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Life in a golden cage. Life in a golden cage by stages of relationship

How to meet a German? In what visa-free places they are guaranteed to live, what they pay attention to when they meet. And where to go for a German if you are already in Germany! Everything in order in this article, and watch the video for useful and funny life hacks and phrases!

Why are you learning German?

Anyone who has decided to seriously study the language of Heine and Goethe has to hear such a question more than once. However, most of us do not learn German in order to read the classics in the original. Someone needs a German for work, someone is planning a trip to Germany in the summer, and someone - neither more nor less - dreams of marrying a German!

Wow, you say, but where can I get him, this German? After all, there are only Russian-speaking personalities around, and a German, he sits calmly in his Deutschland, drinks German beer and watches a match with Dortmund or Bavaria. Where to find him, a German, how to get to know him? Mm…?

Do not worry, dear ladies (not ladies - do not worry either), because we will tell you everything in detail now. And you remember!


First things first, remember: to the question "where?" we answer not “in Karaganda”, but “on the Internet”!

Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks - in our era of global internetization and rampant fashion for smartphones, it is strange to not be registered at least on one of these sites.

SECRET: every fifth average German is not married and is actively looking for the lady of his heart or lady ... for a pleasant pastime together.

The German Ministry of Statistics conducted a survey in 2013 among 11,600 young people over the age of 18 and found that 31% of those surveyed had already used the services of dating sites and marriage agencies on the Internet at least once. 22% of respondents admitted that they had already thought about it and would probably register on one of these sites in the near future.

The survey also shows that men first of all pay attention to the photo, and then to the age, height, weight of the future chosen one on the Internet, while women also look first at the photo, and then at the profession. It is also noteworthy that women most often choose men of their own age or older, and men are most attracted to young girls or ladies at least younger in age, which in principle suits each other.

Dating websites

You can search the Internet for dating sites in German by request Partnersuche, Singleborse. The top ten most popular portals include such portals as eDarling, ElitePartner, Partnersuche.de, Parship.de, FriendScout24.de and neu.de

1. Posting a breathtaking photo in a bikini, drawing blue eyes in Photoshop
2. Fill in information about yourself - that's it, the fishing rod is cast, we are waiting for the fish.

The Germans love to meet beautiful Russian girls on the Internet, often such acquaintances end in a long correspondence and a girl's trip to Germany, but there, you already know everything yourself. There are also many single ladies aged 35+ on such sites who cannot find a level partner in everyday life.

FACT: according to a study by the University of Hamburg, two-thirds of women over the age of 30 do not have a permanent partner.

It is noteworthy that the higher the social status and level of education of a woman, the more likely she is to remain single with age. The highest percentage of "loners" among researchers and university professors.

The Internet provides great opportunities and chances not only in terms of finding information, but also in terms of communication. Use this chance, do not miss the opportunity to make new contacts and acquaintances on the Internet. Maybe the next interlocutor in the chat will later turn out to be your one and only chosen one? Or maybe you will find your love on a dating site? Many of them, such as eDarling, work on the principle of coincidence of interests.- you will be asked to answer various questions about yourself that reveal your tastes, preferences and interests, as well as fill in information about the intended partner - age, status, views on life and family, etc. Well, then, as in a fairy tale - from the database of registered users you will be offered a list of candidates that most closely match your profile.

In Germany

For those who consider online dating a frivolous matter, we will tell you where else to catch a German. The most logical option - of course, in Germany! But no matter how logical this option may be, it is also one of the most costly and unreliable options.

Why? - The Germans, for the most part, are not used to meeting girls on the streets, in the subway or bus, as well as in other public places, and dating at parties is more often considered as a one-night-stand without consequences and obligations in terms of continuing communication.

Where, then, do Germans most often meet their soul mate? Most people answer this question - at school, at university, with friends, at work. Someone introduced someone to someone, they already had mutual friends or acquaintances, they talked for a long time in the same circle of friends, and this is how it developed and turned out.

So if you came to Germany to meet your future German husband, you should not count on a stream of interested looks and compliments from the very first second of your stay. In Germany, in German language courses, the chance to meet some nice Turk or Italian is much higher than with a German. Therefore, it remains either to study-work, or to look for a “bringing together” situation, such as a football match or a sports competition, a concert - when everyone is united by a wave of positive mood and people are a little liberated so that the distance between your German and the outside world is somewhat reduced.

Or look for situations where the distance between you and the German will be reduced due to external circumstances - for example, during a three-hour Moscow-Berlin flight in the cabin. Why not start an unobtrusive smalltalk with a burgher neighbor in such a situation? Or why not sit down with a lonely German on the train, first, of course, asking if the seat next to him is free. Such chances should be used, at least in order to practice spoken German.

Vacation in German

However, there is another option, how to meet a German in his "native environment", and nowhere else, but in a "German" hotel in Mallorca or in Lloret del Mar. These Spanish resorts have long been considered the number one destination for German youth when it comes to sun, beach, parties, dating, girls.

German students and graduates with the whole company book tickets and go to warm their sides under the southern sun, drink sangria and sleep for half a day on the beach after noisy parties. Germans can always be recognized by the fact that in the morning they take their places by the pool in advance, and in the evening they make more noise in the bar than dancing and flirting with girls. So such a moment must be used - what German heart will remain indifferent to the beautiful beauty Natalia, who so carefully rubbed sunblock into his back? ..

In Russia

But not only abroad, but also at home, you can easily and with dignity get to know a foreigner. To begin with, let's think about where in Russia you can meet foreigners? - Of course, the most common option, in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Most tourists come to the major cities of the European part of Russia, either make a tour of the Golden Ring, or travel along the Trans-Siberian Railway. From here - at the airport, on the train, subway, bus or on the street - when you see a confused tourist standing with a backpack and a map in his hands, you should not be shy, but, smiling sweetly, offer your help. Working as a tourist guide, stewardess or receptionist in a hostel or hotel is an ideal option for those who only dream of meeting a foreigner.


In recent years, the number of people registered on couchsurfing, the world's largest community of travelers, has increased dramatically. Couchsurfers - this is the name of those who travel, staying not in hotels or inns, but with other couchsurfers, and also hosting guests from other countries.

Couchsurfing is a unique opportunity to get to know not only Germans, but also people from all over the world, of any nationality and profession, to learn a lot about the world. Those who do not have the opportunity to accommodate guests at home choose the status "Coffee or drink"- so you can meet in the center, walk around tourist places, show the city "from the inside". Acquaintances on couchsurfing, as practice shows, proceed very intensively and sometimes couchsurfers subsequently remain even close friends, visit each other, travel together.

According to the story of one of my acquaintances, who met her future husband in this way, one day staying overnight with her friend, to whom two German couchsurfers were supposed to come the next day, traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway - you can make films and write memoirs on this story. He came to her again in two months, having traveled all over Russia far and wide, passing through China and Mongolia, returning to her. Then for three months they traveled together through hundreds of miles and kilometers, through countries and continents, and now very soon she is leaving for him, now for good.


For those who prefer to stay "closer to the ground" and who are far from the romance of travel, who are people of business and business - numerous opportunities are open for you in terms of business contacts with the Germans. Germany is Russia's largest trading partner, every year hundreds of exhibitions and conferences dedicated to the issues of further cooperation are held in Russia.

In such an environment, you can make acquaintances of the highest level, and who knows, maybe some German leader has been looking for a new secretary for a long time and not only?...


It is customary for Germans not to go straight to university after school, but to do some kind of social year, or travel, and often both together. Therefore, every year more and more Germans go to Russia, to do a good deed, help society, learn Russian and look for an answer to the question - what does it mean, this mysterious Russian soul. They come for six months or a year, often teaching German at universities and language centers of the Goethe Institute, talk about Germany and communicate with the Russian-speaking public.

If there is such an organization in your city, be sure to go to discussions and meetings, this is a great opportunity to hear “live German speech” and practice spoken German. And there, you see, a new story will turn out, about which you can write memoirs and tell children and friends.


Stories about how the prince found his princess have long become fairy tales not only for children, but also for adults. In a world where princes wear business suits and ties and drive around in Mercedes instead of white horses, princesses have to adapt to the new rules of this world and go out of the castle into the light. Princesses now not only innocently blink their eyes and read smart books, they also diligently study foreign languages ​​​​and believe that somewhere there, beyond the seven hills (visas and borders), in the distant kingdom of the third state (in the European Union), wanders around the world (sitting on an Ikea couch) their prince. And now he will pick up his laptop and go online, and maybe that’s how they will find each other…

Or maybe they will meet by chance at the airport and mix up their suitcases ... Or they will meet at the wedding of their best friends, who in the same way once found each other - when they least expected it ...

Do you want to learn German? Sign up for a Deutsch Online school! To study, you need a computer, smartphone or tablet with Internet access, and you can study online from anywhere in the world at a convenient time for you.

Lyubov Mutovkina, Deutsch-online

We offer free dating for girls with Germans! Dating site with foreigners website works for single girls from Eastern Europe who want to meet a German man for a serious relationship and. Men from Western Europe pay for the opportunity to meet girls.

Brought up in conditions of freedom and equality, German men see their chosen one as an equal partner. They are ready to share all the joys and hardships of living together equally. When he decides to connect his fate with someone, he carefully calculates his possibilities, and does not promise the impossible and does not build “castles in the air”. Many link their fate with girls from the countries of the former USSR, because they see in them a manifestation of sincere care and love. Slavic girls attract men with their natural beauty, grooming and housekeeping. In addition, men from Western Europe like it when women can do a lot on their own and easily learn new skills. And women, in turn, find in the Germans not only material support and a guarantee for the future, but also a truly partnership attitude towards household duties and everyday issues.

Do not be afraid and put off your decision for later - on and start searching for your companion!

After all, by starting communication on a dating site with Germans, you may become one step closer to your cherished dream: a happy life with your beloved man!

On our website dating germans for marriage and a further trip to Germany is more than possible. The main thing is to take into account some of the nuances and not get acquainted solely for the sake of immigration. Dreaming of Germany and a German spouse? Start with the base - the language. There are 10 dialects in Germany, and the German taught in Russian linguistic universities is a small part of the country's linguistic wealth. Google Translate will help overcome the language barrier, but will limit communication to simple phrases, correspondence. German dialects are very different from the official language: northerners understand southerners, as Russians understand Ukrainians. Do you know the language, are you ready to meet a German? Then the international dating site Worldating will help you.

Dating Germans for a serious relationship

Russians believe that the Germans, when meeting for a serious relationship, first of all pay attention to appearance, age, weight, height. The common stereotype about "terrible German women" affirms in Russian women the desire to put in profile photos from the beach, celebration, nightclub - in "full dress". The stereotype is irrelevant: the Germans began to take care of themselves, actively use cosmetics, dress well, and it is difficult to stand out from the competition in appearance.

When choosing a profile photo, focus on originality and truthfulness. Do not put a picture of a decade ago, someone else's photo, do not try to greatly embellish your appearance with Photoshop, a professional make-up.

Be honest, otherwise, meeting your loved one, you will present an unpleasant surprise.
Germans are caring husbands and fathers, but the European mentality makes itself felt: you have to prove to a potential spouse that you are not going to live at his expense. Be sure to indicate the place of study and work, tell us about your plans. Hobbies, hobbies, interests matter.

Acquaintance with a German for marriage

When meeting a German for marriage, the intentions - yours and your interlocutor - are known to both. But the first days or weeks of communication should be devoted to abstract topics. Discuss books, movies, weather, sports, travel, countries. Tell about yourself if the interlocutor asks without going into details: the problems of a stranger are boring and suspicious.

Don't talk about...

. Politics. Too complicated topic, different views on life, the world. Since childhood, guilt for World War II and the Holocaust is instilled in Germans, and your potential spouse will be uncomfortable discussing the achievements of the Soviet army, the greatness of Russia, and the cunning plans of Russian politicians.
. Tolerance, the role of the beautiful half of humanity, "traditional family relationships." In Germany, people of non-traditional orientation are calm, they prefer not to talk about family traditions (they exist, but they are not discussed), they are used to independent, independent women.
. Personal problems. Got bogged down in loans? Ex-husband not paying child support? Is it hard to find a good job? Do not dump problems on an unfamiliar person. This will be regarded as an attempt at extortion: German men, having learned the hard way, are wary of "problem" women. The Germans help close people, they are afraid of strangers.
. About earnings, property of the interlocutor. For a couple of innocent questions about the profession, work, career, if the interlocutor did not indicate information in the profile, they will not scold. You should not be interested in the financial situation, salary, savings from the first days of acquaintance. Not all German men are worth attention. There are people looking for a free housekeeper, outright scammers, mentally unbalanced. They come across infrequently, but the risk is there.

When meeting and communicating with Germans, pay attention to ...

. Questions about your financial situation, earnings, city of residence. Every German is an accountant at heart, and he may be sincerely interested in the level of earnings of a partner, but when it comes to your future move, it is unlikely that your current salary matters.
. Abundance of messages, excessive activity of a partner, declarations of love a few days after meeting. The Germans are much more restrained than the Italians or the Turks, so you should take a closer look at emotional messages.
. Haste. Is a foreigner ready to take you to Berlin in a month? Offers help with documents, ready to provide? Take your time: before the final move and the wedding, meet, visit, evaluate your partner. Don't rush to get married.
Getting to know a German for marriage is an easy way to immigrate to Germany, available to Russian girls, but you should not focus solely on moving. First of all, you start a relationship and a family, and only after that you move to another country.

How to guarantee a successful acquaintance?

Even if you are ready to overcome the language barrier and the difference in mentality and dream of a love marriage, no one guarantees a successful move and a happy life. Each person has their own habits and characteristics, they will have to adapt to each, find a common language with everyone. You can find a good person on the site, get to know a German, fall in love sincerely, move and... part with him in a year or two and return home.
If you want to immigrate to Germany, do not rely only on a partner: learn a language, learn a new profession (or better, go to a German university), look for a job. So you will gain independence and will not be afraid of losing your spouse.

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