Home Roses Alkaline water activator i water reviews. Alkaline water. Alkaline water bottle “i-water. What are the benefits of ionized water

Alkaline water activator i water reviews. Alkaline water. Alkaline water bottle “i-water. What are the benefits of ionized water

KEOSAN i-Water home alkaline water activator.

The i-Water home alkaline water activator (the largest in the i-Water activator line), has a volume of 1400 ml and is designed for home use. It allows you to recreate the natural process of water mineralization at home. Passing through the activator filter, ordinary water (from the tap or bottled drinking water) is cleared of impurities, alkalized and acquires antioxidant properties.

What you should know about the i-Water home water activator:

  • The activator works on the basis of the innovative "i water" ™ technology developed and patented by South Korean specialists.
  • "I water" ™ is the only water ionization technology in the world without electrolysis.
  • The antioxidant properties of ionized water allow it to neutralize dangerous for the body " free radicals and slow down aging at the cellular level.
  • Recommended for use by people of all ages, including children.
  • Convenient simple design: a container made of transparent eco-friendly tritan material + a conical replaceable filter placed inside it.
  • Sealed lid with silicone seal prevents foreign odors from entering.
  • Using an activator will eliminate the need to overpay for the container and brand when buying mineral water.
  • The activator can be stored in the refrigerator along with food.
  • The ionization process does not require a connection to the mains, which will save you unnecessary electricity costs.

What kind of water is called alkaline?

Since water is a solvent, in its composition, in addition to its own ions (OH- and H+), many other substances are present as impurities. They, mainly, determine the effect that water has on the human body.

Alkaline water is a kind of mineral water belonging to the hydrocarbonate group, with an acidity index of more than 7 pH. As the name implies, hydrocarbonate ions predominate in the composition of such water. In addition to them, alkaline water also contains sodium, magnesia and some other minerals.

Alkaline water can be obtained both from natural sources (wells and springs), and prepared artificially, using a water activator. In nature, water is enriched with minerals, seeping through cracks in rocks, various soils and soil. The i-Water home activator uses technology that recreates the natural process of saturating water with minerals. Water passes through a special filter that purifies and ionizes the water, as well as enriches it with useful minerals, increasing the acidity to 8.5 pH.

Why is alkaline water useful?

The acidity index of human blood plasma ranges from 7.38 to 7.42 pH. Deviations from this level lead to irreversible consequences for the body. As a result of malnutrition (excessive consumption of acid-rich foods), the pH of the human body decreases, and ordinary water (filtered tap or bottled drinking water) is not able to compensate for the lack of alkali in the body, since it itself, as a rule, has values ​​in the range of 5.5 - 6.7 pH. Alkaline water works great though.

According to data confirmed by numerous clinical studies, alkaline water has a complex healing effect on the human body:

  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing blockage of blood vessels.
  • Improves the digestive process, regulates the acidity of the stomach.
  • It cleanses the intestines, helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, activates processes in cells.
  • Beneficial effect on kidney function.
  • Strengthens the immune system and helps increase life expectancy.
  • Helps with intestinal diseases and inflammation of the oral cavity in children.

Indications for the use of alkaline water:

  • Diseases caused by metabolic disorders: gout, overweight, etc.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: gastric or duodenal ulcer, gastritis, colitis.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
  • Various infectious diseases.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Nervous tension.

Are there any contraindications for drinking alkaline water?

There is. The use of alkaline water is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Diabetes mellitus (insulin dependent).
  • Various diseases of the urinary tract.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Failure of the kidneys.
  • Chronic bilateral pyelonephritis.

What are "free radicals" and why are they dangerous to health?

Free radicals are unstable molecules of a substance that lack negatively charged particles - electrons. One or more electrons can be missing. Because of this, the molecule has a positive charge and seeks to make up for the lack of electrons. For example, water with a positive charge, entering the human body, takes electrons from tissues. As a result, organelles and cell membranes are destroyed, and the tissues and organs consisting of them quickly age and wear out prematurely. Skin is the first to suffer from exposure to such water.

What are the benefits of ionized water?

While tap or bottled water has a positive charge (from +200 to +400 mV), it acquires a charge of up to -200 mV at the outlet of the filter. The negatively charged water obtained by ionization carries an excess of electrons. It replenishes their deficiency in the body and neutralizes "free radicals". Such water is also called antioxidant, as it prevents the destruction (oxidation) of tissues and slows down the aging process at the cellular level.

What is in the filter cartridge?

The i-Water Alkaline Activator Filter Cartridge contains several different substances that purify water and give it a variety of beneficial properties:

  • Activated carbon has the ability to absorb harmful impurities and eliminate bacteria, it is for this reason that it is first used for food poisoning. The activated carbon which is a part of a cartridge purifies water of heavy metals, chemicals, unpleasant smells and pathogenic bacteria. This improves the taste of the water.
  • Elvan also absorbs harmful impurities. It saturates the water with oxygen and softens it. In addition, it contributes to the normalization of metabolism and blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Tourmaline kills harmful microorganisms in the water (staphylococcus and E. coli), reduces the content in water of substances dangerous to humans, such as lead and fluorine. Tourmaline balls, which have permanent magnetic properties, give water a microcrystalline structure, enhancing the water's ability to dissolve and break down substances.
  • Magnesium ensures the normal functioning of the heart and circulatory system, is responsible for immunity and stress resistance. Magnesium is one of the main chemical elements in the human body.

How should alkaline water be consumed?

Drinking alkaline water is recommended instead of the usual sweet soda, tea and coffee, which remove fluid from the body. You are supposed to drink about two liters of water per day. In addition, the large volume of the i-Water home activator allows you to use alkaline water for cooking and rinsing fruits and vegetables, because it is easily absorbed and has bactericidal properties. You can use ionized water for washing - being absorbed, it moisturizes the skin well.


  • Dimensions: height - 28 cm, base diameter - 9.2 cm, lid diameter - 11 cm.
  • Weight: 657 g. Capacity: 1400 ml.
  • Body material: Tritan.
  • Replacement cartridge: Included.
  • Water acidity index, outlet: 8.5 pH.
  • ORP indicator (oxidation-reduction potential) of water, at the outlet: -200 mV.
  • Country of origin: South Korea.

The first thing to note is that this activator has unique abilities that help create alkaline water with a pH of 8.5 and a redox potential (-200 millivolts). Water has very high quality characteristics that allow not only to create all the conditions, saturating the body, but also to restore some processes. It is also worth noting that when using such a filter and activator, a person absolutely does not expose himself to any danger, since at the moment all the test operations that are needed to confirm such a process are fully verified and approved by specialists.

It is also worth noting that the material from which this activator is created is safe and environmentally friendly. The fact is that such material is called Tritan (tritan) BPA-Free, and not all people know about it, since this material is not so common among those used. Everyone knows that simple plastic bottles can be toxic, as not all manufacturers use quality materials to hold water in their containers. It was created by the American transnational corporation Eastman, and they are responsible for the quality of this product. Now, you can hardly find different products and goods that would be confirmed by the National Science Foundation and Food and Drug Administration in the United States, but it is the KeoSan "i-water" water activator that is confirmed by such organizations and can accurately confirm all its characteristics.

The product has a special replacement cartridge, which contains those elements that enrich and transform water. At this point, it is worth noting that when used, water does not change its taste at all, but it is enriched with useful substances.

Such cartridge includes such elements as: elvan, coal, magnesium, tourmaline. It is these components that can produce alkaline water.
Also, in order to better understand the quality of this water, it is worth noting that all the components that are in the cartridge can suppress reactive oxygen, which causes aging. From this we can conclude that all the components only enrich the water, and in the event that it is taken daily, it is possible to improve the body and create all the conditions for slow aging.

Let's look at the qualities that create each element of the cartridge in water.

Let's begin with that tourmaline- this is the only one of all minerals that has permanent magnetic properties. Minerals ionize in water and create a microcrystalline structure. Due to this, the water molecule easily penetrates into the cells of the human body.

Properties of activated carbon that sorbent elements can be beneficial to the body. This element carries out water purification and it should also be taken into account that coal eliminates and removes all chemicals and pathogenic bacteria from the water. That is why coal is useful for water activator.

Elvan is a mineral that belongs to volcanic rocks. In this case, this element can only be found on the Korean Peninsula. The breed has a lot of useful substances. Their elements can be effective in curing and preventing the treatment of skin diseases. For those people who have such diseases or ailments, then elvan will help to cure them.

The second positive quality is the absorption process. We have a lot of different components and elements in our body that can harm the general condition. This means that, for example, we have cadmium, mercury and other elements in our body, but our whole body cannot absorb it, and thus some organ processes may not work in balance. Elvan helps to create the conditions in which you can actively get rid of such ailments, or rather, remove them painlessly and imperceptibly.

Magnesium. One of the most important macronutrients that ensures the normal functioning of the body. It is he who is responsible for the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, the state of bone tissue, immunity and stress resistance.

The most important thing is that all these elements can be obtained simply from water. It becomes a very convenient and interesting process.

Alkaline water is water that has a saturated composition. There are many useful elements in water that can only improve the condition of the human body.

The modern design of i-water bottles is suitable for anyone of all ages. It's always nice to get a beautiful and stylish bottle in order to replenish your water balance. You can also carry it with you for full access to healthy water. It is also worth noting that such water will be very useful for athletes, which will also affect overall well-being.

It would also be a good idea that this bottle can be taken with a child, thereby accustoming him to a healthy lifestyle from childhood. The child will be able to saturate his body with useful substances and, most importantly, it will improve immunity.

The main advantages and poles of the activator:

  • Compactness. The bottle can fit in a simple bag, which will guarantee full access to purified and healthy water;
  • Stylish design. Today, more and more people are trying to buy things and objects that would be not only of high quality and beautiful, but also functional, and this bottle meets all the parameters;
  • All materials in the production of such a filter are used only high quality without the addition of chemical elements;
  • The filter bottle can be always at hand, wherever you are, it is able to withstand any damage and situations where the body can be damaged. Korean quality is responsible for this moment.

On the basis of the study, we consider it necessary to draw some conclusions regarding the given problem.

As you can understand, this activator is a novelty in 2016, and many buyers noted that drinking such water only improved overall well-being and gave vigor, which had not been there for a long time. Despite the cost of such a product, it is very useful. Thanks to all the components and elements, you can drink purified and healthy water to maintain the health and youth of your body.


The weight: 552 g

Size H*W*D: 250*79*73cm

Replacement cartridges: use life up to 1 year

Capacity: 616 ml (not including filter)

Material: Tritan


Portable water filter. It is a compact bottle inside which there is a special filter that makes water more beneficial for our health. Provides the production of alkaline water with a pH level of 8.5 and an redox potential of minus 200 millivolts. This water has high antioxidant properties.

The water treated by the i Water Portable 600 ionizer activator has a very beneficial effect on the human body: it blocks inflammatory processes, normalizes gastric acidity, and helps regulate the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Alkaline water is recommended in the presence of diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, various liver diseases, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, obesity, gout, and various infectious diseases. Alkaline ionized water allows you to quickly restore the body's water balance during sports, and also accelerates the restoration of strength and energy in the body.

Due to its small size and thoughtful ergonomics, KeoSan i-Water Mini is ideal for people involved in sports, students, as well as girls and women, as it fits easily into a handbag. The i Water filter can be easily taken with you wherever you are.

How can I use the water from the KeoSan iWater Portable 600 Alkaline Water Activator Bottle? Drink ionized water instead of coffee and other drinks. Drink ionized water to relieve fatigue. It helps prevent intestinal upset. Drink ionized water while exercising, walking, cycling.

The iWater Portable 600 is handy for sports or any outdoor activity. It is more often chosen by adult men, since their water intake is higher than that of women.

The main advantages of the KeoSan iWater Portable 600 alkaline water activator:

  • Innovative and stylish design
  • Ionized water for healing the body
  • ORP level (anti-oxidant properties) - 200mV
  • Non-toxic materials are used
  • Made in Korea
  • Due to its small size and thoughtful ergonomics, it is ideal for students and schoolchildren, as well as girls and women, as it fits easily in a handbag
  • The only technology in the world that ionizes water without electrolysis
  • Favorably distinguishes you from other existing plastic bottles and water ionizers
  • Ergonomic design makes the bottle easy to use: comfortable to hold, compact, non-slip thanks to silicone seals, easy to open
  • The absence of plastic in the design prevents pollution in the environment
  • Compact
  • Economical
  • microcrystalline water
  • Mineral enriched water
  • Enrichment of water with hydrogen
Attention! Beware of fakes! They can be hazardous to your health!

Features of use i Water is an official partner of the International Golf Federation, and Morgan Pressel (a global star in women's golf) is the face of the i Water brand. i Water has international quality certificates and meets the requirements for the manufacture of medical and domestic devices.

Redox potential

Mineral alkaline water obtained from i Water has a very beneficial effect on the human body: it blocks inflammatory processes, normalizes gastric acidity, and helps regulate the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. ORP level (redox potential) in i water - 200 mV (millivolts)

ORP is one of the most significant factors of redox reactions occurring in a liquid medium, including the internal environment of the human body.

The ORP of the internal environment of the human body normally has negative values, which usually range from -100 to -200 millivolts. Diseases occur when the negative cell potential (ORP) falls below normal (from -70 to -50 mV).

The ORP of ordinary drinking water (tap water, bottled drinking water, etc.) is almost always greater than zero and is usually in the range from +200 to +400 mV

When ordinary drinking water enters the tissues of the body, it removes electrons from cells and tissues, which are 80 - 90% water. As a result, the biological structures of the body (cell membranes, cell organelles, nucleic acids, and others) undergo oxidative destruction, as a result of which the body wears out, ages, vital organs lose their function. But these negative processes can be slowed down if water with a negative ORP value enters the body.

Clinically proven alkaline water:

  • Activates cells;
  • Reduces acidity in the blood;
  • Improves microcirculation;
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and cleanses the blood arteries;
  • Regulates acidity and improves digestion;
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • It cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the human immune system;
  • Increases life expectancy;
  • Cleanses the intestines;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, normalizing their work;
  • Helps with inflammation of the oral mucosa and intestinal diseases in children.

The unique material of the i Water Portable 600 bottle

One of the equally important features of i Water is the material from which the filter tank is made. The filter bottle is made of special material Tritan (tritan), the main feature of which is safety and environmental friendliness.

Tritan was developed by the American chemical company Eastman. Its safety has been confirmed in leading countries: the Food and Drug Administration (USA), the European National Science Foundation (EU), the Japanese Ministry of Health. All of these organizations have confirmed that this material is free of endocrine disrupting chemicals.


"i water"™ The only technology in the world that ionizes water without electrolysis.

The i water ™ water ionization system works thanks to a special filter, which includes: magnesium, elvan, coal and tourmaline.

The main principle of operation of such a cartridge is the production of alkaline water with antioxidant properties. The cartridge produces active hydrogen and suppresses reactive oxygen, thereby stopping and preventing the aging process.

Each component of the "i Water"™ cartridge performs a specific function:

tourmaline balls- Tourmaline, the only one of all minerals that has permanent magnetic properties. Minerals ionize in water and create a microcrystalline structure of water that easily penetrates into the cells of the human body.

Activated carbon- Purifies water and improves its taste. Coal easily eliminates chemicals, heavy metals, various harmful substances, unpleasant odors and pathogenic bacteria.

Elvan- A mineral that has healing properties, softens water and purifies it of impurities, absorbing harmful substances and saturating it with a sufficient amount of oxygen;

Magnesium- One of the most important macronutrients that ensures the normal functioning of the body. It is he who is responsible for the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, the state of bone tissue, immunity and stress resistance.

Alloy- Unique non-oxidation technology. This technology is used only in "i Water" ™ - a device for receiving water.


The i-water™ bottle is designed to produce alkaline water with a pH of 8.5 and a redox potential of minus 200 millivolts. This water has high antioxidant properties.

Alkaline ionized water allows you to quickly restore the body's water balance during sports, and also accelerates the restoration of strength and energy in the body.

The only technology in the world that ionizes water without electrolysis.

Alkalinization of the body is the moment of life that will be done in intensive care!

But he is needed not in intensive care, but from childhood to maturity!

Olga Alekseevna Butakova, resuscitator, teacher, doctor of sciences.

Special cartridge made of mineral alloys.

Each bottle cartridge component i-water™ performs a specific function:

tourmaline balls Tourmaline is the only one of all minerals that has permanent magnetic properties. Minerals ionize in water and create a microcrystalline structure of water that easily penetrates into the cells of the human body.

Activated carbon- Purifies water and improves its taste. Coal easily eliminates chemicals, heavy metals, various harmful substances, unpleasant odors and pathogenic bacteria.

Elvan is a specific Korean mineral, which also belongs to the group of volcanic rocks. Elvan is found only on the Korean Peninsula, China and Japan. It is also called hypabyssal rock (geol.)

Elvan properties:

  • Effective in the treatment of skin diseases and water purification;
  • Absorbs (removes from the body) mercury, cadmium, harmful substances and bacteria;
  • Regulates the quality of water, saturating it with a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Magnesium - One of the most important macronutrients that ensures the normal functioning of the body. It is he who is responsible for the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, the state of bone tissue, immunity and stress resistance.

The stylish design of the i-water filter sets you apart from other existing plastic bottles and water ionizers.

The ergonomic design makes the bottle easy to use: it is comfortable to hold, it is compact, non-slip, thanks to the silicone seals, it is easy to open.

i-water is an official partner of the international golf federation, and Morgan Pressel (a global star in women's golf) is the face of the i-water brand.

i-water has international quality certificates and meets the requirements for the manufacture of medical and household devices.

Mineral alkaline water obtained from i-water has a very beneficial effect on the human body: it blocks inflammatory processes, normalizes gastric acidity, and helps regulate the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.

You can easily take your i-water bottle with you wherever you are:

The main advantages of the i Water filter:

  • Compact;
  • Innovative stylish design;
  • Economical. Reduces the use of paper cups and plastic bottles;
  • Alkaline water with a pH level of 8.5;
  • Ionized water (minus 200 millivolts);
  • Made from environmentally friendly Tritan BPA-Free material;
  • Unsurpassed Korean quality.

Not a lot of useful information from the scientific community:

Each of the trillions of cells in our body receives oxygen and nutrition from the intercellular fluid that surrounds it.

And the intercellular fluid consists of those substances that the body receives from food, in the process of digestion and assimilation of food consumed.
In addition, the acid-base balance of the intercellular fluid is of no small importance, which normally should have a slightly alkaline reaction and, accordingly, the pH = about 7.1 - 7.43. At the very least, these pH values ​​are strictly maintained by the body for blood.

When the interstitial fluid becomes acidic (pH less than 7) and clogged with toxins from the denatured food we eat, the cell begins to constantly starve, that is, to receive less nutrients and oxygen! And what is left for her, because she needs to somehow survive ...

And then it begins to mutate (reborn) in order to adapt to eat toxins and acids!...

Thus, the process of the emergence of cancerous tumors is born and their further development occurs ...

Otto Warburg- chemist (NOBEL PRIZE for the results of research on the relationship between oxygen and cancer in 1931).

He discovered that no disease-causing virus, bacteria or fungus can live in the presence of oxygen. What does it mean? And the fact that all these pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi appear in those parts of the body that are poorly supplied with oxygen. He also associated this phenomenon with the pH of fluids in the human body.

Most often, we simply suffer for years from a permanent lack of oxygen. Studies show that 150 years ago the oxygen content in the atmosphere was 26%, now it is 21%, and in large cities the oxygen concentration has dropped as much as 20.3%. Sadly, we are sorely lacking the energy of life - the energy of oxygen.

The lack of oxygen makes body fluids acidic, and it is in an acidic environment that malignant cells develop. And not only! Almost all diseases have this underlying cause. Make the environment alkaline - and you can fight a malignant tumor in a radical way!

Every scientist who studies cancer knows that cancer does not live in an alkaline environment. If you take a cancerous tumor and put it in an alkaline solution, after 3 hours it will be dead.

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Service life of a replaceable cartridge: 1 year (about 700 liters).

It is recommended to fill the i-water bottle with previously purified drinking water (from a cooler, from a water filter or bottled water). After filling with water, you need to shake the bottle for 20-30 seconds and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

Producing country: South Korea.

Delivery in Moscow: FREE next day.

Delivery by MO: IS FREE. Up to 3 days, depending on distance.

Delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation: IS FREE. Courier express delivery EMS Russian Post.

But in order for a liquid to be called ionized, it must contain a large amount of free ions, and in the case of pure water this is unrealistic. So, pure water prefers to exist in the form of molecules rather than ions. And to conduct electric current, ions are needed, because electric current is the movement of charged particles. But pure water is a very weak electrolyte, and therefore practically does not conduct electricity. And for these reasons, "ionized" can not be in any case.

What is "alkaline water"?

For a liquid to be called "acidic", it must contain more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. And so that we can talk about an "alkaline" liquid - exactly the opposite: there must be more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions.

To determine the acidity and alkalinity of water, the pH scale (from 0 to 14) is used. The pH of pure water is neutral and is 7. That is, the number of hydrogen ions is equal to the number of hydroxide ions. Acidic liquids have more hydrogen ions, that is, the pH is less than 7, and the closer it is to zero, the higher the acidity. Alkaline liquids have more hydroxide ions and their pH shifts from 7 to 14.

To clarify: the number of positive and negative ions in a liquid is the same. And in order, for example, to have more positive hydrogen ions than negative hydroxide ions, there must be some more negative ions in the solution. Where can I get them? From other chemical compounds (salts, acids, alkalis), and not from all, but from those that easily dissociate, that is, they break up in water into individual ions. For example, a solution of hydrochloric acid HCl gives an excess of hydrogen ions and therefore will be acidic, and a solution of sodium hydroxide NaOH will be alkaline because it gives an excess of hydroxide ions.

That is, there can be no pure “alkaline water”. The only option is the presence of other substances.

But electrolysis (decomposition of a substance into components using an electric current) of ordinary tap water, for example, is possible. And then people with a miracle device appear who claim that their “ionizer” is capable of creating “dead water” (high acidity) and “living water” (with a high content of hydroxide ions). At the heart of such a device is the simplest electrolyzer (electrolysis apparatus): a container with a cathode and an anode and an internal vessel. The vessel is separated from the main vessel by a parchment partition, which allows the liquids around the cathode and anode to be separated.

And to some extent, these people are right: indeed, due to the fact that potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium salts are always present in ordinary water, the “ionizer”, or rather, the electrolyzer, successfully accelerates ions along the electrodes.

As a result, the liquid around the cathode is alkalized and the so-called catholyte is obtained - “living water”. Its pH can reach 10-11 units. In this case, the resulting alkaline solution is actively in contact with air, more precisely, with carbon dioxide, as a result of which carbonates and bicarbonates of potassium and sodium (soluble) and magnesium and calcium carbonates (insoluble) appear in it. That is, at the output we get the usual "mineral water", however, with salts in an unknown concentration. If you drink it for heartburn, it will work. Like any other heartburn drug, or even ordinary soda dissolved in water.

Around the anode, the liquid is acidified and as a result, anolyte is formed - "dead water", the pH of which can reach 3-4 units. Why "dead" is a question for the ideological creators, apparently, acid in their view is more terrible than alkali. At the anode, during electrolysis, pure chlorine is released, which partially volatilizes, and partially dissolves and forms hypochlorite or hypochlorous acid. That is, in this case, we get a solution of well-known substances that have a disinfecting and bleaching effect. If the wound is treated with this " dead water", it will destroy the bacteria and promote its healing. As well as any medicine intended for these purposes.

The only question that arises in this case is: why pay a lot of money for an “ionizer” when you can buy mineral water in a store, and a remedy for heartburn or for disinfecting wounds in a pharmacy? Moreover, the exact composition of the liquids obtained in the "ionizer" is unknown, which means that the effect of their use will be very approximate.

But here there is a nuance. And how dangerous is the use of such "live" and "dead" liquids? To answer, we need to understand what we mean when we talk about pH in relation to a living organism.

Health and body pH

There is no average human pH. Our organs and individual tissues differ in this indicator. For example, the pH of gastric juice is acidic, from 1.8 to 3.0 pH, in fact, it is dilute hydrochloric acid. The tissues of the stomach do not suffer from it, as they are protected by a special film, which is constantly renewed and protected from ulceration. When food enters the stomach, gastric juice is secreted more actively than at rest, but still, the pH of the stomach always remains acidic.

Blood pH is one of the most stable indicators of the human body. Normally, it ranges from 7.35 to 7.42. Arterial has a pH of 7.4, venous due to the presence of carbon dioxide in it - 7.35. These are very important indicators, when they change at least by 0.1 pH, severe pathologies develop. To maintain normal blood pH, the body has several buffer systems at once: bicarbonate, phosphate, hemoglobin, protein and erythrocyte buffer system. In addition, the body also has the urinary and respiratory systems, which are also involved in the regulation of pH.

Normal urine pH level in the morning ranges from 6.0 to 6.4, and in the evenings - from 6.4 to 7.0 and depends on a lot of factors. Unlike blood, the pH of the urine of an average person with no known chronic disease can't be said much without the results of other tests. Normal saliva pH also ranges from 6.4 to 6.8 pH.

With increased acidity (relative to the norm), they speak of acidosis, and with increased alkalinity, they speak of alkalosis. Such conditions are dangerous for the body and indicate problems with. The enzymes of our body work within narrow pH limits, so any global changes in it are a guaranteed failure of biochemical processes.

Let's return to "alkaline water": suppose that a person drinks an alkaline solution obtained in an "ionizer". What happens when it enters the acidic environment of the stomach? The school chemistry course says: there will be a neutralization reaction with the formation of salts and water - and a shift in pH to neutral values. In life, of course, there are situations when the acidity of gastric juice is increased, for example, in some forms of gastritis, which is fraught with damage to the walls of the stomach. And in this case, a person can be tormented by heartburn and other unpleasant sensations, for the treatment of which there are a lot of proven medicines and folk methods. That is, we again come to the conclusion that it is pointless to purchase any special devices to solve long-known problems.

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By the way, since we are talking about the pH of water, a few words should be said separately about ideally pure water - without extraneous ions at all. It is called distilled (distillate) and happens only in laboratories. In reality, all the water that we use in everyday life is a solution of various salts - in low or high concentrations, but salts that give free ions. More salts - they talk about "hard" water, less salts - about "soft". Store-bought mineral water that has a long list of ions on its label is very "hard" water. And doctors often prescribe it to people with various diseases of the intestinal tract.

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