Home Roses Zamioculcas dark spots on the stems what to do. Zamioculcas - we grow a dollar tree without problems and hassle. Zamioculcas disease. plant pests

Zamioculcas dark spots on the stems what to do. Zamioculcas - we grow a dollar tree without problems and hassle. Zamioculcas disease. plant pests

If the root of the zamiokulkas has rotted, the whole problem lies in the improper watering that you gave it. This is the mistake of all beginners who water the plant before bringing up information about how much to apply and what watering schedule to choose for themselves. The good news is that Zamioculcas, under certain conditions, can still be saved!

Very often you can find information that, watering must be completely stopped. I think this decision is not entirely correct, because Zamiokulkas still needs to be fed in some way. If it is a little rotten, then this does not mean that it needs to be kept dry soldered. Bring in quite a bit of water - half a glass if your plant is large and weighty, and a tablespoon a day if it is completely small. This, believe me, will be enough for the zamiokulkas to receive food and not be completely exhausted in attempts to somehow revive and get out.

How to save a plant if its tuber is completely rotted? A very good question. In this case, we need to repot the plant immediately. To do this, a soil mixture is bought in a specialized store, preferably a complex one, which is rich in those microelements that we need to restore zamiokulkas. once you remove the tuber from the old pot, evaluate how badly the rot has affected it and if there are still areas that can be saved. If there are any, then we need to clean the rotten areas with a sharp and clean, sterile knife - or cut off or cut off if the tuber is very rotten, and then we need to treat it with a special biostimulant solution or Kornevin's dry powder precisely in the places of cuts, which, in fact, are a wound in a plant.

After you process the zamiokulkas and clean its tuber, the flower can be planted in a new soil mixture. Gently and gradually bring in the earth, filling the entire space of the pot. By the way, you still need to clean and process the pot so that there are no rotten bacteria left on it, and so that they do not transfer to new soil, because this way we will infect the plant again, and this is completely useless. Loosen the soil a little. Leave the plant alone for a day without watering it or adding any other means or fertilizers. After the plant has stood for a day, you can start to water it a little, in small quantities, so as not to repeat the same mistake with watering. After a week of such care, Zamioculcas can be fed with complex organic fertilizers, which will also help save the remains of the tuber if it has rotted. We apply fertilizer literally for three to four weeks, once a week, but no more. The conditions for keeping Zamioculcas should also be appropriately good, which means only warmth, comfort and care. Place it on the south side of the apartment, the window sill, in principle, is suitable, do not let there be drafts, and also that the air in the room is too humid, again, do not forget about watering and how best to do it, and thus you it will be possible to save zamiokulkas if the tuber has rotted.

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In what soil to plant zamiokulkas?

Zamioculcas: falling stems

How to transplant zamiokulkas into another pot?

How does zamiokulkas bloom at home?

Why does zamiokulkas not grow at home?

Zamioculcas: signs and superstitions

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests, the latter still attack it, but not often. Such rare raids can be explained by the fact that the plant itself is poisonous and by the fact that its leaves have a rather dense leathery structure, which is not so easy to penetrate.

Try to inspect your pets more often in order to always be fully armed and immediately start fighting for the flower. After all, with a neglected disease or settled colonies of pests, the Zamioculcas plant can be lost forever.

In my experience, I will say that all the diseases that affect zamiokulkas are from waterlogging of the soil or low temperature! Such a plant is akin to a cactus and, if other flowers prefer constant watering, then Zamiokulkas loves arid soil rather than wet.

Yellowing leaves and dark spots on the stems of Zamioculcas

This is a plant with good immunity and with proper care, Zamioculcas rarely gets sick, its leaves may partially turn yellow and dry out, and if you pay attention to this in time, I think there will be no problems.

Large black spots on the leaves of Zamiokulkas signal a low temperature, because the plant itself moved to us from the hot climate of East Africa.

Small black dots on the stem and leaves indicate waterlogging of the soil, as well as the tips of the leaves beginning to turn yellow.

Yellowing leaves with dark spots may indicate a symptom of root rot.

Yellow dry spots on the leaves - a consequence of burns from direct sunlight.

The decorativeness of the entire zamiokulkas is reduced if, for some reason, the leaves turn yellow and dry.

If old leaves turn yellow in Zamioculcas, while there is a young growth, then the normal process of foliage renewal is underway. Old ones dry out and new ones grow to replace them. In this case, it is undesirable to cut the leaf, since it continues to supply nutrients until it dries out completely.

Yellowness gradually captures the entire leaf plate, starting from the edge. In the lower part of the petiole, at a height of 5-10 cm from the ground level, it forms a neat stump. Only then can the completely dried leaf be removed.

The indoor flower is already growing slowly, and if the zamiokulkas turns yellow and begins to shed its leaves, then be sure to pay attention to this - check its tubers. Shriveled tubers are a common sign of standing water in the potting soil. Therefore, be sure to transplant the flower into dry ground, using drainage.

If the tuber looks healthy and has not lost its elasticity, it is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, planted in fresh soil and moderately watered. A plant with considerable vitality and endurance will soon give young shoots.

Stem rot - the stem rots, passing to the roots and tubers. The reason is usually excessive watering at low temperatures, planting in too heavy soil.

Remove the rotten parts from the tubers, sprinkling the cuts with crushed charcoal and dry. To prevent rot, treat the leaves and tubers with a fungicide (foundazol ...). If the process has gone too far, healthy parts of the leaves are used for propagation.

At the bottom of the pot for zamiokulkas, it is best to make several holes so that the water drains into the pan when watering through the drainage. And in general, it is best to water a houseplant from a pallet. It itself will stretch the roots and will absorb as much moisture as it needs.

It would be a mistake to plant it in hydrogel or earth mixed with foam balls and sawdust.

Unusual remedy for any pests...

But the pests of Zamiokulkas are not so easy to see - they are so small that they can only be seen close up and in daylight. These are mainly spider mites, aphids and scale insects.

For example, I was a little annoyed that a small cobweb constantly formed on my zamiokulkas. I attributed this to a private house, but a friend who came to visit explained that Zamiokulkas is affected by a spider mite, which is unlikely to be seen. Wash the house plant with soapy water, then sprinkle with a weak solution of tobacco. If this does not help, then use insecticides.

But on the advice of my old and wise mother, I just bought a pencil from cockroaches in the store. Do not believe it - he alone destroys any pests, no matter what flower they breed on! And no multiple actions are needed - only accuracy when working with such a poison.

To disinfect your indoor plants, you will need:

the plants themselves;

Pencil from cockroaches (you can also gel);

Warm water;


Gloves optional.

Wear gloves if you decide to use them and open the package of the cockroach pencil. On a clean sheet, slightly bent in the middle, crumble a pencil with a knife, trying to do it as small as possible.

For several flowers, 1/4 of such a crumbled pencil is enough for a 0.5 liter bottle. If there are a lot of pests, then chop up the whole half. The plants will not get worse from this, but the pests will die once and for all. Bending the sheet in half, pour the pencil crumbs into a bottle of warm water.

We twist the spray gun, shake the bottle a little and spray the plant completely, getting a little on the soil. You can rinse only after you are firmly convinced that the pests have died. If not, re-spray.

So be sure - not a single pest will remain alive, and the Zamioculcas plant will again become chic and beautiful!

Modern home flower growers are very fond of growing exotic plants. However, many "overseas" species are very demanding on care and conditions of detention, and on the windowsill they quickly lose all their decorative effect. Therefore, in most cases, preference is given to unpretentious specimens, which can sometimes be left without due attention and at the same time not be afraid for the health of a green pet. Zamioculcas can be safely attributed to the favorites among such flowers.

One of the most popular indoor plants

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) is an evergreen representative of the exotic plant world, belongs to the Aroid family. This species has no varieties. Zamioculcas is a tuberous herbaceous plant. Complex pinnate leaves, having the correct shape, form a semblance of a rosette. The leaf plate is dark green with a strong gloss. The height of a houseplant is usually no more than one meter. Flowers have no aesthetic value.

This plant has a very caustic juice that causes a strong burning sensation when it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, Zamioculcas is considered poisonous.

Photo gallery: appearance of zamiokulkas

At home, Zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely, flowering is not considered decorative.
Zamioculcas roots are tubers in which the plant stores nutrients and water.
The young leaf of Zamiokulkas is, as it were, folded into a tube and has a lighter color.
Breeders develop varieties of the popular dollar tree with variegated leaf color
In open ground, Zamioculcas can grow up to one and a half meters and above.
In nature, if a leaf falls to the ground, it takes root, so zamiokulkas is often propagated with a leaf at home
Zamioculcas leaves have a very beautiful gloss
Zamioculcas leaf petioles are very powerful, thickened

In everyday life, Zamioculcas is often called a dollar tree. This name was attached to the plant, according to one version, due to the fact that with round fleshy leaves it is somewhat similar to the "money tree" - fat woman. Many believe that zamiokulkas brings material wealth to the house. The leaves of Zamioculcas are larger and more powerful than those of Crassula, and therefore people are associated with a larger currency than rubles. According to signs, if the plant is healthy and develops well, then this is a sign of imminent enrichment. If the flower withers, then financially, do not expect anything good.

Under natural conditions, Zamioculcas is found in East Africa.. The presence of a powerful tuberous root allows you to store a large amount of moisture. Due to its resistance to drought and the scorching sun, it is able to grow in desert areas. Therefore, indoors, the flower is unpretentious and takes root well in room conditions. However, in a closed space (however, as in nature) it blooms extremely rarely.

Video: meet the unpretentious African zamiokulkas

Another nickname for this plant is "celibacy flower". It was fixed thanks to the numerous superstitions of housewives. Zamiokulkas brought into the house should attract female happiness to its owner, but only if it blooms. And flowering in this species is a very rare occurrence, so you have to wait a very long time for well-being in your personal life.


Zamioculcas is a very hardy and heat-loving plant that can withstand prolonged lack of watering. Excessive care can even negatively affect his condition. Nevertheless, in order for it to feel comfortable and actively develop, it is necessary to provide the flower with certain conditions.

Table: home conditions depending on the season

Season Room temperature Lighting Humidity Watering mode top dressing
Summer25–30 °СDiffused light, indirect bright beamsInfrequent spraying or wiping with a wet spongeModerateOnce a month
Autumn16–22 °СAs the soil driesNot required
WinterNot less than 16 °СAdditional humidification is not requiredRare watering
Spring16–22 °СOptional sparse sprayingAs the soil driesOnce a month

When to Water and Feed

Zamioculcas is drought tolerant. Even in summer, it requires moderate watering.. In winter, zamiokulkas should be watered even less frequently, as the substrate dries out. Excessive moisture can lead to root rot and fungal infections.

The tubers of the plant have the ability to accumulate water and consume nutrients at a high rate. In spring and summer, fertilization is an integral part of care.. Top dressing is carried out once every 4 weeks with special nutrient substrates. It is preferable to use ready-made mineral complexes for succulents and cacti.

How to leave alone

The “sleep mode” of zamiokulkas begins in October and continues until spring. During this period, watering should be reduced to one or two times a month. Fertilization is not carried out. Zamioculcas is placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of 16–20 ° C.

This flower prefers diffused sunlight at any time of the year.

Is it worth it to bloom a flower of celibacy

Even in nature, a money tree can bloom only in a fairly mature state and with a combination of several favorable factors. A short peduncle is formed near the leaf rosette, and subsequently a nondescript inflorescence in the form of an ear, which, according to numerous reviews on the network, has an unpleasant odor. Flowering lasts for several weeks. In the natural environment, the appearance of an ovary is possible, followed by the ripening of berries. The berry carries a single seed. However, experienced flower growers note that the flowering and ripening of seeds deplete the zamiokulkas so much that after that the plant often dies - and sorry, goodbye, financial well-being!

Landing and transplant

The dollar tree grows very slowly. A plant transplant is required if the pot is completely filled with the root system.. The optimal time for its implementation is the beginning of spring.

For planting zamiokulkas, a tall pot (preferably ceramic) is chosen so that there is enough space for the roots and tubers. The container should not be too large, otherwise the plant will spend energy filling it with the root system and stop vegetative growth. There should be at least one drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

The soil substrate is purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently. The ideal composition of the soil includes sand, peat and turf in equal proportions.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil mixture yourself, it is purchased at the store. The best option is soil for cacti and succulents.

Transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment in this way:

Video: transplanting zamiokulkas

Most often, the appearance of the flower deteriorates due to violation of growing conditions and care errors.

Table: yellowing leaves, drying tips and other signs of care errors

Problem Cause elimination
Small yellow leaves with dry tipslack of lightingMove the flower to a brighter place
Falling top leavesUnderwatering or overwateringAdjust watering schedule
Black tubers and leavesDevelopment of rot at low temperature and high humidityEliminate the causes of the development of putrefactive phenomena
Dark spots appear on the leaves
  • Abundant watering;
  • low air temperature;
  • high humidity during the growing season.
  • Establish a watering and humidification regime;
  • move to a warmer place.

Zamioculcas is rarely affected by diseases and pests, because poisonous juice and wax on the leaves protect it from damage. But sometimes infection does occur. Therefore, it is important for flower growers to know how to treat a dollar tree.

Table: dark spots on the stem and other lesions

Some flower growers advise very unusual ways to control Zamioculcas pests. One of them is spraying with a cockroach pencil solution: grind 1/3 of the pencil, mix with 0.5 liters of warm water and spray the plant and soil surface for 2-3 days until all pests die. When zamiokulkas is affected by a putrefactive fungus, tubers and leaves darken


Reproduction of zamiokulkas is carried out by dividing the tubers and rooting the leaves. It is almost impossible to propagate the plant by seeds, and besides, they are rarely found on the free market. And the seeds collected from home zamiokulkas, as a rule, cannot be called high-quality planting material.


Most often, flower growers use the tuberous propagation method.. It is considered the simplest and most effective. To propagate a dollar tree with tubers, you must follow the following instructions:

Often, a young shoot of zamiokulkas is formed in a pot. During transplantation, in most cases it is easy to separate it from the mother tuber and plant it in a separate pot.

leaf cuttings

A less common variant of Zamioculcas propagation is with the help of leaf cuttings. To do this, carry out the following procedure:

Video: reproduction of zamiokulkas

Below is the answer to the question why Zamioculcas (dollar tree) leaves turn yellow and what to do if they turn yellow at home. The reasons for the yellowing of the dollar tree may be different. Green leaves may change color due to natural aging. At the same time, only the lower ones turn yellow and fall off and in single copies. At the same time, young leaves are formed on the tops of the branches.

Massive yellowing of Zamioculcas leaves of any age is caused by sudden jumps temperature and cold air flow. Check if the plant is standing in a draft.

If only the tips of the leaves turn yellow, then the room is too arid air, from which the dollar tree suffers.

Yellowness on young leaves - evidence improper watering. Excess moisture provoked rotting of tubers and roots.

If all the leaves turned yellow and fell off at once, then you overdid it by not watering the plant at all. Zamioculcas decided that a summer drought had come and prepared for it. In that case, his need to be transplanted into fresh soil and start regular watering. From the old stems, young branches will soon go.

If it doesn't grow

The answer to why Zamioculcas or the dollar tree does not grow well and does not give new shoots at home is presented below. A young bush generally grows very slowly, giving no more than a couple of leaves per year. This is because the flower of celibacy throws all its strength for tuber development and adjacent roots.

He begins to grow the ground part only after he has mastered all the surrounding space in a pot.

The same thing happens if you plant even a very adult plant in a spacious container.

Another reason for poor growth and lack of new shoots is destruction of the root system. If the flower is often watered or not provided with water in the pan, the tubers will probably rot.

Naturally, development stops completely, and Zamioculcas dies. All that can be done in this case is to cut off the ground parts and try to root them again.

The dollar tree can rest, stopping growth for the rest period. Since the plant came from Africa, its "hibernation" begins in February and lasts until July.

dark spots

What do the dark spots on the trunk of Zamioculcas say?
The appearance of black and dark chestnut spots on the leaves and stems of the dollar tree signals perfect missteps at.

Blots can be formed from keeping in a cold room, rotting of individual roots and tubers, during overflow.

Spots on the trunk can also indicate excessive soil moisture. In addition, they appear if part of the roots dies for any reason. If there are no other problems, and the tree develops beautifully, then this is just a natural decoration of zamiokulkas.

stalk shriveled

Why did Zamioculcas wrinkle the stem?
This can only happen from a serious water shortage. The plant tries to use its reserves and is gradually depleted.

Either you water the zamiokulkas very rarely, or you don’t use enough water, or the clod of earth has hardened and the water flows into the pan on the sides without wetting the soil.

Tubers and roots rot

What to do if Zamioculcas' roots rot?

The most common problem that occurs when growing zamiokulkas. She appears from overflow and excess water in the ground.

Constantly moist soil and a warm environment attract pathogenic fungi, which cause decay.

To save the plant, you have to act radically. The tree must be removed from the pot, the roots freed from dirt and washed in warm water. Now you should cut off all the affected roots and cut out the rotten areas from the tubers. Only healthy tissue should remain.

Then zamiokulkas needs to be processed any systemic fungicide- Hom, Acrobat, Vitaros, Fundazol. The pot and all the soil is replaced with a new one, previously disinfected with boiling water or heating in the microwave. Only after that the plant is planted in a container.

With serious extensive lesions, when the tubers rot entirely, you need to cut off the stem or leaves and root them. You can use only non-infected parts of the flower.

branch broke off

What to do if a branch of a dollar tree breaks off?
If you accidentally broke off the escape, do not worry! Sprinkle the wound on Zamioculcas activated or charcoal to prevent bacterial attack.

And cut off the broken off shoot just above the break and put it in a container of water. Soon, roots will appear on it, and you can get another dollar tree to your collection.

Why is the dollar tree crying?

Thus it manifests itself plant defense mechanism, thanks to which the plant, like other aroids, gets rid of excess water. Zamioculcas cries after too much watering and when the humidity in the atmosphere increases, for example, after spraying or before rain.

guttation(weeping of a plant) occurs when the surface of the leaves stops evaporating moisture or does not have time to get rid of it. At this time, hydathodes are activated - glands located at the tips of the foliage. They throw water droplets out.


Below are the two most common Zamioculcas pests:

flower midges

What to do if midges start up in Zamiokulkas?
Black flying midges are bred in conditions constant dampness. Adults live on the surface of the plant, and lay their eggs in the ground. The larvae also live in the soil, eating roots.

To completely get rid of pests, you need to dig out the zamiokulkas and put it to dry. At this time, dispose of the soil from the pot, treat the container with boiling water or strong potassium permanganate, fill in fresh soil.

After drying, inspect the tuber and roots, cut off all suspicious areas, process with a weak potassium permanganate. Instead, you can use crushed charcoal, just dipping all the roots in it. These products perfectly disinfect fabrics, preventing decay and the spread of pests.

Now the dollar tree can be planted in new soil, but do not water! Leave the flower alone for several days, watching for the possible appearance of midges again. To prevent their new attack, water only through the pan.


The omnivorous pest does not ignore the zamiokulkas. Small insects multiply rapidly, forming extensive colonies on the inside of the leaves. If you do not exterminate aphids in time, they can simply destroy the plant.
Most modern insects can be used against these insects. insecticides, for example, Intavir, Fas, Aktellik, Decis, Karate.

From folk remedies work well herbal decoctions dandelion, marigold, tansy.

Surprisingly tenacious and viable plant! Even having lost roots or leaves, it can be reborn from almost nothing. If you follow the recommendations of experts, you will not have to deal with pests and flower diseases at all.

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This decorative flower is native to Africa. On its meter-long leaves-stems are paired dark green leaves leathery to the touch. With proper care, the flower has an enviable immunity and therefore rarely gets sick. But in people who do not have experience in cultivating plants, it can hurt:

  • Viral diseases;
  • microbial diseases;
  • Damaged by pests.

Zamioculcas is not a whimsical plant, and the main thing for a grower is not to harm him with his excessive attention.

What diseases affect the "Dollar Tree"?

Sometimes with a newly brought flower, you can add a fungal disease to your collection. Experienced flower growers recommend quarantined newcomers for 2 weeks, and then it will be seen whether it is infected or not.


A fungal disease that affects the leaves and stems of a plant. Black, brown spots appear and grow on them over time.

Most often, this fungus appears in greenhouse conditions. when the room is warm and humid.

It is not difficult for this disease to survive a cold snap and therefore, in order to completely get rid of it, the plant must be treated with fungicides:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • colloidal sulfur;
  • Copper cuparos.

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew appears in the warm season plus increased watering.

It is easy to notice by the plaque on the plant, it looks like flour.

When the disease is affected, the leaf plates are covered with a powdery coating and die off after a while. Therefore, treatment is started with:

  • Topaz;
  • Speed

Sooty (black) fungi

The manifestation of the disease is a sooty black coating on the plant. Appears due to sticky secretions of such pests:

  1. whitefly;
  2. Mealybug.

First of all, you need to get rid of harmful insects, and only then get rid of the soot fungus itself. Zamioculcas can be washed with laundry soap after treatment. If this does not help, then they are treated with phytosporin.

Leaf burns

Burns of leaf plates are not treated.

The affected leaf is so, and remains damaged.

Just for the summer season, when the sun's rays behave noticeably more aggressively, the zamiokulkas are removed from the south window and moved to the north window, or if it is not there, then deep into the room.


To get rid of rotting places on a flower, you need to get it out of the ground, get rid of all the affected places and treat it with the appropriate fungicides. The pot is poured over with boiling water, and the soil is acquired new. Cultivating this flower further, one must carefully monitor its watering and do not flood it.

Important! Your pets should be periodically inspected for pests, otherwise you may not be able to save the plant. Therefore, in the initial stage, the lesion is easier to treat than when the entire flower is completely affected.

Problems with zamiokulkas leaves

Sometimes, with the wrong content, various diseases appear. The trunk darkens in spots or the leaf plates turn yellow. This is a consequence of two main mistakes, the grower dries his flower, using too rare watering, or the flower is poured, often using too cold water.

turn yellow

If this slight yellowing is not more than 5% of the total amount of leaf mass, then this is the natural aging of the leaves.

It is worse if the entire meter branch turns yellow at once. This indicates improper care or pest infestation. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the irrigation regime and water quality.

If everything is in order with this, the flower is examined for the presence of pests and if they are found, they immediately proceed to its treatment with the necessary preparations.


Leaf plates can wither due to natural aging, while this occurs only with the lower sheet plates.

If the entire branch dries, then this is mechanical damage or errors in the irrigation and lighting mode.

If this manifests itself with the simultaneous appearance of black spots, then this is a sure sign of rotting of the roots from overflowing the plant and watering it with cold water.

Important! Follow watering guidelines.


Sticky spots on leaves

Sticky leaf plates appear at the moment when the flower is affected by harmful insects. Since stickiness is a product of their vital activity. Feeding on the juice of the plant, they secrete a sticky mass, while soot fungus often appears, since its spores easily stick to such foliage.

Important! Therefore, when such leaf plates are found, it is urgent to find a pest and start treating the flower.

Root problems

With an improperly organized irrigation regime, Zamioculcas may experience problems with the root mass.


If the root system of a plant that is adapted to live in the desert dries up, this means that the grower has not watered the plant for six months now. Because the root system of zamiokulkas is able to accumulate in its potatoes the water necessary to feed its own bush. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the irrigation regime. If the roots died immediately, then they can be grown again.


This is the same plant bay. He urgently needs a transplant with the simultaneous removal of all rotting parts.

At the same time, the land must be purchased purchased, since the garden land is too oily for this flower.

He will suit the land for desert cacti. After processing and planting in a new land, watering is started after 15 days. In this case, the water should be warm and settled. Zamiokulkas fertilizer is started a month after planting.


If these are not rotting roots, since the irrigation regime was observed, then most likely these are just adult (old) Zamioculcas roots. If at the same time they have white growing tips, then these are healthy roots.

Spots on the roots

Spots on the root system indicate that the flower has been watered too often. In this case, cold water is used. To correct this situation, they are poured with warm water and 2 times, at least, less often than the previous regime.

Pests on the roots

Harmful insects get either with infected soil or are brought from the store with another purchased flower. Therefore, a recruit is usually quarantined for 2 weeks away from the main array of flowers in the house.

If a pest is found on the yellowing foliage, the flower is removed further from the rest of the plants and its treatment is started.

Important! You can get rid of a timely noticed pest quite quickly, so it is recommended to inspect the flower from time to time for their presence.


Leaf plates can be deformed due to the appearance of a mealybug on them.

This harmful insect lives and breeds on the leaves of Zamiokulkas. It is easy to detect because, feeding on the sap of the plant, it releases a sticky white cotton wool.

Its harmful effect on the plant is not only that they feed on its juice, but also its secretions on the leaf plates block the access of oxygen and the affected leaves do not participate in photosynthesis.

To get rid of the worm, the flower is washed with 72% laundry soap, and if this does not help, they are treated with one of these preparations, diluting them according to the instructions indicated on the package:

  • Actellik;
  • Phytoyerm;
  • Intavir.


The fact that thrips appeared on the plant will be indicated by a white coating on the leaves and twisted shoots.

The flower must be set aside at a safe distance from other indoor plants and proceed with its treatment by treating it with such preparations:

  • Karbafos;
  • Intavir.

Important! When processing plants, safety precautions must be followed so as not to cause poisoning of children and pets.


This pest is easy to detect on the green mass of the plant - it is small up to 1 mm long. a red spider that forms a cobweb on the outside of the leaf plate.

It is removed mechanically by wiping the leaf plates with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

In hard-to-reach places, an ear stick is used to remove the web. Then they are treated with Actara or Aktellik. The action must be repeated twice with an interval of 5-6 days. This is the time during which the mite larvae begin to hatch from the eggs.

If it is not possible to treat it chemically, then you can use a folk remedy and treat the plant bush with green soap purchased at a pharmacy. Processing is carried out until the pest disappears.


This pest is easy to see on the leaves of the flower, as it is up to 4 mm long. and it's brown.

The shell is easily removed with a fingernail, but under it there are many larvae that feed on the sap of the plant. And then black spots appear on the leaves, and they dry.

Before you process the plant, you must first remove all the shells mechanically and already, then proceed to chemical processing. The shells are removed by hand, since chemicals do not fully penetrate under it, and the surviving larvae will build a new shell for themselves and begin to multiply again. Preparations that can rid the flower of this pest:

  • Actellik - they are treated three times with an interval of 6-7 days.

How to reanimate zamiokulkas?

If the plant has a rotten tuber?

In this case, we take out everything that remains of the flower and clean it to a healthy place. We grow a new flower from the remains. If there is at least some kind of root, we immediately plant it in a new soil, if there are only leaves left, we put them in water to grow roots.

If the leaves curl?

Deformation of the leaves indicates that the flower is affected by harmful insects. In this case, Zamioculcas should be carefully examined and found to get rid of pests with a suitable preparation.

If the leaves of the plant got frostbite during transportation?

This is the easiest case of what can happen with zamiokulkas. Since the root system in this case is completely healthy, the frostbitten leaves are cut off at the root, and after a while the roots begin to produce new healthy leaves.

Fungicides for Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas can be treated with such drugs:

  • Maxim - helps with red burns and various manifestations of rot;
  • Phytosporin against fungi at the initial stage of the lesion;
  • Fundazol - various fungal spores die from it;
  • Hom - helps against brown spotting and various bacterioses;
  • Chinozol is an antibacterial chemical drug;

Of the many preparations, only one is selected and the plant is treated with it according to the instructions.

Fight with folk remedies

Rot removal

The plant is removed from the pot, rotten places are completely removed and clean cuts are sprinkled with wood ash or cinnamon.

Getting rid of the whitefly

Wash all green parts of the plant with dust soap purchased from a pharmacy.

Getting rid of harmful insects

Wipe the leaves with an alcohol solution, and then bathe the flower with laundry soap.

Common mistakes

With improper care, errors occur, and so that the plant does not die, you must try to correct them in time.

Leaving error Correction Method
Reduced room temperature and simultaneous flooding of the plant If there is a young growth, then you can not just worry, transfer it to a warm room and adjust the watering. If the flower does not grow, then it is removed from the soil and the roots are treated from rotting places.
High air humidity. Water droplets appear along the edge of the leaves, as if the plant is crying. All aroids react this way to a prolonged rainy period, you don’t have to do anything special.
Too big pot. The plant does not increase its green mass, as it needs to reduce the capacity in which it grows.


Why do Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow and fall off in winter?

With a strong cold snap in the room, the flower begins to turn yellow its leaves. If it's not happening en masse, then there's nothing to worry about. If the house is too hot and dry because of the central heating batteries, then you need to spray the flower from the spray bottle.

Why do plant stems lie horizontally to the ground?

This comes from over watering. The plant is oversaturated with moisture and the stems bend under its weight. Seeing this, it is necessary to urgently reduce watering.

Why does the plant not produce new shoots?

Zamioculcas shoot growth is very slow and therefore two shoots per year is the norm. The main requirement for active growth is a cramped pot plus top dressing with a high nitrogen content.

Why does the stem wrinkle?

A common cause of this is also excessive watering. Since part of the roots is lost, the remaining ones cannot feed the leaves, and therefore, from a lack of nutrition, the stems begin to wrinkle.

How often do zamiokulkas water at different times of the year?

Thinking about the irrigation regime, one must remember that this is a desert plant and it absolutely does not need a swamp. Therefore, provided that the flower grows in a close pot, it is watered no more than once a week in summer, and once a month in winter.

First watering after resuscitation and transplantation

After resuscitation has passed, the roots remain in the air for 2 hours in order to heal all the wounds on the tubers. After that, planting is carried out in a new correct soil, and Zamioculcas begin to water after a month.

What to do with the plant after its acquisition?

First of all, all new plants are quarantined for two weeks. This time will give us confidence that the plant does not contain various types of pests and diseases. After that, the flower needs a transplant.

The container is taken 3 cm more from the previous one and the land intended for the cultivation of desert cacti. After the flower is transplanted, it is not watered for up to 3-4 weeks. This will help him adapt to the new container and not rot.

Useful video

Learn more about Zamioculcas diseases from the video below:

Summing up

When cultivating zamiokulkas, one must adhere to the rules of easy care. All his troubles arise due to frequent watering and an incorrectly chosen place. With the right watering regime, this bush will show all its beauty by growing beautiful branches-leaves.

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