Home Roses Russian lesson on the topic "Not with verbs" (grade 5). Lesson for primary grades "spelling not with verbs" Not with verbs open lesson

Russian lesson on the topic "Not with verbs" (grade 5). Lesson for primary grades "spelling not with verbs" Not with verbs open lesson

Used pedagogical technologies: Critical thinking development technology

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the rule of writing NOT with verbs.

Lesson Objectives:

Educational ::

1. Introduce the rule of writing a particle NOT with verbs;

2. To form the skill of writing particles not with verbs;

3. Repeat morphemic word parsing;

4. Develop the ability to formulate the definition of concepts;

5. Enrich the vocabulary of students;

6. Improve spelling and skills.


1. Implementation of the system-activity approach;

2. Development of attention;

3. Formation of UUD (personal, regulatory, cognitive):

4. Development of the ability to formulate and prove your point of view;

5. Development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

6. Develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

7. Development of creative, speech abilities of students;

8. Formation of logical skills;

9. Development of the ability to rely on what is already known, on your subjective experience;


1. Fostering interest and respect for the native language;

2. Education of a value attitude to the word;

3. Development of communicative UUD:

4. Creation of a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation.

Lesson type: learning new material

Forms of work of students: frontal, individual, group.

Required technical equipment: computer, multimedia projector, CRC used in the lesson.

During the classes

1. Good afternoon, guys! We are starting a Russian lesson. Today awaits us

a lot of interesting work, which I hope will be successful and fruitful. Today we will continue our conversation about the verb, as well as discuss the issue. Which? You will determine for yourself.
2. Checking homework (none)
3. Explanation of the new material.


The word DEBT is highlighted on the board. What does this word mean? (Duty is an obligation or obligation to someone, something)

How does this word relate to you? With discipline? (guys answer)

While the class is working with the teacher, 1 student at the blackboard fills in the tree, writes out all the verbs from the sentence, and selects morphological apples for them. (Past tense, indefinite form, present tense, future tense, 3rd person, singular, 2nd person, plural, etc.)
Which word of these suggested verbs has a particle with it? (don't care) What will this spelling sound like? (spelling Not with verbs)

Can we spell this spelling correctly? (No)

Let's turn to the Z-H-U plate (each child has it printed on the desk)

In order to find out how to spell it Not with a verb, let's turn with you to a linguistic tale (one printed on the desk)

They read it. The noble Verb did NOT love the proud and stubborn particle. This love was difficult and sad. He said: "I love", and she told him: "I do not love." He confessed: "I believe", and she: "I do not believe."
The particle has never come close to the Verb, because almost always it is written separately from it. However, the Verb was constant in his feelings. Once he DOESN'T say to him: "I will reciprocate you if you prove that you cannot live without me."
Verb sighed sadly and went to wander through dictionaries and textbooks. When he returned to his beloved, she, as usual, jumped away from him shouting: “Indignant! I hate! " And suddenly she froze in surprise: this time the Verb remained nearby. So he proved that in some cases, indeed, he cannot live without her.

The fairy tale will help us formulate the rule. To do this, using a fairy tale, draw a conclusion.

Now let's check how you learned the rule. Connect 2 parts.

What do these verbs have in common? How do we write them down? Why? Do you know their lexical meaning?

DISEATER - to feel a feeling of resentment towards someone, something.

UNHEALTH - a state of health, malaise experienced by someone.

TO DISLOVE - to feel a strong reluctance towards someone, something, not dirty.

And now we will talk about one more word that is not used without. IT IS FORBIDDEN. Tell me what the student cannot do in the lesson? Populate the cluster.

What do all these verbs have in common? (3person, singular, not with a verb are written separately)

Now let's check how familiar you are with the verb (True and False Statement)

  1. is a verb an independent part of speech? (yes)
  2. The verb answers the question: what? Whose? (No)
  3. does the verb denote the action of an object? (Yes)
  4. the verb changes in tense (yes)
  5. does the verb change in cases? (no)
  6. not always written separately with a verb? (no)
  7. the verb does not change by gender in the past tense? (no)
  8. is the verb in the sentence a predicate? (yes)

Topic: Repetition of what was learned in primary grades

Lesson: NOT with verbs. Writing -TSI and -SYA in verbs

Writing NOT with verbs

NOT written separately with verbs, except when verbs are not used without NOT: do not forget, do not look, do not want, but: to be indignant, bewildered, hate, uncomfortable, unhealthy.

Verbs with the prefix under- and verbs with the prefix before- and negative NOT

It is necessary to distinguish between the continuous spelling of verbs with the prefix under- and separate spelling of verbs consonant with them with a negative particle not and the prefix before-... Prefix under- gives verbs the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency in comparison with any norm: underestimate the strength of the enemy... Negative verbs not and the prefix before- denote an action that has not been completed: do not finish reading a book, do not finish watching a movie.

Compare: do not finish the soup - undernourished during the war... In the first case, the verb denotes an action that has not been completed, and is written separately with the NOT particle. In the second example, the verb with the prefix under- what matters is the lack of action in comparison with a certain norm.

Prefix under- often antonymic to the prefix over-: undercooked - overcooked, underfulfilled - overfulfilled.

Verbs differ in meaning and spelling to miss(not enough) and do not reach(do not reach): he lacks perseverance, patience; does not reach the window.

B in verbs na -sat (-sat)

If the verb answers the questions what to do? what to do?(i.e. before us is an indefinite form of the verb), then b is written. For example, he can(what to do?) to ski. He wanted(what to do?) to smile... If the verb answers the questions what is he doing? what will he do ?, then b before -sya is not written. He(what is he doing?) skiing. He(what will it do?) will smile.


1. Write down the words, expanding the parentheses.

(I didn’t) could, (I don’t) see, (I didn’t) have it, (I don’t) want to, (I don’t) yearn, (I won’t) forget, (I didn’t) think it over, (I don’t) hide it, (I don’t) have enough, (I don’t) say hello.

2. Insert the missing letters. In parentheses, put the question to the verb.

Potatoes () boil ... sya, potatoes () boil ... sya is not long left, stop () shaking ... sya, he loves () learn ... sya, he () learn ... sya well, let () try ... sya.

3. Expand the brackets and insert the missing letters.

I am (not) healthy ... Xia, he (not) sleep ... Xia, she is (not) mistaken ... Xia, (not) I will see a mistake ... Xia, they are (not) afraid of ... Xia darkness, it is necessary (not) to be afraid ... Xia darkness.

1. Portal for the whole family. Additional tasks ()

2. Internet portal tsya.ru. The soft sign in verbs is -sat (-sat) ().


1. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades: V.V. Babaytseva, L. D. Chesnokova - M .: Bustard, 2008.

2. Russian language. 5kl .: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M .: Bustard, 2010.

3. Russian language. Practice. 5th grade: ed. A.Yu. Kupalova. - M .: Bustard, 2012.

"Ed. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., support cards, poster "Not with a verb."

Lesson Objectives:

1) know the spelling rule Not with verbs;

Be able to write separately Not with verbs, fused - those verbs that without Not not used;

2) be able to apply the spelling rule using a detailed algorithm Not with verbs;

Be able to give a detailed answer to a grammatical topic and a review of it;

Use verbs with Not in speech;

3) foster a sense of friendship in students using the example of literary texts.

During the classes

Goal setting

Guys, today we will continue our conversation about the verb, its meaning, morphological and syntactic features. Let's also talk about the spelling of the verb, its spelling.

Linguistic warm-up

But first, let's remember the rule about the verb. We need knowledge of the rule in order to be able to distinguish from other parts of speech. We will check the rule by Works in pairs.

At this time, 4 people receive an individual task:

1) compose a coherent story about the verb using key words (see Appendix No. 1 to the lesson);

2) reproduce the scheme "Morphological features of the verb" (3 people write on pieces of paper).

We listen to a coherent story about the verb.

Give a review of your friend's answer.

Hand over the leaflets with diagrams.

Conclusion: we have learned the rule about the verb, we know its distinctive features.

Updating knowledge of spelling rules

And now, to remember the spelling of the verbs, we will play with you. The game this spelling is called "Third wheel". You have to find something superfluous in a row of words on some basis and write it down in a notebook.

1) wonder, doubt, Rises.

2) Night, Lie down, daughter.

3)Draw, ink, rye.

4) Confusion, hatred, Resent.

5) I don’t want, I can’t, I'm not feeling well.

Self-test with green pen.

We check the task, explain.

Conclusion: they repeated the spelling of some verbs, learned to distinguish verbs from other parts of speech.

Work on the topic of the lesson

Today in the lesson we will talk about spelling. not with verbs. What do you remember from elementary school on this topic?

The purpose of our lesson - to consolidate your knowledge of separate spelling Not With verbs in practice.

1) finish the proverbs (words in brackets are closed).

With a good deed ((not) be late).

Strong friendship and ax ((not) chop).

Explain the spelling of the words in parentheses.

2) Now write down a sentence under dictation. (1 person writes on a closed part of the board).

A strong friendship will not break, will not unstick from rain and blizzards.

We read the proposal.

Who remembers the continuation of this song?

Find the spelling you are learning.

Punctuate the sentence.

Output: Not with verbs is written separately and is part of the predicate verb.

Learning new material

Working with the tutorial

Let's see what the textbook says on our topic (p. 231, p. 107).

1) Read the rule to yourself. Pay attention to the notation of the spelling.

2) What did you see new in this rule? (That there are verbs that with not are written together).

On this occasion, I will read to you A grammatical tale , which is called "Power of love". (See Appendix No. 2 to the lesson).

In order to find out why, in some cases, the particle not spelled together with verbs, we will decide Linguistic task. Compare (verbally) examples.

The enemy took the city under siege.

They were not friends, but enemies.

What is not In the first sentence and what in the second? (Prefix, particle).

What will it be Not in words Hate, resent, bewilderment?

(Not Part of the root. Without it, these words are not used. Not in such words is written together. You need to memorize the spelling of these words.)

Spelling and vocabulary work

What are these words and what is their meaning? In case of difficulty, refer to the explanatory dictionary.

To be ill, to be ill.

To hate is to hate.

To be unwilling is to force someone to do something against their will.

To be perplexed, to doubt, to hesitate about the impossibility of understanding what the matter is.

Resent, resent, Extreme discontent.

Rampage - rampage uncontrollably.

By the way, the words joined by Not, Disappeared from the tongue. For example, once in the language there were words with the following meaning: "godati" - to allow, to be satisfied, "to see" - to look willingly.

Working with the tutorial

To better memorize the spelling of verbs that are not written together, we will perform an exercise in the textbook (p. 232, exercise 614).

Physical education

We continue to work.

Algorithm "Not with verbs"

Let's summarize everything that has been said about spelling Not with verbs in the form of an algorithm.

1) See if the verb is used without Not ?

Yes No

Write separately write Together

(I won't, I can't, (hate, resent)

I do not want)

Now let's spend Vocabulary dictation with signal cards(solid - blue card, separately - white). Use an algorithm.

Do not judge a person by their appearance, do not leave a friend in trouble, I will not interfere, be perplexed about the answer, I don’t want to quarrel, be indignant because of being late, I can’t come, the hurricane is raging, I haven’t been on an excursion, I feel unwell all week.

Conclusion: how did you manage, who needs to learn the rule.

Work with text

At the end of our lesson, you have some creative work that will help you learn how to use verbs with Not in speech. To do this, we will get acquainted with the two texts that you have in your textbooks. One text - on page 231 ("Your friend" S. M. Mikhalkov), the other on page 233, exercise 619).

Awareness and perception of the text

1) We read both texts expressively.

2) Determine the theme and idea of ​​both texts. But first let's

Let's remember what is the theme and idea of ​​the text?

(Theme - the lyrics talk about friends. Idea - the lyrics teach us to be real friends).

Linguistic analysis of text

1) Read the verbs with the studied spelling in the first text.

1) Justify the choice Not with verbs.

3) Find the check spelling in the second text, where words are given with spaces and brackets.

4) Using the algorithm, prove the choice of spelling Not with verbs.

5) What do you know about writing prepositions with words? Find the spelling "Separate spelling of prepositions with words."

6) How did you determine which letter should be written in the unstressed personal ending of the verb?

7) Insert missing letters in unstressed personal verb endings?

8) What letter should be written in the word "whisper" and why?

Creative task in groups

Group 1: compose a coherent text of 4-5 sentences per topic "What There must be a real friend ", using support words (verbs with not , data in exercise 620).

Group 2: you can make up not a text, but individual sentences or phrases.

If you find the task very difficult, do exercise 619, opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. 3-4 minutes to complete.

We check 2-3 finished works.

Output: what did you learn in the lesson?

Do not write separately with a verb:

Don't be angry, don't be bored, don't rush.

Didn't learn - don't do

If you do not know, do not rush.

Do not write the particle separately with verbs.

But do not forget about the exception verbs, which without Not are not used and therefore are written together.

The lesson is over. Thanks for your work. Good luck with your studies!

Developed by the teacher of the Russian language and literature of the MOU gymnasium number 5

G. Morozovsk

(Rostov region)

Olga Matveeva


Appendix No. 1

Tell about the verb using support words

Grade 5

Held by: N.I. Zabelina

Lesson objectives:


    expand knowledge of the verb

    deepen students' knowledge of the verb as part of speech

    introduce the role of the particlenot and its separate spelling with verbs

    ensure the assimilation of new material with the help of assignments.


    fostering a culture of educational work

    creation of a creative and favorable microclimate in the team

    fostering a respectful attitude towards people around, respect for work


    develop the ability to use and write correctlynot with verbs

    develop skills of accurate use of verbs in speech

    give students independent thought work

    develop the attention and memory of students.


1) writingnot with verbs;

2) develop students' speech .

Lesson form : lesson - a game, a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge based on what was learned in elementary school.

Equipment: textbook "Russian language" edited by Ladyzhenskaya T.A., cards, tests, poster "Not with a verb", presentation.


1. Organizational moment.

Teacher : The long-awaited call is given, we begin our lesson.

We caught up, became even and behave with dignity.

Everyone thought about business and sat down quietly at the desk.

2. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will go to the fairy kingdom. The king of this kingdom received a telegram from a hero of a fairy tale

Gingerbread man : I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather. Help me!

The king of this kingdom issued a decree:

King: I command: the guys to complete all the tasks of the animals and save the kolobok!

Teacher : But in order to save the kolobok, we must learn and consolidate our knowledge on the topic: "NOT with verbs."

3 Updating basic knowledge .

Heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Came to class today.

Each task brought

Instead of answering, he posed a question.

Students: We will complete all tasks and save Kolobok.

Gingerbread man: I am Kolobok, I ran out of the window, upset my grandfather and woman.

He rolled along the path, fell into the paws of the Hare.

The hare wanted to eat me.

Hare: If you solve the task, I will not punish you

On the way, I will equip the track and let it go free.

Teacher : We must quickly save Kolobok.

Help him escape from the Bunny!

The task of the Hare.

Explain the verb using support words.

1. A verb is a part of speech that means ... and answers questions ....

2. Under the words "action of an object" we mean actions that mean ....

3. Verbs change according to ...

By persons and numbers, verbs change in ... tense, and in the past - by ....

4. In a sentence, the verb happens ... and forms with the subject ....

Don't forget to give examples.

2. Assignment to the class ... Here is a palace in front of us, but all the words in it fell asleep. Our task is to revive all the words in this palace.

Exercise "Bring the picture to life"(Text is written on the board.)

Night. Small village. The lights. Wind. Lonely trees. Snow. Endless field.

Teacher: Read the text. How do you think it can be revived?

Student: Insert verbs into each sentence.(Words for information are written on the board: she came, fell asleep, went out, makes a noise, sways, went, turns white)

Teacher: What words brought the picture to life?


Teacher: Why did these words "revive" the picture?

Student: These words indicate actions.

Teacher : What text did you like?

Teacher: Write the text in a notebook.

Teacher : We guys helped the bunny to get away from the bunny, but there is another obstacle on its way again.

Here is the gray Wolf,

He knows a lot about Koloboks.

So that the Wolf does not eat it,

Our gingerbread man began to sing.


With a song, Kolobochka, do not rush

You'd better explain not with verbs

Hurry to listen.

2.Explanation of the new material . Today in the lesson we will talk about spelling.not with verbs. What do you remember from elementary school on this topic?

The purpose of our lesson - practice the skills of the correctwritingnot with verbs;

Working with the tutorial. Let's see what the textbook says on our topic (p. 231, p. 107).

1) Read the rule to yourself. Pay attention to the notation of the spelling.

2) What did you see new in this rule?(That there are verbs that with not are written together).

Who has already memorized and can repeat?

Teacher : I suggest you move to the theater stage!

(Children stage a fairy tale by Felix Krivin "The Power of Love"

Grammar tale "The Power of Love"

The noble Verb did not like the proud and stubborn particle. This love was difficult and sad. He said: "I love", and she told him: "I do not love." He confessed: "I believe", and she told him: "I do not believe."

The particle Never came close to the verb and was written only separately from it. However, the Verb was constant in his feelings. Once, Not and said to him: "I will reciprocate you if you prove that you cannot live without me."

Verb sighed sadly and went to wander through dictionaries and textbooks. When he returned to his beloved, she, as usual, jumped away from him shouting: “Indignant! I hate! " And suddenly she froze in surprise, finding herself in the arms of the Verb. So the Verb proved that in some cases not only he, but also the particle itself Cannot live without each other.(According to F. Krivin)

Teacher : Guys, tell me, when do we use the NOT particle?

Student: We use the NOT particle with verbs when we want to say that we haven’t done something, we don’t do something, we won’t do it, or we don’t know how.

Teacher: How do you spell a particle NOT with a verb? What does the fairy tale say about this?

Student: Separately.


Didn't learn, don't do

If you don't know, don't rush.

With verbs separately

Do NOT write a particle.

Do NOT write separately with the verb.

For example: did not go, did not know.

In order to find out why, in some cases, the particlenot spelled together with verbs, we will decidelinguistic task. Compare (verbally) examples.

The enemy took the city under siege.

They were not friends, but enemies.

What isnot in the first sentence and what - in the second?((Prefix, particle).

What will it benot in words I am indignant, I hate?

(Not is part of the root. Without it, these words are not used. Not in such words is written together. The spelling of these words must be memorized.

Output : Are written togetherwith notverbs that without NOT not used: Exception words:
One thing everyone needs to know for sure
To avoid mistakes:
Unwilling, perplexed,
To be uncomfortable, to be indignant,
To rage, to hate
Can't be bothered and disliked.
It is called and the verb unseen
They cannot live without "not".

3.Fixing new material ... (At the blackboard)

Spelling and vocabulary work

What are these words and what is their meaning? In case of difficulty, refer to the explanatory dictionary.

To be ill, to be ill.

To hate is to hate.

Bondage - forcing to do something against your will.

To be perplexed, to doubt, to hesitate about the impossibility of understanding what the matter is.

Resent, resent, extreme discontent .

Rampage - rampage uncontrollably.

The Wolf's Quest.


Restore proverbs by adding verbs with a NOT particle to them!

Sword of guilt

You will chase two hares - not a single one

The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out -

Who does not work is

To be afraid of wolves - to the forest

Seven of one

Russian soldier of obstacles.

One swallow of spring

Water under the lying stone

Brag - don't mow, back

What is special about the words that you see in front of you?


to resent


get sick


Form nouns from these verbs. Formulate a spelling rule not with these words, common to all parts of speech.



to resent


get sick


Physical education

Don't be lazy! Don't be lazy!
Get started charging!
One - bend, unbend,
Two - bend over, stretch.
Three - three claps in your hands,
Head three nods.
Four - arms wider
Five, six - sit down quietly.
Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

Teacher: What verb with negation is not? Write down: Don't be lazy! Guys, let these words become not only the motto of our lesson, but also your whole life!

Teacher: Suddenly towards the clubfoot.

The gingerbread man got scared, climbed onto the stump as soon as possible.

Just started singing a song, let's roar like a bear.


Don't sing to me, Kolobok, you'd better decide, friend,

Difficult task.

Students : We will help you, Kolobok. We will do everything!

Quest of the Bear.

Read carefully and guess the riddles. 2. Write down the verbs by expanding the parentheses. Explain the missing spelling verbally.

B ... live, b ... live, (not) vy ... live. T ... even, t ... even, (not) out ... even (river). Always in the mouth, but (not) swallow (tongue). In the nature he (does not) eat, (not) drinks sonorous songs, sings. And from lesson to lesson he s ... his own g ... losok (bell). Oats are (not) fed, whip (not) driven. And how he plows - he drags seven pounds (tractor)



So the fox is coming

And he makes such a speech.

Fox: I will eat you, Kolobok, but first I will give you time:

So that he could complete everything that is here in five minutes.

Fox's mission.

Test on the topic "VERB. NOT with verbs "

1) you cannot (not) will

2) (not) melted

3) (not) saw

4) (not) finished the porridge

1) was (not) surprised

2) (not) will offend

3) (not) say hello

4) (not) hello

3. Indicate the answer option in which NOT with the verb is written together:

1) (not) was in school

2) (not) you recognize

3) (not) saw

4) (not) see

1) (not) harass

2) (not) learn

3) (not) completed

4) (not) glue

1) (not) calm down

2) the storm is (not) stinging

3) (not) keep your word

4) (not) ran

1. Indicate the answer option in which NOT with the verb is written together:

1) (not) be afraid

2) (not) collect collections

3) (don't) rush to the museum

4) it is impossible to (not) love

2. Indicate the answer option in which NOT with the verb is written together:

1) (don't) dream about the trip

2) (not) one year old

3) (don't) want to

4) (no) time left

4. Indicate the answer option in which NOT with the verb is written together:

1) (not) find

2) (not) understand

3) (not) looking for

4) (not) spoiled

5. Indicate the answer option in which NOT with the verb is written together:

1) (not) clean up

2) (not) execute

3) (not) enough

4) (not) flavor

Form start

Lesson summary .

Teacher : What did we need to do to help Kolobok?End of form

Students : Hin order to save the kolobok, we must assimilate and consolidate knowledge


Form of conduct: the basis of the card "Oral lesson - 1". BiS technology.

Goal: assimilation of educational material according to the requirements of the standard - 63% of students in the classroom. Development of high-speed, logical and critical thinking, vocabulary, information competence. Develop interest and motivation for high-quality mastering of the subject, as a criterion for a successful person.

Task: implementation of the regulations of the technological map


    expand children's knowledge of official parts of speech

    to deepen the knowledge of students about the verb as a part of speech (lexical meaning of the verb, positive and negative meaning of verbs)

    remember and consolidate the role of the particle not and its separate spelling with verbs

    ensure the assimilation of new material through exercises


    develop the ability to use and write correctly not with verbs

    develop skills of accurate use of verbs in speech

    encourage independent thinking work of students

    develop the ability to analyze and classify, draw independent conclusions

    develop students' attention and memory

    develop the ability to listen to comrades


    fostering a culture of educational work

    creation of a creative and favorable microclimate in the team

During the classes

    Organizing time (2 minutes)

Welcome guests.

Lesson readiness check

We came here to study.

Do not be lazy, but work.

We will work diligently.

We will listen carefully.

In the upper right corner of the board, the number of the norm is 63%, table number 1.

    Calligraphy (5 minutes)

Writing numbers in a notebook. Classwork.

(Partially - a search method that promotes the activation of cognitive processes.)

On the desk:

and, from, about, under, behind, on, over, before, not

Truth is (not) burning in fire and (not) drowning in water.

Teacher: Take a close look at the first line of calligraphy.

What can you say about the words that are written?

Children: These are service parts of speech.

Right. These words do not name objects, signs, or actions. You cannot ask them a question. itservice parts of speech. They serve to connect words in a sentence.

Now read the proverb. How do you understand its meaning?

Children's answers.

NOT in parentheses. How to write a particle NOT with verbs?

    Lesson goal setting

Today we must remember and fix the spelling of the particle NOT with verbs.

Write these two lines down in your notebook, opening the parentheses and observing calligraphy.(Teacher makes changes to the entry)

Students complete the teacher's assignment.

Check if everything is spelled correctly

So, the topic of today's lesson (the teacher writes on the board):

Spelling NOT particle with verbs .

Children write in notebooks.

    Actualization of the subject experience of students.(7 minutes)

To begin with, let's remember what we know about the verb, get our first mark in the MPM

Cross-survey on the topic "Verb" -first mark

    The part of speech that answers the questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO?

    What does a verb mean?

    What are the constant signs of the verb (conjugation, form)

    What are the non-permanent signs of the verb (tense, number, gender, person)

    How many tenses does a verb have? Name it.

    Which verbs belong to 1 conjugation? (all verbs, what-to-eat and na-to, except to drive, breathe, hold, offend, withhear, see, hate, and depend, and endure, and also watch, twirl)

    Second conjugation? (all verbs, what to get, except shave, lay, 7 verbs, what to get and 4, what to get)

    What questions do indefinite verbs answer? What are their formative suffixes? (what to do? what to do?)

    Verbs change by .... (numbers, gender, persons, tenses)

    What member of the sentence is the verb? (main - predicate)

    How do we emphasize the predicate? (with two lines)

    If the verb answers the question, what does it do? what do they do, then it is in the form of what time? (the present)

    Name the questions of the future tense. (What will it do? What will it do?)

    How do we distinguish between types of a verb? (on question and meaning: perfect view -what to do ?, the value of the completeness of the action; imperfect species -what to do?, meaning of incompleteness, incompleteness of action).

    Not written with verbs ...(apart).

    Determine the conjugation of the verb DRAWING (N.F. - TO DRAW - 1 REF.

    Determine the conjugation of the verb WALK (N.F.-WALK - 2 SPR)

    What rule you need to remember when writing tsya in verbs? (if there is a question b - t, no b in the question we write)

    Organization of perception and comprehension of new information. (5 minutes)

(Observation behind the lexical meaning of verbs with a particleNOT and without it.)

Proverbs without NOT are written on the board:

Who ... works, he ... eats.

Seven of one ... waiting.

Read these proverbs. Find verbs.

Children: Working, eating, waiting.

What is the meaning of these verbs: positive or negative?

Why do you think so?

Children: These verbs have positive meanings.

The actions that denote these verbs are carried out, occur.

Now I will write before each verbNOT. (Teacher completes chalkboard entry) What is the meaning of the verbs?

Children: Verbs began to have negative connotations.

Why do you think so?

Children: Because actions that now denote verbs are not performed.

What meaning does the NOT particle give to verbs?

Children: The particle does NOT impart negative connotations to verbs.

Are all verbs written with a particle NOT separately? (No)

Why are some verbs spelled together with the NOT particle? (without a particle NOT, these words are not used)


Key words -second mark

Hate - feel dislike, disgust

Resent - strongly resent, rage

Bewildered - be surprised

Unwilling - forcing, forcing to do

To be unwell and unwell - feel unhealthy

To dislike - feel a strong dislike, dislike foranyone, anything.

To rave - show dissatisfaction, indignation

We'll focus on five words as they are difficult.

To hate, to be indignant, to be perplexed, to be captive, to be ill.

30 seconds to memorize, 30 seconds to play.

    Initial test of understanding (3 min)

Summarize our reasoning.

Children: The particle does NOT give the verbs a negative meaning and is written separately with the verbs.

Spelling NOT with verbs is a spelling.

The teacher reads a poem by V. Agafonov:

The verb likes to READ
The verb really likes to do everything very lively ...
The "NOT" particle is a beauty, but how lazy she is!
The verb, not loving idleness,
With a particle it is written SEPARATE!

The children speak the last words in chorus.

Write down these proverbs in a notebook, underline the particle NOT.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Seven don't wait for one.

    Physical education. (2 minutes)

From behind the desks, everyone stood up in unison,
But you don't need to make noise at all.
Legs together, hands down.
The exercises began.

Musical exercise.

Well done. Everything, they sat down quietly, everyone looked at me.

    Organization of assimilation by reproducing information and exercises in its application (7 minutes + 5 minutes)

The next task is independent, on the card -third mark for the correct completion of your level and one more markfourth for the correct implementation of all levels.

Level 1 Write down the verbs by expanding the parentheses.

(Not) could, (not) sparkles, (not) yearn, (not) will, (not) get sick, (not) wanted, (not) loved, (not) wondered, (not) looked for.

Level 2. Answer the questions using the verbs in parentheses with no particle.

How do students feel about books? (draw on the pages).

How do you feel about kids? (Offended)

Level 3 ... Add verbs to expressions with a particle not

With water (...) - strong friendship.

Tooth for tooth (...) - freeze badly.

Time to complete -7 minutes.

So, what rule did we remember today? Give examples.

An interactive method of involving students in the preparation and teaching of the lesson.

Building a positive attitude in students (5 min)

Today we will make recommendations as neededright behave in class.

Look at the screen and come up with sentences using the NOT particle.

Photos of children appear on the screen during the lesson:

Children's answers.

Or you can make sentences like this:

A frame on the screen with sentences - rules in the lesson:

Don't use your phone in class.

Do not sleep during the lesson.

Do not gnaw on the handle.

Don't talk to your neighbor.

Read our rules. Is everything about them correct?

No. The NOT particle with the verb is written separately.

    Analysis. (5 minutes) - reserve

Thematic vocabulary.

In 5 minutes, write down as many verbs with the NOT particle as possible. Don't forget about the exception verbs. The norm is 44 words.

    Lesson summary (1 minute)

What was the topic of the lesson?

What rule was remembered and consolidated?

    Estimates.(1 minute)

The standard for assigning marks to the journal:

    4-5 marks - 5 points

    3 marks - 4 points

    2 marks - 3 points

    1 mark - 2 points

    Homework. (2 minutes)

Well done! I'm glad you remember everything. At home, try to find 5-7 more proverbs in which there is a particleNOT with verbs, and write them down in a notebook, and tomorrow we will share our findings with you.

And those who find the task difficult can use the exercise from the textbook - p. 151, exercise. 397.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to study.

Thank you for the lesson.

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