Home roses Sports club rhythmic gymnastics inspiration. "Winter Inspiration" was held at home

Sports club rhythmic gymnastics inspiration. "Winter Inspiration" was held at home

Against the backdrop of the past Grand Prix and the first Moscow World Championship starting in September, the Winter Inspiration tournament for young athletes is not the loudest event. But behind him are the glorious names of domestic rhythmic gymnastics ....

The competition was organized by a three-time absolute champion Olesya Manuylova, winner of the Club World Championship in Japan and World Cup stages, and multiple winner of the Moscow Cup, winner of international tournaments, absolute champion of Russia in group exercises, Evgenia Goremykina.

At one time, only half a year was not enough for Olesya before the Olympics in Athens: her back could not stand it. The accumulated injuries got the girl so bad that, after consulting with her mother, she took her things and left the Novogorsk training base forever, at least forever as an athlete. After a little rest and treatment, Olesya began working at the Irina Viner Olympic Training Center. By this time, Zhenya also ended her career as an athlete. She worked in show ballet in the States, taught in Italy, graduated from RSUPC, but continued to search for herself. In 2008, the girls managed to realize an old dream: with the support of management physical education and sports of the South-West Administrative District, they registered an autonomous non-profit organization « Sport Club"Inspiration", where parents - fans of rhythmic gymnastics bring their babies. The youngest, Athena, was just over two years old when she entered.

And, finally, the pupils Manuilova and Goremykina had their first official "appearance", so far on a Moscow scale. Almost 140 gymnasts from 15 leading schools of the capital came to the open championship of the club. 17 sportswomen came from Irina Viner's CSC alone! There were young gymnasts from CSKA, SDUSHOR No. 35, No. 42, No. 86, known for their sports traditions.

Young Athena also performed at the championship with the indicative number "Swan". She was not allowed to the official competitions: she was too small. The carpet was entrusted to girls born in 1998-2004.

For girls born in 2003 won by Katya Romanova (pictured), a pupil of Inspiration. She is about to turn seven, but she is already very independent. At the age of three, after watching the Olympics, she told her parents that she wanted to do gymnastics. Now she has nine victories in various tournaments and praise from right hand Irina Viner Vera Shatalina, coach of multiple world and European champions Vera Sesina and Olga Kapranova.

In the overall standings, the main cup of "Winter Inspiration" was taken away by gymnasts from SDUSHOR No. 24, the second place went to the girls from Zelenograd SDUSHOR No. 112, and the "bronze" was won by the SDUSHOR No. 1 of the Moscow City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity on Sparrow Hills.

- We gave a special prize to Kamilla Zhashuyeva, a pupil of the Moscow State Children's and Youth Children's Theater. She is a very lively and technical girl, - says Evgenia Goremykina, chief referee of the tournament. – Although it was really difficult to choose. Frankly, we were torn. On next year I think we will have more special prizes. I can't help mentioning our Nastya Tyurkina, let her take second place. For her age, she makes the most complex technical elements. Speaking without an object to cowboy music, she got into character so much that she began to wink at the judges, and at the end she fell down exhausted.

- And I did not have time to follow all the participants, - Olesya Manuylova regrets. - It was necessary to bring the pupils to the carpet, and even control the competitions themselves: some - to feed, others - to dress. While she was performing herself, she had no idea what kind of work it was to organize a tournament: prepare prizes, find a hall, and persuade sponsors. Well, they helped us with the hall in the department of physical culture and sports of the South-Western Administrative District. Thank you moms and friends. Someone helped with the music, someone made sandwiches, someone in the secretariat counted the scores. The main thing is that all the participants were satisfied and have already “filled in” places for our next competitions.

About the Open Tournament in Rhythmic Gymnastics

"Autumn Inspiration"

Video and photography of all participants all days of the competition.

Instant printing of photos, magnets, calendars, recording on digital photo and video media.
Let's make your photo on souvenir products (t-shirts, mugs, covers for various models phone, puzzles and more. etc.). Sending by mail.
Order photo and video performances via Internet e-mail: [email protected] www.fotomig33.ru
tel. +7-910-77-96-403

1. Goals and objectives:
- popularization and development of rhythmic gymnastics;
—improvement of sportsmanship;
— identification of the strongest gymnasts among the participants of the tournament;
—exchange of experience of coaches and judges;

– performance of sports categories, up to 2 adult categories.

2. Dates and venue of the tournament.
Competitions are held in Kazan on October 18-20, 2019 at the SC "Bustan".
Address: Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Professor Nuzhin passage, 1.

3. Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators.
Competitions are held on sports facility, which meets the requirements of the relevant legal acts in force in the territory Russian Federation on issues of providing public order and safety of participants and spectators, as well as subject to the availability of acts of readiness of the sports facility for holding events, approved in the prescribed manner.
Participation in competitions is carried out only if there is an agreement on life and health insurance against accidents, which is submitted to the credentials committee for each participant in the competition.

4. Management of the competition.
General management and holding of competitions is carried out by the administration of the school of gymnastics "Inspiration". The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the main panel of judges of the competition.

Tournament director - Elena Ryabinina (Kazan);

Chief judge - Davidovich Yulia SSVK (Vladimir);
Chief Secretary - Malygina Irina SSIK (Volginsky, Vladimir Region).

5. Competition program:
Competitions are held on international rules FIG 2017-2020

Individual program

Year of birth, rank

2015 (and younger junior gymnast)

2014(junior 3 rank)

2013 (junior 2 category)

2012 (junior 1 category)

2011 (Rank 3)

2010 (Rank 2)

2009 (1 Rank)

2008 (1 Rank)

2007 (1st Grade/KMS)

2006-2005-2004 (CCM)

2004 and older (MS)

group program

Year of birth

Program type

2015-2014 Junior gymnast

PSU (1 output)

2014-2013 3rd junior category

PSU (1 output)

2013-2012 2nd junior category

PSU (1 output)

2012-2011 1 junior category

PSU (1 output)

2011-2010 3rd category

2010-2009 2nd category

2009-2008 1 category

2 types to choose from

2008-2007 1 category

2 types to choose from

2006-2004 (KMS)

2 kinds (5 hoops, 5 ribbons)

2004 and older (MS)

2 types (5 balls, 3 hoops + 2 pairs of clubs)

AFTER THE STARTING PROTOCOL IS FORMED, the transition of gymnasts from one category to another is NOT allowed.
The organizers reserve the right to shorten the competition program.

6. Conditions of admission and requirements for participants in the competition.
Gymnasts who have the appropriate sports training, the original birth certificate (passport), a doctor's permit and a contract on life and health insurance against accidents are allowed to compete. All documents are submitted to the credentials committee.
Each team is required to provide a referee.
Starting fee:
– individual program 2500 rubles per person;
— group exercise 1500 rubles per person.

7. Terms of financing.
Expenses associated with the business trip of participants, judges, representatives are borne by the sending organizations. Expenses related to the organization of the competition and the awarding of winners and prize-winners are carried out by the Inspiration gymnastics school.

8. Rewarding.

Gymnasts who took 1-3 places in each age group are awarded with medals, diplomas and memorable prizes. Gymnasts who take 4th-6th places are awarded with diplomas and memorable prizes. All gymnasts are awarded memorable prizes.
In group exercises, teams that take 1-3 places in each age category are awarded medals, diplomas and memorable prizes. Teams that take 4-6 places are awarded diplomas and memorable prizes. All teams are awarded memorable prizes.

In group "A" the coach who prepared the winner in each age category is awarded.

Special prizes in separate nominations are approved at the tournament.

8.1 Master classes.

Free dance master classes will be held at our competitions!

9. Applications.
Confirmation of participation and nominal applications are accepted on October 11, 2019.
Email: [email protected]
Questions about the organization of competitions tel. 8-965-602-89-80 Elena,
8-919-638-41-74 Anna.
Coaches, participants and parents of participants in the competition!
Entrance to gym and locker rooms strictly in replaceable shoes.
Parents are strictly prohibited from entering the warm-up room!

Questions about the placement of tel. 8-965-602-89-80 Elena
8-919-638-41-74 Anna.

10. Music:

Each composition of the gymnast must be recorded on a separate flash drive.

This position is an official challenge to the competition!



To participate in the Open Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament

"Autumn Inspiration"



Last name First name

Year of birth

Name of trainer

Physician Visa

Individual program

Painting and printing

Painting and printing

Painting and printing

group team

Painting and printing

Painting and printing

Painting and printing

Painting and printing

Painting and printing

Judge _______________________

Team representative (full name), m.p. /______________________________/

Approved ______ people Doctor ____________________________

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