Home Useful properties of fruits The class hour is modern family values. Class hour on the topic: "Family and family values." IV. Analysis and role-playing of situations

The class hour is modern family values. Class hour on the topic: "Family and family values." IV. Analysis and role-playing of situations

Goals: show the importance of family, home warmth; develop speech, the ability to reason; to cultivate respect for relatives, a desire to take care of loved ones, to value them.

Equipment: recording of the song "Parents' House", illustrations for proverbs about home and family.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

The recording of the song "Parents' House" performed by L. Leshchenko is played.

II. Message of the topic of the lesson.


Two feelings are wonderfully close to us

In them, the heart finds food:

Love for the native ashes,

Love for fatherly coffins.

It rests on them for centuries

By the will of God himself

Self-stability of a person -

The guarantee of his greatness.

The poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin will become the epigraph of our meeting. What is it about? What is its main idea? (This is a poem about love for the Motherland)

Homeland, home is the source, the beginning of beginnings. Each has his own. A native home is childhood in it, and fairy tales, and a brownie that invisibly guards the hearth. When are houses built? (When you need to live somewhere)

The house is built when the family is created. Today we will learn what a home should be and what a home and a family are.

III. Conversation on the topic.

What are the names of you and your family members?

Are these rare or well-known names?

Do you know what these names mean? Tell us.

How do you usually call each other at home?

What kind of affectionate words do you hear in your home?

Which ones do you like the most?

What is a family?

Prepared students read poems:

I really love it when everyone gets together,

The table is covered with a white tablecloth,

Grandma with mom, dad and me,

We are called family together.

L. Kuklin

Love me for no particular reason

Because I am a grandson, because I am a son,

For growing up, for being a baby,

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love for the rest of my days

Will remain my secret support.

Valentin Berestov

IV. Analysis and role-playing of situations.

1. You woke up in the morning and greet your mom, dad, grandmother, sister (brother). What do they answer?

2. You go to school, say goodbye to your family.

3. You come from school, meet with relatives, greet them.

4. Mom is resting, you are studying, and the younger brother turned on the TV. What will you do?

V. Work with S. Marshak's poem "Our conversations with dad."

Here's a coat and a hat hanging,

Dad's day off

Dad did not leave today,

So he will be with me.

What are we going to do today?

We will discuss this together.

I'll sit on my dad's bed -

Let's discuss together ...

What do you usually do with your dad?

What did your dad teach you?

What interesting things did he tell you?

Vi. Analysis of the situation.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the story of V. Dragunsky "Denis Korablev".

“... Then my mother brought a whole bowl of semolina.

Eat! - said my mother. - Without any talk ...

I said: - I choke on it! ..

Then my mother sat down next to me, hugged me by the shoulders and tenderly asked:

Do you want us to go to the Kremlin with you?

Of course, I want to go to the Kremlin!

Well, eat all the porridge, and let's go ... "

Does it happen with you?

Think and answer who most often says these words:

My little, beloved,

My pretty, my pretty.

What lacquer words do you hear at home?

Who speaks them most often?

What poems do you know about mom?

Students read poems:

Take care of mothers

(excerpt from the poem)

I sing about what is forever new.

And although I'm not singing a hymn at all,

But a word born in my soul

Finds his own music.

And, not obeying my will,

Striving to the stars, expanding around ...

Music of joy and pain

It thunders my soul orchestra.

But when I say, like for the first time,

This word is Miracle. The word is Light, -

Stand up people! Fallen alive!

Stand up, children of our turbulent years!

Stand up, pine trees of the age-old forest!

Stand up, straighten up, grass stalks!

Stand up, all flowers! And rise mountains

Raising the sky on your shoulders!

Stand up all and listen standing

Preserved in all its glory

This word is ancient, holy!

Straighten up! Stand up! .. Stand up everyone!

How forests rise with a new dawn,

Like blades of grass tearing up to the sun,

Stand up everybody when you hear this word,

Because in this word is life.

This word is a call and an incantation,

There is a soul in this word.

This is the first spark of consciousness,

Baby's first smile.

May this word always remain

And, breaking through any congestion,

Even in the heart of stone will awaken

A reproach to a muffled conscience.

This word will never deceive

The creature of life is hidden in it.

It is the source of everything. There is no end to it ...

Stand up! .. I say it:

R. Gamzatov


She didn't have a happier face:

Fuck my son! .. The woman is ready

Talk about it endlessly.

That's just about myself - not a word.

And it was like this: he, babbling something,

Suddenly rose, swaying with excitement,

And her two hands, like two rays,

He was given a direction.

And his fear melted for a reason,

When he walked, smashing obstacles:

After all, her two hands are like two shit,

All this time they were near.

And he went from chair to table,

At least the floor was shaking, as if on the dock:

After all, her two arms are like two wings,

They hovered over the shoulders of the sons.

The time will come: the son - through the threshold.

Then - departure and long partings ...

But at the beginning of all his paths -

Again her outstretched hands.

Yu Voronov

Think, are you always ready to help your parents?

How should you behave at home?

How do you communicate with your parents?

Remember that your parents are your wealth. They built a family, the house you live in, surrounded you with warmth, care and love.

Vii. Home construction.

Let's build a house too. Find synonyms for the word "house".

The teacher summarizes the students' answers and writes on the chalkboard:

House - hut - apartment - dwelling.

Initially, a house is a dwelling, a hut. In the Old Russian language, the word istba meant "bath, warm room". Compare the words heat, heat, heat.

Imagine that we are a family. For everyone in our house to feel good, what do we need for this? I need love in my family. And you? (Kindness, understanding, comfort, care, respect)

The teacher places "beams" on the board with words written on them. As a result, a “house” has been built. The word warmth is written on the roof.

We've built a house that's warm.

Gather your warmth in the palm of your hand.

Let there be a lot of it.

A prepared student reads a poem.

It was quiet in the house in the morning.

I wrote my mother's name in the palm of my hand ...

Not in a notebook on a piece of paper,

Not on a stone wall -

I wrote my mother's name on my hand.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,

It got noisy in the middle of the day ...

What have you hidden in the palm of your hand? -

They began to ask me.

I opened my palm -

I kept my happiness.

Each of us has our own home, and I would like you to tell us what kind of home you have.

The stories of children are listened to.

VIII. Working with proverbs.

What proverbs about home and family do you know?

Students call proverbs:

Home walls help.

Foolish is that bird, which does not like its nest.

A house without an owner is an orphan.

There is no need for treasure when there is peace in the family.

Every mother loves her child.

There is no dearer friend than dear mother.

The teacher demonstrates illustrations of proverbs.

- Describe the illustrations. Read the proverbs to them. Explain their meaning.

IX. Crossword "In our house".

Now let's play. We will now find out how familiar you are with household items.

The crossword puzzle "In our house" is written on the board. The teacher reads the questions, the students give the answers.


1. Didn't look out the window -

There was one Antoshka,

I looked out the window -

There is a second Antoshka!

What is this window

Where was Antoshka looking?

2. We put the cassette,

Press the button -

And music at once

The house will fill up.

3. We will not get into the rooms,

If we don't go through it.

5. Bearded Gerasim

Girded with a belt.

Walking on the floor -

But the line is followed by a line.

And now about everything in the world,

Children know it when they read it.

9. How do you go somewhere,

You will look into it

And shirt and coat

You can get it out of it.

11. No legs - but I walk,

There is no mouth - but I will say

When to sleep

When to get up.


1. Small dog

Curled up lies -

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

But he won't let him into the house.

4. Cheerful Nikita

Runs up to the broom,

Takes away the trash.

6. Toy Masha

Waving a colorful handkerchief,

The kids are entertained.

Who is she?

8. We weaved it ourselves,

A pot of flowers hangs in it.

10. Greets her

A door with every guest.

12. Grandma's gift

Connected anywhere!

Will warm the granddaughter

In any cold weather.

13. She's on top

The house is covered.

Answers: Horizontally: 1. Castle. 4. Scoop. 6. Doll. 8. Flowerpot. 10. Handle. 12. Jacket. 13. Roof.

Vertical: 1. Mirror. 2. Tape recorder. 3. Corridor. 5. Broom. 7. Book. 9. Wardrobe. 11. Clock.

X. Lesson summary.

What rules of conduct in the family do you need to know and follow?

Is there a difference in greeting relatives, acquaintances, friends? How is it expressed?

Homework... Draw a portrait of your family or someone close to you.

Classroom hour
"Me and my family. Family values"

Grade 5

Target: acquaintance with the class, the family values ​​of each student, the formation of a comfortable and warm family environment.


Formation of respectful attitude towards family members;

Formation in children of an understanding of the essence of the main social roles: daughter, son, husband, wife;

Formation of the correct attitude towards the family, its members, their relationships;

Raising spiritual needs: love and respect for others; ethical; cognitive; aesthetic.

Help your child appreciate their place in the family.

Form of carrying out: conversation

Participants: Grade 5

Date: Duration: 45 minutes

Event progress:

Today, September 1 - Knowledge Day, the first day of the new school year, we will talk about a very interesting and important topic - "FAMILY", and I hope that you will work actively and all of you will remain in a great mood until the end of the lesson.

And how do you understand - what is a family?

The family is a link between generations.

Someone has a big family, while others have a small one.

And each family has a special atmosphere, its own family habits, hobbies and traditions.

Families are all different. How do they differ? (habits, lifestyle, atmosphere, traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.)

You and I said that families differ from each other in their customs and traditions. Every family has family photos. The tradition of compiling and keeping family albums has become a part of our life. Every family has photographs that leave the memory of dear people for a long time, about events in family life.

This tradition is very important. It is not for nothing that during the war or in other situations, when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things and among them photographs of dear people.

Each family is different in its hobbies.

Long ago, there was a family in which there were 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and strife. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage to teach them how to live in harmony. The sage listened attentively to the petitioners and said: "No one will teach you to live happily, you yourself must understand what you need for happiness, write what you want your family to be." This huge family gathered for a family council and they decided that the family was friendly, it is necessary to treat each other, adhering to these qualities:

There are signs on the board with the words :

Understanding Love Respect Trust Kindness CaringHelp Friendship Patience Consent

Cozy home Habits Traditions Support Resentment Quarrels Discord

Let's read the names of these qualities. Remember, guys, this legend.

If each member of the family follows these rules, then the family will reign: peace and harmony. This means that everyone will be happy.

Everyone understands what a family is. The family is home. This is mom, dad, grandfather and grandmother ... This is friendship and love, this is caring for each other. This is joy and sorrow, which are the same for everyone. These are habits and traditions.

And it is also a support in all troubles and misfortunes. This is a fortress, outside of which only peace and love can reign.

In one family, in spite of any troubles that befell her like from a horn of plenty, peace, love and harmony always reigned. Nobody got angry or cursed. Rumor about this reached the cruel ruler of those places. "How do they manage to live without quarreling and offending each other?" - he was surprised and ordered the eldest man of that kind to come to the palace. The elder, having heard the governor's question, took a sheet of paper and patiently began to write on it the same word - “understanding” - until he wrote it 100 times.

Do you think our class can be called a family? (children's opinions).

You truly believe that our class can also be called a family. Of course, we are not relatives, but we see each other every day at school, together we learn something new, rejoice at victories and are upset over failures.to some extent, you can. We must treat each other like a family, caringly, kindly and with understanding.I would like our class to remain such a family until graduation and become even more friendly.We must treat each other like a family, caringly, kindly and with understanding. I hope that our class will become a close-knit family and, like in a good family, love and mutual understanding will reign in it.

Physical education.

Do you guys like riddles? Let's try to guess the following:

Fragrant jam,

Treat pies

Delicious pancakes

At the beloved ... (grandmother)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In the garage we now have.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is going ... (car)

He did not work out of boredom,

He has calluses in his hands

And now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)

These balls on a thread

Do you want to try it on?

For any of your tastes

In my mother's box ... (beads)

Pointed nose, steel eyelet,

In the ear there is a girlfriend thread.

I helped to sew new clothes

To our grandmother ... (needle)

This is a meal for everyone

Mom will cook for lunch.

And the ladle is right there -

Pour into bowls ... (soup)

Let's prepare a place

Roll out the dough.

Here's the jam, here's the cottage cheese.

We want to bake ... (cake)

Mom's striped beast

The saucer will beg for sour cream.

And, having eaten it a little,

Ours purrs ... (cat)

Grandma will cook from berries

Something tasty for a year.

Oh, what a delight

Fragrant ... (jam)

What a silk ribbon

Is it under the collar?

Dad says hello to everyone,

Slightly straightening a fashionable (tie)

We'll dial daddy's number

Let's bring the receiver to your ear.

He will quickly connect with dad -

Our mobile ... (phone)

He has a big buckle

Well, and he himself is thin, poor thing.

Dad wears it all day

Hard leather ... (belt)

The whole family is assembled, (and the soul is in place).
What is the treasure for (when the family is happy).
A willing family (and grief does not take).
There will be no good (if there is enmity in the family).
The family is strong (when there is only one roof above it).
There is discord in the family (I'm not happy with the house either).
A family in a heap - (a cloud is not scary).
A family without children (like an odorless flower).
Family together - (soul in place).
Without a mother (children are orphans).
It's warm in the sun, (good in the mother).
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).
Brotherly love (stronger than stone walls).
My home is my castle).
The hut is not red in the corners (but red with pies).

And who knows when family day is celebrated in Russia? July 8. And what is a symbol of this holiday? Why do you think? Probably because chamomile is something Russian, pure, light, like a family. Because chamomile petals are one whole, like a family. Because chamomile is a little like the sun, which should shine in every family. We will now create our own chamomile, which you will finish at home, and you can give it to someone in your family, so that just like that, without a reason to please a loved one. Deal? Will you try?

Draw a "chamomile of happiness", on the petals of which write the main values. Place your main value in the heart of the chamomile.

You come home, what can you tell us about our lesson? What did we talk about today? What new have you learned?

My family was sent to me by fate,
She gives me warmth, sympathy ...

It is simply impossible for me to live without them!
They are with me - the house sparkles with joy,

I will always love life for that

What a reward for me - their love is great!

Family is a holy bulwark of people,
She gives hope to live

It gives space, gives you warmth,

In spite of problems and trouble.

The family gives us support

With her, everything is within her power, in the teeth,

Everything on the shoulder and according to fate-

Family, holy bow to you!

It gives space, gives you warmth,
In spite of problems and trouble.
The family gives us support
With her, everything is within her power, in the teeth,
Everything on the shoulder and according to fate-
Family, holy bow to you!

What could be more expensive for a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love

And they see them off with kindness!

Love and appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more expensive than her

On this fabulous land.

Target: the formation of moral qualities of the individual, respectful attitude to the history of the family, country.

An ideal family is unthinkable without love.
Love is warmth, tenderness, joy.
This is the main driving force behind the development of mankind, for which we all exist.
V. Vysotsky

Introductory remarks from the class teacher:

Reading poems about family to students:
Family is a big word!
Family is a resounding word!
Family is an important word
Everyone will tell you about it,
Family is the sun shining
Family is the stars in the sky
Family is all love
The love of sons and fathers,
Love of daughters and mothers.
We give you our love! .. А.V. Sidorova

Class teacher: Guys, what kind of family would you like to live in? Why?

Students express their understanding of a good family.

The words that were most often sounded in the speeches are written on the board: comfort, tranquility, love, harmony, friendship, health.

Class teacher: Everyone is interested in learning more about their family, their ancestors. Who they were, how they lived, what they did. Each family has its own story. The connection with the ancestors of relatives can be depicted in a drawing called a family tree (a sample is shown). It is very similar to a tree that has roots, trunk, branches and leaves.

Let's imagine this as a flower petal. A petal with the word "Affinity" is attached to the board.

Class teacher: In a good friendly family, each person has their own responsibilities, everyone helps and, most importantly, loves each other. And when they love each other, they express their love with affectionate words.

A box is passed in a circle, in which students put sheets of paper with the written words. Then one student reads the words.

A second petal with the word "love" is attached to the board.

Class teacher: The oldest and most respected family members are grandparents. They may be near or live away from you, but you should always remember that grandparents gave birth to your mothers and fathers, and therefore to you. In a happy family, everyone takes care of each other, helps in everything.

The third petal is attached with the word “care”.

Class teacher: The secret to a happy family is friendship. All family members support each other, help in difficult times, never leave in trouble.

The fourth petal is attached with the word "friendship".

Class teacher: There is a proverb: "A healthy mind is in a healthy body." If a person is healthy, he is cheerful, cheerful, enjoys life and everything goes well with him. Therefore, the family should take care not only of their own health, but also of the health of their relatives. A happy family is a healthy family.

The fifth petal is attached with the word “health”.

Class teacher: Who can suggest what else is needed to make the family happy? Yes, this is the ability of everyone to have a rest together, it is interesting and exciting to spend their free time. He who knows how to rest works well and studies well.

Students are encouraged to talk about their family's hobbies.

The sixth petal is attached with the word “hobbies”.

Class teacher: See how our beautiful flower bloomed - the flower of "family happiness". Take care of it! It turns out that a family is happy when it has many relatives, they all love, care, help each other, are friends and know how to have an interesting and exciting vacation with benefits for their health.

Class teacher: The ideological values ​​of the family include family heirlooms - documents, memories, letters, awards. Each of them is a testimony about the life and deeds of loved ones, relatives. A careful attitude to relics - a source of moral strength, ideological conviction, spiritual continuity of the generations of father and mother who died in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. The story was accompanied by a demonstration of ancient household items that were passed on from my grandmother. The story about a crystal vase, which, when she was a girl, was presented to my grandmother by the owner of a rural shop for cleaning the floor sounded very touching. Letters from the front, preserved from the time of the war, were read, in which words of hope to survive, to return home after victory were read.

Student talk about the traditions of their family:

Once a month, on a day off, we arrange a family outing. We put wishes for this day in a special box - where to go, whom to meet, etc. On the morning of the day off, the box opens and a family exit plan is drawn up.

We also celebrate the family's birthday - the second of July. On this day, my parents played a wedding. Every year, with our family, we watch a video of this solemn event. And then we go for a drive in those places that are especially dear to my parent. And always the evening ends with blowing out the candles on the cake: how old the family is - so many candles.

We started a “candle of honor” and a “key of honor” in the family. If a family member has done something outstanding, then in the evening at dinner in honor of him, a “candle of honor” is lit and a “key of honor” is presented. It is stored until the next event.

At the end of the class hour, poems about the family of M. Schwartz were recited:

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about,
It is not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
Two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Have you folded it? It turns out seven people,

Concluding speech of the student's mother:

Dear children, dear Nadezhda Alexandrovna! I congratulate you on the start of the new academic year. You have passed to the 5th grade, today it is a new level for you. A new level in studies, in relationships, in your life. At this age, you learn to build relationships with peers, with adults, and, above all, you learn to do this in your family. The child learns relationships with people through communication with parents. There is a parable about two neighbors who were building a house for themselves. One built a house on sand and the other on stone. Once a storm arose, rain, water rose, and the house, which stood on the sand, collapsed. But the house that stood on the stone withstood this element. The same can be said about the family: if our family has strong relationships, trust and love, then no problems can break you. You will always have a solid foundation, rear, support in your family. Therefore, cherish your family, good relations with your parents, honor your parents and respect your elders.

Communication is the breath of relationship. No one can live without breathing. And if communication is the breath of family relations, then without it it is impossible to build a strong family. Communicate with your parents more often, ask them to answer questions, suggest what to do. Only relatives will help you make the right decision. On the side, you can get dangerous answers and sometimes this leads to disastrous results in life.

I will read a small quote: "Children are individuals who have the right to demand our time, attention, strength. Moreover, they will soon take our place and take a leading role." Guys, you know, soon you yourself will become parents and will bring up your children. Today you may be wondering how you would communicate. Do you have enough communication with your parents, or would you like more? Perhaps you are missing parental love or time together, mark this and make up for in your adult family life. Forgive your parents, we are all imperfect. Someone earns finances in three jobs, someone watches TV more than they need to. Of course, the primary responsibility for raising children lies with the parents. But there are only two types of perfect parents in the world, as Robert Eck said in his book: “these are those whose children have already grown up, and they have forgotten what it is like to raise them, and how many mistakes they made themselves, and those who have children All the rest are imperfect parents, trying with their last bit of strength to raise their children, making mistakes, sometimes even in despair, but - most importantly - not giving up. "

I would also like to wish you to learn how to correctly prioritize your life and study. If you learn to do this, you will always reach your goal, and you will be on the right track. It will be easy for you to make serious decisions.

It is customary in our family to communicate, we solve any questions, problems together, through negotiations. This helps us a lot to be closer to each other, children feel a solid rear behind their backs. We love to spend time together and are always looking forward to this time. We love to go fishing: already in the third generation this activity is one of the most beloved in our family. The most important thing in family relationships is love. If love reigns in the family, everything else will follow.

I wish you success in your studies!

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Class hour "Family and family values"


1.to form the concept of family education and family values.

2.analyze and assess the state of the modern family and trends

its development; foster a sense of family responsibility and

correct family relationships.

3.fostering in students a respectful perception of their home, family;

4.promote the rapprochement of parents and children.


1.Promote the formation of the value of the institution of the family among students;

2.Emphasize the importance of fulfilling role positions in

3.To acquaint students with the traditions and foundations of the Russian family.

4.Develop an interest in your family's pedigree.

5.To focus on the problem of the formation and preservation of the family.

6.Show the important role in the family of traditions and values.

Relevance of the topic due to the alarming state of the current

Russian family, the complexity of the demographic situation in today's

Russia, the need to familiarize high school students with the understanding of family

values, problems of orphanhood with living parents, social and

demographic policy in the Russian Federation.

Practical significance determined by an attempt to reach out to consciousness

every student who is on the verge of adulthood, that the pledge

a prosperous society - a happy family that family values ​​are destined

live on condition of respect for them and transfer to future generations.


1.Throughout the class hour can be used

multimedia presentation.


strategies for action for children 2012-2017

years ”declared the unconditional priority of family and family values,

the development of state family policy is envisaged.

What do you need to be happy?

Quiet family life ...

with the ability to do good to people.

L.N. Tolstoy

"Happy is he who is happy at home."

L.N. Tolstoy

to rest the victorious forces of man

(A.S. Makarenko)

Home should not be a place

stay, but the place where we are

come back

(A. Montherlant, French writer

1. Introduction

How did the word "family" appear?

Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him ...

But before the wedding Adam said to Eve:

Now I’ll ask you seven questions.

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eve quietly answered:

Who will bring them up, my queen?

And Eve obediently answered:

Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?

And Eve still answered:

Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,

Will he caress me, decorate my home?

Answer the questions, my friend!

I ... I ... - Eve said quietly,

She told the famous seven ya

This is how the family appeared on earth.

think about what it means? What definition would you give to the concept

"family"? (Answers of children.)

2. Concept formation

For each of you, the word "family" has its own meaning.

close relatives living together " ... But further it is noted that the word

language family.

connected by marriage, parenthood and kinship, community of life, a common budget and

mutual moral responsibility.

In the work of Yuri Kuranov "The Warmth of the Native Hearth", the concept of

"Family": seven - i. That is, I have been repeated seven times in my children. because

it was believed: seven children should be in every family. And why? Long ago

the number "seven" is considered significant and especially lucky, because

means the completeness of a person's earthly life, success in all his good endeavors.

As you can see, no matter what definition of the family we give, in all meanings there is one

the common feature is unity. How important it is now, in our day!

It is bad for a person when he is alone.

Woe to one, one is not a warrior.

V. Mayakovsky

The overwhelming majority of people agree with V.V. Mayakovsky. Really,

to overcome loneliness, people create families. From time immemorial family

helped a person to be born, grow up and live. Throughout

the history of mankind outside the family was impossible not only normal

existence, but even physical survival.

So, the purpose of our lesson is to analyze family values ​​and traditions in

Russian family, as well as realize their own family values. Soon you

start an independent life, you will have your own families, children, and it is very important how

you build family relationships. The eternal cycle of life takes place, in

where the family occupies one of the most important places.

3 group discussion

the epigraph for the lesson was the words of Tolstoy, which contain

Tolstoy's formula for happiness. “What does it take to be happy? Quiet family life ... with

the opportunity to do good to people ”.

What, according to Tolstoy, should be a family?

Tolstoy's ideal of the family in its patriarchy, in the holy care of elders about

younger, in the ability of each to give more than take.

What is a family? A word that everyone understands, like "bread" and "water." It is from the first

people. These are common concerns, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness.

In ancient times, there lived a large friendly family of 100 people, and in it there was always

country. He called the head of the family to him and asked him: “How do you manage to live,

never quarreling? " He took the paper and wrote something on it. The answer was very surprised

ruler: the word "understanding" was written there!

What do you think is a family and what are its basic principles?

Let's try to simulate a happy family by working in groups.

Assignment to groups: You have cards on your tables with the words: patience,

hard work, love, understanding, loyalty, kindness, children,

responsibility, care, honesty, family traditions, friendship, forgiveness,

understanding, duty, material wealth, respect, self-sacrifice,


Please build a happy family home from these cards,

determining what will go into the foundation, what can become the walls and roof of the future

family home. (after completing the task, representatives of the groups voice their


A good family is characterized by: respect for each other, honesty, desire

to be together, similarity of interests and life values.

In a healthy family system, everyone is connected to all members

families, have common goals and plans, family members support each other, trust

each other, spend leisure time together, there are family rituals and rules, they are

enjoy communicating with each other, taking care of children.

From the family, the child's ideas about justice are formed,

courtesy, attentiveness, kindness, honesty, compassion, rules

behavior in society.

demanding nothing in return .

will always forgive and understand .

old age is the continuation of everything that is best in us, in our children and grandchildren .

resting soul .

The family is the most important thing in the world.

« My family - what a word!

It has a lot of meaning and warmth.

The family will always understand you.

More expensive than a family, nothing happens.

Soulless ones who forget their family

joys and sorrows, habits and traditions.

The principles of family life are encoded with the eternal wisdom of hundreds of generations.

In the 16th century, an interesting book "Domostroy" was spread in Russia. In it

teachings and instructions were given to a husband, wife, children. The most important thing was discussed there.

- on the responsibility of spouses for each other, for children, for elderly parents, for

spiritual, moral and material well-being of the family.

The family has always featured prominently in the traditional value system. A

the history of our Russian family traditions is very interesting and entertaining.

For example, modern spouses would be curious to know that before 1917, without

knowing her husband, the wife could not even go to her own mother, if she lived in

another city. And if the obstinate wife showed persistence and disobedience, then

the man had every right to report her to the police, and the poor woman was removed

off the train and under escort placed back in the house of the legal spouse. And about

Everyone loves to mention Domostroy in any case, although few people know

what the family life really was then.

There was one more rule in the old days. All the threads of control in the family

concentrated in the hands of one person - father. Submission to him was

unquestioning. The father fed the family and was responsible for its well-being. Mother

raised children and ran a household. No wonder there is a proverb

“The owner and the cat in the hut, the owner and the dog in the yard”.

Of course, the past can be brushed aside. It's so easy! But it always

near. Research by scientists shows that our ancestors directly

affect our physical development. Unfortunately, now the information about the ancestors of

all stingy. But in the old days it was not so. Before marrying a son or giving in marriage

daughter, people learned about future relatives up to the fifth generation! Ignorance of their

ancestors were equated with a lack of education. So let's turn to genealogy.

Who knows what this word means?

Translated from Greek, it means “genealogy”, ie. the science,

looking for the ancestors of people. Pedigree at all times and at all

countries were given great importance. For example, for the knights, the question of

purity of blood upon dedication, upon admission to participate in the tournament. In those times a

the science of heraldry arose, which still lives today. And the first professional

heralds were experts in genealogy.

whose name is patriotism. One cannot live and not remember kinship. Let's check,

to what knee do they know their relatives in your families

Noble families had their own coats of arms and mottos. And what does the word "coat of arms" mean?

The Russian name "coat of arms" comes from the German "inheritance". The first coats of arms were

very simple in form and modest, laconic in signs.

How many mistakes could we have avoided if we never forgot that

each of us - link in the chain of generations. Our good deeds and deeds inspire

children and grandchildren, and the bad - lay a heavy burden on them. After all, they do not inherit

only our external data, but also the history of our life. Let's live like this

so that our children are not ashamed of us. And God forbid our bad deeds and

thoughts returned like a boomerang to our children or grandchildren

I really like the most beautiful in their moral beauty

advice from Vladimir Monomakh, which he gave to his sons:

- Honor the old as a father, and the young as brothers;

- do not be lazy in your house, but watch everything yourself;

- Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because of this, after all, the soul and body perish;

- do not forget what you can do, and what you don’t know how, learn that;

- visit the sick, escort the dead, for we are all mortal;

- love your wife, but do not give her power over you;

"Family and family values".

Students age : 6th grade.

Objectives of the event:

one). To educate the younger generation on worthy ideals in the spirit of reviving the spiritual and moral traditions of Russia.

2) Form a positive attitude towards family, family traditions and values.

3). To cultivate a feeling of love, pride, respect for your family, parents, relatives.


1) On the board, write (hang up posters or project) sayings about family and family values. ("Family is one of nature's masterpieces." (George Santayana) "Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you." (Socrates) "Our children are our old age ..." (AS Makarenko). Proverbs: A family without children is like a tree without roots. What is the treasure when I am married with my wife. Where there is love and advice, there is no grief. Parents are hardworking, and children are not lazy.)

2). Prepare musical material (song by Yuri Antonov "The Roof of Your House", song "Parents' House").

3). Blank sheets of paper for the survey.

4). Prepare a presentation “How to Create Your Pedigree”.

Carrying out plan:

1). Introduction. Family and its role in human life. Sayings of the greats about the family.

2). Great family quiz.

3). What are family traditions?

4). Tell us about your family's traditions.

5). Parable. Blitz poll "A happy family is ...".

6). Conclusion.

The song "The roof of your house" is played.

I ... Introduction.

1. The psychological attitude of parents and children.

Smile at the neighbor on the right and the neighbor on the left, shake hands;

Say the phrase "We are together" in a whisper, for yourself, so that everyone present can hear, so that the whole school can hear.

2. Children's chant for parents:

Shout loudly and in chorus, friends Do you love your children? (Yes)

You came home from work, you have no strength at all, would you like to listen to lectures here? (No)

I understand you ... How to be gentlemen? Do we need to solve children's problems? (Yes)

Give me an answer then. Help refuse me? (No)

The last one I will ask you. Will we all be active? (Yes)

Wonderful! Well done!

Today we will talk about the most important thing in the life of every person - about the family. The family plays an important role in the life of every person and society as a whole. Our family is the closest people who will help in difficult times and will rejoice at your success more than anyone else in the world. The family is our everything: the opportunity to love and be loved, it is a support in difficult times, help not only material and physical, but also psychological. And it is not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “The state is a big family, and the family is a small state."(Confucius) Love, kindness and mutual understanding are the main components of a good upbringing of children and a prosperous family. It is in the family that the norms of behavior and life values ​​of the child are laid. Let us recall the words of the wonderful teacher V .A. Sukhomlinsky: “The child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children ”.

Explanation of the concepts of "family", "family values"

    How do you understand the word "family"? What belongs to the family?

[If those present refer only to the family as parents, then you can read the poem:

I have a mother,

I have a father,

I have a grandfather

I have a Grandmother,

And they have me.

What's this? FAMILY.]

Family - people united by ties of marriage, blood relationship. A family is sometimes called a group of like-minded people, friends

Great family quiz.

    When is International Day families? (annually on May 15, since 1994. Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly).

    When the All-Russian Day is celebrated families?

(The All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was first celebrated on July 8 in 2008, which was declared the year of the family. This holiday in Russia was established on the initiative of the State Duma deputies. The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among the residents of the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, where the relics of saints rest spouses Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, whose memory is celebrated on July 8.

As the life tells, the young prince Peter was struck by a certain serious illness, from which his whole body was covered with ulcers - possibly leprosy. No healers and drugs could help him. A rumor reached the prince that a certain wise maiden Fevronia, the daughter of a simple beekeeper (hunter for wild honey) from the village of Laskovo, is famous for the art of healing with herbs. The prince is brought to the wondrous medicine, and she undertakes to heal him, but sets an unusual condition. Peter agrees to marry Fevronia after she cures him.

The Murom nobility does not want to accept Fevronia as a princess and makes various intrigues to the faithful spouses. Peter is presented with a choice: either he divorces the ignoble Fevronia and takes another, well-born wife, or he will have to relinquish power and leave Moore. Peter chooses loyalty to his wife and goes into exile with his beloved.

But the hardships of the faithful princes did not last long: Peter was again called to reign in order to end the turmoil that had set in Murom.

Until their old age, Peter and Fevronia ruled the Murom principality, and before their death they retired to different monasteries and took tonsure there.

On July 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. On the day of the new holiday, a number has been chosen when everyone remembers the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - saints whose conjugal love and loyalty has overcome all everyday barriers.).

    Say the word in Latin family.(Surname)

    Name the most family geometric figure. (Circle. Family circle.)

    What are the proverbs about family you know? What is the meaning of them? (The whole family is together, and the soul is in place. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree. A family is strong when there is only one roof above it. Good children are the crown of the house, and bad children are the end of the house. The mother feeds the children, like the Earth of people).

    What Russian toy are these words from the encyclopedia about: “It embodies the idea of ​​a strong families, prosperity, procreation, carries the idea of ​​unity "? (About matryoshka).

    As they say about those who divulge the internal family troubles and quarrels? (Wash dirty linen in public.)

    Which bird represents family hearth and motherhood? (Stork)

    My father's child is not my brother. Who is this? (sister)

    Which plant represents both a sibling and an adoptive relative at the same time? (Coltsfoot).

    How to call new relatives after the wedding? (The mother-in-law is the wife's mother. The father-in-law is the wife's father. The brother-in-law is the wife's brother. The sister-in-law is the wife’s sister. The brother-in-law is the husband of the sister-in-law. The father-in-law is the husband’s father. The mother-in-law is the husband’s mother. The sister-in-law is the husband’s sister. The brother-in-law is the husband’s brother. The son-in-law is the daughter’s husband) , sisters, sister-in-law Daughter-in-law is the wife of a son for his mother Daughter-in-law is the wife of a son for his father Swat is the father of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse Svatya is the mother of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse Kum and godfather are godfathers and mother, but not for the godson, but among themselves and in relation to the parents and relatives of the godson.)

    In the names of which famous works there are names family members? ("Mother" - M. Gorky, "Three Sisters" -AP. Chekhov, "Captain's Daughter" -AS. Pushkin, "Son of the Regiment" -V. Kataev, "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat" -E . Uspensky, "Children of Captain Grant" - J. Verne, "The Brothers Karamazov" - F. M. Dostoevsky, etc.)

Families are all different. How do they differ? Of course, with their habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. For a long time, people have honored their ancestors. And they named their children in honor of them, carefully kept photographs and things, continued family traditions. This united and strengthened the family. What do you know about family traditions?

II . Family traditions.

    It has long been considered one of the traditions of the Russian family to compose its pedigree, that is, a family tree. Previously, ignorance of their ancestors was equated with a lack of education. Now this tradition is reviving, people are trying to learn about their ancestors and pass it on to their children and grandchildren. (Briefly tell how to compose your own pedigree. You can show the presentation. Sadyrova, Lugovskoy, Zalomov.)

    Family dynasties... For a long time in Russia, representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity. This is how dynasties of bakers, potters, tailors, builders, and military men were born. And in our time, there are dynasties of teachers, artists, doctors, military, etc. (Do you know such examples?) Kravchenko

    Our names... At birth, a person receives a name. And often a child is named after relatives - grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, etc. Which of you was named after someone? (7-8 people from each group)

    Family album... During the war, the soldiers carefully kept photographs of their loved ones and relatives and carried them with them everywhere as the most valuable. A person is alive as long as he is remembered. Photos leave the memory of the closest people and events. Recently, we have been saving more and more photos on the computer on disks, and who of those present has family albums?) (Show old photos)

    Family holidays- traditionally with a feast and refreshment, as well as songs, dances, jokes and fun. Each nation has its own customs and holidays. Birthday, New Year, Wedding Day, etc. are celebrated in every family. Do you know the ancient holidays and rituals in Russia? (for example, wedding, Shrovetide, Epiphany, Christmas, kalyadovanie, Easter, Ivan Kupala Day)

    Culinary traditions... Every family loves to cook their own meals. And earlier in Russia cabbage soup, porridge, turnip, game, fish, kvass, cabbage were held in high esteem. What do you like to cook and eat in your family? (7-8 people)

Name what traditions your family has (if you wish, the guys talk about their traditions).

III ... Parable.

What are family values?

This is something important, dear, which unites the family, does not allow it to fall apart.

What can unite a family? (Children, kindness, love, a sense of duty towards elderly parents, traditions, family heirlooms, shrines, common views, a sense of mutual assistance). These are family values.

    Listen to the parable. At the end there will be a question. Write the answer to the parable in one sentence.

Reading parables

1 “In ancient times, there was one family, and love and harmony reigned in it. The rumor about this reached the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family: "How do you manage to live without quarreling, without offending each other?" The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised, the same word was written a hundred times on the sheet ... "UNDERSTANDING".

2. Magic penny

A boy was walking along the road. Looks - a penny is lying. “Well,” he thought, “and a penny is money!” I took it and put it in my wallet. And he began to think further: “What would I do if I found a thousand rubles? I would buy gifts for my father and mother! " I just thought so, feels - the wallet seems to have become thicker. I looked into it, and there - a thousand rubles. "Strange affair! - the boy wondered. - There was one penny, but now - a thousand rubles! What would I do if I found ten thousand rubles? I would buy a cow and give milk to my parents! " He looks, and he already has ten thousand rubles! "Wonders! - the lucky man was delighted, - What if he found a hundred thousand rubles? I would buy a house, take a wife and put my old people in a new house! " He quickly opened his wallet - and for sure: there are one hundred thousand rubles! Then he wondered: “Maybe not to take my father and mother to the new house? What if my wife doesn't like them? Let them live in the old house. And keeping a cow is troublesome, I'd better buy a goat. And I won't buy a lot of gifts, so the costs are big ... ”And suddenly he feels that the wallet has become light, very light! He got scared, opened it, lo and behold - and there was only one kopeck, all alone ...

3. Family happiness

Two families lived in one small town. In one family, the husband and wife often quarreled, blaming each other for all the troubles, and constantly found out which of them was right. Peace reigned in the other family, there were no quarrels, no scandals

The obstinate wife wonders why others live together, but they can't. He envies someone else's happiness. One day she says to her husband:

“Go see why they don’t quarrel.

My husband went to a neighbor's house and hid in the garden under an open window. Listens.

And the hostess is just putting things in order in the house, dusting the expensive vases. Suddenly the phone rang, she was distracted and left the vase on the edge of the table: she was about to fall.

Then her husband enters the room. I accidentally caught a vase, it fell and smashed on the floor.

“Here, finally, now, and they will have a scandal!” - thought a neighbor under the window.

The wife returned, sighed and said to her husband:

- Forgive me, dear. It's my fault that I put the vase so carelessly.

- What are you, dear. This is my fault. I hurried and did not notice the vase. Well nothing. May we not have any more misfortune.

... The neighbor under the window sighed. He went home upset. The wife asks:

- Well, what, spied?

- Well, what have they got there?

(- Guys, what do you think, what was the neighbor's answer to his wife?

The guys express their opinion, and then the ending of this parable is read)

- They have something - everyone is to blame. Everyone is right with us.

4 . The warmth of the hearth

Happiness decided to leave one house. It's hard to say why, but I decided.

“But first,” said happiness, “I will fulfill one wish of each member of the family in which I have lived for many years.

What do you want?" - Happiness asked the mistress of the house. And she replied that she did not have a mink coat, and the hostess received a fur coat.

Happiness asked the adult daughter of the hostess: "What do you want?" - and she replied that she wanted to marry the prince of the overseas - and married the prince of the overseas.

Happiness asked the mistress's son: "What do you want?" “I want,” he says, “a bicycle, I will be happy if there is a bicycle,” and the boy received a bicycle.

And already on the threshold of the house, happiness saw the owner and asked: "What do you want?" The owner thought and said: "I want the warmth of the family hearth never to leave my house."

And happiness fulfilled the request of the owner and did not leave this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns!

IV ... Reflection by the method of projects

Dear participants of our meeting, I really want you to remember today's conversation. Therefore, in the remaining time we will make an album of our big family, which will include everyone's family. Before you on the desks are blanks for the future project "My Family" and instructions for filling out this blank.

Project "My family": upper left square - the name of the project with the signature of the name and surname of the author of the project; the upper right square is the image of the family; the bottom left square is the three most important family values; the lower right square is a wish for your family.

On the table in front of the students there is an instruction for drawing up the project "My Family".

    Create a project using colored pencils and markers. Do the job neatly, beautifully.

    In the upper left corner of the blank, write the name of the project - "My family".

    In the upper right corner, draw your family's coat of arms.

    In the lower left corner, list (with a pen) those family values ​​(3-4 main ones) that are inherent in your family.

    In the lower right corner, write your wishes for your relatives, your family.

List of family values

Children, kindness, love, a sense of duty towards elderly parents, traditions, family heirlooms, shrines, common views, a sense of mutual assistance, friendship, a sense of gratitude, mutual respect, equality, etc.

Family rules.

Respect the opinions of all family members.

Try to understand everyone and, if necessary, forgive.

Never laugh at someone.

Respect your relatives.

Honor your parents.

A poem sounds: (student)

We grow up in a family circle.

In the family circle, all your roots are

And in life you leave the family.

In the family circle, we create life.

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

The song "Parents' House" is played.

Thank you for your activity and attention!

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