Home Roses Konyukhov crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Storms, hurricanes, icebergs: Fedor Konyukhov again swims across the ocean. "I return from expeditions with debts"

Konyukhov crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Storms, hurricanes, icebergs: Fedor Konyukhov again swims across the ocean. "I return from expeditions with debts"

December 12, 2012, on his birthday, Fedor Konyukhov officially presented a new project - crossing the Pacific Ocean on a rowboat. Fedor Konyukhov plans to cross the Pacific Ocean on a rowing boat along the continent-continent route non-stop, without entering ports and without escort.

In December 2012, a visit to England took place, at the entrance of which the design of a 9-meter boat was finally approved (the working name of the boat is "K9") and a decision was made to build a boat on the east coast of England (near the city of Ipswich).

Philip Morrison was involved in the design development, he also designed a 7-meter rowing boat "URALAZ" for Fedor Konyukhov on which he crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 46 days and set a world record. The project turned out to be very successful and more than 20 ocean-going boats were manufactured according to the drawings of the URALAZ boat.

Over the past 10 years, the projects of ocean-going rowing boats have undergone significant changes, but as for the design of the boat and the hull lines, Fedor Konyukhov decided to keep the classic design, repeating the shapes of the previous URALAZ boat. The new boat has a hull of 9 meters in length, a hull width of 1.6 meters, 5 watertight bulkheads, two types of steering gear (stationary and emergency), large enough volumes for storing food and equipment, while the weight of the Turgoyak boat is less than the URALAZ boat, since the hull is made of carbon fiber.

The new boat Turgoyak is built from a durable carbon fiber material by forming in a matrix. Learn more about construction.

The manager for the construction of the boat and its technical armament was an Englishman - Charlie Pitcher. It is worth noting that Charlie himself twice crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone in a rowboat in 52 days and 35 days. In 2013, he started from the Canary Islands and finished 35 days later in Antigua, setting a new world record for singles. More details.

The project manager is Simon Chalk, another renowned ocean rower and organizer of rowboat races across the oceans. This Englishman has 6 crossings across the Atlantic Ocean and 2 crossings across the Indian Ocean in rowboats. More details.

Organization of such a large-scale project as crossing the Pacific Ocean is a super-task and we need high-level professionals. If you compare the Atlantic - here is a route of 3 thousand miles, which can be covered in one season. The Pacific Ocean in the Chile section, the east coast of Australia, has a route length of almost 9 thousand nautical miles. We focus on 180-200 days in the ocean and it is clear that I will not fit in one season. I plan to start in summer (December in the Southern Hemisphere), and finish in late autumn, storms on the way to Australia cannot be avoided. The boat has to withstand tremendous loads, and I will need the most modern technology, the latest developments in the field of ocean rowing projects. Therefore, I invited active ocean rowers to the project - Simon and Charlie, in addition, they are both boat builders, each built a boat for their rowing marathons. Simon's experience as an organizer of races across the ocean is also important to me, the logistics England - Chile - Australia is quite complicated and we will need his experience. - Fedor Konyukhov

The name of the rowboat is Turgoyak

Start of the expedition. The first time Fedor Konyukhov started on December 14, 2013 from the Chilean city of Con Con (Con Con), Valparaiso region, but due to problems with the onboard batteries, he was forced to return to Con Con. The second start took place on December 22, 2013, also from Kon Kon. The estimated time planned for crossing the Pacific Ocean is 180-200 days. Finish area - the east coast of Australia, roughly the city of Brisbane.

In preparation for this expedition, Fedor Konyukhov used information about single crossings across the Pacific Ocean from east to west in non-stop mode by the following rowers: (based on materials from the website www.oceanrowing.com)

  • Anders Svedlun (Sweden). Start 02/27/1974. Finish 06.09.1974. Travel time 191 days. Launch site Chile (Huasco). Finish on the island of Western Samoa. Passed 6,462 miles.
  • Peter Bird (England). Start 08/23/1982. Finish on 06/14/1983. Travel time is 294 days. Start San Francisco (USA). Finish Barrier Reef (east of Australia), next to the Lockhart River. Walked 8688 miles. Crossed the equator.
  • Jim Shekhdar (England). Start 06/29/2000. Finish on 03/30/2001. Travel time is 273 days. Launch site Peru. Finish site is North Stradbroke Island (Australia). Passed 10,652 miles. The main reference point for Fyodor Konyukhov.
  • Maud Fontenoy (France). Start 12.01.2005 from Peru (Lima). Finish Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia). Finish 26.03.2005. Travel time: 72 days. Walked 4,217 miles.
  • Alex Bellini (Italy). Start on 02/21/2008. Finish 12.12.2008. Travel time is 294 days. Starting place: Peru (Callao). Finish in the Coral Sea (65 miles off the coast of Australia).
  • Serge Jandaud (France). Start 12.06.2010. Finish 11/23/2010. Travel time is 163 days. Starting place: Peru (Callao). Finish site is Wallis Island.

Fedor Konyukhov will try to cross the Pacific Ocean from east to west from the continent (South America) to the continent (Australia) without stopping or visiting the islands.

Map of the route of this transition

On May 31, 2014 at 13:13 local time (Brisbane) the rowboat Turgoyak touched the coast of eastern Australia, the city of Mooloolaba.

Fedor Konyukhov crossed the largest ocean on the planet in a rowboat, from continent to continent, without entering ports, without assistance in a record time - 159 days 16 hours 58 minutes.

On account of his as many as four voyages around the world, performed in splendid isolation.

How to cross the ocean

The first time is always the hardest, especially if you are a teenager. The future famous traveler decided to conquer the sea at the age of fifteen. The place for the experiment was the Sea of ​​Azov, and the instrument was an ordinary fishing boat, equipped only with oars.

True, according to the original plan, Fedor was going to cross the sea on a boat of his own manufacture. But then the angry parent intervened and took away the homemade product. But the young traveler was not taken aback and "borrowed" a fishing boat from the village council. Konyukhov claims that he then swam across the Sea of ​​Azov.

Later, he realized that serious travel needs a good one. And after the end of the service he went to work as a sailor in the Baltic rescue fleet, and later went on fishing trawlers.

Most likely, Konyukhov did not forget his youthful adventure with a boat in the Sea of ​​Azov and decided to conquer the ocean in the same way. The traveler successfully implemented his idea, and even repeated it in two oceans. He began in 2002 with the conquest on the Uralaz boat.

The development of the seven-meter vessel was entrusted to Philip Morrison. The body was made of carbon fiber and Canadian cedar wood, and a figurine of the sponsor's Ural car was attached to the nose.

The navigation point was equipped with a stationary and manual GPS device, an automatic positioning system, an electronic compass and a radar warning of approaching ships. The life support system was powered by two batteries powered by solar panels. They also provided for the ability to replenish supplies with rainwater.

In October 2002, Konyukhov started off and set off for a solo across the Atlantic by the Columbus route. He reached the island in record time, having spent just over 46 days crossing the ocean.

Without a sail and without an engine, armed with only two pairs of oars, Fyodor Konyukhov managed to cross the Pacific Ocean. Preparing for the trip, he independently created sketches of a unique boat and entrusted its creation to English specialists. Initially the ship was named "K9", but later it was renamed "Turgoyak".

The nine-meter carbon fiber boat was divided into two parts: a compartment with a miniature galley and a navigation unit (equipped with the latest equipment) and a living compartment in which part of the area is reserved for navigation equipment. Electricity for household needs was generated by solar panels, which also served as a water desalter.

According to the plan, Konyukhov's boat was supposed to go from Chile to in six months, without calling at ports and stopping. The Turgoyak left Concon on December 14, 2013 and headed for the waters of Peru. On the way, he contacted the support group several times. In mid-January, Konyukhov survived the storm, but was able to continue his journey.

From Peru, the traveler went to the Australian city of Mooloolaba, the end point of a solo expedition. The entire trip was completed in 160 days, the boat withstood all the tests of bad weather, and its owner believes that he was lucky to get to his destination so successfully.

On the way, he caught squid, saw a coconut and tried to get rid of the annoying one. He also set the world record for the fastest crossing of the Pacific Ocean and became the first citizen to make such a trip.

Around the world and regattas

In this circumnavigation, Konyukhov discovered the wonderful world of the oceans, circled Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope. Having closed the planetary circle, the traveler brought the yacht back to Australia in June 1991.

Konyukhov's second circumnavigation began in March 1993. For this trip, he built the Formosa yacht in Taiwan and immediately hit the road. The voyage took seven months, and in 1994 the traveler dropped at the starting point.

In 2004, the indefatigable Fyodor Konyukhov started from Falmouth, England, paved the way to the island of Tasmania and returned to Falmouth in 2005. His large yacht “Trading Network“ Scarlet Sails ”(85 feet long) was the first of her class to sail around Cape Horn. From December to January of the following year, he sailed on the same vessel, but with a Russian crew on board.

In addition to solo round-the-world voyages, the traveler took part in single regattas. His name can be found in the list of participants in the round-the-world regatta "Around Alone", held in 1998-1999.

Konyukhov took off on a yacht of the Open 60 class "Modern Humanitarian University". This voyage is considered the third round-the-world voyage of the famous Russian traveler.

At the helm of the same yacht, Konyukhov also competed in the French regatta. The ships had to make a round-the-world passage without stops and calls at ports.

It took Konyukhov one hundred and two more days to circumnavigate Antarctica, participating in the Australian Antarctica Cup in 2007-2008. In these races, he took part on his large yacht "Trading network" Alye Parusa ".

Fedor Konyukhov is constantly making new plans and developing new routes for sea voyages. For 2017, he has planned more than just a regatta or a trip around the world. The traveler swung to the Mariana Trench, he plans to sink to the bottom in a bathyscaphe and spend several days there alone.

On May 31, 2014 at 13:13 local time (Brisbane) the rowboat Turgoyak touched the coast of eastern Australia, the city of Mooloolaba. Fedor Konyukhov crossed the largest ocean on the planet in a rowboat, from continent to continent, without entering ports, without assistance in a record time - 159 days 16 hours 58 minutes.

Starting on December 22, 2013 from the Chilean city of Con Con (Valparaiso region) Fedor Konyukhov covered 9,400 nautical miles (17,408 kilometers) in 159 days.

The meeting took place with a large crowd of people, local residents and guests. After going through immigration formalities, Fyodor Konyukhov stepped ashore. It was originally planned that he will go to the yacht club located at the mouth of the Mululaba River, but Fedor decided to go ashore and finish on the city beach.

The global project has ended. Fedor Konyukhov is the only Russian to cross the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean in a rowboat. The crossing of the Atlantic took place in 2002 in 46 days.

A press conference was held at the Mooloolaba yacht club, at which Fedor spoke about his transition. The answers to the questions will be published later.

Russian Ambassador to Australia Vladimir Morozov read out the greetings of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin addressed to Fyodor Konyukhov.

The mayor of the city of Mooloolaba presented Fedor with a surfboard, Fedor, in turn, presented him with an oar, with which he covered 17 thousand kilometers.

Congratulations to all on the completion of this global project. The headquarters plans to ask Fedor about all the details of the transition and publish an interview with him on the website.

The expedition took place under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society. More details.

The project's investors are Oleg Sirotin (Golden Beach Club Hotel and Solnechnaya Dolina ski resort, Miass) and Sergey Eremenko (an automobile holding

What is our life filled with? Family, work, meetings with friends, unexpected problems, good news ... While everyone is busy with ordinary affairs, somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, he throws a small boat over the waves - a person rowing in it all day long, occasionally interrupting for an hour's sleep. This is the usual life of the traveler Fyodor Konyukhov

On December 22, 2013, a single boat departed from the pier of the city of Concon (Chile), on which Fedor Konyukhov is going to paddle 8,000 nautical miles (15,000 km) across the Pacific Ocean. Every evening Fedor contacts his son Oscar by satellite phone, who keeps a sailing diary on behalf of his father. "Around the World" publishes the brightest excerpts from the diary.

It is the last day of 2013, preparations for the New Year are underway on the shore, but here everything is the same. I wanted to drink some wine, but ten minutes before midnight, the instruments detected a tanker approaching me. The celebration had to be postponed and maneuvers began to "dodge" the vessel, which eventually sailed three miles (5.5 km) aft. But I am glad that I meet the New Year on the way and can observe the greatness of the Pacific Ocean.

Everything is like in a solo round-the-world trip. Physically harder, but psychologically easier. Navigation on a rowboat is simple: I look at the route map, course and speed ... Most of all I am worried about commercial and fishing vessels. They go very fast (relative to the speed of the rowboat). Before the silhouette of the ship appears on the horizon, half an hour later he is already abeam with the boat (direction perpendicular to the course of the ship. - Approx. " Around the world» ).

I am waging a difficult struggle with the elements. I confess, I didn't think it would be so hard. Continuous struggle with gusty winds and surging waves. Knocks the oars out of hand. I am constantly wet through and through. I haven't changed my clothes for over a week. The Humboldt Current and southwesterly winds carry me north. Hourly I pray to the Lord for the mitigation of the elements.

At night, three small squids were brought aboard in waves, I peeled them and doused them with boiling water. It turned out to be a good addition to the usual freeze-dried menu (frozen, then dried foodstuffs that retain their beneficial properties. Weigh less, diluted with boiling water before eating. - Approx. " Around the world» ).

Today I caught a tuna. Launched a spinner behind the stern and at a speed of 2.5-3 knots (4.6-5.5 km / h - Approx. " Around the world» ) started fishing. After a couple of hours, the coil crackled. After some effort, I pulled out a small tuna, 40 centimeters in length. Just what I need is not worth a larger size, there is no refrigerator on board. It took more than an hour to cut, clean and cook the fish. As a result - tuna fish soup and some kind of sashimi (thinly sliced ​​raw meat). So today I have a gourmet lunch with a great ocean view, but the speed had to be sacrificed.

From the beginning of swimming, the stomach feels all the "beauty" of freeze-dried products. Every day I need to dilute in boiling water and eat several servings of this "special food". I get a terrible amount of energy from such dinners. And the same terrible heartburn in the bargain.

Carried out a technical inspection of the boat. I missed all deck hatches with sealant (they started leaking), changed the wheels on the rowing seat. He put on a mask and dipped his head into the water - the bottom was covered with a layer of nasty green mucus. This is a harbinger that growing molluscs will soon appear - you will have to dive and clean them with a special tool.

In the afternoon I arranged for myself a little rest, I was able to read. I only have a couple of books on board. Today I read "The Unholy Saints" by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov). Carried away, a useful book. So the daily crossing will be less than usual.

It is difficult to calculate how long I will stay in the ocean, so I set up a mode of saving everything: food and gas. When I cross half the way, it will be possible to make more accurate forecasts and adjust the diet. I keep hoping for fish. In the first days, in bad weather, I did not eat anything, kept on internal supplies, but now I cannot, I want to eat 24 hours a day. Hungry all the time. I lost a lot of weight.

This emptiness around cannot be conveyed in words. In recent days, when I was struggling with the bad weather, I didn’t think too much about it. But when the Japanese ship Onahama Maru appeared on the radar, everything changed. For the first time I became deeply aware of loneliness. I myself have not seen the ship, and I don’t know if I showed up on their radars. In the places where my path lies, there is not a single soul for hundreds of miles around. The feeling is as if you are in a place where there is nothing at all ...

Today I dreamed that I was walking on the ground, on a green field. It's so cool. When the alarm went off, I didn't want to wake up trying to prolong those moments. On a boat, I move on my knees, crawl from the cabin to the deck and back. I practically do not get up to my full height, and there is nowhere to walk here.

Lately, the bones of the hands have been hurting, it feels like they are twisting. When I row, the pain is not felt so much, but I lie down to rest, and begins to pull and twist. I can’t relax and rest. Because of this, I slept for only three hours per day. Almost 50 days of pitching, the turbulence does not stop for a minute. The boat is in motion, all the muscles of the body are tense, even when I lie in the cabin.

Solo hiking expeditions

1. March - May 1990, 72 days
The first solo skiing trip to the North Pole in Russia. Start - Cape Lokot (Sredny Island)
2. nov. 1995 - Jan. 1996, 64 days
The first solo trip to the South Pole in Russia. Start - Gulf of Hercules

Single voyages

1. Oct 1990 - June 1991, 224 days
The first round the world trip in Russia on the yacht "Karaana". Start and finish - Sydney (Australia)

2. March 1993 - Aug. 1994, 518 days
Around the world on a two-masted ketch "Formosa". Start and finish - Taiwan

3. nov. 1998 - Apr 1999, ~ 224 days
American race Around Alone 1998/99 on the yacht Open 60 "SSU". Start and finish - Charleston (USA)

4. nov. 2000 - Feb. 2001, ~ 90 days
French round-the-world sailing race Vendee Globe on the yacht Open 60 "SSU". Start and finish - Les Sables-d'Olonne (France)

5. Oct - Dec. 2002, 46 days and 4 hours
Crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a rowing boat "URALAZ". Start - about. Homer (Canary Islands), finish - about. Barbados

6. Feb 2004, 14 days and 7 hours
Crossing the Atlantic Ocean on the Scarlet Sails yacht. Start - about. Homer (Canary Islands), finish - about. Barbados

7. Dec 2004 - June 2005, 190 days
Around the world on the yacht "Scarlet Sails". Start and finish - Falmouth (England)

8. jan. 2007 - May 2008, 102 days
Australian race Antarctica Cup. Start and finish - Albany (Western Australia)

9. Dec 2013 - June 2014, ~ 200 days
Crossing the Pacific Ocean on a rowing boat "Turgoyak". In progress. Start - Concon (Chile)

Photo: Fedor Konyukhov, Oscar Konyukhov

About two-thirds of the 5,500 nautical miles (or 9,000 kilometers) ocean route has already been completed by a brave Russian traveler in a single rowboat. He expects to sail to Cape Horn by the end of February.


Tests by storms, weather, physical fatigue - this is only one side of the hardships around the world. It is equally (if not more) difficult to pass the test of loneliness. During the first month and a half of the journey to the boat, dolphins swam only once:

“Big flock. They made me very happy and amused. Spun under the boat for a long time, studied. Probably, they wondered what a person was doing here. ", - describes Konyukhov. - In general, the ocean is empty, there are no whales, no dolphins, I very rarely see albatrosses. If you remove from my routine the daily call to Moscow on a satellite phone, you would think that there is only Ocean and me. No one else. Where are the seven billion people? "

Konyukhov has bad news for ecologists: this is his sixth trek in the southern latitudes since 1990, and each time the traveler sees fewer and fewer representatives of the fauna. Experiencing: “During these 30 years we have devastated the ocean, ate and exterminated all living things. I think I have the right to say so. I have accurate observations. When you go on a yacht or rowboat, you see all the details, you notice all the little things. Such an observation cannot be made from aboard a research vessel. "

Ahead is a huge ocean, the largest ocean on the planet - the Pacific. Let him give Fyodor a warm welcome.
You can track the route of the traveler in real time.

Help "SV"

1990-91 - sailing around the world on the yacht "Karaana" (Sydney - Sydney, Australia)
1998-99 - round the world race "Around Alone" on the yacht "SSU" (USA - South Africa - New Zealand - Cape Horn - Uruguay - USA)
2005 - sailing around the world on the yacht "Scarlet Sails" England - Tasmania - Cape Horn - England.
2008 - sailing around Antarctica (Albany - Albany, Australia)
2009 - transfer of the yacht "Scarlet Sails" from New Zealand (Auckland) to the Falkland Islands.

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