Home roses Mice appl. Magic Mouse. Impressions of the new Apple mouse. Apple Magic Mouse Features

Mice appl. Magic Mouse. Impressions of the new Apple mouse. Apple Magic Mouse Features

Apple has released regular mice for their computers, which are also suitable for all other computers and laptops. They work via Bluetooth. Made in the style of minimalism. The body is made of aluminum, and the work surface has an alluring white gloss with the Apple logo. The thickness of the mouse is only 2 cm and initially it seems not convenient, but then looking at the usual mice they seem large. It also provides convenience in carrying, because it does not stick out in the bag like a tennis ball. Many users consider the price for a mouse to be very high, but when using it, its decent value becomes clear.

Apple Magic Mouse Features

The mouse has a touch working surface, it is located on the entire surface of the mouse, which allows you to click and scroll not only in its far part, but in the middle. When pressed, the mouse is also physically pressed and emits a characteristic “click” sound familiar to everyone, like all mice.

The touch surface supports many functions. Scroll, which is performed by all of us with the familiar wheel in all mice, is carried out by simply sliding a finger across the surface anywhere on the surface of the mouse, both vertically and horizontally. This touch control will allow you to scroll and click with your finger in one place, which is much more convenient.

The mouse communicates with the computer via Bluetooth technology. Therefore, you do not need to connect a USB receiver and take up a USB input, especially since there are cases when this small USB receiver is lost and the mouse becomes useless. All these problems are absent in the Apple Magic Mouse.

Also in the settings you can control the charge of the mouse as a percentage, so you know in advance when you need to change the batteries in the Magic Mouse or just charge the Magic Mouse 2. Many may think that due to the Bluetooth connection, the laptop will sit down faster, but the power consumption is so small, that MacBook users will not notice this expense.

Differences between Magic Mouse and Magic Mouse 2

Apple Magic Mouse packaging

Let's start with the packaging. The first Magic Mouse is sold in a transparent, oval, flat plastic box, it contains the mouse itself, instructions and warranty.

Apple Magic Mouse 2 packaging

Magic Mouse 2 is sold in a white square cardboard box, similar to iPhone boxes, it contains the mouse itself, a Lighting cable for charging, instructions and a warranty.

There are almost no external differences. The Magic Mouse and the bottom have a compartment for 2 AA batteries, a green diode that indicates power and connection, and a white Apple logo.

And in Magic Mouse 2 there is no battery compartment, because it has a built-in battery and there is no green diode, apparently the developers came to the conclusion that it is not needed, and apparently, for a change, the Apple logo is black. Charging located at the bottom is not a miscalculation of the developers, they simply could not violate the external design of the Apple Magic Mouse, and a five-minute charge is enough for another couple of days. The functions of the buttons and the touch surface are the same.

I really like the Apple Magic Mouse 2. I have tried other mice, but in my opinion they are not as well optimized for working with the MacBook as the new mouse from Apple.

Apple Magic Mouse 2 Computer Mouse - Overview

The new version of the Magic Mouse 2 does not have significant improvements over the previous model.

In fact, if you have a well-functioning, slightly jaded Magic Mouse 1, I don't see much point in spending on a new version, especially since, as usual, Apple's products are not in the cheap class.

But I decided to go for it because my original Magic Mouse started to seriously "bug out" - losing Bluetooth connection with the MacBook and draining the battery too quickly.

Why did I decide to buy the Magic Mouse 2?

Of course the main reason is because Apple's mouse got rid of the batteries.

Now about charging the mouse from the cable. For many, there is a problem with the charging slot at the bottom of it, as it is impossible to charge and use it at the same time.

This aspect of the Apple Magic Mouse 2 raises the most controversy. It would be naive to expect that in the second version it will be different. After all, Apple believes that the equipment should be as minimalist as possible, so they do not see it possible to place the slot elsewhere than at the bottom of the device.

The objections to such an attitude are understandable, but it doesn't matter to me. On a single battery charge, an Apple mouse will last up to one month, so charging is generally not a problem. Getting rid of the physically short battery life is very important to me. Apple says that 2 minutes of charging the mouse allows it to work for 9 hours. It's the same as going to the bathroom during a break from work. I don't think it will cause much damage to comfortable work. On the other hand, a full charge takes about 1 hour. And by putting the mouse to charge during lunch, you eliminate the possibility of doing short recharging while working.

Apple Magic Mouse

The MacBook's touch trackpad supports multi-touch, there are no physical buttons, although of course it supports both left and right mouse button functions. You can use it to perform gestures - just like on a touchpad. Gesture is a key issue for me when working with a computer. Therefore, for me there is no difference in working with the trackpad and the Magic Mouse 2.

Magic Mouse 2 brings no new features

Unfortunately, there is no so-called Force Touch (or 3D Touch) feature known from the new MacBook laptops or the screens of the new iPhone and Apple Watch. And I regret it the most. 3D Touch has become a habit on my iPhone so quickly that I would love to use it on my computer.

After all, 3D Touch is the most important innovation in the iPhone interface since the introduction of multi-touch.

What has been greatly improved here is the movement of the mouse over the surface.

Although it still doesn't support glass surfaces, it works much better than before for all other surfaces.

I understand very well the criticism of Magic Mouse - both the first and second versions. This computer mouse - like products from leading representatives of computer equipment Logitech or Microsoft, is not suitable, for example, for games, which for many people is the main criterion when choosing a computer mouse.

However, please remember that the computer mouse is probably one of the most intimate and personal computing devices we use every day. I use a computer mouse much more often than a smartphone, and therefore what kind of device it is is a very important question for me.

Apple is famous for being able to draw attention even to its completely insignificant (or, to put it mildly, auxiliary) products. So the hero of today's article - the Magic Mouse - is well known even to those who are practically not interested in Apple products. Needless to say about the fans, whose exclamations of expectation and enthusiasm filled the forums and blogs of both America and Europe. It's hard to imagine such a hype around the mouse of any other manufacturer, isn't it?

However, Apple must be given credit: the Steve Jobs team knows how to look at familiar things (such as a mobile phone or a mouse) from an unexpected angle and release a model on a crowded market that will attract attention just by its appearance, as well as the idea put forward. at the heart of the design. A few years ago, Apple thought of releasing a phone without buttons (which soon became the standard for PDAs), but now a mouse without buttons has arrived on the shelves of Apple stores. And immediately everyone passionately wanted it :-) But until recently it was believed that the more buttons and all kinds of levers on the mouse, the cooler it is! But Apple has changed fashion again, and radically. However, fashion is fashion, and we need to understand how this product is objectively good and (most importantly) convenient. But let's start with general information.

History of appearance

In October 2009, Apple launched a number of its products, including the iMac line of desktop computers. The new iMacs received an aluminum case, screen sizes of 21.5 and 27 inches, Intel processors based on the Nehalem architecture, and in addition, a new wireless Magic Mouse included. You can, however, buy the old Mighty Mouse instead, which is now simply called the Apple Mouse and exists in both wired and wireless versions.

Mighty Mouse appeared on the market four years ago, and during this time she managed to collect the most controversial reviews from the owners. Some praise it for the ball, which allows scrolling not only vertically, but also horizontally, others scold it because the wheel gets dirty very quickly and it is impossible to clean it. Apple fans note a successful design in the best "apple" traditions, and people who are more skeptical note that convenience was sacrificed for design - the mouse does not always distinguish between right and left clicks. In general, Mighty Mouse was an ambiguous, controversial model. Some even called it unsuccessful. And now Apple has released the Magic Mouse. You can buy a novelty as a bundle with the new iMac, or separately - for 3490 rubles (this is the price of Apple's Moscow resellers).

Too much for a mouse, right? Even if we make allowances for the fact that Apple products are sold with a huge margin, the price still looks too high. Does the Magic Mouse deserve it?

Appearance and packaging

When you first look at the device, you immediately want to exclaim: yes, it deserves it! Apple designers did a great job making the mouse even more stylish than the Mighty Mouse. Mighty Mouse looked perfect with Apple devices of the early 2000s, Magic Mouse is already a step into the new decade. Symmetrical shape, gracefully rounded edges, low smooth rise in the center - you admire this mouse like a work of art! It is ideal for shooting in some science fiction film or in a photo shoot for a glossy magazine.

Of course, the Apple logo is also present here, but very successfully, unobtrusively - a gray apple on a white background looks like the last and necessary touch in the composition of the whole. If the mouse is turned over, we will see a laser eye, an on / off button and a cover that closes the battery compartment. The mouse runs on two standard AA batteries, and one day you will have to change them. It is very simple to do this: we move the black lever at the bottom - and the battery cover itself is removed.

This, however, is the only removable part. Like the Mighty Mouse, Apple's new mouse does not require any disassembly.

Equipment and software

Magic Mouse comes in a compact box, the lower part of which is white (there is a mouse in it), and the upper part is made of transparent plastic a la glass. On the one hand, the design of the Magic Mouse itself is beaten here (so the kit as a whole looks very organic), and on the other hand, the box cannot but remind you of the packaging of the iPod nano, for example. What surprises in the configuration is the absence of any discs. All that we will find in the box, besides the mouse, is a miniature booklet with an instruction manual and a few inserts (warranty, European conformity certificate and Bluetooth standards table). However, you don't have to download any drivers. Just turn on your mouse and Bluetooth on your Mac.

Magic Mouse requires Mac OS X 10.6.2 or Mac OS X 10.5.8. True, in the second case, you still have to download the wireless mouse software update (since the corresponding driver in Leopard was sharpened for the Mighty Mouse). “But what if I have Windows?” you might ask. And I will have to disappoint you: the new Apple mouse is not “friends” with a PC running Windows. Perhaps after a while Apple will release drivers for the PC, but for now, Magic Mouse can only be used on a Mac.

If your software fully complies with Apple's requirements, then after establishing a Bluetooth connection between the Mac and the mouse, go to System settings and click on Mouse. In the window that opens, you can configure all the functions of the Magic Mouse.

Everything is done very conveniently: on the left is a window where you can check the necessary functions, and if you hover the mouse over one or another item, then in the window on the right we will be clearly shown how this function works (so that we can decide whether we need it ). In the upper part of the window, you can adjust the speed of double-clicking, moving the mouse and scrolling. At the very bottom, the battery level of the mouse is displayed.

Ergonomics and features of the Magic Mouse

Now let's move on to the most important thing - the possibilities of Magic Mouse. How innovative is the functionality of the mouse? And how convenient is it to work with these functions? With the main function - the usual movement of the cursor - Magic Mouse copes without problems. The accuracy of clicks does not cause any complaints, the movement of the cursor is soft, smooth, without jerks. The mouse works great on almost any surface and does not require any special mats (at least carry it on your knee!).

However, even on a flat surface, the hand quickly gets tired of holding the Magic Mouse. The mouse is low and small, it will not work to put a palm on it completely (especially a man's), so you have to keep the half-bent hand on weight all the time. Pianists will do fine as a training :-), but those who are used to massive large mice will not do with Magic Mouse. As well as those who like the mouse to fit comfortably in their hand. In this case, Apple sacrificed convenience for beauty.

And this applies not only to ergonomics, but also to how the right click is carried out here. Like the Mighty Mouse, the new mouse does not have a left and right button. The entire surface of the mouse is one big button, the right side of which is responsible for the right click, and the left side for the left one (if you noted in the settings that you need an imitation of the right button). However, since the position of your finger (right or left) is determined by the sensor located under the transparent button plate, only one finger should touch the mouse during a click. That is, if you have your index finger on the left side of the surface, and the middle finger on the right side, and you try to press with the middle finger, nothing will work. The Magic Mouse will interpret this as a left click.

Mighty Mouse had the same problem, but I personally expected Magic Mouse to solve this problem. All the same, four years have passed ... But alas. And this drawback (together with average ergonomics) makes it almost impossible to use the Magic Mouse in computer games. Where the outcome of the entire mission can depend on a click made in time, Magic Mouse will constantly strive to let you down.

But where the Magic Mouse shows its virtues is in web surfing and photo manipulation. Touch scrolling (you just move your finger on the mouse in the direction you want to scroll) and photo swiping in iPhoto (two fingers you make movements like turning pages in a book) take communication with large Internet pages and illustrations to a new level. convenience level. It is also possible to enlarge the screen - for this you need to scroll while holding down the Ctrl key (or Cmd, if you make the appropriate setting). This feature will be useful for visually impaired computer users.


After getting acquainted with the Magic Mouse, the first thought that arises is the following: the idea itself is wonderful, but its potential is only partially realized. For example, why can't you zoom in on photos by spreading your fingers (like on the iPhone)? Why can't you make a click without pressing - just a short touch (like on a MacBook touchpad)? Finally, why can't you use a mouse with a PC? This is completely incomprehensible. After all, PC support would increase the number of potential buyers of the Magic Mouse by several times! But Apple, apparently, has some of its own considerations in this regard. Of course, soon after the release of the mouse, all sorts of homemade driver assemblies appeared on the network, designed to “make friends” with the Magic Mouse and Windows PC, but for me personally, for example, none of them were installed on Windows 7 Ultimate. And even if it was installed, it is not a fact that all functions would be operational (and that the overall stability of the work would be normal). So for PC users who want to purchase a Magic Mouse, I still recommend waiting for the official Apple drivers. Programs that extend the functionality of the Magic Mouse in a Mac environment are a completely different matter. Here, first of all, it is worth mentioning the paid MouseWizard, but there are also free counterparts.

These programs give the Magic Mouse additional features, such as the middle button, launching certain applications, and so on. And, in my opinion, the future of Magic Mouse depends on utilities like MouseWizard. Since the ability to customize the mouse for yourself and, in fact, come up with ways to communicate with it yourself is very tempting. Figuratively speaking, such utilities for the Magic Mouse are like App Store applications for the iPhone. And without them, the device, of course, is functional, however, they take it to another level.


So, let's try to summarize. But first, let's list the main advantages and disadvantages of the Magic Mouse.


  • great appearance;
  • no need to install drivers (on Mac OS X 10.6.2);
  • ease of working with photos and web pages;
  • potential opportunities for expanding functionality;


  • high price;
  • average ergonomics;
  • lack of proprietary drivers for PC;
  • on Mac only works with the latest versions of Leopard and Snow Leopard;
  • Not all gestures are supported;
  • right click is inconvenient.

    Well, there are far more cons than pros. Moreover, these are critical disadvantages, making the purchase of a mouse possible and justified only for Apple fans and a narrow category of users who really liked some of the features of the Magic Mouse. On the other hand, if we evaluate the Magic Mouse not as an ordinary “manipulator”, but as a fashionable gadget that is designed to please the eye, decorate the interior of the room and arouse the envy of guests, then the new Apple product is unlikely to have a worthy competitor.

Before writing each review of technology from Apple, I get excited. After all, it is very difficult to resist the creations of the team of the world-famous Mr. Jobs and not rush into the abyss of praise, “you have to buy!”, “you have to drop everything and change!”, “this is brilliant!”, “how we have not seen this before! ". Each product is like a candy in a wrapper, and the task of the reviewer seems to be simple - carefully remove the cellophane, taste it, report to the reader. Unfortunately, sometimes you want to write about Apple sweets without removing the wrapper, without getting to the point, without trying carefully. Fortunately, for the most part, Apple candies do not cheat, and the inscriptions on the wrapper can be trusted completely. To even greater happiness for readers, the author of these lines treats the company's mice with great prejudice. The experience of using the Mighty Mouse in tandem with various laptops has shown that it is in no way a replacement for the chic touchpads on MacBooks, sometimes it behaves strangely and is certainly not worth the money that they ask for it in Russia. You can argue on this topic for a long time, but I made a simple conclusion for myself a year ago: the best mice for Apple laptops and computers are made by Logitech (as well as for any other laptops and computers). And it was with this thought, keeping it in my head, that I tested a new manipulator called the Magic Mouse. Magic mouse. Acclaimed by the press, consumers, fans and sympathizers. Well, let's talk about her.

Design, construction

First, I must say about the packaging, we have before us the most terry minimalism, there is simply nowhere easier. A plastic case, on one side it is held by a sticker, a strip of adhesive tape also holds the mouse. Brilliant, simple, call it whatever you want. In the box, in addition to the mouse, there is only an instruction manual, the batteries are already in the compartment, traditionally Apple uses AA format Energizer batteries (in other words, AA batteries). The mouse itself, of course, makes an impression. The upper part is made of milky white smooth plastic, the company logo "rests" against your palm, probably made so that you do not confuse the sides. Indeed, when looking from above, it is impossible to say where the button is if there were no logo. The mouse is thin, rather heavy, due to the shape and properly selected weight it lies well in the hand, the thumb lies exactly where it is needed. I gave the manipulator a try to people with different hands, none of them called it uncomfortable. Maybe they didn't lie. Your humble servant is very scrupulous about mice, since this thing is used daily and, in addition to beauty, should be incredibly comfortable, not cause any discomfort or nervousness. So, if we talk about Magic Mouse, then there are no questions about ergonomics. It lies perfectly in the hand.

The bottom part is made of aluminum, let's see what we have here. Firstly, the switch is familiar to us from the iPod form, a little higher - a light indicator, period. Lights up with a green light when the tower is turned on. In addition, the green area under the switch will tell us about the status, when it is in the OFF position, this area is black. Secondly, there is a latch for the battery compartment below, slide it towards you, the cover pops up, it remains only to remove it. No fuss with nailing.

As a result, this mouse is beautiful, well-made, fits comfortably in the hand, of course, its appearance goes well with Apple computers and laptops. The minimalistic packaging also pleases.

Surface test

I specifically did not say in the design chapter about one feature of this manipulator. There are plastic strips to the left and right of the battery compartment. Rather, this is some very tricky material, if you press it down with a fingernail, a trace remains, it can be easily rubbed off later. They seem to be smeared with something. Why are they here? The answer is simple - so that the mouse body is raised above the surface, whether it be a table, a sofa or something else. I have used the Magic Mouse on various surfaces and would like to report back to you. Yes, first I’ll explain what I’m getting at: these same plastic “guides” alerted me. It's one thing when you work at a desk. But what if you moved to the bed, and there is a blanket on it? In general, I want to acquaint you with the results. A score of "5" means that the strips did not affect the speed and convenience of interaction in any way. Well, ratings below five, of course, mean something else. So:

  • Wooden table - 5
  • Table in the kitchen, cotton tablecloth - 4
  • Fleecy plaid - between 4 minus and 3 plus
  • Plain sofa, smooth fabric - 5

My Logitech V500 combat mouse behaves the same on any surface. True, I don't use it in real life, lying on the floor or on the bed, usually it's either a table or a sofa, but here the Magic Mouse shows itself very well. But such an experiment was worth doing, right?


Everything is simple here: you need to turn on the mouse, then open "Settings", select "Mouse" and that's it. The search will start, after a few seconds you will be able to use your new manipulator. But just wait, where is the promised Multipoint, scrolling and all that? It's simple: you need to install the Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0. In general, the instructions say this: “To use your Magic Mouse and its full range of features, update your Mac to Mac OS X version 10.5.8 or later and install the Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0; or update to Mac OS X version 10.6.2 or later".

After you have connected the mouse, you need to go to "Settings", select "Software Update", and then the download of the above software starts, the file is about 70 MB in size, so you should not update using EDGE. Then the installation takes place, the system reboots, and now all other functions become available. I will list them:

  • Scrolling, everything is exactly the same as with the touchpad of Apple laptops, only you can scroll the page in the browser or the list even with one finger. As you swipe your finger across the surface of the mouse, depending on the intensity of the movement, the scrolling speed also changes. Everything is like with a wheel, only here nothing needs to be twisted.
  • By sliding your finger left or right, you can use navigation in Safari. And here the analogy with the touchpad, the same functionality. This is very convenient - follow the link, look, just moving your finger, we return to the previous page. In Mail, this way you can move from letter to letter, in iPhoto - from album to album or from photo to photo.
  • There is a very strange feature that allows you to zoom in on an image. But only here it is implemented rather strangely: hold down Control (or another button, you can change it in the settings), swipe your finger on the mouse - the image on the display is getting closer. Let's say you're reading a newspaper and you can't make out what's in the photo - take it and bring it closer to your eyes. Here, too, the effect is about the same. I don't think I will use this opportunity at all.
  • You need to understand that there are no additional buttons, like on the Mighty Mouse. I agree, they helped there - you could quickly go to the desktop or to Expose. For me, setting up “hot corners” using OS tools (we are talking about MacOS) completely replaces these same buttons. For those who have not used "poppies", I will explain: you can set up actions when you move the cursor to a particular corner of the screen. For example, I have it set up like this: the upper left corner minimizes all applications and opens the desktop, the lower left shows thumbnails of all running applications (Expose), the upper right shows program windows (for example, open pages in Safari), the lower right corner is responsible for launching the splash screen . Do you need buttons on the mouse with such functionality? To me - no. Active corners are a more than adequate replacement.

What can I say after a few days of use? At first it seemed to me that there was no special need for a Magic Mouse paired with a laptop, after all, the touchpad did not disappear anywhere. However, in a number of cases, the magic mouse turns out to be much more suitable for work, for example, when you work at your desk, and not on the couch. With the Magic Mouse it is really convenient to "surf the Internet", work with documents, photos, you get used to it very quickly. But there is an important point here: if you try to connect it to a Windows-based computer, then all the “chips” disappear, and you are left with just a two-button mouse, without Multitouch and scrolling. Accordingly, it is not worth buying it for use with Windows, a thing for MacBook and iMac owners.

To pair with another computer or laptop based on Mac OS, you need to go to settings, remove the mouse, then turn it on and detect it using a new device.


The mouse can be used as a two-button or one-button, it all depends on your habits in working with MacOS. I like it better when there are two buttons, in fact, that's how I set up the Magic Mouse. The mouse distinguishes clicks on different parts very well, for a test I clicked on the desktop with the “left” and “right” buttons almost to the point of clouding my mind - everything is in order, I’m not mistaken. Very well. The “click” itself is clear, you can even call it savory.

DPI and all

Apple does not like the language of numbers, so there is no way to find out information about DPI. But you can enjoy the official language of the press release: “The Magic Mouse uses efficient laser tracking technology, which is far superior to optical modules in terms of sensitivity and response quality on various surfaces. This means that the mouse will clearly work almost everywhere: on a table in a cafe, and at home in the office. You won't need a mouse pad anymore". As for the mats, I already said above, as for the speed of work, it is quite acceptable. On several forums I saw complaints about the speed of work, in one case they were resolved simply - the user was asked to set a higher speed in the settings, which removed the problem. In another case, when working with a MacBook, this did not help - the cursor still moved slowly. But here it is necessary to take into account the moment that everyone has different needs and requirements. I tried Magic Mouse with MacBook Pro 17, MacBook Air, no complaints about speed. You can watch the video, it's more clear there.

Working hours

You can check the battery level by going to "Settings" and selecting the "Mouse" section. There is no information on the official website about how long the Magic Mouse can work, I have nothing to say yet, the charge level is currently 92 percent and has not changed in a few days.


There are two ways to get a Magic Mouse - either buy an updated iMac, it's included, or buy it separately. Official sales have not yet begun, but you can buy it, you just have to prepare more than four thousand rubles. As practice shows, there are a huge number of people who want to, it seems that all owners of Apple computers and laptops seem to have agreed and even without any tests, tests are ready to spend their money.

It must be understood that very cunning businessmen sit in Apple and they are primarily engaged in business (Captain Obviousness). That is, they do not do any nonsense. This mouse does not have the wheel we are all familiar with, no additional buttons, no charging stands, no weights to set the desired weight, no screen to display additional information, no special finish or legendary history (like Razer). There is something completely new, by and large, the Magic Mouse is the touchpad of Apple laptops taken outside, I have already spoken about its wonderful characteristics and ease of use more than once. It is important for the company to emphasize leadership in the field of multipoint technology, which was done. This is the first point. Point two - any relatively inexpensive product of the company is often in great demand, and not only in the parent market. For example, these are iPod Shuffle, Nano, AirPort, "socks" for players and so on. And here we see a whole new mouse, and even such an unusual one, in the USA it costs about seventy dollars, and it is very difficult to imagine how much Magic Mouse will be sold in November-December. I guess a lot, a lot. Point three - in my opinion, Apple decided to make a product suitable exclusively for laptops and computers of the company for a reason. As mentioned above, you can use the Magic Mouse paired with a Windows-based laptop, but the mouse will be deprived of the most important functionality in this case. Why is that? The reason, it seems to me, is simple - "switching" as a phenomenon has already outgrown itself, and Apple will increasingly not think about those who use other operating systems. Do you want a magical mouse? Buy a macbook. You can laugh at this logic, but first, let's think about the thousands of consumers who first tried the iPod, and then smoothly switched to Mac OS. The little things matter, and so much more.

Conclusion - for me, the Magic Mouse is a hundred times better than the Mighty Mouse. It is convenient to use it, albeit not on all surfaces, but this is the third thing. I liked the implementation of scrolling, you forget about the fact that you used to do it with the help of a wheel on the first day of use. The ability to zoom in with a couple of movements, easy and understandable scrolling - all this is here. But only if you have a MacBook or iMac. We must not forget the design of the product, the promised long battery life, fast connection and easy setup. I can only recommend the magic mouse, if you ever got burned with Mighty Mouse, then this is another reason to try something new and much better.

P.S. Of course, this raises the question: why spend money on a mouse if I have a MacBook Pro with an excellent touchpad that suits me completely? I can’t answer this question, here Apple’s magic already comes into play, when you understand with your mind that it doesn’t seem to be really necessary, but why not ?! Naturally, the company understood this when they developed a new toy for poppy drivers of all stripes. What I like to get rid of the excess around, so I reach for my wallet anyway. Marketing magic at its worst. A great gift for the holiday, but only for "poppies".

P.P.S. If you have a very strong burn and want to still make something like additional buttons on your Magic Mouse, check out one of the methods. Try at your own risk, I wouldn't do it.

The author expresses his gratitude to iCult.ru store for the equipment provided for the test. The equipment must be returned quickly, otherwise the temptation to buy another mouse is great.

Your attention will be presented to such a product as an Apple mouse. This device appeared relatively recently on the market of goods and services. But it very quickly interested consumers. Although sales of this technique can not yet be called massive. What is the Apple Magic Mouse? Should I pay attention to it? Or is it better to use the offers of other manufacturers? Maybe this product is really modern and requires attention?

Without wires

Of course, the Apple mouse is a new word in computer accessories. The thing is that this particular product has special characteristics and capabilities. In terms of functions, it does not differ from the usual "Apple". With this device, you can quickly and easily manage your computer or laptop.

True, this mouse is considered a novelty. For example, for the fact that it is an Apple Magic Mouse that easily and simply connects without any wires, which allows you to control the device without problems. Exactly what so many buyers need now. But this is not the only feature of the gadget. What else can surprise you?

"No" buttons

For example, the absence of any buttons and wheels on the device. Its appearance demonstrates that the Apple mouse really does not have any features familiar to the eye. But how then to manage the computer? Is there some kind of deception before us?

Not at all. After all, the Apple Magic Mouse (wireless) has a "Multitouch" function. This means that you must do all the actions yourself. The "sensor" on the panel captures movements, recognizes them and performs them. This means that you can scroll and click on one or another "button" of the device without the wheels-knopochek. As practice shows, if you get used to it, then the Apple mouse will seem very convenient to you. And then it will be extremely difficult to get used to the "old" versions of devices.


No matter how strange it may sound, but the mouse of this model is recognized as universal. It can be connected to any device that has Bluetooth. That is, you can control the cursor on a computer, and on a TV, and on a player, and on a smartphone. Tablets and other gadgets are also perfectly combined with this "detail".

True, you should not rejoice ahead of time. The Apple mouse often doesn't get the best reviews in terms of compatibility with operating systems. For example, it is not suitable for Windows. After all, it does not have many functions that can be useful. And this fact repels many. In addition, gamers claim that you should not use this wireless mouse if you plan to play a lot. The model is absolutely not adapted for this. For work - it's fine, but for entertainment - no.


Another thing to consider before buying is that the device has a certain bundle. She shouldn't be surprised. After all, an Apple mouse is a wireless device that must work over a Bluetooth connection.

Included with it, you should find a battery, as well as a charger. All this is necessary to maintain the charge and the Bluetooth network on the mouse. Also, on the device itself, you should notice a small switch. It serves to turn on and if the switch "sinks", it is better to replace the device immediately. Otherwise, problems may start later.

The box with the mouse also includes a user manual with a warranty card. In principle, these documents may be useful to you in the near future. Especially if you don't know how to connect an Apple mouse to your gadgets. Or if it fails.


Now some specifics regarding the connection. It's no secret that an ordinary mouse is connected with a wire and used after that. Nothing complicated, right?

But wireless gadgets can cause some difficulties for users. And the Apple mouse is no exception. Many users say that this device is best connected to laptops or smartphones. After all, they already have Bluetooth. Otherwise, you will have to somehow provide the same stationary computer with Bluetooth. There is no special device included with the Apple mouse. This is not always convenient.

So, "Bluetooth" is available on the gadget. Turn it on, and then insert the charged battery into the mouse. We set the switch on the device to the "On" state, after which we look for our new component on the computer (or gadget to which the mouse is connected). We establish a connection and wait a few minutes. In the case of a computer / laptop, you will have to wait for the driver for the device to load. That's all. Now you know how to connect an Apple Magic Mouse.

Quality of work

True, not everything is as beautiful as it might seem at first glance. Wireless are far from uncommon. And often they are in great demand. But the Apple mouse has several significant drawbacks. There are benefits, of course, too. Just what do consumers think about all this?

For example, according to numerous reviews, it can be concluded that the Apple Magic Mouse is far from being an ideal device. The quality of his work leaves much to be desired. It is not compatible with all operating systems perfectly. For MacOS, this is a great solution. But the owners of "Windows" sometimes have a hard time.

In addition, the charge of the mouse ends extremely quickly. This forces users to constantly charge the device. Not everyone is happy with this kind of solution. Especially if you do a lot of computer work. Then this Apple mouse is not for you. It is better to use the "wired" option. For long work, the Apple mouse is not suitable.

But she perfectly "rides" on different surfaces. So, there will be no special problems if you want to lie on a blanket with a laptop, for example. It is for this that Apple mice receive the most excellent reviews from consumers. Most competitor models only ride well on special mats or wood. Not a good time for a wireless mouse. This is worth considering.


If we talk about how much the Apple wireless mouse costs, then here all users express their dissatisfaction. The price tag forces us to give the lowest ratings to the device.

The thing is that such a miracle of technology will cost the buyer about 5-6 thousand rubles. In some regions, of course, you can find Apple Magic Mouse for 3,000. But it's still too much. Especially considering all the shortcomings of the gadget. And all this only because this mouse is considered branded. Apple always overcharges its product. And this fact pushes the public away from purchases.

Agree, paying 6,000 rubles for a computer mouse without wires, and even one that is combined with Windows, is not very good, even stupid. As already mentioned, if you use MacOS, then you will not see any negative aspects and reviews. Owners of "Poppy" are satisfied with the quality of the mouse, and its cost.


As you can see, the Apple Magic Mouse is far from an ideal device from Apple. Most likely, it is precisely because of their shortcomings that the products are not yet in great demand among consumers. So, to buy or not, everyone decides for himself.

In any case, many buyers recommend Windows adherents to bypass this product. You are just throwing money away. Sooner or later, you still have to change the mouse to a more convenient one. But if you prefer to use exclusively Apple products, then the mouse is worthy of attention.

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