Home Roses We have our own staff of highly qualified employees. Hiring "too qualified": pros and cons. Attracting foreign specialists

We have our own staff of highly qualified employees. Hiring "too qualified": pros and cons. Attracting foreign specialists

Autonomous non-profit educational organization


Faculty of evening and distance learning

Department of Management


discipline: "Fundamentals of Management"

on the topic: "Problems of motivation of highly qualified personnel"

Odintsovo 2010


The concept of staff motivation

Models of motivation

2.1 Model by Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch

2 Model A. Maslow

4 Model F. Herzberg

3. Types of employee motivation

Gerchikov's model of motivation

5.Practical application of incentive forms to the corresponding motivational types




Today, when it is already difficult to surprise most professionals with a salary that allows them to pay for a cell phone and go on vacation abroad once a year with the whole family, managers involuntarily begin to think about how they can keep a competitive staff in the modern market. And the age-old Russian question arises: "What to do?"

Imagine a standard way to solve the problem - experts from a consulting firm are invited, a three-day training is held, and everyone seems to be happy ... but - some time passes, and the seemingly revived staff begins to spoil everything again with their indifferent behavior and inefficient work. And the manager is at a loss: how is it that we have done so much for them, but they do not appreciate it?

And again the age-old Russian question arises: "What to do?" But at this stage, another question is added to this question: "Who is to blame?" Now the answers don't come by themselves. And their options are more diverse than in the first case.

The question "What to do?" remains relevant. And then the leader begins to act solely at his own discretion. The options for action can be varied, but all of them, as a rule, lead to the manipulation of two levers: changing wages and firing "problem" employees, followed by hiring new ones. Sometimes a miracle happens and the situation changes, but in most cases, after a certain period of time, the problem of staff motivation becomes relevant again.

Looking at the situation from the side of the highly qualified employees themselves, it is obvious that a self-respecting specialist, with existing and unfulfilled, material needs (first of all), with existing and unfulfilled needs for self-expression, career growth, etc., will strive to satisfy these needs whether at the current place of work, or at a new one, if the situation requires it, because highly qualified personnel have always been and remain in demand in the labor market.

Hence the problem of motivation, this is that our staff is in a sense "spoiled" by attention from employers, and everyone needs a personal approach. It must also be said that the problem of labor motivation does not exist by itself, in isolation from other problems of the enterprise.

The current situation on the labor market in Russia is developing in such a way that one cannot do without close attention to the problem of stimulating the work of workers. According to sociologists, our country is irresistibly sliding into a "demographic pit", in a situation where the shortage of highly qualified personnel will become so urgent that the struggle between companies will already be waged not only for the possession of high-class specialists, but also for specialists in general. Already now, the increased claims of applicants for open vacancies, the high demands of employees in terms of the degree of attention to them, especially in conditions of constant staff turnover, are forcing HR specialists to look for new ways to retain employees and increase their loyalty. The path of purely material motivation, which has almost exhausted itself, is actively used. With a growing shortage of qualified personnel, the claims of applicants and employees for wages and compensations may exceed all the capabilities of the enterprise, which sometimes leads to work at a loss, and sometimes to the inability to maintain qualified personnel. In this regard, it became necessary to look for new opportunities to stimulate labor in Russia, which explains the relevance of the chosen topic.

In the context of the current global economic crisis, unskilled managers and personnel officers, "sloppy" refer to the staff, i.e. arguing that "there is no work" they try in every possible way to infringe on the interests of the employee, without asking the question: how will the dismissal of some qualified employees affect the work of the organization, and how great is the professionalism of these employees. Often this situation turns against the board of the organization.

So, based on the foregoing, it is clear that the problem is taking place, that only qualified personnel are able to competently and efficiently solve problems at all levels of the organization.

The purpose of the course work is to study the chosen problem and suggest ways to solve it. Check the effectiveness of the use of various methods of stimulation.

.Based on the analysis of special literature, identify ways to stimulate highly qualified personnel.

.Apply these methods to employees of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise: Housing Management.

.Evaluate the effectiveness of their application.

1. The concept of staff motivation

The classic definition of motivation in management is the process of motivating oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal and organizational goals.

Motivation of labor activity is considered as a process of satisfaction by employees of their needs and expectations in the work they have chosen, carried out as a result of the implementation of their goals, consistent with the goals and objectives of the enterprise, and at the same time as a set of measures applied by the subject of management to improve the efficiency of workers' labor.

This definition combines two main areas that are usually taken by managers as an identity: motivation and stimulation. Often, setting a task for an employee, the manager says to the employee: "I will stimulate you" or "I will stimulate you." At the same time, he thinks about the same thing, that is, about rewarding an employee for a job well done. In fact, motivation and stimulation are different things, although they serve to achieve a common goal - to increase the efficiency of an employee's work. The process of satisfaction, which is in the first place in the definition, is a motivational policy built by the management of the organization based on the needs and interests of employees known to them. A set of measures is the stimulation of labor, which always complements the motivational policy and is a means of meeting the specific needs of the employee, for the most part material.

Management, or enterprise management, is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization through the impact on other people.

Motivation is one of the main functions of the activity of any manager, and it is with its help that the impact on the personnel of the enterprise is exerted.

The function of motivation lies in the fact that it has an impact on the workforce of the enterprise in the form of incentives for efficient work, social impact, collective and individual incentive measures. These forms of influence activate the work of management subjects, increase the efficiency of the entire enterprise and organization management system.

The essence of motivation lies in the fact that the company's personnel perform work in accordance with the rights and duties delegated to them, in accordance with the management decisions made.

When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly the organization headed by him should do, who, how and when, in his opinion, should do it. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, then the manager gets the opportunity to coordinate the efforts of many people and jointly realize the potential of a group of employees.

The main task from the point of view of the motivational process of workers is to make them not so much the owners of the means of production, but the owners of their own labor force. There are other definitions of motivation besides the classical one, let's highlight some of them: Motivation is the process of a person's conscious choice of one or another type of behavior, determined by the complex influence of external (stimuli) and internal (motives) factors. In the process of production activity, motivation allows employees to satisfy their basic needs by fulfilling their job duties. Labor motivation is the desire of an employee to satisfy needs (to receive certain benefits) through labor activity.

2. Models of motivation

In the book "Fundamentals of Management" all models of motivation are divided into substantive and procedural. The meaningful ones include those that are based on the identification of motives with needs that force people to act in a certain direction (models of Abraham Maslow, David McClelland and Frederick Herzberg). Process models are considered more modern. They are based on the behavior of people depending on their perception and cognition (expectation models, justice model and Perter-Lawler model of motivation).

There is no need to dwell on these models in detail. Let's consider only some features of each of them. But for a better understanding, we first express some considerations of a methodological nature. They have no common grounds, they differ on a number of issues, they are eclectic; model building is clearly evolutionary, not revolutionary; models can be used in specific situations, in certain areas of management; the fundamental concepts in them - needs and rewards - are considered only in psychological terms. The social aspect is practically absent in them, which reduces the entire process of motivation to the process of motivation.

1 Model by Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch

(known as the law of result) is that the employee, having once satisfied his need for meaningful work, will seek in the future to look for similar jobs, similar tasks.

2.2 Model A. Maslow

(behaviorist, later developed in detail by Harvard University psychologist Murray): needs built according to the hierarchical pyramid scheme require satisfaction starting from the lower levels, rising to the upper ones, and this determines human behavior as motives.

Before the next level need becomes the most powerful determinant of human behavior, the lower level need must be established. (Because the highest levels of need can never be fully satisfied, the process of motivating behavior through needs is endless. Hierarchical levels of needs are not discrete steps. Economic motivation is suitable as long as people's behavior is determined by the needs of the lowest level.

3 McClelland Motivation Model

Also based on needs, but with an emphasis on higher level needs (power, success, and belonging). People with strong needs for power, success, belonging should be motivated by setting them tasks related to the manifestation of influence, influence, leadership qualities, or with a moderate degree of risk or the possibility of failure in delegating authority, encouraging initiative, or maintaining or establishing friendships, relationships mentorship.

2.4 F. Herzberg model

Based on needs, developed in the last decade. Its essence is that the levels of satisfaction and dissatisfaction perceived by employees from the performance of their work are different quantities determined by different things. The complex of factors that determine the level of job satisfaction (success, promotion, recognition and approval of the results of work, a high degree of responsibility, opportunities for creative and business growth), F. Herzberg called motivators; a complex that includes the policy of the company and administration, working conditions, earnings, interpersonal relations with managers, colleagues and subordinates, the degree of direct control over work, are called hygienic factors that determine the level of dissatisfaction. If the former are directly related to the work itself, then the latter are related to the environment surrounding the work. Research by F. Herzberg shows that the productivity of workers is closely related to situations characterized by favorable hygienic and motivational factors.

5 Model of motivation of expectations by V. Vroom

It is based on the position that the presence of an active need is not the only necessary condition for motivating a person to achieve a goal. The intensity of motivation refers to the degree of desire of a person to implement a behavior. Depending on the strengthening or weakening of this desire, the intensity of motivation also fluctuates. The intensity of motivation is determined by how a person evaluates the result of the implementation of behavior and what is the degree of his confidence that the behavior will lead to the desired result. As both of these factors increase, the intensity of motivation, or the desire of the individual to implement the behavior, increases.

6 Porter-Lawler Motivation Model

It represents a more complete description of the motivation process in comparison with the models of Skinner and V. Vroom. It is based on the assumption that needs cause behavior and the effort expended to achieve the desired goal is determined by the fact that a person evaluates the rewards that he expects to receive from the realization of his efforts. In addition to this, the authors of the model give three more characteristics of the motivation process:

the value of the expected reward is determined by both internal (arising from the very process of completing the task) and external rewards (they are external in relation to the task);

the degree to which an employee performs a given task effectively depends mainly on what, in the opinion of this employee, needs to be done to complete this task, and his ability to implement it;

the sense of fairness of the reward affects the degree of satisfaction resulting from the reward.

3. Types of employee motivation

The type of motivation is the primary focus of the individual's activity on the satisfaction of certain groups of needs.

There are three main types of employee motivation:

) workers focused primarily on the content and social significance of labor;

) workers focused mostly on wages and other material values;

) workers whose importance of different values ​​is balanced.

It follows that, for example, the creation of jobs with more complex tasks and greater responsibility has a positive motivational effect for many workers, but not at all for all. The leader must always keep in mind the element of chance. There is no one best way to get motivated. What is effective in motivating some people is completely unimportant for others.

Another classification of types of employee motivation can be given:

"Instrumentalist". The motivation of such an employee is focused on bare earnings, preferably in cash and immediately. He is indifferent to the form of ownership, the employer, and other incentives. By profession, such motivational types include loaders, taxi drivers and other people.

- "Professional". An employee of this type considers the most important condition for his activity to be the realization of his professional abilities, knowledge and capabilities. This professional group includes people engaged in creativity in various manifestations. These are programmers, and scientists, and musicians (composers), and artists. Although among the last two categories there are often people who are focused in their activities on the success and recognition of others. But many true creators create for the sake of the creative process itself, regardless of the external realization of their creations. For them, the achievement is precisely the positive solution of the creative task facing them.

"Patriot". The basis of his motivation to work is high ideological and human values. These are people who pursue the goal of their activities to bring goodness and humanism to people. In Soviet times, there were quite a lot of such people in any field of activity. Now there are much fewer of them, they are school and university teachers, leaders of children's circles, doctors working in the public health system, and the military. That is, all those who work for the cause in which he is engaged, because he considers it necessary for people, despite the fact that they receive very modest material rewards from the state and society.

"Master". Motivation of this type is based on the achievement and increase of wealth and property. The needs of such workers are practically unlimited. This is a class of entrepreneurs, that is, people who take risks in order to win and increase their own wealth, while bringing real benefits to society by creating new products and providing additional jobs, although, unlike the previous type of workers, they think first not about the good of society, but about their own well-being.

"Lumpen". Such a worker prefers an egalitarian distribution of wealth. He is constantly haunted by feelings of envy and dissatisfaction with the distribution of goods in society. He does not like responsibility, individual forms of labor and distribution.

As a rule, such people include the so-called losers who, due to certain circumstances, did not manage to take their rightful place in society. They often support various extremist groups, helping them to come to power in elections. In our country, there are a lot of such people of a fairly old age, who only remember the Soviet system with kindness and do not try to comprehend the changes taking place in society. These include those who in Soviet times had privileges, entering the nomenklatura, the military who retired in small ranks, as well as people who are still under the influence of communist ideas (former public workers and agitators), or "voluntary" unemployed .

The rules, the observance of which will increase the effectiveness of motivational activities in the organization:

Praise is more effective than censure and unconstructive criticism.

Encouragement should be tangible and preferably immediate (minimizing the gap between the result of work and encouragement).

Unpredictable and irregular rewards motivate better than expected and predictable ones.

The manifestation of constant attention from the management to the employee and his family members.

We need to give employees the opportunity to feel like winners.

Employees should be rewarded for achieving intermediate goals.

It is desirable to provide employees with opportunities to feel their independence and control over the situation.

Workers' self-respect should not be infringed upon by giving them the opportunity to "save face".

It is better to reward small and frequent rewards to the largest number of employees.

There must always be a reasonable internal competition in the organization - a spirit of competition that promotes progress.

4. Gerchikov's model of motivation

Professor Gerchikov developed the concept of motivation, with the help of which it would be possible to increase the efficiency of people's work. In the last years of his life (the researcher died in 2007), he worked at the Department of Human Resource Management at the State University - Higher School of Economics.

Gerchikov's concept was formed in the early 1990s. After conducting thousands of interviews with employees of different levels, Gerchikov came to the conclusion that there are five types of work motivation.

· For people of the instrumental type, work in itself is of no value: they only need money. Such a person will "plow" with maximum return on any job, as long as he is well paid.

· An employee with professional motivation, on the contrary, values ​​not money, but the content of the work itself. He is looking for opportunities to prove that he is capable of doing work that not everyone can do.

· A person with a master's motivation tends to take full responsibility for the business. He is ready to do the work with maximum efficiency, without insisting on its special interest or high pay, but without any control from the outside. It would seem that he is an ideal employee, but the "owner" is very difficult to manage - he does not tolerate being commanded.

· An employee of the patriotic type, first of all, wants to be needed by his organization. He most of all appreciates the effectiveness of the common cause and the recognition of his merits by the management, rather than money or the prestige of work.

Finally, the special merit of Vladimir Gerchikov is his discovery of the fifth type of motivation. He discovered something that had been lying on the surface for a long time: · there is a category of people who do not strive to work at all and do only what the boss will not punish them for. The author called this type avoidant, or lumpen. The Western mentality does not allow such an interpretation in principle. Foreigners believe that the leader is always to blame, that he does not motivate people enough, etc. But such views do not work in Russia.

In addition to theory, Vladimir Gerchikov developed the Motype test, which allows you to attribute a person to one type or another. True, pure types are rare in nature - in each of us, two or even more types of labor motivation intersect in a certain ratio. The lumpen type is especially common in Russia. Up to 30-35% of “lumpen” work in Russian companies, while real jobs where this type of motivation is acceptable are less than 12%.

The Gerchikov model can be used in at least two ways. For each motivational type, there is an optimal set of incentives, and it is useful to know this data for competently building a reward policy. In addition, each type of activity corresponds to a certain type of work motivation, and the manager can determine whether he hires the right people.

To each according to his needs

The main thing that Vladimir Gerchikov managed to achieve was to destroy the faith of HR managers in money as a means of solving all problems. According to his concept, money motivates only one type of employees - pronounced "instruments". Therefore, a simple increase in salaries, for example, lumpens, will lead to nothing but additional expenses. Only fear can make them work. Apparently, this is why many employers actively apply the system of punishments and are not going to abandon it.

From the foregoing, it is obvious that the avoidant or lumpen type, in terms of its qualities, cannot be a highly qualified employee, since it is absolutely passive. Similarly, a worker of a patriotic type will not be highly qualified, since he most of all appreciates the effectiveness of a common cause, and most often he will achieve his goals at the expense of other people, and will spend the remaining time on "demonstration performances", and he is not particularly worried about money ...

So, we found out that according to Gerchikov, three types of workers can be highly skilled:

· Instrumental type employee;

· An employee with professional motivation;

· An employee with a master's motivation.

We will use this definition to consider ways to motivate highly qualified employees.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine what type this or that employee belongs to. According to Gerchikov, this is a long and laborious process, but I believe that we can limit ourselves to simple definitions by the same author, that is, combine questions from the characteristics of each type into one questionnaire, and subsequently, using a substitution, determine the type to which the employee may belong.

For instance:

Put a tick next to the statement that corresponds to your attitude to work:

Characteristics of motivational types:

Lumpy type.


o low qualification;

Instrument type.


professional type.


Patriot type.


Master type.


o cannot be controlled.

4.1 Forms of incentives and their correspondence to motivational types

Now we give some classification of incentive forms:

So, a person who is described by a certain motivational profile, in order to change his behavior in the organization, is influenced in the form of some incentive. Having received a stimulus, a person reacts to it in accordance with his motivational profile.

· positive, and the person will change his behavior as it was intended;

· neutral;

· negative, when the undesirable behavior only intensifies.

Conceptual model "Motivation-stimulus" developed by Gerchikov V.I. establishes a connection between pure motivational types and forms of stimulation acceptable to them. This ratio is shown in Table 1:

Table 1 Correspondence of motivational types and forms of stimulation


"basic" - the greatest focus of this form of stimulation on a person with this type of motivation;

"applicable" - this form of incentive can be used;

"neutral" - the use of this form of stimulation will not have any effect on the person and he will continue to act as before;

"forbidden" - the use of this form of stimulation will lead to the exact opposite effect and, possibly, to destructive behavior.

Based on the foregoing, I believe that this system will work effectively, it remains only to test it in practice, that is, to apply it to the employees of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of the Housing Department.

5. Practical application of incentive forms to the corresponding motivational types

In the housing sector, where budget appropriations are still the main source of financing, there is an acute issue of improving management for managing financial flows, and transferring the industry to break-even operation. This is one of the reasons for rethinking the practice of management, and the management of enterprises is increasingly beginning to think about the need to move from administrative-command management methods to more modern ones, directing their efforts to use the knowledge accumulated by modern management science. The main goal in this case can be defined as an increase in the standard of living of the population, an increasingly complete satisfaction of its needs in the products and services of the housing and communal complex.

The style of management or leadership is the most important factor in the management of an enterprise Housing Manager. Correctly defined and successfully applied style allows the most efficient use of the potential of all employees of the enterprise. Today, practically at all enterprises of housing and communal services, there is a growing interest in new forms of management and organization in the economy and administrative management.

In the area of ​​transformation of housing and communal services, a strategy of decentralization and simplification of the structure of housing and communal services management was adopted, mainly by separating the functions of the customer and the contractor. The main goal of such transformations was to reduce costs while improving the quality of housing and communal services, which should have been facilitated by the principle of competitive selection of contractors in areas where demonopolization is objectively possible, primarily in housing maintenance.

The monopoly that exists today in the housing and communal services sector does not give citizens the opportunity to choose the necessary set of housing and communal services on the market. The result of the dominance of municipal property was the absence of subjects of market relations in the housing and communal sector. There is no real customer who is able to independently pay for the services provided, control their implementation and has the right to choose. The situation is complicated by the very nature of municipal services.

Based on the foregoing, we can say that at the moment there is no alternative to the Municipal Management Company, and it is necessary to improve the work of this particular company.

So, let's apply the forms of incentives to perhaps the most problematic municipal sector.

The Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing Management of the city of Odintsovo is a fairly large organization subordinate to the Administration of the Odintsovo district, which is engaged in the operation of the housing stock, maintenance and landscaping of the city. MUP UZHKh has on its balance approximately two thirds of the residential buildings of the city, as well as buildings and structures that carry out social activities, such as houses of culture, a children's art house, city clinics, and so on. In addition, UZHKh workers hold elections both for local self-government and for all-Russian elections.

I think that there is no doubt about the importance of housing and communal services, and their satisfactory functioning.

Just like any other organization, the housing and communal services needs qualified personnel, and it is natural that various incentives are required to retain this personnel and motivate them to act.

MUP UZHH in the city of Odintsovo has a pronounced linear-functional organizational structure. (Fig. 1)

Fig 1. Linear-functional organizational structure of management

In the course of the work of the organization, the problem of staff turnover often comes to the fore, this problem is especially acute among highly qualified personnel. Over the past two years, the heads of departments have changed twice. In particular, the head of the plumbing department resigned of his own free will, and a month later the head of the electrical department wrote a letter of resignation (for the second time in two years). During the process of dismissal, a conversation was held with them, as a result of which it became clear that they had only found a higher paying job, albeit in lower positions. It turned out that the relationship in the team suited them, but the physiological needs were not fully satisfied.

The head of the electrical department was asked to take a survey to determine whether he belongs to a motivational type according to the definitions of Gerchikov V.I., after which it became clear that he belongs to an instrumental motivational type, i.e.:

o the price of labor is of interest, not its content (that is, labor is a tool for satisfying other needs, hence the name of this type of motivation);

o the reasonableness of the price is important, does not want "handouts";

o the ability to provide for one's own life is important.

According to Table 1, the following forms of incentives are applicable to this type:

motivation personnel management stimulation

Negative NeutralMoney BaseNatural ApplicableMoral ProhibitedPaternalism ProhibitedOrganizational NeutralParticipation in Governance Neutral

Having considered these conclusions, the HR manager turned to the director with a proposal of financial incentives for a promising specialist, which turned out to be impossible under the conditions of budget financing.

It turned out that the electrician, due to the lack of his own housing, was forced to rent an apartment, which greatly hampered his financial situation.

In view of the peculiarities of the work of MUP UZHKh, in rare cases it is possible to allocate living space to employees of their organization, and after certain legal procedures, his family was put on a waiting list for receiving office living space, which in turn made it possible to retain a qualified employee, and in case of obtaining them housing, this specialist will remain working in this organization for ten years.

Now let's consider an example of applying employee incentive methods on the scale of one small ZhEU-6 Housing and Operational Section.

Some time ago, this house management was considered one of the best. It was repeatedly singled out by the director of MUP UZHKH as the best in terms of housing stock maintenance, its employees repeatedly received bonuses based on the results of the year, quarter or month. ZhEU-6 was awarded the title as the best unit out of ten available, and every year its employees were sent to regional competitions for the title of the best worker in the profession. We repeatedly occupied the best places at these competitions, after which the director of MUP UZHKh assigned bonuses to these employees as an additional multiplying factor to wages over the next twelve months, which is actually a way to motivate employees.

For the last six months, complaints against employees of this unit have become more frequent, and competitions and titles were out of the question, since emergencies at the ZhEU-6 section arose literally one after another. But a welder who was once recognized as the best in the region continues to work here.

And so we will try to deal with this situation, determine the reason for this turn of events, and try to restore the once positive situation with the help of incentive methods.

After a substantive examination of the situation, it turned out that 6 months ago, the employees of ZhEU-6 retired the chief, who had worked here for about twenty years. He was replaced by a new, former colonel of the armed forces, who, judging by the consequences, had no idea at all what it was to motivate personnel except through punishments, threats and orders. Unfortunately, the removal of this leader, for some reason, turned out to be impossible, and therefore it was necessary, by persuasion, to induce the new head of the ZhEU-6 to resort to the definition of motivational types and the use of staff incentives.

At the time of the study, there were fifteen people in the staff of ZhEU-6, these are:


four caretaker technicians;

two electricians;

five plumbers;

All employees were asked to take a survey according to the conceptual model of Gerchikov V.I. "Motivation-stimulus", as a result of which it was possible to find out the motivational types of each employee.

According to the results of the tests passed, it turned out that in rather rare cases one person belongs to one of any motivational type, in particular, only one plumber Viktor belonged to the instrumental type, and all four caretaker technicians turned out to be almost completely lumpenized types, while the rest of the workers combined the qualities of several motivational types.

The chief, Ivan Ivanovich, according to the results of the survey, combined the qualities of a lumpenized type, and a patriotic motivational type. This was evident from the experience of managing his team. This combination of qualities can in no way claim to be a highly qualified employee, so we will not consider this employee as an object of motivation.

Engineer Svetlana Nikolaevna, according to the results of the survey, combines the qualities of professional and master motivational types, i.e. in particular:

o interested in the content of the work;

o He does not agree to work that is not interesting for him, no matter how much they pay for them.

o interested in difficult tasks - the possibility of self-expression;

o considers it important to have freedom of action;

o important professional recognition as the best in the profession.

o voluntarily assumes responsibility;

o characterized by a heightened demand for freedom of action;

o cannot be controlled.

From which we can conclude that an employee with such characteristics is more likely to become highly qualified, even if he was not so, than to be "sloppy" refers to his work. However, the high working potential of our engineer is severely limited by the actions of the boss. And yet we tried to motivate Svetlana, with the help of applicable and basic incentives according to the table.

Those. applicable, as well as basic, the following incentives:

Organizational - working conditions, its content and organization.

Involvement in co-ownership and participation in management.

As previously indicated, monetary incentives are somewhat irrelevant in terms of budget financing, and these incentives, it must be said, are not of particular interest from the consideration of motivations in this work. I believe that monetary motivation is elementary, and at the same time, there are cases of absolutely unjustified and not leading to positive results of the use of these incentives.

So, we applied organizational incentives to our engineer, and incentives for participation in management as follows:

During working hours, Ivan Ivanovich was often absent, either for a disrespectful reason or because of illness, and urgent decisions were constantly required. In view of these circumstances, we compiled a collective letter addressed to the director of MUP UZHKh, in which we asked for official confirmation of the right to sign on behalf of the first person of the Housing Plot, as well as the possibility of additional bonuses for the absence of the head (in any case, the bonuses are small). A week later, a positive written response was received. As a result, in a matter of days the situation changed for the better, emergency situations were eliminated much faster, relations in the team from "stretched" became friendly. However, it should be noted that in parallel there was a process of stimulating the entire team, which will be discussed later.

According to the results of the survey of technicians-caretakers, the following was found out:

All four employees turned out to belong to the lumpenized motivational type, and only one of them, Lyudmila, had, if I may say so, a penchant for the patriotic motivational type (one of the characteristics coincided), apparently due to age (Lyudmila considers herself a product of the USSR system).

This circumstance takes place, since the main criterion for choosing a place of work for all technicians was proximity to home, and the opportunity to leave at the right time. It would be quite possible to motivate them, but none of them is a highly qualified employee, so let's move on to the next employees.

As for the electricians, after consulting with the engineer of the housing department, it was decided not to "take into account" one of them, since he is far from qualified. Another electrician named Alexander, on the contrary, is a highly qualified professional in his field. Based on the results of the survey, Alexander can be called a clear representative of the "instrumental-professional" motivational type, and his work shows that a person strives for self-improvement and strives to earn money. In this case, it would seem that motivation is not required, since the person has been working here for more than fifteen years, and performs his functions completely. However, we motivated him, and this is what it led to.

The motivation was as follows:

Due to functional duties, there are services that an electrician or plumber is not obliged to provide to residents, we are talking about intra-apartment malfunctions. It is forbidden to enter such applications into the logs of accepted applications according to the instructions, and the residents have to “catch” a specialist on the street. By agreement of the team, a magazine was informally opened for such appeals, as a result of which Alexander received additional income. Alexander was flattered by the attention from the engineer. Subsequently, it turned out that when Alexander began to have free time, he was happy to do work that was not included in his duties, without claiming any payment, the person became more cheerful and responsive.

Since we decided that Alexander is a representative of the "instrumental-professional" motivational type, incentives are applicable to him according to the table:

Forms of incentives Motivational typeInstrumentalProfessionalNegative NeutralProhibitedMoney BasicApplicableNatural ApplicableNeutralMoralForbiddenApplicablePaternalism ProhibitedOrganizational NeutralBasicParticipation in management NeutralApplicable

That is, we applied monetary incentives, and at the same time the specialist honed his professionalism.

And in this case, the conceptual model "Motivation-stimulus" developed by Gerchikov, with the help of a creative approach to the situation, showed its effectiveness. During the experiment, and according to the results of the survey, four more people were promoted, corresponding to the motivational types we used. We will not dwell on them in detail, but, as in previous cases, the conceptual model "Motivation-stimulus" has shown its effectiveness.


In the introduction, it was noted that the problem of motivation is that highly qualified personnel are "spoiled" by attention from employers, and that only qualified personnel are able to competently and efficiently solve problems at all levels of the organization.

In the current situation of the global economic crisis, this problem is not as acute as just a year ago, however, highly qualified personnel have not gone anywhere, specialists continue to work and improve their skills. The economy is cyclical, and sooner or later the problem of motivating highly qualified personnel will reassert itself.

In the process of work, based on the analysis of special literature, a study was conducted, with the help of which methods were identified to stimulate staff by determining the motivational type of an employee, and applying certain incentives to each type, which were developed by Gerchikov V.I.

Motivational types:

Lumpy type.


o no matter what kind of work to do, there is no preference;

o agree to low pay, provided that others do not receive more;

o low qualification;

o does not seek to improve qualifications, counteracts this;

o low activity and speaking out against the activity of others;

o low responsibility, the desire to shift it to others;

o desire to minimize effort.

Instrument type.


o the price of labor is of interest, not its content (that is, labor is a tool for satisfying other needs, hence the name of this type of motivation);

o the reasonableness of the price is important, does not want "handouts";

o the ability to provide for one's own life is important.

professional type.


o interested in the content of the work;

o He does not agree to work that is not interesting for him, no matter how much they pay for them.

o interested in difficult tasks - the possibility of self-expression;

o considers it important to have freedom of action;

o important professional recognition as the best in the profession.

Patriot type.


o an idea is needed that will move them;

o public recognition of participation in success is important;

o the main award is universal recognition of indispensability in the firm.

Master type.


o voluntarily assumes responsibility;

o characterized by a heightened demand for freedom of action;

o cannot be controlled.

Ways to encourage:

Negative - displeasure, punishment, the threat of job loss.

Cash - wages, including all types of bonuses and allowances.

Natural - buying or renting a home, providing a car, etc.

Moral - certificates, badges of honor, presentation for awards, honor board, introduction of corporate culture. Moral forms are the most numerous.

Paternalism (concern for the employee) - additional social and medical insurance, creation of conditions for recreation, etc.

Organizational - working conditions, its content and organization.

Involvement in co-ownership and participation in management.

We found out that highly qualified personnel can only be of an instrumental, professional and economic motivational type, out of five possible ones identified by Professor V.I. Gerchikov. We reworked Gerchikov's incentive table for highly qualified personnel. Table 1

Correspondence of motivational types and forms of stimulation

Forms of incentives Motivational typeInstrumentalProfessionalMaster'sNegative NeutralProhibitedForbiddenMoney BasicApplicableApplicableNatural ApplicableNeutralNeutralMoralForbiddenApplicableNeutralPaternalism ProhibitedForbiddenProhibitedOrganizational NeutralBasicApplicableParticipation in management NeutralApplicableBasic

We checked the effectiveness of this motivation system, or rather, applied forms of incentives according to motivational types using the example of qualified employees of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing Management.

In the practical part, incentive methods were applied to seven employees according to motivational types, the result met expectations. It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of any innovations by determining the percentage of the introduction of innovations, and monitoring a positive result. That is, for example, taking the entire staff in the amount of 10 people for 100%, and applying various forms of incentives to all employees, having received 5 motivated employees, the efficiency will be 50%. In our case, the efficiency turned out to be 100%, that is, out of seven employees, seven were motivated in the right direction.

Practical application has shown full compliance of incentive forms with motivational types. On the basis of the study, we can say with confidence that this system works effectively, and this is the right approach to motivation. At the same time, a creative approach is desirable for each situation, and the search for psychological points of interaction.


1. Balashov Yu.K., Koval A.G. Motivation and incentives for personnel: the basics of building an incentive system / Personnel of the enterprise 7 / 2002 / http://www.kapr.ru/articles/2002/7/444.html

2. Vikhansky O.S. Management: Textbook / Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. - 4th ed., revised and additional - M .: Economist, 2005 - 670s.: ill.

3.Gerchikova I.N. Management: Textbook. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2007

4. Dorofeev V.D. Management: Proc. Manual / Dorofeev V.D., Shmeleva A.N., Shestopal N.Yu. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008 - 440s.

5. Korotkov E.M. Management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009 -182s.

6.Meskon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management: Per. from English

7. Management: Textbook / Ed. V.V. Lukashevich, N.I. Astakhova. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005 - 255 pp.: ill.

Ogarkov A.A. Organization Management: Textbook. - M.: Eksmo, 2006

9. Raychenko A.V. Administrative management: Textbook. -M.: INFRA-M, 2010.-416s.-(Textbooks for the MBA program).

Tebekin A.V. Organization Management: Textbook / Tebekin A.V., Kasaev

11. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Enterprise personnel management. - M.

Personnel management of the organization / Ed. AND I. Kibanova.

13. Personnel management of the organization / Ed. AND I. Kibanova.

Shamkhalov F. American management: theory and practice. - M

Shapiro S.A. Motivation.-M.: GrossMedia, 2008




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Kelly Outsourcing and Consulting Group has prepared a new study of recruitment processes in the global labor market. Its results show that against the backdrop of overcoming crisis trends in the global economy, every second company in the world is still experiencing difficulties in finding and recruiting qualified personnel.

These studies show that the problem of shortage of professional staff is one of the main business risks, despite the high levels of unemployment in many economies. On average, more than half of survey respondents (51%) said they continue to have difficulty recruiting.

Compared with the results of a similar study in 2010, recruitment processes have become somewhat easier in Europe and the Americas. Today, 63% of HR departments in Europe (65% - in 2010) and 38% - in the Americas (46% - 2010) experience difficulties with the search and selection of personnel. At the same time, the most serious difficulties with recruitment are in the Asia-Pacific region, where 67% of companies are already experiencing problems (in 2010 - only 50%).

The main reason that complicates the process of finding the necessary personnel in all regions of the world was called “insufficient professional level of candidates”.

Based on the data obtained, it can be predicted that the demand for qualified personnel will steadily increase, since a total of 94% of companies plan to increase permanent staff in one way or another in 2011. A fairly favorable situation is also developing for young specialists – 83% of respondents noted that they plan to hire university graduates.

It is interesting to note that the majority of companies (53%) intend to involve private recruitment agencies in the recruitment process, and companies in the Asia-Pacific region use the services of recruiting agencies much more often than their counterparts in Europe and the Americas.

Perhaps one of the reasons for hiring external providers is that most companies do not have significant HR resources in-house - almost three-quarters (73%) of the world's HR departments in companies are staffed by no more than five employees.

Yuri Efrosinin, Executive Director of KellyOCG Russia: “Difficulties in attracting personnel that companies are experiencing clearly explain why outsourcing of recruitment processes is increasingly in demand on the world stage. Today, it is already easier for companies to optimize their HR activities with the help of an external provider, rather than investing their own resources, often without seeing the desired result. Our growing HR consulting market has yet to experience a surge of interest in this service, but in any case, we see its prospects. This means that we also have prospects, because in Russia we are probably the only company with practical experience in this area.”

> How to manage highly qualified staff

"If you try to manipulate smart people, they will kick" - Kjell Nordström and Jonas Ridderstrale

(corporate strategy consultant)

Quite often in practice there are cases when subordinates are smarter than their superiors. And although it is believed that every boss should know everything, be smarter and more professional than any employee on any issue, this opinion is erroneous. The manager is not required to thoroughly understand all production issues and do the job better than his subordinates. This is the task of the professionals working in the organization. Therefore, when working with more experienced and professional subordinates, you do not need to try your best to show yourself smarter, strive to impose your opinion and give advice on any issue. By such actions, the boss can anger subordinates and, as a result, reduce the effectiveness of teamwork on the current project and the motivation of staff.

Do not abuse your high position, do not try to manipulate employees for your own purposes. They will quickly understand this and will resist, and as a result, you may lose them. Competent and professional specialists are a great success for any manager. Therefore, try to use with maximum benefit their knowledge and experience, the desire to increase personal efficiency, take into account their opinion when solving important issues, do not interfere in the process of solving problems, then it will be easy and pleasant for you to work with them. There is nothing wrong if the manager himself consults with his subordinates.

The main task of the manager is project management, personnel management, as well as the organization of effective teamwork of employees on the project, taking into account the requirements of time management. Ideally, the manager should give freedom of action to his subordinates, then he will only have to direct and coordinate them. In this case, the interests of employees and the manager will not intersect, which means that the conflict will be settled.

In some cases, the manager, realizing that the subordinate is smarter than him, in the process of managing the project, can set difficult tasks for him, subject the results of collective work on the project to unreasonable criticism, and increase the workload. But if your subordinates have shown themselves well and give 100% at the workplace, it’s better to think about ways to further motivate staff and rewards, try to facilitate and automate teamwork on the project so that they can do more and spend less time on it .

"Simple Business" will help the manager to increase the personal efficiency of each employee, as well as the efficiency of team work on the project by automating business processes and document flow in the organization. Business communications tools will provide reliable interpersonal communications between the manager and project participants, which will allow him to manage projects online, control the quality of expected results and adherence to project deadlines. With the "Simple Business" system, you will be able to entrust some of your project management functions to good employees and thus ensure effective teamwork on each project.

It is difficult to achieve a good result through manipulations, the Simple Business project management system will help you find an approach to a highly qualified specialist, because this is necessary for the successful achievement of goals.

The situation on the labor market, like a well-known hut on chicken legs, apparently seriously and for a long time turned to the applicant, obviously not face. And he is in no hurry to return to his original position. And therefore, qualified specialists, having spent their pre-crisis savings, are forced, having discarded ambitions, to look no longer for a job for their soul and career, but simply for an opportunity to earn money. That is why the number of applicants, whose qualifications far exceed the requirements of vacancies, has increased significantly.

And in this case, contrary to economic postulates, supply in the labor market had an impact on demand. Those employers who a few years ago confidently reported that they did not need "too qualified", partly revised their views.

In the pre-crisis period, the label “overqualified” clearly suggested that such a person was not suitable for us. Because, for some unknown reason, finding myself in a situation where a qualified specialist was ready for any job, one could assume the presence of some pitfalls. Either the specialist was not so qualified, or he has a bad temper and addictions. Or one might think that, having solved his temporary difficulties, he would begin to look for a more suitable place for himself.

Whereas now employers have become more understanding of people whose previous experience could allow them to apply for higher positions.

Take this opportunity to

While the market is in stagnation, the staff will be forced to be loyal to the employer. This applies to all positions without exception. Only the most successful top managers and rare specialists can hope for offers to move abroad. The vast majority of employees will be waiting for more opportune times to attempt a career takeoff.

Of course, this situation significantly reduces the risks that took place earlier and were associated with the fact that a qualified employee could be made a very tempting offer at any time. However, as before, each such case requires special attention. After all, despite the mass layoffs, most companies still tried to keep the best staff and get rid of the "troublemakers" under a plausible pretext. As before, among the specialists who are ready to be satisfied with less, there are many those whose individual characteristics and problems have become the reason for this.

At the same time, those who imprudently resigned from their homes in the hope of easily and quickly finding a suitable job can now apply for lower positions. However, faced with unexpected difficulties, they moderated their ambitions somewhat.

So forward-thinking leaders are building strong teams in hopes of improving the economic climate.

“If today the project manager does the work of a simple constructor for me, then tomorrow, if necessary, he can easily return to his previous activities. I will always find a designer, but I don’t want to let go of such a specialist. And now we have found a consensus, because a person understands that now there is no choice for him in the labor market, but there are prospects in our company, ”Anatoliy G., the head of the LLC, shared his position.

Dmitry Yu., the head of the state of emergency, agrees with this, who claims that he does not need the appearance of vigorous activity, which is created by young and overly ambitious employees:

“Where an experienced pro will make two movements, a less experienced one will start fussing, spending a lot of time, effort and my nerves. It is much more comfortable for me to work with those who know and can do more and can insure in case of emergency.”

Conditionally reliable

However, not all employers share this opinion. And as before, for the most part, they are distrustful of candidates whose qualifications allow them to apply for higher positions.

Companies are wary of hiring people who once stepped down the corporate ladder. Truly strong specialists are in demand even in falling markets, and the fact that a person agreed to a downgrade may indicate that he did not have worthy offers and capitulated.

The fears that arise in such cases are not unfounded, because sometimes even such a candidate himself cannot fully understand whether he will be satisfied with the activity that will be offered to him, and whether he will work with full dedication.

“In order to be able to work part-time, and such a need was associated with the birth of a child, I went to a much less skilled job than I did before. The first two months everything was fine, on the third I started to get bored and mope, and after six months I quit. Although I planned to stay at this job for at least two years,” said Nina K., chief accountant.

And this happens quite often, because faced with financial difficulties, a person can be ready for any work, but over time his situation improves, and he understands that he needs something more.

In such cases, experts advise to clearly stipulate possible prospects. Especially if you really don’t want to miss a good specialist, who, although included in the “overqualified” category, can still take a position adequate to his capabilities over time. However, this approach was practiced even before the crisis.

At the same time, recruiters are increasingly faced with situations where the "star" candidates themselves refuse the offers of employers, despite the desire of the latter to see them as members of their team.

Only the brave obey...

And yet, despite the risks associated with hiring “overqualified” employees, the benefits they can bring outweigh the dangers. Putting together a good team that is ready to take off is very tempting, even though it may come at a cost. It is clear that the company tried to keep the best personnel, but there are exceptions. They need to be looked for. Because the presence of such people in the team brings a component of competitiveness, healthy competition, does not allow the rest to relax, stimulates professional growth. And you can solve the problem of “underrealization” by attracting such people to mentoring. After all, if there is no continuity, there is no development.

In addition, managers who are loyal to the “retrained” are captivated by the fact that they do not need to invest in their training. Rather, on the contrary, such specialists themselves can teach others professional subtleties.

What is important to find out?

If the qualifications of the candidate clearly exceed the requirements of the vacancy, key questions will help to decide how this person can be useful to the company:

  • Motivation
    To what extent the motives for which a person goes to the "downgrade" are adequate, understandable and explainable.
  • Presence/absence of bad habits
    In addition to reviewing references and reviewing resumes, assessing specific responses will help. For example, characteristic swallowing at the mention of alcohol and a wary or deliberately nonchalant reaction to such questions.
  • Flexibility
    How flexible such a specialist is able to approach a change in his status in the hierarchy. As markers of the absence of this quality, there may be a mentoring tone at the interview, contemptuous and arrogant comments about former colleagues and management.
  • Willingness to share your experience
    The role of a mentor can often compensate for the loss of a certain status, which reduces risks.
  • criticality
    The way a person evaluates his current position, prospects, opportunities. How adequate are his representations to the real state of affairs.

Order No. 70 of the Federal State Statistics Service dated February 21, 2013 approved the methodology for calculating the indicator “the proportion of the number of highly qualified employees in the total number of qualified employees in the region”.

According to this methodology, highly qualified workers include employed workers who, in order to perform their duties, require higher professional education, belonging to the following groups of occupations of the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (hereinafter - OKZ, adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 298):

1 group- heads (representatives) of authorities and management at all levels, including heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises;

2 group- specialists of the highest qualification level (chemists, physicists, mathematicians, engineers, biologists, doctors, teachers, etc.);

3 group- mid-level specialists (technicians, mechanics, paramedics, pharmacists, etc.).

In addition, highly skilled workers include workers 7th group OKZ(skilled workers of large and small industrial enterprises, construction, transport, communications, geology, etc.) who require higher or secondary vocational education to perform their job duties.

This classifier was developed and introduced into domestic practice to solve a wide range of tasks related to assessing the state and dynamics of changes in the structure of the labor force, analyzing and forecasting indicators in the field of employment and vocational education. Its development was associated with the transition of the Russian Federation to the internationally accepted system of accounting and statistics, based on the requirements of the development of a market economy.

In accordance with the methodology of this classifier, the qualification criterion is the level of education (professional training) and experience (length of service) of practical work, which together form the necessary prerequisites for performing work of a certain complexity. The same approaches - the availability of professional education and work experience, are also formalized in the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees.

When classifying occupations, it is taken into account that a certain level of qualification can be achieved not only by vocational education or special training, but quite often it is achieved by practical work experience.

Accordingly, skilled workers include workers whose job duties require primary, secondary or higher professional (special) education, or in some cases practical work experience in the relevant profession.

However, for occupations requiring a high level of skill, education and special training play a decisive role.

Specialists of the highest qualification level include specialists who carry out the development and research of scientific theories and concepts, contributing to the enrichment and increase in the amount of knowledge accumulated by society in various fields of activity, their practical application and systematic dissemination through training.

Most of the occupations (professions) united by this classification group are distinguished by a high degree of complexity of the work performed and require a level of qualification corresponding to higher professional education, as well as its higher levels, determined by additional special knowledge and skills and characterized by the presence of an academic degree.

The main functions of specialists of the highest qualification level of various professional groups are the development of theories, the study and analysis of processes and phenomena, the development of concepts and methods in various fields of science, the practical application of the acquired knowledge and research results in specific fields of activity, the teaching of theory and practice in various fields of knowledge at certain educational level; provision of information, financial, commercial, legal and social services; creation and performance of works of literature and art; preparation of scientific papers and reports.

Employer and highly qualified specialist: value system

The employer needs not just a specialist who does his job well. He needs a creative person who is able to see prospects and strive for professional growth. And it is quite good to have at the same time professional experience. From here, a university student, obviously, needs to start working at the stage of training and, given the requirements of the employer for a thorough study of the depths of his profession, he is much more demanding of himself, gaining knowledge.

A highly qualified specialist is a treasure for the employer. How to become one?

In the modern professional world there is a tough competition. After all, judge for yourself: universities produce graduates in a certain specialty in batches - not just tens, but hundreds and thousands. That's just not everyone can find a use for their chosen profession. If we look at job postings, the wording "highly qualified specialist is required" is most often encountered. Consequently, there are two directions for studying the issue: the employer must learn to find these very specialists, and the potential employee must try to become such a specialist.

What criteria determine when a person can be said to be a highly qualified specialist?

First of all, of course, a thorough knowledge of not only the basics - the depths of the profession. That is, a specialist is someone who knows all the pitfalls, all the difficult moments and subtleties of a specialty, someone who knows how to deal with potential problems. This means that education is indispensable. That's just education should not be bought. After all, a highly qualified specialist cannot have serious gaps in education. This is what needs to be instilled in students from the first days of training.

Secondly, a highly qualified specialist must have experience. Otherwise, he simply would have nowhere to acquire this qualification. And consequently, he must perform the actions of labor activity not for the first time. Of course, practice and internships are provided in all universities. Students-teachers work out pedagogical practice, physicians - internship. But this, nevertheless, is not enough. After all, the employer is interested in getting a "finished product" - that is, an employee for whom you do not have to redo work or be liable for claims for poorly performed professional actions. For potential employees, this means only one thing: a highly qualified specialist, in order to become one, must begin to gain work experience as early as possible. Now part-time jobs for students are quite common, and almost all of them work in senior years. You can start to realize yourself in your chosen profession at almost any age. If you want to become a translator - start with small orders, with translations of articles "for yourself" - in this way you will not only gain skills and acquire new knowledge, you will also create your own portfolio.

High qualifications must be constantly developed. So, you should not miss a single opportunity to improve professionally. Future-conscious employers ensure the continuous development of their employees. But the specialist himself should show interest: read professional literature, attend seminars and master classes, take additional training courses. And, of course, try to keep abreast of all the current events in your industry. Knowledge of a foreign language is also indispensable here. But the effort and effort will pay off handsomely. Employers are ready to actively fight for highly qualified specialists, offering them the best conditions in order to retain a professional.

Highly qualified specialist: who is it?

To answer this question, we developed a qualification card and a competency card or a position profile or a portrait of an “ideal” candidate for an employer.

From the point of view of Russian legislation, a highly qualified specialist is someone who is officially paid a large salary.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 597 “On Measures for the Implementation of State Social Policy”, by 2020 the number of highly qualified workers should increase so that it makes up at least a third of the number of qualified workers.

Information prepared by professional consultants-psychologists
GU RK "Center for Employment of the City of Vorkuta"
Vorkuta, st. Lenina, 64-B, room 17

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