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In line or in line: it's all about meaning

“Tell me, how would you write in the phrase “according to ...)“ and ”or“ e ”?
This question sometimes arises even among people who know well the laws of spelling.
What to do, how to write in accordance or in accordance? Let's figure it out.

What the rules say

To answer this simple question in a nutshell, we can say briefly - these are two different contents, meanings. And therefore their spelling is different, it is not the same - in one situation, “e” is written at the end, and in another - “and”. Since there are clear rules of the Russian language, then these 2 expressions will be written as the meaning of each of them dictates. In order to write them correctly in texts, it is necessary to determine the speech situations where they are appropriate.

What do the words mean

Lexically, the word correspondence, corresponding, etc. means a relationship between something, expressing consistency in some characteristics, that is, speech: about a place, about time, etc.

When we write "according"

The expression "in accordance" is written in cases where the action must coincide with one or another requirement, for example, for behavior, or a person makes a decision, or must perform some action.

Life according to the monastic rules is not easy.
The commission decided to inspect the pipeline according to the opinion of each member.

The expression "in accordance" is an adverbial preposition formed from the word "correspondence".
It is used in sentences as a service part of speech, despite the partial
preservation of circumstance.

Arriving at a strange house, behave in accordance with the rules established in it (question: how to behave? And answer: in accordance with the established rules.)

The sailors acted in accordance with the instructions of the met services (question: how did they act? - answer: in accordance with the instructions)

When we write "in line"

The expression "in line" implies bringing to a standard, correcting, making better
something that must satisfy certain stable norms of a general order.

Aligning your needs with your abilities will save you from living at the expense of others.
Having brought the case in line with the instructions, the master was able to report without problems.

That is, if we talk about morphological features, then this is a noun with a preposition in
accusative case. "E" is written at the end of the word, because the form of this case of the word "correspondence" coincides with the form of the nominative.

As for the syntactic role of the prepositional-nominal combination, it is direct


  • An expression with the ending "e", consisting of a noun and a preposition, plays the role of an object(it is necessary to bring something “in line”; includes a definition to a noun:
"bring in line").
  • An expression with "and" is an adverbial preposition that somehow retained the adverbial meaning(he indicates the ratio of actions; an indivisible whole into which you cannot introduce an additional
language element).

conformity, -I

CONFORMITY,-I; cf. The ratio between smth., expressing consistency, equality in smth. relation. C. production relations character of the productive forces. Complete with. interests. Violated with. between parts of the building. C. between the color of the animal and the color of the environment. C. form and content. Find the words of the original with. in the target language. In accordance with how. in sign pretext. According to the plan, according to the schedule.

CONFORMITY to what / between what / with what. Correspondence of production relations with the nature of the productive forces; Nikolai Petrovich has much more correspondence and harmony between his mental convictions and natural inclinations than Arkady(D.P.); The command of the Southern Front developed, in accordance with the instructions of the commander-in-chief, a counteroffensive plan(Fed.).

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Synonyms: quick reference

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Harmonious - disharmonious
harmony - disharmony
to harmonize - to harmonize
[The writer] gains experience, becomes a master, comprehends the laws of composition, architectonics, harmony and disharmony, enriches himself with a whole arsenal of means and professional secrets. V. Soloukhin. Autumn leaves. A musical chord in all ... [people with a normally developed ear] will inevitably and necessarily cause a feeling of harmony, and dissonance a feeling of disharmony. L. Tkachev. Selected literary-critical articles. A sense of style helps us understand life, its harmony and disharmony, people's relationships. A. Elchaninov. Entries. There is not enough strength for harmony - he [the poet] builds his world as disharmony. L. Anninsky. Andrei Voznesensky.
A good life is permeated by harmony, mood, rhythm, consistency in variety. And vice versa, a bad life is discord, chaos, turmoil, failure, absurdity ... It is not by chance that the book is called “Lad” and tells about the harmony, and not about the discord of peasant life. V. Belov. Lad.
Deeds good and evil, cruel and generous, the freedom of the spirit and its slavery, discord and harmony, as I perceive them with a simple feeling - that's what interests me. Chaliapin. Mask and soul. Harmony, both spiritual and physical separately, and in general, is life, the fullness of life, rhythm. Breaking the rhythm is discord, illness, disorder, disorder. V. Belov. Lad.
The circle has closed, the actors have come to a final mutual conformity, or rather, to a final inconsistency, incompatibility, the complete impossibility of coexistence. Y. Karabchievsky. Pain point.

The expressions “in accordance” and “in accordance” differ in meaning: their spelling depends on this. In order to avoid mistakes in choosing the ending of the word “correspondence”, it is necessary to understand in what speech situations its use is appropriate.

The lexical series "correspondence", "corresponding", "corresponding" has the general meaning of the relationship between something, expressing consistency in certain characteristics, coincidence in time, place or other signs.

The expression "in accordance" is used when it comes to an action that must coincide with certain requirements for behavior, decision-making, and the performance of any functions.

He acted in accordance with an order, and his conscience did not torment him.

live in accordance with generally accepted norms is simple, but it is impossible to perform an act according to established rules.

The decision to go to the sea was adopted in accordance with the opinion of all family members.

"In accordance" is an adverbial preposition derived from the noun "correspondence". In the sentence, it is used as a service part of speech, although it partially retains the adverbial meaning.

In a decent society, it is customary to behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette. (How? - in accordance with the rules.)

The actions of rescuers were coordinated from the center in accordance with meteorological conditions. (How? - in accordance with the conditions.)

The expression "in line" implies the need to bring to a certain standard, correct, improve something that must comply with any stable requirements of the general order.

If you bring your own needs into line with your capabilities, there will be no desire to receive pleasure at the expense of others.

Things were due bring into line with safety instructions.

According to morphological features, “in line” is the accusative case of a noun with a preposition. The spelling -e at the end is explained by the fact that the form of the accusative case of the noun corresponds to the form of the nominative case.

The syntactic role of the prepositional-nominal combination "in accordance" is a direct object.

the site determined that the difference between the combinations "in accordance" and "in accordance" is as follows:

  1. The combination "in accordance" consists of a noun and a preposition, in the sentence it acts as an object. “According to” is an adverbial preposition that partially retains the adverbial meaning.
  2. If we are talking about the need to bring something “in line” with some standard, a noun with a preposition is used. The adverbial preposition "in accordance" indicates the ratio of any actions.
  3. The combination "to match" may include a definition for the noun: "come into full compliance." The adverbial preposition "according to" is an indivisible whole, it is impossible to introduce additional linguistic elements into it.

The expressions “in accordance” and “in accordance” differ in meaning: their spelling depends on this. In order to avoid mistakes in choosing the ending of the word “correspondence”, it is necessary to understand in what speech situations its use is appropriate.
The lexical series "correspondence", "corresponding", "corresponding" has the general meaning of the relationship between something, expressing consistency in certain characteristics, coincidence in time, place or other signs.
The expression "in accordance" is used when it comes to an action that must coincide with certain requirements for behavior, decision-making, and the performance of any functions.
He acted in accordance with the order, and his conscience did not torment him.
It is easy to live in accordance with generally accepted norms, but it is impossible to act according to established rules.
The decision to go to the sea was taken in accordance with the opinion of all family members.
"In accordance" is an adverbial preposition derived from the noun "correspondence". In the sentence, it is used as a service part of speech, although it partially retains the adverbial meaning.
In a decent society, it is customary to behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette. (How? - in accordance with the rules.)
The actions of rescuers were coordinated from the center in accordance with meteorological conditions. (How? - in accordance with the conditions.)
The expression "in line" implies the need to bring to a certain standard, correct, improve something that must comply with any stable requirements of the general order.
If you bring your own needs into line with your capabilities, there will be no desire to receive pleasure at the expense of others.
The cases had to be brought into line with the safety instructions.
According to morphological features, “in line” is the accusative case of a noun with a preposition. The spelling -e at the end is explained by the fact that the form of the accusative case of the noun corresponds to the form of the nominative case.
The syntactic role of the prepositional-nominal combination "in accordance" is a direct object.

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between the combinations "in accordance" and "in accordance" is as follows:

The combination "in accordance" consists of a noun and a preposition, in the sentence it acts as an object. “According to” is an adverbial preposition that partially retains the adverbial meaning.
If we are talking about the need to bring something “in line” with some standard, a noun with a preposition is used. The adverbial preposition "in accordance" indicates the ratio of any actions.
The combination "to match" may include a definition for the noun: "come into full compliance." The adverbial preposition "according to" is an indivisible whole, it is impossible to introduce additional language elements into it.

Good afternoon, dear blog reader,

Today I heard that when writing, many people face difficulties in using the prepositions “in accordance” or “in accordance”.

How to apply them correctly?

But first, I suggest looking into the dictionary and find out the meaning of these prepositions.

Let us turn to the explanatory dictionary of Ushakov:

In accordance with

pretext (as well as according to)

  1. With creative pad. Used when referring to something that acts as:

1) the grounds for the action, which is the determining factor for the action; according to something, according to something, in accordance with something and

2) the causes of the action, which causes the action; depending on smth., according to smth.

1. from date. pad. The ratio between something, expressing consistency, equality in something or something. in any way, harmony

So, it means that the preposition “in accordance with” is used with the instrumental case.

Example: In accordance with(what?) Clause 3 of the order for employment ....

In accordance with(with what?) by the direction of the general director, it was necessary to review and make the required changes to the documents

The preposition "in accordance" is used when talking about an action that must match the specified requirements.

And the preposition “according to” is used with the dative case.

Example: Bring LLC documents in line(what?) current legislation ...

At the meeting, the CEO indicated that all documents must be brought in line(what?) instructions.

Remember: according to what

according to what

Have you ever thought about creating an additional source of income without giving up what you are currently doing? I invite you to take a look at my business proposal.

Hope this article was helpful.

According to the law or according to the law? How right?

How to write and speak correctly: according to the law or according to law?

Sometimes there is a spelling of the word "according to" with the genitive case: "according to the decision." This is a morphological error. In accordance with the morphological norms of the Russian language, derivative prepositions "according to, contrary to, thanks to, in spite of" are used with the dative case of a noun or pronoun.

For example: according to the order, thanks to the skill, contrary to the weather, contrary to fate.

Agree with those who answered. according to law At. To be honest, I cringe when I see the phrase “according to something” somewhere. But this is an extremely common mistake and in some organizations the majority makes it, moreover, people are one hundred percent sure that they are right. Sadly.

According to (to whom? what?) - law.

This is a noun in the dative case and its ending is -u- or -u-.

The phrase “according to the law” sounds absurd, and this is already an instrumental case: according to (with whom? with what?) with the law.

And we write the word LAW when we say "on the basis of the law."

In this construction, we need to decide which dative or genitive case to use.

It is important to remember that in accordance with the rules of the Russian language

Thus, the option "according to the law" will become true.

Before us is a combination of a derivative preposition "according to" and noun law*.

To understand exactly how the word "law" should be used in combination with a derivative preposition, let's ask a question. "According to what?" - that is, the noun combined with it must be in the dative case.

So it's correct to write/speak according to the law. It is also correct to write like this: contrary to the law, thanks to the law, etc.


In line or in line: which is correct?

How to write correctly: in accordance or in accordance? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

About how it is written: in accordance or in accordance, not everyone knows. It should be noted that both presented lexical units have every right to exist. However, their use in writing depends entirely on the context in which they occur and what meaning is required. Indeed, although these words are very similar to each other, their spelling, as well as the meaning, differ significantly. And in order to avoid mistakes in choosing one or another ending, you should figure out in which speech situations it is appropriate to use them.

Before understanding how to spell “in accordance”, it should be said that the lexical series “corresponding”, “corresponding” and “corresponding” have one common meaning, which expresses the relationship between something, consistency in certain characteristics, as well as coincidence in place, time or other features.

But before using this word in a sentence, one should take into account its individual and narrowly focused meaning. Moreover, in order to understand how to spell correctly: in accordance or in accordance, it is necessary to determine the part of speech to which these words belong.

Word ending in -and is an adverbial preposition, which is formed from the name of the noun "correspondence". As a rule, in a sentence such a lexical unit is used as a service part of speech. However, often in the text it retains an adverbial meaning.

So what will be correct: in accordance or in accordance? If this expression is used when it comes to any action that must completely coincide with certain requirements for decision-making, behavior, performance of certain functions, then only the first option should be used. Let's take an illustrative example:

  • "In society, one should behave in accordance with the established rules of etiquette." In this sentence, you can ask the question “how?” to the word being checked. - in accordance with established rules. That is, this is an adverbial preposition, at the end of which the letter “and” should be written.
  • “The actions of the military were coordinated from the headquarters in accordance with the previously established order” (“how?” - in accordance with the previously established order).
  • “She acted in accordance with the order that was given to her back at headquarters” (“how?” - in accordance with that order).
  • “Living in accordance with accepted norms is quite simple” (“how?” - in accordance with accepted norms).
  • “The decision to go abroad was made in accordance with the opinion of all employees of the corporation” (“how?” - in accordance with the opinion).

In accordance or in accordance: how to write? If you are dealing with an adverbial preposition, then only the first option should be used.

“If you bring your desires into line with your capabilities, then you will never be in a difficult financial situation.” In this example, the word we are checking is a noun in the accusative case. Moreover, such an expression implies the need to bring something to a certain standard, to improve something that must fully comply with sustainable requirements.

Thus, the spelling of the letter “e” at the end of this word is explained by the fact that the noun in the accusative case coincides with the form of the nominative. It should also be noted that in a sentence such a lexical unit acts as a direct object.

In line or in line? How to write this word correctly in a particular case, we found out. But to consolidate the material, we suggest repeating what is the difference between these lexical units:

  • The lexical unit "to match" consists of a noun and a simple preposition. In a sentence, this word acts as an object. As for the expression ending in -and, then this is an adverbial preposition, which partially retained the adverbial meaning.
  • If you need to bring something "in line" with a certain standard, then you need to use a noun with a preposition. In turn, an adverbial preposition ending in -and indicates the ratio of certain actions.
  • The expression "in accordance" may include any additional word (in our case, it acts as a definition). Let's give an example: "bring to full compliance". As for the adverbial preposition "in accordance", this is an indivisible whole. It is impossible to introduce additional elements into such a service part of speech.

In line or in line - which is correct?

The expressions “in accordance” and “in accordance” differ in meaning: their spelling depends on this. In order to avoid mistakes in choosing the ending of the word “correspondence”, it is necessary to understand in what speech situations its use is appropriate.

The lexical series "correspondence", "corresponding", "corresponding" has the general meaning of the relationship between something, expressing consistency in certain characteristics, coincidence in time, place or other signs.

The expression "in accordance" is used when it comes to an action that must coincide with certain requirements for behavior, decision-making, and the performance of any functions.

He acted in accordance with the order, and his conscience did not torment him.

It is easy to live in accordance with generally accepted norms, but it is impossible to act according to established rules.

The decision to go to the sea was taken in accordance with the opinion of all family members.

"In accordance" is an adverbial preposition derived from the noun "correspondence". In the sentence, it is used as a service part of speech, although it partially retains the adverbial meaning.

In a decent society, it is customary to behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette. (How? - in accordance with the rules.)

The actions of rescuers were coordinated from the center in accordance with meteorological conditions. (How? - in accordance with the conditions.)

The expression "in line" implies the need to bring to a certain standard, correct, improve something that must comply with any stable requirements of the general order.

If you bring your own needs into line with your capabilities, there will be no desire to receive pleasure at the expense of others.

The cases had to be brought into line with the safety instructions.

According to morphological features, “in line” is the accusative case of a noun with a preposition. The spelling -e at the end is explained by the fact that the form of the accusative case of the noun corresponds to the form of the nominative case.

The syntactic role of the prepositional-nominal combination "in accordance" is a direct object.


How to write correctly: in accordance or in accordance?

Right and so and so. Depends on the case in which the word "corresponds" For example: in accordance with the rules such and such. Bring it in line with the rules.

You can write both in the first case and in the other, each can have its own, the main thing is the situation in which these words are used.

Here are small examples to write:

In total, you just need to keep track of where you need to use this or that word.

There may still be confusion, because in such a matter only the language teacher will be the smartest.

Right and so and so. Depends on the context. For example, if you want to match something, then the word must end in -ie. If you do something in accordance with the requirements, then -i.

The spelling is correct in both cases. It is only necessary to distinguish between the features of their use.

“In accordance” is used when we want to say that something corresponds to certain characteristics, time or date, or when we want to do something better.

For example: We must bring everything in line with the briefing.

It will be a noun with a preposition that is in the accusative case.

We use "in accordance" when we want to say that something meets the requirements.

For example: We are taught to behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette.

In this case, we are talking about an adverbial preposition.

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