Home roses What does reprimand mean in the church. How the church recommends removing damage with prayers. Big reprimand with prayers

What does reprimand mean in the church. How the church recommends removing damage with prayers. Big reprimand with prayers

An exorcism is a rite performed in order to expel evil forces from a person. At first glance, demon possession seems to be something completely implausible. But such cases do exist in reality. To solve such problems, there is a church reprimand of Father Herman. It is addressed not only by people suffering from obsession, but also by those who have been damaged or the evil eye, who have serious illnesses.

History of exorcism

Exorcism is part of church science. In modern times, it is possible to become a professional exorcist by graduating from a Catholic university.

The exorcism of demons from a person is a very ancient rite, its origins go back to the time of the emergence of Christian culture. The first exorcist in history was Jesus Christ himself. The Bible tells that the son of God drove the evil spirit out of man and settled it in pigs. Then the pigs, bewitched by demons, rushed into the abyss.

Initially, only Jesus Christ possessed the ability to deliver from evil spirits. Then this ability was bestowed upon his disciples. This happened when the Holy Spirit descended upon them. It is believed that modern monks, endowed with the gift of exorcism, are followers of Christ and his apostles.

There have always been very few people who know how to exorcise the devil. Reprimands from evil spirits were very common in the Middle Ages, when it was popular Martyr Marina of Antioch. There are several cases of exorcism rituals with a tragic end - the death of the possessed or the priest, they are even light in the basis of films.

In the 14th century, the first literature appeared in Russia with advice on exorcism. Its author was Metropolitan Peter Mohyla. Centuries later, exorcism is no less relevant than in the past, cases of possession by evil spirits still exist.

Exorcism in modern times

Casting out demons is not a thing of the past. O modern rituals deliverance from an unclean spirit, the following is known:

  • Some critics claim that Father Herman's work is a real simulation and there are guest actors in the role of the possessed. This opinion has also developed due to the fact that several rites of exorcism are most often necessary to achieve a result. And on the reports Hieromonk German Chesnokov people are healed immediately, even those who have long been bedridden;
  • In Ukraine, the most popular exorcist was Vasily Voronovsky from the Church of St. Michael in the city of Lvov. Unfortunately, he has already gone to God;
  • The exorcism of the devil is carried out in many monasteries in Ukraine. The church in the village of Kolodievka, Ternopil region, is very famous. There are also local exorcists in the countryside who work for nothing. They consider it their sacred duty, but they do not answer questions about the rituals, just like those who were healed by them;
  • TO Abbot of the Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos - Father Varlaam, many people come not only from Russia and Ukraine, but also from abroad. For over 30 years, he has been conducting personal and group sessions. Father Varlaam believes that reprimand is necessary only for those possessed by demons, but not subject to corruption and curses;
  • According to Father Varlaam, there were cases when a child became possessed a week after birth. Thus, children pay for the sins of their parents;

How is the report

Priests have no right to invent anything new in the rites of exorcism. Reporting occurs in the same way as ceremony performed by Jesus:

  • Mandatory is a personal conversation that allows you to determine the obsession. If the confessor is convinced of the presence of evil spirits and permission for the ceremony is received, witnesses are chosen from close relatives for the ritual;
  • Before the ceremony, witnesses need to go through confession and receive a blessing. A person with weak nerves cannot be an eyewitness. Witnesses are not only present at the reprimand, but also continuously say the necessary prayers;
  • In order to exorcise evil spirits, several sessions may be required. After the ritual, the patient and his relatives need to fast and read prayers, order prayers and magpies. The priest himself will tell you what to do, which list of psalms to read, etc. If the healed person does not change his life in accordance with the Christian faith, demons can visit him again;

The opinion of the priests

There is no consensus on the rites of exorcism. Among the clergy there are two points of view:

Critics say that mass reprimands are a direct violation of the rank. The priest must perform the ritual only with a blessing, for one person in the presence of close relatives. So you can't just walk into a church and watch the exorcism process.

In addition, they are far from being witnesses. You need strong psychological health, the absence of serious sins, and, of course, a close connection with the demoniac. Therefore, the reprimands of Father Herman lend themselves to multiple criticism.

Mass reprimands, according to critics, do more harm than good. Only those who are extremely possessed need exorcism rituals. And many people just want to get rid of damage with the help of a church rite. It also happened that those suffering from drunkenness believed that these were the attacks of the devil and thought that they should be reprimanded. Of course, no one will stone people for such attempts. But this is fundamentally wrong.

In addition, being present at a mass ceremony, you can "pick up" someone else's negative energy. If there is a real demoniac in the room, it is not known who the evil force can then move into. Therefore, the selection of witnesses is very strict, the surrounding people should not become the weapon of the devil.

Help from Father Herman

Whatever the critics say, there is no such number of reviews about any clergyman as there are about Father Herman. , whose biography is widely known to many believers, has been reprimanding the possessed for many years. He is the only one who received this blessing.

Help is available for all people who want to get to Father Herman from Sergiev Posad for a report. Schedule, phone number and address can be found at official website of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Pre-registration is not possible, and there is no such need. It's enough just to check the opening hours. Anyone who wishes to apply can come to an Orthodox church.

People who personally visited German Chesnokov's proofreading leave their reviews online to help others make the right decision:

reprimand of Father Herman in exorcism

No need to be afraid. God will definitely help. I was in the service, now I am very glad that I nevertheless decided to come there. There was something that shocked me a little, screams, etc. I crossed myself, prayed to Jesus, and calmly stood up for the service. The father said that you need to come one more time. And I'm already much better. According to the schedule, he reports on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

She came to the reprimand to the Holy Father. in outskirts of Moscow. In Sergiev Posad, he receives. I express my gratitude to him. If you listen to what he says in a sermon and do it, it helps a lot.

Thanks to German Chesnokov and the clergy who help him: Father Oleg and another priest, whose name I do not remember, unfortunately. Without them, I would not have coped, such a state was then.

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There are different cases in life when sometimes an unintentional negative look or an evil word can harm others. But it also happens that some people deliberately do nasty things to others. Such influence is called spoilage. There are various ways to deal with this phenomenon. It all depends on the complexity of the case. But many recommend a reprimand in the church from corruption.

What is spoilage

This concept is called a negative bioenergetic impact, which, unlike the evil eye, is intentional. This procedure means the intentional application of negativity using witchcraft techniques. Corruption can be done:

  • on the person himself
  • on loved ones
  • on animals
  • for housing.

To induce such a negative impact, the following can be used:

  • wine,
  • hair,
  • nails,
  • water,
  • firebrands,
  • period,
  • land,
  • salt.

Maybe this is done using church rites:

  • wedding,
  • funeral,
  • wedding,
  • commemoration,
  • funeral,
  • christening.

Damage can result in:

  • a break up,
  • deterioration of health,
  • big trouble,
  • suicidal thoughts,
  • serious and intractable diseases.

The main objectives of this ritual are:

  • violation of the psycho-emotional state of a person,
  • bringing him into a state of exile,
  • destruction of the human spirit
  • imposition of loneliness,
  • imposing on society an abnormal perception of a person.

How to recognize the presence of damage

The most common signs of damage include:

  • blackening of the cross
  • in any holy place you feel bad,
  • when reading a prayer, you begin to yawn,
  • you are afraid of the smell of incense and you feel bad from it.

These are just some of them. But as soon as you have identified at least one, you should immediately think about solving this problem. Most often, they recommend reprimanding with prayers from corruption. Remember that solving this problem takes a sufficient amount of time and effort, and you should not count on getting a quick result. Sometimes it happens that the whole family falls under such influence.

In this case, it is worth solving such a problem in a complex way. You can reprimand with prayers not only at home, but also in the church. It is believed that the prayer place contains a certain energy. There are certain clergymen who do not welcome the conduct of rites to remove corruption in the church, as they consider them to be witchcraft. And for a believer, such an action should be prohibited.

But in this case, they have their own reprimands-proofreading. This is a magpie and a report that will help a person get rid of evil spirits. A sorokoust is called reading a prayer for a deceased person for 40 days in order to help his soul pass all the tests before the judgment. Often this prayer is also ordered for living people, to help solve a problem.

In case of severe damage, you can order magpie for health at the same time in 3 churches. The result will depend on the diligence of the implementation of this procedure. That is why it is recommended to order such a ceremony in small churches.

Reporting is considered to be a more coordinated method. When reprimanding the exorcism of a demon, strong incantational prayers are used to help cope with this problem. It is believed that after carrying out such a ritual, the person over whom the ceremony was performed should change his life and begin to follow Christian traditions. If this is not done, then the condition may worsen.

Where are the reports

Often such a strong ritual is performed in temples, monasteries, churches and cathedrals. To clarify this procedure, you should first contact the temple and find out about the time and date of the procedure. We can say with accuracy that they are carrying out a reprimand at the Sergius Lavra. The following rituals are performed in this temple:

  • prayer reprimand,
  • spoilage report,
  • demon rebuke,
  • recitation of psalms.

Father Herman, who conducts such rituals, is especially noted. He says that a reprimand in the church is the most effective help for a person who has been overcome by demons. Evil can be defeated if good and faith oppose it.

Sergiev Posad's report schedule should preferably be specified by phone or on the Lavra website. But mostly services begin daily at 13:00. Father Herman holds a reception in the church of John the Baptist. You can take a container with you and then collect sacred water.

Another religious place is the Nativity Church in the Penza region. Father Kronida from Treskino and his reprimands during the days of the service are called famous there. Reports and interviews are held by appointment only. That is why it is advisable to find information and contact the monastery.

The most important thing in this matter is sincere faith, which will help overcome the difficulties that have piled up and solve all problems.

The Lord is always with you!

Faith in God, Christian life is the best guard against corruption, because. it is impossible to harm a person who leads a righteous life. He will be protected by higher powers. But if you or your loved ones have suffered from the evil eye or corruption, you can get rid of them with the help of prayer. They are also read at home, but church prayer is the most effective, because. a prayerful place has a special energy.

Traditional ways

Priests do not approve of rituals to remove corruption, especially if they take place in a church. Many, and not without reason, consider this witchcraft, which should be banned for believers. But they also have ways to beg for health for a person, to save him from the influence of evil spirits - reprimand and magpie.

These prayers can help and get rid of damage or the evil eye, because. their action is explained by the intervention of evil spirits in the life of a person. Removing corruption in the church is the most effective and simple method.


Sorokoust is a special church rite, when a priest prays every day for a certain person for forty days in a row. Such a ceremony is ordered after the death of a person in order to atone for the sins of the deceased. But you can order a magpie and a living person to atone for sins, solve problems.

Very often magpie is ordered for seriously ill people. This is a very strong constant prayer that can help everyone. Sorokoust is a strictly scheduled action performed by a priest. All actions and prayers in it have a certain order. Healers claim that it helps to get rid of the evil eye and damage.

Sorokoust does not help:

  1. If the damage is very strong, then this rite will not help. As an option, you can order magpie at the same time in three churches. However, this is not a guarantee that it will be possible to overcome obsession or severe damage.
  2. If the priest violates the order of the ceremony. Sorokoust is a rather complicated ritual that is performed for forty days without a break. Sometimes it can be difficult to follow all the rules, especially if it is a city church where many other ceremonies are held: weddings, baptisms, funerals. And then the priests, in order to have time to fulfill all their duties, spend the magpie according to an abbreviated version. Therefore, it is advisable to order it in monasteries or small rural churches.
  3. The priest is not a spiritual person. We are all people subject to sin. Just as there are bad doctors or teachers, so priests can be unspiritual people. Or at the moment of performing the rite, he will be busy with his thoughts and concerns and will not pay due attention to the rite.


The ritual of reprimand is also very popular. It is used in the event of all sorts of problems: a person fell ill, began to abuse alcohol, there were failures in his personal life. What is a report? A reprimand is a special church rank in which conjurational prayers are used to exorcise evil spirits from a possessed person.

A reprimand is needed only if a person is strongly influenced by the spirit that has inhabited him. A report can help, but the victim will need to change his life, otherwise it may become even worse than it was. Such a removal of corruption in the church will be effective if you are ready to continue to follow Orthodox traditions.


The amulet can protect from the evil eye and damage. Usually the word "amulet" is associated with pagan traditions, but there is also a talisman illuminated in the church. He will help in a difficult situation and save a person from trouble. The traditional amulet is holy water and a pectoral cross, icons, everyone knows about them.

The "Save and Save" ring is a strong church amulet. First you need to sanctify.

But there is also such a talisman as the “Save and Save” ring. It is not just a piece of jewelry, but also a powerful protector. Previously, this amulet could only be purchased at the monastery. They were popular with pilgrims. But already at the beginning of the 19th century, they began to be sold in jewelry stores. Before using it as a talisman, the ring should be consecrated in the church.

Another traditional amulet is the wearing of a belt or ribbon, on which there is the text of the 90th psalm (“Alive in help”). Even in pagan times, the belt was considered a powerful amulet that protected from any magical influence. Gradually, folk traditions and Christianity came together, giving birth to this powerful amulet.

magical actions

If you think that traditional methods do not suit you, you can resort to magical rites, which are also done through the church. How to remove damage in the church? We'll talk about this.

Prayer for health

To get rid of damage and the evil eye, you need to put candles for health. This must be done three weeks in a row, on Sundays. An important point is that on the first day you need to visit one church, on the second - in two churches, and on the third Sunday put candles in three churches.

To remove spoilage with a candle, you need to light it from candles. It is necessary to go with a candle to the icon of your patron. If you do not find it, you can put a candle near the icon of the Mother of God or Jesus Christ, and All Saints will do.

For help to be effective, prayers must be read.

Prayer to the Holy Cross

“Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let all who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected his strength the devil, and who gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen.

A request for help and protection against all kinds of misfortunes and attacks by enemies and evil. In the morning and in the evening.

90 psalm

“Alive in the help of the Most High, in the blood of the Heavenly God he will be settled. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. As if He will deliver thee from the net of the hunter, and from the rebellious word, His splash will overshadow thee, and under His wings you hope: His truth will be your weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of the passing, from the scum, and the demon of the noonday. A thousand will fall from your country, and darkness at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, both look at your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. As you, O Lord, are my hope, the Most High have laid down your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as if by His Angel a commandment about you, save you in all your ways. They will take you in their hands, but not when you stumble your foot on a stone, step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and, as I know My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will crush him, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with long life, and I will show him My salvation.

The last prayer is chosen independently, based on what damage was inflicted.

  • Damage to health is a prayer to the Lord for healing.
  • Damage to relationships - a prayer to the Virgin of Metropolitan Manuel Lemeshevsky.
  • Damage to the husband’s departure from the family is a prayer to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian or the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow.
  • Protection from evil people - a prayer to the Martyrs and confessors Samon, Gury and Aviv.
  • Damage to hard drinking - a prayer to the Martyr Boniface.
  • Damage to loneliness - the girl's prayer for marriage.
  • Damage to infertility - a prayer to the Holy Prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth.


  1. You can’t tell the priest that you came to church to get rid of corruption or the evil eye with prayers. Not all clergy can respond well to this.
  2. You can not talk to someone about the rite.
  3. During the removal of damage, you can not lend anything, especially if you are asked to lend money, matches, salt.
  4. You can not treat the help of the church as a set of rituals. We need a sincere faith in God and that everything will definitely work out.

Holy water

If you need help to get rid of the evil eye and corruption, you need confession and communion. In three different churches, you should order a magpie at the same time. It is also necessary to ask to read prayers consecrating water at least 12 times in a row. This water can be sprinkled on the house and clothes. Every morning, before breakfast and before going to bed, you need to drink this holy water, taking 3 sips, and think that you will get better soon.

Holy water can be used when cleaning, add to a container of water (200 ml) and wash all the dishes. You do not need to wipe them, they should dry themselves. Before the bath, you can also drink holy water and add it to the rinse water (200 ml). You have to douse yourself with this water from head to toe and wait until it dries without using towels, and only then get dressed.

Even weak damage can pretty much spoil life with turmoil. And strong energy blows can unsettle for a long time and deprive a normal, happy life.

At the same time, damage is not always caused by an envious neighbor or homemaker. Damage can even be done by accident: if a person with strong energy or, even worse, a blood relative wished you harm. You can unsuccessfully step on your foot in transport or not divide the inheritance, and then fight the consequences of the curses received in response for more than one month.

Tells how to recognize induced damage. There you can learn more about the types of damage and about the prayers that help to remove it.

How to recognize damage

The most important thing is not to attribute any of your failures to evil forces. Sometimes we tend to look for excuses for ourselves, to do nothing when it is necessary to get things off the ground, or to secretly rejoice in other people's mistakes, although they do not bring us one step closer to happiness and well-being.

But more often, the negative touch of the past days quite noticeably spoils life. There are many reasons to suspect something is wrong:

  • frequent illnesses of loved ones;
  • own worsened health;
  • leaving it is not known what the money is for;
  • feeling that you are broken, out of place, not on the right track;
  • constant problems in the personal sphere;
  • conflicts with those people who have always been your support;
  • material signs of damage - pins in the door, salt on the threshold, and so on.

Lists even more signs indicating the presence of damage. If you have already thrown all your strength into achieving your prosperity, improving your life and the lives of your relatives, and instead of achievements you are only stuffing bumps, perhaps someone simply did not want to see you as a happy person. And then the damage must be removed.

How to protect yourself from damage

The energy of people is developed in different ways. Not everyone is able to cope with damage. It can be accompanied by malicious actions, slander, gossip and intrigues, and then it really becomes impossible to live. Especially if the exposed person has a bright soul, but not strong enough to resist this evil. It is necessary to act before interference from outside leads to a big disaster.

You can save yourself from evil influence in many ways. Very often people go to fortune-tellers and psychics to remove the evil eye and curses, and even ask to return the harm caused to the offender. At such moments, there is a dangerous temptation to judge a person, to act on the principle of "an eye for an eye." warns you against it.

A psychic, like any person, can make a mistake, and then you will become the reason that evil has gone further through people. And rituals performed on their own for the same purpose are generally very risky, since it can be difficult to determine the one who spoils your life. This is not always an unpleasant person: he can be hypocritical and smile in your face, f may not know you at all. Do not try to take on the role of God and determine who and for what needs to suffer and be held accountable.

To remove damage, the Orthodox portal advises. Turning to God will be a much more effective means to strengthen your spirit and learn to resist evil. Prayers are not made “for the return of evil”, with them you ask God for protection, and Heaven will decide for itself what punishment your enemy deserves. And they will help you become better and stronger, protect you from troubles and tell you how to find your way to happiness in life.

What prayers to read from corruption

The best prayer you can use is to chastise "Our Father" and contact your guardian angel. The first prayer is to begin all appeals to the Almighty, and a prayer to an angel will help you convey your words and aspirations to Heaven. Later you can order mobelin against the evil and harm done to you, both in word and deed. A prayer service is available for the Orthodox parish of Seraphim of Sarov. This will not be a fiction: the idea of ​​making the portal available on the Internet was approved by the clergy, as the church strives to keep up with the times.

Prayers will work Nicholas the Wonderworker, since he can be prayed for the most seemingly unrealizable aspirations. And if damage has affected the sphere of health, for example, it is given by the drunkenness of a spouse, pray also Panteleimon the healer. You can also order a prayer service for this saint on the portal of Seraphim of Sarov.

If you feel that you need the support of the Almighty, turn to to get rid of any damage, misfortune and misfortune. We wish you only happiness and don't forget to press the buttons and

“Look, your girl’s cheeks turned pink today,” with these words, mother met me in the middle of a huge square near the Sergius Lavra, whose name I didn’t even know. Pilgrims - thousands! But some faces are remembered for a long time. That's how I remember her face. Later I learned that she and Batiushka had come to the rank of reprimand from Siberia.

It so happened ... We had to attend the rank of reprimand in Sergiev Posad. That was a long time ago. The children were still young then. In order not to scare them, we settled on the balcony. There were many children there... Why?

When they began to read prayers, the children humbled themselves. The eldest began to draw, she always drew something. But what were these drawings? Birds, birds that fought in cages. Perhaps the same thing happens to the human soul when it is driven into a corner?

Report what it is

The rite of reprimand is a special rite of prayers that ONLY the clergyman pronounces. Moreover, not every clergyman.

These prayers are read only with a special blessing and require considerable preparation. A reprimand is a rite of exorcism, that is, an evil spirit that has really existed and has mastered its art for more than 8 thousand years, that is, it uses it quite skillfully.


When troubles begin in life, and everything seems to fall apart, we frantically search for the answer to our question “why”. The first thought (the most incorrect) is that we have been spoiled. It can, of course, be true, since the invisible world really exists and anything is possible. But not every damage affects, although it flies in the air. And we can resist each. How? Cleansing your soul, repentance.

Wild swan

Remember Andersen's fairy tale "Wild Swans", when the frogs in the pond turned into poppies? There was an explanation for this: "if they had not been kissed by a sorceress, they would have turned into roses." So it is with a person: if you are clean, then dirt does not stick to you.

It's easy to say "clean"

Unfortunately, we are not all pure, so we are all subject to any attack. After all, until awareness comes, you will have to drink so much bitterness. What if the person is not a believer? Recourse is also required. This can take years or a lifetime.

Exceptional case

Every rule has its exceptions. In some cases, reporting is required. When a drama takes place with an adult, his first actions are quite obvious: the sacrament of repentance and, of course, communion. The Lord cleanses, heals, restores, etc.

But if trouble happened to a child who is simply not yet capable of sinning consciously, or to an adult who is not able to take any action on his own, then a rite of reprimand may be required.

Often children bear the sins of their fathers, so the repentance of the parents is required. And always - the blessing of the priest.

The demon strokes the demon

It is very important not to look for healing "on the side". With obvious signs of damage, neither doctors, nor even fortune-tellers, will help. Although, many people turn to them. Moreover, they claim that they were helped.

Certainly! One demon was driven away ... but he quietly returned, bringing with him seven, the strongest of himself. Well, if the sufferer understood this, but if not? So, if you are going to go to the "grandmother", then you have already trampled on the Christ in yourself.


We are just people. Often we simply do not have enough strength, even more often we do not have enough faith to endure to the end. We are looking, looking for a long time for someone who could help us and we do not find. And time goes by ... Tired, we are ready to go to the "grandmothers", sorcerers, to anyone! But it doesn't save. The main thing is not to harm the soul. A Christian can seek healing only from Christ, having gone through all temptations.


After Christ came into the world, demons lost their former power over man. In the gospel, stories about the casting out of demons from a person are repeated many times. They were driven out not only by Christ, but also by the apostles in His name. They didn't always succeed. In what cases did it fail?

If faith weakened, strength was running out. When Christ was asked the question: why? He replied: "This kind is driven out only by fasting and prayer."

God's allowance

Everything that happens to a person happens according to the will of God. "Whom I love, I will punish." Much depends on how the person takes the test.

If with grumbling, then there will be no benefit to the soul. If in humility, then a person gains a great benefit, an orphan and pure soul. There was a misfortune on the tolerance, for admonition. There may be punishment, but that's another story.

Special cases

Good in man is connected with evil. This is human nature, which is why repentance is required. This is from the realm of ascetic experiences. Everyone can be possessed to some extent without knowing it. A special case is considered when the signs of obsession become apparent.

They usually appear when damage is caused or for other reasons. It is dangerous to remain in this state. But! When deciding to reprimand, you need to take a blessing. And not from any priest, but from his confessor. If this is not the case, then such a clergyman who fully understood the situation.

Exorcism in other religions

The rite of reprimand is not only among Christians, but also among Muslims, where it also has power, although the rank itself is different. In Christianity itself, not all denominations practice reprimand. For Catholics, these are isolated cases; Protestants do not practice reprimand.

Who to contact

Previously, the reprimand was carried out purely for one suffering person, but now such a practice has become almost impossible due to the impoverishment of the elders. Nevertheless, reprimands are carried out: in the Trinity Sergius Lavra, in Abkhazia (Ilori village), in the Donetsk region.

If you wish, you can always find a temple in which reprimands are carried out. If there is an opportunity to turn to such a priest who does not read incantatory prayers en masse, then this will be best.


Any road must lead to the Temple. But often this road is very long. Yes, there are cases of immediate healing, but they are rare. With the suffering of a loved one, it is not enough to find a temple or a priest; careful work is required on one's dispensation. By fasting and prayer, nothing else.

Orthodox prayers

In case of ailments, with obvious signs of damage, etc., the clergy give their blessing to read special prayers at home. These are other prayers, but they help:

  • Mchch. Cyprian and Justinia
  • Archangel Michael,
  • Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk,
  • Holy Martyr Tryphon
  • Saint George the Victorious, etc.


Waiting for healing, you need to make an effort. But healing itself does not depend on a person, it is possible only by the will of God. Follow through life with work and prayer, because "the Kingdom of God is in need."

Snow-white flower in the mountains

Having gone a long way to healing, a person finds a humble heart or does not find it. In the first case, he becomes brave and strong (not by his strength). But not only that. Dirt no longer sticks to a purified soul.

High in the mountains you can find a small white flower that grows among black stones, covering everything around it with black dust. And everyone looking at the white flower is surprised: everything is black, and the flower is always white ... Marvelous are Your works, Lord!

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