Home roses Fiery ritual of energy cleansing. Cleansing and healing a person with candle fire. Cleansing and cleaning a house with fire.

Fiery ritual of energy cleansing. Cleansing and healing a person with candle fire. Cleansing and cleaning a house with fire.

Church items are powerful even at home, which is why some people use them to restore balanced energy.

Beginning esotericists often ask the question of how to cleanse a person's aura with a candle, because this is not just a magical tool, but the main element of many rites and rituals. The usefulness of the object is due to the mental message put into the candle during creation, and the composition, since wax has been used since ancient times to collect negativity.

Why and how it helps

  • The process of burning any candle is a literal metaphor for the complete destruction of negative energy. When the wax melts, various forms of negative impact on the biofield lose their influence. Therefore, a candle is used to get rid of curses, love spells, evil eye, damage.
  • The church flame has a special destructive power for low energy entities that settle in the deformed aura of a weakened person. When burning candles from the temple, all evil thought forms and formations leave the territory of the house, taking away their wave of misfortunes and negativity.
  • Energy cleansing with a candle helps on a psychological level. Rituals with church attributes, supported by a prayer word and sincere faith in the Lord, give a person peace and tranquility, lightness of soul and clarity of mind. This result alone helps in the future to avoid encroachments on one's aura.
  • In itself, the study of the flame of a candle is a procedure of spiritual meditative purification. When a person watches the fire that releases his energy, he gets rid of unnecessary thoughts and experiences, saves his head from the burden of heavy thoughts, and his heart from resentment, fear, excitement.

Rules for working with candles

  1. Some esotericists try not to undertake such a cleansing practice, since the negative energy that has left the aura can pass to the one who conducts the session, or simply hang in the room, causing discomfort to everyone present in the future. Therefore, before starting to study the techniques, it is important to learn how to put protection on yourself and the space around from negative vibrations. True, from the point of view of other healers and psychics, the purification of energy through a candle is completely safe, because the flame instantly burns all negativity and leaves only positive vibrations of the aura.
  2. With the help of this practice, you can remove only what has already been worked out by a person from a karmic point of view. In other words, by the time of the session, the individual must realize the cause of the current situation, draw the necessary conclusions, gain experience, improve and become better. Or at least want to be. In addition, a person cannot be cleansed of those things that he does not consider bad, dangerous. Thus, cleaning the aura with a flame does not always work. The point here is also that some deformations of the biofield can be caused by the wrong way of life of a person, his destructive emotions or desires. In this case, the candle will not help, because it only affects the negative mental plan and the energy itself.
  3. Experts do not advise cleaning the biofield with a candle less than three times, because the effectiveness of the technique increases with each session. Also, women should turn to technology in their own time, i.e. the so-called women's days of the week are Friday, Saturday and Wednesday. For men, there are such days as Monday, Thursday and Tuesday. It is not customary to cleanse the aura on Sundays and during church holidays. It is best to do rituals during the waning moon.
  4. Before using even a church candle in business, you need to cleanse the object itself from negative energy. This is necessary because candles are melted many times in temples, so that the attribute can take on some of the deadly or painful energy from past rituals. The procedure for updating this tool is very simple: take paraffin candles, fill them with water in containers and put them in the freezer. In a day, the structure of the object itself will change, which means that negative waves of energy will leave it.
  5. After updating the candle, it must be prepared for practice so that the purification of the biofield takes place as conveniently and quickly as possible. Experts advise wrapping an object in paper or making a so-called skirt for it - a cardboard square with a cross-shaped incision in the center. This precaution will help protect the psychic from burns, as otherwise the hot wax may drip onto the hand. If you are working with several candles, it is better to twist them together, after warming them with the warmth of your palms.
  6. How to clean the human aura with a candle as efficiently as possible? Any specialist who comes into contact with church sources of fire as part of their practices advises to constantly use prayers to enhance the results. It is best to use universal texts, such as Psalm 90 or Our Father. It is also allowed to read protective conspiracies, for example, this: The flame of a sacred candle, the image of the Holy Spirit and the Fire of the Universe, an attribute of the Sun, cleanse and save me, let the Holy Spirit descend from above and find his abode in me. After the end of the practice, if the candle showed the presence of obvious problems with the aura, it is worth ordering a magpie in the church for the health of the patient.
  7. It is also welcomed by experts to bypass a person with a candle in an hourly circle or cleanse him with the sign of the cross. Some of the esotericists prefer to draw a cross over each problem area with a lit candle, repeating the actions three times. At the same time, it is better to increase the number of visits to the temple or church during the cleansing course.
  8. If you are still afraid that the negative energy released by the candle will still pass to you, it is better to be safe in advance. Before starting the practice, wash your neck, face and hands with salt water purchased specifically for ritual purposes. During the session itself, it is better to turn on the stove in the house and put a frying pan with salt on the fire. The fact is that it is this bulk product that burns the negative released by the candle. And do not forget to open the window during operation, as well as remove food from the nearest access, because they absorb energy the most. It is also allowed to visualize a strong energy protection. You can imagine yourself inside a dense egg or an abstract vacuum. Those people who do not know the methods of auric security can put on a black prayer belt on their naked body before starting the practice.
  9. A number of esotericists also have peculiar taboos, i.e. a list of actions that you definitely don’t need to do in practices with candles. First, you can not resort to the use of black attributes, including the dark candles themselves. Secondly, it is very dangerous to move counterclockwise during the cleansing ceremony, because the result of the ritual can be unpredictable.
  10. At the end of his work, the psychic should always thank the one to whom he mentally or aloud addressed, for example, Jesus or the Virgin. When the session is over, the candle should burn out completely. To do this, it can be placed on any iron surface with a drop of wax. Then the specialist should take a shower to wash off the remnants of energy.
  11. In order to further protect the space from negativity, after the cleaning of the aura with a candle, it does not hurt to literally send all the wax and energy debris into an urn or pit, after wrapping the object itself with paper. Just do not forget to tightly close this place of ritual waste. You can also complete the practice on a psychological level, saying in the end: “Where it came from, it went there.” After a discarded candle, at first you don’t need to chat with anyone, and they leave the place of its burial without looking back.
  12. For about three days after practice, you can’t invite anyone to visit you, give something from your home. Sometimes a psychic (as well as a carrier of a problematic aura) may experience unpleasant symptoms that resemble the symptoms of a cold. This is a normal condition, indicating a change in the energy circulation in the body. During this period, it is most useful to simply take salt baths.
  13. If you want to achieve a sustainable effect and consolidate the pure energy of your biofield, you need to light a candle once a week. It is useful to carry out even for preventive purposes, so that the space gets rid of the accumulated unnecessary information.

Cleansing the aura with a candle: choosing a method according to the goal

The presence of energy entities in the biofield

At the slightest suspicion of various extraneous energy interventions, esotericists recommend driving a candle over a person from top to bottom, making spiral movements. This is necessary to go around all the boundaries of the aura, which, as you know, resembles a cocoon around a person.

This method is very effective in the presence of energy entities in the biofield. If the subtle matter of the personality has so-called holes or sticky pieces of energy, formed as a result of conscious damage or the evil eye, the candle will definitely turn black, and the fire will begin to crackle strongly. Strong soot may appear in those areas that have suffered the most from the energy impact, for example, the head and shoulders.

Diagnosis of auric holes

When the task of the session is to diagnose auric holes, you need to be patient and slowly drive a candle near the human spine. If the flame in a particular place begins to behave unnaturally or goes out altogether, there is a risk of finding a deformed fragment of energy in this zone of the biofield.

The same technique of cleansing with a candle is advised to be used to study the state of the human chakra system, which just passes through the center of the body.

Elimination of ailments in the body

In the presence of paraffin candles, many ailments in the subject's body can be eliminated. For example, the practice of cleansing relieves psoriasis, rye, and sciatica. The flame of a candle burns both the pathology and the negative biofield at the same time. It is necessary to consecrate the artifact itself in the church, pick up a suitable prayer and start driving the candle from the bottom up, from the toes to the top of the head, not forgetting about the hands.

It is important that the patient himself be undressed at this moment. The candle is located at a distance of no more than 2 cm from the human body. The specialist must repeat his actions 3-4 times within one session, and a full-fledged course begins with at least three aura-cleansing procedures.

Purification of the aura of space

If you want to clear the aura of space, you need to stand behind the main door of the room. A church candle is placed in a paper cone or dish with salt, it is held with the right hand and entered into the territory. Bypassing a room or office starts from the left wall, i.e. around the clock.

It is necessary to stop in every corner and christen it three times with a candle. The same procedure is repeated with adjacent doors and windows. Cleansing is completed when the specialist returned to the entrance and exited. The candle is blown out, and the psychic must wash his hands, mentally clearing his entire body of negativity.

Send negative energy into the earth by asking mother nature to take away evil and recycle it into positive.

It is possible to increase the efficiency of purification of the spatial biofield with the help of special programs in which there are sound vibrations of fire and active images of the flame.

Purification of the biofield as a complete practice

Freeing your own aura from the burden of negativity without outside help

Just sit down at the table without touching it with your torso, and put your legs apart. Take three church candles and combine them into one (you can cut each in half in advance). Place candles at eye level and light. Look at the center of the flame about 30 cm forward, but no further than 40 cm.

Watch how the light deviates to the side or freezes in place. Your hands should be on your knees, your feet should touch the floor and not cross. This practice of cleaning the biofield is quite simple and short (only 7-10 minutes), but it allows you to get rid of negative information and fatigue, everything that soot and church smoke can absorb.

You can strengthen it with a mental appeal to the guardian angel. Admire the fire every day, and you will not let the energy impact negatively affect your own health.

Each subsequent morning after practice, you will feel healthier, more successful, and more attractive.

Purification of subtle matters from the burden of heavy experiences

Place yourself next to the candle and tell her in a whisper about the problems. You can even cry so that resentment and painful thoughts leave you. The wax of the candle will gradually burn out, and with it your negative thoughts will melt, becoming small and insignificant. You can also repent of your sins in front of a candle, only the flame must be placed in front of a mirror and look through the fire at your own reflection.

Remember that you must be frank with a candle, otherwise there will be no purification.

If you want to get rid of the negativity of your family members

To get rid of negativity, especially after some emotional and verbose conflict, a candle will also come to the rescue. At night, when everyone is asleep and it is quiet, light a fire and go around all the people with it.

Stand at each head of the bed to wish your family good dreams. At the same time, try not to think about the negative moments, it is better to remember the moments of life lived in happiness and joy. Repeat your good wishes several times. Imagine how a burning candle forms smoke, and it falls on the faces of the sleeping household, along with words of tenderness and love.

Let all the kindness of your heart pass through the flame to the heads of your loved ones.

External cleaning of the biofield

Most often, people need a third-party, i.e. external cleaning of the biofield. In this case, there can be several candles, and it is not necessary to take church ones, you can use both magical and aromatic ones. It turns out to rid a person of negative programs in his aura quickly and effectively. Stand behind the patient, free your head from unnecessary thoughts.

The person himself can be asked to sit sideways on a chair so that the back of the furniture does not block the spine. Start cleaning from below, approximately from the coccyx area. The hand should make rotational movements.

In the place where the flame begins to crackle and the candle smokes, there is clearly a thinning of subtle matter, which in the future may affect the state of individual organs in this part of the body. Near these areas, the candle is held for as long as possible until the fire becomes clean and calm again.

It is necessary to move along the spinal canal to the crown of the head. Finish cleansing above the head, 10-15 cm away from the top of the head. Within one session, 3 cleansings are carried out at once, and they return to practice every evening, each time comparing the process of burning a candle.

Aura cleansing

A powerful cleaning of the aura is possible in combination with an appeal to the family of one's ancestors. You need to put a person with a deformed biofield on a chair, and turn to the Higher Forces yourself: “In the name of the gods and ancestors, my family, please let me be an intermediary for your energy, let the ritual being carried out now become the fulfillment of your will.”

Add to what has been said such a call: “Father Veles, Fire Svarozhich, I call on you to help in implementing the rite for cleansing the aura and chakras (name).

May this ritual make negative flows positive, in the name of the gods and our ancestors, in the name of health and good (name). Next, you need to give the patient a candle to light it and say: “Be glorious King Fire Svarozhich! Glory forever! Burn every spell, send it to another world. May it be so!"

The very process of cleansing the biofield can take place in different ways: in a circle, crosswise, spirally. It is most effective to first make three rounds clockwise, while going down from head to toe. During the cleaning itself, you can read a conspiracy: “I cleanse (name) from ailments, pains, damage, the evil eye, all infection.”

In this case, it is better to pay attention to the entire aura, and then move on to individual chakras. The patient himself must extinguish the candle, but not with the help of breathing. At the end, it is useful to say thanks to the ancestors, the heavenly forces, Veles, as well as read a modern prayer or turn to the Ascended Masters.

Cleansing the aura from negativity with a paraffin candle

How to cleanse a person's aura from negativity with a candle, if it is not made of beeswax, but paraffin wax? Place the subject on the newspaper and walk around him clockwise several times. Then draw a cross over each chakra, make several circles above the head, around the heart and neck, just below the navel, around the coccyx.

Perform the action many times so that the candle completely stops cracking and smoking. Also, some of the psychics advise cleaning the biofield first with a zigzag in front, then making an imaginary vertical line.

Then you need to make an imaginary cross with a candle three times over each chakra. After the head, it is necessary to go around the person and pay attention to the left hand (palms, forearm), right hand, right leg (from the knee and down, not forgetting the soles), left leg.

Then circles are made clockwise in the area of ​​the third eye, and then the biofield is closed by three large bypasses. Then extinguish the candle and take it out of the house as soon as possible.

Purification of the aura in white robes

Another option for cleansing the aura is supposed to be carried out in white clothes or sheets so that the negative does not pass to a specialist. It is necessary to seat the patient, stand behind and say to your thoughts “Go out, I will let you go.”

Then focus on the flame itself. Start quietly reading any prayer and cleanse the person from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The candle is located 15 cm from the human body.

Slowly lift up, while making small calm circles counterclockwise. Listen to the fire, paying attention to those areas where the cod and soot from the candle are the most. Finish the session 20 cm above your head, but repeat three times.

Then you need to wash your hands up to the elbows with running cold water so that the negative energy is completely gone.

Deciphering candle readings

When you have already decided on the method of cleaning the aura, it is better to get acquainted in advance with the possible behavior of the candle and the flame, since this tells you what it is necessary to free the biofield from and how difficult the situation is.

  1. When the candle floats, i.e. cries, a person has mental problems. If the influx is observed on the side that is closer to the patient, the individual himself is the cause of his troubles. Otherwise, we are talking about external energy influence. To make it easier to determine the side of the flow, always hold the candle with one side to the person, i.e. do not turn it in your hands.
  2. If the tears of a candle fall obliquely and intersect with each other, the problems in the aura are very serious, perhaps there is even a risk of dying from someone's witchcraft or one's own self-flagellation, a wrong way of life.
  3. The line of influx is even, which appeared on the candle immediately after the beginning of the session, indicates a curse that overtook the aura of a person. Two stripes speak of two curses at once. Numerous influxes are very rare.
  4. When the flame of a candle emits black smoke at the moment of bypassing a person clockwise, there is a clear disease of the internal organs, which also affects the state of the biofield.
  5. If one tear rolled down one side of the candle, a serious struggle takes place in the aura of the individual between different energies: the person himself and someone else. A black tear speaks of the powerful influence of negative energy, and if the drop matches the color of the candle, then the biofield cleansing procedure will soon come to a successful end.
  6. The crackle of a candle, its sharp darkening and soot in their totality indicate evil thoughts in a person. Perhaps this negativity is generated by the personality itself, which is not just dark, but even insidious.
  7. An even high flame without sagging says that a person’s life is in order. A calm candle fire helps to connect the thoughts and words of the patient and the psychic, to tune in to the right energy. Slowly dripping wax is already evidence of tears of the soul due to pain.

If you are thinking about how to cleanse a person’s aura with a candle, first make sure that you and he have only pure thoughts and good intentions.

Approach the ritual with full responsibility and faith in the best, and then the element of fire will save you from all energy evil, give you a chance to completely change your fate.

Choose for your rituals both ordinary and church candles, which can also be used to forgive your sins. Regular work with such an attribute gives harmony to the heart, relieves heaviness from the soul, and helps to strengthen the connection with the Higher Forces.

candle energy

Cleansing and healing a person with candle fire

Fire is the most powerful and undefiled element on Earth. Fire itself is pure and purifies all other creatures and man. That is why fire always burns in temples.
Fire has many types - the fire of a bonfire, a hearth, a volcano, a candle ... Fire can clean rooms, consecrate things, heal a person.
There are several ways to use fire to purify a person.
It's nice to just sit by the fire of a fire or fireplace, thinking about life. And the troubles seem to be getting smaller...
The same is true of the live flame of a candle. Light a candle, speak aloud what worries you, take your mistakes and mistakes out of your soul and burn them on the fire of a candle. The soul will be cleansed, it will be easier for the body.

The fire of a candle can clean the subtle fields of a person. Encircle yourself with candle fire in your right hand along the contour of the body, starting from the head, along the left arm and side, left leg, right leg along the outer and inner side surfaces.

Then, taking the candle in your left hand, surround your right hand with fire, return to the crown of your head. Then, taking the candle in your right hand, make 3.5 or 7 circular movements clockwise over the crown of your head, at the forehead, at the throat, at the chest, at the stomach, at the pubis and at the coccyx (i.e., at all seven chakras ). The candle that remains after this procedure must be cleaned of soot and set to burn out for your health to the end, without extinguishing it. And wrap the soot in paper and throw it into the river or stream, turning your back and throwing the paper over your left shoulder.

The candle may sag or begin to smoke with black smoke. This means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and they must be treated. When the organ is healthy, the candle burns evenly and without soot. If the influx on the candle is formed by the patient, then he himself is to blame for his illnesses.
If with the opposite, then the disease “made” him. If a tear rolls down the candle on the left or right, this indicates an energy struggle waged by a person who is being cleansed by fire with someone. If the “tear” is black, then the person is in a state of negative energy.

Treatment with candle fire.

The cleansing properties of living fire candles can be used to treat many diseases. It is known that diseases of the organs of the physical body, as a rule, occur due to a violation of the circulation of vital energy at the entrance or exit. Violations at the input lead to the fact that the body suffers from a lack of energy. This manifests itself in the form of various atony, hypofunctions and weakness of organs.
Disturbances at the exit lead to the phenomena of stagnation, slagging and inflammation.

You can remove all violations of the circulation of vital energy with the fire of a candle, applying it taking into account the phases of the moon.
On the growing Moon, fire opens blockages and fills the diseased organ with life-giving, healing energy.
On the waning moon, fire removes toxins and relieves inflammation.

You need to read a prayer, turning to higher powers for help, and light a candle for health. Put a candle on a sore spot. For stability, a book can be placed under the lid with a candle. A candle will tell a lot.

When candles are put in their health in the temple, the picture will be the same as at home, but in the temple the candles are sometimes bent. This suggests that the person who put the candle is possessed by an evil spirit. The streaks on the candles sometimes resemble the features of the person who sent the curse.
If the candle goes out, you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those you offended, and forgive those who offended you.

Walk with a candle around the perimeter of your home, from the front door clockwise until the crackling and soot stop.
You can also clean shoes and clothes.

If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle placed burns with a high flame, without forming any sagging. If not everything is fine in the inner world of a person, the candle begins to “cry”, influxes run through its body. If a line of influx runs through a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means that a curse may have fallen on a person.
If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, then this person may get sick.

Fire is an effective tool in the fight against negativity. This simple practice will purify not only your physical, but also spiritual energy.

Rites of purification by fire are the simplest and safest in terms of impact on energy. The growing moon will enhance the desired effect.

A large number of purification rites are performed using the power of fire. For this, a candle flame is often used, which allows you to focus on the problem, clear your thoughts and get rid of any trouble.

How the flame of a candle will help cleanse yourself of negativity and resentment

The easiest way to get rid of negativity is as follows: write down what worries you on a piece of paper and burn it over a candle flame. This method is used in case of simultaneous negative impact: bad words addressed to you, quarrel or conflict.

In order for the rite to work, a person must sincerely believe in the successful outcome of the ritual. Include in the preparatory stage of meditation to clear the mind and maximize concentration.

How to carry out the rite of purification

You will need half an hour of free time and privacy. Prepare a candle (church or regular - it doesn't matter), a sheet of paper and a pen (dark ink is desirable). Light a flame and focus on it. breathe measuredly so that the fire does not sway from the currents of air.

Take a pen and start drawing. Do not look at the paper, think about those grievances that haunt you. At some point, you will feel a powerful surge of emotions. Mentally push them out of yourself, do not hesitate to scream, you can swear. After a while, you will feel relief. Close your eyes and relax. Burn the written sheet over a candle and wash off the ashes under running water, or spread it in the air.

Cleansing from sickness and poverty

This ceremony is best done at home, so that the energy of the room in which you find shelter and protection is involved.

Take a large wide candle, preferably red. On a thick piece of paper, write the ailments you want to get rid of, make a bag out of it and put a burning candle there. Go around your home along the walls, paying attention to corners and nooks and crannies. Read a prayer for cleansing the house or a conspiracy against diseases. At the end, put the candle in a bag in the basin and let it burn out to the middle. Put the paper on fire, wash off the ashes with running water.

Put the candle on the table, light it again and peer into the flame. As soon as you feel a detached state, start speaking the flame for financial well-being by saying the following words:

“I bring wealth, I go with money, I hold it tightly with my hands. I carry not for strangers, but for my own. Amen".

After the end of the ritual, extinguish the candle and hide it. The ritual should be repeated three to seven times.

Do not forget that sincere faith works miracles. To increase emotional stability, use incense in your home. After the ritual, sweep all the premises with a broom or vacuum: this is how negative energy will leave your life and home along with dust. Let your house always stay clean and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.11.2016 03:19

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In the modern world, every second person strives for a better life and dreams of changing their Destiny. But...

Fire is a strong and difficult to control element that can easily, in its physical embodiment, destroy everything in its path. But also in the energy sense, fire is no less powerful element, allowing not only to harm the energies and the Etheric / Astral bodies, but also to purify the physical, energy bodies.

Since ancient times, people have known that the element of fire purifies and burns everything negative that sticks to the human aura. According to popular beliefs, the fire element was controlled by salamanders - one of the four elemental spirits of Mother Earth. The uniqueness of the effect of a candle flame on the biological field that surrounds a person lies in the fact that it helps to cleanse the body of all the negative that accumulates in us day after day. And if a person living in an urban environment rarely has the opportunity to sit by the fire, then he can always light a candle in front of him.

After sitting near a lit candle for at least 7-10 minutes, watching the fluctuations of the tongue of its flame - how it deviates to the right, then to the left, then freezes in place, we soon begin to notice how the candle throws a small amount of soot into space, which, as shows many years of experience in magic, absorbs fatigue, irritation and resentment that has accumulated in a person. Pain subsides and sadness disappears, not allowing the disease to penetrate through negative thoughts and feelings into our physical body. Thus, the pain of the soul, gradually dissipating, prevents the pain of the physical body.
Together with the crackling of the candle, our pain goes away, and peace and peace of mind return to its place, without which it is impossible to perceive the world in all its fullness and beauty.

To remove layers of negative fields and programs from a loved one, ask him to sit sideways on a chair so that the back does not block his back from the impact of the candle flame, and stand behind him yourself. Light a candle and forget about all everyday thoughts for a while.
The patient must begin to "clean" from the coccyx.
At the same time, the hand with the candle should rotate counterclockwise. The amplitude of this movement is 10-15 centimeters. And the time during which you will conduct the ceremony is chosen by you arbitrarily.
If the candle starts to crackle, then you have found a “problem” place - a zone in which a person has serious disturbances in the body. Surely at this moment you will see a flash of soot. Hold the candle near such an area until the candle stops smoking!
When the flame has become pure again, we continue to move up the spine - to the very top of the head. We end the ritual with a movement above the head: at a distance of 10-15 centimeters above. Purification must be carried out 3 times, checking whether the candle burns evenly in the place where it used to smoke. Repeat this procedure every evening and soon see how much better your life has become.

1. Buy a wax candle in any size, anywhere.
2. Pour the candle with charmed water in order to cleanse the candle itself.
3. Wipe the candle thoroughly with your hands. So that your energy partially enters the candle until it dries completely.
4. Light a candle and place it on the table.
5. Sit opposite the candle at a distance of 20-25 cm so that your eyes are opposite the candle and without any tension, you can look at it.
6. Without interrupting and without blinking, looking at the flame of a candle, take a breath through your nose and imagine that along with the inhaled air, this light enters your lungs.
7. Close your eyes and imagine, or better yet, see that when you exhale through the genus, along with carbon dioxide, a light comes out of your mouth that you inhaled. You will see that the light has darkened.
Do this until the exhaled light is the same color as the inhaled one.
8. When the lungs are cleared, move to the stomach. Imagine that the inhaled flame enters your belly and exits your belly as you exhale.
9. Just like with the stomach, work with other parts of the body.
10. When you have completely cleansed your entire body, put out the candle with two fingers, first thanking the fire for helping you.

When the ritual actions approached the moment of jumping over the fire, the jumper first ran up to the fire, inhaled fire with his nose (as described in paragraph 6), ran back from the fire at a distance sufficient for a full run and ran up jumped over the fire, and when he flew through the flame, he breathed out that fire.
A few jumps and the body clears many negative energies. Yes, and the breathing exercise is very good, training the lungs of the jumper. Of course, this was not carried out at all ceremonies, most often on the days of the equinox, but such actions were also performed on other rites, since the best way to purify oneself from the outside - jumping over the fire - from the inside (organs) and energy - breathing in the energies of fire, simply cannot be thought of .
And how do you like the practice of jumping over a fire? And you are all yoga, yes yoga - they are rather weak in comparison with our, primordially Russian works with the body and the Etheric - Astral bodies.

Sitting comfortably, say: “Rod, my Father! Judge fairly and protect the innocent! By Your Truth and Strength, by irresistible Power, I call Svarozhich, Holy Fire from God. Come, come, flame, come, come, fire. Separate, conflagration, me from ... (what you get rid of). Let ... (what you get rid of, he / it) passes me, Dazhgod's grandson ... (name) does not see and does not hurt, and everything evil directed at me burns in the Fire! Alatyr-Kolo is always with me, the Power of the Family protects me, leads to good, blesses me!” Raising the Ring of Fire in your imagination from the bottom up above you, twist it counterclockwise (raising and lowering it at least three times). Rising up, the Fire burns through the chains that were between you and the person you dislike, and burns this connection.

Cleaning with fire (annealing)

A fairly common way to clean a person (as well as a home) is cleaning with fire, candles, or, as it is sometimes called, “annealing”.
Wrap the candle in a paper skirt or place it in a candle holder (I use food foil). It is important that the wax does not drip onto your hand! The window in the room must be opened!
Begin to drive a lit candle at a distance of 10 cm from the body (no closer is necessary, there is a danger of damaging the aura) from the right side to the left and back from below (approximately from the knees) up (above the head). Then we anneal from the back in the same way. Thus, there is a cleaning at the level of the chakras. It is important to notice where the candle is smoking or “crying” a lot. We clean these places until the smoke disappears and the candle burns evenly.
At the same time, read: “I burn you (Name) with holy fire, I burn out all the evil from you (Name). Go away, evil, with smoke, soot, tears of a candle, and do not return to you (Name). May it be so!" . Read as much as you feel intuitively, do not count the number of readings.
If we are working with a photograph (of course, a full-length photograph is desirable for such purposes) - we work only with the front part, we do not turn the photo over.
Thick black smoke, soot, burning, strong "caps" on the candle - the presence of negativity, evil eye. Crack above the head (at the level of Sahasrara) means magical intervention. If the candle goes out, which is the worst of all, one can almost absolutely speak of a curse or severe "mortal" damage.
Now between the palms we sculpt-visualize a warm luminous ball of light, with this ball we “cover over” those places where there were breakdowns. This must be done, otherwise everything you cleaned out will come back.
This type of cleansing should be practiced no more than once every 2-3 weeks, because fire is a very strong element, and it can thin or even pierce the subtle body and damage the functioning of the chakras.
Candle to drive for 5-7 minutes. the candle can then be put on the photo of the annealed, if you annealed yourself - just on the table, you don’t need to sit in front of it, but you need to look at it periodically, remembering why exactly it burns.
If we clean according to the photo, then we drive, as it were, in zigzag lines, smooth, we don’t tear off our hand, it’s better to clean from top to bottom, the negative goes through the coccyx. if we clean "live", which is preferable - with spiral movements from top to bottom, from right to left - count according to the client. If you clean yourself, then drive in a circle near your body, naturally in front, it is impossible to do this from behind.
First above the head, then above the chest, then the lower back and below.
After annealing, it is good to burn all the "working off" at the crossroads, wrapping it additionally in paper. If spoilage was annealed, then it is burned at the crossroads in the field, digging a small hole and, after complete combustion, it is buried.
(Author Svetlana Sokolova)

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