Home roses Amma Ashram 300 rupees per day. Embracing Amma Ashram. Personal experience. Sample daily schedule

Amma Ashram 300 rupees per day. Embracing Amma Ashram. Personal experience. Sample daily schedule

03 /13/ 12

A trip to the Ashram of Amma Amritanandamayi (Ashram of Mata Amritanandamayi)


From Varkala I took a train to Kollam. At the station in Kollam, I immediately went to look for a prepaid taxi, or rather a rickshaw. It was about 30 km to Amritapuri. I bargained with rickshaw drivers for quite a long time, in general, it was not possible to throw off cheaper than 450 rupees. We drove really long, more than an hour.
In general, it turns out there is a river boat that goes from Kollam to Amritapuri every morning at 10:40, but for me it was still not relevant, because it was in the evening.
AT Ashram of Mata Amritanandamayi I arrived just in the evening on the eve of Catholic Christmas on December 24, 2011 in the evening. The first thing that surprises when entering the ashram is the number of people! Near the main entrance from the ocean there is a European dining room and a cafe (paid). The people were noisily talking and eating. I found out where to go and find out about accommodation in the ashram. The department for the accommodation of foreigners is located on the second floor of the temple. How exactly to get there is better to specify on the way.

I thought that there would be a long queue for accommodation, but there were only a few people. The service is very friendly and fast. You need to fill in the passport data, the passport itself is taken away until the end of the stay. Give a card with a code from the lock of the front door of the room. There are practically no single or double rooms, especially on holidays. The cost of living is 200 rupees per day + free food in the Indian canteen.
I was given a room in Building F on the sixth floor with three other girls. Building F is not equipped with an elevator, a good charge every day to walk up the stairs :). The lock on the door was opened only with the help of the girls from the next room. Someone needs to show you how to use it. The room itself is quite small, about 12 meters, there are 2 small tables, 4 iron beds with thin mattresses and one chair. The bathroom is very old and dirty, the water is only cold. People are asked to clean up after themselves, but this probably does not always work.
In general, of course, immediately there was a desire to escape from this ashram, but I decided that it was possible to endure such conditions for one night.

Bed linen is provided free of charge in another building. But, as I noticed, everyone brings underwear with them.
All new arrivals are given a ticket with a number for darshan on the day of arrival. Darshan of Amma Amritanandamai is her embrace.
I left my things in the room and went to see what was happening around ... Well, in general, buildings and a lot of people are everywhere. There is a central square near the temple, there are benches, people hang out. Almost everyone is dressed in white (the color of Amma's own sari). Foreigners are mostly from Europe, of different ages, many families with children. There are also a lot of Indians.

The main hall, where Amma hugs everyone on stage, is striking in its size. There are chairs in the hall, closer to the stage people just sit on the floor. An orchestra with sitars, pipes and other instruments sits under the stage and sings bhajans (Indian chants praising the gods). The music is very pleasant.
There are also a lot of people sitting on the stage itself, some of them are waiting in line for darshan, some are waiting in line to serve prasadam, and some are just sitting to be closer to Amma. There is a seat allocator on the stage. You can contact him about the time and reservation of a place on the stage. Everyone has the right to sit there for half an hour. Prasad Amma Amritanandamai is a lollipop wrapped in a bag of vibhuti (holy ash). That is, you can eat a lollipop, and then spread ashes on your head, or vice versa :)

Those who wish to help Amma with the transfer of prasadam should place the prasadam carefully in her hand as she extends it. So it turns out that people take turns giving prasadam to Amma, and she passes it on in turn to those who receive darshan.
I was instructed for a long time how to properly serve prasat, then I stood in line and when I entered the stage I saw how it all happens and how many people want to do it, I thought that they would do without me.

When approaching the stage, they sell clothes for Amma - garlands made of artificial flowers around the neck, baskets with artificial flowers, fruit baskets. The garland costs 100 rupees. She puts on on the neck of Amma, and then carefully removed. All donations are returned back to the sellers and so on in a circle. The essence of what is happening is donations to charity.
For me, these artificial garlands and flowers of acid colors caused bewilderment and a direct association with the grave wreaths and flowers adopted by us. For charity, there is another way - the Donations box in the information center (the second floor of the temple on the territory of the ashram).
Amma Amritanandamai is indeed very active in charity work. You can read more about her projects in brochures, which can be taken near the information center or read on the ashram website. Her organization builds social housing for the homeless, universities, hospitals, and helps countries in times of disaster. In India, by the way, institutions such as ashrams cannot, for example, be inspected by the tax office.

In the ashram itself, several thousand people constantly live who left their worldly life to escape from problems and settle in a place where they will always be hugged and fed. Many of them donated all their possessions to Amma's ashram. And I really want to believe that all donations really go to the needs of the poor. After all, Amma herself is just a very good woman who spends almost her whole life hugging people - 4 times a week from 11 am to 2 am. In the three or three remaining days, she also does not rest - she teaches meditation and sings in a large hall. So she is not able to directly monitor her organization. The entire global charitable organization is essentially run by some people and only partly by Amma herself.
In the large hall, where darshans and concerts are held, there are threatening posters “Protect your things from thieves!”. How can thefts take place in the presence of the Divine Mother?
As for the possibility of the appearance of an avatar in our world, I thought directly in India ... Well, judging by my feeling and intuition, I am inclined to believe that there is only one avatar today. It .
Amma Amritanandamayi, with all due respect to what she does for people, she is just an ordinary woman full of joy and love for everyone and everything!. She is not a Divine Mother or a prophet at all. There are no miracles - nothing supernatural! The woman looks her age - 60 years. Hugging people for 12-14 hours a whole day, she really either enters a special state of consciousness or receives energy from people, or both. In general, all this is quite understandable. Besides the fact that she hugs people, Indians from all sides climb up to her with their life questions and she answers them very cheerfully.

At the end of the darshan ceremony, the orchestra plays special bhajans. Hindus dress Amma with golden fabrics, wash her feet, sprinkle with petals, put golden sandals on her feet, a crown on her head and flower garlands around her neck. Then they feed the amma from a spoon with various foods. It all ends with the lighting of the sacred fire, to which the queue is lined up when Amma leaves the hall. That is, the Hindus really worship her as a living Mother Goddess. Pure idolatry, which is not condemned by Amma herself. It looks like a very ancient cult taking place in our very modern times! Especially the rhythm of the drums of the orchestra, pumping up the climax of the show at the end of the performance (in those days when Amma herself sings bhajans. All this is very reminiscent of the ritual tribal ceremonies of the ancient world.
Nothing new in history can be invented ... time repeats itself cyclically, rituals too, there will always be an incarnation of the Divine Mother and people who need this big show.

There are many men and women in the ashram, maybe even a few more men. Probably this is the part of the earth's population who had problems with their mother or women. Not enough affection received, they may not have been hugged enough. There are families with children in the Amritapuri Ashram. Children by the way behave very naturally and many act up and cry in the presence of Amma. That is, one can think about the “divine” calming influence of the “Mother of the Universe”.

If you stay in the ashram for more than 2 days, a note is attached to the door asking you to contact the information office of the “seva”. Sewa is obligatory work in the ashram.
I have met people who take on several different compulsory jobs a day. For example, you can build something in the morning, cut vegetables in the afternoon, and wash the dishes in the evening. In fact, only one “seva” per day is required. It usually takes 3 hours.
The first time I signed up for cutting vegetables after lunch (for dinner). I squeezed limes and then cut them. The next day I decided to work harder and signed up for washing dishes in a European cafe (at the entrance to the ashram). The utensils were mainly from the kitchen itself where food is prepared and utensils collected from all over the ashram and left by people. In the ashram, it is customary to wash the dishes after eating and then wipe them.
There are three types of food in the ashram.

  1. European cafe - paid food similar to European. For example, you can buy several types of pizza or french fries. At lunch time, 3-4 different dishes are prepared. These are soup, side dish, salad and dessert. The pastries are delicious! The cost of a meal is approximately 80-120 rupees.
  2. Free Indian food: also 3-4 dishes and rice for them. Sometimes there are very tasty vegetarian vegetable stews. I really liked the sour yogurt soup with spices, it is not spicy, yellowish in color. It is convenient to pour it into a glass. You can try everything and take some of the dishes from the Indian, and some from the European dining room.
  3. Paid Indian food: cafe on the other side of the big hall. I liked the tea there for 5 rupees from the machine. The food itself is not very good, for my taste free is even better.

On the territory of the ashram, a stall is open during the day where you can buy freshly squeezed juices, cookies and fruits. Juices cost 30 rupees, but they are not quite freshly squeezed - in the morning they prepare fruit concentrates for the whole day and then they make juices from them.
There is also an unfortunate elephant in the ashram, who is brought to the square for several hours to be fed fruits by people. The poor beast is in chains.

On the second floor of the temple, where the information center is, there is an office of a Vedic astrologer. It turned out to be an American, to which I never got. I heard that there is also a very professional Hindu astrologer on the third floor of the temple, who tells everything very correctly about the main trends and events in life.
I needed an astrologer very urgently and I got to that astrologer whose office is right next to the cowshed. This astrologer is better known as a spiritual development consultant. At the reception, it seemed to me that he was saying the same thing to everyone. I was recommended to listen to strong mantras, communicate more with people, do charity work, volunteer work, and so on. To another person who also came to see him, he recommended meditation.

The territory of the ashram also includes a piece of the beach. On the shore there is a waste processing complex, one of the buildings of the ashram itself and part of the beach where people from the ashram come to meditate. Sometimes Amma outlasts group meditation there. I have been to two of these meditations. Both times Amma asked people about their plans for the next year. People, in turn, tried to find out from the “Divine Mother” whether it was worth fearing the onset of 2012. Amma answered this question very evasively: "All the time something is changing in the world and this is natural, nature is in constant transformation." She answered as smart politicians who are good at moving away from an unpleasant topic.

Amma's position on religion is very correct and simple: they are all good and there are no calls for finding out which is better and comparing them. Amma calls to help the needy, carefully use the resources of our planet and try to live a simple and joyful life, being content with little. She sets a truly inspiring example with her positive attitude.

Internet in the ashram on the second floor of the temple is open at certain hours. It costs 1 rupee per minute. You can't use it for more than half an hour. There are always a lot of people in line. I highly recommend using the Internet cafe which is located outside the ashram. You need to go towards the river, where the bridge is. Cross the bridge and on the other side of the road there will be an internet cafe to the right of the bridge.

All buildings of the ashram except building “B” are closed at 23:00 on days when there is no darshan. On the days when darshan is taking place, they are closed at the end of it.
It is almost impossible to go to your room when the building is already closed. Somehow we were late and did not remember that the buildings were closing. We asked the security guard for help, he went to the locked door of our building and received a negative answer. I had to turn in the direction of building "B" in which there are round-the-clock doss houses. Before we had gone a few steps, a car with a large Indian family drove up to the door of our building. Of course, the doors were opened for the Hindus :), and we walked among them, putting on some headscarves, borrowed from this family, so that our European appearance would not be swept away.

At Christmas, the ashram sang Christmas songs, Santa Claus walked around and handed out Christmas chocolate cake to everyone. In the new year, everyone was given only hershy's candy. At midnight, Amma's recorded address about the environmental situation in the world was turned on. There was no countdown and no fireworks. Amma only took a break from her darshan for a while and sang a few devotional chants. People danced joyfully, raised their hands and shouted “Jay” (glory).

Each newcomer to the ashram is given a booklet with the basic rules. It is better to know about them in advance and try to comply. The rules are as follows:
1. Do not smoke or drink alcohol anywhere on the territory of the ashram.
2. Do not let children go for a walk around the ashram without adults.
3. Be in the rooms at 11 pm (if there is no darshan)
4. It is advisable not to go outside the ashram after 18:30 (I went out, in fact, there is nothing wrong in the neighboring village).
5. Do not eat outside the ashram. (food in India is generally dangerous)
6. Dress modestly - cover your shoulders and knees.
7. You can not take photos and videos on the territory of the ashram.
8. Avoid contact with the local population (in the village nearby). They often come up and ask for money for the needs of some victims, such as floods. I still gave.
9. Do not feed animals.
10. Observe the rules of etiquette. (practice Brahmacharya). In India, it is not customary to openly show signs of attention. Don't hug, kiss, or even hold hands. It is also recommended to be more silent, but few people in the ashram observe this for sure :)

Every morning in the temple of Kali on the territory of the ashram there is a ceremony of reading 1000 names of the divine mother. I didn’t go myself, but I heard that the mantras are very strong, people are sausage there :)
The ashram also has a swimming pool, several Ayurvedic doctors, a pharmacy and an Ayurvedic massage center. You can also buy various religious and souvenir products: rosaries, mantra discs, watches, books, postcards, handmade dolls (Amma doll), T-shirts, bags, etc.

Only after leaving the ashram did I realize that I had been in a very well organized sect. As a life experience it was very interesting.

Eight days later, I left the ashram on a boat that leaves every day from the pier behind the bridge. Departure time 13:30. This is a boat that sails from Kollam to Allepy with several stops. One of them is Amritapuri. The cost is 400 rupees. Arrival in Allepy at 18:00. There is one stop for lunch at approximately 4 pm.

May 3rd, 2017


Amritapuri Ashram, Kerala. On the map

Amma gives darshan on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
Amma's travel schedule. Dates when Amma will definitely not be in the ashram.
Ashram daily schedule.

You can get to the ashram from the railway station Karanugapalli (Karunagapalli) - tuk-tuk about 200 rupees, from the station Kayamkulam (Kayamkulam) - 280 rupees. The nearest major cities are Trivandrum and Cochin.

I took a tuk-tuk from the station and rode it to the entrance to the ashram, which is by the ocean. There is another entrance, by the bridge. A bridge across the river connects the ashram to the mainland. If you take a tuk-tuk to the bridge, it will be cheaper, but then you have to go with things across the bridge. Or take a boat for Rs 5-10.

Upon arrival, it is better to immediately take a ticket with a number for darshan. You will be told what time it will be. It seems that the time will shift to a later time. I had a ticket for 18, I got in after 21.

After that, you need to check in (if you are not for one day). The International Office for Foreigners is located in front of the entrance to the great temple of Kali. It does not work around the clock and intermittently during the day. Fill out the form if you have not filled it out on the site before.

Passport at check-in remains in the office until departure. Payment of 250 rupees / day upon departure. They give you a printout with the "address" of the room. Ask where this building is. My building was the first entrance of the building. The second entrance belonged to another building. Therefore, the guests did not reach me, they simply slipped through my entrance, which looked like the entrance to the office. I asked to be settled with the Russians, and they did. The office will give you a leaflet with the schedule of darshans, badjins, satsangs and rules. Find out what time the tour will take you. This gives a better understanding of what is happening, the rules and the territory. I was at 15. A wonderful Polish woman, who speaks Russian well, conducted.
Bed linen is available around the corner from the International Accommodation office.

Buildings of different heights, from 17 floors and below. If you settle on the upper floor, get ready to wait for the elevator. The room has either bunk beds or mattresses on the floor. I had two beds. It is better not to take rooms under the roof (upper floor). During the day, the room heats up so that no fan saves. As a result, my neighbor and I asked to be moved to another floor.

Drinking water from taps throughout. You need to look for the inscription near the tap "Drinking water". We had one on the first floor.

Garbage can be thrown into the "garbage complexes" on the territory - several tanks under a canopy, each one indicates what kind of garbage it is intended for - food, paper, plastic, etc.

Food. There is a free dining room in the large hall. Breakfast 9-10, lunch 13-14, dinner 20-21. They give thali - rice with different sauces and cakes. You can take a plate for rice in the same place (then wash it and put it back), but it’s better to grab your own spoon, otherwise you’ll have to eat with your hands.
Free tea is served at 6 am. To the left of the large hall. The place can be found by the people flocking there.
On the territory there are paid Indian and European dining rooms. They are next to each other. In Europe there is coffee and cakes. Prices are somewhere from 40 rupees.
There is also a "juice bar" - freshly squeezed juices for 40 rupees and milkshakes for 20 rupees. Here you can also buy fruits and vegetables. Coconuts are sold separately.
You can also buy fruits and eat outside the ashram.

On the territory there are several shops, an ATM, a laundry, a cafe with Wi-Fi, a library, an information center, toilets, massage, a doctor, yoga, an Internet center. And there's probably a lot more to ask. There is even a swimming pool. For swimming, you need to have a robe that looks like a nightgown. Can be bought at the store.

The Seva Center is located on the second floor of the Kali Temple just opposite the stairs. He also works intermittently.

Train, bus timetables and routes can be found in the blue folder, which lies in a pocket on the wall to the right of the information center on the second floor of the Kali temple.

Clothing in the ashram is closed and loose. No tops or shorts. Followers wear white robes.

Photography is not allowed inside the ashram.

Love, compassion, sympathy and tolerance - under the pressure of modern life, these qualities have almost disappeared. Through her loving embrace and charitable work, Shri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (affectionately known as Amma or Mother) heals the heart of the world, rekindles love and mutual respect, and awakens people to their fundamental unity.

By her exceptional deeds of love and self-sacrifice, Amma evoked love for Herself in millions of living beings. Gently caressing Her "children" who come to Her, holding them to Her heart in a loving embrace, Amma shares boundless love with all. Young or old, sick or healthy, rich or poor, everyone who comes to Her receives the same unconditional love.

For Amma's compassion, there are no barriers of nationality, race, caste or religion. She has founded an extensive network of philanthropic activities that attracts the attention of people all over the world. At the heart of this ministry is Amma's teaching that the divine is in everything - in every person, plant and animal. The perception of this unity is the essence of spirituality and the means of ending all suffering.

Through this simple yet powerful message, Amma is transforming our world with every embrace. Over the past 33 years, Amma has physically embraced over 24 million people. Amma's teaching is universal. Whenever She is asked about Her religion, She replies that Her religion is Love. She does not ask anyone to believe in God or change their faith, but only asks to explore their own true nature and believe in themselves.

Amma was born in a poor fishing village in Kerala, South India in 1953. Her father made a living by selling fish. Her mother said that this child was not born crying like normal babies, but with a beaming smile on Her face. Amma was given the name Sudamani - "Wonderful ("nectar") treasure."

Even when She was still a small child, it was clear that She was unique. At six months She could walk and talk, and by the age of three She was constantly singing. By the age of five, She was composing beautiful, unusual songs and poems filled with deep meaning, dedicated to Her beloved.

Sudamani enchanted and admired everyone who was close to Her. But as it grows. Amma's divine states of consciousness, including frequent meditative states, singing and ecstatic dancing on the seashore, began to annoy Her family. At the early age of five, Sudamani was already the object of severe abuse. When She was nine years old, Her mother fell ill. Although Sudamani was the brightest student in Her class, Amma had to drop out of school and take care of Her entire family.

In Her youth, Sudamani experienced inner bliss. By 1975 - at the age of 22 - Amma was fully established in a state of transcendent Love. A momentous occasion occurred in September 1975 which lifted one of the veils that veiled Her divinity. One day, while Sudamani was walking home carrying a bundle of grass on her head, Amma happened to hear the concluding verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam being recited in a neighboring house. The reading came to an end, and the singing of bhajans (religious songs) had just begun.

Sudamani suddenly stopped and seemed to be listening intently to the singing. Suddenly, Amma ran to the place where the devotees had gathered. Sudamani was overwhelmed with divine bliss, and Her internal identification with Lord Krishna transformed Her form and movements into those of the Lord.

Boundless compassion is the nature of God. He doesn't reject anyone. His heart is like an immense heaven, embracing the universe with all its beings. The never-ending flow of His love and compassion embraces every being in the world.

All the great saints and sages of the past and present are the embodiments of divine Love and Compassion. One who meets Amma can experience this all-consuming and all-encompassing love for God. The following story is a touching testimony to this endless love and compassion.

Leper Dattan

Dattan was born and raised in the village of Perumpalli near Kayamkulam in Kerala. When he was still very young, he fell victim to a terrible disease - leprosy. His own parents and relatives kicked him out of the house. Finding no other way to make a living, Dattan became a pauper. Begging for alms, he spent his days and nights in the courtyard of the temple. As the disease progressed, his entire body became covered with infected wounds, from which pus was secreted.

Dattan says: "My eyesight was practically lost. Instead of my eyes, there were only two small slits. The hair on my head fell out. Nobody gave me any food. I was not allowed to ride the bus. I used to cover my body with a piece of cloth, but even Amma stuck to my body and stank from the pus and blood oozing from the foul-smelling wounds.Even my beggar friends wouldn't let me eat or sleep near them.Insects were always flying around me, causing me anxiety.

Even just by seeing me, people pinched their noses and cringed. For years I have not heard a single loving word or seen a single compassionate face. Everyone hated me and spat at my ugly looking body and face. I led a terribly miserable and desperate life. All my hopes are gone.

Then I heard about Amma from Vallikavu. I went to see Her on the day of bhava darshan, but no one allowed me to enter the temple. Feeding disgust, people urged me to "Go away, go away!", For my wounds exuded a disgusting smell. But Amma called me to come to Her, consoled me and treated me like her own child - just like She treats everyone else."

For those who watched this healing, it was a chilling sight to see the Holy Mother licking his pus-infected wounds and sucking the pus and blood out of them. Every day of bhava-darshana She washed him by pouring pots of water over his head. Amma smeared the sacred ash all over his body and treated him with the same love and compassion that She showed to other devotees. The sight of the Holy Mother's merciful service towards him made some devotees vomit, others fainted, and the rest watched with fear and reverence, weeping with love and devotion from the knowledge that they were sitting in the holy Presence of the most divine Mother.

Who but Her could show such love? Amma said about Dattana: "Who else will take care of him and love him? The mother does not look at his outer body. She sees only his heart. I cannot reject him. He is My son and I am his mother. How can mother to abandon her son?"

Now Dattan has changed. Almost all of his wounds have healed. Amma's saliva is his divine medicine. His eyes have opened and now he can see clearly. The hair has grown back on his head. He can ride the bus and people are willing to talk to him and serve him food. Although the scars of the terrible disease still remain on Dattan's body, they no longer ooze blood or pus, nor is there any putrid stench. He can wear a shirt or loincloth, and it does not stick to his body and therefore does not cause him pain. He is happy. Amma gave him a new birth. He found meaning and joy in life through Her blessings.

Amma has blessed many couples who have remained childless for many years by endowing them with a child through Her divine intention (sankalpa). Such couples often took refuge at the feet of the Holy Mother. Sincere prayer and unshakable faith under any circumstances are the two most important factors that allow petitioners to receive the fruit of their cherished desire. They also need to have self-confidence, mental strength and devotion to persevere through all the trials they may face during pregnancy.

Amma is very strict in choosing people who deserve this rare gift. Its decision is entirely determined by various subtle considerations that are beyond the human intellect. Below are the stories of four couples who managed to receive this great blessing from the Holy Mother.

Every morning at about nine o'clock the Holy Mother comes to meet the devotees who come in large numbers to have Her darshan. Addressing everyone who is close to Her, She carefully listens to their problems. Amma says, "Children, I don't need anything from you but the burden of your suffering. Mother is here to take it upon Herself." She sits there until everyone is accepted and comforted. Almost every day She does not complete her darshan until two or three in the afternoon. Returning to Her room, the Mother looks through all the mail or gives instructions to the residents of the ashram.

Amma gives the necessary advice regarding the effectiveness of the ashram administration. Even while eating She is giving instructions to someone or reading someone's letter. Often She calls a family or a person who came to darshan too late. If it is a bhava darshan day, then Amma comes out again around five o'clock in the evening to lead a program of singing songs of devotion to the Lord. After singing, bhava-darshan begins, which can last until three or four hours the next morning. Until that time, the Holy Mother sits in the temple, receiving the devotees one by one and listening to their problems, whether they be spiritual or mundane.

She not only listens to them, but also solves their problems with a simple touch, a glance, or through pure sankalpa (solution). The Holy Mother Amritanandamayi is a unique phenomenon even for this sacred land of India. Revealing the bhava of Adi Parashakti, or the Primordial Transcendental Energy, She tirelessly performs service to the Creation of the Lord with every breath. In the spiritual history of India, Amma is incomparable in Her boundless manifestation of Grace and Compassion for erring humanity. May Her divine life serve as a guiding star for all those who strive for the realization of the ultimate Peace and Bliss of Self-Realization.

Question to the visiting yogi (not):

Have you been to Amma's lectures?

(who is often called simply Amma) is a modern saint of India from Kerala, who founded and gives her to Indians and foreigners. Amma means Mother, but she is also known as the Embracing One, as Amma hugs her devotees and other people, giving her blessings in this way.
They say that Amma hugged lepers and cured them, a lot more is said, but one fact is undeniable - Amma is revered as a saint, and a saint is more an exception than a rule.

So, the Amritapuri ashram is located on the coast near Vallikavu, between Kollam and (Allepei).
Next, I will quote from the ashram website, which will put all the points.

Activities in Amritapuri
During her stay in Amritapuri, Amma usually holds darshan on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Selfless service (seva) is one of the main practices performed by those living in our ashram apart from their other spiritual activities. We offer free meditation and yoga classes (subject to teacher availability). Guests are welcome to participate in all daily activities of the ashram.

Warn in advance!
Foreign visitors are requested to notify in advance of their arrival by registering at www.amritapuri.org/v... . Indian visitors are requested to send an email to [email protected]. If you are traveling in a group of six or more, please report your arrival at least 7 days before arrival.

Registration and meals
For married couples, separate rooms are provided, if possible. The rest of the visitors are accommodated in common rooms. All rooms are very basic, usually with a mattress on the floor and a bathroom with a shower.

In addition to accommodation, you are offered food - simple Indian and European cuisine.

Attention! To stay in the ashram, you must have a passport with you, as well as a copy of it and a copy of your visa.

Household accessories
Most of the necessary household items (including sheets, pillows, mattresses, buckets) are provided by the ashram. However, you can bring some essentials (air mattress, earplugs, luggage lock, etc.) with you if you plan to accompany Amma on her travels in India. We also advise you to take with you vitamin and protein supplements and the ones you need. Many other items of daily use - clothes, toiletries and other household and household items - you can buy in the ashram store.

Services provided in Amritapuri:
Bank (currency exchange, cash withdrawal by card, money transfers)
Wellness facilities: holistic treatments, Ayurvedic hospital, Ayurvedic medical clinic and pharmacy, allopathic clinic

The city of Tiruvanamalai, Tamil Nadu, India and the same sacred mountain Arunachala. What you find at the foot of this mountain is sacred, those meetings that take place near Arunachala remain forever in the heart.

My first satsang, silent darshan, which happened before, took place in a small Ashram. An enlightened woman, Amma, gave darshan ( Ammaiyar, Sivasakthi, Sri Shakti Shiva Ammaiyar, Sri Shakti Shiva Ammaiyar). Yes, she has many names, like the Lord God himself, but the essence is One. Now she, as some sources say, is 68-69 years old, because looking at her it is not possible to determine her age. She meditated in a cave for a long time and kept mauna (silence) and meetings with people in her cozy ashram also take place in silence, without words or explanations.

Darshan starts at 10:00. We arrived half an hour early. I took a seat in the front row, where it was still free, and plunged into meditation. After 5 days in India, quite noisy and full of journeys and adventures, silence and meditation were very welcome. Sounds were heard through the meditation, people continued to approach and sit down quietly, calmly. I don’t know how much time has passed, but something has changed in space, I clearly felt the change through the silence…

And I opened my eyes, not having time to raise them, I stumbled upon the steps of Amma's miniature feet. Each step - presence - slow, confident, precise, in the moment ... Not a single word is able to describe her movement. I could not raise my eyes, tears rolled like a hail, freeing me from the accumulated suffering. I heard her passing by, along the row, how she stops and looks, with a pure look of presence, then, for the first time, I did not have the courage to meet him.

Silent satsang lasts for 15 minutes, after, when Shiva Shakti left the room, I sat in silence for some time, after an emotional outburst, silence and tranquility. It was the first experience of satsang, the first experience of meeting the power of presence, meeting the source.

Throughout my stay in Tiru, ​​I came to darshan to Shiva Shakti, looking into my own eyes, dissolving the lotus of the unconditional joy of life in my heart, more and more clearly and more calmly watching how the personality and ego dissolve in the infinity of being. The meeting with this woman was the first in history under the name of Advaita in my life. But whatever it's called, I'm grateful that it happened and continues to happen.

After Darshan

Maybe that's why, already being in Ukraine on one of the difficult days, when the strength of emotions, unbridled fear captured the whole being. With a request for help, I intuitively opened a site with a photo of Amma and in a few minutes, death occurred, leaving a pure heart to shine, unclouded by anything. I bow my head: Om Shiva Shakti, Om Amma.

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