begin. This pulling pain is reminiscent of prenatal contractions.

Discomfort, a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen in the last weeks of a pregnant woman is caused by an increase in the size of the uterus. Since its size from the moment of conception of the child has become more than five hundred times.

At this time, the uterus rises high and is located under the chest, in connection with this, it becomes difficult for a woman to breathe if the child pushes, literally, under the heart.

When the child moves inside it, the nerve endings are infringed, the internal organs are squeezed. This causes pain in the abdomen.

At this time, training contractions begin before childbirth. Thus, preparations are underway for the main birth.

Usually the pain occurs at the top of the uterus and gradually descends to its lower part, this process is accompanied by its contraction.

Such preparation of the body is necessary for future labor activity. This is normal. At this time, it is better to stay at home and not go on a long journey.

During pregnancy, it is better to be less in public places so as not to get the flu and other viral infections, it is forbidden to get sick during this period. Use this time to prepare for the hospital.

If the training of contractions has become permanent, they have become more frequent, and become painful and abrupt, childbirth may begin.

The onset of labor is confirmed by severe pain in the abdomen, the release of amniotic fluid. If it hurts a lot, contact an ambulance immediately!

Sometimes in the last stages of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a stone exiting from the kidneys, pancreatitis, an attack of appendicitis.

The doctor must take into account the long gestation period and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If the situation is serious, a caesarean section will be performed. The birth of a child before the due date at this point is not dangerous.

This article is for informational and educational purposes only. No information on the Internet can replace live communication with a doctor. Pregnancy is a crucial period in the life of every woman.

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The health of a woman, her mental state lays the foundation for the health and psyche of the unborn child.

That is why it is so important to pay attention to any sensations, appearances of pain or heaviness. The feeling of discomfort when it hurts or pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy occurs in many women quite often. Sometimes soreness can be a signal of the pathology of the development of pregnancy. Abdominal pain during pregnancy can indicate uterine hypertonicity and the threat of miscarriage. How dangerous for the health of the unborn child are pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy? And what to do when the stomach aches, muscles hurt or colic appears?

Physiological changes during pregnancy

Pain is a sign of stress. The beginning of pregnancy in the body stimulates hormonal changes, as a result of which the uterus and mammary glands begin to enlarge. The volume of rotating blood increases, its chemical composition changes, and the pulse quickens. The network of blood vessels in the lower abdomen and in the chest expands. The ligaments and muscles of the abdomen prepare for stress, they soften in the first weeks of pregnancy and further, as the abdomen grows, they stretch and thicken. The pelvic organs are shifted and squeezed. Because of this, the expectant mother has to take food in small portions. Intestinal peristalsis becomes difficult, constipation and colic appear.

The most active restructuring occurs in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. Ailments may occur: drowsiness, sweating, nausea or heartburn, pain in the lower abdomen, colic and constipation. Almost every woman during pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen. Periodically, there are short, mild pains in the abdomen during pregnancy. Physiological changes in a woman's body during pregnancy are associated with the growth of the baby, they are normal and natural.

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy?

The causes of pain during pregnancy are conventionally divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. Obstetric pains in the lower abdomen include pathologies that cause miscarriage or placental abruption. Non-obstetric pains are all the rest: colic in the lower abdomen, pain from constipation and flatulence, pain from sprains, aching sensations from the abdominal muscles, moderate pain in the perineum and in the lower abdomen from the divergence of the pelvic bones. Knowing the causes of discomfort will make it possible to understand whether the stomach hurts during pregnancy due to changes in physiology or from overload.

The list of causes that can cause lower pain during pregnancy is as follows:

  1. Stretching of the muscles of the ligaments. In the first weeks, the stomach can be pulled during pregnancy from the tension of the round ligaments located on the sides of the uterus. Pain in the first weeks of pregnancy occurs in women with a physiologically displaced uterus. The uterus moves to take a position in the middle of the pelvis. It has been noticed that pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy occurs more often in those women who have previously experienced painful periods.
  2. An increase in the mobility of the pelvic bone joints causes pain in the lower abdomen in the later stages, a “duck gait” may appear.
  3. Periodic contractions of the uterus, felt as a contraction, tension or heaviness in the lower abdomen. The feeling when the stomach pulls in the first weeks of pregnancy speaks of the muscle tension that has appeared, which doctors call a state of increased uterine tone. It is observed in the last trimester of pregnancy and becomes more frequent with the approach of childbirth in the last month.
  4. Physical overload: excessive weight lifting, running. In the last trimester of pregnancy, unacceptable physical activity will cause a feeling when it pulls the lower abdomen, increase the tone of the uterus and provoke premature birth.
  5. Neuropsychiatric disorders and experiences. Often the answer to the question “Why does my stomach hurt?” is the situation of a person's own inadequate destructive reaction to an irritating situation. During pregnancy, strong negative experiences cause muscle tension, tone and pain in the lower abdomen. The best ways to cope with the situation are self-control and psychological self-correction. If necessary, you can seek the help of a qualified psychologist.
  6. Digestive disorders. Compression of the intestines (especially in the later stages) and a weakening of the digestive activity create flatulence, colic, constipation, causing intestinal pain in the lower abdomen.
  7. Gynecological diseases (such as an ovarian cyst) can also cause pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. In such cases, medical advice is required.
  8. Diseases of organs that are not associated with the gynecological system of a woman (appendicitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction) cause pain in the lower abdomen and require immediate examination and consultation with a surgeon.

Most often, during pregnancy, it pulls, sips, aches at the beginning (first and second months) and at the end (eighth and ninth, prenatal). An enlarged belly during pregnancy becomes noticeably heavy only after the seventh month. In the middle of gestation (from the third to the seventh month), the woman's sensations stabilize, become comfortable and acceptable. If you doubt the cause of the pain, you cannot decide why the discomfort bothers you, consult a doctor.

What to do to reduce pain in the lower abdomen

  • The diet should ensure the functioning of the digestive system. Mandatory for the work of intestinal motility vegetables and fruits, nuts. Fermented milk products will provide the necessary microflora and enzymes for the digestion of food, and prevent colic. Sufficient fluid intake (not excessive and not scanty) maintains the necessary water balance. You need to know that the lack and restriction of drinking water initiates the processes of fluid storage in the body and subsequent swelling. It is necessary to limit fats, carcinogens, coffee, muffins and sweets. The simpler and more natural the diet of the expectant mother is, the better for her own well-being and the health of the growing baby.
  • Available physical activity, gymnastics and special exercises for stretching the muscles of the perineum and ligaments. Why is it important to do gymnastics and prepare the body for childbirth with special exercises? Because pregnancy is not a disease, it is a normal physiological state for a woman's body. Therefore, the average physical activity is not only desirable, it is necessary. Exercises that help prepare the body for childbirth include various stretches, tilts, butterfly and fish poses:
  1. Get on your knees, spread your knees shoulder-width apart and sit with your buttocks between them. This position stretches the ligaments of the perineum. If the condition of the body allows, you can carefully lie on your back - this position is called "fish".
  2. "Butterfly". Sitting on the floor (on the rug), bend at the knees and pull your legs towards you with your heels. Rest your heels against each other and try to lower your knees to the floor. The pose is similar to "Turkish sitting".
  3. Relaxing and squeezing the perineal muscles will help when the muscles are sore. This exercise will help you learn how to control the perineum. It is performed as if you want to go to the toilet (“in a small way”) and keep yourself from it, endure. In this case, the muscles of the perineum tense. Hold the tension for 10 seconds and relax the perineum. It is especially important to do this exercise during the preparation for childbirth.
  • Walking and affordable walking loads stimulate blood flow, improve the supply of oxygen to all organs of the mother's body and the placenta. This speeds up the process of removing toxins. It has been established that the most painful sprains occur in sedentary women who lead an inactive lifestyle. In order to prevent the condition when the muscles of the legs hurt, foot loads should be daily.
  • Avoid negative experiences. Try to reduce or remove psychological complexes. Why is it so important to monitor your experiences and emotions? The human body is an integral structure consisting of physical matter and information. Any emotions and thoughts are reflected in bodily sensations. Fear, anger, indignation, irritation, anger and envy cause spasm, contraction of the muscles of any organs, arms, legs, face and, of course, during pregnancy, the muscles of the pelvis and abdomen. Compression and overstrain of the muscles in the lower abdomen compresses the vessels of the circulatory system that supply the child with food and oxygen. As a result of mother's emotions, the child receives a physiological blow in the form of prolonged oxygen starvation.

Remedies for pain relief in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

If you understand that the pains in the lower abdomen are non-increasing and non-periodic, caused by physiological changes in your body, you can use some means to calm them down:

  • A warm bath will help you relax and relieve muscle tension.
  • Rest, relaxation, lying position.
  • Bandage - reduces stretching of the abdominal muscles and reduces pain.

When does pain during pregnancy in the lower abdomen become dangerous?

You need to know that the intensity of pain below and the frequency of their sensation are of great importance. The feeling of heaviness when pulling the lower abdomen, intensifying and developing into a clear pain in the lower abdomen, should alert. There may be pain in the lumbar region, girdle pain and pulling sensations in the pelvic area. A particularly disturbing factor will be the appearance of periodicity in pain below. Such signs often signal a possible or already begun miscarriage or premature birth. Pain and colic in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by bloody discharge of mucus. Urgent medical attention is needed to save the baby.

Instead of an afterword

Discomfort, pain, colic, a feeling of heaviness are not an unequivocal pathology of pregnancy. It doesn’t matter if the stomach hurt during pregnancy, whether it was drawn to it, these sensations are transferred and quickly forgotten with the birth of the baby and the emergence of new joyful worries.

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